Tempted TouristChapter 6 free porn video

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Club 33 was so dimly lit that Jill, who was beginning to feel the effects of the considerable amount of alcohol she'd consumed already that night, stumbled and fell to her knees on the plush-carpeted stairs of the entryway. Erik Mortensen helped the blushing young redhead to her feet, allowing his hand to rest a little longer than necessary on her smooth- skinned upper arm. Jesus Christ, she felt so soft and warm there--how much better her full breasts and flaring hips would feel!

As the handsome blonde's hand lingered on her sensitive flesh, the intoxicated redhead was thinking much the same thing. His pressuring hand felt so good that her clouded imagination immediately conjured up an obscene vision of his hands gently and sensuously caressing every inch of her naked flesh. Jill shivered, a lewd tingle traversing her slender body. Something told her that she was remembering rather than fantasizing. It must be those porno magazines, the auburn-haired young woman convinced herself, once again driving her obscene memories of the long-haired drug addict back down into her subconscious. I wash I'd never seen the awful things! And then, as Erik led her into the exotically decorated club, she thought no more of her body's unwelcome arousal.

The ground floor of Club 33 had been designed by a young Danish interior decorator who'd just returned from six months in Marrakesh, and anyone entering the room was immediately plunged into a sensuous Arabian Night's atmosphere. Club members, for this was a special "key club" which wealthy Danish hedonists, well-heeled foreigners, successful dope dealers, and various other hangers-on paid many kroner for the privilege of entering, lounged around the large candlelit room in various stages of stupefied collapse or amphetamine-accelerated exhilaration. At one end of the large, tapestry-walled room was a bar of sorts where a long-haired youth clad in a silver-embroidered Moroccan robe sat crosslegged upon a dais mixing drinks into smoky-blue mugs. The air was filled with the scent of incense and a pungent undertone of cigarette smoke which immediately made Jill feel quite overwhelmed by the sensuous, harem-like mood of the place.

The baffled yet undeniably excited young law student stared around her in stunned bewilderment, taking note first of the ceiling which was painted in a deep midnight-blue interspersed with bright stars. Then she focused her eyes on the far end of the long narrow room where a voluptuous young girl draped in a translucent garment adorned with silver serpents spitting fire was belly-dancing around an authentic-looking stuffed camel. Many brightly-colored pipes shaped much like the one she'd smoked last night at Dizzy's apartment hung from the camel's velvet shoulder bags, and the bewildered young redhead noticed that most of the guests were inhaling a sweet-smelling tobacco that she immediately recognized as hashish. The belly-dancer was undulating in time to the loud sounds of rather incongruous rock music blaring from speakers hidden in several enormous potted plants.

"Wow!" Mortensen exclaimed. "This is really wild! Last time I was here it was a South Sea island. Why don't you sit down while I get us something to drink and smoke."

Although a little voice inside her brain was calling out a warning, the wide-eyed young law student felt her hypnotized body following the tall Dane's instructions. Sinking to an unoccupied velvet couch, she turned her attention to the other people in the room. They were dressed in a variety of styles, exotic costumes, well-tailored suits, nondescript jeans, all of which gave the Moroccan decorations a touch of Mardi-Gras spirit. Jill shook her head, finding it very hard to adjust the past few days. And today had been perhaps the oddest of all, what with her lapsed memory, the magical Hans Christian Andersen atmosphere of Tivoli, and now this extraordinary Club 33. Nobody back home would ever believe her if she told them about this place; they thought they were being pretty wild when they smoked a little grass and drank a case of beer in someone's beachhouse. In fact, the twenty-two year old had a hard time believing that she was not dreaming herself!

"I hope you'll like this," Erik said, interrupting her reverie. "It's what everybody drinks here--tequila."

"Tequilla?" Jill queried. "It's Mexican, isn't it? I've heard of it, but I never tried it."

"You do it like this," the tall blond man explained, licking his hand and sprinkling a little salt on it, then tasting it. Next he took a bit of juice from one of the lemon slices on a dish in front of them, and finally swallowed a small amount of the clear tequila. He appeared to hold this mixture in his mouth for a few moments before swallowing, his nose wrinkling slightly as he did so.

