Brobdingnag Ch. 03 free porn video

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Editor’s Note:

This is the third chapter of the parts expunged from the published Gulliver’s Travels.

Chapter Three

I am revived. Griselda defends me against her mistress. The trial of the dildo and the Lady Petrova’s penance. The screwed dual coupling is used. The revolt has been prevented. The messenger is rewarded. I remain apprehensive.

I recovered consciousness to become aware that I was free from all restraints and lying face down on the Lady Petrova’s folded apron. I seemed to be buffeted by a fierce gale. I turned my head to see the Lady Petrova and Griselda frantically fanning me with their hands.

I sat up and begged them to desist because the draught was chilling my body excessively. They ceased immediately. Griselda wrapped me in the apron and put me between her ample breasts to warm me. The Lady Petrova was wringing her hands and making extreme and effusive apologies that I dismissed as being wholly unnecessary. Griselda’s attentions were more effective at restoring my amour propre.

They gave me to understand that the insertion of my sheathed person into the Lady Petrova had been in the nature of a demonstration to show how protected my person was by my cuirass and the translucent dildo. The Lady had inserted the dildo into herself and had then withdrawn it immediately. They had been utterly dismayed to find that my momentary enclosure within her body had rendered me unconscious and at first had ascribed the cause to some defect in the protective devices.

I assured them that this was not the case and I had fainted not from lack of air to respire but from simple fright. I explained that I had been so bruised by my previous encounter with her vagina that I had feared that my life would be immediately extinguished when she had plunged me head first deep into her intimate regions.

The Lady Petrova wished me to re-enter the translucent dildo forthwith so that she might prove that my apprehensions were unfounded. Griselda protested in such violent terms that I began to appreciate the difference between the status of servants in Brobdingnag and my country. Any maid using such language to her mistress in my country would have been instantly dismissed yet the Lady Petrova, second Lady in the land of Brobdingnag, not only listened carefully to the virulent upbraiding of her maid but was moved to express her contrition, not only to me, but to Griselda.

They discussed how to demonstrate the safety of the contrivance to my satisfaction without imperilling me in the experiment. Eventually they decided that inserting appropriately sized eggs into the dildo could do this. It would then be used and if, as they expected, the eggs remained whole and uncracked that would prove the efficacy of the protection.

Griselda went, still retaining me warmly nested in her bosom, to the kitchens. She bore the translucent dildo before her without shame. In the kitchens the female scullions examined the dildo with extreme interest and seemed to take a delight in procuring correctly sized eggs with which to fill it.

On our return to the chamber the two women decided that the experiment would be better conducted in what was ominously described as Lady Petrova’s ‘dungeon’. Griselda collected all the court jeweller’s contrivances and carried them with her as we proceeded, not as I expected to the bowels of the residence, but to a chamber that immediately adjoined the Lady Petrova’s bedchamber.

This commodious chamber indeed had a sinister aspect. The walls were draped in dark tapestries and the furniture looked decided medieval and reminiscent of a torture chamber. All the structures were in massive wood and well equipped with straps, ropes and other fittings. Griselda gently extricated me from my soft resting-place between her breast. She inserted me into the pocket of the Lady Petrova’s apron. I expected to fall through the slit but found that the inner side of the pocket was intact because this was a different apron although of similar design.

Griselda fastened the ribbon about the pocket’s mouth so that my head protruded. She then hung the apron by its waist ties to a convenient if frightening black iron hook and carefully arranged the apron so that I would have a view of the whole chamber.

While the two women discussed who should do what to whom I was at leisure to examine the tapestries on the walls. They depicted scenes of such depravity as I had not expected to see portrayed unless as warnings of the excesses of the Roman emperor Elagabalus. I was so startled by these depictions of rampant sexuality that it took me some time to appreciate that in almost the scenes the women were the active protagonists and the men the passive recipients. In the remaining few pictures two or more women were coupled with no men present.

