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Friday, August 11th, 2006

‘Come on in Candy,’ said Mel Brazier, the boss, as he waived her forward with this hand. ‘I have your final paycheck for the summer.’

Candy checked to see that the correct name had been entered into the payee portion of check and the amount was what she expected. As always, the ten percent bonus covering the entire summer was particularly gratifying. Satisfied that all was as it should be, she tucked the check into her purse.

‘We certainly had a good summer,’ he continued. ‘Made lots of money.’

‘I’m sure you made a lot more than I did, but I’m not complaining. Working here each summer has paid for everything I’ve needed over the past few years.’

‘Then I assume I can expect you back next year?’

‘No Mel, this is the end of the line for me.’

‘Why?’ he said, his voice rising a little in irritation.

‘Because I have other plans for the future and I have enough money saved to pay for them. I appreciate the opportunity you have given me, but it’s time to move on.’

‘But you’re the best there is at your part of the business. I’ll bump your pay another hundred per segment next summer. How about that?’

‘Mel, you’ve bumped me a hundred every summer since the first year, plus a bonus at the end. You know I appreciate it, but I have to go.’

‘Okay, how about two hundred?’

‘No thanks, Mel. You’ll find a suitable replacement before I’m halfway home.’

‘That I doubt. Is there any way I can change your mind?’


‘Well shit,’ he said softly as he stood up and offered his hand. ‘Good luck to you Candy. And if you change your mind, call me.’

‘I’m not going to change my mind Mel. You won’t hear from me again. And good luck to you too,’ she said as she turned and walked toward the door.

‘How can I reach you if we need to talk?’

‘You can’t.’

Saturday, May 16th, 2015, 10:15 A.M.

Julie Anne Pearson sat on the deck in her back yard with a cup of tea, enjoying the late morning sun and counting her blessings. A graduate of Dartmouth with a Phi Beta Kappa key and a law degree from Harvard, she was superbly educated.

Julie was one of five attorneys in the violent crime section of the criminal division of New Hampshire’s U.S. Attorney’s office. She was in her seventh year on the job and was widely viewed as the successor to the Deputy Chief when he retired in a couple of years.

There was talk in the Justice Department of a judgeship in her future. Cocktail party conversation occasionally hinted at a seat on the Supreme Court someday. Julie dismissed such talk as alcohol-fueled nonsense, at least where the Supreme Court was concerned. As for a regular federal judge position, that was her professional goal and she had no reason to believe it wouldn’t happen someday. She was good at what she did, she knew it, and so did everyone else.

The past week had been a good one all around. She presented her case against Roberto Gonzales to the Deputy Chief on Monday and was given the green light to take the case to the grand jury. Gonzales was at the top of New Hampshire’s pyramid of heroin dealers. Dubbed ‘The Magician’ by criminals and law enforcement alike, Roberto had thirteen arrests, one indictment, and no convictions. His one trial resulted in a not guilty decision by a jury everyone believed had been tampered with but no one could prove it.

This time, Julie had Roberto in her sights with an ironclad case put together by a joint task force of DEA and state police agents. Roberto was going down and staying there. He would most likely spend the rest of his life looking through bars.

A terrible drug epidemic had taken hold of New Hampshire, perhaps the last state one would expect to find such a problem. The state’s addiction rate on a per capita basis was among the highest in the nation. New Hampshire averaged one overdose death per day. Taking Roberto Gonzales out of circulation was expected to put a serious dent in the heroin trade and give the state some breathing room to attack the problem.

Aside from professional success, Julie had another reason to be grateful. Today was her thirty-second birthday and tonight she would celebrate it with Rick, her husband of five years. They would go to dinner at some classy restaurant chosen by him, he would present her with a carefully selected gift, and then they would return home to have sensational sex. At least one mind-blowing orgasm would top off a perfect day.

Rick Pearson was an artist who specialized in waterfowl art. He was a perennial finalist in the national and state duck stamp competitions. He had won the national contest once and he had three state wins under his belt. His paintings commanded impressive prices. While Julie’s salary as a government lawyer was far less than she could earn in private practice, her income combined with Rick’s gave them a very comfortable living and allowed them both to pursue work they loved.

