Una nuova esperienza pt 2
- 3 years ago
- 26
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Devo dire che mentre uscivamo di casa ero un po' timoroso di cosa, e soprattutto chi, avremmo trovato fuori. Per fortuna la macchina era vicina e quindi il tragitto per raggiungerla breve. Entriamo in macchina e mia madre mette subito in moto avviandosi verso il centro. "Allora? come ti sembra questa tua prima uscita per strada?" "La prima cosa che ho notato e' stato il freddo sulle gambe... ma come fate voi donne?" "Eh, abitudine!... in ogni caso le calze che hai sono anche...
(NdA: questa e' la prima volta che scrivo una storia, quindi mi scuso gia' per eventuali imprecisioni... inoltre ho scritto la storia in lingua italiana, dato che ? la mia lingua madre e inq uesto modo mi verrebbe piu' facile scriverla.... se qualcuno fosse interessato a tradurla in inglese faccia pure non pu? che farmi piacere :D inoltre sono graditi anche pareri e suggerimenti anche su come si evolvera' la trama.... grazie!) ----------------------------------- Una nuova espe...
Muy buenas a los amigos que están leyendo estas historias, le daremos seguimiento al relato que espero les agrade.Como dije anteriormente ese día quede con Doña Carmiña para hacer su marca corporativa, ya eran como las 7 de la noche y bueno me dirigí rápidamente al Hotel para darme una ducha, al llegar no estaba ni Carla ni su rica tía Doña Tere por lo que subí a mi habitación para preparar el material de trabajo. Mientras me estaba dirigiendo al baño sonó mi celular , era Doña Carmiña me dijo...
Una historia fascinante Desde que tengo uso de raz?n he sentido una especial atracci?n por la ropa de mujer. No sabr?a decir porqu? empez? todo aunque s? recuerdo cu?ndo y c?mo empez?: por unos zapatos de tac?n de mi madre que me puse en mis infantiles pies de 12 a?os. Desde entonces, esta "afici?n" fue creciendo y, en la actualidad, a mis 27 a?os, aprovecho la soledad de mi piso de soltero para vestirme de mujer siempre que me apetece, que suele ser bastante a menudo. Incluso he llegado a utilizar un seud?nimo para referi...
Una calurosa ma?ana de verano, John se levanta con el mismo prop?sito de los ?ltimos dos a?os, encontrar el trabajo apropiado para el. John tiene 24 a?os, mide 1,70 y es bastante delgado. Despu?s de una ducha y con un caf? en mano se dispone a hacer la misma tarea in?til que lleva haciendo los ?ltimos 2 a?os, sumergirse en la red en busca de un trabajo decente para el. Despu?s de varias horas de b?squeda infructuosa encuentra un anuncio de trabajo que le llama la atenci?n: TRABAJA EN EL LUGAR MAS FELIZ DE L...
Bisex-Strapon con una patrullera.....Voy por una carretera secundaria, hace sol, no hay otros coches circulando. De repente veo una motocicleta acercarse por detrás, lleva encendidas unas sirenas, no puedo ver de quien se trata, doy por hecho que es un agente de la autoridad, reduzco la velocidad, giro el volante y me aparto un lado, mientras salgo de la carretera me meto en lo que parece un camino paralelo a la carretera principal, paro justo detrás de unos arbustos. Por el retrovisor veo que...
Advertència : Aquesta història éspura i simple fantasia i no ha de ser llegit per persones a les que pugui molestar.Més estrictament : és sexe-ficció i de cap manera representael que és el món real en que tots vivim i convivim. Sinopsis : Una noia acabats de complir els 18 anyses duta al Palau, on rebrà l'educació que ja va rebre la sevamare. Qualificació : M+/f+, pallissa (spanking), joguines(toys), lligams (bondage), cinturó castedat (chastity belt), reticent(reluctant), Suau/Light...