"Wow, that's good stuff!" It's been awhile since I had any of that. Come on, Jill, you try it now!" He took her hand in his, lifting it to his lips and licking the back of her hand with his warm tongue and then scattering salt over it. The auburn-haired young woman gave a little gasp, surprised at the strong tremor that ran through her body at the touch of his moist wet tongue on her sensitive flesh.

"Now taste that, and then the lemon and tequila--but don't swallow yet," he instructed, smiling in excited anticipation as he thought of what the tequila coupled with a few pipes would do to this already slightly intoxicated American girl. "Okay, now swallow."

Jill followed his directions with a wry wrinkling of her pretty face. It didn't taste bad, just very, very sharp. Then, moments after the powerful alcohol entered her system, she began to feel its relaxing effect.

"It's very strange..." she said slowly. "I... I think I like it."

"You'll like this too!" the handsome Dane promised, lifting a red and gold enamel pipe from his pocket.

"Oh, I don't think so," Jill protested, her unpleasant memories of last night returning with a rush.

"You don't smoke?" Erik asked in the same incredulous was Dizzy's friends had done. "Why not?"

"Well... I feel so drunk already..." Jill hedged, not wanting to talk about her real reasons for fearing the mind-distorting drug.

"All the more reason why you should have a smoke," he declared. "The effects counteract each other--the alcohol deadens your perception, but the hash heightens it."

This explanation seemed too logical to argue against. After all, she was afraid she'd be really drunk if she finished the tequila... perhaps just one pipe wouldn't hurt. Last night she'd smoked too many to keep track of, and that was probably why she'd reacted so strongly. "Well, okay," she agreed.

Erik lighted the pipe, a happy grin on his handsome features, then passed it to Jill who inhaled deeply and managed not to cough.

I never used to be this way, the troubled redhead was thinking even as she drew the pungent smoke into her lungs. It seems that now anyone can talk me into doing things that I know are wrong. Why didn't I just go on home early like I told myself I would? Something's wrong with me...

Then her thoughts faded as the overload of intoxicants melted her brain into the same formless pulp of sensation she'd experienced last night. Tonight, due to the exotic overload of sensory stimuli in the Moracco-inspired clubroom, her reaction was even stronger. "I feel so strange..." she murmured to Erik. "Have some more tequila," he suggested helpfully, leaning very close to her and almost whispering into her ear. As he moved nearer, Jill felt the first obscene flames of desire flickering through her body.

Oh no... Oh Cod, no! It's happening again, and I don't think I can even move, the distressed young redhead thought to herself. Nevertheless, she did not try to pull away from Erik as he once again licked the back of her hand and sprinkled salt on it.

"I'm taking you to Marrakesh ooooooonnnnnnn the traaaain, ooooooonnnnnnn the traaaain."

Jill began to giggle, her serious introspective thoughts dispersed by the second swallow of tequila. "We're already in Marrakesh," she laughed, "but we came in a taxi!"

Erik laughed with her, overjoyed that she had not tried to pull away her hand which he still held after assisting her with her tequila. He was feeling pretty loose himself, this was some place Lars had set up all right!

"After we finish this drink, let's go upstairs and meet my friend, Lars Jensen," he suggested, glancing at his watch. It was almost time for the show to begin! "Jensen?" Jill asked rather blankly. "Yeah, he's the guy who runs this place. He'll probably be able to tell you lots of useful things about night life in Copenhagen," the scheming young man added.

"Oh... okay..." the intoxicated law student agreed. Actually, she'd quite forgotten about her research for the moment, and she didn't think she really wanted to remember it--it only made her feel guilty about the appointment she'd missed and the books she hadn't yet opened. But she supposed it was her duty to talk to this man, and even though she was perfectly happy sitting where she was, it seemed easier to do what Erik wanted rather than to argue about it.

