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The martial arts are arts

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Meditation ✓ Hollywood

Geniuses everywhere from Europe to East Asia seem to have deposited part of that knowledge right in the infrastructures of conflict (such as the martial arts), and then moved to balance this by developing culture to a high pitch . Unsurprisingly, genocidal tyrant Mao Zedong attempted to wipe out all knowledge of the martial arts in his campaign to exterminate all aspects of traditional culture, which might impede his efforts to enslave all the people of China under his totalitarian cult of personality. For example, kyudo is Japanese ritual archery, in which the archer moves through a very formal and precise set of eight steps in raising, aiming and firing the bow.

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This post is based on David B. Kopels Self-Defense in Asian Religions, [2 Liberty Law Review 79 (2007)].In a recent speech Meryl Streep announced that without Hollywood, youll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts. Although Streep won a well-deserved award for an outstanding acting career, the award did not confer authority to define what are the arts. The martial arts are called martial arts because they are generally recognized to be arts, even though they are not the particular arts at which Streep and Hollywood excel. Anti-martial hauteur was well-known to the ancient Taoists:In the space of one generation, the cultural and the martial may shift in relative significance, insofar as there are times when each is useful. Nowadays, however, martialists repudiate culture and the cultured repudiate the martial. Adherents of cultural and martial arts reject each other, not knowing their functions according to the time. [Thomas Cleary, The Taoist Classics (vol. 1, 2003), p. 314]Watching the martial arts, including mixed martial arts, can be entertaining, as Sonny Bunch pointed out in a recent Post article. More importantly, the martial arts, when properly followed, foster good character and transcendence of selfishness—virtues that Hollywood often congratulate itself for promoting via the cinematic arts.According to tradition, the martial arts were founded around 520 A.D. by Bodhidharma, a great Buddha who brought Zen Buddhism from India to China. During the journey to China, Bodhidharma was carrying valuable documents, and learned of the dangers to travelers posed by robbers. He meditated, and experienced a revelation that he should study a****ls. So he began to do so, and from the study, eventually developed the 18 movements of Lo Han.At the Shao-lin Temple in China, Bodhidharma saw that many monks fell asleep during meditation. He felt compassionate pity for the monks whose bodies were wasting away through purely mental meditation exercises. So Bodhidharma decided to teach the bodies and minds of the monks. He invented Kung Fu (or Chuan Fa), a form of boxing used for systematic exercise.There was another benefit to the Bodhidharmas martial arts: because the monks had undertaken vows not to use weapons, gangs of soldiers or ex-soldiers would often rob the monks who traveled outside their monastery. After learning the unarmed combat techniques of martial arts, the monks could journey safely, and so they traveled around China, Okinawa and Japan, disseminating the martial arts. The ideal martial artist was a Scholar Warrior, a person whose mind and body were well-trained and well-integrated.For practical self-defense, the martial arts have been especially important to people who are persecuted by the government. For example, when China was ruled by the Mongols, the arms prohibition on the subjugated Chinese was so severe that only 1 out of 10 families was allowed a carving knife. The martial arts have also been important for cultural defense. As Thomas Cleary described the period of the Ming Dynasty in China:It would seem that one of the concerns of the time, therefore, was the deposit of knowledge that would allow humankind to survive in the future. Geniuses everywhere from Europe to East Asia seem to have deposited part of that knowledge right in the infrastructures of conflict (such as the martial arts), and then moved to balance this by developing culture to a high pitch . . . . This whole process itself illustrates a principle of the I Ching, whereby waxing and waning balance each other. [Thomas Cleary, Classics of Buddhism and Zen (vol. 5, 2002), p. 97]For example, when Japan conquered Okinawa in 1609 and disarmed the people, Okinawans practiced martial arts as a means of preserving their cultural identity. Unsurprisingly, genocidal