Rick did his work in a rented guesthouse he had been allowed to turn into a studio. It had a bedroom, galley kitchen, bathroom, and a living room with skylights to provide the perfect environment for his work.


Julie heard footsteps in the house, rousing her from her reverie.

‘Who’s there?’ she called out, smiling to herself.

‘It’s me, your husband Rick.’

‘Oh,’ she replied, fake disappointment dripping off her voice as she maintained her smile.

‘Were you expecting someone else?’ he asked as he stepped out onto the deck.

‘Superman called earlier. He was going to stop by for a quickie, but now you’ve spoiled everything.’

‘Looks like I got home just in time then,’ he said as he bent to kiss his wife. ‘You’ll just have to settle for me.’

‘Oh, I suppose, but I was so looking forward to Supersex.’ It was a long standing joke they both enjoyed. Only the superhero varied from time to time.

‘Come with me,’ Rick ordered, taking his wife’s hand and pulling her to her feet.

‘Where are you taking me?’

‘Inside for that quickie. We can’t do it out here.’

‘Why not. We did it out here on the chaise lounge just last week.’

‘It was dark out here when we did it,’ he reminded her.

‘Oh yeah, I forgot,’ she replied with a grin as she followed him into the family room.

Julie was wearing short shorts and a T-shirt with no bra. Rick had her stripped of clothing within seconds and then paused for a moment to admire her body. She was a small woman at only five-three, weighed just over a hundred pounds, had splendid legs, narrow hips, and small but perfectly formed breasts with alert nipples. Her face was a classic oval, framed by thick blonde hair, with the delicate features of a child. In the years he had known her, she had shown no signs of aging. At thirty two, she looked twenty and Rick thought she was devastatingly beautiful.

By the time he removed his clothing, he was already erect and Julie was seated on the sofa.

‘Let me lubricate that thing for you,’ she said, leaning forward to take Rick’s cock into her mouth. For the next minute or so she concentrated on her task, then repositioned herself on her back and opened her legs.

Rick quickly knelt between his wife’s inviting thighs and eased his cock into her pussy. The quickie was underway.

‘Fuck me hard,’ whispered Julie, knowing she would cum in less than a minute if he obeyed her command.

‘You mean like Superman?’ he whispered into her ear.

‘Exactly,’ she whispered back.

Rick began to pound his cock into her as hard as he could. Julie’s estimate was pretty accurate. About a minute later she let out a loud shriek as a series of orgasmic tremors sliced through her body. Seconds later Rick exploded into her with a loud groan.

They stayed where they were for a long time, part of Rick’s weight pressing his diminutive wife down into the sofa cushions, the rema
inder supported by his elbows and knees.

Finally he withdrew and sat back to admire her body once more. She remained in place, her legs widely splayed, her inner thighs and small tuft of blonde hair glistening with the byproducts of their coupling. For about the millionth time, Rick marveled at his good fortune.

‘I hope you don’t think this lets you off the hook for tonight,’ Julie murmured. ‘All you’ve done is prime the pump.’

‘I suppose I can summon enough energy. I’ll do my best.’

Julie knew that his best would be wonderful. She had experienced sex with other men before she met Rick, but she had never encountered anyone like him. All her orgasms were self-inflicted until the night they had sex for the first time. He played her body like a fine instrument for more than an hour before she experienced her first orgasm in the arms of a man, and then promptly burst into tears. Rick seemed to understand and held her tightly until she was calm. Later, he wasn’t surprised when she told him she had never before experienced an orgasm during sex.

From that night on, they made love often. Rick maintained that sex was the nicest thing that could happen to them on any given day, so they would be crazy to pass up an opportunity. Julie was in complete agreement. In the years they had been together, they had sex nearly every night. Rick was a skillful, thoughtful lover who viewed Julie’s pleasure as his sole responsibility. Except for the occasional quickie like the one they just enjoyed, he took plenty of time tending to her needs, ensuring that her orgasms were plentiful and supremely pleasurable.

