ROBY CU DRAG free porn video

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Am 31 de ani si sunt destul de impacata cu ideea ca nu sunt o persoana cu prea mare succes. Nu sunt cea mai frumosa femeie am 175cm, aproximativ 73 kg, saten, sau ceea ce a mai ramas din parul meu era saten, oricum arat asa cum se spune ca ar trebui sa arate o femeie.....putin mai bine ca dracu.
Mai mult decat atat, datorita aspectului meu deosebit, era normal faptul ca nu avusesem prea multe relatii si nu am nici la vremea asta. Casa in care locuiesc, are foarte multe lipsuri, mai ales ca nu am nici macar unde sa fac un dus, deoarece locuiesc intr-un bloc debransat de la caldura si apa datorita restantierilor. La serviciu parca este putin mai bine, deoarece fac ceea ce imi place si chiar daca ma prinde frecvent ora 22-23 la birou inca, nu ma deranjeaza foarte tare, pentru ca acolo am posibilitatea sa fac un dus inainte de a pleca acasa si imi place faptul ca sunt ultima care pleca de la serviciu ca sa nu trebuiasca sa dau explicatii de ce trebuie sa ma spal in fiecare seara acolo.
Intr-o seara am m-a prins ora 23.45 la serviciu si cand am vrut sa plec spre casa mi-am dat seama ca trebuie sa chem un taxi deoarece nu mai aveam cum sa prind ultimul metrou, pentru a ajunge acasa. Am format numarul de la o firma de taxi si am fost anuntat ca in 7 minute trebuia sa fiu in fata cladirii. Am coborat si asteptam taxiul nerabdatoare sa merg spre casa, pentru ca imi era putin cam foame si ma simteam destul de obosita. Ma gandeam ca era bine ca imi facusem dus inainte sa chem taxiul ca imi trecuse cat de cat oboseala pe care o simteam si ca asa puteam sa evit sa adorm in taxi.
Exact la 7 minute de cand sunasem la firma de taxi, am zarit pe alee ca se indrepta spre mine o masina galbena si eram recunos**toare ca nu intarziase, deoarece, desi era vara, se lasase destul de racoare afara si imi era putin frig.
- Buna seara, am spus cand am urcat in masina.
- Buna seara, sunteti doamna monica, nu ?
- Da, am spus eu si i-am indicat adresa la care vroiam sa ajung.
- Vreti sa faceti o impresie frumoasa sotului dumneavoastra de v-ati parfumat si aranjat la 4 ace, m-a intrebat taximetristul, in timp ce pornea masina.
- Nu am pe cine sa impresionez, si in cateva cuvinte i-am povestit ca nu aveam pe nimeni si ca ma indreptam spre casa dupa o zi destul de obositoare.
- Poate este mai bine ca nu aveti pe nimeni, ca eu sunt casatorit, dar de 6 luni de cand s-a nascut baietelul meu nu m-am mai intalnit cu sotia prin pat.
- Nu cred ca e o problema pentru dumneavostra sa gasiti pe cineva in locul sotiei pentru ca aratati destul de bine ( era un barbat cam la 38-40 de ani, brunet, inalt dupa cum imi dadeam seama, cu trasaturi masculine foarte bine definite, cu ochii verzi, buze groase, un barbat chiar frumos si emana destul de multa siguranta de sine si virilitate), si cum aveti aceasta meserie cred ca intalniti destul de multe fete care sa va ajute cat timp nu va intalniti cu sotia in pat.
- Nu e chiar asa, ca ceea ce as gasi sunt experte care vor bani si nu imi permit sa dau bani pentru o partida de sex in loc sa cumpar pampersi pentru copil.
A urmat apoi o discutie despre ce fel de oameni intalneste in taxi, ce fel de comportament au, si in general banalitati. La un moment dat fara sa ma gandesc prea mult, l-am intrebat daca vreo clienta sau i-a spus ca vrea sa-i faca sex oral.
- De ce ma intrebati asta, aveti ceva in gand...mi-a spus zambindu-mi.