I understood from what I was able to follow of the conversation between the women that the Lady Petrova had agreed to be the recipient as a kind of redress for the inadvertent injuries she had inflicted upon me. Her act would be an act of penance. I tried to protest that such a penance was unnecessary but both threatened to gag me if I did not desist.

Both ladies removed all their attire and revealed themselves in a state of nature. At a distance both were well formed but the Lady Petrova showed at a slight disadvantage being some twenty years or so more aged than Griselda. The only obvious sign was a slight downward declination of her unsupported breasts. Had not either been so much larger than I as to make such thoughts wholly impractical I would have been satisfied with either as a bed companion. If I had been of proportionate build… but I was not.

The Lady Petrova adjusted a bench or table so that the end closest to me was slightly raised. She lay down upon it on her back. Her hips were higher than her torso and her sex was prominent. Griselda strapped the Lady’s body to the bench, her legs to the table’s supports and from a cupboard took out a Brobdingnagian size replica of the translucent gag that had muted me. She showed it to me and explained that it and the cuirass or corset were usual in Brobdingnag but were most frequently used upon male persons. The common populace would use items made from leather. The translucent ones could only be ordered from the court jeweller. He made the material in a secret process.

Brides frequently gave the corsets to their husbands as a wedding gift. Apart from their sexual use, the corset could be worn under normal clothing as a protection against an assassin’s edged weapons. The norm was a corset that extended between a man’s legs with a codpiece to protect his privates. If his lady wished, that codpiece could be secured in place with a padlock and he could only relieve himself with her permission.

I expressed my abhorrence at such a restraint being applied to gentlemen but the Lady Petrova, from her recumbent position, assured me that the possession of such a protective device was seen as evidence of the mutual esteem of the married couple. The jeweller’s charges were extortionate since he had a monopoly of the product and thus the lady would have presented her husband with an expensive present.

Having displayed the translucent gag to me, Griselda fitted it to her mistress’s mouth. The Lady Petrova shook her head violently and tried to speak as a demonstration of the effectiveness of the device. I, with my more acute hearing, was able to hear the lady’s faint mewling clearly but to the normal person’s hearing the lady would have been completely silenced.

Griselda then fitted a complex harness around her hips to which she affixed the translucent, egg-filled dildo. The dildo was held by the harness in an erect position.

She then mounted the Lady Petrova forcing the dildo deep. There followed an incredible scene as Griselda mimicked the coupling of man and woman. The sight of these gargantuan creatures maki
ng the beast with two backs was indelibly fixed in my brain. The violence with which maid attempted to impale mistress and the frequency of the maid’s thrusts seemed insupportable yet the Lady Petrova seemed to be enjoying the encounter even when Griselda sank her fingers deep into the lady’s soft mounds.

Both bodies were pearled with vast globules of sweat when first Lady Petrova and then the pumping Griselda reached a climax. Even then the maid continued to push hard into her mistress until more thrashing movements signified the repeated attainment of the height of pleasure by both parties.

Griselda dismounted, withdrawing the massive dildo. She walked across the room towards me and proudly displayed the undamaged eggs contained in their translucent container. I could scarcely believe that the extreme exertions I had witnessed had been achieved without injury to the eggs.

The maid soaked a cloth in vinegar and wiped the dildo clean of her mistress’s bodily fluids. She removed the leather harness from around her hips and the dildo from the harness. She screwed the solid dildo to the base to which the translucent dildo was already fixed and held up the resulting double headed device for me to inspect. The two dildos curved away from each other making a U-shape.

Griselda returned to her pinioned mistress and lay down upon her. She pushed the double-headed dildo, the translucent head into her own vagina and the solid head into her mistress’s. They were linked together. Griselda’s hands held the device in place as she moved in strong steady movements. Her mistress’s head thrashed as far as her restraints permitted as the two of them again strove to reach mutual pleasure.

I watched their coupling with amazement. I had never been aware that women undertook such practices. I had been vaguely aware of the use of a dildo for a lady to obtain personal relief but this was beyond my wildest surmising.

