Una Brava Mamma Per Ogni Occasione free porn video

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Io sono la Mamma, il mio compito è rendere felice e contento mio figlio assecondando ogni sua richiesta e tenendomi sempre pronta a soddisfare ogni suo desiderio.
Mio figlio vuole che io sia sempre una brava Mamma per ogni occasione, Provvedo alla pulizia e all’ordine della casa in cui viviamo e preparo da mangiare da brava casalinga quale sono.
Mio figlio vuole che la sua Mamma sia sempre bella, in forma, ben curata e profumata, vuole che tenga le unghia di mani e piedi lunghe e sempre ben smaltate, il rossetto ed il trucco sempre apposto, i capelli in ordine color biondo platino, devo sempre indossare scarpe aperte con fibbie ben strette, le dita dei piedi in evidenza ed il tacco molto alto, fatta eccezione per quando devo fare il bagno, le scarpe non devo mai toglierle per nessun motivo neanche quando vado a letto. Mio figlio vuole che la sua Mamma indossi biancheria intima di un certo tipo, i miei perizoma devono essere di una misura più piccola in modo da esaltare il mio sedere formoso stringendomi e sfregandomi nell’intimo ad ogni movimento ed anche i reggiseno devono avere eguali caratteristiche di misura, questi inoltre vengono privati della stoffa che copre i seni e ridotti di fatto alla sola impalcatura che mi stringe le mammelle lasciandole scoperte e spesso provocandomi l’inturgidimento dei capezzoli, a tal proposito mio figlio mi ha fatto sottoporre anni fa ad un intervento chirurgico per aumentare la misura del mio seno, facendomi passare da una terza abbondante quale ero ad una grossa quinta per assomigliare di più alle sue attrici porno preferite.
La mattina a colazione, devo prendere una banana immergerla nello yogurt alla vaniglia e leccarla davanti a mio figlio, poi liberandomi della mia vestaglietta rosa trasparente, completamente nuda e con i tacchi devo riservare lo stesso trattamento fatto alla banana per il pene a quel punto eretto di mio figlio, fino a farlo eiaculare raccogliendo tutto lo sperma in un bicchiere e berlo fino all’ultima goccia.
Mio figlio vuole che io abbia sempre un plug anale di 12 centimetri infilato nell’ano in modo tale che in qualsiasi momento a lui venga voglia, possa soddisfare i suoi istinti approfittando del bel culetto della sua Mamma trovando così il buchino già bello pronto e largo.
Quando usciamo insieme , mi fa indossare la gonna con lo spacco senza mutandine e la camicetta con i primi tre o a volte quattro bottoni aperti per evidenziare il mio seno prosperoso, una collana con pendente a forma di cuore e le immancabili calzature sexy col tacco alto. Il più delle volte la nostra meta è il cinema, proiezioni porno/hard core seduti accanto, mentre lui guarda il film io gli tengo in mano il pene accarezzandolo con cura, ad un suo cenno glielo succhio come solo la Mamma sa fare. I Pompini sono la mia specialità, mio figlio mi ha fatto osservare accuratamente come lo succhiano le pornoattrici facendomi affinare la tecnica dell’ingoio ed è per me un piacere immenso riuscire a farlo godere infilandomi completamente il suo pene in bocca fino alla gola. I pompini so farglieli comunque in tutti modi, quando me lo chiede gli lecco anche i testicoli e l’ano.
Quando mio figlio invece esce da solo o con gli amici, io aspetto a casa che ritorni, mi dice sempre che devo farmi trovare nuda e vogliosa del suo cazzo perché sono la sua Mamma ma sono anche la sua Troia.

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Holi Per Sex With Sexy Kajal Ki Chudai

Hello friends Thanks for yours mails on my last stories. This is my 3rd story and I always write real incident with me. I am ankit from agra 29 yrs old and I like to fuck every time. Hope you are all doing good, . Ye baat aaj se 2 din pahle holi ke din ki hai. As you all know I lives in agra. Is baar holi per mere friend ne muje apne ghar per holi per invite kiya. Mera friend ravi apni family ke saath rahata hai, uske ghar main uske mummy and 1 sister kajal raheti hai. Uske father is no more....

