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The martial arts are arts

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Meditation ✓ Hollywood

Geniuses everywhere from Europe to East Asia seem to have deposited part of that knowledge right in the infrastructures of conflict (such as the martial arts), and then moved to balance this by developing culture to a high pitch . Unsurprisingly, genocidal tyrant Mao Zedong attempted to wipe out all knowledge of the martial arts in his campaign to exterminate all aspects of traditional culture, which might impede his efforts to enslave all the people of China under his totalitarian cult of personality. For example, kyudo is Japanese ritual archery, in which the archer moves through a very formal and precise set of eight steps in raising, aiming and firing the bow.

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This post is based on David B. Kopels Self-Defense in Asian Religions, [2 Liberty Law Review 79 (2007)].In a recent speech Meryl Streep announced that without Hollywood, youll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts. Although Streep won a well-deserved award for an outstanding acting career, the award did not confer authority to define what are the arts. The martial arts are called martial arts because they are generally recognized to be arts, even though they are not the particular arts at which Streep and Hollywood excel. Anti-martial hauteur was well-known to the ancient Taoists:In the space of one generation, the cultural and the martial may shift in relative significance, insofar as there are times when each is useful. Nowadays, however, martialists repudiate culture and the cultured repudiate the martial. Adherents of cultural and martial arts reject each other, not knowing their functions according to the time. [Thomas Cleary, The Taoist Classics (vol. 1, 2003), p. 314]Watching the martial arts, including mixed martial arts, can be entertaining, as Sonny Bunch pointed out in a recent Post article. More importantly, the martial arts, when properly followed, foster good character and transcendence of selfishness—virtues that Hollywood often congratulate itself for promoting via the cinematic arts.According to tradition, the martial arts were founded around 520 A.D. by Bodhidharma, a great Buddha who brought Zen Buddhism from India to China. During the journey to China, Bodhidharma was carrying valuable documents, and learned of the dangers to travelers posed by robbers. He meditated, and experienced a revelation that he should study a****ls. So he began to do so, and from the study, eventually developed the 18 movements of Lo Han.At the Shao-lin Temple in China, Bodhidharma saw that many monks fell asleep during meditation. He felt compassionate pity for the monks whose bodies were wasting away through purely mental meditation exercises. So Bodhidharma decided to teach the bodies and minds of the monks. He invented Kung Fu (or Chuan Fa), a form of boxing used for systematic exercise.There was another benefit to the Bodhidharmas martial arts: because the monks had undertaken vows not to use weapons, gangs of soldiers or ex-soldiers would often rob the monks who traveled outside their monastery. After learning the unarmed combat techniques of martial arts, the monks could journey safely, and so they traveled around China, Okinawa and Japan, disseminating the martial arts. The ideal martial artist was a Scholar Warrior, a person whose mind and body were well-trained and well-integrated.For practical self-defense, the martial arts have been especially important to people who are persecuted by the government. For example, when China was ruled by the Mongols, the arms prohibition on the subjugated Chinese was so severe that only 1 out of 10 families was allowed a carving knife. The martial arts have also been important for cultural defense. As Thomas Cleary described the period of the Ming Dynasty in China:It would seem that one of the concerns of the time, therefore, was the deposit of knowledge that would allow humankind to survive in the future. Geniuses everywhere from Europe to East Asia seem to have deposited part of that knowledge right in the infrastructures of conflict (such as the martial arts), and then moved to balance this by developing culture to a high pitch . . . . This whole process itself illustrates a principle of the I Ching, whereby waxing and waning balance each other. [Thomas Cleary, Classics of Buddhism and Zen (vol. 5, 2002), p. 97]For example, when Japan conquered Okinawa in 1609 and disarmed the people, Okinawans practiced martial arts as a means of preserving their cultural identity. Unsurprisingly, genocidal