Eventually the two were sated of their amusement. Griselda withdrew the device, waving it at me to show the still intact eggs, before she released her mistress from her gag and her long attachment to the bench. They both approached me and explained that the whole affair had been a demonstration to satisfy me that I would be wholly protected inside the dildo.

I did not express any dissent from their explanation even though they had obviously acted scenes that were a matter of common use between them and their mutual enjoyment had been obvious.

They withdrew to cleanse themselves under the Lady Petrova’s prodigious shower, leaving me hanging in the apron’s pocket. Griselda had loosened the ribbon at the pocket’s mouth allowing me to slide down and repose myself. I availed myself of their absence to take a catnap, waking as I heard them return to the dungeon.

The Lady Petrova was much animated. She explained that she had just received a message from her husband’s principal mistress to the effect that her husband had been detected in preparation of an act of rebellion against their majesties. His mistresses had prevented him from visiting the assembled forces and their womenfolk had similarly detained the generals of that force. The force had dispersed in disarray upon learning of the absence of its commanders and all threat to the realm was at an end.

However her husband was being conveyed to the capital as a prisoner for their majesty’s justice.

I asked how the plot had been discovered and foiled. The lady explained to me that her husband’s mistresses were not her creatures but were secretly devoted to their majesties, which allegiance they had dissembled until now in case of such an eventuality. Her husband had been pinioned in his translucent corset on the pretext of amorous activity but his principal mistress had not released him from his bonds once the encounter had reached its natural end. A similar fate had befallen the generals whose ladies had concerted their actions with the Lady Petrova’s husband’s mistress as soon as they became aware that the revolt was about to commence.

The messenger who had brought the message was a young adult squire in the Lady Petrova’s service who had been apparently exiled to her husband’s court for some trifling misdemeanour but who was in fact placed there to be a messenger in case of need.

The Lady Petrova now wished to interview the messenger and give him a sign of her approval. Would I prefer to withdraw or would I be willing to stay in concealment and observe the messenger’s reward?

I confessed my curiosity to see how messengers were rewarded in Brobdingnag. Griselda contrived the necessary concealment. I remained suspended in the apron pocket with my head protruding and secured by the pocket’s fastening. Griselda cut a finger off a worn lace glove and pulled the finger over my head. I could see through the lace but to a casual observer my sheathed head appeared as a corner of a lace handkerchief partly out of the pocket.

I was satisfied with this arrangement but the Lady Petrova became concerned that I might betray myself by some sudden exclamation when I saw the messenger rewarded. I protested my ability to keep my tongue but the lady insisted on removing the concealment and fitting the corset, arm restraints and gag before covering my head again with the lace finger.

Griselda withdrew and returned with the messenger. He seemed to be slightly built by the country’s standards, man mountain though he was by comparison with me. He was in his early twenties, or so Griselda informed me later, and had a tendre for the Lady Petrova. If so, he was about to be rewarded much more than his expectations.

The two women stripped the poor gentleman naked and placed him upon the table. He was strapped to it face down with his buttocks in the air. The Lady Petrova hoisted up her skirt and petticoats to don a harness similar to that previously worn by Griselda to which the translucent dildo was attached. His exclamations were stifled with the translucent gag that the lady had but recently worn.

Griselda took the hogshead of unguent she had used on my bruising and applied it liberally to his arsehole. Gradually the Lady Petrova insinuated the dildo into his hole until at least half its length was sheathed. She then made a hand signal to Griselda.

Griselda elevated the head end of the bench to an angle of forty-five degrees and then sat astride it with the gentleman’s head resting in the fold of her skirt between her legs. Then she too hoisted her skirt and petticoats until his gagged mouth was buried in the hairs around her nether entrance. She unfastened his gag and pulled his face between her legs. As she did so, the Lady Petrova began to thrust into his arsehole.