So the couple finished their drinks, smoked another pipe, and then somewhat unsteadily mounted the carpeted steps to the second story of Club 33, and started down the long corridor toward the door at the end. With eager fingers Erik turned the knob--but it was locked. Goddamn it, his watch must be off! Shit, he'd blown a perfect opportunity, the American girl was in just the right condition to get all hot and turned-on by a sex show. Goddamn the Ducking Japanese who'd made his watch! The frustrated blond man tried pounding on the heavy wood-paneled door, although he knew it was no use; the room was securely sound-proofed. What the hell was he going to do now? Jill stood beside the angrily pounding Dane, wondering what all the fuss was about. Actually, she didn't quite understand much of what was going on, nor did she particularly care. She was floating in a cloud of drug and alcohol-induced euphoria, and couldn't bring herself to consider anything else seriously.

"I know!" Erik cried out suddenly. He'd just remembered that there was a closed circuit television in Jensen's office. His friend would, of course, be inside the auditorium with the other spectators watching to see how the show was going, and he was sure they wouldn't be disturbed in the office at this time of night. Perfect! This was going to be far better than watching the show in a room crowded with other people!

The excited Danish man took Jill's hand and hurried back along the corridor to a door that stood slightly ajar just at the top of the stairs. "Perhaps Lars is in here," he explained to her as he led her into the room.

The office wasn't very large, but its opulence more than compensated for its small size. There was a huge mahogany desk cluttered with papers and books. A couple of leather Danish-modern armchairs, a matching couch, several lamps, and a color television were scattered about the room, and the wide windows were draped with a modernistic Finnish-made material that complimented the plush green carpet. On the walls hung several erotic posters, and a huge vase of flowers stood on a mahogany bar covered with a large number of bottles.

"Guess he's not here," Erik said rather unnecessarily, licking his lips in anticipation. "We might as well sit here and wait for him. You want a drink?"

"Sure," Jill said. She'd reached the point of intoxication where she stopped considering what the effects of more alcohol on her system might be. Sinking down gratefully on the soft leather sofa, she stared around the room. "A TV!" she exclaimed. "I've never seen Danish TV--can we turn it on?"

"Why not?" Erik said. His voice betrayed his lewd excitement, but the young auburn-haired girl was too drunk and stoned to take any notice. Hastily assembling the lemons, salt, and tequila for their drinks, he switched on the wide-screen television. Then he settled down beside her on the expensive leather couch and extracted a red and gold pipe from his pocket.

"Might as well have another smoke, too," he said, lighting the little pipe and passing it to the curvaceous young girl who was staring at the television screen waiting for the picture to focus. When it finally did, Jill nearly dropped the hashish-filled object in her astonishment.

As the screen cleared, two voluptuous blondes dressed only in sheer black brassieres and bikini panties were dancing in a lewd, insinuating way around a small stage. Around the platform sat a number of people, mostly men but also a number of women, all peering intently at the undulating young girls Rock music with a loud drum beat poured from the television, and there was a sort of flickering light show on the wall behind the stage.

"Not too much like American TV, is it?" Erik asked, inching cautiously toward the shocked young redhead. "This is the kind of shows we have late at night, when the kids are in bed," he added, taking full delight in the obvious effect his clever deception was having on her.

Jill opened her mouth to reply, then gasped instead as she saw the two attractive young dancers begin to remove their skimpy brassieres while the audience murmured in audible excitement. Their large, pink-nippled breasts swayed obscenely as they moved in time to the provocative music, and then one of the nearly-naked girls reached down to pick up--oh my God, could it be true--a dildo! The gaping American girl stared unbelievingly, hoping that it was just a hallucination dreamed up by her hashish and alcohol saturated mind; but there was no denying the fact that the girl was running the obscene instrument over her full, high-set breasts. So intently was Jill watching the provocative spectacle spinning before her glazed eyes that she didn't realize that Erik had draped his arm around her shoulders and was fondling her bare upper arm.

"You're so soft... so soft and beautiful," he whispered into her ear. Her body was quivering beneath him, but she still did not move away or protest as his eager hand gently traced the outline of her full breast. The pace of her breathing quickened, while her eyes remained glued in a mesmerized disbelief to the color TV screen.

