Una hermosa mujer llamada Carla Prt 5
- 3 years ago
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Soy hijo único y no tengo madre ni hermanos. Al quedarme sin mamá toda su ropa quedó en casa y éramos en tamaño iguales. Como desde nenita me atraía la ropa de mujer, no desaprovechaba la oportunidad de vestirme y pasaba mad**gadas enteras viéndome en el espejo y cambiándome de ropitas cada rato. Una noche, sin darme cuenta, mi padre ingresó a mi dormitorio y me vio vestida con una minifalda, blusa y botas de mamá. Yo ya me veía como una nena y usaba mi cabello rubio largo. Estaba maquillada y...
Una nuova esperienza - pt.2 Tornato a casa, dopo aver mangiato qualcosa vado subito verso il bagno per dare inizio all'operazione "LaMammaMiCompraDeiDVDnuovi". Come mi aveva detto, mia madre mi aveva lasciato la bottiglia del suo bagno schiuma.... profumo floreale! il piu' profumato che aveva... eh vabbe'! un bagno schiuma vale l'altro. Domattina mi far? un'altra doccia e il profumo di fiori andra' via prima di tornare a scuola. "Paolo? Sono qua! Dove sei? " Eccola tornata! "Qua Ma...
L'indomani a scuola non ho fatto altro che pensare a che voce potesse avere Vanessa Martini... Mia madre mi aveva suggerito di ispirarmi alle voci delle attrici cinematografiche, ma la cosa era forse non consigliabile. erano voci troppo perfette, dovute al doppiaggio e alle dizioni troppo corrette... ci voleva qualcosa di pi? naturale e genuino... Mentre le ore passavano una idea mi balza in testa, perch? non ispirarmi a voci di persone che conosco? e forse ho gi? in mente su chi bas...
Devo dire che mentre uscivamo di casa ero un po' timoroso di cosa, e soprattutto chi, avremmo trovato fuori. Per fortuna la macchina era vicina e quindi il tragitto per raggiungerla breve. Entriamo in macchina e mia madre mette subito in moto avviandosi verso il centro. "Allora? come ti sembra questa tua prima uscita per strada?" "La prima cosa che ho notato e' stato il freddo sulle gambe... ma come fate voi donne?" "Eh, abitudine!... in ogni caso le calze che hai sono anche...
(NdA: questa e' la prima volta che scrivo una storia, quindi mi scuso gia' per eventuali imprecisioni... inoltre ho scritto la storia in lingua italiana, dato che ? la mia lingua madre e inq uesto modo mi verrebbe piu' facile scriverla.... se qualcuno fosse interessato a tradurla in inglese faccia pure non pu? che farmi piacere :D inoltre sono graditi anche pareri e suggerimenti anche su come si evolvera' la trama.... grazie!) ----------------------------------- Una nuova espe...
Una historia fascinante Desde que tengo uso de raz?n he sentido una especial atracci?n por la ropa de mujer. No sabr?a decir porqu? empez? todo aunque s? recuerdo cu?ndo y c?mo empez?: por unos zapatos de tac?n de mi madre que me puse en mis infantiles pies de 12 a?os. Desde entonces, esta "afici?n" fue creciendo y, en la actualidad, a mis 27 a?os, aprovecho la soledad de mi piso de soltero para vestirme de mujer siempre que me apetece, que suele ser bastante a menudo. Incluso he llegado a utilizar un seud?nimo para referi...
Tendría 23 años... de aquella, mi novia me había dejado ... principalmente por que no nos veíamos mucho, ya que ella residía a 100km y no podía desplazarme todos los fines de semana... y los estudios tampoco me lo permitía. Con tal desilusión y baja moral, un amigo me animo para ir al pueblo pasar unos días de descanso e ir de fin de semana a la discoteca de la villa, a 75 kilómetros de mi ciudad.Animado, pero por otra parte no tenia el día muy sano, seguía pensando en mi ex-novia y eso me...
Ella esta muy pensativa esos dias..como habia llegado a ese punto?..No sentia nada, ni sentimientos de rabia ni ningún otro. Solo sentía sed de venganza. Lo esperaba en su Departamento. Habia esperado ese momento por mucho mucho tiempo..y ningun detalle librado al azar. Lo tenia todo programado. Tenia que ser fuerte para que todo salga como ella lo deseaba, pero lo podria lograr?Si! ella era una luchadora, una mujer hecha y derecha , y sobre todo muy dominante..y nada ni nadie la iba a dominar...