Tendría 23 años... de aquella, mi novia me había dejado ... principalmente por que no nos veíamos mucho, ya que ella residía a 100km y no podía desplazarme todos los fines de semana... y los estudios tampoco me lo permitía. Con tal desilusión y baja moral, un amigo me animo para ir al pueblo pasar unos días de descanso e ir de fin de semana a la discoteca de la villa, a 75 kilómetros de mi ciudad.Animado, pero por otra parte no tenia el día muy sano, seguía pensando en mi ex-novia y eso me...
seria una putita sabrosa y se como dar el culo y mamarla hasta dejar a mi principes sin ni una gota de leche, me quedaria el hoyo de mi culito bien rojo de tanta verga y bien rojitas mis sabrosas nalgas de tanto nalguearme por ser una putita bien calientona. entonces para esa ocasion en la noche (no sabia yo lo que me esperaba)Elegí un vestido de lycra bastante corto, de color negro casi transparente. Era muy entallado al cuerpo y dejaba ver bien mis curvas.No llevaba corpiño y la tanga era...
El mejor culo de Madrid.Me habian hablado de Irene, una ninfomana de Aluche en Madrid que follaba como una loca, al ver una bragueta se tiraba a ella como una esxalación, da igual si la polla estaba flacida o morcillona, ella la ponia como una piedra.Irene visitaba varios locales donde los machos van a la desesperada de conocer buenas hembras, solia ir por Gayarre en compañia de una Rubia de aspecto normalucho pero que se arrimaba a Irene para poder pillar una polla a mano.Y asi fue como la...
Las 55 reglas de oro de una esclava por Whipmaster [email protected] Estas que encontrareis a continuación resumidas en 55 puntos son lasnormas básicas de comportamiento que un Amo debería inculcara su esclava a lo largo del proceso de doma y aprendizaje con la finalidadde determinar con meridiana claridad los roles que son propios de una buenay completa relación Amo/esclava. Partimos de la base que esta relaciónes una relación sana entre personas adultas, libremente aceptada y...
Como están queridos amigos, ante todo mil disculpas por la ausencia pero estuve recavando mas material para las historias.Una vez dicho eso continuemos con el relato.... Esa noche al llegar al hotel estaba a mil por hora por lo que había sucedido con Viviana así que me dirigí de lleno al penthouse de Dña. Tere, pero grande fue mi sorpresa al ver que estaba acompañada por otra señora que al verme se puso colorada, imagine que casualmente estaban hablando de mi, al ver esto me acerque a a saludar...
Forse il ricordo dell’estate finita o forse solo per prendere l’ultimo sole autunnale ma mercoledì sono uscito dall’autostrada e sono andato a pranzo ai G. prima della spiaggia della B.Non c’era molta gente, qualche operaio che stava uscendo e un gruppo di cacciatori un po’ allegri, visto che il pranzo era solo una scusa mi sono seduto su un tavolino fuori con un caffè ed il giornale locale.Dopo una decina di minuti è arrivata una Golf con una coppia sulla cinquantina, vestiti da città non...
Fu la notte pi? bella della nostra relazione. Dopo la pizza, passammo un po' di tempo seduti sul divano. Lui mi teneva la mano dolcemente, guardandomi con occhi che non avevo mai visto prima e tenendomi la mano come si fa con la donna amata, baciandomela pi? volte. Persino la sua voce quella sera aveva un tono diverso, molto soave, ad esprimere tutto il suo neonato amore per la sua donna. Achref non mi aveva amato particolarmente come uomo gay, considerandomi pi? un oggetto sessuale che...
Gaia è una ragazzina di sedici anni biondina, con gli occhi azzurri, un fisico proporzionato e nella media e molto carina. La sua bellezza è pulita, senza il minimo accenno di volgarità. Nonostante la sua giovane età ha un sacco di pretendenti ai suoi piedi. La ragazza si allena in una palestra di sole donne nella quale non valorizzano le sue capacità: è una combattente formidabile per la sua età, ma non le permettono di partecipare alle gare; in realtà molte si sono accorte delle sue capacità...
