Snowed in
- 3 years ago
- 14
- 0
Dale rode his Yamaha quad as fast as he could navigate it, looking through the green glow of his night-vision goggles to see his way along the path. He had reached some odd terrain; not many trees, but a lot of small ditches that would easily bend a wheel or worse, an axle, if he pushed it too fast. He had to be careful, but he also had a long way to go with only a few more hours of darkness to conceal him. It was a cloudy cold evening and the moonlight was blocked by thick clouds. All better for him. He had a delivery to make and he needed all the darkness he could get. He would have preferred a nice loud thunderstorm to muffle the sounds of his machine, but it didn’t look like rain this evening.
Hell had never reigned from the sky as doomsayers anticipated. When the nations decided to try to eliminate one another, the method of doing so rode the winds and waters. Many different biological variations were utilized that decimated huge populations on all continents. One variation, however, was particularly selective in its purpose, only affecting males. While the general population decreased by over 70% as a result of hostilities between the superpowers, the world’s male population saw a 90% reduction as a result of this particular strain’s highly contagious nature.
Sixteen years after the great conflict, the strain had become a disease carried by all humans, but still was only harmful to men. Almost every male eventually caught the disease, but only one in ten survived it. About one third of those were forever incapacitated, spending the remainder of their lives in vegetative states as a result of incredibly high fevers. Those that survived developed an immunity to the disease and were not affected further, but remained carriers of the virus.
Dale, busy navigating the terrain, did not notice another figure standing in the open hatch of an armored personnel carrier, but the figure noticed him. She eyed him first through her heat-sensitive scope, the heat of his Yamaha’s engine giving him away, despite his attempts to cloak it with a heat-resistant coating. In the daylight, this may have worked, as the heat signature was not unlike that of a boulder warmed in the sunlight (albeit a moving one), but in the cool evening, and in the wide-open as they were, his yellow-orange signature stood out in stark contrast to his surroundings. Switching to her night vision scope, she could see greater detail. And she could see the difficulty he was having with the mini-trenches that had been dug row after row to slow runners like him down. She calmly pushed the button on her radio headset to transmit, and informed the other two units in her platoon that a rider was approaching their position.
The world had carried on after the end of the conflict, albeit at a greatly reduced rate of population growth. Treaties were signed and the entire surviving world seemed to realize what it had done to itself. With so many men dead, women assumed positions of power and influence. A few wealthy and powerful men remained, but virtually all the world’s leaders were now female. At first, laws were passed in most major countries to allow the few remaining men to take multiple wives. These male-centered laws were put into place as a method of population replenishment. As time went by, however, the sense of power rapidly shifted toward the female sex, and keeping men at the center of leadership in the family became as outmoded as keeping them in political power.
As wealth and power was redistributed, men were generally reduced to status symbols for the elite female population. At first, many wealthy women did what they could to lure men into relationships, but soon found that men were too apt to stray as a result of having so many women constantly throwing themselves at them. For a time, it became nearly impossible for any woman to keep a man unless he truly wanted to be with her, because he could choose from so many others.
Dale and his Yamaha came to the end of the large open area he had traveled for the past 2 miles, and was staring up a large hill, largely covered in trees. He would have to ride directly up the hill, navigating the woods along the way. He knew that the other side of the hill marked the halfway point of his journey, according to his map. Although he had been running for years, he had never made the trip to the colony north of his before, so he was nervous as he eyed the wood line before him. With a sigh, he eased out on the clutch and replaced it with a measure of petrol, beginning his ascent of the hill.
Given the utter decimation of the male population, having a man of one’s own was an almost unattainable dream for most women. Still, many women agreed to share, and many men who had been previously attached chose to stay with the women they loved.
As with any high-value commodity, at some point a black market emerged. While the governments of the world condemned the practice officially, many of the most influential women in the world were the very ones involved in this new clandestine institution, which was nothing more than a very organized slave trade.
Many of the world’s men had seen the slave trade emerging as fellow men began to turn up missing without explanation. These males banded together and along with their wives and families moved to unpopulated areas- areas not uncommon after the thinning of the world population only a decade before. They formed colonies within their respective countries. Many of these colonies were formed in towns abandoned during the conflict, where housing and other structures and utility systems already existed. Soon after moving to these colonies, the men elected their own leaders.
Two armored personnel carriers took up positions behind trees at the base of the large hill Dale was ascending on his quad. They had been radioed by the third APV a general course heading and were able to gather from that the approximate area Dale would arrive at when he got to the hill. Seeing him approach for over a mile now, they had been given plenty of time to prepare for his arrival. The APVs were over 100 meters apart, but the two squads of female mercenaries had eyed Dales position and the eight women carefully moved in as he got closer and his general course narrowed. The third APV, the one that had first spotted Dale, followed a half-kilometer behind him with another squad of 4 women inside. It would block any attempt he made to retreat.
As Dale got closer to the hiding squads lying in wait, tire spikes were laid out, and lines between the trees were quickly strung up in the general area where Dale was expected to be heading, in case the other methods of removing him from his machine failed.
Up the hill Dale rode, starting to actually feel safer now that he was not out in the open. His predators kept still, lying in wait for him as he drew nearer to them. 100 meters, 80 meters?..
The governments of the world’s leading countries, now almost exclusively led by women, dealt quite gingerly at first with the idea of having independent colonies governed by males popping up within their own borders, a move that amounted to seceding from their respective unions. No direct military action was taken, but within a short time all official lines of communication between the colonies were blocked in a purported effort to keep the colonies from allying with one another and possibly mounting any type of military threat.
Not only was communication blocked, but travel between colonies was eventually blocked as well. This effectively rendered each colony an island to itself. So while the militaries of the world’s governments took no direct action, they did mount armed patrols that enforced the no-communication zones, keeping cell towers or hard lines from being installed. All satellite and radio signals were scrambled, even HAM radio signals. Furthermore, any person caught in the non-com zones between colonies was arrested on sight. If that person was male, he was sometimes not heard from for weeks or months and in some cases, never.
Eventually, government patrols were reduced in number in favor of privately-funded paramilitary companies which formed their own patrols and worked off government contracts to supplement the needs of the military. These companies were comprised mainly of squads of female ex-government soldiers roaming the cities and countryside in APVs, looking for men to arrest for supposed violations of the non-communications act. These private firms were far less regulated than their government counterparts, and as such it created an environment ripe for unofficial activity. When the privately-funded patrols began, virtually all detainees caught in the non-com zones never returned to the colonies. Even female detainees were arrested and held indefinitely, discouraging the use of women as message carriers.
