A Little Friendly Blackmail free porn video

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"Becky!" Eighteen-year-old Phil Dane yelled at his seventeen-year-old stepsister. "What the fuck is your problem?" He steamed.

"I don't have a problem," she merrily replied. "I got the last slice of pizza, so I’m good," she said as she licked the remaining piece of pizza from tip to crust before taking a bite.

"What the hell is with you, sis? You already had two slices and so did mom and dad. I should have gotten two as well!" Phil said as he walked from the kitchen over to his sister, who was lounging on the living room couch. "You know, ever since you hit that development spurt that gave you an ass and a pair of tits, you’ve become a real bitch."

Phil hated to admit it, but he had indeed been noticing his stepsister’s ass and tits a lot lately, and not in a way that was appropriate for a guy to be looking at his stepsister. Ever since she hit her behind schedule ‘growth spurt’ last year, he found that he was kind of developing a crush on her… or perhaps he simply wanted to fuck her, he didn’t really know which.

"Pft! Whatever loser," she said as she kept her eyes on the TV while her brother rushed off to his room. ‘He's just jealous that I'm more popular than he is at school since I developed these sweet tits!’

Shortly after her brother left, her mom and stepdad came down from their room.

“Hey, Becky?”

“Yeah, dad?”

Her dad looked around the kitchen.

“Where’s your brother?”                  

Becky rolled her eyes and turned back to the TV.

"He went up to his room, pissed off at me as usual,” which was the truth, since he always seemed to be pissed with her lately.

“Hmm, I hope your brother had enough to eat, he skipped lunch. And what about Harper? I thought she was spending the night here?”

“She is. She finishes her track meet in a little bit, and she said that she needed to see Mr. Caan for a while, something about another ‘special lesson,’ whatever that means.”

"Oh. Well anyways, your mom and I are taking off. We’ll be back from New York Sunday night before you guys go to bed. You have our cell numbers, and Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly are home all weekend if there is an emergency. While we’re gone, your brother is in is in charge and you do whatever he says, ok?”

"WHAT!?" Becky shrieked. "But I'm seventeen-years-old, just one year younger than Phil, and I used to stay home alone all the time before you married mom," she complained. “I don’t need to be looked after like a baby!”

"Becky!" Her mother said in a stern voice. "Just do whatever your brother says. If I hear from him that you didn't do what you were told, I’m going to take away your cell phone and change the home Wi-Fi password so that you’ll have to get permission before using the Internet, which will only be for homework for the rest of the month. Understand?"

“But mom!” Becky couldn’t believe it. Her mother always let her get away with anything she wanted, at least before she married Phil’s father.

"No more buts!" Her mother said in an even sterner voice. “Do you understand?”

Becky crossed her arms and sank into the couch with a pout.

“I understand.”

“Good,” her mother said smugly. “Bye Becky, we’ll see you soon.” And with that, they were out the front door.

Becky was about to have another bite of her pizza, but she threw it back onto her plate, no longer enjoying how much she had made her brother fume over its loss.

"So, I guess you just heard the news?" Phil said as he leaned against the wall at the base of the stairs, a shit-eating grin on his face. "Don't worry sis, you do as I say, and we’ll get along splendidly."

"Whatever jerkoff!" Becky huffed as she got off of the couch and started fast-walking towards the stairs.

She brushed shoulders with Phil as she stormed up the stairs towards her room. As she walked up, Phil took a peek up his sister’s short, yellow and black tartan print skirt at her tight, young ass.

‘Jesus! Why is she so fucking hot? And why does she have to be my stepsister?' Phil thought as he took his sister’s place on the couch and changed the channel to a James Bond movie. Within seconds, he was disturbed by the sound of loud pop music from Becky’s bedroom upstairs. He didn’t really care how loud the music was, since he could just turn up the surround sound on the living room’s entertainment system, but he decided to give his sister a hard time in retaliation for being such a bitch with the pizza.

Phil went upstairs, but stopped before reaching his stepsister’s room. He sniffed the air and immediately recognized the scent of marijuana coming from Becky’s room. He burst through her door and his sister jumped in shock. She quickly regained her composure and threw the joint she had been smoking out the window, which was open to blow the smoke out of in an attempt to prevent the smell from reaching the rest of the house, which evidently failed.

"The fuck Phil! What the hell are you doing bursting into my room without knocking?" She shrieked. “In fact, what the hell are you doing in my room PERIOD?”

‘Ah, there’s the sass I expect from her,’ he thought to himself.

"What am I doing?" He asked as he casually walked into the room. "How about you tell me what you’re doing, little sis?" He sat down on her bed. "It looks to me like you were trying to relieve a little stress after learning that your big brother was going to be in charge this weekend. Although, I don’t think my dad…” His smile widened. “Or especially your mom, would think of smoking weed as an appropriate form of stress relief."

Becky was starting to panic.

"Look, Phil, I can explain!" She said in a scared voice. “Harper brought a joint over and started smoking it yesterday while we were studying for a test. She left half of it behind because her dad arrived early to pick her up. I got curious and took just one puff before you walked in. I've never smoked weed before today, I swear!" She pleaded, "Please, don't tell mom or dad. Please!”