Abia atunci am realizat de ce imi zambea si i-am spus :
- Nu am nimic in gand, facadu-ma rosie ca racul la fata.
- Pacat ! Oricum,din pacate, nimeni nu mi-a propus asta.
- Si doar nu va gandeati ca v-as propune eu asta ! Oricum nu am mai facut nimic cu un barbat de mult si mai ales nu cred ca as face ceva cu cineva al carui nume nici macar nu il cunosc.
- Eu sunt ROBY, si imi puteti spune pe nume.
- Ok, am raspuns.
- Sa stiti ca nici eu nu am facut nimic cu o femeie, dar ma gandeam ca eu nu am mai facut nimic cu sotia mea demult, dumneavoastra ati zis ca nu aveti pe nimeni, si cred ca nici dumneavoastra nu ati avut parte de actiune de ceva vreme, stiu.....poate ca reuseam sa ne consolam unul pe celalalt.
- Daca as fi aratat ceva ma bine, mai tinerica, mai feminina poate ca ma gandeam ca vorbiti serios, dar asa sunt destul de linistita si vad ca sunteti foarte glumet, am spus ma excitasem putin.
- Nu glumesc deloc. Ma gandeam ca pur si simplu ne-am face un bine unul altuia.
- Eu vreau sa cred totusi ca glumiti.
Atunci, mi-am dat seama ca nu glumeste, mi-a luat mana stanga si mi-a pus-o pe pula lui intarita la maxim dupa cum se simtea prin materialul subtire de la pantalonii de stofa ce ai purta.
- Cum va permiteti sa imi luati mana sa vi-o puneti pe penis, am zis destul de irascibila, desi in loc sa imi retrag mana eu il stangeam de pula.
- Vad ca nu iti displace Monica, pentru ca desi zici ca nu vrei, mana ta te tradeaza si simt si in tine dorinta de a ne simti bine unul cu celalalt.
Zicand acestea, a virat la stanga si a intrat pe o alee micuta si complet neluminata. Ajunsi acolo, desi eu imi retrasesem mana de pe pula lui, el si-a scos-o din pantaloni si mi-a spus :
- Te rog frumos Moni, macar sa ma masturbezi putin ca ma dor rau coaiele la cat de statut sunt si voi face si eu acelasi lucru pentru tine.
- Mi-e rusine sa fac asta, am spus, nici macar nu te cunosc.
- E mai bine asa, ne masturbam, te duc acasa si nu ne mai vedem niciodata.
- I-am pus mana pe pula, si el in timpul asta mi-a scos si mie sanii de sub bluza si ii freca usor. Ma simteam bine si imi placea sa i-o ating si sa simt la randu-mi atingerea lui pe sanii mei excitati si umflati.
- Ai pula foarte mare si foarte groasa, am spus.
- Nu e chiar asa mare....cred ca are cam 20 de cm, dar este putin cam grosuta.
- E mare in comparatie cu ce aventuri am mai avut , si nu am mai vazut alta pula asa mare,groasa si vanoasa decat a ta.
- As da orice sa mi-o atingi cu buzele, care sunt asa carnoase si senzuale, mi-a spus.
Eram foarte excitata si incepusem sa simt o dorinta nebuna de a lua acea pula mare intre buze, asa ca am lasat rusinea la o parte si m-am aplecat spre pula lui, am intredeschis putin buzele si am inceput sa-i iau usor pula in gura. La inceput m-a lasat sa i-o pup si sa o ling usor in ritmul meu, apoi cand o simteam din ce in ce mai groasa si mai vanoasa a inceput sa ma roage sa deschid gura mai mult sa mi-o bage ceva mai adanc in gura. Desi am deschis gura cat de mult am putut nu cred ca-i intra ceva mai mult de jumatate, mai ales ca era si putin curbata.
El a inceput sa pompeze la inceput usor pula in gura mea, apoi din ce in ce mai repede. Ma uitam spre el si il vedeam zambind si mi se parea chiar fericit, iar mie incepea din ce in ce mai mult sa-i sug pula si sa simt ca il satisfac. Am inceput sa-l ling si la coaie, sa le sug pe rand, sa alternez sa sug cand pula, cand coaiele.