Men hit on Julie frequently because of her exposure to legions of lawyers and law enforcement personnel in the course of her work. She had no interest in other men but was adept at spurning their advances with kindness, knowing she would have to work with many of those same people throughout her career. Eventually, word got around and the only men who tried to make a run at her were rookie cops and newly minted lawyers.

On the other hand, Julie was not above using her looks to gain an advantage in court. She had perfected a somewhat absent-minded demeanor that, when combined with her physical beauty, caused many of her newer courtroom opponents to dismiss her as nothing more than a token blonde in the U.S. Attorney’s office. They did so at their own peril. Julie had not lost a case since her first few months on the job.

‘C’mon, you little slut. Let’s clean up the mess we’ve made and go to lunch,’ Rick suggested as he surveyed the wet spot in the center of the middle sofa cushion.

‘Me? A slut? I’m too small to fight you off, so I had to let you have your way with me,’ Julie said with a smile. ‘Thank goodness for Scotch Guard,’ she added.


Later that night as they were preparing to go out for dinner, Rick enjoyed the show as Julie paraded around their bedroom wearing nothing more than tiny black lace panties and a wristwatch while she assembled her wardrobe for the evening. As expected, a little black dress with spaghetti straps was laid out on the bed. There would be no bra. Returning from their walk-in closet, only five percent of which belonged to Rick, she set down a pair of black high heels that would showcase perfect legs. Her skin was flawless so there would be no stockings and makeup was confined to a little mascara to accentuate naturally long lashes. Her thick blonde hair fell just below her shoulders.

Shrugging into her dress and getting Rick’s help with the zipper, she adjusted the straps to settle everything into place and then sat on the edge of the bed to put on her shoes. After a couple of moments in front of her full-length mirror to touch up her hair and install a diamond stud in each earlobe, she pulled an emerald necklace out of her jewelry case. Rick was pleased to note that she had not selected a bracelet.

‘Can you help me with this please?’

‘Glad to,’ answered Rick as he stepped up behind his wife and reached around to fondle her breasts.

‘I don’t need any help there,’ she said with a giggle as she playfully slapped his hands away. ‘Help me with the necklace.’

‘Oh. I thought you needed me to plump up your cleavage,’ he said with a grin. When he had the clasp fastened, she turned to face him.

‘Kiss me before I put on lip gloss,’ she demanded.

Rick willingly complied and Julie molded herself into his body for a passionate kiss. Seconds after she slipped her tongue into his mouth, he was sporting an impressive erection.

‘Oh good! I see you’re already practicing for when we get home,’ she announced as she pressed her body hard against him.

‘Enough of that!’ Rick declared as he backed away. ‘Unless you want to forget about dinner and get laid right now.’

‘Not a chance. I’m hungry and I know you have a present for me. You may fuck me later if you like,’ she announced as she grabbed her clutch purse in one hand and gave his cock a quick squeeze with the other.


Dinner was a pleasant affair. Rick and Julie enjoyed a cocktail before ordering lobster tails and petite fillets with a bottle of really nice wine. Throughout the meal, Rick studied his wife as she told him all about the Roberto Gonzales case. As always, he was impressed by her knowledge of the law and her passion for its enforcement. He was also thrilled to be out in public with her. She had an ethereal beauty that caused everyone to look at her with approval. His only concern, another private joke between them, was that she looked so young a concerned citizen might try to report him as a pedophile.

After dessert and Irish coffee, Rick reached into the pocket of his sport coat and removed the small giftwrapped box.

‘Oh Rick! This is so beautiful,’ she exclaimed a she admired the diamond and emerald bangle in the candlelight and then slipped in onto her wrist. ‘It goes perfectly with my earrings and necklace. I love it, but you should not have spent so much money.’

‘I got it as part of a drug deal,’ he declared.

‘Stop it, you goofball! You’re talking to an officer of the court,’ she said in a stage whisper as she lightly kicked him in the shin under the table.

‘Ow!’ he howled, loud enough to turn a few heads at neighboring tables. Julie burst out laughing and he joined her.

‘Sorry,’ they both apologized simultaneously to the nearby diners, all of whom were now smiling at the attractive couple.

‘I think you had better take me home now,’ Julie said softly as she stared into Rick’s eyes.

‘Yes. It’s time.’