He stroked his chin in thought for a moment. Finally, he said, "Tell you what, little sis. I'll forget about this, on one condition. This weekend, you have to treat me better, MUCH better than you have lately."

"What do you mean?" She asked quizzically.

"Well, for starters, you can stop acting like you’re better than me and show me some respect." He walked over to his sister and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Then, you do a few small favours for me, and in return, you can smoke, drink, whatever, whenever you like, and I’ll look the other way and won’t say anything to mom or dad. Cool?"

Becky flashed a small smile and sighed in relief. “Thanks, Phil. So, what kinds of favours are you talking about? Laundry, making the bed, fetching you drinks, what? It must be pretty good if one weekend of servitude to you can buy me a lifetime of you looking the other way.”

“Oh, it is, little sis. It is,” Phil said as he lowered his face towards her and kissed her on her left cheek, causing her to squirm nervously in his arm.

"Uh, what are you doing, Phil?" She asked. "You're acting really weird."

Phil sighed in annoyance

"Look, little sis," he said in an exasperated tone. "If you don't want me to tell mom and dad about how you’re smoking weed, the least I expect you to do exactly what I tell you to. After all, mom and dad did tell you to do whatever I say, anyways.”

Panic returned to Becky’s face.

"But you said you wouldn't tell them!"

"I said I wouldn’t tell them if you treat me well and do what I say this weekend," he told the nervous young brunette.

"But you said..." Becky started, this time in a voice of annoyance, rather than fear.

"No more buts. Don’t’ you remember what your mother said?" He announced in a louder voice as she started to look pissed at her brother giving her a line of hope and then cryptically pulling some kind of authority grab on her. "You WILL do whatever I tell you to this weekend, starting right now.”

Again, Becky was unsure what Phil meant when he emphasized the word whatever, but she was starting to get a bad feeling about it. Phil sat on the bed and picked up a picture of his sister and her boyfriend, Todd, from her nightstand.

"You and Todd really make a sweet, sweet couple," he said before tossing the picture frame on the other side of her bed. "Why don’t you come here, sis?" Phil asked, clearly getting a rise out of his sister by referring to her as sis, but for him, he was using it for an entirely different purpose: it aroused him.

Becky looked at him with a combined look of annoyance, skepticism, and a little bit of fear.

"I said, come here, sis," Phil said in a demanding voice.

Becky moved towards him as he just sat there staring at her, practically stripping her clothes off with his gaze. She stopped right in front of him and crossed her arms, causing her budding chest to be pushed above her arms and become more pronounced.

"Look, just what exactly do you want?” She said in a sassy, rebellious voice.

"Well, you can start by coming even closer to me and pushing those luscious lips of yours against mine."

Becky’s look was now one-hundred-per-cent shocked.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking perv?!" Becky practically yelled as she began backing away from him. "I'm your sister!"

"Correction, you’re my stepsister, and you know that mom and dad told you that you have to do everything I say, right?" Phil actually had to fight a stammer in his voice as apprehension began to creep up on him in regards to what he was trying to do. "Unless you want my day, or more importantly your mom, to know that you are partaking in illegal substances, then…" He reached out and gently pulled her by her waist back to him.

"Phil! You’re fucking crazy! This is so fucked up!" Becky didn’t feel as weirded out as most would have been in this situation, after all, Phil was only her stepbrother. 

In fact, they didn’t even know each other until last year. Rather it was the thought of giving into her brother’s demands that pissed her off the most.

“Well, smoking dope is wrong too, but at least if you do what I tell you to do, mom and dad won’t learn about either of the two wrongs. So, little sis,” he slowly stroked her arm. “What’s it gonna be?”

‘Well, if he doesn’t tell mom and dad about the weed, then I guess it’s worth it. At least he’s not incredibly horrendous looking either,’ she thought to herself.

"UGH! Fine, if kissing your disgusting mouth is what it takes to keep it shut, then let’s get it over with."

She leaned down and placed her lips against his. The taste of cherry lip gloss reached his lips. Things were looking pretty good, however, as quickly as her lips touched his, she snatched them away in an instant.

"What the hell, Becky?" Phil asked, "I've seen you kiss grandma with more passion than that. You’d better kiss me like you kiss that pretty little boyfriend of yours."

"But Phil..." Becky started.

"No more buts! Now either you do what I tell you to do, and you’d better do it like you want to, or else I’m going to call mom and dad right now and tell them that they need to come home right away because not only did I catch you doing drugs, but I also learned that you were planning on using the family’s emergency credit card to pay for alcohol for a little party you’ve been planning for this weekend."

Phil struggled to maintain a commanding voice full of the conviction necessary to carry out such a lie.

"Now, come here, and kiss me like you kiss your Goddamn boyfriend!"

Becky couldn’t believe it. Phil had never done anything like this to her in the past year that they had been living together as brother and sister. She contemplated whether or not her poor treatment of him and the fact that she consciously wore less and less around him to tease him and drive him crazy had finally pushed him to a breaking point that caused him to act so out of character, or was he hiding this side of himself the whole time? No matter what the reason was, she knew that she had no choice but to do what she was told.

She started to slowly lean down towards her brother. Phil pulled her down to him and they kissed again, but this time he kept his hand behind Becky's head in order to prevent her from breaking the kiss. He opened his mouth and started moving his tongue across her cherry flavoured lips in an attempt to get her to open up.

