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Prijatelj se zvao Nedim a sin Faruk. Dosli su iz njemacke,preko zimskog raspusta. Otac je imao oko 45 godina, a sin je bio stariji 5 godina od mene i studirao je. Sin je nije bio toliko ruzan koliko razmazen i odbojan, i jedva sam cekao da ode kada bi nam dosli,ali otac je zato bio predobar! gradjen kao profesor tjelesnog samo misicaviji. Bilo je tesko ne gledati ga,a opet sam morala paziti da niko ne primjeti.Sin je sve kvario,ali srecom on se vratio poslije 7 dana u njemacku a otac je jos ostao. I ja sam bila na zimskom raspustu i sada sam umjesto na profesora drkala na maminog prijatelja Nedima. Dolazio nam je svaku d**gu noc i uvijek sam gledala da sjedem pored njega. Bilo je lijepo osjetiti njegov miris i kao slicajno ga nekada dodirnuti. posto je bio raspust oblacila sam se i drkala na njega po cijeli dan,guza me bolila ali sam uzivala. Jedno jutro dok sam drkala neko je pozvonio na vrata. Pretrnula sam od straha ali nisam reagovala,misleci da ce otici ko god da je. Medjutim zvonilo je jos 3-4 puta a onda i pokucao na vrata. Svatila sam da je neko uporan i da nece otici. Otisla sam do vrata i pitala ko je? -Nedim je,otvori. Sad sam se prepala jos vise,jer je Nedim i ne mogu ga samo tako otjerati ne otvorivsi vrata. Rekla sam samo malo i otrcala obuci trenerku i duksericu preko haljinice. Srecom taj dan se nisam sminkala. Otvorila sam mu u trenerci i dukserici i pozvala da udje. Iako mi je bilo drago da ga vidim bilo je neobicno jer su moji bili na poslu,pa sam ga pitala otkud Vi. Rekao mi je da je danas slobodan,pa je setao i odlucio da svrati do nas. Iznijela sam mu sok i rekla da su moji na poslu i da ce doci tek kasnije poslijepodne. Rekao je da nema veze i pozvao me da sjedem. Sjela sam pored njega. Poceo je pricati kako sam dobra i poslusna za razliku od njegovog sina,hvalio me i hvalio.Bilo mi je drago a i malo nezgodno. Pitao me kako stola ide i sta planiram poslije srednje. Cijelo vrijeme sam zamisljala kako me ljubi i jebe pa sam se zbunila i peljala ni sama ne znam sta. U jednom trenutku me prekinuo i pitao -A reci mi je li svi deckici u tvojoj skoli nose mrezaste stramplice ili samo ti? pitanje me sokiralo i zbunilo i ostala sam bez rijeci. Nije mi bilo jasno i nisam znala sta da kazem. Osmjehnuo se i klimnuo mi prema stopalima. Totalno sam zaboravila da sam obukla mrezaste stramplice i da ih trenerka ne sakriva kao haljinu. Propadala sam u zemlju od stida i nisam znala sta da kazem. Vidio je da mi je neugodno i rekao -Nemoj da ti je neugodno,siguran sam da ti lijepo stoje. Iznenadio me s ovim pa sam digla glavu. On se opet osmjehnuo i rekao -To je sasvim normalna stvar,ne brini. Bilo mi je drago i sad sam se i ja osmjehnula. -Pretpostavljam da ti roditelji ne znaju. Odmahnula sam glavom jer mi se glas jos nije vratio. Primjetio je to pa me dodirnuo po ramenu i rekao da se opustim,da on zna da cuva tajnu. Rekla sam hvala. -Mogu li da vidim kako ti stoje? opet mi je bilo nezgodno i primjetio je to pa me pomazio po ledjima i rekao da ne brinem,da je sve u redu i da nece nikome reci i da je to nasa tajna. Znala sam da zasluzuje