The private companies that assumed the governments’ patrol duties were basically run by the slave traders, a fact not particularly unknown to the governments which looked the other way. After all, every male citizen that could be repatriated was considered a production unit, one that produced taxpaying citizens. The governments of the world were not about to question the legality of any woman who became impregnated, with a don’t ask, don’t tell policy regarding the entire process.
Eventually, as a result of the relentless mercenary patrols, all communication between the colonies had to be relegated to ‘runners’ that rode high-powered all-terrain vehicles. The runners typically rode at night and would average 10-20 kilometers per hour across varied terrain. It was a risky job, and many runners never made it to their destinations. But communication was deemed necessary to the survival of the colonies by their leaders who felt it was only a matter of time before sanctioned kidnapping raids would be levied upon them by the governments of the world in an attempt to save their dwindling populations.
Dale saw something out the corner of his night vision goggles, but it was too late. He could feel the coarse threading of a large net as it came down over his body, nearly knocking him off the quad. In a reflexive action, he gunned the gas lever and the powerful ATV surged forward with a loud revving of the engine. The net was still all over him, and there seemed to be some weight on it. He could see through his goggles enough to notice a gloved hand on his right back fender, still holding onto the net’s lanyards. He leaned forward as far as he could and shifted down a gear to improve his ability to climb. He looked down and saw the hand no longer there, and the net also seemed to get lighter. In fact, he was able to move the net mostly off of him. That’s when something hit him about chest-high that removed him from the bike completely, leaving him looking straight up into the air at the tree limbs above him.
The line had been placed between two trees and had caught him with one arm in the air as he had attempted to remove the large net. His chest hurt awfully and he felt he would have a difficult time breathing, but he managed to get up as he knew the seriousness of his situation.
He could hear footsteps approaching from behind him as well as what sounded like a female voice shouting out in pain. He instinctively ran up the hill. He could see his bike rolling on its own about 20 meters ahead of him, and then it hit a tree, stopping the engine. If he could get to it he might can start the engine again quickly and get away. He tried to run to the bike, despite the burning pain in his chest.
That’s when he felt the voltage hit him in the back, rendering him paralyzed.
Down he went, face-first into the leaves and dirt. His body was in such pain that he could not even catch a breath, much less make an articulated move. In rapid fashion, he could feel weight on his legs, his butt, and his upper shoulders, with more weight pressing directly down on his head, driving it into the ground further. He felt his hands being pulled around behind his back roughly, without regard given to the natural way his arms folded.
Corporal Bridgette Abrams, with her knee firmly planted into Dale’s lower back-upper butt area, had one side of her high-security hinged handcuffs around the runner’s right wrist before she even drew it behind his back. His other wrist followed shortly thereafter, rendering his hands and arms virtually useless, with his palms facing outward, making it virtually impossible to let himself out of the restraints even with a key. She quickly double-locked the handcuffs to keep them from tightening further, although she had made every effort to put them on as tightly as possible to begin with. She looked back at private Melissa Onarsky, who was facing away from her, sitting on Dale’s legs, busily securing leg chains to his ankles. These had about 40cm of chain between them, enabling a shifty stride for walking but ruling running out entirely. In front of her, private Tonya Benson had one knee on the runner’s upper back, and was busy pulling the other knee off his head, replacing it quickly with her hand and pulling his night-vision goggles off. Once they were removed, she quickly put her palm down into the back of his head once more, pinning him down while the others finished restraining him.
The other five women stood around the restraint team, one of them cursing and holding her injured hand, shaking it and looking it over closely under her night vision goggles. Beside her, one of the women was holstering a stun stick that she had used to incapacitate the runner. Her name was Sergeant Felicia Tompkins, and she would be in charge of delivering this prisoner to the closest detention facility. It was her squad that physically captured the prisoner. This was important; although all twelve members of the platoon would be credited for the arrest, any bonus compensation was based on who did what in a takedown. The ones that came into most physical contact with the prisoner during an arrest were awarded extra pay. That was Felicia’s squad in this case.
With his hands and feet chained, Dale writhed in agony as the effects of the shock took time to wear off. As Bridgette Adams stood up after securing his wrists, Melissa Ornasky moved off of his legs, turned around from his side, produced a short chain and a sturdy lock from one of the side pockets of her tight fatigue pants. She then pulled Dale’s feet up behind him near to his wrists, looped the short chain around the hinges of the handcuffs and the links of the leg chains, wrapped it around twice, and put the lock through two of the links, securing his feet to his arms. When this was done, Private Benson stood up from her position at Dale’s head and shoulders. Now all the weight was off of Dale, but he still struggled to breathe.
The four young women that had comprised the restraint team now stood over Dale, catching their own breath for a few moments. Bridgette put her foot onto Dale’s back, just to keep him from rolling down the hill, perhaps. The four women in the other squad had already turned their attention to his Yamaha quad, and one was climbing onto it to see if she could get it to start. He heard it rumble to life, and could hear the women discussing the best way to get it dislodged from the undergrowth where it had parked itself.
But the four women that stood over him now started to talk. He could hear the radio one or more of them wore, getting a message about removing all traps and spikes. Dale figured they would not leave them here for another runner to hit and possibly hurt himself on. No, they would not want to actually damage a prisoner where he would not be able to get medical treatment and survive. A dead male prisoner was worthless to them.
One of the women in the other squad rode past him a few feet away on his bike, stopping to talk to the one to the one that had used the shock stick on him. It was agreed that the other squad would go collect all the traps and would take them back to their respective vehicles using Dale’s ATV. Another girl hopped onto the bike with her, and they rode off up the hill. The other two walked off toward the west, presumably back to their vehicle.
Dale finally managed to catch a breath, although his current hogtie position made it difficult.
Sgt. Felicia Tompkins announced to her squad that it was a job well-done. She then instructed the two lower-ranking young ladies, Tonya and Melissa, to monitor Dale’s breathing. They were to remove the connector chain from his feet to his hands as soon as he started breathing again normally. Then they were to walk him back to the APV.