An hour later, Julie lay naked in the middle of their bed, her legs widely spread and her knees drawn back. Rick was lying between her thighs, using his lips and tongue to bring her to orgasm for the second time. Clamping a hand over her mouth to muffle her screams, her body trembled as wave after wave of orgasmic contractions coursed through her body.

Rick let her come down slowly, kissing the insides of her thighs while she recovered.

‘I want you inside me now,’ she finally whispered. ‘It’s my birthday and you have to do what I tell you,’ she added.

Rick was only too happy to oblige. He had been fully erect for a long time and was desperate to enter his wife. Kneeling between her open thighs he took a moment to examine the results of his efforts. Julie’s pussy was slightly swollen, the skin above her breasts was flushed, and she was beginning to hyperventilate from anticipation.

‘Now please,’ she murmured as she grasped his cock to position it at the entrance to her pussy.

As Rick began to slowly ease into her, Julie gave a quick upward thrust of her hips, forcing his cock deeply inside. They held still for a few moments, both savoring the pleasure of penetration. Then he gathered his wife into his arms and began to move.

As always, Rick took his time, matching the speed and power of his thrusts to Julie’s needs. On most nig
hts they took a long time with this final phase of their lovemaking. Occasionally there was more urgency. This was an urgent night. Julie began to counterthrust sharply against her husband, encouraging him to be more forceful. Reading her perfectly, he began to pound his cock into her as hard and fast as he was able. The room was filled with the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh, competing with Julie’s cries of pleasure as she neared her final orgasm of the night.

Julie stopped counterthrusting, drew her legs back alongside Rick’s flanks, and let out a prolonged, high pitch wail as he catapulted her into the abyss. Slowing his speed to a gentle pace, Rick released a long, low growl as he flooded his wife’s pussy with a series of powerful contractions and then slowed to a halt.

Eventually, he withdrew to lie alongside an exhausted Julie who was still trying to catch her breath. Drawing her near, he pulled the bed clothes up over them both and then kissed her goodnight.

‘Thank you for a wonderful birthday,’ she murmured sleepily.

‘You are most welcome. I love you.’

‘I love you too. I always will.’


Monday morning found Julie at her desk early to go over her file on the Roberto Gonzales case. Although she considered the case to be a slam dunk, there were many things that had to happen before he could be confined to prison forever, not the least of which was her presentation to the grand jury.

A little after ten o’clock, an outside line on her desk phone began to ring.

‘Pearson,’ she answered. Ninety percent of calls on this line were from defense attorneys and she had learned to be brusque with them.

‘Is this Julie Pearson, the Assistant U.S. Attorney?’ asked a cultured male voice.

‘It is.’

‘Ms. Pearson, it is my understanding that your office is preparing to try Roberto Gonzales on federal narcotics charges. Am I correct?’

‘To whom am I speaking?’ Julie asked.

‘An anonymous source of information,’ the caller replied.

‘Okay, what do you want?’

‘I have information that may have a bearing on the Gonzales case.’

‘Well then let’s make an appointment to meet here in my office,’ Julie replied, calling up the calendar on her laptop. ‘I’m in court tomorrow but I have some free time Wednesday morning.’

‘What I have can’t wait. I’m only in town for today. And it’s imperative that we meet outside your office.’

‘I don’t do clandestine meetings with people I don’t know. You’ll have to come to my office. I’ll delay lunch and make time for you at noon today,’ she offered.

‘That won’t do. Please meet me at the Starbucks down the street from your office in fifteen minutes. I assure you that our meeting will be brief and well worth your time.’

The guy was probably a crank, but Starbucks seemed safe enough. Besides, a latte would be nice, she thought.

‘Okay. See you in fifteen. How will I recognize you?’

‘I’m probably the only man in New Hampshire who still wears double-breasted suits.’

Julie spotted the distinguished looking man at the same time he saw her. Rising to his feet he gave a slight bow, a courtly gesture.

‘Ms. Pearson, I presume.’

‘Yes. And what might your name be now that we are meeting face to face?’

‘My name is unimportant. I have something to give you and then I’ll be on my way.’

‘What do you have?’ Julie inquired.