3 years ago
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Una Noche

'Hmph, ' he said, looking at his brother flatly. 'Yeah, you'd really do something like that.' Nick raised an eyebrow, challenging him. 'You really think I wouldn't?' He snorted, shaking his head a little, a smirk spreading across his lips. Drew stared at him incredulously, pulling off his baseball cap and running a hand through his hair. 'No, I don't.' He replaced the cap, shrugging a shoulder. 'Besides, it's not like you would even want to in the first place.' Nick laughed,...

4 years ago
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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 15 Recuperation

Monday, September 26, 2022 Monday was a busy day. I bundled the kids off to school and then called Matucket State. While I didn’t go into details, I had to let her Department Vice-Chair know she was going to be away from work for a week or two. I didn’t know who to call at DARPA or the NSA, but Kelly didn’t talk to them daily anyway; she could handle that chore. Then I drove over to the hospital. By all accounts, I would be able to bring her home that day. First, though, she needed to be...

5 years ago
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Ek Innocent Pativrata Bhabhi Ko New Year Party Per Kiya Majboor

Ek innocent pativrata bhabhi ko new year party per kiya majboor! Hi readers I am about to share my fantasy with you. It’s a story of a housewife, a very sweet innocent, and pativarata type, her husband were three brothers, and her hubby was the eldest one and others were younger, one was doing inter in arts side, and another was in his graduation, they were both attracted towards their bhabhi, both used to flirt with their bhabhi, but she never taken them seriously, one day her it was raining...

4 years ago
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Meri Pehli Chudai Mere Ghar Per

Mera naam Meera hai or mein 21 yrs ki hu ye kahani tab ki hai jab mein college k first yr mien thi. Meri height 5’2 hai aur mere stats 34C 28 37. Gora rang aur teekhe nein naksh. Kul mila ker I have a nice figure and beautiful face. College mein humare group mein Raj naam ka ek ladka tha jiske mein jyada close thi. Hum log kaafi time saath mein bitate the aur dil hi dil mien ek dusre ko pasand kerte the lekin kabhi apni feelings express nahi kia tha. Raj 5’10 height ka strong built wala handsom...

3 years ago
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Maa Ki Kehne Per 3 Mousiyo Ko Pregnant Kiya 8211 Part I

Hello my dear frnds my iss ka bahut bada fan hu me is site pe 1 yr se ho socha mai apna experience apke sath share karo mera naam soham hai mai ek college student ho ye story meri life change kar di ye meri first story hai to mujhe aap logo ke comments bahut important hai plz comment on my email id plz bahut sare comment dena mai un galtiyo ko right kar dongaYe ghatna aaj se 3 saal pehle hui jab mai 18 yr ka tha mere maa ke papa ko 6 betiya thi per ek bhi beta nhi tha meri maa sab se badi beti...

4 years ago
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Meri Purani Job Per Mili Ladki Se Friends

By : Samir_chauhan29 Hello dosto me Samir from Gujarat aapko bata du k me iss ko kariban 2-3 saal se padhta aa raha hu isme kayi saari stories padhi he per kitni such he ye to padhnewalo ko sam aa hi jaata he wese me ye stories padh ker kaafi muth mara kerta tha but kabhi socha nahi tha k me kisis ladki ke saath sex karunga apni wife ke alava wese meri wife ab nahi rahi aaj 30 July 2011 ko me ye story likhne k liye inspire ho gaya hu. Kyu k ye meri pehli story he or ye ghanta mere saath aaj se...

3 years ago
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The Perils of Dating Supergirl Part 2

Hi there!My Name is Robert Shephard, but most people call me Bobby. I was living an average life, I had a good job teaching High School Chemistry, and was dating an absolute knock out named Linda. Then everything changed when I (through a complete fluke) discovered she was in reality Supergirl. Messed up huh?A Day after I discovered the truth I found myself Orbiting the Earth in a Massive Space Station called "Watchtower". "This is the Coolest.....thing....ever!" I said pressing my face against...

3 years ago
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Cousin Ki Wife Tour Per Chudai

Hi friends, kese ho ye meri dusri story h . Jo ek real story h . Mera naam vedant h main delhi me rhat hu . Dikhne me kafi handsome hu . Apko story kesi lagi muje mail jarur krna meri email id h ab apko boor na krte hue story per aata hu. Last summer me hamara haridwar or rishikesh jane ka program bana family k sath bua ji bhi ghr aayi hui thi bua k ladke ki newly sadhi hui thi bua ki family bhi sath jana ka program ban gya . Sunday raat ko hum delhi se nikle maine mere friend se car xchnge...