FetishAvevo una relazione di sesso con Simone. Durava da tre anni ormai, infatti era cominciata poco dopo che mi ero separata. Lui è un muratore, un uomo forte, ma anche molto dolce e gentile, è bello e ha delle noti ragguardevoli: insomma....il trombamico perfetto! Il fatto che sia sposato inoltre non fa che renderlo migliore: è ricattabile e non rompe mai le s**tole essendo spesso impegnato con la famiglia. Unica pecca, se vogliamo, ci siamo sempre visti abbastanza di rado, diciamo non più di una...
Quando quella sera Achref venne a casa mia per fare l'amore, e io a un certo punto gli dissi che era mia intenzione cominciare a vivere come una donna, la donna che ero sempre stata, la sua reazione alla mia notizia fu una faccia a met? tra lo sbigottito e il sorpreso, quasi come a voler dire: "Ah. Beh, per? in fondo me lo immaginavo." Nei cinque anni precedenti, Achref aveva sempre sospettato che il suo pelosissimo orso gay passivo che lui inculava a piacimento potesse essere in realt? una donna...
Hola mis amores, soy Elvira, y en esta ocasión especial de estas fechas, nos trae recuerdos muy cachondos a mi pareja y a mi; hace unos años vivimos de las primeras experiencias swinger con una pareja, ya habiamos tenido antes algunos escarceos con parejas pero aun nos quedaba el gusanito y la calentura de coger rico y como se debe, como matrimonio; pues bien, llegabamos de misa ese viernes santo, y recibio Uli una llamada, era de un hombre llamado Alfonso, que haba visto nuestro anuncio y...
Era passata una settimana dal nostro ultimo incontro, in cui gli avevo rivelato di voler cominciare la transizione, quando venerd? pomeriggio arriv? il solito messaggio Whatsapp che mi informava del suo arrivo: "Ordina pizza. A casa tua per le 20.00". Achref si annunciava cos?, ordinando la pizza e, come contorno, il fatto che dopo avremmo fatto sesso e dormito insieme. Nella nostra relazione esclusivamente carnale, lui veniva a casa mia ogni venerd? sera dopo il lavoro e il copione si ripeteva ug...
Sempre tive um tesão enorme pela minha irmã, desde os tempos de infãncia ela já dava traços da vagabundinha que seria no futuro. Em meio as brincadeirinhas quando tinhamos 10 anos, ela pegava no meu pau, me mostrava a calcinha, deixava eu brincar com a bucetinha dela, tudo na maior inocencia..eu já me mostrava todo tesudinho querendo uma bucetinha. Ela ficava por horas me mostrando (e vestindo) as calcinhas que pegava na gaveta da nossa mãe, que por sinal é muito gostosa..e coisa que fui...
Io sono la Mamma, il mio compito è rendere felice e contento mio figlio assecondando ogni sua richiesta e tenendomi sempre pronta a soddisfare ogni suo desiderio. Mio figlio vuole che io sia sempre una brava Mamma per ogni occasione, Provvedo alla pulizia e all’ordine della casa in cui viviamo e preparo da mangiare da brava casalinga quale sono. Mio figlio vuole che la sua Mamma sia sempre bella, in forma, ben curata e profumata, vuole che tenga le unghia di mani e piedi lunghe e sempre ben...
Ho 50 anni ma non li dimostro, o almeno così dicono i miei amanti.Mi guardo allo specchio tutte le mattine e scorro le mie mani nude sulle mie rotondità, scoprendo una donna in forma e che ancora attira gli sguardi degli uomini.Ogni tanto ne scelgo uno, molto più giovane di me, bello quasi quanto me e con tutti i muscoli al loro posto.Scelgo il meglio perché posso permettermelo e perché sono interessata solo a farci sesso.Non ho storie d’amore da anni perché ho capito che fare sesso con tanti...
Hasta ahora sólo nos habíamos comunicado por correo y por whatsapp, hoy hemos quedado en su casa estoy nervioso yo no suelo hacer estas cosas, llego a su puerta, llamo al timbre, no hay respuesta, compruebo mi móvil, la dirección parece la correcta, me empiezo a poner nervioso, no hay respuesta miro mi reloj, llevo 5 minutos esperando pero llegué a la hora acordada, miles de cosas cruzan mi mente, empiezo a dudar, ¿Qué hago, me voy?, entonces cuando ya casi he decidido irme oigo unos pasos,...