"It must feel good, what they're doing," he murmured, following Jill's gaze to see one of the blonde's caressing the other's voluptuous naked body with the pink vibrator. it was just the same kind he'd given the auburn-haired American girl, and he was sure she was thinking of that too. Then the music reached a crescendo and a man appeared upon the stage, his well-muscled, suntanned body completely naked and glistening like a bronze statue.

As the handsome male actor entered, Jill's entire body began to shake uncontrollably. A low moan of heartfelt anguish broke her lips, and she hid her face in her hands, trying to shut out the terrible memories that came flooding back into her mind at the sight of the man's long thick penis sticking straight out from his hair-covered loins. Closing her eyes did not help, of course; the vision of Dizzy's drug-glazed eyes, long unkempt brown hair, and lust-thickened cock standing out from his lean loins was permanently imprinted upon her brain. Not only was the horrified American girl seeing all that she'd done the night before, but her brain, as if in retaliation for the unnatural memory-block, now replayed each obscene detail in slow-motion detail.

"Oh God! Oh no! No, no, no!" Jill groaned. "NOOOO!"

"What's the matter?" Erik asked, astonished at the violence of her unexpected outburst. "What's wrong, Jill?"

At the sound of genuine concern in the faintly accented voice of the man beside her, Jill began sobbing in uncontrollable hysteria. All the pent-up worries and guilt of the past few days burst out of her tortured mind like a clumsily opened bottle of champagne, and even Jill herself was amazed at the intensity of her emotion. She'd been brought up to think that crying was something shameful, something that should, if absolutely necessary, be carried out in private. And now look at her--sobbing hysterically in front of a man she'd only known for a few days.

Erik Mortensen didn't know quite what he should do. He himself was quite stoned and a little drunk, but his mind was clear enough to ascertain that the voluptuous girl he'd been seducing was in great distress. Somehow her open show of emotion made him feel closer, more tender toward her, and he felt for the first time a real interest in her welfare rather than a mere physical lust for her voluptuous body. Gathering her trembling body in his strong arms, he began to caress her quivering flesh and murmur soothing words.

"It's all right, just calm down," he said in a low, comforting voice. "Tell me about it, that'll make you feel better."

But Jill shook her long auburn curls vehemently at the suggestion. How could she possibly tell him the perverted things she'd done? She'd rather drop dead!

The Danish man had a shrewd idea that whatever was upsetting the young American student probably had something to do with sex. Her breakdown seemed to have been triggered by the obscene spectacle on the closed-circuit TV in his friend's office, and he remembered how agitated she'd become in the sex shop day before yesterday.

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Tempted Moms Summer Awakening Ch02

Drunk and horny, Margery arrived home and paid the driver before stumbling into her house. Staggering her way into her bedroom, she tossed her clothes onto the floor and lay naked on her bed.Closing her eyes, she pondered how Terri and Dustin had masturbated each other.Fuck, that was so hot! she thought, as her index finger lightly slid down her body until it was tickling her clit.With her eyes closed, her finger slid between her folds while she reminisced over the scene in her mind."Mmm. Ohh....

2 years ago
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Tempted TouristChapter 2

It was after midnight when Jill awakened from sleep, troubled by restless dreams. She'd fallen into bed as soon as she got home, the unaccustomed amount of alcohol she'd consumed during the afternoon sending her to sleep immediately. Now she glanced at the alarm clock which she'd set beside the bed, shaking her head in disbelief. How could it be so late when it was still not really dark outside? But the clock read 12:15, and much to her annoyance she realized that she was wide awake. For...

1 year ago
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Tempted TouristChapter 4

A few minutes later, the chiming of church bells outside in the warm summer night and a crash of glass followed by a curse from the kitchen echoed in Jill's befogged brain as she struggled to regain some semblance of consciousness. The drugged young graduate student moaned softly, not quite able to comprehend where she was. Part of her mind told her that she was in her parent's white frame New England home, lying on the narrow patchwork-quilt-covered bed in her own bedroom, but another...

