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REQUITAL by Geneva Guiseppe steals a magic book from his employer. He uses it to make money, but his greed and deteriorating domestic situation ultimately lead him to disaster. This is a black story. There are no heroes. The minor character of the Contessa Anna in this story also appears in my story "Strange World", and is the major character in "Nun So Lovely". START From M. Robert Dumarche, Chief Warden of the City Prison, City of Marseille. To Chief Advocate, City of Marseille. Dear Sir, I have the honor of sending you these enclosed writings, which were found in the cell of the convicted murderer, the Italian Guiseppe Marchio. They spin a fantastic tale and are so totally unbelievable that they make one wonder about the prisoner's sanity. He has spun an incredible tale, integrating fact and what is plain fantasy. ............................ This began several years ago, in 1852, when I was twenty. It was late in the evening of a spring day. I was just about ready to blow out the candle and crawl into bed, and had barely undressed when I heard shouting, and a violent banging at the door of my hut. "Marchio, move your lazy bones!" It was my foreman Luigi Morelli. I groaned. What did he want now? He was forever finding one bit of work or another for me to do in the daytime. This was almost night. The cries got louder, "Hurry up! The mansion is on fire! We need all the men we can get!" I had no choice if I wanted to keep working here. I pulled on my clothes and rushed out. Already more estate workers were running to the d'Assandro mansion just along the path. I could not see any flames, but when I ran up I saw the female servants clustered by the foot of the entrance stairs, all looking shocked, some wailing. I was among the first to get there and the major domo, Enrico Franelli, directed me up the marble stairs and into the mansion. His face was white with near panic and he was wringing his hands. Along the hall, I saw the fire as a flickering orange glow through brown smoke. In minutes, Luigi had organized a team to pull water from the well and directed them to form a chain to pass buckets. I was at the end of the chain, where he had pushed me, right in the room with the fire. It was a small room, just off the main living area, furnished with some carpets, a few bits of furniture, a pianoforte and an unfinished tapestry on a frame, something that the Contessa Anna had been working on, I supposed. The fire was mainly in one corner, the flames starting to lick up the wooden paneling and blister the paint. I covered my face as a window shattered in the heat and let in some air. The smoke was getting very heavy, but, turning my face away from the heat, I threw the buckets of water, one after the other, as they were passed to me, onto the flames. With the hissing and steam and acrid smell I coughed and almost choked, but with several more buckets we had the fire under control, and then out. Franelli was trembling and wringing his hands. Perhaps he thought he would be blamed for the fire. "Such damage, and with the Conte and Contessa away too." He was right. The flooring was damaged, the carpet was probably ruined and the wooden paneling was badly scorched. The window would have to be replaced too. The whole room stank of smoke. There would be a smell of smoke in the rest of the house as well. I had heard that Conte Roberto was away with his family visiting a married daughter in Turin. Now they would come back to a house under repair. "Do you know how the fire started?" Luigi asked Franelli. He shook his head in disgust. "It was that stupid servant girl, Lucia. She had neglected to clean behind a chest in this room, so I made the housekeeper get her up out of bed to do it. She said she needed a lamp, but then the stupid girl, she must have been half asleep, knocked it over. A good thing I was there, as she now appears to have run off." He shook his head. "Good riddance to that stupid girl. If she hasn't run off, I will sack her anyway. She is lazy. I tried to put the fire out myself at first, but it got too strong." Luigi clapped me on the shoulder. "Good work, Guiseppe." He nodded at me. "I know I have been hard on you. I know I've called you lazy," he said quietly, "but you have done well tonight. I will mention it to the Conte." That was a relief. He had actually used my first name, rather than the usual curt Marchio of my family name, so he must have been satisfied with my efforts. Still, I had become a bit tired of old slave-driving Luigi, always pushing me on, not giving me time to rest. To tell the truth, I was beginning to get sick of the work on the estate. I had been born here, in my parent's hut right on the estate, where my father was a farm laborer, and my mother worked on and off in the mansion's kitchen. As a boy I had been continually kept busy with chores for my parents and errands round the d'Assandro estate. Then, as I matured, I had been set to adults' work. My parents and older brother had died about a year before, of a fever that was sweeping round the district. Most of the time the work was hard, dirty or boring and I wanted out of it. It would have helped if I could read or write or even count much beyond very simple addition, but my parents had been uneducated themselves and had not made me learn to read and it was unlikely I could better myself here. Perhaps if I had a trade, I could have got out of poverty but I had never had the chance of being apprenticed to anyone. I often wondered about running off to some other place, but with the low wages I got on the estate I had almost no money saved, and it was likely the conditions would not be any better elsewhere. I had been seeing a girl, the same Lucia who had started the fire, and I had wondered where our relationship would lead. She had hinted about us getting married sometime, but I was not sure. She could read and she had work at the mansion, but, as the major domo had said, she was lazy. Possibly she would be a bit better if she had her own household to run, but somehow I doubted it. Her parent's cottage had been dirty, untidy and littered with litter. If I married her I would probably have to beat her from time to time to get her to do her work. The thoughts of the fire and the d'Assandro mansion still ran through my mind the rest of that night and as I tossed and turned in my crude bed I wondered if I could put the events to my advantage. There was sure to be a lot of valuable stuff in the mansion. Laborers like me rarely saw anything of the house beyond the kitchen except when bringing in some produce from the farm. One window had burst with the fire, and would be a way I could get in and look around. The d'Assandros might have something worth stealing, like the candlesticks on the pianoforte. They looked as if they were made of solid silver. That might get me enough money to get away and get set up somewhere else. The next day Luigi and Franelli kept me busy with clearing stuff from the burned room and sorting out the damaged stuff. Some things were too badly damaged and would have to be scrapped. Some could go for repair to tradesmen or craftsmen, some more stuff for thorough washing in the kitchen or laundry. I got my opportunity while some others were maneuvering the pianoforte out of the room. I picked up one of the candlesticks and put it down behind some undamaged chests at the other side of the room. The rest of the day Luigi set us to pulling up the burned carpeting and any of the floorboards that would need replacement. By the time we were finished these it was getting late. "What about the wall paneling?" I asked. "We can leave that until tomorrow," said Luigi. " We have done enough for the day and it's getting dark." When I had set the candlestick down, I had noticed a small hidden door set into the paneling. The wood on one side had warped slightly, perhaps with the effect of the water, exposing the edge of a small door. I wondered if the Contessa Anna had hidden something away in it. I could investigate that too. That night I waited until midnight before I crept round the back of the mansion. The broken window was low and I was able to pick the remnants of the glass from the frame and climb in. I did not dare risk using a candle but the bright moonlight through the broken window gave me just enough light to see. I felt at the wall until I found the panel, and pressing it, I heard a click as it opened. It was dark and as I had no lamp I could only feel inside the cavity. There was a lot of dust, even some cobwebs, and what must have been dead insects but then my fingers touched a soft leather bag with a hard object inside. I pulled the bag out and felt around in the cavity but there was nothing else. I heard a noise from the rest of the mansion. Perhaps it was nothing, but as I was getting nervous I closed the panel, picked up the candlestick and, with the bag, climbed back out the window. Keeping my head low, I made my way to my hut. I covered my small window with a rag and examined my haul by the light of a candle. The candlestick was silver, and by its weight felt as if it was solid metal. If I could sell it I would get enough money to make a new start away from the estate. I untied the cord tying the bag and pulled out a small box. It had an ornate lock set into it, but unfortunately no key with it. When I shook it there was a sound like something sliding inside, and by its weight it seemed as if it contained something, I thought about prying the box open, but it was quite well made and would be worth more undamaged. When I shook the bag, a small key fell out and when I tried it in the lock it opened smoothly. I sighed in disappointment. All that the box contained was a small book, barely bigger than the palm of my hand. I cursed, all that effort for only a small box with a worn old book in it. Why on earth would the Contessa have bothered hiding that away? The book was in bad condition. It was covered with a dull yellow skin, and had only two score or so of pages, with faded writing. I looked at it. The pages were written in a strange blocky print like the Austrians used. Lombardy was part of the Austrian empire so I knew enough to recognize that it was a German type of lettering but I could not read any of it. I could not even read Italian so I did not know if the language was Italian, or German or some other. I hid the box, book and the candlestick under my bed, but thinking over it, I placed them instead in some loose thatch on my roof. If the theft were discovered I would be a suspect. Next day Luigi set me to tearing out damaged wall paneling. I got a shock when I saw my muddy footmarks near where I had been scrabbling in the hidden compartment the previous night, but I quickly scuffed them with my boots. Someone removed the other candlestick but did not notice that it had been one of a pair. The next morning we were ordered to clear the rest of the room, as it would need repainting once the damaged floor and paneling were replaced. That took most of the day and as we were clearing the last of the stuff, Franelli came around with a list in his hand and a pen, checking the remaining articles against it. "Looking for something?" I heard Luigi ask. "Yes, I can't find a candlestick. There should be a pair, but I can find only one." He scratched his chin. " Maybe the Contessa moved it earlier. She uses this room a lot. I will have a maid look in her chambers." He looked me up and down. "Marchio, you were friendly with that maid Lucia?" ""Yes," I said cautiously. "What of it?" "It looks as if she has run off. I can't find her. You haven't seen her?" "No sir." I shook my head. "Stupid girl! We are better rid of her. So are you! She would have been no fit wife for you." I managed to hide my cold sweat. I had already decided that I didn't really care much about Lucia, but it would be only a matter of a day or so before they realized the candlestick was missing, and question all of those who had been involved in clearing the room. They would have no hesitation about searching the men's quarters or cottages. It was time to get away. That night I waited again until all was quiet, then with a bundle containing my few other possessions, the candlestick and the box hidden in it, I slipped out of the estate, and skirting the village, got onto the main road heading to Genoa, the nearest seaport. It would be big enough to hide in, and away from Austrian territory. It would take several days to walk there. I hadn't enough money for any transportation, but often travelers could hitch rides on farm workers' carts. I walked away from the estate for about two hours, then settled down under some bushes at the roadside. As soon as it was