Io sono la Mamma, il mio compito è rendere felice e contento mio figlio assecondando ogni sua richiesta e tenendomi sempre pronta a soddisfare ogni suo desiderio.Mio figlio vuole che io sia sempre una brava Mamma per ogni occasione, Provvedo alla pulizia e all’ordine della casa in cui viviamo e preparo da mangiare da brava casalinga quale sono.Mio figlio vuole che la sua Mamma sia sempre bella, in forma, ben curata e profumata, vuole che tenga le unghia di mani e piedi lunghe e sempre ben...
Bienvenidos a cuentos de una vida desnudo, yo soy kall, el libro parlanchín, entre mis paginas tengo las historias más fascinantes y vergonzosas sobre chicos que alguna vez has leído, relatos que harán volar tu imaginación y te harán viajar a escenarios nunca antes vistos. Entre mis paginas podrás encontrar brujas malvadas con sus hombres esclavos, príncipes dueños de nada, ni siquiera de su ropa, e incluso te podrías encontrar a ti mismo en uno de tantos cuentos. Un pequeño ejemplo que te...
Le prime iniezioni della terapia ormonale sostitutiva mi furono fatte da una mia amica alla quale avevo comunicato la mia decisione di intraprendere la transizione. La scelta del giorno, venerd?, era altamente simbolica. Per cinque anni, infatti, vedermi con Achref prima del fine settimana era stata la mia unica opportunit? di esprimere la mia femminilit? con un uomo che mi amava e sapeva come farmi sentire una donna. Ma dopo tantissimi anni in un corpo che non rifletteva la mia vera essenza, f...
No tenía mucho que había llegado a aquel pueblo, quien se hubiera imaginado que de la gran ciudad terminaría en un pueblecito olvidado de todos, pero ahí estaba yo. Me quede hospedado en un departamento pequeño y feo, realmente no tenia mucho con que empezar; mi rutina diaria era ir a la empresa en desarrollo, hacer algunas llamadas, registros, me iba de ahí y lo que faltara lo terminaba en casa. Mi vida sería muy aburrida si no hiciera nada fuera de mi trabajo, de vez en cuando acostumbraba a...
Author's Note: I promised everyone that I don't like sequels, I don't read serial stories, and I stay away from continuing sagas. So, when Caleb Jones asked publicly for a continuation of the Sci-Fi Detective Body-Swap story "Kalliope", I simply set aside my prejudices and wrote it. This is it. If you haven't read "Kalliope", you can still understand about 95% of this story, but if you read it first, the entire 110% of this tale will be crystal clear. Dedicated to...
CHAPTER III – Mobu’s Big Black CockOn Friday evening, Mobu arrived as agreed at Becca’s house. During the previous week he had thought a lot about how he would court and seduce Giselle. He thought about what Becca had told him about her friend’s marriage in crisis, and wondered how Giselle put up with her miserable husband Francesco, who was not able to give her the sexual satisfaction a woman like her needed. He had no doubt that he would be able to conquer Giselle, and add her to the list of...
Interracialthought of her grandfather, his life long tutor and how he had entrusted her care to him. He remembered well. Rommel had watched her grow up, fall down, lose teeth and at last begin to bloom. Now he watched as young men slithered around her at gatherings and it began to drive him crazy. He watched Giselle laugh at the young gentlemen and flirt; she had no idea the depth to her appeal. How could she be aware of how sexy her her neck looked when her hair was up, or...
The story so far:Giselle’s Italian husband, Francisco, is useless in bed. To satisfy her sexually, she has taken a lover, an African named Mobu with a huge black cock. She has just had her first fuck from him, and drunk his semen out of a condom. But the evening is not over yet by a long way. Now read on…*Then Giselle invited her African stud to lie down next to her on the double bed. She wanted to get to know his body better, and learn how to satisfy every inch of his black frame.She and Mobu...
