Tempted TouristChapter 3 free porn video

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At five o'clock the next afternoon, Jill Duncan was striding toward home down a tree-lined path in the Kongens Have, a large public park beside Rosenborg Castle. In spite of the heavy pile of parcels she carried, there was a determined set to her shoulders and a self- congratulatory smile upon her pretty face. The large park wasn't really the most direct route back to her apartment, but the strong-willed young law student had resolved to exhaust herself both mentally and physically so that there'd be no chance of a recurrence of last night's shameful events. So far today, she'd been one hundred percent successful--not a single lewd tingling sensation had plagued her lush young body.

"Idle hands are the tools of the Devil," Mrs. Duncan had often admonished her only child, and the twenty-two year old girl had never forgotten her mother's advice. She'd thought of this proverb that very morning, after she'd awakened to find that disgusting plastic vibrator and a pile of vile pornographic magazines scattered across the floor beside her bed. For a moment, she'd been overcome with guilt and inertia, tempted to crawl back under the covers and cry. But then she realized that the only way she could regain her self-respect was by forgetting her despicable weakness from the night before and planning her day so that there wasn't a moment free in which she might be troubled by the memories of her depraved act. The first thing the voluptuous redhead had done was take the pink artificial penis and the offending photographs and lock them into an empty suitcase, which she'd pushed to the far corner of the cupboard. (She would have liked to have thrown the whole mess into the garbage pail but was afraid that someone might see them.) Then she'd dressed in her most conservative outfit and had gone off to the university to meet with two professors.

The meetings had gone very well, she thought to herself now, as she hurried through the park. One of the professors had arranged for her to visit various institutions--a prison, a criminal court, and a rehabilitation farm for heroin addicts. The other professor, a Mr. Jorgensen, had stressed the importance of personal observation, urging her to begin Danish language classes at once and reminding her to keep a detached scientific attitude at all times.

Detached scientific attitude... this seemed to Jill to be the most useful bit of advice she'd received in a long time. Last night she had let her personal emotions overcome her, and she must guard against letting such a thing happen again.

After the meetings, she'd gone to the library to obtain a card and check out several heavy volumes on sample law cases, historical precedents, and modern reforms. Then, still fired up with energetic good intentions, she'd bought material to sew curtains so that the lights of the city would provide her with no excuse for any future cases of insomnia.

Jill had purchased a lot of household goods as well, cleaning products and food. This was the first time the auburn-haired student had had an opportunity to live in a flat of her own, and she was pleased by the privacy and independence this afforded her. The fact that it might be lonely living all by herself occurred to her, but she swept the thought from her mind. All the more time to study, she reminded herself.

Preoccupied with her own thoughts, Jill had been almost oblivious to the beauty of the park and the other people out strolling or sunbathing in the warm late-afternoon sun. Suddenly, however, something caught her eye and so shocked the naive young girl that she stopped dead in her tracks to stare in disbelief. Three young girls were lying on a sunny patch of grass not more than three yards from the path, and they were naked! Well, not completely naked, for tiny bikini panties did partially cover their full round buttocks... but nothing at all hid their youthful sun-bronzed breasts. It was absolutely incredible! And perhaps the most amazing thing of all was that none of the other people in the park seemed to notice anything out of the ordinary about these girls, as though it were perfectly acceptable to lie half-naked in a public place in full view of men, women and children!

Regaining her composure at last, Jill forced herself to walk on, although she could not refrain from glancing back over her shoulder to make certain that her eyes hadn't been playing tricks on her. One of the teenagers had stood up and was languidly stretching her arms up in the air, her ripe young breasts, with their rose-tipped nipples, fully visible to everyone in the park as she did so. Good Cod! the embarrassed American thought. She doesn't care who sees her like that! Much to her discomfort, she felt the first twinges of lewd titillation in her belly as she speculated on how it would feel to stand among the trees with a little breeze wafting over her own freely uplifted naked breasts.

Detached scientific attitude! Jill sternly reminded herself. And, with that comforting axiom ringing in her ears, she quickened her pace and left the Kongens Have as fast as she could without once glancing to the right or the left of the gravel path.

By the time she reached the narrow cobblestone street and climbed the five flights of steep stairs, the slender young graduate student's arms were aching and her feet felt hot and swollen from the unaccustomed amount of exercise. She was grateful to be home, to be able to rest and relax. But, strangely enough, after five minutes, the silence in the little flat began to feel oppressive. Jill had always before come home to a roommate or her parents, to someone with whom she could talk about the day's events and share a meal before settling down to her books. Now, although she refused to acknowledge it to herself, she felt lonely and almost homesick. It was exciting being here in Denmark, of course, but it was also very confusing, for the people here didn't seem to believe in the things that she'd been taught all her life. It would be easier if she had someone to talk to. Why hadn't she heard from Erik?