‘Just this,’ he replied as he pulled a computer disc in a clear plastic sleeve from the pocket of his suit jacket. ‘Please review this material and call me at the number on the sleeve if you have any questions.’

‘That’s it?’

‘That’s it. I believe you’ll find the contents of the disc to be of interest,’ he said. ‘It’s been a pleasure to meet you,’ he added with a smile and then left the building.

When Julie returned to her office with her latte, the boss was on the warpath about something and had been looking for her, so it was lunchtime before she remembered the disc she had tossed onto her desk. Grabbing her lunch bag from the dormitory-style refrigerator in her office, she sat down behind her desk, opened her laptop, and peered into the bag to see what Rick had prepared for her.

Rick and Julie lived together for about a year before they married. Within the first week, Rick concluded that they would both starve to death if they had to rely on her cooking, so he happily assumed responsibility for their culinary welfare. It was a natural fit. Rick was a good cook and, as an artist, his hours were flexible. He had plenty of time to do the shopping and food preparation. He took great pleasure in making Julie a special lunch each morning while she got ready for work. She ate at her desk every day unless a business luncheon was scheduled elsewhere.

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Working for an accounting firm for 5 years, I have been handling large accounts. A friend suggested no one would notice if a couple of thousands of dollars here and there were missing. I took the advice. Everything went well, unnoticeable for about three months. One day I received a note to go to Mr. Smith, my manger’s office. Mr. Hanson, the chief of security and my account lead, Lance were also waiting in the office. I froze. What’s going on! Leticia. I have been told you’ve embezzled this...

Group Sex
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To the average person, your life is fairly mundane. You have a steady job, a decent home in a lovely suburb, a fairly attractive wife (although her age is starting show), and a daughter about to head off to college. Some would probably say that you're fairly ordinary. Many might even say behind your back "Boy, John Doe is boring." It wouldn't surprise you if someone said such things, because that's exactly what you've wanted people to think for the last six years. Keeping up appearances for at...

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As I look up and saw photos of me, summer before college. It is me violating and then screwing my new boss, Madison, busty blonde with long legs. As I look at the photo, I was merely the fat kid in school so when I got incriminating footage of her. I took advantage of it. It was eight years ago, she did tell me that she would get revenge on me. Now I could lose everything that I have built my wife and my children. She says, "Deny it, it is not you. Or you can give me orders, so you can...

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"You can't tell mom and dad," my sister said. She was sitting on her bed, covering herself with her comforter. "You know what they'll do." Her eyes were welling with tears. She was upset for good reason. I had come home early from work and found her with a large, black cock in her mouth. The owner of the cock has long since vanished. Our parents were both hard working and successful lawyers. As well, they were incredibly religious, and were strongly against many things they viewed as immoral....

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Emily has it all. Long, straight brown hair reaching just the top of her perky ass with a pair of beautiful, innocent gray eyes and a small, button nose. Oh, and those lips. Full, pink lips that pouts just a bit. She stands 5'6 with a petite frame complimented by large breasts. She is absolutely stunning and she knows it. The way she walks into the classroom everyday; gently swaying her perfectly round ass and her large, often bra less, breasts nearly pushing their way completely out of her...

4 years ago
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I want you to know that this storie is completely true apart from the names used. It was about a year ago that i was driving home from a Golf day on the outskirts of the City. I was about 30 minutes away when i decided to stop of at a pub for a swift drink. It was while i sat at the Bar that i noticed her, her being my sister-in-law.The problem was that the Man she sat with was certainly not her husband Andrew, and they definatley seemed to be enjoying each others company. I...

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Hi to all! This story would be best you could ever read. This story is absolutely real but I cannot reveal my identity. Well I am 21 years old guy I am s/w engineer and recently completed my engineering. In my family there is my papa, mom, and me. Papa is a project manager in ONGC and he always lives on sites of drillings like in tripura, gujrat, Bombay high etc. My mom is a house wife. About a year ago my father was transferred to morocco where the ONGC has recently started a mega project he...