InterracialThe story so far: Giselle’s Italian husband, Francisco, is useless in bed, and can no longer satisfy her sexually. Her friend Becca, suggests she gets an African lover.***Giselle laughed with delight at her friend’s suggestion.“Ah Becca, please don’t make fun of me,” she said. “Tell me honestly; is the myth about African men really true? I mean, do they really have such huge penises, and are they such great lovers? I’ve always thought it was just people’s imagination. And are they as...
InterracialIn the meantime, having watched Giselle swallow every drop of his fertile semen out of the condom, Mobu was aroused and excited more than ever before. He pulled her towards him and kissed her passionately, pushing his tongue into her mouth and wrapping it round hers. Eventually, he pulled away and spoke eagerly to her. “Look, Giselle, maybe you think that I am a jerk and this is for me only a one-night stand. But you are wrong. Now, be honest with me, please. Has this just been a diversion for...
InterracialIn the meantime, having watched Giselle swallow every drop of his fertile semen out of the condom, Mobu was aroused and excited more than ever before. He pulled her towards him and kissed her passionately, pushing his tongue into her mouth and wrapping it round hers. Eventually, he pulled away and spoke eagerly to her. “Look, Giselle, maybe you think that I am a jerk and this is for me only a one-night stand. But you are wrong. Now, be honest with me, please. Has this just been a diversion for...
InterracialFor the first time in many months, Giselle felt happy and fulfilled. She sat back and gazed at her black lover’s penis, soft and wilting after she had sucked every drop of semen out of it. She thought back over the events of the last few weeks; how miserable she had been because of her husband’s sexual inadequacy, and how her friend Becca had suggested she take an African lover. Then how Becca had arranged for her to meet just such a man: Mobu, a black stud with an enormous cock and an...
InterracialFor the first time in many months, Giselle felt happy and fulfilled. She sat back and gazed at her black lover’s penis, soft and wilting after she had sucked every drop of semen out of it. She thought back over the events of the last few weeks; how miserable she had been because of her husband’s sexual inadequacy, and how her friend Becca had suggested she take an African lover. Then how Becca had arranged for her to meet just such a man: Mobu, a black stud with an enormous cock and an...
InterracialCHAPTER ITheir friends all thought Giselle and her husband Francesco were a slightly ill-matched couple. For a start, she was a youthful 33 years old, while he was 48 and looked it. She was everything that a red-blooded Italian man would look for in a wife: 5’7” tall, an angelic face with a cascade of blond hair, 130 pounds in weight, with gorgeous bouncing 34D breasts and firm well-rounded buttocks that would turn heads in the street, especially in the tight figure-hugging skirts that she...
InterracialWhen at last her Mistress came, it seemed an isolated moment in time. A slow motioned fata morgana it was. A sun rose, manna rained from the skies. Her pale skin was the floating moonlight. The emerald of her eyes made her skin shiver. It rose in goosebumps. She stared into the calm pools and felt hot piss dribble down her leg. It took her minutes to realize she was being spoken to. But whatever the questionmight be, she knew the answer now. She knew it without hearing any of the soft spoken...
Mamma e papà pensavano che avrei chiesto un computer nuovo per il mio diciottesimo compleanno o almeno l'iPhone. Invece, quando ho chiesto di poter fare una vacanza da sola, la prima della mia vita, mi hanno guardata sorpresi. "Non ti piace più andare in vacanza con noi?" ha chiesto mamma, quasi in lacrime. "Mamma, ho diciotto anni, ho voglia di iniziare a fare le cose per conto mio" Papà mi ha guardata con quell'aria severa che solo lui sa fare e poi, dopo averci pensato un momento ha detto...
TeenOcurre un misterioso accidente en donde tres chicos que asisten a la misma universidad, pero nunca han entablado una relación cercana naufragan a una misteriosa Isla. Los chicos son Joe doe, un chico atlético quien es un bromista de lo peor en secreto le gustan los hombres pero su condición de deportista de la universidad, hace que lo esconda, le aterra bastante estar desnudo porque sería evidente lo que siente. Jack birdman: un chico nerd bastante timido quien asiste regularmente al gimnasio...