tyrant Mao Zedong attempted to wipe out all knowledge of the martial arts in his campaign to exterminate all aspects of traditional culture, which might impede his efforts to enslave all the people of China under his totalitarian cult of personality.Sometimes, the martial arts have been studied and applied in a morally degenerate fashion, as in 20th century Japan under the military dictatorship. More often, however, the arts have been used to build good character and self-control—including as a meditation practice. One advantage of moving meditation is that it is easier for the teacher to monitor the students progress. In sitting meditation, as long as the student maintains the correct posture, the teacher cannot see if the student is falling into error or bad habits. With moving meditation, the students physical actions help the teacher discern if the student is able to maintain calm and to overcome fear. The Zen master Hakuin (1685-1768) concluded that:The advantage in accomplishing true meditation lies distinctly in favor of the warrior class … mounted on a sturdy horse, the warrior can ride forth to face an uncountable horde of enemies as though he were riding into a place empty of people. The valiant, undaunted expression on his face reflects his practice of the peerless, true, uninterrupted meditation sitting. Meditating in this way, the warrior can accomplish in one month what it takes the monk a year to do.There is a certain amount of technique that a martial arts master can impart by direct instruction. Yet much of the learning must come through self-discovery by the student. Masters speak of a special transmission beyond instruction. The student studies ji, the techniques of the particular martial art. True mastery, though, comes from ri, the ineffable truths of the universe.For example, kyudo is Japanese ritual archery, in which the archer moves through a very formal and precise set of eight steps in raising, aiming and firing the bow. The first level of kyudo is called toteki (the arrow hits the target). The archer is concentrating on the technique of shooting accurately. He is more concerned with hitting the center of the target than with his form. In the first level, the target is seen as a goal.At the second level, kanteki (the arrow pierces the target), the archers body moves with beautiful symmetry. His breath control helps unify his mind, body and spirit, so that his shooting is smooth and extremely powerful. True kanteki is much more than a technique that can be taught. In kanteki, the target is seen as an opponent.Finally, the martial artist progresses to zaiteki (the arrow exists in the target). The target is no longer a goal or an opponent; the target is a true reflection of the archer. The archer aims to purify his thoughts and his actions, knowing that pure shooting will flow from a pure mind and body. Now, there is no distance between man and target, man and man, and man and the universe—all are in perfect harmony. [Hideharu Onuma, Kyydo: The Essence and Practice of Japanese Archery (1993)]One of the essential goals of spiritual growth through the martial arts is to forget oneself. The Zen Buddhist sword master Takuan explained that:The mind must always be in the state of flowing … When the swordsman stands against his opponent, he is not to think of the opponent, nor of himself, nor of his enemys sword movements. He just stands there with his sword which, forgetful of all technique, is ready only to follow the dictates of the u*********s. The man has effaced himself as the wielder of the sword. When he strikes, it is not the man but the sword in the hand of the u*********s that strikes. [Quoted in Joe Hyams, Zen in the Martial Arts (1982), p. 84.]The martial artist must learn not to focus on one part of the opponents body. Narrow focus creates blind spots that lead to the artist to receiving blows. As the martial artist learns in combat to adopt a wider perspective, so should he learn in all the rest of his life to see more completely. He should transcend the visual limit that ostensibly separates mind from body, or self from universe. He is no longer located in a particular sequence of time, but instead lives in the eternal present: In sports, time exists. In the martial arts there is only the present. [Taisen Deshimaru, The Zen Way to the Martial Arts (1982), p.23]Like psychotherapy, martial arts training may allow the student to experience a previously unknown state of self-awareness, and the awareness can lead to terrifying experiences of shame or guilt. The existential crisis might be analogized to what St. John of the Cross called the dark night of the soul. At the crisis