tyrant Mao Zedong attempted to wipe out all knowledge of the martial arts in his campaign to exterminate all aspects of traditional culture, which might impede his efforts to enslave all the people of China under his totalitarian cult of personality.Sometimes, the martial arts have been studied and applied in a morally degenerate fashion, as in 20th century Japan under the military dictatorship. More often, however, the arts have been used to build good character and self-control—including as a meditation practice. One advantage of moving meditation is that it is easier for the teacher to monitor the students progress. In sitting meditation, as long as the student maintains the correct posture, the teacher cannot see if the student is falling into error or bad habits. With moving meditation, the students physical actions help the teacher discern if the student is able to maintain calm and to overcome fear. The Zen master Hakuin (1685-1768) concluded that:The advantage in accomplishing true meditation lies distinctly in favor of the warrior class … mounted on a sturdy horse, the warrior can ride forth to face an uncountable horde of enemies as though he were riding into a place empty of people. The valiant, undaunted expression on his face reflects his practice of the peerless, true, uninterrupted meditation sitting. Meditating in this way, the warrior can accomplish in one month what it takes the monk a year to do.There is a certain amount of technique that a martial arts master can impart by direct instruction. Yet much of the learning must come through self-discovery by the student. Masters speak of a special transmission beyond instruction. The student studies ji, the techniques of the particular martial art. True mastery, though, comes from ri, the ineffable truths of the universe.For example, kyudo is Japanese ritual archery, in which the archer moves through a very formal and precise set of eight steps in raising, aiming and firing the bow. The first level of kyudo is called toteki (the arrow hits the target). The archer is concentrating on the technique of shooting accurately. He is more concerned with hitting the center of the target than with his form. In the first level, the target is seen as a goal.At the second level, kanteki (the arrow pierces the target), the archers body moves with beautiful symmetry. His breath control helps unify his mind, body and spirit, so that his shooting is smooth and extremely powerful. True kanteki is much more than a technique that can be taught. In kanteki, the target is seen as an opponent.Finally, the martial artist progresses to zaiteki (the arrow exists in the target). The target is no longer a goal or an opponent; the target is a true reflection of the archer. The archer aims to purify his thoughts and his actions, knowing that pure shooting will flow from a pure mind and body. Now, there is no distance between man and target, man and man, and man and the universe—all are in perfect harmony. [Hideharu Onuma, Kyydo: The Essence and Practice of Japanese Archery (1993)]One of the essential goals of spiritual growth through the martial arts is to forget oneself. The Zen Buddhist sword master Takuan explained that:The mind must always be in the state of flowing … When the swordsman stands against his opponent, he is not to think of the opponent, nor of himself, nor of his enemys sword movements. He just stands there with his sword which, forgetful of all technique, is ready only to follow the dictates of the u*********s. The man has effaced himself as the wielder of the sword. When he strikes, it is not the man but the sword in the hand of the u*********s that strikes. [Quoted in Joe Hyams, Zen in the Martial Arts (1982), p. 84.]The martial artist must learn not to focus on one part of the opponents body. Narrow focus creates blind spots that lead to the artist to receiving blows. As the martial artist learns in combat to adopt a wider perspective, so should he learn in all the rest of his life to see more completely. He should transcend the visual limit that ostensibly separates mind from body, or self from universe. He is no longer located in a particular sequence of time, but instead lives in the eternal present: In sports, time exists. In the martial arts there is only the present. [Taisen Deshimaru, The Zen Way to the Martial Arts (1982), p.23]Like psychotherapy, martial arts training may allow the student to experience a previously unknown state of self-awareness, and the awareness can lead to terrifying experiences of shame or guilt. The existential crisis might be analogized to what St. John of the Cross called the dark night of the soul. At the crisis