Eventually, she gave in and opened up her mouth. Phil immediately pushed his tongue into her mouth and began squirming it around hers as they french kissed. Becky hated that she was letting Phil force her to do this, but she did have to admit that he was a pretty good kisser and eventually she closed her eyes and attempted to make the best of the situation rather than stare opened eyed at her brother the whole time as he forced her to kiss him.

The kiss went on for so long that Becky decided to attempt to break away from her brother, but he maintained his hold on the back of her head. Phil slowly snaked his free hand underneath her tight grey t-shirt and up her stomach. Becky’s eyes snapped open once her brother’s hand reached the bottom of one of her breasts. As he gave the fleshy mound a good squeeze, Becky used all of her strength to escape and ended up flying against the wall.

"Jesus Phil! You can't do that! I’m your fucking sister!"

"You’re saying I can’t do this now, after that little kiss of ours?" He stood up and slowly walked towards her. "You don’t have a choice; if you don’t do what I say you’re going to be in a whole new world of trouble with mom and dad. Honestly, how many times do I have to make that clear to you?” He placed his hands on her shoulders and slowly trailed them down her soft, goose bump filled arms. "And as for the sister thing, you’re only my stepsister. Now, why don’t we move things along and you start removing those clothes of yours.”

Becky finally knew the truth: there was no pleading with her brother, and trying to talk sense into him or trying to use the poor, little sister routine wasn’t going to work either, so she knew the best course of action was to try and just get whatever this was over with as quickly as possible.

“UGH! Fine, you perverted freak!”

She quickly pulled her shirt over her head, leaving only a black, floral-lace print bra from Phil from seeing her tits.

"Nice sis! Really nice," he said as he sat back down on the bed to enjoy the show.

Becky reached behind herself and began unclasping her bra.

"Oh! Hold up a sec sis!" Phil pulled his cell phone out of his jeans pocket and snapped some pictures of his sister disrobing. "Sorry to stop you, it’s just that I figured if you decided to stop acting like a good little girl I could use this as leverage in the future." He smiled devilishly. "Now, please continue."

Becky glared at Phil with laser-like eyes. ‘One day, I am SO going to get back at him for this!’ She quickly undid the last hook on her bra and threw it on the floor as her recently developed breasts fell free.

Even though he knew what was coming, Phil still couldn’t believe his eyes; he was looking at his sister completely topless, and it was a dream come true! Her breasts were perfectly round and about the size of small melons. By now his already hard cock was straining to be released from his jeans. Without warning, he undid his jeans and quickly pulled them and his boxers off, exposing his throbbing cock to his sister as he began to slowly stroke himself in front of her.

Without realizing that she was doing it, Becky bit her lip and closed her knees together as she felt a stirring between her legs. She was very impressed by the size of his cock, and despite hating almost everything about him, she couldn’t help but get turned on. ‘Maybe if he wasn’t such a Goddamn asshole, and my stepbrother, I’d consider him to be fuckable,’ she thought to herself.

Phil noticed his sister bite her lip and squeeze her legs together, and he knew she liked what she saw, even if she wanted to pretty much kill him right now.

Becky knew that her brother didn’t want her to stop here, so she undid the buckle of the belt holding up her short skirt and began sliding them down her long, thin legs, slowly, almost as if she was doing this for someone she wanted to fuck. ‘What am I doing? I’m supposed to be hating this!’ She chastised herself.

Her skirt pooled at her feet and exposed a pair of black lace panties that matched the bra she had previously been wearing. Becky started to step out of her skirt when Phil got up and walked towards her. He leaned in and began passionately kissing her again as his hands moved to her breasts and started squeezing them, causing goose bumps to return to her exposed body. They continued to kiss as he gently massaged her firm tits for about a minute before finally releasing her.

"So, what’s next?" She asked, once again knowing that her brother wasn’t going to stop with just seeing her naked, nor was there any point in trying to ask for him to stop.

He smiled as he moved his fingers inside her panties and started to slowly finger his sister’s pussy. Becky tried to stay composed and look like she was pissed at him, but she couldn’t help but close her eyes and bite her lip again. Not wanting to pleasure his sister too much, Phil removed his fingers and slowly slid her sexy panties down her legs, leaving her wearing nothing but a pair of knee-high athletic socks with three black horizontal stripes around the top.

Phil ran his hands along her legs and her sides as he stood back up. Upon straightening up, he placed his hand between her legs and resumed massaging Becky’s hairless twat. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of her brother’s fingers as his massaging became faster and a bit rougher. ‘Shit! his fingers feel so fucking good!’

“Why don’t we get you somewhere a little more comfortable,” Phil said as he scooped her up and gently placed her on her bed.

Suddenly a female called up from the front door.

"Becky? Are you in your room?" It was Becky’s best friend Harper.

"I forgot Harper was coming over for the night. Well, things are gonna get really fun now!" Phil said with a big smile.

"You can’t let Harper see us like this! She’ll think we're both nuts and tell everyone about it! PLEASE just let me get dressed and act like nothing happened," Becky begged in a panicked voice.

"Not a chance! There’s no way I’m going to let an opportunity like this go," he said as he sat down on the edge of the bed next to his sister and began gently stroking one of her legs. "Remember how you told me that Harper left the weed here and I caught you with it? What would happen if I called her parents and told them what she brought into our house, and what might they find if they searched her room before she got home?”