Forse il ricordo dell’estate finita o forse solo per prendere l’ultimo sole autunnale ma mercoledì sono uscito dall’autostrada e sono andato a pranzo ai G. prima della spiaggia della B.Non c’era molta gente, qualche operaio che stava uscendo e un gruppo di cacciatori un po’ allegri, visto che il pranzo era solo una scusa mi sono seduto su un tavolino fuori con un caffè ed il giornale locale.Dopo una decina di minuti è arrivata una Golf con una coppia sulla cinquantina, vestiti da città non...
Gaia è una ragazzina di sedici anni biondina, con gli occhi azzurri, un fisico proporzionato e nella media e molto carina. La sua bellezza è pulita, senza il minimo accenno di volgarità. Nonostante la sua giovane età ha un sacco di pretendenti ai suoi piedi. La ragazza si allena in una palestra di sole donne nella quale non valorizzano le sue capacità: è una combattente formidabile per la sua età, ma non le permettono di partecipare alle gare; in realtà molte si sono accorte delle sue capacità...
FetishAvevo una relazione di sesso con Simone. Durava da tre anni ormai, infatti era cominciata poco dopo che mi ero separata. Lui è un muratore, un uomo forte, ma anche molto dolce e gentile, è bello e ha delle noti ragguardevoli: insomma....il trombamico perfetto! Il fatto che sia sposato inoltre non fa che renderlo migliore: è ricattabile e non rompe mai le s**tole essendo spesso impegnato con la famiglia. Unica pecca, se vogliamo, ci siamo sempre visti abbastanza di rado, diciamo non più di una...
Io sono la Mamma, il mio compito è rendere felice e contento mio figlio assecondando ogni sua richiesta e tenendomi sempre pronta a soddisfare ogni suo desiderio. Mio figlio vuole che io sia sempre una brava Mamma per ogni occasione, Provvedo alla pulizia e all’ordine della casa in cui viviamo e preparo da mangiare da brava casalinga quale sono. Mio figlio vuole che la sua Mamma sia sempre bella, in forma, ben curata e profumata, vuole che tenga le unghia di mani e piedi lunghe e sempre ben...
Hasta ahora sólo nos habíamos comunicado por correo y por whatsapp, hoy hemos quedado en su casa estoy nervioso yo no suelo hacer estas cosas, llego a su puerta, llamo al timbre, no hay respuesta, compruebo mi móvil, la dirección parece la correcta, me empiezo a poner nervioso, no hay respuesta miro mi reloj, llevo 5 minutos esperando pero llegué a la hora acordada, miles de cosas cruzan mi mente, empiezo a dudar, ¿Qué hago, me voy?, entonces cuando ya casi he decidido irme oigo unos pasos,...
Io sono la Mamma, il mio compito è rendere felice e contento mio figlio assecondando ogni sua richiesta e tenendomi sempre pronta a soddisfare ogni suo desiderio.Mio figlio vuole che io sia sempre una brava Mamma per ogni occasione, Provvedo alla pulizia e all’ordine della casa in cui viviamo e preparo da mangiare da brava casalinga quale sono.Mio figlio vuole che la sua Mamma sia sempre bella, in forma, ben curata e profumata, vuole che tenga le unghia di mani e piedi lunghe e sempre ben...
Carla "So, Carlos, I saw you having a long discussion with Dwayne Johnson. He seemed very happy when he left. Left you a fat tip too. Well done." Marta had also just finished with her client and was arranging her work station. Carlos was at his station gazing out of the front door of their beauty salon. Marta Villanova and Carlos Camara were co-owners of a hair and beauty salon. Marta owned 75% and the rest she had allocated to Carlos. His hairdressing skills, both with men and...
Carla and Georgina : a TG Love Story By Dani2 1 Georgina, whose given name is George, rests on her knees and elbows, sighing and moaning as Carla teases the tiny opening of her ass with with her rock hard shecock. Georgina is dressed in a lacy white bra, a matching garter belt, lacy topped white stockings with seams up the backs, and white 4 inch heeled pumps. Carla is dressed indentically, except in black. Carla...