GayI don't care who owns it. As long as they allow for the glorious amounts of nudity on the platform, Twitter is and continues to be fucking awesome. As great as the many different porn sites that I have reviewed are, checking out the torrents of tasty women on Twitter certainly does put me in the mood. Not only do you get to see the sorts of smut they are interested in, you often get a flood of free previews of what they are into.I realized a long time ago that there are hundreds of hotties to...
Twitter Porn AccountsCandle. When Angique returned, waiters and waitresses were busy removing the remnants of the main course. They replaced them with huge platters piled high with fruit. There were also china dishes filled with delicious cheeses and fresh white bread. She sat down and took a sip of wine. All her appetite had gone. She noticed that the Comtesse's chair at the other side of the huge table was empty. She also noted that it had been the first thing she had looked for. Her sadness lingered. But...
This week is a Three day holiday and so I decided to visit home; it's been almost three months since the last time I went home. My parents live only an hour or so from the city but with work and life I guess I have just been lazy. I recently broke up with my girlfriend of eight months, apparently she says I wasn't 'taking the relationship serious enough', whatever that means. I'm not heartbroken though, I suppose I just don't do good with commitment. I am not a player but I just...
Questa è la storia di un uomo moderno, di aperte vedute, o così a lui piace pensare. E' schiavo dell'immagine e della bellezza, come tutti noi. Conosce una donna durante un viaggio di lavoro, è bellissima, se ne innamora. Lei lo ricambia. Fa la modella, si spoglia e si fa fotografare. Lui capisce. Capisce che non c'è niente di male, che la sua bellezza e troppo eccezionale per non essere mostrata. Ma i problemi sono dietro l'angolo, forse lei non è stata completamente sincera... This is the...
Soiree. There was snow on the terrace. And there was snow on the mountains. A curtain of fat, slow flakes billowed down from the low sky. It muffled all sounds. All echoes were silenced. Snow didn't often fall in these foothills; the magic would soon melt away again. But tonight the Villa stood like a bride clad in white velvet. Snow wrapped itself all around her sensuous limbs. Yellow light spilt from the blazing jewels of her windows. The great hall was filled with festive gathering....
Luego de una intensa jornada de trabajo, en una ciudad del interior de Venezuela, llegue al hotel donde me hospedaba, me di una ducha reparadora y me dispuse a bajar al bar a comer y tomarme un par de tragos. Una vez alli y en vista de que el lugar estaba algo solitario, decidí instalarme en la barra. Pedí un trago y al cabo de un rato observe a una señora de unos 50 años de edad, muy elegante que me sonrió muy discretamente, le devolví la sonrisa y le pedí al camarero que le sirviera un trago...
Hi Readers, Mera naam rohit hai our mein gwahati ka rehna wala hu. Yeh baat pichle saal sardiyo ki hai jo meri mulakat chatting karte karte sunaina bhabhi se hui. Meri umar 26 saal hai our sunaina bhabhi 29 saal ki hai. Unki shadi hue 4 saal hue hai our wo saket mein rehti hai.Unka pati our wo dono job karte hai our unke pati mahine mein 4-5 din tour par bhi jate rehte hai. Sunaina bhabhi se mein 2-4 baar chat ke baad hi kafi khul gaya our friendly ho gaya tha. Wo mujhe bhaut achi lagne lagi...
'Hmph, ' he said, looking at his brother flatly. 'Yeah, you'd really do something like that.' Nick raised an eyebrow, challenging him. 'You really think I wouldn't?' He snorted, shaking his head a little, a smirk spreading across his lips. Drew stared at him incredulously, pulling off his baseball cap and running a hand through his hair. 'No, I don't.' He replaced the cap, shrugging a shoulder. 'Besides, it's not like you would even want to in the first place.' Nick laughed,...
I turned the light back off, grabbed my box of baseball cards out of my room, kicked off my flip flops, and sat outside my door on the hall carpet. My room was the first in line of three bedrooms running down the hall so I could sit right outside and not bring too much attention to myself. If it was Sis showering, I’d at least chance a peek at her 16 year old velvety white skin. Sis was a total Emo-phite with her dark black spiky hair, the usual white powdery makeup and black eyeliner,...