point, some students will turn away, while others will confront their true selves.The martial arts are superficially a form of training to fight external foes. But the true martial artist must combat the enemy within—and if he is to prevail, he must fight without greed, ignorance or hatred. If he wins, then his internal demons can be harnessed into service of the good. Defeating self-deception is not a once-and-for-all battle. After one form of self-deception is defeated, a more sophisticated and insidious form may replace it. The psychological and spiritual struggle does not take place while a passive subject is lying on a psychother****ts couch, paying for advice. The inner combat is experienced through physical combat:Chuan Fa used the wordless strategy of direct interpersonal encounter to teach the words of personal self-encounter. It uses the words of personal self-encountering to understand the wordless doctrine of interpersonal encounter. Ultimately it sought to encounter the infinity known as perfect and complete Enlightenment. [Shifu Nagaboshi Tomio, The Boddhisativa Warriors (1994), p. 279]The whole energy (ki) of the universe flows through the martial artist at a single point in his body. By staying centered on this one point, the mind and body of the artist are united with the universe and can experience its infinite energy and freedom. Kyudo master Hideharu Onuma was asked by some students how they should practice after they returned to the United States, and he could no longer instruct them. He replied, Your practice should always center around these six elements: truth, goodness, beauty, balance, humility, and perseverance. [Onuma, p. 150]Some martial arts teachers in the United States specialize in empowering women and in integrating feminist values into the spiritual instruction. Some female participants report that the martial arts have liberated them from the notion that women must always be victims, that women are incapable of resisting successfully. The principle applies to physical attacks, and in more abstract social settings. Said one woman: If every woman in the world could defend herself, it would change the world; patriarchy would crumble … Physical empowerment for women is critical from the start; then women wouldnt be as intimidated psychologically by men. [Shirely Castlenuovo & Sharon R. Guthrie, Feminism and the Female Body: Liberating the Amazon Within (1998), pp. 67-90]Vernon Kitabu Turner was a weak and bookish American black c***d in the racist South. He was a descendant of Nat Turner, a mystic who in 1831 led the largest slave revolt in American history. Bullies would often attack him when he sat under a tree reading. When he was nine years old, in 1964, he heard about the Kitty Genovese murder. It was reported by the New York Times that in Queens, New York, a young woman was stalked, attacked repeatedly and stabbed to death outside an apartment building over the course of half an hour. Thirty-eight people allegedly heard her scream, but none of them did anything. Meditating on Psalm 144 (Blessed be the Lord, my strength, who teaches my hands to make war, and my fingers to fight.), Turner asked God to teach him to fight, to learn how to protect people. Turner promised that he would never abuse the knowledge. He took up the martial arts and eventually became an American Zen master.In church, Turner remembered, the congregants heard and believed the story of David and Goliath. Yet they refused to apply the story to their own lives. They could not believe that, with Gods help, they could bring down Goliath. Turner explains that the person who truly understands Zen will say, I will do no harm to others. I will not be a person who is aggressive and violent. But neither will I sit here and watch someone be destroyed when I know I should reach out and offer a helping hand. [Vernon Kitabu Turner, Soul Sword: The Way and Mind of a Zen Warrior (2000)]Not every person who studies the martial arts does so for the purpose of moral self-improvement and community service, just as not everyone in Hollywood works for the noble purposes for which Streep congratulated herself and her peers. Like many Hollywood filmmakers, some mixed martial arts fighters simply provide violent entertainment. Yet when practiced at the highest level, the arts are paths to self-transcendence, and the paths are equally available to practitioners of the cinematic arts and the martial arts. One step towards a better America is greater empathy and tolerance among the people of a diverse nation. The people who cheered Streeps remarks about empathy will, I hope, respect their fellow citizens who study the martial arts.