Until now I had been unaware that the young gentleman’s penis had been fitted into a hole through the bench. It soon became very obvious as it became erect. That portion I could see was at least ten feet long and a yard in diameter and I watched with increasing amazement as the ladies gave the messenger his reward. His tool grew even longer and thicker as the Lady Petrova’s movements became more forceful until it discharged in a copious spurt onto the dungeon floor. His ordeal did not cease until his tongue had satisfied Griselda and the Lady Petrova tired of stuffing his arsehole.

Griselda led the now exhausted messenger away. The Lady Petrova removed the harness and dildo before dropping her skirt and petticoats to a more decorous position. She showed me that the eggs were still intact within the dildo before she reached the apron down from the hook and tied it in an appropriate position around her waist. I was still pinioned and silenced, hooded by the lace finger, and unable to resist whatever further plans she had for my entertainment.

On Griselda’s return she persuaded her mistress that I had undergone sufficient entertainment for one day particularly as the morrow I should be present at the judgement on the Lady
Petrova’s husband. Griselda carefully removed me from the lady’s apron pocket and gently restored me to my travelling cabinet.

I sat in my cabinet considering what I had witnessed. The coupling between the two ladies, although I had not seen such a thing before, would have been relatively unremarkable had they been of more human dimensions. Presumably a coupling between two adults of my size would have been an astonishing sight to the inhabitants of Lilliput.

What was amazing and worrying to me was the position of women in Brobdingnag. I had assumed, as is normal in all civilised societies I knew, that the women were subservient to men. The behaviour of the Lady Petrova and her maid Griselda had demonstrated that this was manifestly not the case in Brobdingnag although to first appearance it had seemed that men were the dominant sex.

I was wholly at the mercy of the Lady Petrova. I feel asleep with the knowledge that it would not be long before I would again be the occupant of that monstrous translucent dildo. Into what orifice would the lady introduce me? Her own I had experienced. Would I next be thrust into Griselda, or the messenger squire, or whom? My last troubled thought was that intercourse with mammalian animals was not unknown in my culture.

End of Chapter Three.

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"The Intervention" By: Simonne Danielle © 2008 All rights reserved [email protected] FANTASY: Imagery which is more or less coherent, as in dreams and daydreams, yet is unrestricted by reality. INTERVENTION (noun) - To interfere, usually through force or threat of force, in the affairs of another. The greatest obstacle in the treatment of the addicted person is denial. One way to overcome denial is through a formal Intervention. During the...

2 years ago
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Like Father Like SonChapter 1

September 1915 - 'Somewhere in France' Phillip could never quite get used to the transition from peace to war. One minute you were walking along a dusty lane with crops growing in the fields on either side, the next instant you entered the war. You turned a corner and there it was, waiting for you. The crops vanished, the earth turned from russet brown to grey. Artillery muttered personal threats and the stench rose from the fractured land. The placid scenes of threshing machines pulled by...

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Close to my ninth birthday, my mother left. She would often say how her life sucked. I remember that every time when I was around her, she’d be complaining about this and that, and it all revolved around her. She would often degrade me in front of people, and in private. I was never allowed to be good, or achieve when she was around because it always had to be her who was better than everyone else. So, one day she left. No notice, or anything. In later years I learned from my father that...

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Never Hiding In Hose Again

NEVER HIDING IN HOSE AGAIN By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. Author's Note: Belladonna's "Hiding in Hose" (mother seizes corporate control from her son and transforms him into her maid): perhaps it's a dark tale rife with unfairness; alternatively, perhaps it's a moral tale of just desserts. This is my (unauthorized) tribute, Fanfiction, to one of the best FM authors. It is set 15 years after Belladonna's...

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Hot For Teacher Chapter 12

CHAPTER 12 I woke up again today to the BEEP BEEP BEEP of my alarm clock. But it wasn't that loud today. I think my smacking of it hitting the floor yesterday broke it a little bit. I rose from my bed and went to the bathroom. As I went to reach for my shorts, I realized I slept in the panties. Just for the hell of it I sat down on the toilet to take my morning pee. Just felt right at the time. I thought about the day ahead. I was dreading and yet looking forward to the idea of...

