Attempted Blackmail free porn video

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I leaned back, naked, in the empty bathtub, waiting for the cunt, what the fuck was her name again, oh yeah, Emma, waiting for that cunt Emma to climb into the tub so that we could reach some agreement on how hot the water should be, not that her vote would carry very much weight. I glanced at the shiny chrome escutcheon plate covering the overflow drain. It's concave design made my already shrunken John Henry look even smaller, much smaller than the full sized weapon that it had been just a few minutes earlier.

FYI, when I went online to look up the name of that chrome thingy, I found that the word escutcheon also had something to do with the pattern of pubic hair. But back to Emma, whose snatch was shaved clean of the stuff, Brazilian without the accent.

She hung up the phone on her mother and walked into my bathroom with a lewd smile. She stepped into the oversized tub and stood facing me, standing over me. Five four, five five, whatever, all I could see were a pair of firm 36C tits and hard nips hovering over me. That and her bald pussy with my cum oozing out of it. John Henry was instantly hard again.

I would have sworn that I had just eaten all of my fuck sauce out of her but I guess my tongue wasn't long enough to get it all. I closed my eyes, trying to comprehend a chick who calls her mother while her cunt is still dripping some total stranger's cum. She stuck a finger inside herself and scooped out the last of it, licking it off her finger with the wicked smile of a whore, though she definitely was not a whore, just an awfully easy lay. I think a better description might actually be table pussy, for it had been a delicious treat to eat her.

Blowing me a kiss, she turned around and bent from the waist to touch her toes, not caring — shit, it was probably deliberate — that she was offering me a bird's eye view of that puckered opening in back, the one hole she had that I hadn't yet experienced. But the day was young and she didn't have to be back to work until noontime. I couldn't help myself; I sat up and drove my tongue between those tight cheeks — hey, don't knock it unless you've tried it. Meanwhile my fingers reached around her to diddle her clit.

She moaned. She seemed to do that a lot, I'd noticed.


"The cologne, please," he had said, making believe that he really cared. It was close to six the previous afternoon.

I picked up the Tester bottle, sprayed once onto the small card and held out my hand. It took a little while before he glanced toward my hand. During those few seconds, I glanced behind him to see if any of my co-workers were watching his handsome, rugged face as his bright blue eyes roamed freely over my body.

And it's a damn nice body too, if you don't mind my saying so. At five foot four, and wrapped in the company's signature black suit, nicely fitted, thank you, I was just doing my job. Smile and ask him if he'd like to test our after shave or cologne, they'd said, give a card a little spray, tell him that the scent is perfect for his eyes, hair, build, beard, shoes, belt buckle, teeth, wallet, jock strap, whatever. Then tell him the discount price for the combination, wrap it up and take his money. And if he's not with a wife or girlfriend and halfway decent looking, let him know somehow that you're available for dinner and a fuck.

That last was not from the Sales Manager, of course, but from my best friend Carmen, who peddles for one of the competitors at the next counter. For working cosmetics in an upscale department store gives a decent looking — they seem not to hire anyone else - single girl lots of opportunities to meet plenty of men — and the occasional woman too — who would enjoy a no commitments roll in the hay. And it was that reason that I never left home in the morning without making sure my purse held rubbers — though I was lax in using them - pussy spray, KY and a spare toothbrush, panties and bra in case I did an all-nighter. Which fortunately happened often enough.

And sometimes turned out to be quite profitable!

He sniffed the card, his eyes widened and he sniffed again. He smiled and nodded. I offered a test of the after shave, which he silently accepted, again rewarding me with a smile. I quoted the price; he agreed and gave me his credit card. Ooh, the black one, I thought. 'Hey, big spender, ' the words ran through my brain, 'this could be a big fish.' I wrapped the package and ran the credit card. He signed the slip.

"Anything else I can do for you, Mr..." I glanced at his card as I handed it back to him, "Bradford Walters?" Using the full name was a major breach of company courtesy policies, but no one else could hear me. It was also a hint for him to start a conversation.

"It's Brad," he said. "No, nothing else. I'm really just here to get a present for my special girl."

Oh shit, oh shit, oh fucking, fucking shit! I'd been on my feet all day. Sales had been good but there'd been no suitable candidate to invite me for dinner. Still, I had to put on my best face.

"Wife? Significant other? Daughter maybe?"

He laughed. "None of the above. My special girl is my kid sister," he said.

Thank you, thank you, O Higher Power. This game isn't over yet. But he hadn't even asked me my name yet. Oh, of course it was on the name tag on my chest, and he was sure enough looking there, though I doubted that it was to read the name tag. Well, Emma Green, here goes nothing.

"I'm off in another five minutes. Why don't I help you look for something for your sister?" I offered, holding my breath.

He smiled, a different kind of smile than earlier, a panty-soaking sort of smile with which my pussy complied. It actually took more like twenty minutes for me to cash out, turn the booth over to the night shift, change out of my official black suit and meet him outside the employees' entrance.


That is one fine piece of ass, I said to myself - and also to my faithful cock, John Henry - as she walked away from me toward the inner sanctum of the store. Her ass gave off the slightest shake as she moved, but I realized that she was not being coquettish. It was more as if either a birth defect or a childhood illness had left one leg just a teensy bit shorter than the other, giving her a barely discernable limp that became the sexiest shake.

Well, OK by me, I thought. I wasn't thinking about a foot-race; more like a marathon. But not the kind of marathon that requires running. I had something more horizontal in mind.

Actually, fucking is just about the only thing I ever have in my mind. I'm twenty-seven, living alone. I inherited well and have no need to work. Ever! My kid sister Toni is twenty-four, graduated from college and married to a great guy — but still willing to share her luscious body. My only responsibility is to give my cock sufficient exercise to hold him over until the next time. On occasion, I need my hand for that but most of the time I can find some female of the species who's willing to take on the task.