Dale rolled his head over as far as he could see, and noticed the Sergeant and Corporal Adams walking away from him a bit, also sensing the presence of the two privates standing over him. One of them, Tonya, the one that had mashed his head into the dirt, knelt down beside him now with relative kindness. She introduced herself by her first name, and informed Dale that he was under arrest for suspicion of violating one or more articles of the non-communication act, then told him she was now going to search him for weapons and identification.
Without waiting for him to speak, she and Melissa both began running their hands all over Dale’s hogtied form. They patted him up and down his body, inside and between his legs, under his arms. Then one of them put her hands down into his pants. Any other time, this may have produced an exciting result, but her prisoner was still in a state of shock from the traumatic experience he had suffered moments before.
Dale had been armed with an SKS rifle that was mounted on the back of his quad, but it was long gone for him now and certainly not something he could have hidden on his person. All he had on him was a small survival knife, which Melissa promptly confiscated. He carried no identification, but it didn’t really matter to the women. They hadn’t even yet asked him his name. Perhaps they didn’t see the need to name livestock, he surmised.
Dale could barely see anything in the dark without his night vision goggles. He could only make out forms and shapes, and those not very well. The women’s hands stopped rummaging for contraband and he could feel one of them picking at his chains. Suddenly the connecting chain between the hinged cuffs and his leg irons were released, and his legs were allowed to relax back to the ground.
Sergeant Tompkins and Corporal Adams walked back over to the chained male prisoner as the two privates were helping him to his feet, taking a position on either side of him, interlocking their arms through his elbows to support him as well as to secure him. As the young women helped him to his feet, he could smell their perfume and shampoo, and his face inadvertently brushed across the chest area of the one that had called herself Tonya. He noticed how soft she felt there, despite the harshness she had displayed when helping to get him restrained.
Sergeant Tompkins instructed the girls to walk Dale back to the APV. Now able to speak, he protested that he could walk better without chains on his legs. Tonya took the opportunity to elbow him in the side- not very hard, but almost out of warning rather than to punish him. But it was too late, Sergeant Tompkins was up in his face in a split second, slapping him hard across the mouth. She informed him that his mouth was to be kept shut from here on out. Then she withdrew the shock stick and held it up to his face. Upon seeing the instrument of pain and anguish and having a freshly-gained respect for it, he nodded his head up and down as she barked at him, unable to muster a sound from his mouth.
Slowly the five figures made their way down the hill, through the brush and low-hanging limbs. Dale could not see where he was going, and his chained feet struggled to keep up with the four women and their unencumbered legs. At times, the two women privates half-carried him along between their interlocked elbows. His hands trailed uselessly behind his back, making it difficult to balance himself, especially down the hilly terrain.
They finally arrived at the APC, and Corporal Adams opened the back hatch. Light poured out from inside, and all the women removed their night vision goggles.
Sergeant Tompkins and Corporal Adams moved into the vehicle and went up towards the front of it to the drivers’ seats. The sergeant instructed Tonya and Melissa to prep the prisoner for transport.
With that, Tonya moved around to face Dale and asked him if he needed to pee. Dale finally got a decent look at one of his captors. She was a very pretty girl in her early or mid 20’s, with dark hair and eyes. Her mouth was kind of smallish and her features angular but very feminine.
?What??? Dale asked. Tonya informed Dale that they would be riding for as much as 80 kilometers and once secured into the vehicle, he would not be allowed to stop to use the bathroom. Dale had actually stopped to pee a little before his rendezvous with the mercenary squad, and told Tonya he didn’t need to go right now.
?Very well, be very still now?, Tonya said as she nodded at Melissa, who still held Dale’s arm. Keeping the handcuffs and leg irons on, each of the girls produced fairly large knives and began to remove Dales clothing by cutting it off his body. In seconds, nothing was left, leaving Dale standing naked in the cold air. Both of the girls walked around in front of Dale after they had cut all his clothes off. They both eyed his flaccid penis hanging out in the breeze, and he felt that even though he was of average length, as cold as he was, it must certainly be shrinking before their very eyes. He felt so embarrassed, but had no choice but to stand there and endure the humiliation.
He noticed that Melissa was equally beautiful and roughly the same age as Tonya, but with lighter hair than her, and with lighter eyes, possibly blue but it was difficult to see in the light from the back of the APC. Both had their hair pulled back into pony tails and wore only light makeup. Both wore identical uniforms consisting of rather tight dark-colored fatigue pants with large pockets on the thighs, and both carried Glock pistols on their right hips.
In addition, each had a utility belt with spare magazines, a couple of nondescript pouches with unknown contents, and each girl had one pouch directly under the center of her back. Out of the tops of these pouches he could make out the center hinges of handcuffs, which explained to him why there was so little flexibility between the cuffs on his wrists. On a quick-release ring around the back of Tonya’s belt he could see 4 or 5 long heavy white zip ties, he presumed to be used to restrain multiple prisoners in a riot situation. Both girls had very nice figures, accentuated by the tight fit of the fatigue pants, and cinched nicely at their waists by the equipment belts.
They wore short dark tight jackets with their last names on their pockets, and some type of company symbol on the shoulders.
As for Dale, however, he wore nothing except his metal restraints, and he was getting cold. He heard the large armored personnel carrier rumble to life, and the two girls promptly herded their prisoner into the back doorway of the vehicle. Tonya whispered softly to him ?I know you’re cold- the exhaust will heat you a bit while we finish up here?.
Dale didn’t know why, but he had already sensed that Tonya had been kind to him under the circumstances, and now he was certain that she must have a soft spot for him. Melissa, who hadn’t spoken the first word to him, stepped up into the vehicle to retrieve something from a storage bin while Tonya held the hinges of his cuffed hands behind his back with one hand, placing the other hand on his right shoulder.
Taking the only opportunity he thought he may have, Dale turned his head back to Tonya and met her eyes with his. ?Please, if you want to be nice to me, help me escape.? Dale whispered. Tonya said nothing but pulled down tighter on Dale’s wrists, simultaneously pulling down on his shoulder and bending him backward a little. Just then, Melissa turned back to the pair holding several items in her hands.
Melissa spoke up as she approached Dale and Tonya. ?Ok, it’s time to get you restrained for the trip to the detention facility.? Dale couldn’t believe what he was hearing. What did she mean ‘get him restrained’? Was he not already helplessly restrained as it was?