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Gf Ki Mausi Ko Satisfy Kiya 8211 Part II

Hi this is Rajveer frm Punjab.Age 24yrs Height 5’10”, well Muscular. ye kahani meri aur meri Girl Friend ki Mausi ki hai. Uska Naam Reena hai. wo ek divource lady hai uska talak uski shadi ke 3months baad hogeya tha becoz uska husband Smack ka peeta tha. Reena bhut jayada khubsurat hai..uska height 5’4″ age 26yrs, figure tu bas puchiye mat 34-26-36+ hoga.. Wo daily subah yoga aur sham ko gym jati hai…body colour bhut fair hai.. woh eh dress designer hone se khub bhi bhut hot hot dresses dalti...

1 year ago
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I like to think I'm your average working, family man. I have my own house, my own car, a very good paying job. Not to boast, but I make nearly four times of that of an average persons salary. So with this money, I like to try and make sure my family have the best things in life. Having two c***dren and a wife though, it's not easy. You could have all the money in the world and still they will find something that I can't give them. Let me introduce myself. My name is David Jones. I am a loving...

2 years ago
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She hooked me part one Blood Rush

It is a Friday night and you’ve come home from work and jump in the shower, thinking about the night ahead. You’re going to have a couple of drinks and pick up some hot girls, or fish as you like to call them, and take them home for a good night of wild passionate sex till the sun comes up. As your thinking about what you’re going to do tonight your body begins to get excited, but you want to keep it down for later. You step out of the shower and choose your clothes carefully. You shave and...

1 year ago
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Roberta and CousinsChapter 8

The next morning we were up and at the Barton house by 9. Doug and I had the porch completed by noon. By 5 PM, with all of us working, we had the rest of the house painted. Ma had been over and boxed up all the stuff to be moved out of the house. As we were getting ready to leave Michelle complained about her aching back. Sara said, "All right Michelle, we would be happy to have you in the hot tub tonight." Michelle blushed and stammered while the rest of us thought it was a great joke....

3 years ago
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Birthday Surprise 2

Just in case you forgot. For my wife Zoe’s 30th birthday, we were introduced to the kinky world of strap on sex by her naughty friend, Ivana. I have not been able to stop thinking about that incredible day. Where once I was so apprehensive, now I thirst to do it again. My wife doesn’t have the same feelings as me. Zoe would rather save it for special occasions so it will not lose it’s thrill. I must experience that pleasure soon or I’m going to go crazy. Luckily, for me, my 31st birthday is...

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FamilyHookups Natalie Knight Gets caught by her stepbrother buttering her muffin

Natalie Knight is fucking horny today. She’s minding her own business rubbing one out in the shower when her stepbrother walks right into the bathroom and sneaks a peek! She’s shocked and quickly tries to cover up. She sits him down to have a talk about privacy and how he can’t just walk into her bathroom, but she can tell that he liked what he saw and that got her a little “wet”. So rather than get mad, she decides to drop the towel and let him get a REAL look....

1 year ago
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Poker Night Part 3

Everything was black. I couldn't see a thing, but I heard everything. ""Obey! Suck cock! You are a sissy! Worship cock! Obey your master! Obey!" over and over again. Every time 'cock' was mentioned a giant one flashed before me. And every time 'master' was said I saw an image of Craig. I didn't know what was happening, but after a while I accepted it. I woke up dizzy, my mouth open and dry. Sweat covering my body. "What was that all about?" I thought. It was morning. I got out and made...

4 years ago
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Pradnya8217s Loses Her Innocense

Hi, my name’s Abhay and thanks ISS for publishing my sex stories. I’m an average guy, I’ve described myself earlier in my stories so I wouldn’t waste my time doing that now my current fiancé who was previously my girlfriend her name’s Anushka she’s a fair girl of 5 feet 6 inches in height, slim, having dimensions of 32,26,36. She’s a fun-loving & open-minded person though this happened when we finished our college both of us had got jobs we wanted to celebrate. My girlfriend Anushka was now...

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Dusty 2 The Next MissionChapter 13

Ricky found his way out of the ship. He stopped when he looked at the new compound. They had cleared a lot of land to his way of thinking. He liked the nice wide streets and the fact they had left clumps of trees for shade. He could see the pavilions, the rows of tents and the bustling people. He was shocked when he realised that a lot of them were teenagers. He then realised that a group of them were in one of the squares near the landing field. A tractor with a deep hoe was traversing the...

4 years ago
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PART - 27 HE, ME AND SHE (1) It was the next day, when I had a wonderful fucking experience on the open beach with my hubby. The time was afternoon. We had our lunch and I was in my room. I was thinking about Anju (former girlfriend of my husband, a unsatisfied married young lady, our neighbor) Readers may remember that once we all three, I, my husband ans she had a group sex before my marriage and this time, I wanted to do it again. For your information, I and Anju are always being in...