Hi, friend ya story bikul orignal hai .Pehle mai apne bare mai bta deta hu mai amritsar sa hu mere nam abhi hai height 5.6 ft hai and mere lund 6 inch lamba hai 2 inch mota hai mera rang gora and body maintain hai gym jane k wja sa. Chalo ab story par ata hu .Ya bat 2015 ki hai jab maine apne graduation k complete hone k bad job karna start kiya .Mai mobiles company mai job karne lga jis wja sa mere area mai sab and mere reletives b phn ya electronics lane k mere salah lane lage.Fr ek din mere...
Hello friends I am back with one of other experience. Please overlook my writing skills as I am no professional writer. This is about how I and my office colleague ended up in having some of our best Sexual pleasure with each other. Let me tell you something about my colleague her name was Sunaina Mukherjee, she is a beautiful Bong (Bengali) she is not fair like us North Indians but she is very attractive and has a sexy figure. I am describing her figure for those readers who like to imagine,...
After a hard day's work in a country town in Venezuela, arrives at my hotel, I took a refreshing shower and got ready to go down to the bar to eat and have a couple of drinks. Once there and seeing that the place was somewhat lonely, I decided to settle on the bar. I ordered a drink and after a while observe a lady of about 50 years old, very smart they smiled discreetly, smiled back and asked the waiter to bring him a drink on my own to the nice granny called Silvia said. After a started...
Hi, guys, I am Raj back with my other story. So to tell you I am a 22-year-old young guy from Mumbai. I stay with my mom and dad. I have a fantasy for an older woman which I got to experience in real life a few days ago. So I used to have a college friend name Suchit. He was from Pune. So during our college days, we got a project for which we had to shift to Pune for it. Since I didn’t have any place to go Suchit asked me to stay at his place till the project gets over. We went to his place and...
Hi readers, I am Raj Kumar from Vizag ( Andhra) and im 27 yrs now. Telling about me I am 6ft tall and 6.5 inch thick cock. If you like this story mail me on This is a true incident which happened in year 2001 when I am in 12th class. I studied most of my schooling in boarding school and my school is a kind of military based school. Due to military training and other hard sports and stuffs I gained good muscle at that age only. Our school had hard rules, like Even in 12th grade the students in...
Gisela und ich arbeiteten in derselben Firma. Wir kannten uns aus dem Studium, hatten uns danach aus den Augen verloren und nun wieder getroffen. Sie war zwar nett, aber eigentlich nie mein Typ gewesen. Ich kannte sie als freundliche, aber sehr zurückhaltende, fast schüchterne Frau. Sie war schlank, fast zu schlank, ihr bemerkenswertestes äußeres Merkmal waren die großen blauen Augen, die einen bei jedem Gespräch scheinbar erwartungsvoll anschauten. Kurz nach dem Studium hatte sie geheiratet...
Hi friends this is Harsha once again. a million thanks to ISS for publishing my stories, now I got lot of chat friends and well wishers around me I’m really thank ISS from my heart. New to my story please read the previous part of Guna my partner 1,2,3,and 4. now let us continue to my life, after the shit thing we guna and Suresh once again had some good sex with my mom, I just sucked and licked both guys ass and cock from that Suresh start to stay in our house itself he very rare go to his...
IncestHelloo friends, I am Aditi Sharma from Delhi India, 25 years and married heaving two small kids.My husband runs his business in Singapore and I stay here in India with my father in law and two kids.I am graduate in studies and mostly whenever am free I like to chat, surfing net mostly Orkut, going out in parties, and I also go gym regularly to keep myself fit,its all my daily life routine.I am 5″5 in height and have exquisite features, I have great body to die for, sensual curves, I have also...
WARNING! THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION. IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL OF A SEXUAL NATURE. DELETE NOW IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO VIEW THIS TYPE OF MATERIAL.The Author does not condone any of these actions, this is fantasy, make believe, ya know day dreaming. COPYRIGHT 2006: This story is copyrighted by the author, Stillbehindblueeyes. I?d love to hear from you Stillbehindblueeyes (at) yahoo (dot) comIf you post this story else ware please let me know and give me access to it....