Tonya seemed to sense Dale’s incredulous reaction, and told him that certain measures must be utilized to ensure the safety of the prisoner and the crew during transport. With that she firmly instructed him to get to his knees, putting her own knees into the backs of his legs to emphasize the point and to destabilize him. His knees were on the ground almost immediately, and he did not struggle when she applied pressure to the back of his head, guiding him downward face-first onto the back floor of the APC. He sensed Melissa above him moving down out of the vehicle to take a position behind him to his left.
He could not recognize what was in her hand, a long leather device which she wrapped around his lower arms. An expanded area at the bottom completely encased his hands below the handcuffs. The expanded area tapered and forced his hands, which were inserted back-to-back, together all the way to the tips of his fingernails. His thumbs, however, protruded from small holes in the device, allowing him to wiggle them freely. The rest of his fingers, however, were completely immobilized now. Melissa tightened some laces and his hands were effectively welded together. Now she tightened a strap on the device up near Dale’s elbows. In doing so, she put a knee on his back and used all her strength to cinch is as tightly as she could, causing him to grunt in pain.
As she did this, Tonya reached from behind her belt and withdrew one of the large white zip ties. She wrapped it around Dale’s wrists directly above the handcuffs and pulled it nice and snug. With that, Melissa felt safe to remove Corporal Adam’s handcuffs from Dale’s wrists. She unlocked them and moved forward into the vehicle to return the strict restraints to Corporal Adams, who nonchalantly folded them and leaned forward in her seat to return them to the holder on her belt. She said nothing to Melissa as she was busy conversing with someone on the radio.
Dale did feel some relief with the removal of the handcuffs which had been applied cruelly tight. Still, he never felt the smallest amount of freedom. The large zip tie and the bottom of the single glove restraint device held him fast at the hands and wrists, and the top strap held his elbows. His elbows were not quite touching, but certainly closer together than was natural. Tonya cut the end of the zip tie off with a small pair of cutting pliers Melissa had brought for just that purpose. Rather than cutting the zip tie loose, she would just lace the glove up over it, providing extra security for her prisoner. She pulled the heavy leather lace hard and tight with every set of holes, and eventually got to the top near Dale’s elbows. She temporarily undid the strap that had been holding his elbows together, and finished lacing the glove up, putting the ends back down into the glove when she finished.
Dale didn’t say a word, partly worrying about what Tonya might be thinking, but primarily worried what Sergeant Tompkins would do to him if she caught him talking. As far as he knew, she was still up front in the APC, but he knew that as loud as the thing was and with his face buried in the floor of the vehicle, that she could be standing right over him now and he wouldn’t notice it.
After Tonya finished lacing Dale’s arms up, she then went back to the straps. One went directly over the place at his wrists where the zip tie was, offering triple security in that location. There was another strap at the forearms, and one more at the elbows. Two more long straps went around on each side of Dale’s neck, crossing each other at his chest, and returned back under his arms to secure the entire contraption to his body. Meanwhile, Melissa had returned and produced a large heavy thick collar and proceeded to put it around Dale’s neck. From the collar hung a strap that buckled to another strap which was made into the top of Dale’s single glove restraint, from the area between his elbows. The buckle had a place for a small lock where the two pieces joined, and a small sturdy lock was promptly snapped into place. He was now firmly and inescapably secured into the single glove restraint.
Tonya reached into the pile of items Melissa had brought forth earlier and withdrew a small device, holding it up to Dale’s face, softly muttering the word ?thumbcuffs? to him as she moved around behind him, snapping them onto his wiggling thumbs.
?You need to stand up now? Melissa told him as she and Tonya pulled up on Dale’s welded-together arms. He grunted in discomfort as they pulled him up, but then he found his feet and was able to stand mostly unassisted. Melissa and Tonya instructed him to put his weight on their shoulders and lift his feet up to get into the APC, which he did. They stood him up over a cot-sized bench that ran perpendicular to the length of the vehicle. The bench was covered with what looked to be a big piece of thick canvas. They told him they would ease him down onto it face-down. He again complied, and quickly Melissa went to work on his legs, strapping them together above and below his knees. When his upper legs were firmly secured, she removed the leg irons, promptly replacing them with a wide leather strap tight around his ankles.
Tonya, in the meantime, had to go to the front of the vehicle to confer with the corporal and the sergeant. When she got to the front, Dale had a good view of her shapely backside as she squatted down between the seats. As she bent down, he noticed she was wearing a thong as the strap became visible over the top of her fatigue pants. Very nice, he thought, and for the first time since his capture, he began to feel aroused. She turned back to look at him as she spoke to her superiors. He could not hear what was being said over the engine noise, but he saw her shaking her head up and down, and then back and forth, and then up and down again. Finally she turned around and asked Melissa if she was ready.
Ready for what ? Before he could wonder about it long, he felt Melissa pull his strapped legs up behind him again, and he could feel her attaching some type of cord or strap from his bound ankles to a large metal ring on the wrist strap of his single glove. Tonya was directly in front of Dale while this was being done, and Dale was about thigh-level to her, his face only inches from her crotch. She leaned in forward a bit as Melissa pulled firmly on the attachment between Dale’s arm and leg restraints, putting him once again into a tight hogtie. Tonya’s hand rested on his head momentarily, almost petting him while the hogtie was being applied, perhaps out of pity for him, perhaps to keep her balance? he didn’t know.
This was actually tighter than the hogtie the restraint team had applied to him earlier with the chains and shackles, mostly because of the tightness of the single glove, he figured.
Melissa secured the attachment strap holding Dale’s single glove firmly to his ankles, and put a lock through the ring to hold it in place. After she was finished, she looked over at Tonya and nodded with a quick smile, and patted Dale firmly on his naked butt cheek to finalize his predicament. Nothing like a butt-pat to make the prisoner realize the extent to which he is helpless, she figured.
Meanwhile, Tonya went back over behind Dale to the dwindling pile of items Melissa had laid out. When she came back she knelt down beside him and explained that she had seen no need for it, but that the sergeant and the corporal had ordered Dale to receive what is known as the ‘head treatment’. This meant he would be gagged for the trip, so as to be unable to garner sympathy from any of his captors by pleading with them. Also, she had been ordered to blindfold him and plug his ears so as to keep him from seeing or hearing any information that may be discussed during the trip.