point, some students will turn away, while others will confront their true selves.The martial arts are superficially a form of training to fight external foes. But the true martial artist must combat the enemy within—and if he is to prevail, he must fight without greed, ignorance or hatred. If he wins, then his internal demons can be harnessed into service of the good. Defeating self-deception is not a once-and-for-all battle. After one form of self-deception is defeated, a more sophisticated and insidious form may replace it. The psychological and spiritual struggle does not take place while a passive subject is lying on a psychother****ts couch, paying for advice. The inner combat is experienced through physical combat:Chuan Fa used the wordless strategy of direct interpersonal encounter to teach the words of personal self-encounter. It uses the words of personal self-encountering to understand the wordless doctrine of interpersonal encounter. Ultimately it sought to encounter the infinity known as perfect and complete Enlightenment. [Shifu Nagaboshi Tomio, The Boddhisativa Warriors (1994), p. 279]The whole energy (ki) of the universe flows through the martial artist at a single point in his body. By staying centered on this one point, the mind and body of the artist are united with the universe and can experience its infinite energy and freedom. Kyudo master Hideharu Onuma was asked by some students how they should practice after they returned to the United States, and he could no longer instruct them. He replied, Your practice should always center around these six elements: truth, goodness, beauty, balance, humility, and perseverance. [Onuma, p. 150]Some martial arts teachers in the United States specialize in empowering women and in integrating feminist values into the spiritual instruction. Some female participants report that the martial arts have liberated them from the notion that women must always be victims, that women are incapable of resisting successfully. The principle applies to physical attacks, and in more abstract social settings. Said one woman: If every woman in the world could defend herself, it would change the world; patriarchy would crumble … Physical empowerment for women is critical from the start; then women wouldnt be as intimidated psychologically by men. [Shirely Castlenuovo & Sharon R. Guthrie, Feminism and the Female Body: Liberating the Amazon Within (1998), pp. 67-90]Vernon Kitabu Turner was a weak and bookish American black c***d in the racist South. He was a descendant of Nat Turner, a mystic who in 1831 led the largest slave revolt in American history. Bullies would often attack him when he sat under a tree reading. When he was nine years old, in 1964, he heard about the Kitty Genovese murder. It was reported by the New York Times that in Queens, New York, a young woman was stalked, attacked repeatedly and stabbed to death outside an apartment building over the course of half an hour. Thirty-eight people allegedly heard her scream, but none of them did anything. Meditating on Psalm 144 (Blessed be the Lord, my strength, who teaches my hands to make war, and my fingers to fight.), Turner asked God to teach him to fight, to learn how to protect people. Turner promised that he would never abuse the knowledge. He took up the martial arts and eventually became an American Zen master.In church, Turner remembered, the congregants heard and believed the story of David and Goliath. Yet they refused to apply the story to their own lives. They could not believe that, with Gods help, they could bring down Goliath. Turner explains that the person who truly understands Zen will say, I will do no harm to others. I will not be a person who is aggressive and violent. But neither will I sit here and watch someone be destroyed when I know I should reach out and offer a helping hand. [Vernon Kitabu Turner, Soul Sword: The Way and Mind of a Zen Warrior (2000)]Not every person who studies the martial arts does so for the purpose of moral self-improvement and community service, just as not everyone in Hollywood works for the noble purposes for which Streep congratulated herself and her peers. Like many Hollywood filmmakers, some mixed martial arts fighters simply provide violent entertainment. Yet when practiced at the highest level, the arts are paths to self-transcendence, and the paths are equally available to practitioners of the cinematic arts and the martial arts. One step towards a better America is greater empathy and tolerance among the people of a diverse nation. The people who cheered Streeps remarks about empathy will, I hope, respect their fellow citizens who study the martial arts.