light enough I ate some of my bread and took a drink from a small stream and set off again. I was about another two hours on the road when I saw a small figure in front of me. As I drew nearer there was something familiar about it, and as I got nearer still I saw it was Lucia. She was moving slowly and limping slightly. When I hailed her she stopped and cringed but waited until I caught up with her. She sank to her knees. "Guiseppe," she said. "Oh, did they send you after me. I'm so sorry. Please I don't want to go back there." She began crying. "No, I have left the estate too. There is nothing for me there. I am going to Genoa to see if I can get work there. Where are you going?" She shook her head. "I don't know, I just wanted away, but Guiseppe, maybe I can come with you?" I was not sure. We had been seeing each other, but she was limping, which would slow me down, and I would be responsible for her. I would have to share my food with her too. On the other hand, perhaps she might get work as a maid or washerwoman or something in Genoa and could support me for a bit. "All right. But what can you do there? You will need to work." "I know how to clean, and I have worked as a kitchen maid. I can also read a little," she said, her face lighting up. "Maybe that will help." Judging by her time at the d'Assandros she would not be much of a success as a maid, but I allowed her to come with me. We made it to Genoa in about a week. Mostly we slept in barns, and occasionally under bushes at the side of the road. I thought of satisfying myself with her, but she pleaded tiredness, and in truth, I was also tired and had lost any particular desire for her. On two of the days we were fortunate to get rides from farmers on their carts: the rest of the time we walked barefoot to save wear on our boots. When we crossed from Austrian controlled territory to the Kingdom of Sardinia, we sneaked through the fields to avoid awkward questions by the border guards on the road. In Genoa I went to a jeweler and offered him the candlestick. He eyed it suspiciously and offered me a fraction of what I am sure it was worth. He had taken so long inspecting it that I got nervous and I was about to walk out of the door when he made a better offer and I took that. It would keep us for a month or so and that would do until we got other work. Lucia had silently watched the negotiations, but as we left, she gave me a knowing look. "That candlestick was the d'Assandro's, wasn't it?" she said. "Yes," I replied, angry at my carelessness, "but keep quiet about it. Otherwise I will say you were in on the theft. Arson too!" She glared at me but said no more. With the money we were able to rent a room up three flights of stairs from a tavern, close to the harbor. We needed bedding, but a previous occupant of the dingy room had left some tattered blankets on the floor. Lucia thought they might have fleas so she dumped them in a pail of water for several hours then hung them to dry by the window. After a day or so settling in I opened the box and examined the book again. Perhaps someone in the harbor would know enough German to tell me about the writing in it. There were ships from all over Europe in the harbor and when I saw a small vessel from Hamburg, I asked several of the sailors working round it about reading German, but few understood my Italian and none of those who did could read. Finally I overheard a Genoese trader talking to the ship's captain in a language that I knew was not Italian, so, when he was done, I approached him. "Excuse me, sir. You read German?" "Yes," he said cautiously, looking me up and down. "So?" "I have something in a book. I think it is German, but I can't read. Could you read it for me? Tell me what's in it?" "My friend, that will cost you a drink!" He grinned and pointed to a tavern. We sat down at a bench in a corner with beer and I introduced myself. In a minute I pulled the book from my pocket and handed it to him. He squinted at it in the dim light. "It's old, looks like a pigskin cover. Bad condition too." His eyes narrowed. "Where did you get it? Now why would a laborer like you have a book like this?" "Uh, I found it lying in the room I have rented." He eyed me skeptically and grunted. He flicked open the pages and peered at the first. As I saw him mouthing the words, he began frowning, then, as he turned another page and began to read it, his eyes crinkled in merriment. He was grinning and chuckling after the next pages while I looked on in growing embarrassment. "Well, Guiseppe," he said. "I don't know where you got this and perhaps I don't care to ask, but it is quite amusing. The language is in German, as you thought. But there can't be any truth to the things here. I think it's a hoax, or something like it. At the beginning," he pointed to a page, "the German words say that it is a book of magic incantations or spells, which can cure all sorts of ailments if these spells are read out. So, if you have toothache, a harelip, a club foot, or hunchback, and so on, this book will cure them all. So it says!" He laughed again. "You say you found the book? Well, maybe, but if you paid money hoping to use the spells in it you were swindled. There is no such thing as magic. "You can't read German or maybe anything at all, I think." He pointed to the blocky writing. "But this is German, and in their strange way of writing letters. It's called a Gothic script. It tells what the supposed spells do," and he translated the instructions of the first spell slowly. It certainly sounded like nonsense. He pointed to the page facing the first. "Now, on the other side, facing that, I know a few languages, but I don't recognize this one. Although the words are written in Gothic letters, it's not German. It's not French or Spanish, or Greek. Certainly not Arabic either. Maybe the words make the sounds of the so-called spells, but they must be in some language that I don't know. A few words sound vaguely like Greek, but the rest?" He just shrugged. "And yet, it all seems very elaborate for a hoax. "You could take it to a bookseller. Maybe one will give you something for it as a curiosity. One of them might even have run across the language before." He rose and stretched. "Well, I thank you for the beer. Now, I will be off. Oh, just a word, Guiseppe, I'd be careful how you mention the book to anyone, especially a priest or anyone connected with the Church. There's no such thing as magic but some people still believe in it and the Church may not like you telling about even pretend magic. For the good of your health you should be very careful. Now, good day to you." I sat and thought about the book. Did magic exist? My grandparents or even my parents may have believed in it, but I certainly didn't. Yet, if the book only contained nonsense, why would the Contessa d'Assandro have kept it hidden away in a compartment? Why would she have it at all? I was able to sell the box at a market the next day for a small amount. I kept the book as I hoped it might be useful at some time. The next few weeks kept us busy. Lucia got work as a laundress, and I was hired by a ships' chandler at the docks. Both jobs were hard and demanding and we were very tired in the evenings. Lucia did the cooking of course, but her dishes were only just edible. We slept together only a mutual need. There was little love. It was some months later when I met Umberto in a tavern. He had been a clerk in charge of a library, but discharged for drunkenness. I discovered he knew several languages and I asked him to look at the book. His response was like the trader's, laughing at the supposed magical spells, but as he read through all of the pages, I saw his face changing to outright hilarity. "What is it?" I asked. Umberto wiped the tears of laughter off his fat jowls with a grubby handkerchief. "This supposed spell here, purports to change a man into a woman, a beautiful one, and here," he pointed to the next page, "the next one changes her back again. I can read the so-called instructions, but there are other words that just simply don't make sense. Maybe they are just mumbo-jumbo." He turned another page. "Oh well, why not? This is one to make a woman into a man," and he turned the last page. "Uh huh, yes, and then the man back to a woman again. Oh well, Guiseppe, someone had a good sense of humor." He peered at the book's cover through his spectacles. " I think it is quite old. It looks it." He looked closer at the yellowish hide cover and gave a low whistle. "Guiseppe, do you know what this is?" "It's leather isn't it, or some kind of hide?" "Yes, it is some hide I suppose, but I am almost certain this is tanned human skin. Your book may be quite old. You see, in former times they used to use the skin of executed criminals to cover books." I felt sick. I stared at the book trying to hold down my beer. Umberto grinned at me. "What? You are so fastidious? It's only a piece of hide, Guiseppe. Maybe it was put together by some charlatan as a supposed spell book to guile the unwary, those with illnesses, or deformities or such, and have them part with some money." He shook his head. "But why there would be so-called spells for changing men into women and so on, I don't know. I suppose there are some men would like to live as women, and women as men." He laughed. "I imagine the charlatan would have to escape more than a few times from those he persuaded to part with any money. "If you want, Guiseppe, I can translate the German words on the pages. Maybe you could pretend to cure diseases with the book and make some money from fools. But you can't read anyway!" He laughed at me. "No, but please, why don't you do that. Maybe for Lucia, so she can laugh at it too. She can read." I cursed as he went away. Getting Umberto to read the book had cost me the price of a large meal, several hours of boring, exhausting work at the chandlers. This stupid book, filled with nonsense, and yet, why was it hidden away? I would have to try to test it, but first, I'd need to be able to read. Of course, I did not tell Lucia about what Umberto had said, but that very night I persuaded her to start to teach me to read. I had never had an opportunity to learn to read when I was a boy. I am not sure if I would have had the patience either. It was very difficult, as there were different styles of writing and print to learn. There were capitals and small letters, and these were different shapes from the stuff printed in books. The Gothic letters in the Contessa's book would have been especially difficult. I was glad of Umberto's translation. My hands and fingers often got sore and cramped from trying to write the letters Lucia drew for me, and it took me weeks before I could read even simple things. Often I wanted to throw it all aside and go down to the tavern and get drunk. I worked too hard at the chandlers to have to spend hours by candlelight trying to read and write, but I was determined to be able to read the instructions in the book properly. If the spells actually worked, I could make a lot of money. I needed to control how to do it and that drove me on. In two months or so I could read as well as Lucia, and I practiced anywhere I could. Being able to read was like a new world opening up for me, suddenly being able to understand street signs and merchant signs. Once the chandler found out my new talent, he set me to working on his accounts. It actually paid a little better and it was not as hard physical work, although peering over accounts and letters, trying to make out what was said by other's bad writing gave me headaches. The hours were still as long, and perhaps even more boring, but my body no longer ached after each day's work. As my reading got better, I would pull out the Contessa's book to get to know it well and finally I was ready to try one of the spells. The actual spells made no sense. The words were unrecognizable so I would just have to sound them out. I got my chance when an infant playing in the street fell and scraped his knee on some gravel. His mother was busy with some housework and hadn't noticed his injury so I went upstairs, pulled the book out from its hiding place and turned to the page with the spell supposedly to heal cuts. I went back to the whimpering infant and to a background of sobs I lifted him onto a bench, read out the strange words, fumbling with the pronunciation, and watched him. I shook my head when nothing happened. So the book was useless! Had all of my effort learning to read been for nothing? Oh well, at least it had made me learn to read and perhaps it had given me a slightly better job. I was about to return the book to my room when the infant stopped crying, and as I watched, the graze stopped bleeding. I