It wasn't always thus. Back when I was maybe fifteen, my hand was my full time assistant. My poor cock had never felt the velvet smoothness of cunt, nor wet mouth, nor dammit, even female fingers. My eyes and imagination were quite active though, even including my little sister Toni, who was finally beginning the transition from runt to cunt.

I know, I know, that's not a very nice way to describe my favorite girl, the one I love more than anyone else, but I couldn't resist the alliterative way it described her growth toward sexual maturity. My apologies, especially because my little sister was to become my sexual helper and companion. Still is, but that's for a different story.

It started simply enough. Our folks were out for the weekend and I was her baby sitter, not that she really needed one. Toni was asleep; I was in my own room, sitting there naked, with my favorite skin magazine in my other hand. Of course you know what the first hand was busy doing. A sudden thunder boomer came right alongside a flicker to the lights, but they stayed on. I continued whacking off; nothing would stop my active right hand. Then my door opened.

"Brad, I'm scared."

She hadn't even gotten fully into my room when she said it. For some reason, in that split second, I thought that she would stop where she was. That thought paralyzed me. And then she was inside the room. Her eyes widened, first at the non-specific sight of my bare body and then specifically at my hand, suspended in mid-stroke. The angry purple crown of my cock poked out from my tight fist. Every fiber of my body cried out for me to drop the magazine — and my cock — and to pull the covers over me.

Every fiber, that is, except one. That one steered my eyes toward Toni in her cute little baby dolls and sent all sorts of thoughts to my brain, lewd and otherwise. I gave thanks that it hadn't been Mom who had walked in on me, or worse, Dad. And even as the blood flowed rapidly back out of my boner, I still had hundreds — thousands? maybe millions? — of sperm cells screaming for release.

Jeez, I had never even tried to peek at Toni's body, not like with Mom. My sister's body was no match for the magazine in my hand, the magazine with all those sticky spots from my dried cum spattered over the leg-spread models. I had no idea of my sister's sexuality, what her friends had taught her, whether or not she masturbated like me, had she ever even kissed a boy or had her baby tits ever been felt up or sucked on. She smiled broadly, but with the decency not to laugh.

"I see that the thunder woke you up too, Brad."

Then her face turned serious as she walked across the room toward my still-frozen and speechless body. Staring at my face, she reached down and gently lifted my hand off of my cock. She replaced it with her own and together we felt the blood rush back into it.

Her eyes never left mine as she began to jerk me off. She moved slowly at first and then sped up as my cock achieved full hardness. I held my breath, fearing that I might do something to cause my little sister to stop what she was doing. The cum began to bubble up inside my balls as the soft female hand did what my own hand usually did for them. It didn't take long, certainly not as long as usual. When I opened my mouth to warn Toni that I was about to cum, her free hand covered it, gently communicating to me to be quiet.

My first spurt hit her arm and she renewed her smile. She continued to stroke but angled my cock so that the rest of my cum landed on my leg. When the throbbing and spurting was complete, she bent her head and licked those last few drops that had pooled at my piss slit. I was in cock heaven. Then she left my room without a word, the first of many times that we would pleasure each other silently.

Forgive my digression please. I went outside the mall, got my Benz and drove around to the employees' entrance of the department store. Parking illegally right near the door, I got out and leaned against the passenger door, letting Security know that I was there to move the car immediately if need be and also to be a gentleman for my lady passenger. By the same token it also gave me a chance to see the other employees as they left the store, look them over, maybe strike up a short conversation, get a phone number for future reference, all before ... er, Emma, that's it, Emma, all before Emma came through that door.

Her formal black sales garb had been replaced by a virginal white blouse tucked into black skin tight designer jeans. Well, maybe the blouse wasn't quite so virginal, what with her nipples highlighting the front, telling the world that she didn't feel the need for a bra that night. She was definitely a sight to be seen with in public before we got down and dirty.

"Hi Brad. I thought we were going to look for a present for your kid sister," she said when she saw my car.

"Of course," I said, trying my hardest to make it sound as though I really meant it. I mean, definitely I intended to get my sister a present, but her birthday wasn't for another week and my cock was hard right then. "I missed lunch today. Why don't we grab a bite somewhere and then we'll look for the present."

When she smiled and slid into the car, it confirmed my analysis. This cunt has no interest in buying anything for my sister; she's looking to get laid. So we can skip the charade. I'll get some food in her to keep her quiet, a few drinks to loosen her up and then I'll 'show her my etchings.'

Her hand was on my thigh, not doing anything, just touching it, as we drove a few miles to my favorite seduction restaurant. An Italian place with dim lighting, they know me by name, run a tab which I unfailingly pay weekly and they almost never see the same girl twice. On those few occasions when they do, I get a raised eyebrow, as in, 'are we getting serious, Signore Walters?'

They also know that after my second drink, no matter what I might order, they should deliver plain ginger ale. No way do I want to risk my cock failing me at a crucial moment. And with this Emma cunt, I knew that there would be a night-long succession of crucial moments.


Nice car, I thought, but not surprising for a guy who so obviously has money. As he drove, I put my hand on his thigh. It was my own standard signal to a guy that he doesn't have to waste too much effort on seduction, that I'll be happy to clean his pipes for him so long as he takes care of my needs too.

The parking valet greeted him by name at the restaurant; I got just a smile and a mumbled "Signora" as the kid stared at my tits. As we walked toward the front door, I felt Brad's hand gently guiding me — by the ass. I bent forward, pushing my ass back against his hand, letting him know that I didn't mind the grope in the least.

"Good evening, Emilio," he said. "May we have something in the back, please?"

The owner led us to a table and seated us. When he asked me what I'd like to drink, I simply said, "Nothing to drink, Emilio. I'll just have a salad. We have another appointment."

Brad nodded, as in 'the same'. As Emilio walked away, Brad began just a hint of a smile.

"I hope you don't mind my being so presumptuous," I said.