1 year ago
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My ExWife Part One

Looking down at her as she ran her tongue over my cock, I couldn’t believe we were here. Jan and I had split up a few years previously but had remained friends. She was older than me by around twelve years and when we first met, we were thirty-two and forty-four respectively. We were in similar social groups and saw each other at various parties from time to time which was fine, until we both had new partners who found our friendship hard to handle. This created issues for us both and we began...

Wife Lovers
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Treble Inn

You are a student of Paranormal Studies from Feng-Hwang University. You've been sent to Treble Town to research events reported around a cave system south of town. Your train has arrived uneventfully. Your luggage is loaded into a cab that will take you to Treble Tavern, a quaint establishment that the department is luckily flipping the bill for. The cabby is a grumpy old man that will neither look at you nor talk to you. He simply parks in front of the inn, and barks out the fare. You pay...

2 years ago
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I Fucked the President Not the Current One

Disclaimer: This is not about our current or past Presidents, and this President is a female, but not any names we know today. This story takes place in the future or in another dimension or universe, so this may not even be the first female president. And i won't specify which political party or ideology she identifies with. That is also irrelevant, and scoundrels are found in both parties, anyways. In any event, this is the story of when I fucked the President."Thank you, God bless you, and...

3 years ago
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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 30

It was late the following morning. Jennifer was lying on her back, eyes open, staring at the ceiling, making no sound at all. Even when Peter spoke, it was as though she was deaf, as she didn’t react. Her eyes showed no brief gleam of recognition and she didn’t answer. The surgeon ushered Peter out of the room as the nurse prepared Jennifer for surgery. On the verandah, the surgeon explained. ‘Whoever did this to her needs to be brought to justice. The bastards have done extensive damage....

3 years ago
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The Wolves of Paris

-Charles Dickens, "A Tale of Two Cities" *** Gévaudan, France, 1769: In the village, a man was dying. Antoine Chastel drew water from the well and went inside. His father lay in the inn's largest room, a single candle lit, Bible open on his lap. He slept feverishly. Antoine wiped his brow with a wet cloth and Jean Chastel's eyes opened. He spoke between labored breaths. "I thought…you had left." Antoine shook his head. "Not until you're well." "I will not be well...

4 years ago
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Hardwork Pays Off Cathys time to shine encount

On the journey back from work all sorts of things were running through my mind. I had built up many feelings, guilt - poor dad had no idea just how much of a naughty women Cathy was. Lust, I kept fantasising about Cathy and her perfect body. Excitement, the chase of of going after an older women and succedding was a big adrenalin rush. Looking out the window gave me time to reflect on what I wanted out of life. People might say why don't you go for someone closer to your own age but women my...

2 years ago
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Sexperience With A Friend

Hi friends this is Ajay, age 28 from delhi. I m writing for ISS for the first time and it is a very true sensual story of my own experience. That time I was a bachelor and working for a very reputed institute. There were more than 50 person with me in the staff and out of which around 9 were females. There was a married lady name Seema, who was around 30 years and had two kids. The older was a boy of 5 years and the younger one was a gal of just 7 months. Seema was quite volputous and fair. She...

2 years ago
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A Shocking Reveal

My gorgeous girlfriend just dumped me. She said she was sick and tired of me never wanting to get married. We went out for a year, but I’m in no way ready to commit to one girl for the rest of my life. No fucking way I told her. She told me if there was no ring there would be no relationship. Just like that she looked me straight into my eyes and walked out of my house and out of my life. I’m just devastated. My girl was the horniest thing on the planet. She loved to have sex all the time and...

3 years ago
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liver teases his sister

We were a few notches above normal sibling rivalry, even though I was only two years older. She was always telling me what a dick, asshole, or jackass I was. Probably because I was always teasing her which made her pissed off at me. She also said that I was to full of myself. Which was true, to some extent. From my place on the stairs, I continued to gaze over at her. Then, I got an idea. Casually, I walked past her heading for the front door. "Bye, Miracle. I\\\'m going to play...

1 year ago
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Off the Planet Sexxxxxx

One if the hottest things I've ever seen was watching my girlfriend cuMMmmmmmm for the first time ...with a big black cock dildo!!! We had been exxxxploring the fantasy...she being a southern girl...a Sunday School teacher...Mother of 3 and kinda shy....had always dismissed it...swore to me she was a "good girl" and never had those thoughts...but over a few weeks...of subtle whispers....sending her pics of black cock in her email....sending a few selective IR vids here and there to open her...