da mu pokazem kad me nece izdati, a i htjela sam da cujem sta ce reci. Ustala sam,odmaknula se i polako skinula prvo duksericu pa trenerku. -Opaaa! Super ti stoji haljinica i stramplice,kao prava djevojka! Bilo mi je drago ali nisam bila sigurna da li me zeza pa sam rekla da ne zeza. Rekao je da ne zeza i pokazao da sjedem pored njega,sto sam i uradila. I dalje sam bila napeta,sto je primjetio i rekao mi da se opustim i da stvarno super izgledam i da mi bolje stoji haljinica nego trenerka. Malo sam se opustila a onda me opet iznenadio pitanjem -Je li ti se svidjaju momci? Bilo mi je nezgodno i nisam znala sta da odgovorim pa sam slegnula ramenima. -Ako ne znas provjerit cemo pa da znas. Vidio je da ga gledam zbunjeno pa je rekao da zatvorim oci. I dalje sam ga gledala zbunjeno pa mi je rekao da mu vjerujem.Poslusala sam ga i zatvorila oci. Slijedece sto sam osjetila su njegove usne na mojim i da me ljubi.Ljubio me polako i njezno.Prvi put da me muskarac ljubi i bilo je prelijepo,topila sam se. Stao je i odmaknuo se. -I,svidja li ti se? Klimnula sam glavom da svidja. -Nema klimanja,ako ti se svidjas moras reci. -Svidja,rekla sam. -Hoces jos? -Hocu. Nageo se i ljubio me,ovaj put strastvenije.Presao je i na vrat.Uzeo mi ja ruku i stavio na svoj kurac.Nikad nisam dirala tudji kurac i bilo me strah ali njegove usne i njegov jezik u mojim ustima me umirivao. Ustao je skinuo majicu,tijelo mu je bilo prelijepo,razvijeno misicavo,dlakavo.Onda je otkopcao i spustio pantole.Kroz bokserice mu se vidio nabrekli kurac. -Hajde uzmi ga,rekao je. -Strah me nisam nikad.. -Moras nekad probat,ako ti se ne svidi prestajemo. I dalje sam bila neodlucna. -Polako cemo,za pocetak ga poljubi. Primakla sam glavu na par centimetara od njegovog kurca. -Hajde mali poljubac. Zatvorila sam oci,poslusala ga i poljubila. -Eto je li ti ista bilo,nasmijao se. -Nije,nasmijala sam se i ja. -Hajde sad opet,ali ovaj put otvorenih ociju i malo duze.poslusala sam ga. Nisam mogla vjerovati da ljubim tudji kurac,ali svidjalo mi se. -Sad ga malo lizi. Napola nadignuti kurac sada se poceo dizati jos vise. -Stavi ga malo u usta. poslusala sam ga i stavila glavic i jos malo u usta. -Svidja li ti se? Klimnula sam sa kurcem u ustima. -Hajde pusi ga,moras nauciti. pusila sam kako sam se sjecala sa pornica,balavila ga,ljubila,lizala,drkala.Bila sam sretna i ponosna jer je uzdisao sve vise i vise.Uzeo mi ke glavu u ruke i poceo me jebati u usta. Ostala sam bez zraka i zagrcnula se i izvadila ga. Gledali smo se dok sam uzimala zrak.Kad sam dosla do zraka opet mi ga je stavio u usta i poceo jebati,ovaj put brze.Opet sam se zagrcnula ali mi nije pustao glavu i nastavio jebati usta.Uzdisao je glasno izvadio i rekao da ce svrsiti. -Otvori usta i zatvori oci svrist cu! Poslusala sam ga i cekala.Poslije 5 sekundi osjetila sam spricanje sperme po licu.Bilo je po cijelom licu i kosi. -Otvori oci.Sad znas svidja li ti se? Nasmijala sam se i rekla da svidja. -Znao sam da ce ti se svidjeti,bices ti prava mala kuckica. -Hvala. Sjedili smo jos i pricali. Onda mi je rekao da ce slijedeci put probati guzu. Slozila sam se i jedva sam cekala iako me bilo strah...