"Not at all," he replied. "Perhaps we can have a drink at my place after the salad."

And so the seduction quietly morphed into a simple date to fuck. As a result, there was very little time for small talk at the table. We were both consenting adults, and chose not to discuss what was really on our minds. My concerns were with the size of his cock and his staying power, plus of course his recuperative power. Not to forget the issue of whether or not to call in the 'big gun' my mother. He was probably thinking about how many different ways I was willing to take it, and whether or not I had any inhibitions.

After the salads, we got up to leave. I had seen no check nor did Brad drop any money on the table. When he saw the quizzical look on my face, he explained. "They automatically add healthy tips for the waiter and the valet and bill me at the end of the week."

"So I'm not the first girl you've brought here?" I asked jokingly. His reply was, surprisingly, a blush.

Once in the car, as soon as we turned the corner out of sight of the valet, I reached over the center console and unzipped Brad's fly. I reached inside his slacks to fish out his fuck tool.

"I'm already hard," he said.

"Well, I should hope so," I said, confirming that fact by wrapping my hand around his blood filled monster. I pulled it free, into the fresh air and positioned it outside from under the steering wheel. Then I reached back into his slacks and cuddled his balls in my hand, at the same time bending down and licking the crown of his cock.

"Hey, baby, do you want to get us killed?" he asked.

"Can you think of a better way to die?" I answered.

"No, but I don't want it to happen before tomorrow morning."

I sat back up but kept my hand fondling his nut sac until we neared the parking attendant of his apartment house. Then I let go of his jewels and pushed his cock back inside his slacks, zipping him back up. The attendant had to have noticed Brad's flushed face but had enough brains to keep his mouth shut. The concierge welcomed us, quietly checking out the face and tits of Mr. Walters' latest conquest, for surely that's all that they thought of me. The elevator operator did likewise, using Brad's key to override the security lock and allow the elevator to zip us quickly up to the Penthouse.

The elevator doors opened directly into the Penthouse. It was magnificent, of course, but I don't think that you really want the architect's eye view of that part of his digs. He led me directly to the master bedroom, which seemed to be larger than my — and my Mom's - entire apartment. And our apartment was large enough so that one or both of us could bring some guy home for the night and the other wouldn't be disturbed.

The king size bed was unmade, actually a mess. What the hell, I thought, he lives alone; there was no need to make the bed. Then I caught the very faint residual scent of sex. What the hell, I thought again, there was no reason to be surprised. Brad Walters was clearly a full time cunt hound. I knew that if I wanted to be invited back, I'd have to give him — or at least try to give him — the ride of his life. But then again, maybe Mom and I could wrap it up in one episode.

I spun around in front of him, looking at his face. His lips were so kissable, but this was not the time for romance. I grabbed his zipper and pulled it down, my entire body following my hand as I sank to my knees. His cock popped right out of his pants once the blockade of zipper was removed, needing no help from my hands or his.


Jeez, this cunt is wild. I thought it and I almost said it out loud too. But I figured that it wouldn't be too smart to call her a cunt to her face. Or more accurately, to the top of her head. Well, suck on it baby, the night is young.

My sister Toni aside, I've always particularly enjoyed it when a cunt is on her knees in front of me while I'm standing up. It gives me such a great feeling of power, of being serviced by some underling who wants to satisfy me because she wants something from me. I feel like a king with a vassal kneeling before him, a vassal seeking some favor that only the king can supply.

And I didn't kid myself. Maybe once in a blue moon the cunt was just interested in cock, in a mouthful of cum, which of course it was my great pleasure to provide. But most of the time, I knew, she was interested in my money. No, not in getting paid for getting me off, because I've never had to pay for it and frankly, I'd rather flog my own log than pay a whore, even a high class call girl like the politicians use.

What most of them really want is for me to spend some of my inherited money on them. Dinners, clothing, vacations, jewelry, maybe even an apartment somewhere. They all think that if they give me the best blowjob in history, or put up with something that they're not used to, like taking it up the ass, that I'll be generous now and the next time and the time after that.

But I don't play the game that way. And yes, it is a game. There are hundreds of thousands of fuckable women in this city and there's no way that I can fuck every one of them, no matter how long I live. And each one only gets to spread 'em for me one night — or day — until the day that I find one that I love as much as I love my sister Toni. That's not likely ever to happen. Oh sure, once in a while I'll take a cunt on vacation for a full week. Then I may have to promise her some jewelry or shit like that when we get back to the city, but once we do, she's history just like the rest of them.

So it is with this Emma cunt about to swallow John Henry. (No, I have no memory whatsoever about where I got that name for him.) Once I'm finished with her, I'll take her number and promise to call her, but then I'll just throw the number into the garbage. The phone number that I give to her is a real number, she can even read it off the phone or look it up on her computer, but it has no ringer, no answering machine and is never picked up. If she tries to come to the apartment, she'll never get past the concierge, and a few of them have tried. Just in case some cunt ever tries to claim rape, I've got so many hidden cameras installed all over the apartment that it would put a Las Vegas casino to shame.

What I'm saying is that once the cunt is out of sight, she's out of mind, out of my life. Like they say, variety is the spice of life. But meanwhile, Emma had a job to do. And I must say this for her: she did it with an energy, a passion that one rarely finds in a one-night stand. Though of course she didn't know that it was only to be a one-nighter.

She wrapped her hand around John Henry and gave his purple crown a soft puff of warm air. I couldn't help it; that old line popped into my head. 'Blow is just an expression, Honey. Suck!' But I was just being impatient. After all, I hadn't seen my Toni at all that day. Poor J.H. and his scrotum twin friends needed some attention. And I had no doubt that this Emma knew her stuff. Already I had a drop of pre-cum poking out of my piss slit. Her tongue flicked out to gobble it down like an aardvark feasting on ants.

