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It's the nature of kids that they often learn by getting their fingers burnt or their butts warmed or their psyches embarrassed. If you're relatively new to parenting, you may not yet have learned that when you ask your child why he or she did something amazingly stupid and they say "I don't know", they may be telling you the truth. Until they're somewhere in their mid-teens, the brain connections are still being developed; in particular, the connection between that area called the limbic system where reactions to perceptions are generated and the prefrontal cortex where those same reactions are considered for possible consequences. It's your job as a parent to point out inappropriate reactions and to mete out appropriate consequences until the developmental processes are complete, or nearly so. The little darlings may not appreciate your sagacity at the moment but it'll help to get them on a much smoother path through life.

OK, these comments on neural anatomy and child development are my way of getting my excuses out early and in the best light. From time to time I recall something from my youth that makes me blush all over again. Right now, I'm recalling a time when I was just short of fifteen and spending the summer with my Aunt Willie, Uncle Gene and cousins Arnold and Sarah on their farm in eastern Colorado. My parents had assured me that it wasn't their intention to unload me (wink, wink) for nearly three months; rather, it was a chance for me to get out of the big city and experience another way of life.

My name is Jeremy Prescott, Jerry for short, and back in those days ten years ago, I suppose I was often perceived by grownups as being a precocious little shit. Referring to the first paragraph, I didn't go out of my way to annoy people. It's just that I knew I was smarter than most and tried to employ it to my advantage whenever I could. What possessed my aunt and uncle to take me in for a summer is beyond me; perhaps they hoped to score karma points toward the next life. By the way, Uncle Gene and my father are brothers so their last name is the same as mine.

I don't mean to say that I went out of my way to be a pain in the ass. I got along with nearly everyone pretty well but I found it impossible to refrain from pressing for an advantage if an opportunity arose and since I wasn't particularly adept physically, I stuck to whatever intellectual advantage I could muster since that was my strength.

Arnold and I are the exact same age to the day and Sarah is about a year and a half older. At the time, her social life had no room for two creepy boy relatives and that was just fine with us. From the day I arrived on the farm, between daily chores every morning and freedom to explore literally miles of territory in the afternoons, we had more than enough to keep us occupied.

We kids all worked four hours a day, five days a week for which we were paid five bucks an hour. As far as Uncle Gene was concerned, on a farm, there was always something that needed to be done and nobody got a free ride and that included Sarah. Allowances were not in the picture so you either worked for your money or did without. If Aunt Willie didn't have Sarah busy doing something in the house, she'd be out working with Arnold and me on something or other. She could be really nice and really funny when she wanted to be and her rapier wit left me without a comeback more than once. I didn't resent her for it, though; in fact, I was in awe of that kind of mental facility. I was also in awe of the well-developed sixteen-year old body she took pains to display in tight jeans and tighter T-shirts.

Uncle Gene worked too hard to allow his body to go to fat. He had one of those movie star bodies and the looks to go with it. I'm sure he was an object of lust for many of the ladies in town. Aunt Willie was no slouch, either. In today's parlance, she might be thought of as a MILF. If Sarah looked that good at the age of forty-four, she could thank her mom for the genes.

I looked forward to every meal at their house. Aunt Willie was a fantastic cook and dinner in particular was a special treat. If I hadn't still been growing and burning calories at a phenomenal rate, I'm sure I'd have grown fat from the sheer volume of food I stuffed down my gullet. Processed foods simply didn't find their way into the household. Every thing was fresh and cooked in a way that brought out the most flavor. It only took me about two meals to decide my mother didn't know the first thing about cooking. As far as she was concerned, if it wasn't microwavable, it was useless.

So on with the story.

One afternoon about three weeks into my stay, Aunt Willie told Arnold and I that she'd cook up a nice rabbit stew if we'd go out and shoot three or four cottontails. The idea of actually eating a cute little rodent that never did me any harm and that I'd have to murder to boot didn't excite me but Arnold assured me I'd love it. We took two .22 rifles out of the gun cabinet and headed across the fields toward the river on ATVs. I say river because that's what they called it but it really wasn't much more that a very small stream that meandered around the prairie like it was going absolutely nowhere in particular.

Arnold set up some targets in a stand of cottonwoods near the stream. As a city kid, I'd had very little experience with guns of any sort and suggested he'd need to give me a couple of lessons before we went on safari. Turns out he was a very good instructor and had me shooting inside the circle within one box of shells. When he thought I was ready, we headed upstream to a place that was supposed to be thick with rabbits.