“You are SO going to pay for this asshole!” Becky told Phil, but not in the hateful way one might expect a person to react in that situation. It was more like a sassy retort one would give when slightly annoyed, more evidence that she was liking this more than she was letting on.

A few seconds later, Harper knocked on the door to Becky’s room before walking in, looking through a knapsack for something before finally looking up.

“Sorry to just come in, but no one was answering when I knock-“

Harper’s jaw literally dropped as she looked at Becky, wearing only a pair of knee-high socks, and her brother Phil, who was completely naked and slowly jerking his very hard, moderate lengthed, but impressively thick cock.

"Oh my God! What is going on?" Harper blurted out as her eyes flicked back and forth between the naked brother and sister before finally settling on the brother’s impressive package.

Phil began checking out the sexy teenage girl who stood in the doorway. Harper was seventeen, like his sister, with red hair pulled into a pair of pigtail braids and she was wearing a tight, green, white and gold t-shirt with the school’s logo on the front; her track uniform no doubt. Her breasts were very perky, and despite how tight the shirt looked, he could tell her breasts were a bit larger than his sister’s.

His eyes continued down her body to the very short, super tight green running shorts that ended just above her firm, athletic thighs and her toned ass. She was also wearing knee-high socks similar to his sister, except the three lines on her socks were green. She was just as, if not even sexier than his sister.

Phil spoke up as he got off the bed.

"Hey Harper, I'm actually glad that you're here. Ya see, Becky here was actually in the middle of paying me to keep quiet about a little secret that she told me about you two."

He started walking towards the nervous teenager.

"Uh, maybe I should leave you two alone," Harper awkwardly said while trying to back away from the advancing Phil, who instead pressed his naked body against her and began rubbing his cock against her stomach while he continued his little speech.

"And I think, you should definitely help assist Becky in making this payment, or I might have to call your parents and tell them to look through your room before you get home for any possible illegal substances."

He had now begun massaging her breasts through her tight t-shirt.

"You don’t know what you’re talking about, Phil," she said, not bothering to try and struggle free, as she knew she could never overpower a guy of his size. "I don't have an illegal substance problem, I just smoke some weed from time to time, it’s no big deal."

Phil laughed a second as he continued fondling the seventeen-year-old’s tits.

"No matter how little you think your problem is, I can inflate the story any way I want to. See, I already told Becky that if she doesn’t do as I say, not only will I tell our parents about the weed, but I’ll also tell them that she was going to use the family’s emergency credit card to buy beer for a party she was going to throw while they were away," he explained in a cocky voice.

He continued, "And I can also tell your parents that it was you that convinced her to throw the party and steal the card to buy the beer, and after they find your secret stash in your room, they’ll believe me over you no matter what story I feed them."

He gave the girl a peck on the neck.

"Now, here's what’s going to happen: you and Becky are going to do whatever I say, no objections." Phil kissed her neck again, but this time he also licked his way up to her cheek. "If you do as you’re both told, no one will ever know what happened here today, but if you don't..." He paused and kissed her on the lips, "Then your parents will subject you two to whatever punishment they see fit for two drug-using thieves like yourselves."

"I'm so sorry about this, Harper!" Becky said as she prayed that she didn’t lose her best friend because of her messed-up stepbrother.

Harper looked at Becky, and then to the older boy pressing his cock against her stomach.

“So, I’m presuming that you want all of us to engage in some kind of kinky three-way action involving a brother, a sister and her best friend like some kind of unrealistic, perverted taboo porn scene, am I right?”

Phil was taken aback by her blunt statement.

“In so many words, yes, that is exactly what I want from you two.”

Harper smiled. “Sounds like fun. I’m in,” she said as she pushed the amazed Phil away from her and began to jerk him off.

“Harper! What are you doing?” A freshly shocked Becky asked.

“This is such a hot taboo scenario, I love it! I’ve been trying crazy stuff like this ever since you showed me those interesting magazines of yours last summer. In fact, you know those ‘special lessons’ I’ve been having with Mr. Caan after class?” Becky nodded her head and Harper giggled. “Well, I’ve kind of been fucking him since the start of the year.”

For a second Becky forgot about everything that was going on and entered gossip mode at the revelation that her best friend was fucking one of their teachers. She stopped trying the cover her exposed tits and pussy and got on her knees.

“SHUT, UP! You’ve been fucking one of the hottest teachers at school and you didn’t tell me about it, you whore!”

Harper giggled again. “Sorry, Becky. I didn’t know how you’d react,” she smiled. “But I’m guessing from the look of things in here right now, you've been doing freakier stuff than I have.”

Becky crossed her arms. “I am NOT into this! I’m only doing it because I’m being blackmailed by this asshole here!” She said as she pointed to her brother.

A really confused and shocked Phil decided to pipe in, all the while Harper continued to slowly jerk him off.

“Well, this has been quite informative. I had no idea you two were such big troublemakers before today. Moving forward though, can I assume that you will both follow my instructions regardless of your dislike or,” he looked at a sly smiling Harper. “Enjoyment, of the current situation?” He looked at his sister first.