-Ahhhhhhh,Monica mi place foarte mult cum imi sugi pula, imi zicea si pompa din ce in ce mai repede. La un moment dat am simtit ca mi-a trecut de omusor si ca imi venea sa vomit, dar el in loc sa mi-o scoata din gura, mi-a tinut-o asa in gat spunandu-mi ca trebuie sa stau putin asa ca sa ma obisnuiesc. Apoi mi-o infigea din ce in ce mai mult intre buze, si de cateva ori am reusit sa-i ating coaiele cu buzele, ceea ce insemna ca reusisem sa ingit toata acea pula imensa,asa cum o vedeam eu.
Incepuse sa mareasca foarte tare ritmul si alterna, scotand-o din cand in cand si lovindu-ma cu ea peste buze, peste limba, peste fata spunandu-mi:
- Este asa de bine, nimeni nu m-a supt cu asa daruire vreodata. Imi place asa mult ca as vrea sa facem asta tot timpul.
La un moment dat mi-a spus ca-i vine sa termine, si pentru ca a observat ca prea vroiam sa-i iau pula in gura a ejaculat in gura mea.
- Iti multumesc Monica, mi-a spus si a inceput sa ma frece si pe mine
-La un moment dat, am vazut cum se apleaca inspre pizda mea, imi da chilotii jos imi desface picioarele larg si dupa ce ma impinge la loc pe scaun se apropie cu gura de coapsele mele si scoate limba. Inainte sa-i simt fierbinteala limbii, m-a trecut un fior de placere pe care nu l-am mai simtit nici macar cind ma futeam cu prietenul meu, la care trebuie sa recunosc ca am tinut enorm de mult. Avea un fel special al lui in care ma futea. Cred ca as putea spune ca futea cu tandrete, iar chestia asta imi placea deosebit de mult, probabil acesta era motivul pentru care ii duceam dorul. De fapt i-am dus, pentru ca in momentul in care am simtit limba lui Roby intrindu-mi intre buzele pizdei, picioarele au inceput sa-mi tremure de placere si am uitat de orice si oricine.
-Ahhhh ce pizda buna ai moni,mmmm te vreau in feicare zi .Pizda mi se umflase, ma umezisem toata, iar zgomotul de gura lui care molfaia intre picioare ma inebunea pur si simplu
Simteam ca inebunesc de placere cind imi vorbea cu buzele lipite de pizda,incep sai simt respiratia pe clitorismul meu,facea cerculete in jurul clitorisului meu,tremuram din toate inchieieturile,respiratia mea devenea din ce in ce mai puternica.
-Ma simtea stia ca sunt aproape de orgasm,si imi infinge doua degete de o data in pizda si unul in cur,tresar,si incep sa respir din ce in ce mai greu. Ma futea cu doua degete in pizda si unul in curu meu ud si excitatat,un dute vino rapid. Nu mai rezist mult si am primul orgasm, un orgasm destul de puternic
- Se ridica si prin saruturi imi ajunge la guritza mea si ma saruta pasional,imi simteam gustul pe buzele lui.
-Ne privim putin extenuati unul la celalat,fericiti si rusinati pe alta parte si ai spun cu parere de rau:
-Roby, poti sa ma duci cat mai repede acasa, am spus destul de uimita dupa ceea ce se intamplase.
- Vreau sa iti ofer un pahar de suc si sa ne imprietenim, pentru ca ceea ce ai facut tu pentru mine a fost fantastic si simt nevoia sa iti multumesc cumva.
- Mi-e destul de rusine.
- Nu are de ce sa iti fie, deoarece am simtit aceeasi dorinta in tine ca si a mea, si mi-a placut foarte mult. Nici macar o profesionista nu a reusit sa mi-o suga mai bine ca tine si vreau sa devenim prieteni si sa ne simtim asa bine de fiecare data cand avem ocazia.
Chiar daca eram rusinata, imi placuse sa-i sug pula si am mers sa bem o cafea si un suc, dupa care m-a dus acasa. Bineinteles ca nu m-a lasat sa-i platesc cursa si am stabilit ca in ziua urmatoare sa ma astepte iar cand ieseam de la serviciu sa ma aduca acasa.....dar asta poate va face subiectul unei alte povestiri.