During our trek along the stream, we talked about stuff fourteen-going-on-fifteen-year-old boys talk about; namely, girls and their attendant tits and asses. Of course, each of us wanted to know what the other had accomplished by way of physical contact with the opposite sex. I believe we were being surprisingly honest with each other considering a teenager's natural penchant for erotic fantasy. He told me he got a boner once when he was dancing with a girl at school and she let him rub it up against her leg. She wouldn't let him grope her boobs, though.

I was envious. The closest I'd gotten to anything even vaguely erotic was seeing my mom naked once and I thought that hardly counted as a sexual experience. He looked at me as if he were considering something and said, "If you can promise to keep a secret, I'll show you something real hot when we get home."

"I can keep a secret." I promised. "What is it?"

"Just wait and see." He snickered with the knowledge I'd be impressed.

We got back to the house that afternoon with four dead cottontails, all of which had been shot by Arnold. I just couldn't bring myself to do the deed. I didn't get off scot-free though because I had to help cut off their heads and clean them before we handed the corpses over to Aunt Willie.

"Come on!" Arnold said and we went out the back door and headed toward the barn. Inside, we climbed a ladder to the loft and scrambled over bales of hay to the farthest corner. There were several bales stacked high making a kind of wall. On the other side of the wall, Arnold had created a separate little room where he kept private stuff he didn't want his mom to find as she snooped through his room. He knew she snooped because he intentionally took note of where he left things in his bureau drawers and often saw that they had been moved when he checked again.

He took a key out of his pocket and opened a small, brass trunk that looked like it had been through two wars. Inside, he kept an amazing collection of pornography. There were little green books of dirty stories, magazines, even videotapes. I didn't know where to begin. I picked up a glossy mag with a picture of a woman with huge tits sucking on a dick the size of my forearm. The guy must have damn near passed out every time he got a hard on from the blood draining from his brain. Arnold took it out of my hands and said, "That's not what I wanted to show you."

At the bottom of the trunk underneath everything else was a large manila envelope. Arnold reached into it and pulled out a stack of photographs printed out on regular printer paper. They weren't super high quality but they were certainly good enough that I didn't have any problem recognizing that they were of Sarah in various stages of undress.

"Holy crap! Jeez, man, how did you get these? They're awesome!"

"It wasn't easy. I'll show you how when we go back to the house. So, what do you think?"

There were twenty-five or thirty pictures in all. Down near the bottom of the stack were three showing her lying on her bed playing with herself, clearly enjoying what her fingers were up to buried in her thick, black bush. Sarah didn't have big tits like those in the porn mags but she had nothing to be ashamed of. "I'll tell you what I think," I said, shaking my head. "I think if she ever finds out about these, your life is going to suddenly take a turn for the worse. When she gets done with you, there won't be enough left for your dad to beat senseless."

"Oh, she'll find out about them alright. I'm going to show them to her."

I looked at Arnold wondering why I hadn't picked up on his obvious insanity before this. "So, you have a death wish, right?"

"No, listen! Wouldn't you like to get your dick into that? I figure she'll agree to have sex with us if I promise not to show them to Mom and Dad. I should be able to talk her into a blow job at least, don't you? I bet she'll do both of us."

"You're talking incest here, Cousin. Arnold, if it was me you were blackmailing, I suffer the embarrassment of my folks seeing the photos before I give in to a cheap trick like this. You can't really believe she'll go for it!"

"She'll go for it. Sarah is Daddy's little angel. She'd die before she let him see her getting herself off."

I looked at the pictures again and squirmed as my shorts got tighter and tighter. The thought of actually touching that body made it hard to breathe. I didn't doubt that doing Sarah would be the high point of my life but it was just too sleazy, even for me, the precocious little shit.

I handed them back to him. "Well, good luck. It was nice knowing you. You can count me out on this one."

My cousin looked disappointed. "Jeez, Jerry! I never thought you were such a wuss."

"Call me whatever you want but Sarah's never done anything bad to me so I don't see why I should feel good about treating her like a slut. I'm not going to rat you out but I don't want anything to do with it." I left the barn to go to my room and think about it.