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Cherry Taken Away By Brother

Hey all the ‘Indian Sex Stories’ readers, I am Sweetyy, a regular reader. I love all the experiences posted out here. I have had my share of sex experiences in my life which I am going to narrate here. I would love to hear your comments and compliments on me at my email – Before starting the narration, Let me tell you about myself. I am Sweetyy Jain from Guwahati, Assam. I am presently 20 years of age and my figure reads as 36-28-38. This story goes a year back in Feb, 2011 when I was of 19...

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My Old Granny

I had never thought of my Old Grannies in a sexual way, but for some reason everything changed. My granny went into an old folks home because she was getting on a bit so it was better for her and safer if she went into care. I can tell that this was very hard for her to deal with. While visiting Mary the aging grannies walking around were no exception- full, fat asses that had any good attention in years. I can’t tell you how many times I had to run to the bathroom to stroke my aching...

1 year ago
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ShesNew Allie Nicole Proud To Be A Pornstar

Attractive young chick Allie Nicole is ready to step into the limelight and take over the porn world one scene at a time. Today, she bats her beautiful eyes and tells us about her first sexual experience back in Texas. According to the blonde bombshell, it was out in the woods in his truck and she was not the biggest fan! Well, we are here to set things right for her with some meaty dick. She shows how much she loves choking on dick, and she looks beautiful doing it. Then, she spreads her legs...

4 years ago
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I missed myself

As soon as Dr. Griffin returned to the examination room, I knew that the news wasn’t good. I could tell by the way he avoided my eyes as he studied his clipboard and fidgeted with his pen that something was wrong, terribly wrong with me. The ache in my groin that I had been ignoring for so long was indication enough, and as the doctor cleared his throat, I tried to prepare myself for the worst. “The test results are positive for testicular cancer,” he said abruptly. “Unfortunately, the cancer...

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sisters Birthday Wishes

Ashley, or "Little Ashley" as she was called by the many members in her family, woke up with a stretch and a yawn on the morning of her eighteenth birthday. "Little," came from the fact that her mother was named Ashley as were two of her cousins -- it was a family name. Hence, to distinguish the women, many had taken to calling the youngest and coincidentally tiniest of the three "little Ashley."Ashley had always been a small girl; at seemingly every age she was smaller than most of her...

3 years ago
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Junior Year Part IIIChapter 20 Breakup Song DoOver

I’d made an appointment to meet with Coach Hope before football camp. I wanted to talk some sense into him concerning Phil, Yuri and Roc and their desire to come with me to Mexico. He’d said he might suspend them for the first game if they missed the first week of fall football practices. I thought I might bribe him, so I went to Granny’s West and picked up coffee and cinnamon rolls. I knew they always put me in a good mood, so I assumed they would for Coach, too. “If you have what I think...

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Thanksgiving To Teacher 8211 Part 2

This is Paul again(Just like other authors here, this is a fake identity, though the facts are true). For those who don’t know me, I am 22 years old guy from Kerala living in Bangalore working as Software Engineer. I studied in Mumbai. I am 6 ft tall and have a dick of 6 inch. Reviews about the story and invitations to enjoy (from ladies from Kerala and Bangalore) are welcome on my mail ID Thanks for earlier reviews are mails. My family is composed of my Dad Mathew, a businessman aged 52(mom...

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Sex With My Friend8217s Ex

Hello, everyone. This is my 3rd story. My first being my neighbor aunty in my teens, then came my first relationship and now this story is about what happened after my breakup in my first relationship and how I had a rebound relationship and some wild sex to forget my ex. So I was 24 when my break up happened and I couldn’t be in Chennai and I moved on to Bangalore. My friend X was in a relationship with Nisha. She was my college mate as well but we never spoke much. Later we met at a get...