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The Way of the Dragon

This story is a Fan-Fiction saddled in the Whateley Academy Universe created by Maggie Finson and other Authors. Please notice that English isn't my native language and I'm still working on my grammar. First of all I want to thank the Canon Authors for their incredible inspiring tales as well as my editors and collaborative Authors Nuuan & Shadowsblades check out their stories if you have time for it. Thanks also for reading this little introduction, I hope you have fun...

2 years ago
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SRU Paper Dragon

SRU: Paper Dragon By Kim West I wish to thank Bill Hart for creating the SRU Universe and allowing others to have a chance to play in it. The story I have come up with is loosely based on "Puff the Magic Dragon." I hope you will enjoy the following. There once was a little rascal by the name of Jack Paper who loved to destroy everything in his path. His bedroom looked like a cyclone had hit it, and this would be only moments after his mother had cleaned it for him. His toys usually...

2 years ago
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Book 1 Milady and the DragonChapter 8 The Dragon

Virlane stood outside his lair, he spread his wings and stretched, his neck arching, he flexed his talons and sighed with pleasure, he turned to watch Trink heading down the mountain path muttering about donkeys and his most treasured assets. Virlane entered his lair, prowling around, looking, touching, smelling, it was all there, just as he had left it, not that there had been any doubt, Dragons are just rather possessive about their hoards. He went into his study, touching his books that...

3 years ago
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Highacre Dragon Breeders 4 Melodys Dragon

Introduction: Part 4 of the Highacre Dragon Breeders Saga Highacre Dragon Breeders part 4 – Mimis dragon Mimi sat quietly on her bed. She had received a package that morning from her parents. The box was plain, wrapped in brown packaging paper and secured with brown twine. Her parents sent her one of these packages each month, normally they were made up of her favourite chocolate and new clothes but something felt different about this box, it was slightly heavier than the last she had...

2 years ago
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Bad Dragon

Oh, you already know what it is, it’s Bad Dragon, and I’m about to pop off. These things have been taking over the market like it’s nobody’s business, and I am not surprised. Bad Dragon, as a company, has changed the shape of the ideal male penis. That’s how fucking influential they’ve become. It is now out of style to have a regularly shaped penis. You have to sport a dragon cock, or else you don’t get the pussy. I have a gigantic penis, so naturally, none of the women I’ve ever fucked have...

Online Sex Toys Shops
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Taming the Dragon

When I masturbate, I imagine that my penis is a dragon.If my penis were a dragon, he would be deep reddish-gold and bigger than a horse. He’d have two strong legs and two bat wings with a span even longer than he is. He’d have scaly pointed fox ears, whiskers, long sharp teeth, and eyes that you’d better not look into.Most of the time, the dragon sleeps, curled up in a ball like a cat. Or he wakes, stretches, yawns, and goes back to sleep.But at night he wakes up, and I can feel him in my chest...

4 years ago
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The Dragon

We were close to the cave; you could see a thin trail of smoke fluttering out of its entrance; the air warming the closer we got. My ears detected some mix of a growl and a purr emanating from the cave as well that sent a strong tingle fluttering down my spine making my muscles clench; I knew I was being watched. “Send him in…” the deep voice rumbled; more tingles and not just in my spine… They took off my chains and got me just out of site into the darkness; and left me for dead. Or so...

3 years ago
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Steven George the DragonHow to Slay a Dragon

BY THE FIRST LIGHT OF DAWN, Steven was up with his bedroll packed and his staff in his hand. Jasper arose sleepily and slowly. “Do we have to leave already?” he said plaintively. “It’s hardly morning.” “You don’t have to leave, my friend,” said Steven, “but I want to be on the road and searching for the dragon.” “Can you wait while I get ready?” Jasper asked. Reluctantly, Steven agreed, but couldn’t help pacing back and forth in impatience. 103,320. 103,321. Steven had added three hundred...

4 years ago
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Norman the Dragon

Note: This is part of a larger work featuring a Dragon called Norman. The land (the Kingdom) where he lives is not found on modern maps, and the stories are as passed down by the great story-tellers of history. It was/is written purely for fun. And yes, it is English English. If you are looking for a story loaded with sexual encounters, look elsewhere. Those who stay the course may find a little gentle amusement. Positive comments are welcome. © Handley_Page, 2011. From the annals of ‘Norman...