examined his knee. Before my eyes, the reddish open wound changed colour, as if new skin was rapidly forming round the edges. In another five minutes all that was visible was some pink new skin, only noticeable because of the tanned skin surrounding it. What would have taken weeks had healed within a few minutes! The child got up and ran off as if nothing had happened. I began trembling when I thought about what had happened. Here was proof that the book might really have magic powers. My brow was pounding and I shook my head to clear it. Now I would need to test all the other spells. If they worked, I might be able to make a lot of money from anyone with deformities, wounds and illnesses. I would have to be careful as any talents as a healer would soon get known and I would attract more business, but any hint of magic and the Church would clamp down on me, as I had been warned. I had an opportunity to test another spell the very next day. A group of sailors were drinking in the tavern and one appeared to be the center of attraction. I heard laughs and some words of sympathy from his shipmates, and caught the word toothache. I watched as the sailor, obviously in discomfort, drank his cool beer very carefully on one side of his mouth. My chance came when he went to the urinal and I could I could see him alone. I spoke to him. "I think can cure your toothache." " Oh, and who are you?" He looked at me suspiciously and hiccupped. "I am called Guiseppe. I think I can help you." He grinned through brown teeth. Many were missing. A ship's diet was not good for teeth. He would be ideal for my purposes because, as a sailor, he would be soon off on his boat. "Well, Guiseppe, I am called Paolo. Tell me, why do you want to help me? What's in it for you?" he raised his eyebrows. "Oh, I just feel sorry for you. You can buy me a glass of wine if it works." I was more interested in testing the spell than in making some money. He still looked at me suspiciously, but then grinned, showing his yellow teeth. "Well, I have little to lose. This toothache is killing me. I may have to get someone to pull it out." "Wait here," I said," or better, in the alley at the back of the tavern," and in a few minutes I fetched the book from where I had hidden it in my mean room. "What's that?" He pointed at the book. "It's just something that gives me instructions. But it's in a foreign language." I read out the unfamiliar words of the spell, and then pretended to manipulate his jaw, trying to avoid his foul breath. I began to get worried when nothing happened at first. I saw his eyes take a threatening look when he winced and put his hand to his jaw, and grimaced. But then his eyes widened in surprise and in a minute a smile broke out over his face. He put some dirty fingers in his mouth and tested the tooth. "Marvelous! It is cured! I thank you, Guiseppe. My toothache seems to have gone. Come, let me buy you that wine!" "Just a favour, Paolo. Do not tell anyone what I did." "Very well, my friend, but you could do well with your healing." I sat with him drinking my wine, half-listening while he ramble on about his life at sea. I was actually thinking about what I could do with the book. That was now two of the spells had worked, and there were several dozen in the book. If all worked like the ones I had tried I might do well out of them. That evening I read through the book again. The four spells at the end intrigued me. These supposedly changed men into women or women into men and reversed these effects. I wondered what use they could be. I could see why a woman might want to change to a man, to get away from the drudgery of menial work as a servant or housework, always with the possibility or getting pregnant and then stuck with children and living in a smelly hovel. Not that a man's life was much better. Most men labored at dirty menial work, or endured long boring work as a tradesman or artisan. Only the rich had an acceptable life. I remembered that an English milord and his wife had spent some weeks at the d'Assandro mansion. Nice to have the leisure time and money to do that! I wondered if I could use the spell book to become rich. Perhaps the Contessa Anna had used it. The d'Assandros were well off, and I had been told that the family money had come down from Roberto's father, Lord Enrico. He had been known as a shrewd administrator, if a bit devious and ruthless. I would have to choose my clients carefully. The ordinary people might have many illnesses or problems that would be fixed by some spell or other, but they would not be able to pay very much. Rich people could pay well, but then word would get out about the book. They were also influential. However much I might pretend, some effects would appear miraculous, and the Church and its hierarchy kept a monopoly on miracles. If I was not careful I would make some powerful enemies and I could be accused of witchcraft. It might be useful to have influential friends. My other problem was Lucia. We lived together, and as we slept together she was beginning to make noises about getting married. On the other hand, I was become more tired of her. She was a slovenly housekeeper, and had stopped taking care of herself, even being careless about washing herself. She had never become pregnant, and I wasn't sure if I wanted children anyway, at least by her. In fact I would have abandoned her to her own devices, but she knew I had stolen the candlestick, and that I possessed a book that had belonged to the d'Assandros so if she felt any malice she could inform on me. I decided the best thing to do would be to marry her so I would have some better hold on her and at least know what she was doing. When I suggested marriage she was delighted and even tidied herself up a bit, at least for a week or two. I had little affection for her and she was a mediocre bed companion. I could get better satisfaction elsewhere. We had attended church irregularly since arriving at Genoa. I was uncomfortable attending in case someone discovered we were not married, but Lucia was happy to go. When we approached the priest, a Father Baglietto, about getting married he was shocked, and after giving us a stern lecture on our living together he agreed to marry us. When I offered him payment I saw an opportunity. He could not disguise how his eyes lit up. Here was a man that could be persuaded by the idea of money. I would just have to be careful when I made a serious approach to him. Just to be sure of the book, but also to get Baglietto involved, I tried another spell, this time on a young woman with a severe harelip. I had seen her with a couple that I took to be her parents walking near the harbor. I introduced myself and commented that perhaps a prayer at the church could remedy their daughter's deformity. The man was almost hostile at first but the woman was interested and he allowed himself to be persuaded to go with me to the church. I was taken aback when I saw a look of shock on Baglietto's face and he took me aside. "Guiseppe, what are you doing bringing these people here? Do you know who that man is?" "No, some visitor to the city?" "He is Jacques Guerin, a well-known criminal. He has been involved in prostitution here and in Marseille! Also in other criminal activities. His wife Cosette is involved with prostitution." I had no wish to get involved with a powerful criminal, but I now had no choice. "Well, perhaps he will take up honest employment now that I have brought him to church. I never told you, Father, but I have some ability to heal people. When in church." I added hastily. He looked at me in disbelief but I was committed and led the family past him to sit in the pews. When they were settled I asked the priest to give a small prayer. After that I took them aside, made the girl and her parents pledge to secrecy and read the spell that supposedly fixed harelips to her. It was like the others. The girl cried out and put her hand to her lip while her father glared at me. I was fairly confident of the book's power but I was still nervous with the way he looked at me. It only took a few minutes until the unsightly gap began to fill in and her lip swelled to become that of a normal young woman. When I let her see her new face in the mirror she burst out crying, but in happiness. Her parents were jubilant. She was now fairly pretty and I imagined she would soon attract men's attention and would marry. I had only wanted to test the spell, but her father offered me a generous amount of money. Although I could have used it myself, I had a better use for it, Baglietto. "No, no," I said. "It is the good father's prayer. Give the offering to him." Baglietto was amazed by what had happened, but recovered enough to accept the payment, especially when I suggested that he use it all for himself, and I carefully again commented that I seemed to be able to perform some small healing. I made no mention of the book, just that after prayer and laying hands on people I was able to fix some illnesses and deformities. He was rightly skeptical and very cautious, but I arranged another test in his presence with a young man with a deformed right arm. After I had Baglietto recite some prayers, I laid my hands on the man and read out the spell. This time I had hidden the small book in another religious tract. As before, nothing happened immediately, but I saw the young man gasp as the spell took effect. "My arm feels warm," he cried. The arm slowly straightened, the bone and muscle developing and the skin stretching until his right arm was just like his left. As in the previous time the young man was ecstatic and his parents were overcome with happiness. I carefully watched Baglietto's face. This was the test. Would he accept the use of the spells, or cry witchcraft? His jaw dropped visibly and his eyes went wide open. However I performed all the appropriate religious obeisances and told the ecstatic parents that the credit was due to Father Baglietto, his prayers, and the church. I also allowed him to take all of the money that the grateful parents offered. He confronted me when the parents had gone. "What is that? How can you perform these miracles?" I raised my hands, as if I was completely ignorant. "I don't know, but perhaps some saint is looking over us." He shook his head. "This is remarkable." When I saw Baglietto a week later he had new robes, and even looked better fed. I knew I had him hooked. He would be willing to take the profits from my use of the book, and would not be too concerned with scruples. I started quietly enough, just a few cures each month, each time burying the reading of the particular spell in some more orthodox religious ceremony at the church. Afterwards we would suggest that offerings would help our good work. I began to take a share of the revenue and then, as word got out, we began to get more and more clients, and richer ones too. Several weeks later Baglietto took me aside after I had fixed a badly scarred leg on a workman. "Guiseppe, there is something strange. I have been watching you and I see that you read from a small book each time you perform a miracle cure. What is this book?" I began to protest, but he held up his hand. "Don't lie. I can see that the book you carry around must contain some power that gives you the abilities of a powerful physician. It almost seems like magic," he said carefully. I held my finger to my lips as if to keep quiet. A shocked look flashed in his eyes and he sat down on a pew wringing his hands, but his avarice was not lessened. "All right, I will ask no more. If you want to keep it secret I can understand. However, you should know that my bishop has started to question me about all the cures that we are doing. Not surprisingly, they have attracted the attention of my superiors in the Church. I see that it is in my interests for us to keep this very discreet. It is in both of our interests, but I cannot protect you much if we are found out." I worried about what he had said, and deliberately kept the cures to only a few individuals per week. The small church now had a small but steady stream of visitors, all wanting cures for some or other ailment. I was very surprised when some cripples pronounced themselves cured, even though I had no part of it; the book had no spells for cripples and it was the same or some other ailments. Quite a few childless women began to talk about the beneficial effect of a prayer at the church for successful pregnancies, although the book had no spells for that either. We began to see visitors from not only Genoa, and occasionally from other Italian states. Now that I had him hooked I started letting Baglietto use the book and read out the spells. Of course, at the end of each session I made