With a huff, Becky agreed. “Yeah, sure, whatever, let’s just get this over with as fast as possible.”

He looked down at Harper, pretty sure that he knew what her answer was going to be.

“Oh fuck yeah!” She replied enthusiastically.

"Well then, why don't we start with you taking off this tight, little t-shirt here, and then you can go sit next to Becky over there?" Harper raised her arms and let Phil remove her shirt for her. He flung the shirt next to the bed along with his sister’s clothes. "Now, go have a seat next to your bestest friend over there," he said in a cheery voice and smacked her on the ass as she started walking toward the bed.

“Ok, now Becky, why don’t you lend Harper a hand and remove her bra for her?”

Becky reached around Harper and removed the sports bra she was wearing and dropped it on the floor with all of their other clothes. Harper’s breasts were, in fact, bigger than Becky’s, and her nipples were also bigger and puffier as well. Phil began stroking his cock once again as he enjoyed the show.

"You guys are so fucking cute together," Phil said with a big smile. "Now, how about a little kiss between you two.”

Becky looked hesitant, but Harper looked thrilled.

“Come on,” Harper encouraged her. “Becky, it’s not like we haven’t done more than kiss each other during our previous sleepovers,” she said with a sly smile.

Phil was over the moon.

“You two? You’ve experimented together? But, you started going out with Todd before you met Harper at school.” He leaned his head back and had a laugh. “Oh, you two are something else!”

“What’s the matter, Becky?” Harper asked.

“What’s the matter is we did those, ‘things,’ together in private, we weren’t putting on a show for my perverted stepbrother. This is SO messed up!” She explained.

“Look, Becky,” Harper began to explain as she took her best friend’s hands into hers. “You know we have to do this, so you might as well try to enjoy it as much as possible, right?”

“Yeah, I guess so,” she admitted.

The sound of snapping fingers brought the girls’ attention back to Phil. “I hate to break up your little convo, but I did instruct you two to kiss, so let’s get to kissin’ shall we?

The two girls looked at each other and simultaneously leaned forward and kissed. Becky focused all of her attention on Harper as they kissed, allowing her to forget about her annoying stepbrother and enjoy the kiss with her best friend, like she’d done in the past.

She slipped her tongue into Harper’s mouth and the two French kissed as they held hands. Both girls started to give small moans of pleasure; Becky because she had almost forgotten about her brother completely as she lost herself in the kiss, and Harper was moaning in anticipation of what was still to come.

Phil was having the time of his life as he continued jerking himself while looking at his stepsister share a passionate kiss with her best friend.

“Hey, how about the two of you play with each other’s tits a bit?" He suggested.

Harper was the first to do as she was instructed, as she slowly, sensually slid her hands up Becky's body until she gripped her breasts and started kneading them like balls of dough. Becky's moans intensified from the feeling of her friend’s smooth hands gently massaging her breasts, to which she proceeded to return the favour by gripping Harper’s large breasts in her hands and teasing her friend’s puffy nipples. Their kissing continued for a little over a minute, until Phil was ready for something new.

"Very nice girls!" He said merrily. "I'm so glad to see that you two are enjoying yourselves! Harper, you go ahead and lie down on the bed," he said as he walked towards the edge of the bed, his cock still gripped in his hand.

"Ooh, what are you going to do to me?" She asked in a faux-nervous voice as she laid down.

"To start, sis, why don’t you continue to play with her tits a bit more?"

His sister returned her hands to Harper's meaty breasts. Becky decided to go even further than ordered and leaned down to Harper’s chest and took one of her nipples into her mouth. She enjoyed the fact that she made the decision to suck on Harper’s nipples herself, rather than it being an order from her brother.

Phil made his way up the bed and on top of Harper, his knees on either side of her body. He gripped the waistline of her shorts and slowly slid them down her athletic legs as Becky continued to massage and suck on her breasts and nipples. Phil crawled back up Harper’s body after having removed her shorts, leaving her in a pair of white panties with the phrase ‘Teacher’s Pet’ just above a wet spot located around her pussy.

"Well, I guess you weren’t making things up about you and that teacher," he laughed as he began running his fingers over her pussy lips through the fabric of her panties for a few seconds. After about half a minute, he gripped the waists of her panties and pulled them down, exposing her pussy and a small tuft of red hair just above it.

"Nice hair Harper! Next up, I want you two to lay next to each other.”

Becky did as she was told and laid down next to her friend. The view for Phil was almost too unbelievable to comprehend that it was really happening; his sexy stepsister and her smokin’ hot best friend were lying next to each other wearing nothing except knee-high athletic socks. It was like a vision from a porn scene!

“Oh, this calls for another picture!” Phil retrieved his phone from his pants next to the bed and proceeded to snap a picture of the two girls side by side. Harper smiled genuinely, but his sister made herself look annoyed.

“Perfect!” I’ll treasure this forever!”

He then proceeded to lay down between them and place one of his hands on each of the girls’ thighs and slowly slide them closer and closer to their juicy cherries. Both girls closed their eyes and moaned as his fingers moved higher up their legs.

Upon reaching the girls’ pussies, he slowly inserted a finger into each of them. Harper’s moans continued to remain quiet and steady, but when he penetrated his sister's cunt, she began to moan louder and open her mouth to breathe deeper. Phil smiled at the fact that he was causing his sister to enjoy herself against her will.