3 years ago
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Tooth of a Dragon

Edited by Bird Dog Everyone said dragons did not exist, but my family had a story of a dragon. It told of how two dragons had fought and one had died. Of course, everyone laughed at us when we told the story. I guess we could have told them where the cave the dragon died was, but that was our family secret. I was fourteen and wanted to be a soldier or knight. Besides our farm, we had no money to pay for armor or weapons. I thought of the dragon story, and considered selling scales or a claw....

3 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 97 How to Fuck Your Dragon

Author’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-96”. *** Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… I live in a quiet...

4 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 97 How to Fuck Your Dragon

Introduction: A quick and kinky supernatural bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read...

2 years ago
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Bad Dragon

Reddit Bad Dragon, aka r/BadDragon! Every time I think that I know everything, someone, somewhere, finds another way to fuck me up and make me lose all faith in humanity. You'll see what I mean by that at the end of this review if you stick around. Generally, weird fetishes are everywhere, but that's not what we're discussing today. I can't reveal everything, because that would make the review boring. But, I will give you all a little hint. It amazes me is what kind of shit people can fit up...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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From Butterflies To Dragons

Some say every person is like a coin. There is always another side to them. But let me tell you friends, a person is more than a coin. He/she is a multi-faceted dice. A dice which rolls on its own and shows what it wants to depending on the person it shows to and the situation it is in. And I, yours truly, am no different. So world, this is Vanita Hiral and this is my sex story. This is my side which no one knows other than me and I am putting it out in the world for all to know. Born in a...

4 years ago
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Master PC Mind MagiChapter 17 Den of Dragons

I approached the warehouse, not sure what the security of the place was like. There was little outside lighting so there might have been no cameras. Then again, they might have used infra-red equipment to put would-be intruders like me at ease. I wasn't at ease. I could feel my heart pounding, my muscles flexing and the surrounding area slowing down. I was ready for a fight. I didn't bother with the door Russ and Leland had used. If they were expecting me, and I was certain they were, I...

4 years ago
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Puff The Magic Dragon

Puff The Magic Dragon When I was fifteen, Mom and I moved into an apartment closer to where she worked. Mom was only thirty-two because she had gotten pregnant at sixteen and had me when she was seventeen. She was a good-looking woman and she was an exotic dancer at an upscale club just a block away. Her stage name was Bambi. The lady that lived upstairs from us was also an exotic dancer, named Puff Dragon. She worked at a place Mom always called sleazy and said that she would never...

3 years ago
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The wizard and his dragon

The wizard and his dragon The old wizard lived alone with his dragon. The dragon was his best friend. The wizard would spend hours watching his crystal ball, the fair maiden that appeared in it fascinated him, for she was the fairest in all the land. He knew of her by Lady Louise of Berkshire , a name they called her as she walked through the village and the wood. She flirted with the male population, and brought smiles to all their faces. The wizard could only hope to meet her some day, to...

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The wizard and his dragon

The wizard and his dragon The old wizard lived alone with his dragon. The dragon was his best friend. The wizard would spend hours watching his crystal ball, the fair maiden that appeared in it fascinated him, for she was the fairest in all the land. He knew of her by Lady Louise of Berkshire , a name they called her as she walked through the village and the wood. She flirted with the male population, and brought smiles to all their faces. The wizard could only hope to meet her some day, to...

Love Stories
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Going for the Juggler7 Dragon

It was three days' ride north, always in sight of the narrowing chasm, before we reached the bridge to the other side. At this point, the chasm narrowed to only a hundred feet, but the bridge that spanned it didn't seem solid enough to cross. I wondered, in fact, how they'd managed to construct it. "The Brothers Cho got tired of sending their goods around the chasm," Chang said. "It's nearly a hundred miles north to where the chasm ends in the mountains. Going south, the land...