sure I got the book back. He wanted to keep it but I refused. I needed to keep the book under my own control. There was now enough money that I gave up work at the chandlers and took the role of first 'preparing' the visitors and then bringing them to the priest who would lead them in prayers and then recite the appropriate spell to them. We got so good at it that even a surprise visit by his bishop went off without suspicion. One day I was preparing two visitors when I saw a carriage stop in the street outside the church and a woman climbed out, helped by a footman. She was fashionably and expensively dressed so she was obviously some type of lady. That was encouraging. No doubt she would pay well for the cure of whatever malady afflicted her. There was something vaguely familiar about her, but I forgot about it until I saw her standing at the door to my room, watching me. My heart jumped and I broke into a cold sweat when I recognized the Contessa d'Assandro. I had a woman with me and could not escape but the Contessa waited until I was finished and the woman had gone into the priest. As I looked vainly for a way to escape she came directly over to me. "Well, Signor Marchio," she said. "I have heard that this church has been acquiring a reputation for miracles. It seems that all sorts of ailments are cured here." I stumbled for words, turned red, and squirmed. She just looked at me coolly. My mind was running over my options. Would it be better to throw myself on her mercy and offer to return the book, or should I deny everything? "It is now some years since you left my employment, Signor Marchio, A pity I did not have the chance to bid you farewell, especially as I discovered I had lost a candlestick and another possession, a small box and its contents, after a fire." My knees were turning to jelly and I was about to throw myself to her feet when she spoke again. "Signor Marchio, I have been enquiring about the supposed miracles here and I know that you can do these because you stole a book from me. It is one that I wanted to keep hidden, and I see you have discovered that it has a number of spells. Most of these can be used for good and you are turning it to your own ends. Nevertheless, I think the good you are doing to those unfortunates outweighs your avarice." Her face showed a small expression of regret. "I should have used the book for those purposes myself when I had it, but I was negligent. I also had to be very careful. "So, I will leave you with it. I have no further need of it myself. I just advise you to use it for good. And, please, for your own safety, use the book very carefully and cautiously. If anyone in authority ever tries to take the book from you, destroy it if at all possible. The book's contents could be dangerous. Now, I wish you well." She inclined her head slightly, turned and left. It took me the rest of that day to stop shaking. She was the third person who had warned me about using the book. It had brought me some money and even more to the little church and even to the city, but my position was perilous. The Church hierarchy were aware of the 'miracles' supposedly originating at the small church. Some would believe they were genuine, but it only needed a more exacting examination to see that something like magic or witchcraft was involved. That would be rigorously stamped out. I needed to heed the Contessa's warning if at all possible and find another way to make money from the book. The beginning of the answer came soon after when I had another visit from the wife of Jacques Guerin, whose daughter I had treated earlier for the severe harelip. Cosette Guerin was a striking woman, but with a slightly harsh and calculating air about her. Her dress was rich and just a bit too flashy. "Signor Marchio, I was visiting the city again and came to give you my grateful thanks. You changed my daughter's life around. She is now married." "I wanted to ask you about that time you healed my daughter. I remember you read from a small book. I have asked some others who have been healed here, and they too remember a book. I wonder what that means?" I kept my face blank. "It must be the power of prayer, " I said. She looked at me skeptically and then around the church. "I see too that this church is doing well. Curing ills must be a profitable business." I was not sure of her, especially because of her criminal husband, and I only mouthed that I hoped that I was helping people. She snorted a bit and she gave a sarcastic laugh. "I saw you last night, Signor, at an establishment in which I have an interest." I began to redden. She had seen me at the brothel I had visited the night before. "Yes," she said. "I made enquiries about you and it seems you are a regular customer." She shrugged. "Don't be embarrassed. It's people like you keep my businesses in profit." I recognized her as a kind of kindred spirit, trying to make a profitable way in the world. It turned out that she herself was the new madame of the nearby brothel. She told me that the Guerin family had such establishments in Marseille, Toulon, Barcelona and other ports along the Mediterranean coast. "Maybe you can help me," she asked. "You will see many people here. I am looking for some new girls." She spoke as if it was the most natural thing in the world. "Some Frenchmen like Italian or Spanish girls. Just a touch more exotic. In fact we trade our girls along the coast. The one you used last night, Consuela, after all, was a Catalan." She had obviously been watching me. She looked around the room again and nodded. " Well. I'll leave you to your good works. Arrivederci, Signor Marchio." She held out her hand for me to kiss it, pretending she was a lady, no doubt. "If you see any girls that might be interested in my business, or, " she said carefully," any that might be suitable for working at it, you can contact me at the establishment. There might be some profit for you. We are willing to pay a good price for some fresh young girls." I thought about it that night. It would be a good way of making money. I saw many young girls in the church, but these would be too devout to consider work as whores, or too well protected to be abducted. In contrast, there were many unattached young men wandering around the area, all looking for work. Many were from outlying districts and had few family connections in the area. I suddenly sat up in bed, a smile slowly spreading over my face. I got up and rummaged for the book in its hiding place. I flipped to a page near the end and looked at its contents. Yes, it said that a spell there would make a man into a beautiful woman. So, if I could get a young man to read it, or have someone read it to him, I would have a fresh young woman. She would be totally disoriented, and of course in an excellent disguise in case anyone missed the former young man. Also, any girl would be more easily controlled than a man, and probably, being totally confused with her transformation, could be easily smuggled out to a French or Spanish port. Even to London or Amsterdam. There was always a demand for foreign girls in brothels. When I contacted Cosette and said I could probably supply girls, she was very interested and offered an excellent price. Although I had used many of the healing spells at the church, I had never used this spell. I wondered how I could do this as its instructions said that all men who heard it would be affected. I could not do it so I would have to get Lucia to help. She was unwilling at first, but after I told her what Cosette would pay for any girls, she was quite enthusiastic. We decided to try it out on a young man, almost a boy, who had appeared in the neighborhood just some days before. He had no visible family connections in the area and was obviously a bit slow witted and barely supported himself with menial jobs around the harbor. I brought him up to our room and sat him down with a glass of wine. I tried to make conversation to him but he just grinned at me slackly and I gave up. I brought out the book from its hiding place, pointed the right pages to Lucia and then left. I fretted about nervously downstairs but it was only a few minutes before Lucia called me. She shook her head. "I don't think it has worked. He is showing no effect." I climbed upstairs to my room and looked at the boy. He was barely mature. There was only a trace of fine dark hair on his jaws. He was sitting quite happily with a cup of wine and cramming his face with some bread and cheese. I cursed under my breath, but as I was about to pull him up and throw him out, he began shivering and slumped down in the chair. I cursed again. It was a warm day so either he was feeling the effects of the wine, or had become ill. Now I would have to drag or carry him downstairs. He gave a groan and more violent shivering and slid to the floor unconscious. Then Lucia gave a small cry and shivered. " I feel cold!" It was then that I realized the spell was working. The spell must begin with the person shivering before the change really started. I handed Lucia a cup of wine and made her lie down on the bed. The boy was now completely unconscious. I wanted to watch him but Lucia started an irritating moaning. I had to continually switch my attention from the one to the other. Lucia looked pale and shivery but was still conscious. "I feel different," she complained. " My body tingles a bit." She got to her feet staggered unsteadily over to a mirror on our wall. "It feels strange. It is like something is running over all of my body and my face," she whimpered. I cursed again. I wondered how the spell would affect a woman. If Lucia changed to man that would make it awkward. But as I watched, perhaps her face rippled a bit or perhaps it was just her trembling with nervousness, she began to change subtly. Every so often she would clutch at her face, or breasts and waist, or pull her arms close to her chest as if she was cold. The boy's skin too began to ripple. There were changes starting there. I looked back at Lucia. Yes, she was changing subtly and was getting more attractive, but I had something else to think about. I left her to her own devices and returned to the boy. As I watched, he began a series of rapid little tremors so that his face began to almost shimmer. I pulled off his rags until he was completely naked and I saw his body shimmer too, as if waves or ripples were running through it from head to toe and out to his fingertips. Lucia was still shivering slightly, but looked comfortable enough on the bed. Her appearance had definitely improved. I looked back to the boy again. Over the next hour the body below me gradually changed, the penis and scrotum shrinking and disappearing into the body, the shoulders and waist narrowing and the hips broadening. The hands and feet shrank slightly and the limbs became slimmer and rounder. The eyebrows and the male features softened and the adams apple disappeared. Finally, the nipples and the surrounding darker skin became larger and began to be pushed out by breasts swelling from the chest, while a cleft opened at the base of the belly. When I heard Lucia make a grunt. I turned to her. Her shivering had stopped. She suddenly sat up in bed, put her feet on the floor and stood up. She ran her hands over her body. A different expression took her face, of pleasant surprise. She gave a squeal of pleasure. "Guiseppe, look, my face has changed and see, my waist is slimmer! Oh," and she held her hands first round her waist and then on her breasts. " My breasts are firmer, higher too! Just look!" She held her hands under her breasts and paraded round the room. She really had changed. It was as if her eyes sparkled more, her face was more regular and her figure more curved. Her whole body just seemed more graceful and feminine. She preened before a mirror, holding her head this way and that. So the spell had worked on her too. "You have changed too," I croaked, stating the obvious. Lucia had been reasonably pretty when I first knew her, but over the last year she had begun to put on weight and her features had become coarser. Now she was quite a beauty. "Look at him." I pointed to the figure that had been a boy, but was now a young woman, "or maybe I should now say 'her', don't you think?" The figure was completely female, and quite pretty too, although her appearance was spoiled by a shadow of dark hair on her chin and lips. I wondered if it would affect her value, but this new girl was probably destined for a brothel in Marseille, and I doubted if the sailors and dockworkers would be bothered with a few hairs on the face with such a well figured body underneath. Lucia studied the unconscious figure below her, prodding the breasts then parting the legs. She