The more I thought about it, the more I knew I couldn't sit passively by and let this thing happen to Sarah. I mean, I liked Arnold and everything but hormones were fucking up his ability to think rationally and what he was planning was just wrong in every way. I lay on my bed listening to music and tried to figure a way to get him to change his mind. Before dinner, I had a plan but I wasn't feeling particularly good about it because it involved betrayal and being a snitch. I'd lied to Arnold; I was about to rat him out.

I looked out the window and saw him shooting hoops on the driveway. I'd heard Sarah in the shower so I knew she'd be in her room in a few minutes. I knew if she didn't go along with my plan, the whole thing could blow up in my face and everybody would hate me. When I heard her door close, I took a deep breath and stepped across the hallway to knock. When she opened it just a crack, she was wearing a terry robe and her hair was wrapped up in a towel.

"Um, Sarah, I wonder if I could talk to you about something important. It's kind of sensitive stuff so we'd need to be somewhere we couldn't be overheard."

She smiled, "My, it sound awfully mysterious. Do I get a hint?"

"I'm serious, Sarah. We really need to talk."

I guess she could see I wasn't joking because the smile dropped off her face. "Well, OK. I'm going to a movie with some friends after dinner so why don't I drop by your room when I get home later tonight? It might be late, like after eleven."

"Yeah, I guess that'll work, but don't let anybody see you."

Aunt Willie called up the stairs that dinner would be in fifteen minutes so I went down stairs to help her set the table. The rabbit stew smelled wonderful.

I tried my best to act normally during dinner but it wasn't easy to look Arnold in the face. I volunteered to help Aunt Willie clean up after dinner and begged off watching TV, saying I was feeling a little tired and wanted to read for a while.

The hard part about my plan would be convincing Sarah to hear me out before she went ballistic and went after Arnold to tear his head off. I figured if everything went the way I hoped it would, Arnold would have to give up his plan and Aunt Willie and Uncle Gene would never be the wiser.

I drifted off to sleep waiting for Sarah to get home and awoke when she shook my shoulder.

"Wake up, Jerry. Sorry about just coming in but I didn't want my knocking on your door to wake up anyone else." She sat on my bed as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. "So, tell me what's the big mystery."

"Look, Sarah, you need to let me tell you the whole story before you get all pissed off and make a big stink about it, OK?"

"What are you talking about, Jerry? Come on, out with it!"

I carefully explained in as much detail as I could remember what Arnold and I had been doing and what he told me. I could see the color rising in her face when I got to the blackmail part. As I expected, she stood up to leave but I grabbed her arm and begged her to please listen to my plan. She was having a hard time keeping her anger in check but she sat and listened to what I had in mind. The more I talked, the more she liked it. It would teach Arnold a lesson and keep her mom and dad completely out of the picture.

When she stood up to go to her room, she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and said, "Thanks for the heads-up, Jerry. I really owe you one for this. I'll be around all day tomorrow so let me know when you're ready to do it."

I drifted off to sleep thinking – no – hoping my scheme might garner some unsolicited rewards. The next morning after breakfast, Uncle Gene assigned Arnold and me to do fence and gate repair around the farm. We took one of the ATVs and hooked a small trailer to it loaded with tools and a spool of barbed wire and rode along the perimeter looking for problems to fix.

As we worked on a gate hinge, I asked, "You still planning to show Sarah those pictures?"

"Yeah, sometime. Why, did you change your mind?"

"Nah. You never did tell me how you got them, though. It might be something I'd want to try someday."

"What? You want to take pictures of Sarah?"

"No, dummy! There's a lady who lives next door to my mom and dad that I'd sure like to get some shots of. She's really hot and she's got the biggest tits I've ever seen. I'd sure like to see them uncovered."

"Well, you're gonna have to spend a few bucks. I bought a tiny little video camera that I used to get the shots you saw. I'll show you how it works after lunch."

"Great! Thanks, Arnold. Um, could we go up to the loft and look at some of you mags later?"

"Sure if you promise not to cum on the pages," he laughed.

We got back to the house and washed up as Aunt Willie was putting lunch on the table. I looked across the table at Sarah and gave her a little nod to let her know the plan was underway. After lunch, Arnold and I went to his room. After closing his door and locking it, he went to his closet and stood on a chair to lift one of the ceiling tiles to retrieve a small box. He opened it to show me a tiny little video-cam that wasn't much bigger than a small box of matches.

"Wow!" I said. "How much memory does it have?"

"Four gigs. Pretty amazing, huh?"