For a few minutes the shapely redhead slumped on the one chair in the tiny room, tears of self-pity brimming in her green eyes. Then a determined expression hardened her lovely face and she Jumped to her feet. How could she possibly have heard from Erik when there was no telephone in the flat? And what did it matter anyway? She had so many things to do that she wouldn't have had time to be with him even if he did come by. Quickly, she began unwrapping her purchases, putting things away and making herself a cheese omelet and a fresh salad. After she had eaten, it was still only seven o'clock, so she washed the dishes and scrubbed all the cupboards in the kitchen. Then, as the church bells rang out eight o'clock, she began to cut out the bright red patterned material she'd bought to make curtains.

There was no traffic on the side street beneath Jill's apartment, and only the occasional sounds of pedestrians and the church bells broke the silence. The stillness seemed unnatural. Tomorrow I'll buy a secondhand radio, Jill promised herself as she began to sew the hem of the first curtain. Then a sudden loud banging on the door of the flat so startled the nervous young girl that she spilled pins and needles all over the floor as she leapt to her feet.

It must be Erik! she thought, surprising herself by the intensity of her joyful relief. She knew she shouldn't want to see him after the terrible thing he'd done in giving her that obscene battery-powered vibrator, but he probably hadn't thought anything of it. In a country where people could lie around half-naked in public, it was impossible to know what was going on- in anyone's mind. And d had been so very kind to her, finding her this flat and all...

Jill pulled open the front door, a welcoming smile on her pretty face. But it wasn't Erik after all--it was a total stranger, a long- haired, very thin young man dressed in purple velvet pants and an exotically embroidered Moroccan shirt. His face was handsome enough, but there was a strange look in his brown eyes.

"Hi," he said in English, but with a slight accent. "I heard noises in here and thought Pout and Helle had come back from the country. Who are you?" His dark eyes ran insolently over her body, and Jill found herself wishing that she'd changed into something other than these tight jeans and shrunken T-shirt.

"I-I'm Jill Duncan," she stammered. "I just moved in yesterday. I think the people who lived here before are staying in the country."

"Oh yeah?" he said, his gaze never leaving the straining mounds of her breasts. "Yeah, they said they might do that. Well, I'm Dizzy, I live down the hall. Ya wanna come over and meet us?"

Jill hesitated, not quite knowing how to reply. There was something about him that made her feel uneasy, and, even though she had had absolutely no experience with drugs, she immediately suspected that he was high on something.

"We just got hold of some out-of-sight shit," he added persuasively.

So, her guess had been right! "Shit" was obviously some sort of illegal narcotic. The innocent law student's first impulse was to slam the door in his face, but then she thought better of it. Here, after all, was the perfect opportunity to personally investigate the attitudes of an alternative lifestyle. What was it that Professor Jorgensen had said this morning? Something about the fact that drug crimes are preventable only when the mass of humanity understands the underlying causes for their use- --well, what better way to understand their use than through personal observation?

Jill forced a smile. "Sure, Dizzy, I'd like to meet your friends."

Dizzy's flat was the same shape and size as the redhead's own apartment, but the similarity ended there. There was a great clutter of brightly colored objects covering every inch of the small room. Posters lined the walls and ceiling, some of the same ones that Jill had seen in the sex shop. Numerous record albums were scattered on the uncarpeted floor, and the stereo was blaring out rock music at full volume. A strange mixture of odors filled the stuffy air, smoke, incense, and a smell that the young law student couldn't quite identify. Although it was still light out on the street below, the windows were covered with exotic Indian cloth so that it was completely dark inside, except for two homemade candles burning on a low table. Around the table, slumped on foam rubber mattresses, lay three bodies.

"Sit down, if you want," Dizzy said, gesturing vaguely toward one of the mats and then turning to address one of the reclining bodies. "Did ya bring the stuff, Amed?"

Jill gingerly lowered herself onto the low mattress, feeling more uneasy than ever. She knew that she must not let her own emotional reactions interfere with her objective observation, but it was impossible to ignore the odd aura of sinister enchantment that this room exuded. The bewildered young redhead had a sudden instinctive feeling that, if she were to fall asleep in this place, she'd awake in some other world, where the atmosphere imposed a kind of bizarre stupefication.