shook her head in wonderment. "Look at that!" She held back the outer folds of reddish flesh and I saw more folds and a delicate opening. "It's a girl," she whispered. "Too bad the face is blotchy. She is not nearly as pretty as me," she sniffed. I felt at them myself, savoring the firmness of the girl's breasts and the pretty pale brown nipples. I probed at the female parts too until I saw Lucia glaring at me. I thought that the figure was at least the match of Lucia's but I had to agree about the face. When I contacted Cosette again, she was pleased that I had a girl for her, but told me she would not have space on any of the Guerin boats for some days. It was dangerous to have the girl at my place and I pleaded with her to hide the new girl in the brothel, but she only agreed when I dropped my price. The next day I was on tenterhooks in case the girl woke up and began screaming. I got a supply of laudanum in case I had to keep her quiet, but she was still unconscious when I finally smuggled her into the brothel by the back door. I had borrowed a cart and hid the girl under a cloth and some straw. Cosette took her time examining the unconscious girl, prodding at her body, squeezing her breasts and examining between her legs. "I see she is a virgin. That's good." She scowled at me. "She has a nice body also, but look at her face," she complained. "It could be pretty, but it has red marks, and look at her lips too. She has the beginnings of a mustache!" she grumbled. "Worst, she is unconscious. When will she wake up? What has happened to her that she is unconscious? What if she dies? I'd lose money on this deal." I was getting tired of this. It was like haggling in the market for a piece of meat. " Never mind why she is unconscious. If she dies then you can push her overboard when the boat is at sea, " I snapped. "This whole business is too risky for me. You have space here and no one is likely to come looking. So do you want her or not? If not I will take her away." I made as if to bundle the girl back in the cart. If the worst came to the worst I could always use the reverse spell on her. She would be half witted anyway and no one would pay much attention to her story if she woke up again as a man. "No, no, don't be so hasty. You don't have to take her away." Cosette protested. "No, the girl will be fine." I saw the disappointment in her eyes that she might miss out on getting some beautiful girls for her establishment and she eventually agreed to pay me what we had agreed on. I still went home in a bad mood. I had taken a risk with the boy and I was not sure if the result was worth it. The spell was for making men into women, but I thought of the effect on Lucia. It obviously acted on women too, making them more beautiful. That would be a better way to make money. Maybe I could use it on some plain looking girls. They would pay well to be more beautiful even if I did not kidnap them and send them off. Any unattached ones could be fair game for passing on to Cosette but as women did not become unconscious I would have to drug them to keep them quiet. I was surprised when I had a visit from Cosette two days afterwards. I wondered if she had come to complain again but her attitude was much better. "Guiseppe, I have news for you. That girl you gave to me. She woke up finally. She was moaning and I had to drug her to keep her quiet, but I have to say, she is a real beauty," she said grudgingly. "Her face lost its redness quite fast, and the fine hairs on her lips and chin have fallen out. She is actually quite beautiful now. Our clientele will pay well to use her." "Then you can pay me what we agree on without haggling," I growled at her. She hesitated but then nodded. "I will, but you must get me more like her. Ones just as pretty as her." We were lucky the next time. A young man and his wife had come to the church looking for help for her to conceive. They were new in Genoa and had no nearby relatives. Instead I invited them to our room and had Lucia read the spell to them while I kept out of earshot. It took longer than I expected, but the young man began to shiver after some minutes, at first slightly, then uncontrollably and eventually fell unconscious. His wife started screaming and then fainted, so I did not have to drug her. We tied her to a chair and gagged her and watched as the spell took its effect on them both. The woman woke up but began screaming again under her gag when she saw the effects start on her husband. I had removed his clothes the better to see the spell working and besides, I could sell them. She herself was shivering slightly. She pulled at her ropes as his body rippled and the changes began. She still tried to scream so I forced a strong draught of laudanum on her and she soon fell in to a drugged sleep while her own body began its more subtle changes. She had been pretty enough, but in an hour she was quite a beauty. Her face changed, with higher cheekbones, and a daintier nose. Her body was subtly reshaped, giving her higher breasts, narrower waist, longer legs, and a more curved figure. Over two hours the man's body and face had become completely a woman's, and was still deeply unconscious. I passed the pair on to Cosette that night. I thought about the effects of the spell. It looked now as if women hearing the spell did not become unconscious, but were still made into beauties. Men would be changed into beautiful women too, but be unconscious for about two days. That seemed reasonable. Their bodies had to endure a much more drastic change. "They were both screamers," Cosette said when I met her again. "We had to keep them drugged and gagged before we put them on a ship to Toulon, but they are real beauties. Our clients will pay a lot to use them. You know, if you get more like these there will be a lot of money for you." So, about every month, depending on the opportunities, Lucia and I used the spell on young men, or occasionally on young women. We would befriend them and if there were no family ties in Genoa we would get them drunk or occasionally drug them. Lucia would read the spell to them and in a day or so we would pass them to Cosette or one of her accomplices. We were paid well and soon we were getting quite rich. Life was looking good. The cures at the church made quite a bit of money too, but I had to share it with Baglietto. This revenue from the girls was all mine. In fact in some months I had made enough money to move into a house. It was quite secluded, but right on the coast, and with a cellar that would be useful for keeping the girls until they could be smuggled out. No one noticed that young people were disappearing. There were too many transients in Genoa. One day I had just finished with Olympia, a Greek girl, one of those at Cosette's establishment when Cosette beckoned to me. "So, was she to your satisfaction? You seem to ask for her a lot." "Yes, She was as good as always." "Good! We like to keep our customers happy. Now, Guiseppe, can I speak with you for a bit? A glass of wine?" I sat down in her office with her and relaxed on a chair. "Guiseppe, I have noticed that most of the girls you supply, the ones that are unconscious, wake up denying that they are women. They say they are really men. So we have to spend quite a time breaking them in. There is something strange here. You cured my daughter with a magic book. I know you use the book for your cures at the church. Does that same magic book have anything to do with these girls?" "Yes, as you guessed, I have a book with many magic spells. There is even a spell that would reverse the one that makes these girls." "Where did this book come from?" "Better you not know, " I said. But she just looked at me and nodded. "Ah well, I will not ask any more. Your secret will be safe with me as I will always be grateful to you for what you did for my daughter. She is now married and I have grandchildren, thanks to you, or your book," she added. "You know, I would pay well for that book." "It's not for sale," I said. No, the book was bringing me a comfortable amount of money. When I went into the church a week or so later, Baglietto was in a near panic. "Guiseppe, I have heard that at we are to get a visit from some higher-ups in the Church. There have been more questions raised about the miracles we perform. They are going to make a very thorough investigation. What do we do?" he whined. I felt a sense of dread and my stomach hollowed. "We could just get out of here," I said. Or at least I thought of how I could escape. Perhaps I could get passage on one of the Guerin boats and move to Marseille and start again. We absolutely could not have the book visible or even recite from it when we performed our cures at the church. It would be spotted immediately and we would be in deep trouble. I was not concerned about the priest or even Lucia. I just wanted to save my own skin and to get out on one of the Guerin boats. I even talked to one of Cosette's hirelings, a Neapolitan called Julio Santini, about getting out but a storm blew up off the coast and affected shipping so I was stuck. There was no way I could run away. I talked it over with Baglietto." It doesn't look as if we can get away, but I've been thinking we could just go through our usual procedures, but not use the book. If the miracles do not happen, then so be it. Perhaps we could blame it on the test. After all, faith should not be tested like that. Don't they keep telling us that?" Baglietto gave a sick smile, but swallowing, agreed to go along with it. We were incredibly lucky. The visitors this time were a boy with a limp, a woman suffering from pain in her shoulder, and a woman who had come to give thanks that she had finally conceived after seven childless years. Three priests, two older men and another younger one had been sent to examine the 'miracles'. They watched me carefully as I prepared the boy and the woman as usual. I then led them to Baglietto who recited an appropriate prayer but of course, without the book. I almost collapsed with relief when in a few minutes both the boy and woman pronounced they felt much better. The examiners still looked sceptical, but when I let the pregnant woman into the room, she could not have played her part better if she had been coached. She was effusive of the 'shrine' as she called it, and its help and Baglietto's prayers. The two older examiners looked very pleased. I could not read the face of the younger man. Later that evening we were summoned to their room. My stomach was hollow, and Baglietto was trembling. I wished he had held his hands on the chair to stop their shaking. I looked at the door. It had been left open and there were no guards. If things went badly I could perhaps dash through it and make my escape from Genoa. One of the senior priests actually smiled at us over his lunettes, then read from his report. "We have looked at the events here, and feel that we are blessed. There are good things happening here. Whether they are miracles will have to be seen, but we are seeing some wonderful cures." He rambled on a bit more but I was so relieved that I barely heard him. However, I was not so sure about the younger one. His face remained impassive and his eyes were watching us carefully. Finally, after a prayer, we were dismissed, but the younger one walked out with us. "I am not sure what is going on here. Certainly some great cures, things that seem like miracles have been reported, but I suspect that something is wrong. Another thing, when it became known that we were going to investigate the happenings here, we came under some pressure from the Genoa administrators, as this chapel and the goings on have attracted some trade to the port. We have had many letters in support of this church from merchants. I hear that some call it a shrine. So," he grimaced," it has been suggested that we take a favorable view of the events here. I am still suspicious, but I will go along with the findings of my two colleagues. "The Church has even received a letter from a lady in Lombardy, the Contessa Anna d'Assandro, in your support. She seems convinced of the validity of the miracles. I gather that she visited here in the past. Because the d'Assandros are an influential family I will go along with their wishes, but I will keep an interest in what transpires here in the future. If there is something other than true miracles, I will find out and take swift action. I suggest you think carefully about what you are doing." " These miracles are not my doing. Monsignor." I tried to say it as unctiously as I could. "It must be the power of prayer, the saint, the Church or something like it." "Yes, perhaps," he said evenly, but his eyes showed me he did not believe it. "A pity we