Carla Michaels and her long-time friend, Jenny Banks were lying back on their lounge chairs, watching the two handsome young men playing in the pool. "Doesn't seeing them make you wish that you were twenty-five again?" Jenny said as she turned to Carla and it looked like her giant nipples were about to explode under her tiny, black bikini top. "God yes!" Carla moaned as she continued looking over both of the young men and their very toned bodies. "Just imagine what they could do to us...
How do a handsome man and his beautiful daughter avoid lust on a boat? They don't. She moved like pure silk and sinew. Even at a distance, her deep, olive skin glowed as if she absorbed all sun and moonlight. Her bare thighs flexed with long, easy strides while the line of her scant cutoffs followed the rock and roll of fluid hips. Rigid tipped breasts like ripening fruit quivered against a lemon yellow tank top. Now he could see she was smiling to herself. It was one of those smiles that...
Carla and Mike Carl and Mike had been high school friends. Both were average students, Carl better in the classroom, Mike a natural jock. Carl chose college, Mike the military. After being separated a decade they were meeting again. Carl had been an introvert, often the subject of rumor of being gay. Yet never in school had it ever been proved. Mike didn't question and had been a “girl slayer”, but they had a mutual interest in the “Old West” since Carl's great grandfather had been an actual...
Carla was sympathetic at first when Simon lost his job. Not easy, after all, for a man in his mid-forties when that happens. Though a dozen years younger than her husband (she'd been just 19 when they married), Carla was in any case the main breadwinner – a high flying corporate lawyer, recently made partner, whereas Simon was a fairly low grade civil servant – and so the couple's finances weren't dependent on Simon earning money. Just as well because after a year of trying he'd gotten...
CHAPTER ONE Ever since they made her a partner, Carla had been toying with the idea of buying a house. On Sundays, she would sit in her bed, with the paper and her coffee, perusing the Real Estate section. On April 14, she got up at her usual late Sunday morning hour of 9, donned her silk kimono robe and padded into the kitchen to make coffee. Maurice was nowhere to be seen, but she knew he was lurking around somewhere, so she poured a little of her coffee cream into a saucer for him. When she...
BDSMWhen I was in college, I was a bartender on the weekends at one of the most popular bars in the city. I had a blast working there and quickly became friends with the bouncer, Jim. Jim knew everybody, all the radio station DJ’s, all the bar owners in town, and we partied quite a bit. Especially after the bar closed at 2am and we had the after party. We had some wild times. One night we ended up at Jim’s place listening to music and I crashed on his couch. The next morning was full of sunshine...
Karl Baxter was an unmarried man aged forty who spent a lot of his time as attractive thirty-something Carla Baker. Throughout his twenties and early thirties, Karl had had sexual liaisons with both females and males but if he were to express a preference at that time it would have been for cock rather than cunt. At about the age of thirty-five, Karl had started to dress, from time to time, as a female although in the early weeks and months of doing it he never ventured outside. As confidence...
CrossdressingIF YOU THINK IT IS GOOD AND WOULD LIKE TO READ MORE, PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT AT THE END TELLING ME TO CONTINUE, THANKS Once upon a time, a small poor family lived in a cottage on the outskirts of one of the busiest towns in england. There was Jack, who was a young arrogant 16 year old boy who thought that he could get away with anything. He had brown, fair hair, was good looking, and just under six feet tall. He didn't care for anyone but himself, and often stole what he...
One Handed Tales #9: Carla, Vicky and Mistress Cindy By Sarcastic Slut I slipped the long woollen cloak from my shoulders and let Vicky catch it before it fell on the floor. The tight, heavy satin busti?re top showed my breasts and my pretty shoulders to good advantage. I was dressed entirely in black and smoothed my flared velvet mini skirt down over my bare thighs as I accepted the drink handed to me by Carla. "Thank you, slut," I said. She curtsied and replied, "You're w...
“Lada dedadeda de, la de da, la de da,” Carla hummed a snippet of Mozart’s Minuet in G to herself as she dialed the phone. “Hi, Carla! What are you up to, girlfriend?” Alice asked into the phone. “How did you know… oh, duh. Caller ID. Silly me. I just finished an experiment, and thought I’d bring it over to share, and get yours and Gerald’s opinion on it,” Carla replied. “Experiment, huh? So you want me to be your guinea pig? How do I know it’s edible? What is it, anyway?” “I promised the...