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A man named Rakesh came to his hut after working in city for 2 years. He was the first one to come of the group who had gone to earn a fortune to city. He was the only bachelor and so he had come to marry. He also brought with him all the gadgetry new to the people of village. He was really looking forward to his stay in village. The fire of his coming spread far into the village. The wives of all those who had gone with came to know about their husbands. Totally three others had...

4 years ago
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Age is just a number

I was sitting on the two seater sofa with a naked young Cindy on my lap stroking my rigid cock, I was watching Anne wearing nothing but suspender belt and stockings and a pair of six inch high heels dancing with Cindy's husband Stuart, who was wearing nothing other than a grin.We had met the two of them through adult friend finder at our first attempt at Internet matchmaking, we had to admit at being surprised at their interest as they were just 19 and 20 and had been married for a whole of six...

4 years ago
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Black Mariah

It had taken me months to find the place, but from the first time I walked in, I knew it was what I was looking for--a little bar off the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway. My little Audi looked a little out of place in the parking lot among the pick-up trucks, second-hand vans, and mud-spattered SUVs, but not inordinately so. I parked it in one corner of the lot, actually up on grass, where a half-dozen other cars that might qualify as "luxury" clustered together, as if for protection from the...

3 years ago
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A Match for the el Maiens Ch 07

Please leave comments for me. Thank you! (Diolch.) ***** The seabirds cried above, Vadya sniffed the salt tang of the air and felt a stiff breeze in his hair. It was a cloudy day with occasional sudden shafts of sunlight making the choppy waves in the estuary sparkle. There were flags hanging out on Vadya’s caravel and the sailors raised a huzza! as his boat went by, he waved his hat to them and they waved spontaneously back. He saw his father on the quay, a broad greying soldier with a...

2 years ago
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A dream of mine

This is a story and at the same time a dream of mine, that i would love if probably not enjoy quite much.I have arranged a meeting with a single man, on a specific location, on which, i am to appear at a specific time.Arriving at the place, a house wirh a garage suitable for two large cars, i enter the garage as told, and the door at the back of it.The garage contains only one car, an expensive one for that matter, passing nervously, awaiting the meeting planned ahead.It leads to stairs going...

1 year ago
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Making John a submissive mess

My brother, huh....what can I say?! He started as the uncertain, eager to please husband and Annette, well she has reduced him to a pathetic mess. I told John that Annette was a bitch and would use him. The question now, when he came desperate to me for advice, was how to help him live that way. John and I, we were born just a year apart. My brother is coming up 40 and I am 39. He married Annette when he was thirty and I told him then that he was a fool. Annette was a spoilt, arrogant, selfish,...

2 years ago
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MyDirtyMaid Gia Vendetti Big Booty Maid Works For Cash

Another week, another maid. Gia Vendetti is a college girl trying to earn some extra cash and I simply made her an offer she couldn’t refuse. Her leggings are so tight I could see her plump ass and when I saw Gia bend over I knew I wanted more. I persuaded her to take off her pants and then the rest. Her body was so enticing I couldn’t help but start jerking off and once she saw it didn’t take too much convincing. She sucked my cock like her tuition was due, and then...

3 years ago
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Chudakkad Housewife Aur Uski Padosi Saheli 8211 Part 2

Hi all my dear friends and fans of indian sex stories dot net , me Snehal ek bar fir hazir hu next part k sath, thanks to all my fans jinhone meri story pasand ki or muje feedback and massage bhi diya, kuch logo ne to mujse mail par baat bhi ki and apne suggestions bhi diye, sure fans me aap logo k feedback n suggestions ko dhyan me rakh kar aage badhugi, shukriya aap logo k pyaar k liye, dosto ek request hai aap logo se pls koi mera personal no. na mange coz aaplog jante ho k ek house wife k...

4 years ago
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Overwatch Sluts on Tape

"Muah!" Widowmaker blew a kiss into the camera and watched the red recording light turn off. The shoot was done, and so was she, at least for the rest of the day. Another job well done. She was the best at what she did. "Great work Amelie," the producer, Frank, said. He liked to pretend that no one could see the raging hard-on under his sweatpants, but no one was stupid enough to believe that he wasn't leering after all of his talent. They just knew better than to question him. "Your check will...

3 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 1 IntroductionsChapter 11

The next few months were occupied with unremitting feverish activity, as we got settled in at our new barracks and started on a new regime of training. 3RGJ had been upgraded to armoured infantry, and was being equipped with Warrior Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC). The Warrior carried 7 men and a crew of 3 —- driver, gunner, and a commander —- all members of the 10 man section that I commanded as corporal. Courses for drivers, gunners and commanders were held at Warminster. I was on one of...