3 years ago
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Vacation at the BeachChapter 9

We did pretty well for a month. We were helped along by our mother tracking each day on a calendar in her efforts to be ready, should one of the girls miss a period. None did, though. I think it was the first time in that house that periods were celebrated, rather than reviled. During that month Agent Brown was a frequent visitor. It had been decided that making a bunch of juveniles come to the offices of a federal law enforcement agency to be interviewed wasn’t in our best interests, and...

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I come into the bedroom. It's very dim with only sputtering candles for light. Your back is to me as you slide a Moody Blues CD into the player. 'Nights In White Satin' is starting to play. Justin Hayward is writing letters he'll never send. You are wearing a silky, loose-flowing long gown. It‘s just slightly see-through with accents of fine lace. The candlelight makes it shimmer as it softly moves with you. Your panties are barely visible through the silk. I am wearing a business suit,...

Love Stories
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A Glory Hole in my Bedroom

Some years back I had an experience, which ranks with the audacious and unbelievable, but when executed with the right person, it does work. My job as a stewardess with a well known airline, saw myself with overnight stays, sometimes extending to a couple of days, depending on scheduals and staff shortages. These overnight stays were usually in a cost cutting hotel or as in this case, little challets, consisting of bed and shower. I arrived early morning and after signing-in I was shown to my...

1 year ago
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The Way of WarChapter 41

Once back in the Crater he told Sharon about what had been discussed with her father. She looked at him “Shaun, why are you doing this for us?” He stared at her for a moment. “We’ve just been through a world war in which millions have died. I don’t know much about the Jewish faith but the fact that seven to eight million Jews were murdered for no other reason that they were Jews seems obscene to me. The fact that they want to return to their homeland, which was incidentally promised to...

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An Introduction to Crossdressing Pt 6

After Steven leaves me at the table with Jackie and his new friend Chandra, I start to fill them in on the details. I tell them, “It’s really Jackie’s fault that I got fucked so good; since he was being so aggressive with his dance partner, I got jealous and grabbed Steven’s ass.” Then I continued with, “This led to Steven grabbing mine beneath my skirt, and then stroking my cock and balls under my panties.” Jackie interrupted with, “Forget about the dance floor, tell us what happened in the...

1 year ago
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Fred to Frieda

Fred to Frieda By Tami Lynne Benevento One of the comments that I received when I wrote Max to Maxie was if I could expand on Fred/Frieda's character. This is very much a standalone story but if you have read Max to Maxie yet, I would encourage you to do so. I hope you enjoy this and please leave me some feedback. Hi, my name is Frieda Johnston. It used to be Fred Thomas and this is my story. My Grandfather used to have a saying, "You turn a corner and it changes your life forever."...

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Sister Suzanne

Sister SuzanneBy Shabbadew2002Contact me @ [email protected] Abducted and RapedWhen Katanga broke away from the Congo, many Europeans were caught up in the war.  In a small village, the priest and the nuns at a Catholic church fled fearing the violence.  Sister Suzanne stayed behind and, in the confusion, got stranded.   There were few white people left.  Most had fled before the UN troops arrived.  That day, in 1960, two Katangan soldiers found Sister Suzanne alone on the road. The two...

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The Girl With the Guns and Roses TattooChapter 3

Rosita was not the sort of girl that a young man would happily take home to his mother to show her off because she had that unmistakable look that said, “Here is Rosita, don’t fuck with her or you will regret it the rest of your miserable life!” She had surprised me more than once with her uncanny ability to sniff out trouble before it started. I guess she had to be that gifted because her early years were unusually stressful for a sweet young thing with stunning physical good looks that...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 249 Danielle

I drove to campus Sunday at noon to pick up Courtney and Jennifer. The hack-a-thon was over. They looked like hell. Courtney looked particularly sour. "Oh, dear," I said. "Didn't you win the Easter egg hunt?" "Yes, I did." She folded her arms and leaned back in the seat. I looked at Jennifer and she shrugged. "We'll talk about it later," Courtney sighed. "First I need a nap." For the most part, we spent Sunday afternoon catching up on the studying we didn't do on Saturday....