LesbianThe apartment spanned the entire top floor of the old, three story building, and was drafty. Four bedrooms -- four college k**s in their senior year. Carla and I had been housemates as juniors, along with another guy who had since graduated. Linda and Shelly were Carla's friends, but neither were around much. My schedule was completely packed with activities and responsibilities that would routinely go from eight am to two am, so I guess I wasn't around much either.That was a little tough on my...
Carla grit her teeth and struggled to breathe. She loved rough fucking, but this was really pushing her limits. Her father’s grip was tight and strong around her neck. He had a firm hand holding her hip bone at the pelvis, and the other squeezing her throat just below her jaw. Despite his forceful thrusting, he was able to keep her body firmly in place. She didn’t care about the lack of oxygen at the moment. She just wanted to cum on his thick cock. His fucking had been hard, fast, deep, and...
“Uggh, not again,” Kenny mumbled when his mother told him tostart getting ready. “The guests will start arriving at 6.” Kenny hated his parents’ dinner parties – always so boring and having to answer questions from all of the neighbors and friends. He reluctantly climbed the stairs and went to his room to change into a dress shirt and khakis. Contrary to Kenny, the neighbors and friends of his parents loved the parties. Kenny’s family was rich and lived in a glamorous house in a wealthy...
Carla drummed her fingernails on the desk beside her phone as she wrestled with her conscience. Alice’s message had been clear. The weekend was looming on the horizon, and she and Gerald wanted Carla to come out and play. But Carla‘s memory of Doris’ spanking was still so fresh and vivid. Just thinking of it, she could feel herself beginning to swell, and she needed to open and close her legs as she sat at the table. She’d been like that all week. She thought how the heat from the spanking had...
Carla drummed her fingernails on the desk beside her phone as she wrestled with her conscience. Alice’s message had been clear. The weekend was looming on the horizon, and she and Gerald wanted Carla to come out and play. But Carla‘s memory of Doris’ spanking was still so fresh and vivid. Just thinking of it, she could feel herself beginning to swell, and she needed to open and close her legs as she sat at the table. She’d been like that all week. She thought how the heat from the spanking had...
Lesbian“Uggh, not again,” Kenny mumbled when his mother told him tostart getting ready. “The guests will start arriving at 6.” Kenny hated his parents’ dinner parties - always so boring and having to answer questions from all of the neighbors and friends. He reluctantly climbed the stairs and went to his room to change into a dress shirt and khakis. Contrary to Kenny, the neighbors and friends of his parents loved the parties. Kenny’s family was rich and lived in a glamorous house in a wealthy...
MILFCarla The Dear Sister By: A. W. Chohan My sister Carla was only a year younger than I and so we were very close to each other, mostly about our secrets. I had always been the protective big brother, and she been very supportive, adoring little sister. We respected each other’s ideas and thoughts, depending for advice and support. She had a unique ability to advise me about the girls I picked as my dating partner knowing very well about my interest for what these girls had between their legs and...
IncestI had no idea what Carla looked like. We had chatted on Facebook and I had a vague recollection of her as a young child when we grew up together in a close-knit and conservative part of Dallas. Our Facebook chats were light-hearted but deeply engaging. The one phone call we had was similar. “Maybe we could meet up some time,” Carla suggested. I was quite happy in my marriage and not looking for anything to happen but I reasoned that it would be nice to reconnect with someone from my past,...
CheatingI got a text from Carla Friday afternoon. Her son was going to his father's and she wanted me to come over to have some fun. After work, I showered and changed and showed up at Carla's around seven pm. She looked great! She was wearing a pair of tight, black lycra shorts and a matching black halter top. Her hair was still wet from the shower, so I timed getting there perfectly. Carla invited me in and she had a bottle of wine and two glasses on the table. She poured us wine and we both drank. I...
FetishIt was dark, wet and cold when Carla got into her car to drive home. She'd had a long day and she was tired and ready for bed. Her train had been delayed by 'leaves on the line' the conductor had said when he announced the reason that they had been standing for so long in the middle of nowhere. She had no idea why a few leaves could possible cause such a long delay. The next time he passed through the carriage, she asked him. “That's just what we say as a quick explanation,” he said quietly,...
SupernaturalCute curly Carla looks a lot like my dirty dream come true: as slender as smart, dark-blond long hairTall Tessel tease is at ease with me, she feels my intimate interest in my youngest yearning yummy!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cute curly Carla loves to exchange shy glances, not more for long, being fiancee of my youngest br0Cute curly Carla loves to show me more, once they break up as a...