Tonya bent down further and whispered quickly into Dale’s ear ?I’m very sorry?. Melissa then handed her some soft putty wax, which she promptly stuffed into Dale’s ear canals, one at a time. Dale did not resist, moving his head from one side to the other with only a slight prompting from Tonya’s hand. Melissa then handed her a full-harness ballgag, which she strapped onto Dale’s head. She waited until after she had tightened every last strap, at the top and sides and in front of his chin, as long as possible before she fitted the big black rubber ball into his mouth behind his teeth. She knew it would be quite uncomfortable and actually would start hurting his jaws after time. No sense in beginning that discomfort any sooner than necessary, she figured. Once it was in his mouth, however, she did take proper care to tighten it in securely. The sergeant would be furious if the ball came out for any reason.
Next came the blindfold, which attached to the harness for the ballgag. It had six snaps and was relatively quick to put onto Dale. Tonya’s was the last face he saw as she fitted the covering over his eyes. Then came earphones, similar to what is used at a gun range to protect hearing. Here she used these in conjunction with the wax she had put into his ears to keep him from hearing anything. He was truly deprived of his senses at this point.
Now came the final restraint: Dale could only feel as Melissa and Tonya pulled up on the canvas he had laid on earlier. They pulled it up and back around him, connecting eyelets on opposite sides of the canvas bundling bag with small locking rings, the kind often used by rock climbers. Then they pulled four separate chains, also with larger locking rings at each end, from a heavy steel frame situated above the bench. They attached these larger rings to the smaller rings that held the bag closed. While attaching these, they hoisted him up one corner at a time so he now hung in the bag a few centimeters off the bench. Once the bag with their prisoner inside was hanging, the girls took 3 large leather straps and wrapped them firmly around the bag to further secure it.
Dale was now firmly hogtied, tightly bundled inside the thick canvas bag with only his head sticking out one end, and deprived of his senses. Tonya noticed Dale’s head hanging down, and instructed Melissa to hand her a small connecting chain which she affixed to a D-ring on the back of his harness gag. The other end she attached to the frame above him, pulling it upwards until his head was in an upright position. She then locked the chain into place with a small padlock. This supported Dale’s head and would keep him from straining his neck downward, although it would significantly restrict his freedom of movement.
The all-clear was given to the drivers, and Dale could feel the vehicle start to move. He was now moving toward an uncertain fate but was completely helpless to do anything about it.
End of Chapter 1
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In keeping with my pattern of going backward and forward in time with my life’s sexual experiences, I want to share the story of T and me. We met in an online chat room on a popular dating web site. I had met ladies their before with various results over the two years I was separated from K/my now Ex-wife. T had just joined the site and hadn’t committed to being a paying member. She posted a picture of herself in work clothes and she looked, nice. Not made up or fake, a “this is what I look...
Friday couldn't come fast enough! Amber and I had made plans to go for dinner and drinks and for her to spend the night at my place. I picked her up and could hardly contain myself when she got into the car. She wore pink nylons, short black dress that rode up when she got into my car, pink garter belt, pink silk thongs and high heels. She leaned over for a kiss and we ended up in a grope session right outside her place. She finally pulled away and said we should go before someone from her...
We meet at the bar over the road from the gym. The 'boys' are there already with extra drinks for us. Dale checks out my legs as we approach.. which is normal I guess... "Thanks, I guess you got Paul to pay?" I say looking at Dale. He grins "Naturally, he's a surprisingly good loser." "Practice." I reply grinning as I slide my ass onto the barstool, "And it's nice to have a companion in my hobby of Paul baiting." "And she claims to be gay?" Paul comments, "Flirting...
I had found work on campus, in the library restocking the returned books to the shelves and removing periodicals that was out of date. I was working with another freshman, named Derrick, it was about seven in the even when the librarian informed us that she had to leave early and for us to lock up. Derrick was a playful hulk of a guy, that enjoyed startling you to see your reaction. I had gotten use to him and would not react when he did something silly. He was in the section reserved for...
En peru raja 29 years old. Ithu en first story, one month munnandi en pakkathu veetu payan peru ragav en veetukku vanthan. Avanai enakku oru 7 varushama theriyum. Chema chutti ippo diploma padichikitu irukkan. En mela avanukku romba priyam. On that day, nan appothan oru sex story book padichikitu irunthen. Appo avan ulla vanthan enna anna enna pannikitu irukkeekanu ketta. Nanum ennada chummathan rest eduthukitu irukkenu sonnen. Avan en kitta vanthu ukkarthu oru kalai madakki chairla ukkarthan...
Hey guys this is sam once again. I thank all of you for your positive feedbacks to my stories. Your support has encouraged me to write another encounter with a lady. Before going to the story I just wanna make one thing clear that come what may ‘m not gonna give any lady’s contact number to anyone or anybody’s contact number to any lady. So guys stop asking me for ladkio/aurato ke phone numbers. Coming back to the story.. It happened right next day after I had a good time with Mrs.Anuradha. I...
I keep getting these questions asked: When was it that I was aware of my penchant for exhibitionism and how old was I the first time that I let a stranger see me naked? I realized that I liked it when men looked at me when I was still pretty young, probably 13 or so, maybe a little younger. However, I was 16 years old the first time I actually let a group of strange men see me naked. It happened at Black's Beach in San Diego. My best friend Rachel and were both 16 and were both cheerleaders...
The next morning, Pat and I slept in late, and the first thing we did when we got up was to hit the spa; So we went down to the pool and sat in the spa, moving stuff all day can really wear your body out. We were sitting in the spa when the power went out again. Oh, no lights, I thought. Hmm, privacy. We were in the spa kissing when someone walked in with a flashlight. "Well there you guys are, I was wondering where you were hiding," Cindy said. "Hi Cindy, we were just taking advantage...
The Black Ring III (Sequel to Black Ring II) "I need to call an old friend," I said dialing the number on my cell phone. Niki picked up and greeted me with a feminine voice. Not as good as my own but a considerable improvement from the last time we met. "Hi, I need to talk to you about those pills you are taking," I said bluntly. "Why? You want them now?" she asked. "Yeah, just tell me how much you want for them," I said becoming impatient. "I don't know...I might have to...
Major General Edwards 1:06 am, November 4th, 2006 7:06 pm November 4th, 2006 (local time) The Marine General representing the Committee was beginning to wonder if he wouldn't rather fight a hopeless battle against all powerful aliens bent on wiping out all life as he knew it. At least then he'd know more about what to do. None of his training ever covered the situation he was in now. Now some of the politicians were embracing a force that the country was technically at war with. I guess...