2 years ago
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Tempted TouristChapter 5

It was mid-afternoon by the time the hot sun streaming in through the uncurtained windows roused Jill Duncan from her drugged slumber. She opened her eyes groggily, not realizing at first where she was, and gazed in confusion at her own naked body splayed out upon the wild disorder of rumpled bedclothes. Why on earth had she gone to bed without putting on her nightgown or getting under the covers? she asked herself uneasily. Rubbing her eyes, the curvaceous redhead attempted to stand up only...

3 years ago
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Tempted TouristChapter 7

"Well, as you realize, Miss Duncan," the balding older man behind the desk began, "I'd been expecting to see you yesterday at three. He took off his wire-rimmed glasses and wiped them on his handkerchief, an unconscious nervous habit of his, all the while staring at her as if he expected her to provide some explanation. If he does that again, I 'm going to scream, Jill thought. Although she'd not even noticed this mannerism of Professor Jorgensen's in her first meeting with the...

3 years ago
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Tempted TouristChapter 8

Jill Duncan turned slowly around to face the crowded semi-circle of spectators seated in tiers a little below the low stage where she herself was standing. There was a round bed covered by some furry fabric in the center of the stage? and psychedelic-hued lights were flashing on and off. The terrified young American was grateful for the lights which half- blinded her drugged eyes and made it almost impossible to see the audience. To actually sit down on the suggestive stage-prop seemed...

1 year ago
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Tempted Girlfriend

Jessica used the bright red lipstick to apply the final touches to her appearance. She normally wouldn’t wear something quite so eye-catching for a night at home, but this night was a special occasion. Jessica and her boyfriend John had been dating for three years. They had met during her sophomore year of college when he had been a senior. It had been the best years of her life. She could still remember every detail of the night he had proposed; even though it was months ago. She loved him...

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Tempting Trevor Full

18-year-old Trevor's graduated from high school and summer break has just begun! It’s time to become an adult and start exploring his curiosity about sex with his super-cute girlfriend, Mary. Only, Mary doesn’t quite feel the same way. She’s afraid. Home from college for the summer. Trevor’s older sister, Stacy, has some exploring of her own she wants to do. To Stacy, other people are only toys to fulfill her perverted need for sexual control. She delights in seduction, and she’s got her...

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Tempting Faith

***This story contains adult themes so you need to be 18 or over to continue. Location:- Scotland : Chapter 1. A Change for Faith. The Scottish spring had not yet yielded any hopeful signs of a break in the cold damp weather that it was famous for. The City of Edinburgh architecture was straining to cope with the rain, and gutter down pipes gushed water into the storm drains. The homeward bound city dwellers huddled under umbrellas, most of which showed some of the scars of the strong winds...

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Attempted Blackmail

BRAD I leaned back, naked, in the empty bathtub, waiting for the cunt, what the fuck was her name again, oh yeah, Emma, waiting for that cunt Emma to climb into the tub so that we could reach some agreement on how hot the water should be, not that her vote would carry very much weight. I glanced at the shiny chrome escutcheon plate covering the overflow drain. It's concave design made my already shrunken John Henry look even smaller, much smaller than the full sized weapon that it had been...

1 year ago
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Tempting the Freshman

Once Steve left the kitchen to start his second load of laundry, I finished opening the wine bottle and poured out a glass for each of us. Torpe that I am, I was afraid that I would spill something if I tried to take everything into the living room altogether, so I started with the wine and placed the glasses at the near end of the coffee table in front of the sofa. While walking back into the kitchen, I listened for Steve making laundry noises. Before picking up the cheese and crackers, I...

3 years ago
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Tempting Tracks

It was going to be a long week. My company decided that I needed to spend almost a week in Chicago for additional training. The last time I had made the trip from Philly to Chicago the return trip almost ended in disaster. We had just taken off from O’Hare at about 8 pm and as the plane was climbing we lost altitude. Not just a little but a lot. I looked at the flight attendant, who with a curious nod sloughed it off. When the plane dropped altitude the second time the phone next to her went...

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Tempting Ashly

As the plane landed, Ashley couldn't help but think how she had gotten herself into this. It wasn't that she didn't like her cousin Tiffany, but she didn't like being sent away. She had been dating the school bad-boy for almost two years now and she had grown to love him deeply. But that didn't stop him from hurting her over and over. She wanted to save herself for marriage and hadn't slept with him and only occassionally gave him blowjobs. Because of that, he had often found other girls that...