"Do I not always bring the hashish when I say I do?" Amed replied to Dizzy's question in a heavily accented voice. Jill thought that he was probably not Danish, for his accent was different, and his swarthy, dark- haired appearance was not at all Scandinavian.

"Yeah, man, but you don't always bring it for the price you said you would," Dizzy countered. "It's still seven a gram?"

Amed answered in some language Jill didn't understand, something similar to Danish that she supposed must be German. They haggled about the price for several moments, and then Dizzy brought out a little postage scale and weighed a large slab of dark brown colored stuff. At last money changed hands, and Dizzy began to grind up a little piece of the "shit," blend it with crushed tobacco from a mangled cigarette and stuff the mixture into a little clay pipe.

Jill squirmed nervously on the foam rubber mat, trying to think of a graceful way to leave immediately. She'd never smoked dope before, and she didn't want to start smoking it now. Yet she knew that no one in the room would understand her conservative point of view.

The two bodies on the other side of the low table slowly rose to a sitting position as Dizzy lit the small pipe. In the dim light the uneasy American girl couldn't quite make out whether or not they were male or female, as both had hair as long as her own. Then one of the figures stood up and started to move somewhat unsteadily in the direction of the kitchen. A sheer Indian-cotton robe immediately marked her as a girl with a very thin body but well-rounded breasts.

Dizzy handed the little clay pipe to Amed, who sucked the heavy smoke deep into his lungs while Jill watched curiously. She half-expected him to immediately start babbling like an insane person, or perhaps keel over in a dead faint, but all he actually did was stare at her in a way that made her hastily shift her glance away.

Amed passed the pipe to the man seated on the opposite mat, who inhaled deeply and then stood up to hand the ceramic object to Jill.

"No thanks, I don't smoke," she said somewhat defensively.

"Why not?" the tall handsome youth asked, sounding just as amazed as if she'd told him that she didn't breathe.

"Because it's against the law, for one thing..." Jill began.

"Oh, you don't have to be paranoid here," he laughed. "Smoking isn't illegal - only selling."

"Sure, Tommy's right, he oughta know, he did time in England," Dizzy said, moving over to sit uncomfortably close to her on the mattress. "Here, do it like this."

Jill hesitated, not quite knowing what she ought to do. If it really was legal, then she ought to try it so that she would understand the effects of this popular narcotic. Besides, it seemed so much easier to accept the pipe than to attempt to argue with these strange people. She'd just take in a little smoke, not enough to make her really high, but just so that she could test the general effect. Taking hold of the clay pipe between stiff, awkward fingers, she inhaled the pungent smoke as Dizzy had demonstrated. It felt hot and rough on her throat, and immediately the young redhead began to cough.

"Come on, try it again. Take it easy--inhale a little smoke and hold it down as long as you can," the long-haired "hippie" advised.

Jill tried it once more, and this time was able to control her coughing. Much to her relief, she felt no reaction at all from the strange smelling smoke, and the blonde student decided that now that she'd satisfied her scientific curiosity, she'd leave at the first possible opportunity.

The thin girl with the large breasts came in from the kitchen carrying a pot of tea and an assortment of chipped cups. As she moved across the room, every detail of her slim adolescent body was outlined through the gauzy robe she wore, and the young American student wondered how she could act so unselfconscious when she was as good as naked in a room full of people.

"That's Lisa," Dizzy said to Jill. "And that's Tommy, he's from London. And over there's Amed--he's from Algeria. Lisa and me are from Copenhagen."

Jill stared at him, unable to think of any reply. The pipe had made the round of the table, and Dizzy was again handing it to her. Well, why not, the naive redhead thought, since it doesn't affect me anyway. She took a deep drag on the hashish-filled pipe, at the same time drawing a few inches away from Dizzy.

For several minutes there was no sound in the dim room except the urgent rhythm of the stereo and the scratching of matches as the pipe was re-lit. Jill wondered if she ought to try to talk to someone, but she really couldn't think of a thing to say. It was very strange, yet, in a way, the silence seemed peaceful and quite natural. The room no longer appeared shabby, either; as the garish colors softened and blended before her eyes and the flickering candlelight cast mysterious shadows, the atmosphere began to seem sensuous and exciting. It reminded her more than anything else of the illustrations in the Arabian Nights book she'd read as a child.