It had been a quiet Friday night pretty much like any other here in Happy Valley. I had just finished up my end of shift paperwork and was about to mosey on out for the morning when that rat faced bitch Jeri stopped me cold. "Chief wants to see you. Now!" She snarled at me and then proceeded to ignore me and pretended do some filing. That skank couldn't even file her own nails without help, let alone police paperwork. She only kept her job because she was the Chief's niece ... and he was...
"Mrs. Travers?" asked Eric as the attractive young woman answered the door. "Yes, I'm Tammy Travers. You must be Eric Rochet. Please come in." As the self assured young man entered the small frame house he surreptitiously gave the young housewife the once over and turned on the small recorder which lay concealed in his pocket. Not bad, he thought, not bad at all. The honey blonde was even more beautiful than her high school picture. Her bright blue eyes were large and expressive, her...
Georgia Jones and Sofi Ryan, two friends, are catching up after life kept them apart awhile. Georgia reveals that she doesn’t only want to catch up with Sofi but pick her brain a little, too. Georgia is a writer who is stuck on a chapter and in need of Sofi’s life experience to get her past this writer’s block. You see, Sofi is a masseuse and it just so happens that the chapter Georgia’s stuck on involves characters getting a massage! Sofi is more than happy to help as...
xmoviesforyouErin and I stayed with the happy family for about an hour. Alexandria's girls, especially Ariel, seemed to take to me quite readily. I was somewhat surprised as Ariel crawled up onto my lap and got comfortable. Alexandria noticed and I could feel how happy she was with her girls accepting me. I was a touch nervous though, and rightfully so as Ariel looked up, "Are you going to be our Daddy?" I was struck dumb and must have looked it too. Erin giggled as did Lori. Alexandria turned a bit...
We had given Jerome three days to think it over, and make a plan. Jerrod finished out the week just to keep an eye on Jerome. I continued to stand by outside the project, just because it was no inconvenience. I could crank up the truck and run it an hour to charge my power pack. Other wise sitting in one place was no different than sitting another. Presumably during the days Jerrod slept while I banged around my housing development. In those three days two of the remodels were finished. Our...
Dave's self control slowly began to return. At first he was afraid he might have hurt the beautiful woman with his maniacal fucking, but her caresses soon put him at ease. He nipped her soft neck. He kissed her ears. His tongue slid smoothly into her open lips. Their tongues mingled and danced. Her breasts pressed firmly into his muscular chest. He hadn't gone fully soft before their after sex enjoyment was bringing his cock back to life. He gently hunched his cock into her pussy. Vicki...
During my senior year in college, I was working quite a bit to establish myself in my career, so I found myself increasingly opting for evening rather than afternoon classes (only Freshmen are dumb enough to take morning classes...) My college is located in a major metropolitan area, so in addition to traditional students, there were also quite a few mid-career students, so a bit older than your average college student. So there I was on a Wednesday night, sitting in a class room with about...
MILFI had been called into work on a Saturday to assist Rebecca (Bec) with the deployment of some new software into the live environment. We had been working together on the software for months, and our relationship had always been very professional. We joked together but there was nothing more personal between us. You can imagine my surprise on the Saturday morning when I found her very casually dressed - a mid thigh length colourful skirt with a loose fitting white top. Under the top was the...
I didn’t go in to EFC on Wednesday because it was my day to work in my own office. I did, however, intend to investigate what my search spiders had found overnight. Unfortunately, Andi was unable to get together for more than a pleasant good morning kiss before she left for class. She said she was scheduled to go back to the University for interviews in the afternoon and that she had a committee meeting this evening. She’d be bringing Cali home about ten if I wanted to stop by for a cup of...
Dom In Training "This champagne is nice. Expensive? "Krystahl usually is. It's an indulgence and glad you like it." Sandra coylysmiled to her friend Gloria and clinked her half-filled flute of bubbly withher friend's. "But then I've saved my greatest 'indulgence' for last…"Gloriaand the other two young women giggled bemusedly at the titillating comment.Jackie, the youngest of the guests, finished her glass and sat erect on hersection of the wraparound sofa. "Is it a New Pair of Shoes," the...
My roommate Leslie is a real slut. I knew that when she brought a guy back to our room the first night in the dorm. I had to camp out in the lounge with the Scrabble geeks while she got pounded in our room. The next morning the whole room smelled of sex. I even found a pool of dried cum and pussy juice on my dresser. Luckily she's got a really hot body and a gorgeous face, and is hard to stay angry at - especially when she gives you one of her broad, shining smiles. I think she could easily...
She’d been emailing him for years, the first love of her life. She had entrusted her mind, body and soul to be his wife after their love at first sight. Ana was now 25 years old and she waited on him for 9 years. Nine of the longest most troubling years she had ever had to encounter for she was a Medical Student. Just imagine how many years of school she had to go through plus internship to get her certification. Joey on the other hand miles and miles away from Dear Ana was pursuing his dream...
Introduction: 13 and 14 Y.O come out and have fun Its was a nice cold winter day. My friend Cameron and I were going to a retreat at with my church. We were pretty good friends. We started out as friends of friends but we grew closer. At the time, I knew I was gay, but I could never find anyone else. Cameron was my dream, he was so hot. He was 13 and I was 14 . We both had a Birthday in march so we were just slightly over a year apart. He was about 5 foot 2 and was very slender. He had...
The Worst Mistake By: Seymour B. I am, or used to be a straight 30 year old man up until a year ago. Since I was a teenager I had always been curious about being dominated by a beautiful Mistress and forced to perform acts and serve her completely. About a year ago I made an effort to make my fantasies come true. I had been chatting online with Mistress Ashley who belonged to fantasy/fetish group that was looking for submissive males to use in their club. After a series of...
The Ahlissan Chronicles ~ Book I ~ The Midnight Maiden Chapter 11: Making Plans Two weeks had passed since Lord Brion’s contest of honor against Lord Zogrev Yarol, who had left the week prior to return to his home in the County of Urnst. Yarol had left early in the morning with his two squires and another warrior under the cover of darkness. Brion’s leg was healing quite well and he had allowed Eryca and Karolyn to apply an herbal mixture under the bandage that promoted healing. Actually,...