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Chapter 11: Jeanne's Wild Night - Jeanne Duz VeronicaBarocca and Jeanne arrived back at the hotel room later in the afternoon, on Sunday. All the rest of the girls were gathered there. Barocca gave them a rapid-fire rundown of what had gone on at the Island. "Okay, girls," said Barocca. "I guess there'll never be a better time than right now to get started with this. Who's gonna be first to show Jeanne the ropes, to get her ready for the contest?" "Don't I have a say in this, Barocca?"...

3 years ago
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The Devils Pact the Tyrants DaughterChapter 11 The Prayer of Shalak

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Friday, June 17th, 2072 – Queenie Glassner – Ashland, OR I kissed my new wife. I had no idea what her name was, but she was gorgeous. Flaming-red hair spilled around our faces as we kissed, and I stared into her green eyes. Her kiss was hot and beautiful, stirring passions through my healed body. I felt amazing. The fever was gone, the throbbing ache in my leg had vanished. I was healed by my wife. Reina sobbed in the background while Rex...

2 years ago
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Tales of a HustlerYoung Dumb and full o Cum

Tales of a hustler—Young, Dumb, and full of Cum---Pt 2I think it was about 3:00 AM. I woke up hearing the awfullest noise. I started to turn over, but was met with searing pain, across most of my body. My head, my chest, my balls, what the fuck ??It was Dustin—he was screaming “dudes, dudes, get the fuck out here” Lil bro and a couple of others came outside the front door of the convention center. As I became more awake, I realized that I had passed out, right at the front door. Still buck...

1 year ago
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Aboard the USS Constellation

Slowly rising from bed, and walking from her dark room to the equally dark bathroom, Mai opens the faucet and washes her face with water. The formal party the night before, as well as a large amount of drinking had left her mind cloudy. All she could remember of last night was the speech by the Captain, some dancing, and many of the attendee's buying her drinks. After drying her face with a towel, Mai reached over and clicked the light to the dark bathroom. The sudden burst stung...

3 years ago
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Hardonis Academy p6

New Student=s Second Day Part 3 By Victor Lavay & J.F. Sandra composed herself after the rather intense intro session to her first class at the Hardonis Academy, and then joined the rest of the k**s as they left the class room. She was looking around to see what else the school might offer. Many of the k**s in that first class chatter with each other as they walk out. They talked about how hot it all was, others talk about how they would never be able to get up and strip in front of everyone....

1 year ago
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Work Experience part 2

We finished our lunch, her foot on me or rubbing my leg for most of it, and as we were at a table in the corner with no-one near us, the conversation turned to sex, more specifically her experience of it. This was without too much prompting from me, either.She technically wasn’t a virgin, as speculated, mainly because her boyfriend had managed only once to get his cock right inside her once before he started to cum. She had been with him for four months, and that was as far as he had been able...

4 years ago
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Short Stay Cafe

A street light flickered fiercely above Dean as he stood silently on the dark pebble street. He could hear a wave of cheering and the thump of bass coming from just down the road. Dating was not something he was used to, nor was he used to nightclubs. But tonight he planned to break out of his comfort zone and jump into the deep world of social gatherings and sex. He hoped. For years he'd been visiting various local cafes, hoping for his true love to wander in and speak to him. He was...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Scorpio MadnessChapter 8

Rikki and I had desperately needed the two hours of sleep we got. We showered together when we got up and enjoyed soaping each other down. Our libidos were too drained to think about sex. She was more energetic than I was, perhaps because of her extended stuffing session at the fast-food restaurant. Rikki sure knew how to plan ahead. I was able to convince her to fulfill another fantasy of mine in the remaining half-hour we had before leaving the sacred Scorpion maddening grounds. Rikki...

3 years ago
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How Two Friends Became Friends With Benefits

Hi dear readers. Hope you all are doing fine and are enjoying your time on ISS. I am Akash, 30 year old guy, currently staying in Pune. You can check my previous story by going through my author page. I have been reading all wonderful experiences on ISS from years and recently started sharing my experiences here. Any female who wants to spend some good time with me (No age limit), can contact me at Privacy is of my utmost priority as I do not want any problems for any of us. So I would expect...

3 years ago
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Big Cock Lover

Nancy, Shela and Sally had been friends since College. Nancy was the serious student, she was studying to be a programmer. Most evenings she would spend in the dorm studying. Her grades were excellent. She became very depressed one semester when she got a B in ancient history, one of those mandatory courses that had nothing to do with programming.Shela, was studying to be a grade school teacher. Shela was more of a normal student she studied hard during the week but liked to party on the...

2 years ago
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Sex Education 2

As I said, when I got back to the swimming pool everyone had left so I just dove in and swam a couple of laps. While I was resting by the side of the pool the locker room attendant came in and sat down at the edge of the pool. He waved me over to him and told me that the pool was closed. I started to get out but he told me to stay put. He told me that he had seen me back in the shower room with those 3 guys and it looked like I was enjoying being fucked and now he wanted to know how good I...

3 years ago
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A Meeting I Tried To Forget Part 1

Let me begin by giving you an idea of who I am, or rather who I was at the time the following events took place. My name is Jack – well, it's not, but that is what I use for these accounts, my real name is a bit too uncommon to give me the comfort of anonymity if I were to use it. I was nineteen, two months into my second year of university in Birmingham (the UK one, if you haven't guessed from my British idiosyncrasies). I was (and still am) about 5ft 10 or 178cm tall, and skinny.I have...