1 year ago
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It was Sunday morning and Don was very comprehensively reading the day's paper with it's weekly "Magazine" articles as well as the International, National, State and local news. Also, a feature of Sunday's paper was a roundup of local, community and club news. One particular local news item was that the local Walton families were planning a family reunion for about twelve months time, The same notice was put into the state's other two major newspapers and were asking that any...

2 years ago
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Sexy Erotic Nights With A German Dude Part 1

Hi Dear ISS friends, this is Anu from Bangalore. A short introduction to my readers. I am Anu (name changed) from Bangalore, I am working in a leading software company. I have a beautiful attractive figure having body stats of 34-32-36, my boob’s size is 34D. I have brown big nipples with a dark brown wide circle around them, and I have 36’ round big ass. I am fair in color and average slim in look, my height is 5’7” and weight is 57 kilos. All my friends from college days used to tell me you...

2 years ago
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Robins Loving Family Book 2Chapter 2 Party All Night

Cyndi had come back downstairs after checking in on Robin and found Jax and Samantha watching the dancers. When Jax spotted her he beckoned her over with a serious look on his face. “Where the fuck were you? I needed a refill!” he said, holding up his empty cup. “Oh, shit, I’m sorry, let me go get you another, I was just checking on Robin!” “I don’t give a crap. Samantha, you go get me a drink while I deal with this slut!’ Obviously a bit tipsy, or somewhat altered, Jax had reached for...

1 year ago
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The Story of Me

Well Hello There! Welcome to The Story of Me. This will be a short synopses from how I found right man and why I am one lucky girl. I have always been a thick girl from an early age and was never approached by the boys. In high school I decided to take up something most girls of that age usually don’t do…suck cock! Not only did it get the attention of some the boys, but I found out that I REALLY, REALLY loved it. Yup, and you know what! I was really good at it to. I did get some dates, but...

1 year ago
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My Crucifixion

Here I am, waiting... for the thing I have dreamed of and desired, and now am terrified of. It is too late, I don't need to pull on the chains to know I am committed, and my destiny is set.It had been a growing desire in me for a long time. One I didn't want to face as real at first, but instead toyed with as a fantasy. I was just the crazy goth chick with strange bondage fantasies.I really don't remember when my ultimate fantasy first formed. It was simply there... as the ultimate in...

1 year ago
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There was a time when you would go to a special bookstore to browse the erotic novels on the shelves. However, now it is a more modern age and you don’t need to do that at all. You can just go online to Novel Trove and find some of the sexiest stories online. This site is probably more for women than it is for men because most women prefer to read their porn versus watching it. So, here you will find an awesome collection of hot stories to read at night when you come home from work and want to...

Sex Stories Sites
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Rebel 1777Chapter 38 Paulina

Since I was in town I rode out to check on Sarah and Jean, the two girls we had rescued from the Hessians earlier that winter. They were living with a farm family that had lost two chidlren to the smallpox and seemed to have settled in right well. Neither had become pregnant as a result of their repeated rapes and both were happy to see me and insisted that I stay for supper to see how well they had learned to cook. I did and they had. Their sour apple pie was as good as any I ever...

2 years ago
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First time swap with couple friend

Hi to all Let me introduce to u all first. We are a married couple from a upper middle class family leaving happly all type of life, including sex. Me amit 36 n wife is amrita 34 We have a very good friend. Who are also married and are happy with their life. We will say them as sanjay n sunita. They too were of same age group Our friend and we almost got married at a same time of year back 10 years. Say after 12 years of marriage me n my friend got boared with normal sex life so we decided...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 40

Even before my head hit the pillow I realized how I'd miscalculated. Hoping Tammy was still awake, I tapped on her bedroom door, and waited to see if she'd answer. After a brief delay, I heard a tiny voice, "Yes?" "Hey," I said. "When we talked just now, I forgot to tell you one very important thing about our arrangement.' I could hear her take a deep breath through the closed door, and could imagine her telling herself that the other shoe was about to drop. "Ok," she whispered....