"Yeah, so how did you get the shots of Sarah?"

"Easy, once I thought about it. Come here and look."

He went to his window and opened it, then unlatched the screen. "Look out to the left and tell me what you see."

I followed his directions and leaned out the window. There were two windows to the left, the first one to the bathroom and the second one to Sarah's room. When I looked back at Arnold, he was on his hands and knees reaching under his mattress. He pulled out a thin piece of wood about six feet long and hinged to extend out to twelve feet. He'd attached a metal clamp to the end and he showed me how the video-cam snapped into place.

"See?" he said proudly, "When she's in the bathroom taking her shower at night, I just open the window, snap the cam into place and extend it out to shoot through the window. When she's in her bedroom, I just do the same thing from the bathroom window. She never draws her curtains so there's always a clear shot. Pretty cool, huh?"

"I love it! Where can I get one of these cams?"

"I had a friend order it from Amazon. He's got his own account there so I just paid him the cash. He'd probably order one for you if I asked him. Should I?"

"Uh, let me think about it some. How much was it?"

"Well, they aren't cheap. This one was about sixty bucks."

"Ouch! That'd clean me out." I glanced at my watch and figured Sarah had had enough time to get into place. "Can we go look at your mags now?"

"Yeah, let me put this away."

As we climbed the ladder to the loft, I looked around for any sign of Sarah but, wherever she was, she was well hidden. In his little room behind the hay bales, Arnold produced his key and opened the locker. There was so much to look at, I hardly knew where to start so I just grabbed one off the top and started flipping pages. Arnold searched through the treasure trove and found one that I guess was his favorite. In a matter of a couple of minutes, we were both engrossed and rubbing at our crotches. Just knowing Sarah was around somewhere and recording us was kind of a turn-on.

I needed to get him out of his jeans and jacking off to make sure Sarah had something worth trading for the pictures. "Um, do you ever come up here with any of your friends?"

"A few times. There's only a couple of guys who know about it though and they're sworn to secrecy."

"Do you ever uh, you know, do stuff?"

"What kind of stuff?"

"Come on, you know what I mean. Like, do you ever jerk off and stuff?"

"Of course, dummy! Why would I have all this porn if it wasn't to jerk off over?"

"Well, have you ever done stuff to each other?"

Arnold looked at me warily. "Why do you want to know?"

"I don't know. It just seems like it would be kinda hot to do that. I think it'd feel better than doing it yourself, don't you?"

"Well I'm not gay if that's what you're asking."

"You're missing the point, Arnold. I'm not talking about falling in love with anyone. I'm just talking about sex. Guys do stuff to each other all the time without being homosexual. I've read about it in books. It's just making each other feel good. Shit, they do it in prison all the time. If you called most of those guys gay, they'd cut your throat."

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It was so stupid of me to be so risky. I had always considered myself to be bi, but had never explored the gay side of it. When I finally went off to college I decided to give it a shot. I had put out an ad onto Craigslist looking for a guys cock to suck. I gave a quick discription of myself "brown hair, blue eyes, 4.5 in cock." That was it. I wanted to see what it would feel like. My first mistake came when I agreed to meet him at his place. My second was letting my real name slip when we were...

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Who you're isn't important. But what you have in your power is a very important thing, at least for the people who's involved in the files that you have. You have pics, videos, and everything that could be very valuable since these pics and videos could destroy lifes, ruin marriages, end political and professional careers, etc. You plan to use these incriminating pics & videos to get what you want: not money, other thing, something that once lost, it can't never get back: DIGNITY. Getting the...

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You're a high school senior whose got it made. You get good grades, headed to a great school next fall, captain of the baseball team, and you've got a smart and beautiful girlfriend named Rachel. You're popular, friendly, and happy. But things are about to change - and its all because of your friend Kate. You and Kate met on the track team a few years back. You had a little fling, but never really connected. She was a little smug and bossy - you were just looking for someone a little more laid...

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So this is a true story that happened fairly recently. My hubby Scott loves sharing me . He usually just watches and likes to film. For years he has always picked the guys and most of the time I was clueless. They would mysteriously show up when we were out partying. Well I caught him fucking our neighbor and I was pissed. I mean I’ve always known he played without me but fucking someone I now is out of line . He has been telling me for years to find a friend with benefits for myself but I...