Introduction: This story was written for my wife to enhance our sex life. This story fulfills her fantasys. It was our first time going to the Renaissance Fair in Dallas and we were both excited. We arrived wearing traditional renaissance clothing. My wife was a winch wearing a tight leather corset that lifted her boobs up high and me as a noblemen. We went to see the shows and buy new additions to our outfits. Everything at the fair has a sexual undertone and that is why we both liked it. We...
We walked up to a jewelry shack with a couple in there early 30's were working and started looking at the necklace's. We started talking about how crazy people at the fair can get and they told us that is nothing compared to what happens after hours when everyone else goes home. All of the workers camp out at night they told us. Jim and Stacy were married and traveled around to the different fair grounds selling there merchandise. Jim was a good looking man and his wife Stacy was a buxom...
One year, 42 days and 14 hours since the wife took off with another man and left me raising our daughter Carla. I must say it really pissed me off when she shirked the life of wife and mother to fulfill her carnal desires. But as they say, it is best to move on and not relive the past. It was going to be a challenge in many ways raising a girl in the beginning of her teen years. I had to make a solid plan to assure she would get all support she needed. First, I made a comment I would not bring...
After we dried ourselves, we lied down on the bed and fell asleep. It was wonderful to be next to Carla. She was a beautiful and sexy woman. And my cock was always hard as I spooned with her. I alarm went off after an hour. The was a knock on the door. It was the motel cleaning crew, twin young ladies from the Philippines, Ester and Ruth. Carla told them to come right in. Ester said, “Yes boss.” Carla giggled and asked her to call her Carla and then she introduced me. “Hi Mike,” came from both...
Salmon, asparagus, and wild rice was a frequent meal for the Glass family and if everything was ready she could finish preparation with little thinking. Joe was normally rude and obnoxious. He seemed to derive his greatest pleasure making her miserable. If she didn’t have a good meal ready for him before he finished his second scotch he would be even more rude and obnoxious. After supper he would probably hole up in the den or his study and not come out until Sunday. If she got really lucky...
Chapter six—Tina & Carla do Charlie If you haven’t read the first five chapters, you should, otherwise it will just be too confusing. Mark was in heaven. He was making love to the third member of the “Terrific Trio,” a nick name used to describe the three most beautiful girls in school. The three had decided to share him as their boy friend and lover. He had already fucked Beth and Jen. Moreover, his sister Teeny and her best friend Carla had seduced him and used him to learn as much...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Carla Cummings was married with four kids. Her Debbie was the oldest, almost sixteen. The twins Roger and Gregory were fourteen, and little Betsy was just thirteen. Carla owned a small restaurant in Macon, which she had purchased with her share of her parent's estate. She had known her husband Billy-Bob was cheating on her for years. He was always making plays for the waitresses at her business, where he was supposed to be the head bartender. Carla had...
IncestThe Unfortunate Life of Carla (part 2) (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc are in effect. I really advise anyone under 21 not to read my stories. It takes a certain degree of maturity to enjoy my writings without recriminations. Don't write a review if you don't like the theme of the story. That's just childish. But criticism is always good and helps me.) Carla Enters (Carla with a feminine sway walks out of her room. Her dress flows...
Chapter four—Carla If you haven’t read the first three chapters, this chapter will make more sense if you do. Teeny woke up in her brother’s bed, both still totally naked. Mark had her right boob in his warm hand, Teeny had her ass pressed up against his cock and his breath was warm upon her neck. Slowly turning around, she took his soft flaccid cock and gently started to stroke it. Still asleep, Mark’s cock began to harden as she ministered to it. Soon it was rock hard and Mark started...
When I was about 25, I had a friend who owned a large pet store. I’ve always been an animal lover, so I found myself hanging around the store quite a bit, helping out occasionally. My friend sold an amazing variety of animals, not just the usual dogs, cats and fish. There were rabbits, ferrets, hedgehogs, armadillos, large exotic birds. There were also a lot of things that I never understood why anyone would want for a pet, like snakes, tarantulas, and giant centipedes. And there was a single...