I've enjoyed hiking for many years and that’s nothing unusual in any way. What some find unusual is that I like nude (Free-Hiking) hiking. Hiking nude, for me, is a great way to enjoy nature and at times it can be a bit exciting as well. I usually hike solo so I can envelop myself in the quiet, solitude and tranquility nature provides. On rare occasions I have hiked with a partner and for the most part I’ve remained clothed during these outings. This is about a time when I had a partner...
Hello indian sex stories dot net friends, main yeh story hindi mein likh raha hu ki jyada se jyada log isey padh sakey. Aap logo ko clear karna chahunga ki yeh story ek fiction hai. So, yeh kahani hai shalini naam ki lady ki jo ki ek 45 yrs ki hain, lookwise bahut fair & perfect figure of 36 28 36. Woh apne aap ko fit rakhne ke liye gym & yoga karti hai. Uski do ladki hain jo ki bangalore mein higher studies karti hain & husband job ke silsile se abroad aate jaate rehta hai. Professionally woh...
I'll never forget the first time I've been involved in a threesome. To be honest, I was a bit iffy of the notion of fucking with two people instead of one, but this time was way different. Unexpected, too.One a rather lazy day, one of my closest buddies gave me a ring. I answered my phone and greeted him in my usual friendly manner. He sounded really excited as he told me that his girl was horny as hell, and I've seen her horny before. She's a really kinky girl, as well as loving, caring,...
I drank and chatted with folks and I ended up speaking to a woman named Lisa. She told me that she was 28 and her husband Steve was 30 and they were there that night for her to pick up and fuck a stranger in front of Steve. Lisa was small and her breasts although small were very pert and she looked very sexy. Lisa was about 5'5, Black hair to her shoulders and she had a sexy tight little ass. I whispered in her ear "I have a big cock and I'm a stranger!" Lisa laughed and said, "Yes you...
I was devastated. After months of legal wrangling and hope…well, hope anyway, it was finally over. Jocelyn had been adamant that the marriage was over and her lawyers had finally won the day. The papers lay scattered at my feet as sobs wracked my body. I stumbled through to my bedroom and collapsed on my bed and cried the pent up tears of the last three years. I was about to fall asleep when my telephone rang. I took a deep breath to steady myself a little and answered. “Hello.”“Hi Mark, It’s...
IncestWe woke up with the doorbell ringing and someone knocking. Steph went downstairs to check and it was her girlfriends. Mom and dad had gone to work and we were tired because we worked late. Steph called up to me and told me to come down, no need to dress.When I came downstairs both Terece and Lexie gave me a hug and a tug on my cock and said hello. We had some news to tell them and they couldn't wait to tell us something, they went first. They told us that they figured that they were more...
Chapter 4 We had five days left when Justin dropped the next bombshell. He outlined his plans for the next five years. I was to go straight to Thailand where my new home would be situated. I would work and live there. I would be located in the brothel of a notorious local madam. Justin was the joint owner of the brothel and ladyboy bar. I would be on very low income and would have no access to funds. My work would be whatever the madam wanted me to do and that was unlikely to be...
Stephanie woke on the floor and slowly began to rise. She turned her head to look at the clock, which read 11:23pm. “Shit…..” she muttered as she slowly picked herself up off the floor. Once on her feet she yelped as she felt a familiar stir between her legs. “About time you woke up, haha. Did you have sweet dreams?” Her pussy taunted. “Oh god….no no no no no”, this can’t be happening to me. I mean, I must be going crazy. You… can’t be alive I mean it’s impossible. It doesn’t...
Anne met Will and Mary's plane. Waiting for the bags, Anne clung to Will, kissing him and hugging. When they got home, Mary started the round of hugs with the others, Anne took Will upstairs. At supper, Sigrid said, "Should we call them, Mary?" "No, Sigrid, let's make up a tray. I'll take it up." Alex went with her, knocked on the door and opened it. Mary went in with the tray. Will and Anne were lying in the bed, spent but joined. Anne's face shone with joy. Mary set the tray on a...
Hand in hand, they walked down the isle, past the altar, and towards the back where there was a confession booth waiting to be occupied. The girl’s legs were wobbly from her powerful orgasm, and she could feel moisture still collecting and sliding down her inner thighs as she followed behind her Master. Sir pulled the red velvet curtain of the confessional to the side and plopped down on the wooden seat before pulling her in quickly. ‘Close the curtain, girl,’ he whispered. His hands moved...
There were two different reasons that he begged my mom for me to stay the night, one coming from him and the other from me. The whole real reason Mike wanted me to stay the night was because he never had a brother and plus he had a couple of new video games which he was overly excited about them and he wanted me to play with him. Now the reason I wanted to stay the night was totally different from his reason, my reasons came with long blond hair and edible bodies, his sisters, Mandy...
Keith obety finally reached his 18th birthday and was required to report to his local milking center for sperm donation and testing. His mom drove him and dropped him off at the front door, once inside he noticed the waiting room filled with several young 18 year old looking guys like himself and a few a little older, after signing in at the front desk he was told to wait. Watching fellow boy after boy being called back by a male or female nurse, some of the older looking guys had larger bulges...
Fetish"Hey syxx come on in." Syxx walked in "can i talk to you guys?" Syxx said with a concerned look. "What wrong syxx?" Goddess perstina said looking up from her book. "It's about bella she's still mad at me and it's been practically 3 months i don't get it. Why is she still mad at me ??? "" well maybe she's mad at you cause she's the last one who hasn't had her turn. "Anut said sitting on the counter. "I think there's a bit more to this goddess anut." Sera said sitting down...
‘Bobby, there’s a phone call for you!’ his mother called, waking him up the next morning. He sat up and stretched, trying to force the lethargy of sleep out of his mind. ‘I’m up, I’ll get it, Mom,’ he called. He got out of bed, stumbled out to the hallway, and picked up the phone. ‘Hello?’ he mumbled. ‘Bobby?’ The sound of Paula’s voice chased away what little sleepiness remained in the young man’s mind. ‘Did I wake you up?’ ‘Ah, yeah,’ he replied. ‘But that’s OK, I need to get up anyhow.’ ...
Denise Parrish walked down the lane that went from her family’s cottage and led to Silver Lake. Every school year, the young woman looked forward to spending her summer here. It was a refuge for Denise, a place of calm and tranquility and beauty. Even now, the foliage and the gentle breezes were wafting the stresses of the past year away. Her family had owned the cottage ever since Denise could remember, even though ‘cottage’ was no longer an apropos term for the place. Denise’s parents had...