Yet, in spite of the soothing atmosphere, the shapely redhead found it hard to really relax. She squirmed her buttocks against the foam mattress as unobtrusively as possible, searching in vain for a position that would relieve the straining pressure of her tight jeans against her sensitive pussy. The more she twisted and turned, the more embarrassing the throbbing sensation between her legs became. Her whole vagina felt as though it were pulsating in time to the strong beat of the rock album.

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Tempted TouristChapter 5

It was mid-afternoon by the time the hot sun streaming in through the uncurtained windows roused Jill Duncan from her drugged slumber. She opened her eyes groggily, not realizing at first where she was, and gazed in confusion at her own naked body splayed out upon the wild disorder of rumpled bedclothes. Why on earth had she gone to bed without putting on her nightgown or getting under the covers? she asked herself uneasily. Rubbing her eyes, the curvaceous redhead attempted to stand up only...

2 years ago
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Tempted TouristChapter 6

Club 33 was so dimly lit that Jill, who was beginning to feel the effects of the considerable amount of alcohol she'd consumed already that night, stumbled and fell to her knees on the plush-carpeted stairs of the entryway. Erik Mortensen helped the blushing young redhead to her feet, allowing his hand to rest a little longer than necessary on her smooth- skinned upper arm. Jesus Christ, she felt so soft and warm there--how much better her full breasts and flaring hips would feel! As the...

4 years ago
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Tempted TouristChapter 7

"Well, as you realize, Miss Duncan," the balding older man behind the desk began, "I'd been expecting to see you yesterday at three. He took off his wire-rimmed glasses and wiped them on his handkerchief, an unconscious nervous habit of his, all the while staring at her as if he expected her to provide some explanation. If he does that again, I 'm going to scream, Jill thought. Although she'd not even noticed this mannerism of Professor Jorgensen's in her first meeting with the...

3 years ago
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Tempted TouristChapter 8

Jill Duncan turned slowly around to face the crowded semi-circle of spectators seated in tiers a little below the low stage where she herself was standing. There was a round bed covered by some furry fabric in the center of the stage? and psychedelic-hued lights were flashing on and off. The terrified young American was grateful for the lights which half- blinded her drugged eyes and made it almost impossible to see the audience. To actually sit down on the suggestive stage-prop seemed...

1 year ago
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Tempted Girlfriend

Jessica used the bright red lipstick to apply the final touches to her appearance. She normally wouldn’t wear something quite so eye-catching for a night at home, but this night was a special occasion. Jessica and her boyfriend John had been dating for three years. They had met during her sophomore year of college when he had been a senior. It had been the best years of her life. She could still remember every detail of the night he had proposed; even though it was months ago. She loved him...

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Tempting Trevor Full

18-year-old Trevor's graduated from high school and summer break has just begun! It’s time to become an adult and start exploring his curiosity about sex with his super-cute girlfriend, Mary. Only, Mary doesn’t quite feel the same way. She’s afraid. Home from college for the summer. Trevor’s older sister, Stacy, has some exploring of her own she wants to do. To Stacy, other people are only toys to fulfill her perverted need for sexual control. She delights in seduction, and she’s got her...

1 year ago
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Tempting Faith

***This story contains adult themes so you need to be 18 or over to continue. Location:- Scotland : Chapter 1. A Change for Faith. The Scottish spring had not yet yielded any hopeful signs of a break in the cold damp weather that it was famous for. The City of Edinburgh architecture was straining to cope with the rain, and gutter down pipes gushed water into the storm drains. The homeward bound city dwellers huddled under umbrellas, most of which showed some of the scars of the strong winds...

2 years ago
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Attempted Blackmail

BRAD I leaned back, naked, in the empty bathtub, waiting for the cunt, what the fuck was her name again, oh yeah, Emma, waiting for that cunt Emma to climb into the tub so that we could reach some agreement on how hot the water should be, not that her vote would carry very much weight. I glanced at the shiny chrome escutcheon plate covering the overflow drain. It's concave design made my already shrunken John Henry look even smaller, much smaller than the full sized weapon that it had been...

2 years ago
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Tempting the Freshman

Once Steve left the kitchen to start his second load of laundry, I finished opening the wine bottle and poured out a glass for each of us. Torpe that I am, I was afraid that I would spill something if I tried to take everything into the living room altogether, so I started with the wine and placed the glasses at the near end of the coffee table in front of the sofa. While walking back into the kitchen, I listened for Steve making laundry noises. Before picking up the cheese and crackers, I...