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Tempting Kelly

You bite your lip, struggling not to cry out as Kellys' tongue ravages you. Those lips, they felt soft, warm, and irresistably yummy on your body. You have never felt this aroused before, and though at some point, you realize it is but a dream, you purposfully try to prolong it, to draw it out. Rubbing against the lovely woman, feeling the soft touch of her hot lips on you is driving you crazy. You're wet, wetter then you have ever been before, your own juices dripping down your thighs. Soon,...

1 year ago
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Tempting motherinlaw

I come from a small town in Ohio. I’m 28 6’3’’ 220lbs but not fat by any means. My wife who I have been with for over 5 years is 24 has an amazing body 5’6’’ always tan 34 D breasts and an amazing ass. Her mother (Deb) has just as an amazing body as she does. She just turned 50, she’s about 5’5’’ toned body always tan, 34 C breasts and her ass isn’t as nice but still amazing to look at. I was attracted to Deb from the first time I met her, but she was my girlfriend’s mother so I always shook...

2 years ago
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Tempting Hot Cousin Sister

Hello, guys, I m a regular follower of Indian Sex Stories dot net and myself Sam (Nick name) working in a reputed company in Chennai. I am basically from Karnataka. I m just 24yrs old, this is my first sex story on this site. Kindly adjust for any mistakes I make in writing this sex story. Coming to the sex story, this started when I was in my 12th class. As I was treated like a kid at home, it was my dirty mind always thinking of boobs of the girls and always staring at hard nipples of all...

3 years ago
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Tempting Teacher

Hi, dear readers. Your one and only JJ back to treat you with a carnal lust of a teacher from Chennai where a student takes her by surprise and treats her with all that she had been dying for. Kalyani reaching in her mid 40’s suffering from the problem that almost Indian women undergo a mid life crisis, suddenly she feels its been awhile since she had great sex a typical phase Indian women undergo at her age. Many would silently suffer the low level of estrogen and approaching menopause of...

3 years ago
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Tempting teacher

Hi, this jj taking you through the ‘teacher’s” series well when I venture into a particular segment it goes on for a very long time. The thinking and visualizing keeps going in the same line if readers are aware it all started with the “lesbian” stories. Well keeping onto the same track this is about a pg mathematics school teacher handling higher classes a divorcee well into her forties 44 to be precise blessed with a son staying with her parents at Bangalore was slowly warming up with a...

2 years ago
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Tempting Teacher

Hi, dear readers this is your JJ with a sizzling hot teacher student combo. Well is a pure imagination which I always wanted to happen with me. Pretty unfortunate I suppose, let me try at least in my imagination I pray it happens the way I always wanted it. Educated in an Anglo Indian school very early I was dreaming about how it would be to be the respective class teachers which I am sure many male will agree with me in having such provoking thoughts. Come with me let’s take a dive in to the...

3 years ago
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Tempting Telepathy

“Is there something wrong sir?” The cashier asked? I had just frozen while going to tap my credit card to pay for groceries when I had frozen. To the outside observer I would appear to have just stopped moving like a human statue for some reason. And it didn't seem like the cashier found it an amusing joke. But on the inside my head was splitting in pain my muscles tense and whole body locked in place as my heart hammered. I couldn't even form the thoughts to try to figure out what might be...

Mind Control
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Tempting Mommy

Evelyn stepped from her shower into the cool air of the bathroom, still yawning as she fumbled for a towel. The banging of the shower door woke her daughter Cyndi. She struggled sleepily out of bed and slipped into the bathroom. "Morning, Mommy." "Morning, honey." Evelyn smiled wearily at her daughter as she dried herself. Replacing the towel on the rack, she padded into her room. Cyndi followed her naked mother into the bedroom, where Evelyn selected a pair of panties from her dresser...