2 years ago
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Shower with daddy

Like just about every other teenager, I had never listened to my parent's warnings about doing things the "right way." I went about doing everything my way, and eventually suffered the consequences. I had been involved with sports, and I spent the summers doing manual labor to work on my body and all. As a result I ended up with a bad back at a young age.I am sure that there are many who can relate and I have some serious periods of low back pain that make it difficult to stand up straight or...

3 years ago
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A Rough First Night

The following is a true account of a friends one night stand. It was on a Saturday that I met up with a girl from a dating site. Shecame off as intelligent, well educated, a shy bluestocking--traits that mypast experience associate with a bit of a freak. It's not just thatthey're the ones you don't suspect, but they're the ones whose minds andimaginations were stimulated by elaborate narratives while the moreconventional girls their age were chasing boys and having mediocre juvenilesex. ...

5 years ago
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His Dominating Master Part I

James was bored. The teenager was about 5'7", slim build, with unruly brown hair cut short around his head, which seemed to help his green eyes sparkle out from his face. While active, and athletically inclined, the teen, much to his parents' dismay, was not interested in the usual pursuit of sports by boys his age. It was just in the last couple of years he had changed, soon after getting his driver's license. Now he spent most of his time avoiding his peers and taking long drives. He...

3 years ago
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My CoWorker Farzana Kusar

Hi! Friends, Crazy Sandy is back with another great adventure. I am looking for some great friends please do write me a mail with your responses and it will help me write better stories. Here it goes….. I would like to tell you about my true story. It involves my co-worker and friend Farzana Kusar. But first a little back ground to my story. Farzana is a good looking girl. Definitely not one you would refuse admission to your bed. Farzana and I have known each other for several years. But only...

4 years ago
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Brahmin Herding is Dangerous Work

I beat his draw and I shot him Shot him six times just as fast as the bullets could fly My gun is empty or more I would shoot him Now there are others just like him that want me to die Their bullets are coming my way, how they hurt when they hit me The pain makes me fall to the ground. She smiled to herself as she wiped the sweat from her brow before tilting her wide-brimmed straw cowboy hat down to shield her green eyes from the sun. Their ranch hadn’t seen any trouble in some time, but...

4 years ago
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Pimping myself out for my cousins friends Part one

Introduction: Sex for money. Just for fun. It was a rather uneventful Sunday afternoon, around 3pm. I was really bored and had nothing to do since my boyfriend had to go to work. Some emergency that apparently only he could handle. So that put a damper on our plans of going out tonight. Mom suggested that we go over to visit her sister. I agreed to go along since I did not have anything better to do. When we got there mom and her sister sat down and started talking. They can go on and on...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 90 Strip Poker

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

2 years ago
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CHAPTER 5This night wasn’t over. This night was going to be another step for us. And, my body was ready; my body was overly ready.I remained standing between the chairs of the two men, enjoying their hands on my body, and regretting that Dori was sitting on the couch. The couch would be a good place for them to sit with me and make this more comfortable, more inviting for all of us. Even as this thought went through my brain, though, their hands slowed on me. They didn’t stop, however. Each...

2 years ago
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A New PastChapter 22 Lifes Interludes

“Hey, are you coming up, or not?” Jeryl yelled from upstairs. I was trying to finish an assignment in my office. It was the Thanksgiving break, and we had decided to get away from school and spend the time with our family in the Deer Valley house. “I’m almost done. I just have this last problem to finish up.” I heard her feet on the stairs. A minute later she entered the office dressed in ski pants and her gray Diamond Skin top. She moved behind me and rubbed my shoulders as I tried to get...