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Tempting Tracks

It was going to be a long week. My company decided that I needed to spend almost a week in Chicago for additional training. The last time I had made the trip from Philly to Chicago the return trip almost ended in disaster. We had just taken off from O’Hare at about 8 pm and as the plane was climbing we lost altitude. Not just a little but a lot. I looked at the flight attendant, who with a curious nod sloughed it off. When the plane dropped altitude the second time the phone next to her went...

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Tempting Ashly

As the plane landed, Ashley couldn't help but think how she had gotten herself into this. It wasn't that she didn't like her cousin Tiffany, but she didn't like being sent away. She had been dating the school bad-boy for almost two years now and she had grown to love him deeply. But that didn't stop him from hurting her over and over. She wanted to save herself for marriage and hadn't slept with him and only occassionally gave him blowjobs. Because of that, he had often found other girls that...

1 year ago
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Tempting Kelly

You bite your lip, struggling not to cry out as Kellys' tongue ravages you. Those lips, they felt soft, warm, and irresistably yummy on your body. You have never felt this aroused before, and though at some point, you realize it is but a dream, you purposfully try to prolong it, to draw it out. Rubbing against the lovely woman, feeling the soft touch of her hot lips on you is driving you crazy. You're wet, wetter then you have ever been before, your own juices dripping down your thighs. Soon,...

2 years ago
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Tempting motherinlaw

I come from a small town in Ohio. I’m 28 6’3’’ 220lbs but not fat by any means. My wife who I have been with for over 5 years is 24 has an amazing body 5’6’’ always tan 34 D breasts and an amazing ass. Her mother (Deb) has just as an amazing body as she does. She just turned 50, she’s about 5’5’’ toned body always tan, 34 C breasts and her ass isn’t as nice but still amazing to look at. I was attracted to Deb from the first time I met her, but she was my girlfriend’s mother so I always shook...

2 years ago
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Tempting Hot Cousin Sister

Hello, guys, I m a regular follower of Indian Sex Stories dot net and myself Sam (Nick name) working in a reputed company in Chennai. I am basically from Karnataka. I m just 24yrs old, this is my first sex story on this site. Kindly adjust for any mistakes I make in writing this sex story. Coming to the sex story, this started when I was in my 12th class. As I was treated like a kid at home, it was my dirty mind always thinking of boobs of the girls and always staring at hard nipples of all...

4 years ago
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Tempting Teacher

Hi, dear readers. Your one and only JJ back to treat you with a carnal lust of a teacher from Chennai where a student takes her by surprise and treats her with all that she had been dying for. Kalyani reaching in her mid 40’s suffering from the problem that almost Indian women undergo a mid life crisis, suddenly she feels its been awhile since she had great sex a typical phase Indian women undergo at her age. Many would silently suffer the low level of estrogen and approaching menopause of...

4 years ago
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Tempting teacher

Hi, this jj taking you through the ‘teacher’s” series well when I venture into a particular segment it goes on for a very long time. The thinking and visualizing keeps going in the same line if readers are aware it all started with the “lesbian” stories. Well keeping onto the same track this is about a pg mathematics school teacher handling higher classes a divorcee well into her forties 44 to be precise blessed with a son staying with her parents at Bangalore was slowly warming up with a...

2 years ago
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Tempting Teacher

Hi, dear readers this is your JJ with a sizzling hot teacher student combo. Well is a pure imagination which I always wanted to happen with me. Pretty unfortunate I suppose, let me try at least in my imagination I pray it happens the way I always wanted it. Educated in an Anglo Indian school very early I was dreaming about how it would be to be the respective class teachers which I am sure many male will agree with me in having such provoking thoughts. Come with me let’s take a dive in to the...

3 years ago
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Tempting Telepathy

“Is there something wrong sir?” The cashier asked? I had just frozen while going to tap my credit card to pay for groceries when I had frozen. To the outside observer I would appear to have just stopped moving like a human statue for some reason. And it didn't seem like the cashier found it an amusing joke. But on the inside my head was splitting in pain my muscles tense and whole body locked in place as my heart hammered. I couldn't even form the thoughts to try to figure out what might be...

Mind Control
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Tempting Mommy

Evelyn stepped from her shower into the cool air of the bathroom, still yawning as she fumbled for a towel. The banging of the shower door woke her daughter Cyndi. She struggled sleepily out of bed and slipped into the bathroom. "Morning, Mommy." "Morning, honey." Evelyn smiled wearily at her daughter as she dried herself. Replacing the towel on the rack, she padded into her room. Cyndi followed her naked mother into the bedroom, where Evelyn selected a pair of panties from her dresser...