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The Computer

The COMPUTER by: Donna-Allyson McCleod Mindy may archive this story. If anyone else wishes to, please E-mail me at [email protected] with your request and site where the story will be located. It is the first in a series of loosely related stories that will take the reader into a new realm of cyber space. One in which Fairy Godmother has become addicted to working her will on the web with a magical computer. Maybe You may think twice about reading so much of the TG...

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Found out I have a Reputation

Some years back I traveled with a friend to Raleigh N.C. We were talking last week and he brought this trip up in our conversation. I had a real good time and thought I would share it. My friend did and does not know of my Bi side.. He is Pretty much Homophobic I think. So my sex part of the story is something he knows very little of.We drove back east to pick up some stuff and deliver most of it to different people along the way back home. I had a large truck and my friend needed to pick up a...

3 years ago
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God! What a sight. I was sitting on the edge of the Franklin's king size bed, my legs were spread wide and my semi hard cock was lying across Mrs. Franklin's face, as she sucked my balls."I've gotten used to this cock, Chris. I'm going to miss it."She laughed when I croaked out a simple, "Yeah!"Her head bobbed lower and she ran her tongue through my ass crack, circled my anus, before catching my left ball in her mouth and sucked again."Do you think those college girls will lick your ass?""I...

4 years ago
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CITYWOLF III - UNCHECKED COMPUTER Copyright 2001 by The CityWolfTHE VICTIMShe had done this a few times before, and she had two sure-thing safeties’ to prevent the unthinkable from actually happening.  Thinking about the unthinkable, however, made her hornier than she had ever been before.She was an investigative reporter for the FOX station in Chicago, but some of her stories had been broadcast nationally across the network.  At 32, she was well know in Chicago and had a national reputation. ...

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Fixing my sisterinlaws computer

My wife, Ashley, came to me and told me her sister, Chloe's computer had gotten a virus and she wanted me to fix it, as I am handy with that type of thing. I told her I would, just get the computer and the login password. Chloe still lived with her mother, my wife's mother, as she was still in high school. She was born about ten years after my wife. Her parents split not much long after, and her mom didn't have much luck with the dating scene.A few days later, she brought it to me. I turned it...

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Using a library computer

Our local library is a 1930s three storey building with solid book shelving. In places along the walls are decorative panels of tiles and mirrors which were fashionable when the place was built. As new technology arrived the computers were placed in odd locations among the book shelves. For a few months I had been researching local history in the reference section on the top floor and nearly always sat at the same reading desk. Very few people seem to use the reference books and sometimes I...

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Why I Bought a Computer

There I was, it was 1997 and I had been divorced for six years and living back in my podunk hometown. A four-year long affair with a married man (who also happened to be my childhood sweetheart) had come to an end, not with a whimper nor a bang, but more like the hiss of a balloon with a slow leak. I was living in a nice little house, right next to my sister and brother-in-law’s nice little house, with my 12 year old daughter, the cat, and the queen of the household, our dog. After being laid...

4 years ago
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Brads new computer

Introduction: New story, hope you enjoy, please give me any comments of how I could improve. Thanks Me and brad were the best of friends, as joined at the hip, as anyone could be. We had grown up together, having lived next door to each other and gone to the same school. The fact that we were both only children i guess contributed to our closeness, as where most people would turn to their siblings, we would rely on each other.We would often go to the other persons house after school after...

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Brads new computer

As a newly turned ten year old, i was soon beginning to become conscious of my sexuality, it started with my cock begining to get hard and not knowing why, then getting funny feeling when i rubbed it in the shower and whilst at school i would hear a few of the guys in the changing rooms talking about mastubation, but i never quite found out what it was from their conversations. I felt to subconscious to talk to my parents about the matter and due to my age was hard pressed to find a method of...

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A TeenAgers Computer

Every body in Mike Dane's family always thought of Mike as a disciplined, good mannered teen-ager. A teen who never kept anything from his family, especially his mom and dad. Every body just adored him. Except one; his second cousin. She hated him more then any one in the entire world. Even more the George Bush! She hated him so, so much that she would do anything just to make him hurt or suffer. One day... She and her family came to Mike's house to have dinner. This day was waited...

2 years ago
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Fixing the computer

For some time the PC I had been using had been in need ofan upgrade. Surfing the net was always rather slow, notreal good when you are trying to look at gay porn whileyour wife is not looking! I have been happily married forquite a few years to a wonderful woman who knowsabsolutely nothing about my gay side. I told myself toforget that side of me when we met but lately it has gothold of me again and I just can't help myself.A friend of mine sells and fixes pc's as a businessworking from a shop...