As she toyed with the Walters cock, her free hand was on my belt. She intended to get me naked immediately and I had no problem with that. In fact, I helped her, undoing the belt, leaving the buttons on my slacks for her. While her fingers worked on them, I put my hand — gently — on the back of her head. She reached back and lifted it off, as in the professional whore's 'I know my business.'

Her hands grabbed my waist band and pulled slacks and shorts down together. She had to take her lips off of my cock so that she could get my shorts off over it. When she did that, she looked up at me and smiled.

Holy shit, I thought, that look on the cunt's face is like she's a little kid asking me for approval of the job she's doing.

She put my crown back in her mouth, washing it with her tongue while she used both hands to take off one of my shoes and push my slacks and shorts off over one foot. This allowed me to spread my legs apart a bit, making it more comfortable. Her head wound up under the front flaps of my shirt, not that it mattered. I didn't have to look at her, so long as I could feel her working on John Henry. She was still fully dressed, but in the position we were in, I couldn't do much about that, not that I really cared.

With one hand she maneuvered my pride and joy, pointing him this way and that as she ran her tongue along his shaft from every angle. Just as I was about to grab her head again and shove J.H. all the way down to her stomach, she stopped with the teasing and began to suck on it. She Hoovered it without pausing to take a breath, slurping her saliva all over my groin. At the same time, she kept running her fingertips back and forth along the bottom of my nut sac.

I'll say this for her: she was dedicated. She was trying her damndest to make me cum, just as I was doing my best to hold back as long as possible, to enjoy the warm wetness of her vacuum cleaner mouth. But I always try to make it last. That's for my own pleasure, not the cunt's, about which (or whom, if I was talking about the cunt and not her pleasure) I never give a shit. If I can make her cum before me, that's fine, but it is definitely not a requirement for me. And there was no way that she was going to cum from this blowjob without using her own fingers on herself, but all ten of them were busy with John Henry and the twins.

She seemed to be getting a little tired of her ministrations, I guess not used to a guy who could hold back so long. She let go of my nuts and began to caress my ass cheeks, as though I was a baby.

Suddenly she shoved one finger all the way up my back door. That did it. I blew my load instantly. She sped up her sucking and swallowed most all of my cream, though a little bit oozed out of the corners of her mouth. When I was empty, she pushed John Henry out of her with her tongue. Instead of trying to lick the ooze back into her mouth, she used the bottom of my shirt to wipe her face dry. Then and only then did she pull her finger out of my ass and put it into her mouth.

"Holy shit, Emma, where the fuck did you learn that trick?"


Where did I learn that, he wants to know? Well, maybe later on I'll tell him, but not just yet; I've got to get to know him better before I give up my deep dark secrets. Truth be told, I learned it from the same man who taught me to love the taste and feel of fresh cum, that creamy goo washing out the inside of my mouth and sliding down my young throat.

I had been giving Daddy hand jobs for a year before he finally put that beautiful cock of his inside my mouth seconds before he exploded his orgasm. And much as I love my Mom, I still hold the teensiest grudge against her for throwing Daddy out of the house when she got tired of the competition. I mean, Mom is just as cock crazy as I am, so what was the big deal? What really ticked me off originally was that she knew all about the hand jobs and the blowjobs but she never objected until Daddy started fucking my cunt without a rubber. Well, everyone has their own standards, even Mom.

Yes, it was Daddy who had taught me to stick a finger up a man's ass, and the way he had done it was to stick his finger up my own ass. Here's what happened. It all started back when I was about nine or so. Daddy and Mom used to fight all the time, yelling and screaming, so much so that I thought it was the way people were supposed to act. Then one Saturday I heard Mom yell out, "Fuck you, Richard, I'm going shopping." Right after that the apartment door slammed.

I'd heard the word often enough so that it didn't disturb me. An hour later I walked into their bedroom — I never knocked — and there was Daddy sitting on the lounge chair with no clothes on. Well, that was a surprise, but more unexpected was the fact that Daddy had his hand wrapped around his pee-pee and he was pulling it.

Of course, I already knew from the girls at school that it was called a cock and that a man sticks it inside a woman's pussy — Mom called them privates — to fuck her and make babies. But I knew nothing of the concept of a man holding it unless he was standing up peeing. No doubt I had a very surprised look on my face, the same kind of look that Daddy had on his. Then he did something which seemed normal to me at the time but which I later learned was very unusual for a man in that situation. He kept right on pulling on it.

"Why are you pulling on your pee-pee, Daddy?"

He kept pulling it for a few seconds and then stopped and let go of it. I hadn't realized how big and hard it was. He closed his eyes, sighed and then opened them again. He looked at me as if thinking what to say, and then he said it.

"You see, Emma, a man sometimes puts his pee-pee..."

"You mean his cock, don't you, Daddy?"

You want to talk about surprise, you should have seen the look on his face then. But his eyes narrowed and I could see him choosing his words again.

"You see, Emma, in order to make babies, a man puts his cock inside a woman and the rubbing of her pussy makes the cock spit out the seeds that make babies. You knew that already. But making babies is not the only reason a man wants to do that. The baby is just sometimes a side effect. The real reason is that it feels so very pleasurable to a man when the seeds come out of his cock, so much so that he wants to do it all the time. If he can't do it, it makes him kind of very tense and nervous. And to feel better, he has to use his hand to make it happen."

"But why," I asked, "can't you do it with Mom?"

He sighed again. "Some women don't want to do it as often as men do. And when they're married to each other, that leads to a lot of fights."

"Is that what you were fighting about before? Did you want to ... to ... to ... stick it into her?"

He laughed at my discomfort. "Yes, that's what we were fighting about, but no, I didn't want to do it right then, not with you wide awake in the apartment. We were just talking about it."

Right then I knew what I wanted to say. But somehow I was afraid to say it, afraid that for some reason which I couldn't figure out, that Daddy would be angry at me, that he'd even punish me. So I stood there, staring at his cock, seeing it actually moving a tiny bit as — I know now — his blood pumped into it and as he tensed his muscles. I must say that it was even then kind of an exciting sight. Then I blurted it out.