"Feels good, doesn’t it Becky?" Phil asked as he forced his finger deeper inside of her.

Once again, although she hated to admit it, the feeling of her brother playing with her pussy felt insanely good.

“Why don’t you take over for me with Harper, sis?" He instructed as he moved aside to let his sister position herself in front of her friend before then scooting up right behind her. This caused her to let out a small sound of disappointment at the feeling of her brother’s fingers leaving her pussy.

Becky looked at Harper as she lowered a hand towards her cunt. She slid her index and middle fingers inside Harper’s warm pussy, causing her to give her biggest moan yet. Harper began to play with her breasts as Becky slid her fingers in and out of her increasingly wet cunt.

Phil watched his younger sister finger fuck her best friend. Becky’s ass was sticking up into the air as she played with Harper’s pussy. Phil placed his hands on his sister’s hips and began to gently rub his cock around her ass cheeks.

"Go ahead and taste her, Becky," he instructed as he gently moved her head towards Harper’s pussy.

To his surprise, his sister didn’t object to him rubbing his cock against the crack of her ass, nor did she hesitate to lick her best friend’s pussy, which she started to do as soon as her head made it into Harper’s lap.

"Oh yeah, baby!" Harper mouthed out while practically ripping at her breasts now.

"You're doing a fantastic job, sis!" Phil said as he played with her ass cheeks.

He moved his cock lower and positioned it at the opening of her moist cunt. The feeling of his sister’s warm pussy lips against the tip of his cock caused a chill to run through the rest of his body. He took a deep breath, ‘Well, this is it!' he thought, and with that, he began to insert his throbbing cock into his seventeen-year-old stepsister. Her pussy immediately clamped down on the cock being inserted into it.

"Oh, my God!!!" Becky screamed, causing Harper’s eyes to snap open and interrupt her feeling of ecstasy to see what caused the scream.

"Oh fuck Phil! Your cock feels bigger than it looks!" She said as he kept pushing himself deeper into her cunt. "I can’t take it! Please take it out, PLEASE!" She pleaded as he began to rhythmically probe his cock in and out of her pussy.

“Oh yes you can sis, you’re doing just fine,” he told his sister as she continued to grunt and ‘ahh!’ at the feeling of having the biggest cock she’d ever had so far pound her cunt.

"Harper," Phil said between deep breaths. "Come on over and kiss Becky a little," he instructed in the hopes of muffling his sister’s objections.

"Phil it hurts, please!" Becky continued to plead.

Harper did as she was told, but decided to try and put her friend at ease first.

“Becky, look at me,” she said, causing her friend to stop squeezing her eyes shut and look at her. “Just focus on me, it’ll help reduce the pain until you get used to your brother’s cock, trust me.”

Becky nodded in agreement and Harper pressed her lips against hers. True to her word, focusing on Harper actually helped take her mind off of the pain a bit. They opened their mouths and started to french kiss as Phil continued to fuck his sister from behind.

He ran his hands across his sister’s trembling body before letting his hands go around and grip her breasts as he rammed his cock in and out of her with increasing speed. Eventually, the pain completely subsided and was replaced with nothing but one-hundred-per-cent pure pleasure, her grunts of pain replaced by loud moans.

They all stayed at it for a few more minutes until Phil feared that he was coming too close to an orgasm, so he slowly removed his cock from his sister’s pussy, causing a mix of pre-cum to drip from both his cock and her pussy onto the bed. As soon as his cock was out, Becky collapsed on the bed, having reached an orgasm two minutes ago, followed by another one five seconds ago. Harper broke their kiss and laid down on the bed as she looked at her friend’s well-endowed stepbrother.

"This is so wrong!" She said as she stared at his cock. “And that’s why this is so hot!” She prayed that he was going to fuck her next!

Phil smiled at Harper. He began crawling up the bed towards her until he finally found himself on top of her, each of his legs on either side of her hips. Her heart was beating so fast in anticipation of what was coming that her chest was actually starting to ache a little. He leaned down and kissed Harper’s soft lips. As they kissed, he let his hands roam over her large breasts, gently pinching her erect nipples. He released her tits and began guiding his cock towards the opening of her pussy.

Harper closed her eyes as she felt his cock tease her pussy lips. He leaned down and passionately kissed the young girl again before inserting his cock into her tight cunt. Harper let out a loud gasp as her pussy began to squeeze the thick member inside of her.

"Oh, My, God Phil!" She cried out.

He inserted himself all the way into her before beginning to quicken his pace. Soon, his cock was almost violently pounding Harper’s pussy. Unlike Becky, she had already had a man’s cock inside of her, so she didn’t experience any pain and was instead experiencing pleasure from the get-go. She wrapped her arms around Phil’s body and dug her fingernails into his back.

Phil continued pounding the little vixen as he started sucking on her puffy nipples. To his surprise, his sister, whom he had actually kind of forgotten about since he finished with her, was now lying down and furiously playing with her clit as she watched her brother fuck her best friend.

“Hey sis, come on over and give your big brother a kiss,” he commanded.

No longer acting all sassy, Becky got on her hands and knees and started kissing her brother. Her kissing was free of apprehension and filled with passion as she voluntarily opened her mouth so that their tongues could play with one another.