4 years ago
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Shagging My Partners Milf Boss

We hadn't fucked for a few weeks so i messaged her and she said we could meet up before she started work.She let me in through the backdoor to her shop and i was immediately turned on as she was wearing the full business womans outfit.Long sleeved white shirt,Suit,Skirt(Which was much longer than what she normally wore)and high-heeled shoes.I wanted to fuck her there and then,fortunately she obviously felt the same.She dragged me in to the back alley-way and pushing me against the wall grabbed...

1 year ago
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Post Amateur Dramatics

Even though she’s married, Viv was always going to be promiscuous and Ted her husband knew that from the start, but he loved that. Soon after they got married she told me he liked to watch her with other men, I was more than shocked about that at the time; of course now I know it’s a common desire for lots of men. Of course at the time I had no idea that after my sister, Viv was my own husband’s most frequent fuck buddy. At school Viv was in the drama club, mostly Shakespeare and more at...

2 years ago
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PetuniaChapter 4

The next week was agony for Alex. All night Thursday and all day Friday and Friday evening she had practiced the moves she had learned. Over and over, stopping only to frig herself off, which was happening with increasing frequency. It was harder for her to make herself come, too, as if she was building up a tolerance to the feelings. She was still horny as Hell, her nipples and clit sticking out even in sleep. It amused her, sort of, but it was distracting. Still, she worked hard. For...

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Jan pays her husbands debt

Jan was looking forward to tonight. Earlier that morning her husband Rick had given her a key card to a suite at a five star hotel and said he'd meet her there after he got off work. "Wear something sexy," he said. She definitely would. Jan was an obedient wife. Plus, she liked the idea of a spontaneous and naughty adventure. Since Jan was a housewife and well taken care of by Rick, she spent all day getting dolled up. She went to the spa to exfoliate her skin and make it nice and soft. She...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable Love From My Dusky Housemaid

Hi readers, I am here to narrate my best experience of at my ancestral home. Before jumping to the story, I will give you a brief introduction about myself. I am Prashant, in the age group of mid-thirties with a height of 6 feet and well-built body structure. I am married for last 6 years and still having extreme sex urge within me. This incident happens with me three years back at my ancestral house which is located in a village near Mangalore. This house located in a remote area of the...

2 years ago
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Tempted TouristChapter 6

Club 33 was so dimly lit that Jill, who was beginning to feel the effects of the considerable amount of alcohol she'd consumed already that night, stumbled and fell to her knees on the plush-carpeted stairs of the entryway. Erik Mortensen helped the blushing young redhead to her feet, allowing his hand to rest a little longer than necessary on her smooth- skinned upper arm. Jesus Christ, she felt so soft and warm there--how much better her full breasts and flaring hips would feel! As the...

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Sow and ReapChapter 45 The Binds that Tie

After we discussed Hianko's birthright with Mokuba and - via speakerphone - Noah, Anzu and I called my High School's Headmaster. I wanted him to be Headmaster of the new academy. "I do more good helping students that are not smarter than me." He laughed. "I fear a whole building full of students like you would be more than I could manage." He did agree to assist Anzu in establishing the school's charter and in finding faculty. After that, I wound up going to the office for a few...

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The Strap and the Cane for Lucy

Chapter 1With the other pupils making their way towards the dining room, Lucy scurried across the polished well-worn floorboards of the entrance hall, her head down hoping against hope that she wouldn’t be noticed. Having almost reached the seclusion of the corridor leading to the Headmaster’s study, Lucy’s hopes were somewhat thwarted as a familiar voice called out to her “You off to see Mainwaring, Lucy?” Using her soft, shoulder length brown hair as a partial shield for her face, Lucy...

3 years ago
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A Friendly Blowjob

A Friendly BlowjobI banged on the door. "Yo, Chris! Are you in there? Stop jerkin' off! I need to borrow your printer!" I waited patiently for a few seconds. No response. I raised my hand to knock again when the door swung in, revealing Chris's exasperated face, his brown eyes glaring at me. I held up my flash drive. "I just need to print out my essay, is that okay?"He sighed. "Sure, come on. Make it quick.""What kind of a greeting is that?" I asked, as he shut the door behind me. "Is that any...

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