"Would you like me to rub it for you, Daddy?"

To say that he was shocked would be an understatement. His eyes popped open wide and then clamped shut. Finally, it seemed like forever, he whispered.

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A Sisters Blackmail

A Sister's Blackmailby Iggy(c) 2007  ????? "Oh my God, where did you get those?" I asked Trisha, my younger sister.? She was waving pictures of me masturbating in front of my face.? I tried to grab them, but she pulled back. ????? "Ah, ah, ah.? Besides, do you really think these are the only ones I have.? I mean really, sis, you can be so dense sometimes.? You know what this means, don't you?" ????? I stared at her dumbly.? "Huh?" ????? She giggled.? "It means, silly, that you have to...

3 years ago
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My Moms Secret Part 3 Planning The Blackmail

I contemplated trying to set up a hidden camera in the bedroom myself, but I thought it involved far too much risk. I also figured that the greatest asset I had was Dylan; there was no way that a young, good looking guy like him could possibly actually have feelings for my Mom. I had $5,000 in the bank saved specifically for a trip for Amanda and I to take together ... now that we were broken up, that four grand could be used elsewhere. I figured Dylan would be able to tell me exactly how...

2 years ago
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I am a slut A story about blackmail

Part 1 (references of unwanted sex, no description of sex yet) I am a slut. But it wasn't like that before. Honest. Just like any well-brought up girl, my parents got me focussed on school studies so I could better plan my future. Even though I had dated some guys, I kept the count to a small number and declined many invitations for dates. I knew I was attractive to many guys because I was told that by my previous boyfriends, and other guys that I had turned down, often not because they...

1 year ago
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Video Store Blackmail

Time: Sometime after lunch, Spring 2001 Note: Alot of the first blocks may seem like a lot of phooey-not-what-I-came-to-XnXX-for stuff, but believe me, after a few blocks after the blowjob, it gets good and better. A college girl walked in to my video store looking for a particular video. When she mentioned the name "Seduction Uncensored" I had to mention two things; it was a European-made video and contained X rated content and to order a copy she would have to prove valid ID. The only...

2 years ago
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Neighbour Bhabhi Ka Blackmail

Hi friends this is Saurabh…. Lemme not waste time and let me tell you about what this story is all about… It’s about my Neighbour Mrs. Pooja Malhotra and me… The way i blackmailed her and the way she started to enjoy having sex with me…. Well it started all when i was 20 years of age, i was studying in f.y and that was the point when I got this news from my parents that our old neighbour has sold their flat to someone name Mr. Malhotra… I was pretty excited as i never shared a vibe with...

2 years ago
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The Blackmail

Hi I am huma, with a new story. It is one of its kind and hope you will love it too. I am Nikhil, 16 years old starving son of yesteryears millionaire. My father and mother both were killed in an accident and I was on the streets, courtsey of my father’s friend and partner Munir Ahmed. He had everything written in his favour. The bastard now owns the entire business. “Nikhil, dont be afraid, I am here to help you. I wont let you starve. You wil work at my house, keep it clean and obey orders...

1 year ago
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john never saw this comingblackmail

now before i go on i must explain something these stories are about 85% true and 15% fantasy i am writing about john because he is a useless fag that needs someone to show him off to the world and force his exposure though blackmail i just have to find someone with the guts to do it.john was to become a sissy fag slave for a bunch of sissys they put a sissy collar on john and locked it so he could not remove it.he was to wera 6in heels with ankle locks so he could not remove them they had him...

3 years ago
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It's the nature of kids that they often learn by getting their fingers burnt or their butts warmed or their psyches embarrassed. If you're relatively new to parenting, you may not yet have learned that when you ask your child why he or she did something amazingly stupid and they say "I don't know", they may be telling you the truth. Until they're somewhere in their mid-teens, the brain connections are still being developed; in particular, the connection between that area called the limbic...

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Megans Blackmail

"Shhh! Be quiet, you don't want them to hear us, do you?" "Sorry, Ooooo look, I think she's about to cum." "I think you're right." I replied with excitement. My brother and I are spying on our sister right now. She's got some guy over while mom and dad are out. We love it when she does this, fore it gives us more ammunition against her. I'm Arik, and my brother is Todd, we've been spying on our sis Megan for almost six months now. Our parents go out just about every weekend, at...

3 years ago
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Double Blackmail

My name is Dianne and I am a16 year old sophomore at Fairfax high school and this is my story of blackmail and revenge. It started out two weeks ago when I was taking my final exam in Mrs. Henry's English class. During exams I always sit in the back row in all my classes because it is easier to - one; watch what my classmates choose as the answer and two; look at my crib notes without fear of getting caught, at least that was my rationale. We were about half way through the exam and I was...

4 years ago
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Bodyguard Blackmail

Being a bodyguard to a famous celebrity had a lot of benefits. You get to go to all the hot parties, drink for free and travel for free. The better part is getting all the dirt on your client and their friends. I wasn’t usually into blackmail, but my latest client was just too ripe a target. I really wanted to bankrupt Taylor Swift. As you would have guessed, she’s as prude in her personal life as she is in her public one. No drugs, no boyfriends, barely drinks. Stays covered up even when...

1 year ago
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Beths Beautiful Blackmail

100% fiction! Hey whores tonight I have a special show for you, you can meet the latest sluts to join my harem. In all my life, I had never had more fun recruiting a new lesbian to my harem. Ashley was a great runner, but had major problems taking orders from me. I quickly realized it was a race issue and decided to do something about it. Now I should say that I have almost always kept my work life and my sex life separate, but when Ashley gave me attitude day after day, I decided to do...