3 years ago
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The Seduction and Using of Dawn

The Seduction and Using of DawnThis is a story about an unfaithful wife and how she became an unfaithful wife as told by herself and one of her lovers. There are many twists along the way.Each chapter is the story so far as told by either Dawn or Neil. It’s in the he said, she said style.Chapter one: (Neil)The first time I saw her was at a company dinner dance. She was quite small in stature, but possessed a regal serene presence. She commanded everyone’s attention as she glided through the...

2 years ago
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Katies story

This is my first attempt at writing anything hope you enjoy it.Moving thru the night like a breeze I enter your room like a mist moving along with the ease of your breathing. As I look deep into your soul watching you dream of my touch as you touch yourself while you sleep as I lean down kissing your ear lobe and biting your bottom lip. You stir boldly sitting up as I kiss you long and deep running my fingers thru your hair as I whisper shhhhhhhhhh in your ear. I hold out my hand to you. I...

3 years ago
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I cant believe I fucked my grandmother

This happened a long time ago, but it is still on my mind like it was yesterday.It was the end of my high school junior year, I was barely 17 when summer arrived. I needed a summer job but the economy in my town stunk and I was having no luck. I was desperate.My folks were worried about me and we brainstormed one evening about places I could look for work. Finally my mom hit upon an idea, I could move to Utah and live with my grandmother for the Summer. I would probably have better luck looking...

1 year ago
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Blow my whistle

I was on traffic patrol over by the college. It was late spring, nice and warm yet the nights were still cool. I loved my new assignment, riding motors (motorcycles to civilians). The Sarge had put me in this area because of all the complaints of people running the signal lights here on Hampton Blvd and W. 38th Street. I cruised through the area first just to check out the traffic. Then I cut back around and came up the alley so I could see the light at the intersection. It was a good spot to...

3 years ago
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The Coaches Tradition

The story is true. Unfortunately I had a HUGEEE intro typed out, then I accidently exited out of this window, so now i'm just going to do a basic intro and get into the action.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------I had just turned 18. I was a wholesome guy I wouldnt break any rules, so naturally I had waited until I was 18 to engage in any sexual activity. My 18th birthday was a week ago and I was finally ready to be on my own. I had been captain of...

4 years ago
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Sex With Mami

My name is Vikrant Khar, I am from Kashmir as I belong to kashmir there is a very cold weather there its encounter between my mami (mama ji’s wife) hope you will like it. One day our family was invited by my nani ji at home in the village, I’ve 6 mama ji 3 live in village and 2 out of country and one live near to our house, my mamaji’s name is hn koul, he is a rich business man and he usually remain out of town and mami ji usually stay in our house in the day and in the night she goes to her...

2 years ago
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The Warehouse Part 1 In the beginningChapter 19

Jon was back at the Gatehouse waiting on Jim to return with the girls. Knowing they were still going to be a little while, he made himself busy with planning the changes he would need to do to the building to accommodate Carl, and still be able to have the space required for meeting guests. Back at the camp, after freshening up and changing to enjoy the warm sunshine, new arrivals Dawn and her youngest Son, Jamie, were taking a walk along the side of the lake. Jamie had asked his mom for a...

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Intercourse the Penguin

© 2002 "I'll keep you safe." "Never again, Kenny. She stood up and pulled me to her. I pulled her to me. Together, we cried. "And that concludes Part Eleven of the BCC radio dramatization of "Beggars Can't Be..." by Kenny N Gamera. And now Radio Four will explode..." which the radio proceedes to do with a bang much louder than the actual flash and smoke would suggest. Mrs. I-Can't-Recall-Now-But-It'll-Come-To-Me-In-A-Moment turns to her friend and sometimes lover, but not...