Sensing that he was about to cum, Phil began to pull out of Harper’s pussy. Once he was out, he got up and stood at the foot of the bed.

“How about a little help finishing me off girls? Use your mouths this time,” he instructed.

Harper immediately got on all fours at the end of the bed and began sucking him off, taking him all the way into her mouth, his tip finding its way into her throat as she jerked the base of his cock. ‘Wow, those lessons with that teacher must really be paying off!’ He thought to himself.

About half a minute went by of Harper blowing Phil before an annoyed Becky chimed in.

“Hey, you have that teacher to satisfy you, my brother’s cum is going into my mouth first!” She said as she grabbed his cock and began sucking on it faster than Harper did.

Although she couldn’t go as deep as Harper, she was going really fast and sucking really hard, causing him to moan with an open mouth as his sister sucked his cock as if she was in a desert and his cum was the only source of liquid in a hundred miles!

“Fuck sis, I’m gonna cu... I’m gonna, aargh!” And with that he burst several massive loads into his sister’s mouth. She jerked his cock in order to milk every drop of the precious liquid from it.

“Mmmmmm…” Becky moaned around Phil’s cock as she took in his cum.

Harper was afraid that she was going to swallow it all, so she interjected.

“Hey, come on bestie, give me a little taste at least,” and she gently pulled Becky’s head away from Phil’s cock and guided it to hers.

Initiating a kiss, she pushed her tongue into Becky’s mouth in order to steal some of the cum from her, and she didn’t object to sharing with her best friend, all the while Phil watched in delight as his sister shared his cum with her best friend.

“Woah! That was fucking awesome girls,” he said as he wiped the sweat from his brow. “It looks like you’ve bought my silence, congratulations.”

As he turned to leave, his sister stopped him.

“Hey, bro,” she said, causing him to turn around just before he got to the door. “Are you going to keep your word to let us do whatever we want and not tell our parents from now on?”

Seeing as how what had just happened far exceeded his expectations, he was inclined to agree. “Yeah, I’ll keep my promise; I won’t tell any of your parents if you want to drink, smoke weed, or whatever.”

“Does whatever include doing what we just did again on occasion?” Becky asked while twirling her hair with her fingers and giving an innocent little smile.”

Phil beamed. “Fucking yeah we can! Just let me know whenever you, or you and Harper, are ready for more.” An interesting thought just came to him. “In fact, if you two don’t mind, maybe I could tell my pal Michael about this? I mean, after what I heard about him and what he did with his stepmom, I know we could think of some interesting for all of us to do together.”

“YES!” Both girls shouted as they high-fived each other and went in for another kiss, the taste of Phil’s cum still on their lips and tongues. Thus began the beginning of a beautiful new relationship between Phil and his sister Becky, and her best friend Harper on occasion.



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Divya friend get the satisfaction

Hi, ISS reader and thanks for good response of my last story of Mature Horney Lady – especially to those ladies who is starved for sex and not getting oral sex from their hubby I am from Mumbai and my e-mail id is As said I get so many contact from this Divya now I became body massager, pussy hair trimmer, and pussy licker. As mentioned in the previous story my wife is also not having interest in oral sex so I am also starving for oral sex mainly special interest is licking the pussy of...

1 year ago
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Friendly Neighbors

This story is based on a true story. (names have been changed) My name is Alexa. I'm an 18-year-old girl with long, dark brown hair that softly glides to almost my lower back, and light brown, glistening eyes. I have long, dark and thick eyelashes to compliment my bedroom eyes. I was fresh out of high school, exploring the world of college, which. of course, brought on a wide sense of curiosity. Before going off to college (in fact, during my last year of high school) a new family had moved...

Straight Sex
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Vic lay on his bed, stretched out on his side, naked, his hard, throbbing cock in his hand. As he stroked himself harder and harder, faster and faster, his breathing growing hoarse and ragged, his gaze was locked inexorably upon the centerfold of the magazine before him.Her name, according to the XXX magazine at any rate, was Honie and, despite the unusual spelling, Vic certainly thought that she was. Her body was lean and trim, smooth and petite, hairless and just lightly tanned. Her nipples...

4 years ago
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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Ki Sex Story 8211 Part 7

In last part (6) you read that while returning back from back on rear seat of car headmaster made Divya to hold his cock and he fondled bare cunt. He also proposed for fuck and offered lot of money. But Divya got down at her favourite tea stall. Headmaster sadly went back to school. When Divya reached at tea stall it was around 1.15 of noon. She saw only Kaki there. She enquired and Kaki said that Usha is getting fucked inside by a police inspector and kaka has gone to bring some materials. She...

3 years ago
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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Ki Sex Story 8211 Part 6

Last part, Part 5 of this story was published on ISS on 23-11-2013. You have read that Divya arranged a girl from own school through school peon Nandu for her husband. But before her husband could fuck virgin girl three lady Divya, Usha ( wife of Divya’s colleague at school Vinay ) and Sonia ( maid of Divya) had hard core lesbian with virgin girl. Then in front of all other first Vinod ( husband of Divya) and then Vinay fucked that school girl. In evening when peon Nandu came to pick up girl...