2 years ago
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Tight Jam 2 The Blackmail

TIGHT JAM 2 (The Blackmail )Don Abdul ©2008 While Peggy was young, sexy outgoing, Constance was a prudish 52 year old bitch who seldom smiled, especially with the staff, regardless of how nice and cordial to her they were. The interesting thing about her though is that despite her cold attitude she had damn sexy body. In fact, most of the guys in the office actually fantasized about her voluptuous heart shaped ass and gorgeous full breasts. She became Peggy’s step-mom when her father re-married...

3 years ago
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Zoeys Blackmail

"Another boring Friday night for your insomniac ass," Zoey said to the girl in the mirror. She was right, of course. The night had been fairly boring indeed. Zoey had less friends than she would have liked, and it seemed they always made plans without her these days. Likely it was due to her shyness, she thought - Zoey barely said a word when she was invited places. When at a party, she was the type to make fantastic friends with the house cat. On such boring Friday nights, Zoey would first...

3 years ago
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You wanked so much your cock got sore and you had to stop for a few days, why, because of the photographs. The postie mis delivered a large set of 72 6" by 8" glossy photographs of a woman and her lover/whatever. All you know about him is that he has hairly legs, a slight stomach and a slightly larger than average cock. Oh, and his name, Chris, because it was on the package. She on the other hand is lovely, about 30, pale skin, dress size 12 or so, average height and moderately large but firm...

3 years ago
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Stefans Blackmail

When I was about 19 I started to crossdress. I didn't have gay feelings or strongly identify as feminine but I felt strangely attracted to my older sister's clothing. One day I tried on a skirt and I found this simple act feel so thrilling that at the next opportunity I tried on a two more things...a dress and and a pair of her jeans. I was always thin, especially when I was younger, and my sister was only three yeas older than me, so I had little problem fitting in most her stuff. Actually the...

2 years ago
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Tmkoc Episode 10 Bhide Ka Blackmail

Hello friends I am Humraaj and I am back with the next episode of TMKOC. In case you don’t know me, I am Humraaj from Ahmedabad. If any one wants to contact can mail me on To jaisa ki aap log jante hai ki Jetha Anjali ki chut mein lund dalta hai. Anjali ke muh se cheekh nikal jati hai. Jetha ko pata chal jata hai ki woh Anjali ko chod raha hai. Jetha apna lund nikal leta hai aur Babitaji ko chillata hai. J:  Kya Babitaji maine apko kaha tha na ki main Anjali bhabhi ko kabhi nahi chodunga. Apne...

1 year ago
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A Lipstick Called BLACKMAIL

EXPLICIT MATERIAL NOT INTENDED FOR MINORS. Copyright 1998 PleaseCain@a... -- Commercial use prohibited without author's consent. Removal of this notice in any case is prohibited. A Lipstick Called ... BLACKMAIL! By PleaseCain The clock chimed midnight as I flicked on the light and dropped my bag. A quick spin through the house to make sure no one was around, and then I grabbed a beer from the fridge. There was food in the freezer for later, but I headed straight to my...

2 years ago
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First Seduction From A Friend Through Blackmail

Dear ISS readers, I am Rashi from Bangalore, 24 years, well built, curly hair, attractive figure. Have received compliments from many guys so far. This is my first story here and my first seduction experience and I really hope you like it. Your feedback is very valuable, so kindly drop in your views. Criticism is much appreciated. A story about a girl, lets call her Sahira, 20 year old, vital stats – 32-24-28, slim built, second year graduation. Sahira met a guy named Vishal, 21 year old,...

1 year ago
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Tight Jam 2 The Blackmail

TIGHT JAM 2 (The Blackmail )Don Abdul ©2008 While Peggy was young, sexy outgoing, Constance was a prudish 52 year old bitch who seldom smiled, especially with the staff, regardless of how nice and cordial to her they were. The interesting thing about her though is that despite her cold attitude she had damn sexy body. In fact, most of the guys in the office actually fantasized about her voluptuous heart shaped ass and gorgeous full breasts. She became Peggy's step-mom when her father...

Straight Sex
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2:15 PM, I was still in my classroom. Usually I would have either left or graded papers, but I had a bad feeling and couldn't concentrate. So why not leave? Darla Greene. A student new to the school had requested a meeting. I had just finished discussing the current class assignment when she asked, so I originally presumed she simply wanted to know if she had to do it. I teach English at Brodie Valley High School. The class she was in of mine, specifically, was Classic Literature. She had...

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Naked Blackmail

As we walked into his suite, he indicated he wanted me to stand in the middle of the living room and sat down opposite.“Now,” he smiled, “show me what’s under that sexy little dress of yours. I’ve been dying to see it all evening!”He reached for a manila envelope, pulled out a sheaf of photos, and tossed them on the coffee table, where they fanned out. They were all of me doing obscene things with him and Kristol. I slowly spread them out, then impulsively pushed them away and turned my head as...

2 years ago
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Summer CampEpisode 5 Blackmail

Robert was the first to answer. "We ... eel... , I have an idea," said he, embarrassed, "we can always have them become castaways on Skinny-dipper Island." "What's that?" asked Linda. "Oh, that's right. This is your first year here. Skinny-dipper Island is a small island in the middle of the lake. The boys' camp has been using it as a site for three day outings for the older kids; there are two camp sites set up there, one for six kids and one for twelve. We call it Skinny-dipper...

3 years ago
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Babysitter Blackmailers

It was a huge bathroom and I loved it. The thing is, the bathroom didn't have a lock on the door and the girls had a habit of walking right in and giggling as they looked at me naked. I told them it was not cool to walk in on someone but they kept doing it. I even threatened to tell their mom but they still kept doing it. I, of course, would never have told their mom because I was afraid my ass would get in trouble for some reason. After awhile I just let them have their fun. Soon they...

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Babysitter Blackmailers

Introduction: A story about my babysitting days in high school When I was 16 in the mid 1970s I used to watch after two girls (11 and 12) for a friend of my moms. It would be on weekdays after football. Id pick them up at their school, then drive them home and watch them until their mom got home three hours later. Since I was always hot and sweaty the mom told me I could use their shower every day. It was a huge bathroom and I loved it. The thing is, the bathroom didnt have a lock on the door...