2 years ago
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Tempting TabithaChapter 2

Dog Days Epilogue Mikel smiled up at his beautiful wife when she walked carefully into the breakfast room, her stomach cradled with one hand. She was readying for her confinement though he'd promised that her labor and the birthing wouldn't be as hard if she'd continued to exercise and walk as she had been through the weeks of her pregnancy. She'd been amazed by how quickly her belly had grown and how fast it had seemed when she'd felt their first movement. She'd been as thrilled...

1 year ago
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Tempting John

Sunday Night- Watching my wife push back at my cock always gets me off. There I was on my knees, upright. My cock driving into her pussy. Meeting me halfway on every penetrating push. Her ass raised high in the air, her forehead resting against the mattress, back arched like a feline ready to pounce. This woman, lost in ecstasy. My thoughts always drift to how much she loves to get fucked, as my cock plunges into her. I have a high sex drive thinking of fucking just about every woman with a...

Erotic Fiction
1 year ago
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Tempting Fall

Shelby stood leaning up against a post leading into the trails that marked their way through Kinderman’s Woods. She was waiting for her best friend Taylor and her husband David. She wasn’t so fond of the idea of getting back in touch with nature while taking one of these 3 to 6 hour hikes up Ketter’s Mount, but Taylor had begged for so long, she was tired of saying no. She swore it to be beautiful and breathtaking and something that Shelby would not regret, so, here she was, and they were late....

Erotic Fiction
1 year ago
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Caught by mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! I just turned eighteen the day before and was very excited about today. My sister was in school, my dad would be out of town for a week and my mom had a full day of shoping planned (that's what I thought). I woke up after everyone else was gone, so rigt away I decided to spend the remainder of my alone time in the nude. I was not a muscular guy, but I was not fat either. I walked to the kitchen and started making breakfast. I looked outside and saw the...

3 years ago
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Android Das Experiment

An einem Frühsommer Abend irgendwo in einer grossen Stadt. Der Tag war sonnig und warm gewesen und es ist gerade dunkel geworden. Es ist ein heruntergekommenes Viertel in dem sich niemand zu sehr dafür interessiert ob gerade irgendwo etwas ungewöhnliches passiert. Alte Häuser, dreckig und verfallen bilden eine heruntergekommene Strasse deren Laternen schon seit Jahren kein Licht mehr spenden. Aus einer kleinen dunklen Gasse tritt eine junge Frau. Sie sieh wie etwa 20 aus, ist 1,72 m gross und...

2 years ago
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Shaving Daddy

Lisa was making supper when her daddy came home from work. He was grouchy tonight. He banged through the front door, answered her "Hi Daddy" with a growl and disappeared into his bedroom. Lisa shook her sixteen year old head as she stirred the hamburger helper. She missed her mother at times like these. Valerie O'Conner had died of cancer two years ago, and Lisa and her father had carried on as best they could since then. But sometimes it was hard. On both of them. She finished up and set...

4 years ago
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Busted Wearing Panties Ch 03

tranny – bisexual – anal – strapon – busting cherry – lingerie – mmf – seduction – first time – threesomeI was in a deep sleep dreaming about Jessica and Chris, our naked bodies intertwined. I wanted to play more but the ringing in my ears kept getting louder and louder. My eyes flew open as it registered that the phone was ringing. I sat upright in bed and fumbled for the phone on the nightstand."Hello?" I managed as I put the receiver to my ear."James did I wake you again? My timing is...

2 years ago
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How It Started Pt 4

As soon as my friend was out of the door, I practically ran to the bedroom. I figured my wife would be naked when I got there, but I was wrong. She was still dressed in the outfit she had been wearing that evening. I stood there looking at her, unsure what to make of the situation. I didn’t have to wonder long. “Come here” she said, as she crooked a finger at me. Her eyes had that glazed look that she gets when she is horny. When I got to near where she was lying on the bed, she told me to...

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DeannaChapter 29 Lisa

We must not have moved much during the night because when I woke up I looked into Marie's loving eyes and felt her fingers lightly going through my hair. "G'mornin' sleepyhead," she whispered. "Ya know I could get used to this." I smiled at her and admitted, "Yeah, me too. But --" She interrupted quickly, "Don't even say it Tommy. Listen to me when I say this, I love you Thomas." "I love you as well Marie," I said softly. With that she pulled on me to roll me over on top of...

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