3 years ago
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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Ki Sex Story 8211 Part 9

Monday evening a young handsome school boy Shekhar dropped Divya home. He boldly expressed his desire for her but Divya apparently did not give him any encouragement. But when her maid Sonia said that they should take this handsome boy in their cunt Divya assured maid that very soon cock of this handsome boy will be inside their cunt, “ randi, chinta mut kar bahut jaldi, iss khubsurat lawnde kaa lawda hamari choot mey hoga. “ In company of Divya that young widow Sonia also became a slut. From...

2 years ago
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The following journal entry was difficult for me to write, and I'm on the fence about what it all means to me. I know the lifestyle can lead to bad things happening and as much as I enjoy most of it, what has just happened have left me mentally distressed the last next few days. I feel the need to write about these events hoping. I hope this journal entry won’t be my last for a while, but maybe this will help me sort out my feeling. So, here it goes. It took a few days to write this, because I...

3 years ago
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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Ki Sex Story 8211 Part 10 Final Part

In last part, part ix you read that by her sexual exhibition she mesmerised hm and three trustees. They not only accepted her conditions but paid much more than agreed amount on the last day of school getting closed for 21 days vacation. She had regular fuck with cm with hope of getting pregnant. She befooled driver & conductor and made them show their cock in hotel. After they left she pressed bell and bahadur, nepali waiter came… “uff madam, bahut badhia aur kadak chuchi hai, uff kitna...

3 years ago
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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Ki Sex Story 8211 Part 8

You read that bank sanctioned vehicle loan to Headmaster as per requirement of Divya. Sanction letter was handed over on Monday and same day HM got delivery of car. Divya attended school and thereafter she booked in a hotel outside city and invited CM of bank as per their deal. By 6 of evening Divya was nude on body of CM. He hugged her tightly. Kissed deeply and whispered , “My darling, let me love you. “ He said and positioned her flat on king size bed of the hotel room. “ no hurry, I am...

2 years ago
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Divya Ki Randi Banne Ki Khwaish

Hi sexstory doston mai raj. Jaise app muje jaante hi hai aur agar aapne meri pehli wali sexstory padhi hongi tho aapko pata hi hoga ki divya kon hai. So uss din pub ke terrace pe sex karne ke baad mai aur divya jab bhi milte kuch adventerous zaroor karte. Tho doston hum sab mumbai mai rehte hai. Koi mumbai se muje milna chahe ya baate karni ho tho pe mail kare ya pe mail ya hangouts wala message kare. So doston story pe aate hue. Mai ek saturday ki dopahar apne ek reader ke saathvideo call pe...

2 years ago
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Teacher Blackmailed

Hi, I am back with second part of the teacher aunty gets blackmailed fuck. In the last part you have read that i am now the principal of the school and was dealing with a groping of teacher by student case and how the student son of the trustee with whom I have illicit relation blackmailed with and made me his whore. It was three months by now when he had first fucked me in my cabin and now it was a regular thing for me to spread my legs for a boy who was younger to my first child and being...

3 years ago
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Divya Ki Gaand Chudai Aur Gangbang

Hi friends mai raj, sorry bade dino baad indian sex kahani likh raha hu. Ye kahani sacchi hai ekdum 100%. Tho doston ye kahani hai mere dost ki behen divya ki. Divya ki umar 23 saal hai aur rang brown hai. Uske baal uske boobs tak hai aur uski aankhon ka. Wo mast slim hai aur jaise kai ladkiyon ki jaanghe yani thigh’s ka insie wala part chipakta hai waise uske nahi chipakti aur iske wajah se jab vo shorts ya tight jeans pehnti hai tab uski gand kya mast dikhti hai aur usko doggy style chodne ka...

1 year ago
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Divya K Saath Jungle Me Mangal 8211 Part I

Yeh kahani he Samir ki. Samir ek girls college me professor tha. Jo sex ka bada shoukin tha. Age 28 saal dikhne me handsome tha. Athletic body thi. Kayi college kumariyo ko chod chuka tha. Woh shadi shuda b tha. But uski biwi zyada khubsurat nhi thi. Divya usi college ki ek khubsurat kali thi.B.Com 3rd year me pdhti thi. Divya ki age 20 saal thi, jo 5’5″ height ki thi, safed gora rang tha, badi badi kaali aankhe thi, gulaab se komal honth the, aur lamba sa par nazuk naak. Ghane nitamb tk lambe...

3 years ago
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Officer Friendly

 Another night, driving the streets of the city. Arresting streetwalkers, dealers, and drug addicts. The occasional drunk driver. Being a cop was all Tom Peyton had ever wanted to do, and as a father of two young children, he now felt like it was his duty to wipe the shit off the streets so they could grow up in a safer place. It was annoying. “Fucking drains on the world,” he muttered. Dusk had settled into night and Tom was on his way home to his quaint pocket of suburbia. One ride...

3 years ago
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MsGregory Blackmail

Introduction: story on model Tianna Gregory At a relaxed pace I followed Tianna Gregory making her way through the parking lot to her signing. I had made sure the stunning woman behind the steering wheel hadnt noticed me as I maneuvered behind her through the busy LA afternoon traffic, never letting her get out of sight, but always keeping a couple of vehicles between us to help me to keep from being spotted. I rolled into the next free parking box and watched with a smile as the curvaceous...

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