3 years ago
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A Professor Is Blackmailed

A PROFESSOR IS BLACKMAILED - CHAPTER ONE(FMM,nc,bkml,reluc,mc)By Dawn1958Please email me with your comments and suggestions. This is a repost of a story I wrote for a reader who sent me some fantasies. I hope this erotic tale does justice to her fantasy and that other readers enjoy the story.Email [email protected] IS BLACKMAILEDAt 28, Kerri was satisfied with her life and she valued the fact that she was single. Her job as a professor at the college was a reward for five years...

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BLACKMAILED Victor Carpenter's life was as good as he had ever hoped it could be. At twenty one he'd moved out of his parent's house and two years later bought his own, in another part of the country, with a small part of the inheritance he'd received from his grandfather, it still left the bulk of it to provide him with a good income for life. It had meant that he need no longer worry about his parents discovering his secret; he loved the feel of women's clothes, but his family were...

1 year ago
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Bored and Blackmailed

It was shaping up to be a normal, run of the mill day for siblings Dennis and Kylie Stevens. As it was the middle of summer, they were spending their day lounging about their house while their parents were at work. As it was a rainy day, they were spending the day inside. Kylie strolled up to her older brother's room and poked her head inside. A loud boom of thunder rang throughout the house, causing Kylie to jump. Dennis didn't seem to notice it, since he had a pair of headphones on...

3 years ago
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Mom blackmails

Chapter 1 - My elder sonMy name is Susan, and I had been brought up in the deep south, by deeply religious parents, so i****t was something I'd been brought up not even to think about, let alone get involved with. But that all changed in a morning, and i****t took over my life.I'm married with two sons and twin daughters, which I had early in my life, and over about as short a period as was possible, as I guess that both my husband and I were unusually fertile. My husband is a successful...

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Exploring My Teacher 8211 Part 2 Blackmail

I was one of her favorites as I was good in academics and an innocent boy in her eyes. She used to take help from me whenever required be it anything. One day, she had asked me for my reference book as she was not able to understand some of the sums. She promised to give it back the next day. The next day I went to her for my book. She told that she will search for it and give it to me. I waited and she didn’t come even after a few minutes had passed. I decided to check and found her bent in...

2 years ago
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June Gets Blackmailed

By Docker5000 Introductory Jason sneaks out of school and meets his older friend. The two lads discover Jason’s mother having sex with two men in her living room. Chapter 1 Jason Clark was extremely bored as he sat in class as his teacher went on about something. Jason was completely ignoring him. Jason just continued to look out of the classroom window. His regular English teacher was off sick and the substitute teacher that was standing in for her was completely...

4 years ago
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Vic lay on his bed, stretched out on his side, naked, his hard, throbbing cock in his hand. As he stroked himself harder and harder, faster and faster, his breathing growing hoarse and ragged, his gaze was locked inexorably upon the centerfold of the magazine before him.Her name, according to the XXX magazine at any rate, was Honie and, despite the unusual spelling, Vic certainly thought that she was. Her body was lean and trim, smooth and petite, hairless and just lightly tanned. Her nipples...

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Teacher Blackmailed

Hi, I am back with second part of the teacher aunty gets blackmailed fuck. In the last part you have read that i am now the principal of the school and was dealing with a groping of teacher by student case and how the student son of the trustee with whom I have illicit relation blackmailed with and made me his whore. It was three months by now when he had first fucked me in my cabin and now it was a regular thing for me to spread my legs for a boy who was younger to my first child and being...

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MsGregory Blackmail

Introduction: story on model Tianna Gregory At a relaxed pace I followed Tianna Gregory making her way through the parking lot to her signing. I had made sure the stunning woman behind the steering wheel hadnt noticed me as I maneuvered behind her through the busy LA afternoon traffic, never letting her get out of sight, but always keeping a couple of vehicles between us to help me to keep from being spotted. I rolled into the next free parking box and watched with a smile as the curvaceous...

3 years ago
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A Little Friendly Blackmail

"Becky!" Eighteen-year-old Phil Dane yelled at his seventeen-year-old stepsister. "What the fuck is your problem?" He steamed."I don't have a problem," she merrily replied. "I got the last slice of pizza, so I’m good," she said as she licked the remaining piece of pizza from tip to crust before taking a bite."What the hell is with you, sis? You already had two slices and so did mom and dad. I should have gotten two as well!" Phil said as he walked from the kitchen over to his sister, who was...

2 years ago
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Nurse Blackmail

Perhaps it was the good intentions. Or maybe it was the strong, firm touch of another man overpowering her and holding her down. Whatever the case, Jessica's grip on the sheets of the hospital bed tightened differently, with Michael arching over her back, plunging deep into her womb. “Haah!” she exhaled, wild strands of hair sticking to the sweat of her brow, shocked at how pleasurable the grip of his large hand felt around her throat. His hold was tight like a professional masseur's, his...

3 years ago
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My Teachers Blackmail

I sit at my desk at school staring out the window forlornly; my head reeling with all the stuff that has been going on the last week. So much so that I have been unable to concentrate in even my favourite class. Maths was even harder though. The teacher was cruel and the class was just generally boring, which is why I decided to not even try to pay attention. Mr Mathews stands at the front of the class talking about the upcoming math assignment. He stops talking suddenly to look at me. The...

2 years ago
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Beths Beautiful Blackmail

I am a track coach at a prestigious college. I should explain I am black, 5'10 and have an athlete's body. Small breasts, long firm legs and am perfectly fit. Ashley, my new and upcoming track star was as white as they come, with blonde hair, perky small breasts, long perfectly tanned legs and an ass so tight even straight people noticed it. Anyhow, Ashley was a great runner, but had major problems taking orders from me. I quickly realized it was a race issue and decided to do something...