First Time
1 year ago
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Dr White Begins Chastity Treatment

Published by JustFourInches on 10.8.20“Dr. White will see you now.”I looked up to see a pretty blonde nurse with a cordial smile and the expected clipboard. I followed her to Exam Room 5, where she motioned for me to enter and asked me to wait for a few minutes. This was my first time meeting Dr. White. First time for a lot of things these days. My wife and I had just moved to Cleveland, Ohio for work, and I was due for my physical. Dr. White was listed on my insurance website as an option, and...

4 years ago
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Virginity Taken By Girlfriend 8211 Part 1

Hello …. Everyone I am Aditya a regular reader of Indian sex stories and also a great fan ….Its a gr8 platform to share our experiences and desires I am writing my first experience so plz ignore my mistakes and grammatical mistakes hope you will enjoy the story. About me I am from kota rajasthan famous as a education hub I am from a rich family and have a lot of friends , I am 19yrs old and 5feet 9 inches tall and a bit dark and have a tool of 5.2 inch and the girl who is the star of the story...

2 years ago
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My favourite fantasy pt 5

My Best Fantasy pt 5 Final installment, honest….. I watched Sarah’s sweet sexy ass sway its way back to the party, I headed for the bathroom to take a quick shower, I passed the other bedroom and things were still in full swing.I pushed the bathroom door behind me as I walked in, the door did not shut it was left ajar. I opened the shower cubicle and stepped in, the water felt so refreshing, I reached for the shower gel and lathered up my body, I was still tingling with excitement, I rinsed of...

3 years ago
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Oil of Roses Behind the Wall of ThornsChapter 4 Li Kuan

She couldn't understand why Master Janak let the cockroach live, let alone found her employment and housing. And she was totally incapable of comprehending why those involved her Beloved's estate and home. And while Li Kuan was confused, Madam Grimes was livid. First had come the roaring anger, peppered with "if it was anyone but Eddie," then had come the cold, soft-spoken rage, liberally seasoned with "if she steps out of line I will take it out of Eddie's hide." The only thing...

2 years ago
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Warrior WoesChapter 12

She fell into a seat across from her husband who had greeted her and led the way into the den. They stared at each other for a minute or two. He broke the ice. “So, you did get hold of the man,” he said. “Yes, but needless to say his is no longer my boyfriend,” she said. “That bad,” he said. “Well, almost. We did have a drink together, more to get past the impasse than to drink per se. He will deliver our message. And he will advise Lee, as he told me, to not accept our proposal. So yes,...

2 years ago
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Family TiesChapter 2

The new housekeeper had returned and quickly unpacked her few meager possessions. Claire and Drummond had invited Shanti to dine with them that evening as their guest, a gesture to get things off to a good start and to introduce her to their son and daughter. The young woman was seemingly reluctant but finally, upon continued urging, especially from Drummond, agreed. As she was dressing for dinner, there was a knock at Shanti's door. Pulling the sweater on hurriedly, she opened the door to...

4 years ago
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King University New Slut Part 2

Chapter 2: The Party Once I was back to my dorm room I decided to change my clothes for the party at the rec. I heard the shower going in Quinn’s room so I assumed he was getting ready also. I didn’t want to put on anything that was too dressy so I just put on a polo shirt with some blue jeans that were pretty tight fitting. I looked in the mirror and gelled my hair back and added some Tommy Hilfiger cologne around my neck. I looked pretty damn good, I just wish there was tanning salon near by...

1 year ago
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Housewife1On1 Katrina Jade 23029

Are you a pervert? Hell yeah, you are! And your wife Katrina Jade fucking loves it! That’s why she puts her big tits and big ass on showcase for you when you enter the bathroom while she’s showering. She smashes her big natural tits up against the glass for you, and soaps up her big juicy bubble butt all so you can get your rocks off. But before you do actually get your rocks off, Katrina’s gonna towel off and kneel down in front of you and suck your cock. After that, she rides your dick until...

4 years ago
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Hijab Muslim Girl

THE MUSLIM ARAB GIRL:Tom was one of the best looking guys at school. He had turned 18, moved to his own apartment and was dating one of the hottest girls at his school. He was concidered the most popular guy around, and his girlfriend was very good looking. Tom had every reason to be happy, beeing a guy who could fuck such a hot girl. But Tom got bored of the same old sex with a girl who was very concervative whit the bed-activities. Most of Tom's friends had other classes than him, he really...

3 years ago
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Adventures With Aunt Madge II

"Adventures With Aunt Madge II" By Anonymus Writer For the remainder of my vacation I did exactly as I was told by Aunt Madge. Then finally, satisfied that the duration of my "punishment" in both intensity and duration was sufficient she relented, gave me back my tennis shoes, my T-shirts and jeans then allowed me to finish the last four days of my time with her as her nephew Tim instead of her "niece" "Marissa." Had she cured me? No. But she had at the...

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Aporna boudir sathe

Mas tinek holo boudi ra nijeder bari kore chole geche….aparna boudi………..vishon seducing figure chilo r ekta choto der bochorer bacha………..mone hoi daada r besi sex korto na……..ekabr amar parents puri berate jai takhon thekei asol galpo suru……..barite keu nei dekhe rate porn dekhchilam r masturbate korchilam garom kal chilo bole janal chilo khola ….barite baba ma keu chilo na bole r darj a janal aniye huns chilo na…….jathariti klanto hoye ghumiye porechi…….sakale uthe dekhi amar bed er paser...

4 years ago
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He is wearing just tight fitting skimpy black briefs and is obviously well hung. In contrast to her long blond hair she has a beautifully trimmed patch of jet black hair above her cunt lips. One of my major fantasies and turn ons is a voluptuous woman in a garter belt and not much else. I am instantly aroused as I watch and take in her almost naked body. “Did you two fuck last night?,” are the first words Nikki says. “We did as we discussed about our plans for you today.” “Yes, we did. And...

3 years ago
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A Warm Summer Day

In the distance she immediately caught my eye. Her colorful sundress sparkled in the bright sunlight. Her boots clashed a little with more color. As she drew closer, something else took ahold of me. I didn’t know exactly what. I felt a glow, an energy, that was powerful. Her smile showed both intensity and confidence, reaching out to me. Was she connecting with me, or was it all my imagination? Why would she, an attractive woman, want to interact with me? I decided to...

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Stevens Story Part 4

During the week they didn't have much time to prepare for the pageant. Midterms were approaching so they had to focus on studying. Steven began to feel an anxious feeling as he longed for the day he could dress again. As the days went by he would talk to his friends and teammates who were also participating in the pageant and learned that while some were just going to wear women's clothing and a wig, others, like his buddy Ron, were planning to have more fun with it and do full...

4 years ago
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Anzu James Naked in OrbitChapter 5 Tuesday School

Strange dreams. I'm in school, when suddenly I notice that I'm naked. This isn't the Program; I just forgot to get dressed that morning. With the realization comes intense embarrassment, shame, a desire to hide. But the strangest part is: nobody else seems to notice. I'm walking around, dying of embarrassment, hands clasped over everything as best I can, and nobody notices at all. Suddenly the warning bell goes off, and music starts to play. Abruptly, everybody notices me, and they all...

3 years ago
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Bare Beach By Bicycle

For foxy female friends - by Petra, granddod of Poet Pete, who hosts me hereI invite her for a trip to the beach by bicycle. I make sure she takes the racing bike up front.I guide her through the greenery to the dunes through a natural park to the almost deserted beach.I love to look at her legs and ass move up and down while she wheels just two meters ahead of me.I wonder whether I should have asked her not to wear anything underneath that sexy short skirt?I will get her wet when we bake in...

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Private Behaviour

  Verity’s friend Jayne rang her at a pretty inconvenient moment. She was waiting for a call off Phoenix who was, as always, late. The fact he was feckless and unpredictable of course only added to the attraction that Verity felt for him. A self confessed commitment phobe Verity was used to being a male magnet. Her aloof attitude attracted the opposite sex in droves but as always there had to be the exception to the rule and that was Phoenix. However, Verity was not the kind of girl to choose...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Kenzie Love Horny

Kenzie Love knows Damon Dice will be coming over, so she readies herself for his visit. A shower with plenty of suds to lather her soft skin up is the first step. Next if slipping into some sheer lingerie. She sends Damon a sexy selfie, then takes his call and tells him to hurry on up over. Damon does as asked, making it to Kenzie’s place in record time. Openmouthed kisses quickly turn to Damon relieving Kenzie of her bra. He fills his hands with her big titties, then puts his mouth to...

4 years ago
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And Mom Makes Three

I lay there half awake, half asleep. My cock enveloped in the mouth of a very talented cock sucker. “Mm-mmm, ohhh god that feels gooooddddd.” My voice jumped an octave higher as she buried her nose against my belly, my entire cock enshrined in the hot moist tunnel of her mouth and throat. Pulling back until just the tip was between her lips, then thrusting her head forward again, not stopping until again her face was against my belly. The harder she sucked, the harder I’d thrust. Both hands...

2 years ago
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Night Out With My First Girlfriend 8211 Part I

Hello people, I am Kunal currently residing in Kolkata and without wasting further time would like to continue with my story  here earlier I used to live in Delhi. In fact, I completed my schooling from there itself. It all happened during my high school days when I was a virgin. Every year, we had a excursion trip planned out for the 12th standard students. This year, it was to be a trip to Kerala. Well, I forgot to mention that I was committed to a girl named Anita from my junior class (11th)...