3 years ago
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Day Of The Dragon

Day of the dragon CHAPTER 1 Dragons are monster that are born of the darkness of the earth. I have seen a dragon in my life. only one though. It was 5 years ago. I was 16 then. Back then, I was a little immature, and a little strange. Back then, my parents had died. I was depressed for a while. I remember that i used to lock myself in my room, and be alone. Besides my parents dying, my BF had left me. That PO'd me. I remember i literaly beat the crap out of him. That made me feel happy. Well,...

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Riding a Dragon

There are many types of airships but a Dragon is one of the deadliest. I became a pilot for one and was sent to war. There is nothing like the feel of speeding just above the trees or making a strike. A side mission on the way back to base earns me a surprising gift. Of course the first taste of combat for my navigator was all he could take. Now it was time we took the fight to the enemy. I was ahead of my class in school and graduated early. That got me a shot to be a pilot. They had a single...

5 years ago
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Steven George the DragonHere Stn George met his Dragon

IN THE EARLY LIGHT of the morning, Steven George rose from the arms of his lover and faced the mountain. The wind had sprung up in the night and tugged at his hat. He took it from his head. A sheepskin, duck feathers, a snakeskin, a chicken bone, and two talismans. It was ridiculous. What could he have been thinking to make such fantastical stories about this hat? Something else had changed as well. Steven George no longer wished to slay a dragon. Still, the path lay directly before him, up...

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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5Chapter 9 Red Dragon

The Holdian Commander sat across from me and watched Rock Hound working the controls of a Tabtil Tosser trying to win a game against the Takkian. Goal of the game was to maneuver a Tabtil that was a tetrahedron shaped object with different colored sides, inside the opponent’s colored holes, while tossing blockers with remote controlled catapults, to prevent the opponent doing the same to you. Almost every recreation room outfitted by the Navy had at least one of these boxy contraptions,...

2 years ago
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Whore of the Dragon

There, amongst the remnants of the dead race, where their greatest queen reigned, two dragons lie dormant. One of pure evil, one of pure good, both yearning for a vessel, both lusting for a mate... She may be adequate for that purpose, our forlorn child... We shall see. "Silence, fools. We are close to the inner sanctum." The two mercenaries exchanged a annoyed look before continuing their path and Lunnara pretended not to notice. That's the thing about mercenaries, she thought, You can...

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A Song of Lust and Desire Chapter X The One In Which Arya Meets A Dragon

Arya Stark was on one of her dancing master's lessons, chasing the black cat through the Red Keep. She was passing grumbling guards, surprised servants, and other gossiping nobles on her frantic mission. The youngest Stark girl's hair was bound back with a tie and she wasn't dressed like the noble young lady she was. Instead she had on her martial training outfit of a loose-fitting brown shirt that covered her swelling breasts while her skinny legs were protected by baggy pants. The last...

5 years ago
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Curse of the dragon

Chapter 1: Dragon unveiledThe sharp sound of the alarm clock speared through Olivia's ears as she woke up. Her eyes were broad open but her body was still exhausted from the work that drained her through the week."It is Friday finally, just one more day!” Olivia tried to encourage herself, in an attempt to put some life in her complaining calves and back.The morning sun rays slowly seeped through glass panes and the warm sunlight bathed her over her body, after skidding on the morning dews. She...

Oral Sex
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Heart of the Dragon

Sometimes traveling for work can be tedious. I am happy that I don't travel often, and usually the customer is waiting on me when I arrive. A couple of weeks ago, I traveled to Syracuse, New York, to assist with the start-up of a new machine. We had made a significant change to the hydraulic system and it could not be fully tested on our assembly floor. I needed to make and monitor a small programming change, so I expected to spend only four hours on site. After I arrived, I learned that my...

Wife Lovers
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The Mother of Dragons

The "Mother" of Dragons. Disclaimer: A song of Ice and Fire, its characters and locations belong to George R.R. Martin. The Game of Thrones TV show belongs to HBO. SPOILER ALERT! It was almost 20 years ago. It was in a cold night with storm. The night Daenerys Targaryen was born. Her mother, Rhaella Targaryen, died after giving birth to Dany. But there was a secret in Daenerys Targaryen's birth. Rhaella was in great pain, but she knew that she could stand it. She already had...

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