2 years ago
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Tempting TabithaChapter 2

Dog Days Epilogue Mikel smiled up at his beautiful wife when she walked carefully into the breakfast room, her stomach cradled with one hand. She was readying for her confinement though he'd promised that her labor and the birthing wouldn't be as hard if she'd continued to exercise and walk as she had been through the weeks of her pregnancy. She'd been amazed by how quickly her belly had grown and how fast it had seemed when she'd felt their first movement. She'd been as thrilled...

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Tempting John

Sunday Night- Watching my wife push back at my cock always gets me off. There I was on my knees, upright. My cock driving into her pussy. Meeting me halfway on every penetrating push. Her ass raised high in the air, her forehead resting against the mattress, back arched like a feline ready to pounce. This woman, lost in ecstasy. My thoughts always drift to how much she loves to get fucked, as my cock plunges into her. I have a high sex drive thinking of fucking just about every woman with a...

Erotic Fiction
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Tempting Fall

Shelby stood leaning up against a post leading into the trails that marked their way through Kinderman’s Woods. She was waiting for her best friend Taylor and her husband David. She wasn’t so fond of the idea of getting back in touch with nature while taking one of these 3 to 6 hour hikes up Ketter’s Mount, but Taylor had begged for so long, she was tired of saying no. She swore it to be beautiful and breathtaking and something that Shelby would not regret, so, here she was, and they were late....

Erotic Fiction
1 year ago
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Letter from Ravenswood Bluff

LETTER FROM RAVENSWOOD BLUFFDear Shoeblossom:Brinker stands, a foot precariously on each chair with his hands behind his head, like an arrestee. I shake my auburn hair and wave my double D’s at him, well displayed in the bikini top, blue with sailboats.?All I’m saying, Jessamyn, is that it wouldn’t hurt to ask Shoeblossom. He’s great about answering letters in my magazine, and he’s a professional. He would know how long I’m supposed to be kept in chastity. I’m a healthy guy. I need more—sex,...

3 years ago
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Fucking sisters

I really can’t remember the first time I fucked my sister that was one year older than me; we did fuck and did it often. I was 20 at the time and was horny all the time and it seemed like she was also. We have a sister that is 18 but she doesn’t get involves yet. My sis and I had just finished up with a good long fuck and I had pamper her young cunt full of cum when there as a noise. We both looked up and there stood our younger sister. “What are you two doing?” she asked. My elder sister...

3 years ago
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Caught in the act1

Caught In The Act There I was totally naked sitting on one of our kitchen chairs atop of our dinning room table on display. There were two throw pillows from the living room couch stuffed in behind my back forcing my pussy out to the front edge of the chair. My legs were separated and wrapped around each side and then strapped to the rear legs of the chair. Meanwhile my shoulders were against the top of the chair back with my hands behind the chair and secured to the opposite ankle. My...

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Gangbang at Goa

Being new to writing erotic stories, let me begin with some customary introduction about myself. I am Blossom, 49 years old, settled in Goa since I got married to my wonderful husband. I am not a BBW by any standards although the age does tell on my body with my 36DD breasts sagging a bit. My large nipples are my soft spots and I don’t mind feeling a bit of pain especially feeling some raw hands of young boys tweaking them. I want you to enjoy the following story without really bothering to...

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Pax MultiChapter 10

“You absolute bastard!” Lou snarled, stepping forward – but a pair of Federal marines in power armor were there to grab him and slam him back down into a chair. Their metal gauntlets were shockingly gentle, considering their enhanced strength, but Lou still felt terribly impotent in their grip. His hands tightened into fists and he glared at Admiral Bosch, who shook his head slowly, looking sad. “That is the problem with you Neopolitans. You’re so sentimental. Embracing tradition for...

2 years ago
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Tourist Girl

I see her in the subway, sitting across and to the left from me, engrossed in a book. A large, curvy, soft-looking woman with big heavy breasts. Plump round face, pretty enough to be called beautiful, with a short, slightly upturned nose and big blue eyes behind the thin frame of glasses, pretty pink mouth, a mass of dark blond curls falling on her shoulders. She could be anything from her early twenties to early forties: plump faces like hers are slow to acquire wrinkles. Serious expression...

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