Bill had decided to have another wedding since his first to Fleur had gone so badly with the Death Eaters attacking and ruining the function. So here he was. If only he could find his bride now. Night was falling and he was practically itching to take his wife to bed..but where in Merlin was she? He looked around to find his beautiful redhead sister Ginny sitting nearby in one of the wedding tents talking with Hermione Granger and walked towards them. His sister had grown into quite the...
“If you need anything else be sure to call up”, my father said. “We will go for quite a long time now, maybe about a month and a half. I know you can take care of yourself as you have done before but just in case don’t ever be shy about asking for help.” He said as he was at the door leaving with my mother for another business trip. He kept talking a bit longer about being responsible and keeping good care of the house but I wasn’t listening properly. The moment he had mentioned leaving the...
The Unfortunate Life of Carla (part 2) (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc are in effect. I really advise anyone under 21 not to read my stories. It takes a certain degree of maturity to enjoy my writings without recriminations. Don't write a review if you don't like the theme of the story. That's just childish. But criticism is always good and helps me.) Carla Enters (Carla with a feminine sway walks out of her room. Her dress flows...
The weather was too awful to go anywhere other than the hotel next door to the restaurant. We’d been together twice before. Once, a casual drink finished off by her sucking my cock and drinking my cum in the parking lot. She knew just how to throat a cock in her fifty year old mouth and loved making my younger manhood spurt generously down her throat. My hard finger fuck served as her reward as she soaked the leather seat of my car. The second, her riding me in the back seat of my car while...
Toys‘Hi,’ I said as Kev walked towards me. Do we kiss? Do we hug? Were a few of the questions I asked myself. Stood at the train station after travelling 300 miles to meet an ex secretly, made me question my intentions. ‘Hi,’ Kev smiled back, coming in for a hug. I’ll leave him to lead I thought. You see Kev and I go back years. We’ve had an amazing relationship/friendship and regularly talk. Even though we are both in new relationships there is something about him that I just can’t let go....
"Ah, he's shy," She explained to the others, "just how many women have you been physically intimate with?" I clear my throat and blush furiously "4" I mumble and avoid eye contact with the three goddesses whilst remembering that my last physical intimate moment had being licking and cleaning the pink arse hole of a woman sat at my table not more than a couple of hours ago. Sarah piped up at this point: "Arrrrrr, a real old fashioned gent by the sounds of it." "Well this has been...
My name is Mat, I have been help prisoner in some guys old bomb hanger he bought off ebay. I was riding my bike one day and next thing I knew I am here. I am not along I have a younger boy next to me that I can talk too. He is missing both his legs up to his torso and also both of his arms. Guess what? he had to eat most of it to stay alive and me too. I was brought here to help feed him (Billy) and for this mad scientist who claims to be a doctor works on a serum that will makes...
Today’s update is a meeting of two bodies, combining in perfect unity where the world’s Ying & Yang are in harmony. It’s a meeting were orgasms and squirting abundantly flows and inhabitations run wild. It’s where 18 year old far East hottie Asia Oakley meets resident Western stud Jake Adams in an all out passionately intense fucking of a life time and the world can now rejoice. Ok that’s quite the buildup, but this is a hot scene. So once we pick Asia up from...
xmoviesforyouHe knew that she was blue. The lack of expression on her face and in her actions was only a small part of the overall picture. The dejected slope of her shoulders as she sat demurely with her hands in her lap and her head slightly bowed completed the vision of a very sad person. The dozen long stemmed roses that he had brought to her lay forgotten on the table nearby. He removed his coat and kneeled on the floor in front of her. ‘I’m sorry, I know you were right. I never should have left in a...
Hello, my name is Tim. I am a 30 year-old married man. I have been married for five years to my wife Danielle. She is an absolute beauty of a woman. I remember when we were married, I felt like I was the luckiest man in the world. Since I am no hunk myself, standing at just five foot six and extremely lanky, I felt like I didn’t deserve such a nice, gorgeous wonderful woman. Let me describe my wife to you. Danielle is five foot seven, fair with blonde hair. Her bright blue eyes and charming...
She MalesWinter was very cold at New York; then my loving wife asked me if we could have a quick escapade to some place at the Caribbean.I thought Ana getting out on a sunny beach would be good for her.Then I knew my sensual wife would have the chance of being well used by some local black men there. The thought excited me…The trip to Tobago was right in time; with very nice weather. We got to a nice resort; where our room overlooked the ocean. Tourists were sun tanning on the beach or the hotel pool....
Hey everyone! This is Rahul here, a professional escort based in Delhi and catering my services to all the lovely ladies out there. I have been providing my services in a wide variety of manner to a plethora of clients separated by desires, fetishes and longings, emotional and/or physical. My clients include a distinguished list of professional and elite girls/women from a wide genre of age unified by either an burning crave, passion or emotion or a casual encounter. Before I bask into the...
Knocked Out - My SONIA ====================== (email [email protected] - Please send comments!!) OK I know the story line is a bit of a dream but wouldn't it be amazing if something like this did happen ...... Today was like any other day to a compulsive cross dresser apart from .... It was evening and I was walking along the footpath with my heels clicking on the paving slabs. I had my long blonde wig on and my makeup was sufficient to let me pass as a woman...
It was a warm summer day in mid-July just after my seventeenth birthday. My parents had gone away to Disneyworld in Orlando, Florida for the twins' birthday, which was in four days time. They were to spend a week there, during which I had decided to stay at home because they were only going to Disneyland and not big theme parks which I enjoy, so I wouldn't have much fun going with them. My parents and siblings departed for the airport and 4:15 that morning to get their plane which was in five...
MasturbationIntroduction: Just getting started, and we try our best to write them so all can enjoy! This is our first story, some of them are real, some things weve talked about doing, and others that we just thought sounded like fun but would never do. Not trying to win any essay writing contests, so if there are spelling or grammar mistakes please, just go with it! My wife Kara and I have been married for 6 years. We love to hang out and party at different clubs, and sometimes if were lucky, well pick up...
A few hours later I woke up in the dark. Mom was sleeping on her side, her body leaning against mine. Instinctively I placed a hand on her hip and started caressing her tender skin. It was enough to get me another hard-on. I inserted a leg between hers and pushed my rod against her pussy. A quick thrust was enough to insert the whole knob into her crevice. At that moment Mom woke and immediately understood what was going on. With a wiggle of her crotch she worked my dick all the way inside...