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Friends With Benefits

Hi readers, this is Max from Pune and any girls want to meet me can contact me at This is my first story in ISS and just a start to a long journey I guess. This story is about my first sexual experience happened when I was just 19 usually at this age boys start to look girls from a different angle about me, I am an average looking guy but a strong cock which I realized later at that time I was in Delhi and had a friend named Piya. We were very good friends and touching and hugging each other...

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Moms Best Friend

Mom’s Best Friend “You are joking. Please tell me you’re joking?” I doubted my mother understood the desperation in my voice, but I was disgusted and disappointed. How could she do this? “I’m not joking Chris.” My Mom was still calm, oblivious to reality as usual. “I told Megan to call you. She’ll be in town next week and I thought it would be wonderful if you could take her to dinner. It’s not like you have this busy social life and you can’t fit her in. You’re always telling me that you...

Straight Sex
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Adventures with Delicious DeeDee Pt2

Adventures with Delicious DeeDeePart 2You return to your car, placing the wooden box the receptionist on the passenger seat desperate to know what was inside, but also assuming it was a test as the box had no lock only a catch....you could just peek inside no-one would know, I would not know. You resist the temptation are start the short journey to the cabin, following the receptionist’s directions. Then your mind wonders about her, and the knowledge you did not think she should have, such as...

1 year ago
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Stacys Submission Chapter 1

Stacy sits in a small restaurant at lunch. The remains of her sandwich lie on a plate at the corner of her table. She stares at her laptop screen trying to improve her resume, yet again. Her work experience is pretty much blank. Ugh, I can't get two years of experience, if no one will hire someone without two years of experience! Stacy saves the document and tries to write out some of her assets, but her eyes are drawn across the restaurant. The waitress who usually works the day shift is here....

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Ladies LodgeChapter 8 Strenuous Exercise a Race and a Riding Crop

"Time to get that fat arse out of bed!" Gwendoline stood over Jim, her arms folded over her breasts and looking sternly down. "Time for an early morning half hour run followed by a twenty minute swim and then another half hour run - and mind you keep this up after we leave later today. You have two slices of toast, tea without milk and fruit juice for breakfast - no more fried breakfasts for you as long as we live together! I think a banana and a cheese sandwich should be fine for lunch -...

2 years ago
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My First And Only Sex Partner

When I was about 16 I was really shy. I had been operated on a leg and had to stay in bed for almost a whole year, losing contact with the outside world. During that time I just had started discovering my own body, when my brother’s girlfriend had brought me a book on sexual education with a lot of pictures in full color, that led to masturbation. Every time my aunt, who was taking care of me went to take a nap, I would just open the book and spanked my monkey. Right after I got better, my...

Straight Sex
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The video store

The Video StoreStore oneI checked my suitcase at the storage office of the railway station.'Are you leaving it all day?' asked the colleague from behind the counter.'No just a couple of hours' I replied handing him a ten dollar bill. Just long enough to get my cock sucked I thought. It had become quite a ritual. I would arrive in the city a few hours before my flight, store my baggage at the station and cruise the adult video stores for a couple of hours. There were no shortage of venues but I...

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The Mortal and the Magic WandChapter 2

TUESDAY Josh’s alarm blared, and he was woken instantly by the spell. Josh leaned over to turn the alarm off, and then realised his groin felt incredibly damp and sticky. He pulled the duvet, and realised that he’d not cleaned up all the cum the ghost blowjob had made him shoot, meaning there was quite a mess on both him and his sheets. Josh leaned over to pick up the wand off his bedside table, and waved it. “All this jizz will disappear,” he commanded, and it did, immediately. “That’s...

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The Pendant 1

Chapter One Bobby found the box at the bottom of the pond we swim in. He had to dive down several times to work it free but finally swam to shore with it. We (Mike, Jake, Bobby, and I) sat there looking at it. It was wood bound with iron straps and it looked old. The lid wouldn’t open and Jake picked up a rock and started pounding until the side caved in. I know it was dumb. It might have been valuable and there were better ways to open it. But we were teenagers and brute force...

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