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My name is Jonathan. I am by all means your average 16 year old k**. I get pretty decent grades, I am on the school soccer team, and I just got a new car for my birthday. Things were great until that one day that would change my life forever.Being a normal 16 year old boy, I did what every single k** my age does: masturbate. I typically did this every day or so. I would get home from school around 4:00, seek refuge in my room and rub one out before anyone got home. I had my own computer...

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I was sunk deep in Marge's love passage when the door opened and her young daughter walked in and saw me buried deep inside her mother, who had her legs wide with her heels on my buttocks. "Mum, I'm going to tell daddy what you and this man are doing." I immediately pulled out of Marge and stood up revealing to the young girl a dripping wet erect nine inch penis as Marge shot off the bed and took hold of the young girls upper arms. The young girls gaze was glued on to my glistening still...

4 years ago
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Kill or Be KilledChapter 13

General Linda Styles blew Fort Carson off the state and nearly off the planet. There was not a building let alone a foundation left when it blew. Nathan had managed to get eyes on the building where they were holding Tia. When CAR blew everyone in the building freaked and started running around like chickens with their heads cut off. He tried to sneak in but with everyone rushing around in chaos he was not successful. The good news is that the few goons he did kill were not missed. Three...

2 years ago
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Gay Sauna fun

I was at out at a bucks party in the city, which started to finish up around 3am. We had just spent the last couple of hours at the strip club, so I was feeling pretty horny still and decided to try and find a local gay club to really satisfy my urges.I stumbled across Steam, a very nice and well maintained sauna in the middle of Sydney city. I had a nice long shower and started getting hard checking out all the other men showering with me. I finished showering and walked upstairs to the...

4 years ago
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Holi Mein Mom Ki Chudai

Hi everyone,its been a long time that I had just been a reader now after getting my thoughts and few experiences together I am putting up this story for your enjoyment, giving a shot at being a writer , this story is half true and half fiction and ya its an incest related story, so I would request people who are not into incest to stop at this moment and for others enjoy and do comment.   Well let me first introduce myself,I am Arjun from navi Mumbai and ya I am an incest lover be it with my...

2 years ago
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Kaampur Ki Kahani 8211 Part I

Yeh kahani hai Himalaya ki vadiyo me base ek rajya ki, jiska naam the kaampur, yeh naam is rajya ko isliye mila tha kyunki yaha kamdev aur rati ki vishesh kripa prapt thi, jiske karan koi bhi ladka ya ladki is rajya me kunware nahi rahte the. Is rajya ke raja lingavarma tha. Uske shashan me rajya bada shukhi aur shanth tha aur Raja ne apne rajya ko aur adhik samradhshali banane ke liye apne padoshi rajya yonpur ke raja ki beti rajkumari yovrani se shadhi karne ka prastav lekar raja se milne...

3 years ago
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Do I Have To Beg

He’s been gone for business. I never thought I would miss him so badly this soon. It’s not that my heart is missing him. It is my mind, my body, my being. He tells me he is home. It is late, and we can’t make it work. We both decide we should try later. Frustration sets in. I caress myself and think of him, His touch, his gentleness, his strength, his roughness. Though I cum again and again, I am still not satisfied. I need him. I sleep and dream of him. I can’t get him out of m...

3 years ago
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our swinging begins part 2

Introduction: this is a story of guy we had been with a few times but this was definitly our most passionate experience with him After our experience with Mike, we met with a couple they were the first people that we had sex with since we had met when we were kids. They were a great couple we consider them our first but compared to some of the experiences weve had since then all they deserve is a quick note here to say we had broke our swinging cherry. They were a very nice couple we socialized...

2 years ago
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Window Shopping

Window Shopping by Abe Froman ? 2006This story ? from inspiration to final text ? is courtesy of my muse and my Lady, Miss Porcelaina Valeriana.  It is dedicated to her and her wickedness and beauty.The following story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes of an adult nature, so if you are under 18, stop reading now. This story contains explicit sexual language and fantasies involving the mental and physical control of others. If you are offended by such activities, do not read any...

2 years ago
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Wait I Can No Longer

TIMIt's my birthday today.I should be blowing the candles on my cake. I should be kicking my feet up on the living room table and watching the game with my hand around my wife on the sofa. My little sister should be on the couch across from us reading a book. And while I'm at it, there should be a million dollars sitting in my bank account.But I don't have a cake, I no longer have a wife, my sister's locked up in her room, and the only place I have a million dollars is in my dreams.---"The vase...