1 year ago
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Working for an accounting firm for 5 years, I have been handling large accounts. A friend suggested no one would notice if a couple of thousands of dollars here and there were missing. I took the advice. Everything went well, unnoticeable for about three months. One day I received a note to go to Mr. Smith, my manger’s office. Mr. Hanson, the chief of security and my account lead, Lance were also waiting in the office. I froze. What’s going on! Leticia. I have been told you’ve embezzled this...

Group Sex
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Blackmailedby FOXI (address withheld)***A young boy catches his mother kissing a man, not his father, and decides to teach her a very hot lesson. (F/mf-teens, ped, reluc, inc, voy, mast, anal)***I'm still in high school but I'm not stupid or totally innocent. I knew that both my mom and dad were having marital troubles. But I didn't realize how bad until one day coming directly home from school, which I rarely did, saw a man, not my dad coming out of my house in a rush, but not before kissing...

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Diane Blackmailed

Diane Blackmailed ch 01by JustALittleRougherDiane looked at the cup of coffee and sandwich in front of her. She knew she had to eat something but couldn't muster the energy. Her arms were limp and she could barely keep her eyes open. Three more hours to go. Three more hours until the workday ended and she might be able to go home. If they didn't call."Bates!" She jumped at the voice. It was her boss, Mr. Vader. She turned around in her seat, looked up at him. "The Mitchell account. Did you...

3 years ago
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Valedictorian Blackmail

Chelsea was quite a pretty girl, too. She was tall, 5’7 or so, with brown hair and bright blue eyes. She was pale, and a healthy weight. Her biggest asset, though, were her breasts, 36 D and nearly perfectly shaped. Chelsea, however, hated having attention on them, and tried to hide them as best she could. However, even in the school uniform - a plaid skirt, sweater, blouse, and pantyhose - they were still unavoidable. Chelsea sat there, anxiously awaiting the chance to leave. Finally,...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Blackmail

Driving home , the highway was deserted, my hand was playing with my wife’s pussy, and not paying attention to speed, soon we saw the flashing red lights behind us. I pulled over as the young officer approached our car. Taking my license and registration, he said that we were speeding along with reckless driving, and some other charges too. He ran his check from his car and came back to us. Saying that we had no wants outstanding, he was still giving us several tickets. He played his light...

3 years ago
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My Teachers Blackmail

I sit at my desk at school staring out the window forlornly, my head reeling with all the stuff that has been going on the last week. So much so that I have been unable to concentrate in even my favourite class. Maths was even harder though. The teacher was cruel and the class was just generally boring, which is why I decided to not even try to pay attention. Mr Mathews stands at the front of the class talking about the upcoming math assignment. He stops talking suddenly to look at me. The...

4 years ago
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Neighborly Blackmail

Who’s here? I thought to myself as the door bell rang. I answered the door seeing my sexy neighbor, Amanda, standing there holding a few pictures. ‘Can I come in David?’ she asked, a sly smile forming on her pretty face. ‘Sure. What’s up?’ ‘I think you may wanna see what I have here.’ looking down at the photos in her hand. Amanda walked in and made her way over to the couch. I closed the front door and joined her where she sat. I began to feel nervous about the pictures she was about to show...

3 years ago
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Indecent Proposal Wife Being Blackmail

I had just received a phone call from a guy who works with my husband. I always hated this guy. He had tried hitting on me several different occasions at my husband work functions. He was very cocky and very much into himself. He worked out several times a week at the gym and thought his body was so spectacular. My husband also hates him. He caught him on a few occasions hitting on me at different parties. He also doesn’t get along with him at work. I didn’t really want to talked to him but I...

2 years ago
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To the average person, your life is fairly mundane. You have a steady job, a decent home in a lovely suburb, a fairly attractive wife (although her age is starting show), and a daughter about to head off to college. Some would probably say that you're fairly ordinary. Many might even say behind your back "Boy, John Doe is boring." It wouldn't surprise you if someone said such things, because that's exactly what you've wanted people to think for the last six years. Keeping up appearances for at...

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Tsunades Blackmail

The doors to the Hokage's office burst open. In came Naruto Uzumaki, the number-one, hyperactive, knuckle-headed ninja. "Hey, Tsunade-baachan" he greeted, a stupid grin on his face. Looking up from a stack of paperwork, Tsunade sighed. She wasn't ready to deal with Naruto yet, she still had work. "Naruto. What is it?" Tsunade grumbled. "You promised me a date today! Remember" Naruto shouted. Tsunade racked her brain, she didn't recall such an event. Oh wait, ...yes she did. She told Naruto she...

1 year ago
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As I look up and saw photos of me, summer before college. It is me violating and then screwing my new boss, Madison, busty blonde with long legs. As I look at the photo, I was merely the fat kid in school so when I got incriminating footage of her. I took advantage of it. It was eight years ago, she did tell me that she would get revenge on me. Now I could lose everything that I have built my wife and my children. She says, "Deny it, it is not you. Or you can give me orders, so you can...

2 years ago
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"You can't tell mom and dad," my sister said. She was sitting on her bed, covering herself with her comforter. "You know what they'll do." Her eyes were welling with tears. She was upset for good reason. I had come home early from work and found her with a large, black cock in her mouth. The owner of the cock has long since vanished. Our parents were both hard working and successful lawyers. As well, they were incredibly religious, and were strongly against many things they viewed as immoral....

4 years ago
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Tutor blackmail

Being the daughter of wealthy entrepreneurs has its drawbacks. One of them is that you have to maintain an appearance of an upstanding young lady, which usually means lots and lots of classes: piano, ballet, horse riding... Kesley hated every second wasted learning shit she doesn't. She should be out there, enjoying herself with her friends and fucking college boys. She has a woman's body, after all. The type of body that even older men can't take their eyes of. Not everything was that bad,...


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