1 year ago
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A night with my aunty

Hi Guys this is Haarshini, writing for the first time in this site. Iam 22 yrs old in the final yrs of my MBA. My parents are both doctors and want me to be a doctor too. Since iam interested in administration i moved out off my family profession. Let me describe you. My friends say i look like an angel. Iam 5.5 foot tall, not too fat or slim, i have a long black hair, beautiful eyes little nose and small lips. Size 34-30- 36. Guys are always around me, iam not vergin and have sex when ever i...

3 years ago
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Girl FagChapter 40

"What happened to you?" Steve asked me and he wasn't mad or anything. He was smiling at me. "What?" I was smiling too, like I'd never stop, and I just felt really warm all over. I was still thinking about Ben and Jared. Steve and Lisa were lying on the big bed and the television was on, but turned down so low it could barely be heard. They were dressed, kinda; Steve was wearing his boxers and Lisa wearing a short nightgown, blue like her eyes and kinda sexy. They hadn't been having...

1 year ago
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Magical Promiscuity

Magical Promiscuity I was, by far, one of the most awkward preteen boys to have ever walked this earth. That was, until after puberty worked it’s magic. It wouldn’t be a far stretch of the imagination to say that I was attractive. The first girlfriend I gotten had been in fifth grade. But girlfriends you have before puberty don’t really count though, do they? My life however was fairly normal. I had a normal name, Mike. I lived in a normal suburb of Seattle, with my mother and...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Jenna Foxx Whitney Wright Sneaky Salon Sex

Whitney Wright arrives at a hair salon to get her hair done. Her girlfriend, Jenna Foxx, accompanies her. The hairdresser, Casey Calvert, greets them.Jenna sits down and Casey sits Whitney in a hairdressing chair and places a salon cape on her. They make small talk as Jenna watches politely from the sidelines, reading a magazine. But every now and then, Jenna glances at Whitney, winking flirtatiously. Casey doesn’t notice this and Whitney playfully ignores Jenna’s gestures. Whitney...

3 years ago
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Love and Family During the Great DeathChapter 11 A Good Teasing Scrubs the Soul Clean

The next morning David awoke before anyone else, as was usual for him. He glanced around, idly wondering who he'd fallen sleep next to the previous night, but there were bodies lying all over due to everyone's having moved around during the night, so there was no way to calculate who'd started out where. Like him, both Alice and Ellen awoke at nearly the same time. David realized, once he started to think about how to extricate himself, that not only was he still naked, but the covers had...

4 years ago
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Molly allowed the newly engaged couples in each other’s room, provided the door was left open. It was the meal to end all meals. You never saw so much food since the last meal in the main hall of Hogwarts. At one of Harrys last trips to Hogsmeade before the shit hit the fan, Hermione taught him a spell that he used: ‘Butterefriigorisus Beermenti’ which put an ice cold Non-alcoholic Butterbeer besides everyone’s plate. “Now that is a bloody amazing spell,” George said. He repeated what he...

2 years ago
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Careless Fun

Her long hair fell over her shoulder as she reached to fumbled with the stereo dials. She pushed it away with an awkward flick of the head and started moving her body carelessly to the pop music flowing from the speakers. She glanced at him. ‘I missed you,’ she said softly. Referring to the seven months she spent several states south. ‘I missed you too.’ He replied, keeping his eyes on the road. ‘What’s wrong with you tonight, you’ve barely spoken a word since you picked me up. Have some...

4 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 9 Hogan Educates the Humans

Bentley asked Hogan what he knew about the Keltria people where he lived. Hogan happily gave them the following narrative to his very attentive audience, which Bentley made sure he recorded. “The people who called themselves the Keltria people had come from Earth’s past. They had left Earth over seventeen hundred years before. It could be a bit more, as the two planets weren’t precisely on the same time frame. At the time, most of their histories were only recorded by the Wizards. The...

2 years ago
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Living in Cockington part 19

I was sat with my shorts around my ankles in the middle of my living room, rubbing my cock as I sat watching some porn and thinking about my cousin Zoe who I had just fucked up the ass.Then Bridget my neighbours twenty something housekeeper came wandering down from upstairs, where she had just been fucking my teen daughter and sat next to me.We had in fact fucked a couple of times previous so I didn't bother covering up but continued rubbing my cock."Here let me" she said taking over, her soft...

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