3 years ago
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My Maid Kalai Showed Me The Heaven

Hi everyone I like to tell about true story happen in my life. First let me introduce myself I am Vinu Kumar people call me VK and I am 32 I am from Chennai and I a regular reader of ISS my email id is () give your feedback and suggestion about my story. Coming to the story, this happened last week. In my home my maid is working name is Kalai age 34 and she is a widow. She is working in my house for last four months. The day I saw her I had an eye on her she is dame sexy she always were only...

4 years ago
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Love is all that matters pt5 Simply put I was evicted

But how was I suppose to know any of this would happen? It's not like I was expecting Jessy to simply enter the bathroom as I was having a shower, or mom; as a matter of fact it's them who should take the blame... they interrupted me, they didn't respect my privacy; this day better end and as soon as possible! I washed my face, again; face palmed myself feeling miserable as I was getting out of the shower. Picked up a clean towel to dry myself, then picked another, larger one to wrap...

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Kate Seeks Revenge

The snows came early in 1949 and stayed late so cattle were sold off at a loss as supplementary feed dwindled to sweepings and empty drums littering barn floors. The banks were all too ready to decline to extend overdrafts, knowing the feed shortage would continue into the next season. Rejected by the bank, Roy Holmes told his young wife Kate – a real sweetie with golden curly hair and arresting pale blue eyes – he’d visit their wealthy neighbor Dirk Hamilton to plead for bridging finance....

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Hells Housewife Book 3

HELL's HOUSEWIFE By XXXecil Book 3 The Mayor of the city grunted, as he slipped out of LindaQueenMotherBreeder's tight ass. He quivered in bliss, then gurgled as the transfector cells attacked his DNA. The shapely rumps of eight other Breeders wiggled temptingly before him. Though he had tried his best to pleasure all of them, he was now spent; having spewed into the dark holes more semen in the past hour than his body was capable of producing in any normal month. She stopped...

2 years ago
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My Seal Broken By My Uncle Part II

Dear ISS readers, in part I, I have told you about sex experience of my friend Anita as she has narrated to me. I am writing here my part II about how uncle fucked her. I am Hallowin (nick name for this site). I am male from Pune, any ladies and girls from Pune can email me on Nisha started working on Uncles cock and sucking it wildly, uncle stopped her and lifted her and started kissing her passionately. Uncle: oh Nisha, you are such a good sucker, I know it will be a great fun to fuck...

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Gay College Life

Gay College Life I started college when 17, and as I did not live near it I was put up on the college residences. The college made the arrangements and I found myself sharing with another 17 year old boy, Nick, who was studying cosmetology. I did not know anbody in the college and was happy yo have the company of Nick. He did explain to me however that he was gay, but that did not bother me. During Freshers Week Nick was manning the Gay Students Association stand. He told me...

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Instructor Mikes Academy Part 5 Homework

multipart series involving White Daddy / south asian teen raceplay, crossdressing, and more. If you are not over 18 and/or find the notion of White Cock superiority to be offensive, then please do not read on. Author's Note: Clearly you all like my story :). The downvotes don't bother me. I want to thank the few people who reached out by email and shared their appreciation for what I've written so far. You gave me the motivation to continue. Enjoy! Instructor Mike’s Academy - Part...

2 years ago
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Once a Jolly SwagmanChapter 4

They walked into his kitchen and the cooker is running down to mere warmth from that morning's light, so he cleaned it out as Mary stripped down to skin, looked down at herself and smiled, and left her long white school uniform socks and mid heel, shiny black, patent leather saddle shoes on. Damian looked at her as he returned from the backyard and she looked comprehensively, obscene. A set of lace suspenders and she would leave any red blooded male of the heterosexual persuasion,...

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Watching JulieChapter 10 Saying Goodnight to Mary

I don't know how long we dozed in front of the fire that night, but it was almost coals when I woke up. I remembered hearing something from the hall as I had fallen asleep earlier, but decided whatever and whoever it was could wait until morning. My mind considered for a minute what it might mean that Julie and Stephanie had watched parents and mom fooling around, but I figured it couldn't hurt them. We'd had fun, it was evident that no one was being coerced, so it couldn't be all bad,...

1 year ago
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The Binding RingsChapter 21

The next morning when Jason got up, he spent some time staring at the box containing the remaining two Silver Rings. He hadn’t changed his mind about what he was going to do - he was going to give Karla a Ring and bind her to him - but the enormity of it all still made his mouth go dry. This was him making a conscious decision to Bind a woman purely for his own pleasure. The first one had been an accident. The second had been mostly damage control - whatever hidden reasons he’d hid from...

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Fuck Thy Neighbor

By: AWC It was close to sunset time but it was not dark yet. Seth could easily see Bertha talking to his mother as he stood by the Bay window of the living room behind almost closed curtains. Soon he heard his dad honk the car horn, the conversation between the ladies broke and his mom walked to the car and they left. He stood there, still watching Bertha in her backyard. With her dress, it looked obvious that the neighbor lady with the lovely blond hair had just arrived from the work. Seth...

1 year ago
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Winter Wonders

Winter Wonders "My lips hurt from the cold." "You could borrow my lip balm." "That's for girls!" "Fine. Have painful lips then." "Okay. Give." "Hey! What's that smell?" "Strawberries." "Whatever." ****** "So how was the day wearing lip balm?" "I smelled like strawberries all day." "Was it that bad?" "I guess not." "You're blushing! What happened?" "Well, I don't just smell like strawberries. I taste like it too." "How did you find that...

2 years ago
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Best Friends To Sex Friends 8211 Part 1

Hi. This is Dastan. The guy among the three best friends. I will share moments when I had sex with my female best friends, Vishakha and Razia. Of course, I have changed the names of the characters in my story because Razia also reads ISS. Nonetheless, she will know if she reads this story. Part 1: I have known Vishakha for the past 4 years. But we came closer to each other two years ago. She has a boyfriend and they are not exactly the best couple – one of the reasons we became close....

1 year ago
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The Greatest Liar Exposure Disclosure

The Greatest Liar, Exposure, Disclosure © Alexandra Rios 2019Author's NoteThis is a continuation of "My Awkward Phase", previously published here. Readers may want to read My Awkward Phase first, but I have written them to stand alone.SynopsisAlexandra fuels her transition by a bold and dangerous foray into Los Angeles’ chaotic black markets to replenish the hormones and wardrobe that her father destroyed, and reboot sexually from her Prom Night debacle. Alexandra deludes her lovers, and...

4 years ago
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WellStuffed Melons

WELL-STUFFED MELONS By Charlotte Dickles This is another longer length story so put some time aside, sit back in your seats, and enjoy. CHAPTER ONE - LOUISE GETS WELL STUFFED Afterwards, we were to have a big row about exactly who had first suggested 'Well-Stuffed Melons' for the next production of the Bramcombe Amateur Theatrical Society, or BRATS, as we called ourselves. I got the blame, but my recollection of events was perfectly clear. We had just finished our post...

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Long John Silver

In the village where I had lived for a year, there was a little store that sold all the essential food and alcohol one would require. Their prices were slightly higher than the supermarkets in the adjacent town that was fifteen miles away. The sheer convenience, however, negated the added expense.As I settled down to my sedate existence in this magical little enclave, I got to know all the locals one by one. I had made no secret of being gay, mindful of the many single women that lived in the...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Siren Song

Thanks to darkniciad for helpful editing. Michael passed through the kitchen, dropping the order of service on the table without much thought. In the bedroom he took off the black wool suit and hung it in the closet. What a useless gesture. He would never wear it again. The phone rang. It was his daughter, Emma. ‘I’m fine,’ he told her. ‘I’m just going to take a nap.’ He dreamed he sailed his mirror dinghy out to sea. This made no sense at all, but dreams don’t make any sense. When was the...

4 years ago
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Lotus Flower StewChapter 2

Tim stood, immobile except for his head, which turned left and right as if he were some mechanized, human-looking machine. The cause of his immobility was the two naked girls standing in front of him. Emma was on the left, and Suki was on the right. This mode of dress resulted from Emma’s decision to take charge of Suki’s “education”. “Okay, to start with, it’s better if we’re naked,” she’d said. “Why?” asked Suki. She had no problem being naked with her new friend. She was just curious...

2 years ago
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A Wonderful Night

I had gone out with my husband, and it was supposed to be a night of fun and partying and dancing. We had dinner at a nice club, celebrating our delayed 5th anniversary, and the Italian food was great. Then we hit a bar a few doors down we used to go to, and I sat on his lap as we enjoyed a few drinks. Then an Uber, and a ride to a club that had just opened up.I had on a short red dress I had gotten just for the occasion. The plan was to enjoy ourselves and have a great night, then go home and...

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Young Love

Young Love There is beauty in this world that will take your breath away. Beauty that will make you feel small and insignificant. Beauty that is raw and without flaw. The snow over Mount Fuji. The sun dancing off of Lake Louise. The Northern Lights above Reine, Norway. There is raging white water of the Montana River. And there is her face. It was the first day of my senior year of high school when I first saw her turn the corner by the library. I was jabbering some...

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