2 years ago
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Bhanji Ko First Time Choda Diwali Per

Hi friends, mera naam tarun hai and main mumbai me padta hoon and age 21. To baat aaj se 1saal phle ki yaani 2014 ki diwali ki hai. Meri ek cousin sister hai wo surat me rehti hai meri mausi ki sabse badi thi wo toh meri mom se bs 8-10 years badi hai and unki ek 18 years ki beti hai. Diwali vacation bs 3 days ka tha toh maine socha ki di ke yaha hi ghum aate hai. Meri bhanji ko leke mere man me kabhi koi bura nhi tha but is baar wo sb hua jo kabhi socha b nhi tha. Toh main di ke yaha chala...

2 years ago
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Meri Wife Ke Saath Trip Per Threesome

Hi iss readers my friends, it is the best and only place where we can share our private moments, feelings and thoughts also. I’m not a writer so pardon me for my mistakes. Your comments are precious to me. Personally i like mature or married ladies. I like to suck vagina most. I always attract to women with big ass, boobs and one thing more some hairs on their legs (if i can see). Ok come to the story.  I will write the story in Hindi because feeling of words in Hindi is amazing. Let’s...

4 years ago
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Sonia Ki Mast Chudai Us Ke Ghar Per

By : Waseem Khan Hello Readers I’m back again, as you all know me if not then let me introduce once again my name is Waseem and I am 29 years old living in Hyderabad and always on hunt for hot sexy married lady with big gaands, lolz its’ my weekness. I hope you all read my previous story Mast Gaand wali Ritu ki chudai. This is my real story too, as I got few emails from the readers 2 of them become so close to me and sended me some of their pics I like both of them but I loved a sexy hot lady...

2 years ago
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Sunaina Mere Virgin Girlfriend And Parosi

Hi, friend ya story bikul orignal hai .Pehle mai apne bare mai bta deta hu mai amritsar sa hu mere nam abhi hai height 5.6 ft hai and mere lund 6 inch lamba hai 2 inch mota hai mera rang gora and body maintain hai gym jane k wja sa. Chalo ab story par ata hu .Ya bat 2015 ki hai jab maine apne graduation k complete hone k bad job karna start kiya .Mai mobiles company mai job karne lga jis wja sa mere area mai sab and mere reletives b phn ya electronics lane k mere salah lane lage.Fr ek din mere...

4 years ago
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Emperors BodyguardChapter 6 Long Live Emperor Albert

I glanced at Sergeant Tao and Senior Sergeant Davis beside the door as I tapped and opened it. Albert looked up from tickling the baby while Molly only wiggled her fingers as she focused on the chest board in front of her. I closed the door and crossed the room to reach down and move a piece on the board. She glared at me, “Wait your turn.” I grinned and looked at Albert, “Your father has requested you and Molly have lunch with him and your mother.” Albert looked up, “Did he apologize to...

3 years ago
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Quando una sera Achref venne a casa mia per fare lamore

Quando quella sera Achref venne a casa mia per fare l'amore, e io a un certo punto gli dissi che era mia intenzione cominciare a vivere come una donna, la donna che ero sempre stata, la sua reazione alla mia notizia fu una faccia a met? tra lo sbigottito e il sorpreso, quasi come a voler dire: "Ah. Beh, per? in fondo me lo immaginavo." Nei cinque anni precedenti, Achref aveva sempre sospettato che il suo pelosissimo orso gay passivo che lui inculava a piacimento potesse essere in realt? una donna...

4 years ago
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Auntie Courtney the Cougar Mamma

“Oh; hi sweetheart. Did you have a good run?” I replied as I applied the finishing touches to a pie for the evening dinner; “did you go far?” “About 10 miles I guess.” He panted as he took a carton of orange from the fridge. “Just enough to get everything pumping.” I looked up to see him grinning as he took a swig of juice. I instantly looked away but felt my face begin to blush. Lewis is my sister’s eldest son and was staying with us until he started a local University...

4 years ago
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Mamma Mia

Sam & Mia’s parents were out of town for a couple of weeks. Their parents asked Jenny, their boarder, to keep and eye on Sam and Mia. When their parents had left, Jenny’s mum became ill and Jenny had to go take care of her. She asked her lover, Roger to watch over the kids. Early Saturday morning, Sam left with his friend fishing. Mia was all alone at home. She tidied the house and took a shower. She was nearly 13 and turning out to be a very beautiful and sexy young woman. She admired...

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