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My First Time Unexpected Experience

Hi, this is Phani. I am new to this site. This is about my life and how I started into this. I usually called as a nerd because I was too studious that I never thought about sex. This all started when my cousin was staying with us and pursuing his MTech in computer science. He used to be an average student who always worried about passing but not really learning. After 3 weeks of college, he had assignments to do. But he wasn’t worried. Because he knew his friends gonna send him. But...

Gay Male
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Bitch Called Niece

Bitch Called NieceBy: Londebaaz Chohan It was almost midnight, Lucy still sat in front of the dressing mirror with a long face, shocked and shaken about what had happened to her couple of hours ago. Her parents had gone to Europe for a vacation and she was dazed, when her mom’s younger brother Wayne was called to stay with her. She was present in the room when her mom told him that he may have to do something beyond the ordinary to control Lucy from her nasty doings. Uncle Wayne was a senior at...

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Asha Aur 2017 Ki Holi 8211 Part 2

Lagbhag 20 minute baad Asha naha kar bilkul saaf ho gayi. Apne navel se 4 inch neeche geeli georgette dupatta lapetkar bathroom se bahar aayi. Usne upar kuch nahi pehna tha. Saaf gora badan, gehri nabhi, geela duppata. Meri biwi ke gori jangh aur bade gol chutad, dhundhale se dikhti chut thi. Asha ke bhare hue stan aur unke bich mein bhuri tani hui chuchiyan, khoobsurat chehra, aur khuli uljhe baal. Uske roop ko ye sab manmohak bana rahe the. Usko dekhte hi aaj doosri baar sannata ho gaya. Uske...

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Jens first babysitting job part 3

Introduction: Im sorry it took me so long to finish this but i have been extremely busy but anyways this story has young boy/girl and boy/boy so dont complain about it Braden lay restlessly at Jakes house they had a great time playing video games and playing outside and just doing normal twelve year old boy stuff. Jake was the same age as Braden but a couple moths younger. Jake had long blonde hair down to his eyes he was a little bit smaller than Braden. Jake was breathing peacefully while...

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Sarah Redux Part Four

I think we both woke about the same time on Saturday morning. The red mark on Sarah’s jaw line had turned black and blue, and was now more of a bruise than just a mark from the night before. Just by being there on the bed with Sarah cuddled close, I had a hardon. “Want to go for a drive today?” she asked, as she held my cock in her hand and slowly began to stroke it. “What are you thinking?” Sarah slowly slid her hand up and down my shaft, making sure to run her hand over the sensitive head....

Oral Sex
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Leap of FaithChapter 16

The Rookie – Waterfront Highway Tunnel, nineteen hours after drop. The gates opened with a mechanical crunch, the golden light of dawn pouring through the widening gap. Alba and the Rookie rushed through the breach and out of the tunnel, their weapons drawn, ready for any Covenant forces that might be lurking on the other side. Fortunately, there was nobody around. The four lanes of the highway extended into the distance, littered with abandoned vehicles in all shapes and sizes. The...

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Eve Industries

((This is my original work, originally published under the name Uriel and reposted from The Unending BE Addventure.)) Miranda crept into the factory warily. There shouldn’t be anyone inside; she’d specifically arranged for the cameras to be shut off and the security guards to be given the night off. But she’d come too far for anything unexpected to derail her plans now! When Miranda had finally assumed control of her father’s company, she had been ecstatic. Being a brilliant businesswoman, she...

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Zunächst mal: Es handelt sich bei Nachfolgendem um eine frei erfundene Geschichte, und ich bin kein Befürworter von Inzest. Eigentlich sollte es gar keine Story werden, war mehr als Fingerübung für den Starter eines Rollenspiels gedacht. Nach zweieinhalb Seiten wusste ich allerdings, dass es auch damit nichts werden würde. Kein Rollenspieler verzeiht einem eine solche Eröffnung, und ich war noch nicht mal halb durch die Geschichte. Als ich kurz vor Ende den Anfang nochmal las, fiel mir auf,...

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