4 years ago
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Accidental Fantasy

It had to be the freakiest of freak accidents. Both cars ran the red light, trying to beat the yellow and the came together right in front of me, sending both cars skidding towards mine. I slammed on my brakes and thankfully received just a mild bump as they came to a stop. People were running everywhere and it seemed like only seconds before the sirens could be heard in the distance. An officer had me move my car to the curb and I sat there, shaking, my head on the steering wheel. I wasn’t...

3 years ago
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Educating the TwinsChapter 9

There are a lot of things boys don't know about girls. Some of that is by design. We want to be 'mysterious'. It helps keep boys interested. They talk about us, sometimes in exasperation, but they pay attention. No girl likes being ignored or taken for granted. Some of the things boys don't know about girls is because we don't know them ourselves. Or if we do, we can't explain. Take physical sensation. Sure, I know what it feels like to have a cock slide into me, or have my nips...

4 years ago
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Growing UpChapter 7

We were sitting in our usual spot, an elevated area of about twelve to fifteen feet, above the sloping area leading to the pond. Its amazing how that small amount of elevation will give you so much more viewing area, but the illusion was because of the slight slope. She actually chose it because she had a clearer view of her house, and we could also see part of the barn and Nathan's house. I guess the real reason I enjoyed it, was really something different. I was twelve feet tall here. I...

3 years ago
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Not On My Watch

We were stopped between the ninth and tenth floors, looking into one another's eyes, anticipating what would happen next when a bell rang. Our eyes locked, smiling, when the bell rang again. Damn, this always happens, I thought as I reached for the phone. "Captain? We've been infiltrated," the caller announced in my dream-drugged ear. "Not again," I groaned, recognizing Carter's voice. "It's the same M.O. as before." I frowned, looked over to my nightstand, reached for a glass of...

4 years ago
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Fool Me Once Youre Out of Here Lies eventua

Lies eventually do catch up to you.Christy was every man's wet dream. At 5'9", she had long, jet-black hair, perfect 36C breasts, and legs that reached all the way to heaven. Her skin was flawless, with a slight olive tint, which made it look like it had never seen the sun. She was college educated, had a fantastic job, in sales with a large d**g company, and loved to watch basketball with me. My only problem with her was that she oozed sexuality, and was a huge flirt. I didn't care when it was...

3 years ago
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My Daughter Makes PlansChapter 4 Fruition

Dinner was over, the table cleared and the dishwasher rumbling away in the kitchen. I was at one end of the sofa, Pauline at the other, with Susan between us, looking at me from time to time, and sucking her thumb. Herman and Lindy sat in the comfortable chairs beside the sofa, where normally I would sit to watch the large wall-mounted television, currently turned off. I noticed he had his arms round my daughter, his fingers very close to her breasts. I would have to keep an eye on them to...

3 years ago
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hi there///how r u good so what brings u here tonight im just really the apartment all to myself....decided to dress up oh what r u wearing black panties and a tank top very nice...just in some boxers here...r those nipples hard and poking through that tank top? mmm yeah a little bit i think thats so...

2 years ago
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A Time of Conquest and ChallengeChapter 13 It only seems like an eternity

We left the Citadel in stages. Rogard would have his sneaks in front and behind as we traveled. It was hard to believe that our group now consisted of fifteen. There would be the seven of us traveling in the main body and two sets of two sneaks ahead and the same behind. The King of Thieves had his stronghold in the southern mountains; he kept it there because it was nearly impossible to attack with a standing army. Thieves, being the counterpart of sneaks, simply melted away when they...

3 years ago
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Mind Controlled Daydreams and Nightmares

FOREWORD Hello Dearest Reader. Menoetes here. You may be groaning at the appearance of yet another new story from me but fear not, Bravest Reader, for this is not a long-form tale. It is not here to distract from my many other in-progress writing projects. This is just somewhere I can drop those short, steamy, mind-control story ideas that get stuck in my head from time to time for you to (hopefully) enjoy. It's not the beginning of an epic saga or even a sweeping chronicle. No, Most Patient...

Mind Control
2 months ago
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Couples Island Fantasy

The car ride started normally enough, with the usual small talk about travel and the weather, but soon enough, the conversation took a turn when she mentioned how she had a thing for black men, how she'd always been curious but never had the chance to act on it. I had just landed on the Island, the heat and aroma of the ocean and air hitting me as soon as I stepped off the plane. The trip was a spur-of-the-moment decision, a way to unwind, and maybe explore more than just the beaches. I had a...