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Fun InFront Of The Computer

One day I was just chillin on myspace and doing whatever on the comp yeah probably lookin up some hot porn sites or something lol but the was a knock at the door so I went to go see who it was it was kyle. The same kyle whos dick was the first I ever got to suck. Whats up he said I said nothing chillin on the comp hes like cool u on myspace? Yeah I said we went back to the computer and he asked if I played any of the games on it I said no I think their really retarded ( I always had lol) and he...

4 years ago
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Using My Computer

"Ah pleaase!" He begs me for the millionth time.I shake my head.I worked a shitty cleaning job for two years to pay for my computer so Ihad no intentions of sharing it with my little brother."Just once? One game?" he persists.I sigh. "No""You can watch! I won't break anything I swear."I hesitate."I'll do anything!" My little brother adds to his pleads.I want to reject his offer but my mind goes to a dark place."Anything?" I ask.He nods. Seeing a chance he repeats his offer. "Anything!""Promise...

2 years ago
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DANIELLE smeared reputation

As I was entering my third week of pussy depravity, I was fortunate enough to have Fleas, a close friend of mine, arrange a blind date for me. I conceded to take part in this endeavor on two conditions. Firstly, I demanded from my associate that the woman whom I was to be set up with be a fine-looking, bona fide slut. I did not want to waste any time entertaining a buckled broad and I sure as hell didn’t want to sink into the depths of blind date desperation without a steady stream of ass...

3 years ago
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Just By Reputation

Brian had just moved into his new home. It was a rather big place, large enough for him to set up his massage shop. He had been going strong in the massage world, making quite a bit of money. Brian considered himself rather good at what he did, and that was the truth. Of course, every once in a while he would move, to expand his shop. Now, having a four story house all to himself was perfect. He rented the basement level to a Spanish couple that had just got married. The first floor was his...

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On some afternoon, at some college campus, inside some gymnasium, a class of students stood on colorful yoga mats in a shallow lunge, arms extended in front and behind. “Now,” the instructor bellowed, “We’ll be transitioning into the Triangle pose.” He got ready himself; all eyes were on him. “Simply lean forward and place your front hand on your front ankle. Like this,” he contorted sideways and reached towards the sky. “Don’t forget to breathe,” he added. A tall, lanky fellow tumbled on his...

2 years ago
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Kindred SpiritsChapter 5 Building a Reputation

Errol was touched by Luke's comment about thinking of him as a brother. There was something special about the kid, something that Errol couldn't quite put his finger on. After their conversation, he felt some confidence that Luke was finally done with selling himself to lonely, horny men driving the nation's highways. Someday, he'd have to get the story of what drove the boy from home and into the streets at such a tender age. And now he was interested in a girl at the library! Maybe...

3 years ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 34B Randalls Reputation

Paul, uncharacteristically, had lied. He was sitting in his small apartment, flipping channels on TV and trying to figure out why he was even entertaining the idea of bedding a skinny, wasted-looking black woman. But the crazy bitch set him off... It made no sense; she was a professional hooker -- not even high-end -- and a druggie. He was a professional, and she was his client -- that was reason enough to avoid her right there. But she didn't care... What the Hell did she see in him? And...

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Inside Carls Computer

It was gone midday as Jay made her way groggily downstairs, still a little hungover from her late-night binge. She'd had a couple of glasses of wine with her parents at dinner the night before. Then, when they'd gone to bed she'd gone to her room and spent a few hours Skyping with her BFF Jamie, back in the UK. She'd taken the newly opened bottle of Pinot Grigio with her to keep her company. And, when that one was exhausted she'd opened another. She felt sore all over as she went into the...

4 years ago
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Fun at the Computer

With your back to the door, I slowly and quietly walk into the room behind you. I see you reading something on a webpage, but not caring to much. I do see you move your hand to your boxers, and notice you are hard. I walk up behind you, slowly running my hands over your shoulders, and whisper in your ear, ‘ I hope you are thinking about me.’ I move around to your side, with my hands still running along your shoulders, across your back. You push yourself away from the computer, and I see you...

2 years ago
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at computer

This is my second entry here. If anyone knows an editor that may interested in looking over my stories before publication I would appreciate it you sent them my way./i]I see you sitting there at your computer, your back to me. I wonder what it is you are working on at this time of night and why you have your headphones on. I approach, staying silent on the deep carpeting. You do not hear me, you seem so engrossed with what is on the screen.Looking over your shoulder I am a little surprised to...

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