Carla stripped completely for these car rides -- initially, always at night, then later, in broad daylight -- and we both grew extremely turned on by her showing off. Quite often, nobody was aware of what was going on, but it was always the thrill of knowing that somebody could POSSIBLY find out and spot a flash of breasts or buns, that really got us going. Cheryl was used to seeing Carla nude at home when she visited our apartment, but not in the car. It was a new side of Carla that Cheryl...
[Just then, they heard people trickling back into the house, and quickly – or as quickly as Ana’s happy-tired muscles would allow – got themselves presentable again, and headed back downstairs.]Two o’clock in the morning, the moon shining onto her face through the split in the curtains, Ana awoke. She sat up slightly and glanced around at the other beds, everyone else quiet and still. She laid back down and tried to settle back into sleep, but sleep wouldn’t come. Usually when this happened,...
IncestTo reiterate, Carla absolutely hated the thought of clothes when she was around the house (and, as time went on, whenever she could get away without clothes away from home, she did so). Carla always called nudity "addicting." In the spring and summer of '85 or so, when Carla's young girlfriend Cheryl started hanging around our place, I noticed that Carla was also increasingly growing addicted to not only being nude, but showing herself off. Cheryl was the one who got the most blatant...
Carla explained that they'd just finished rehearsing a pivotal scene in which both she and her leading man ended up nude and heated up onstage, making love. "Actually, it's more like fucking than making love, I think, but Charles - he's the director of the play - well, he may disagree. Anyway, I'm dripping, see?" And I could see the shine of perspiration still on her body, vibrant in the trio of red, blue and purple spotlights shooting down from the rafters. But I also noticed that...
I just can't stop thinking about sex.I wake up in the morning, and it's like I have this uncontrollable impulse to masturbate. Thankfully the shower has that sprayer on a hose so it only takes me a few minutes to get myself off.Most times now when I go to class, I think about having sex with almost every boy I see. Jocks, geeks, teachers, even the derpy goth k**s. And when changing for PE I find myself thinking about what the girls in my class would be like having sex. Oh no, not actually...
Ana stared.Carla stared.As they stared, they found themselves drifting inward again. Their lips met with more familiarity now, parting and sharing moisture, mouths opening and tongues flitting softly with one another. Carla’s scent filled Ana’s breath and the radiant warmth of her body drew her closer.Without thinking, her left hand moved up and cupped Carla’s breast. This was another first that came easier than she expected. That was especially true considering she hadn’t expected anything...
IncestTASTY TEEN TESSEL'S TURN TO TRY TEASING THAT TASTY BIG BROWN BENT BANANAI invite tall tasty teen Tessel to watch, while I lick love lips for first sexy satisfaction of her hot MomI see she is standing at the doorstep, fully nude, with both her hands busy at her bare sexy snatchI continue conquering cute curly Carla by offering her an almost endless row of big unexpected 'O's The teen has the hots, great gestures in my direction, every time I take a look at her, in hot self-satisfactionTessel...
As our mouths met, Carrie lowered herself onto my hard cock. She moaned as my cock went deep inside her. Carla moved some. Carrie couldn’t help herself. Her movements became more pronounced. Faster. She wanted to cum. Carla was waking up. Her eyes opened to see her daughter’s face and my face close and our lips together. We looked at Carla and she smiled. Her hand came up and over to us caressing our cheeks. At that moment Carrie had her morning orgasm. Her pussy gushing her juices out and...
To help ends meet we have taken in foreign students over the last few years. The money is good and the students are usually no trouble as they are out studying during the day and either go out or stay in their rooms at night. Last summer we had a beautiful 30-year Old Italian woman called Carla come to stay for three months. She was absolutely stunning and reminded me of Sophia Loren in her prime. A week later Stephan arrived from France. He was black, about six-foot, muscular, toned and...
My wife Carla kissed me and looked me in the eye as she said she hoped I would have as much fun with Tony and Bev as she was going to have with Errol and his bellhop friends.Tony led me back out to his car then he drove me downtown, but this time he stopped outside a bar and then reversed into the driveway on the side for deliveries. I was then taken in through the side door and placed into a booth where my hands and feet were chained, this allowed me to get up and move around slightly, but not...
I have always considered myself heterosexual, although I have been bi-curious for many years I have never had a sexual experience with a man until last summer.To help ends meet we have taken in foreign students over the last few years. The money is good and the students are usually no trouble as they are out studying during the day and either go out or stay in their rooms at night.Last summer we had a beautiful 30-year Old Italian woman called Carla come to stay for three months. She was...