2 years ago
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Paying what I owe

But I had been there. I had been the only one there with him. That's why it had had to be me. Everyone knew that. They knew everything. I heard some whispering and looked over my shoulder to see a woman a couple rows back pointing to me and whispering to the woman beside her. I couldn't take it anymore. I got up and walked out. Right when they were viewing the body. I went out to the hearse and cried. They all knew. All of the crying eyes and sympathetic faces in that room knew that...

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the toga party

The toga party had certainly gone well; my brother had put on a terrific spread of hummus and pita bread, plenty of vegetables and green olives, feta cheese and a multitude of other Greek and roman foods. Large bunches of G****s were on every table along with additional fruits. Wine flowed freely, both red and white, with beers and lagers to suit all tastes, the whole family had enjoyed the occasion, at the end of the evening as everybody was leaving, most the worse for wear with the...

3 years ago
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Jack and Jessie Ch 3

Introduction: Jack goes home after a fun weekend This weekend has been amazing! Having Amy over and sharing Jack with her was awesome. God, we mustve fucked in every room in the house! It was so nice to be able to be filled up with a massive dog cock, then have a sexy teen girl lick his cum from my pussy. And then, to be able to watch her get fucked, and drink Jacks cum right out of her honeypot? My GOD! It was so hot. But, unfortunately, it had to end. Sunday morning, her mom called and said...

2 years ago
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My Wank Buddy Matt and his Girlfriend Shelley

PART 1 *** BEST BUDDIES ***Matt's mum and dad owned the first video store in our little town. Matt and I would stay either after school or Sundays in this bed-sit unit above the shop and watch videos until our perants finished work. The first time I stayed overnight it started, Matts mum closed store at 8pm then came up to fetch us.. We begged her to let us stay the night. In the end she agreed saying she would see us with...

2 years ago
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Sharing my sister part 5

Sharing my sister part 5It was now the first week of august and a couple of weeks since the episode where Phil had been brought into the equation, whenever I was alone with Phil he would talk about nothing else and was desperate for a repeat performance, also Sharon kept saying how much she enjoyed it as she didn’t think she would, and was also curious to find out if he was game for another session. I was beginning to feel left out and a bit of a spare part, as I no longer felt that what we had...

4 years ago
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Now That Daddys GoneChapter 3 Bad Things Sometimes Happen to People We Love

Ramon Ruiz and Daniel Clutterbuck sat on the porch of the bunkhouse smoking and passing a jug of moonshine between them. The farmhand bunkhouse was located well away from the house and was self-contained with its own kitchen and domestic facilities. William Balfour had moved it to its current location when he married his young pretty wife Margaret Ryan. He didn’t want coarse and licentious farmhands roughhousing and carousing near his bride in case they got any ideas. William Belfour had...

4 years ago
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Damn Never Thought Wed Deside On Dogging

Day 1: The lookoutDriving home from a night in Berkley with my girlfriend Tammy, we decided to go to The lexington Reservoir in Los Gatos which is one of the highest points around with good views for miles around. Having parked up we moved the front seats forward and got into the back of the car, carefully locking the doors and started to have a heavy petting session. Shortly after taking off Tammy's blouse and getting her tits out, I noticed a face close to the window... I said, "I think...

1 year ago
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An Indian Wife cheats with my Twin Brother

It was a long day at work, I was returning home when my brother called to tell me he was coming home for dinner. I wondered he would never invite himself but then again being a brother I couldn’t say no to him. To tell you a little about me, I am 30 and so is my brother.. shocked? Well we are hot indian Punjabi girl. To be honest I am about 6 feet, good built and a have never had a complain with my cock, it was a decent 9” monster and my wife loved it. My wife was 5”9 lovely brown hair, 36cc...

Erotic Fiction
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A Better Solution Than Divorce Part 12

A Better Solution Than Divorce - Part 12 By Jennifer Allison Mark Steel Let me tell you something about myself. I am sixteen years old and I live on a farm with my family outside of Tolerance. My family has owned this farm for three generations. I am not a jock, I play the trumpet in the school band. I love watching sports. I found out early in life I wasn't sports incline, but I loved music. The only year I went out for Little league, the only reason I got to play at all...

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