Una Gangbang Indimenticabile free porn video

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Avevo una relazione di sesso con Simone. Durava da tre anni ormai, infatti era cominciata poco dopo che mi ero separata. Lui è un muratore, un uomo forte, ma anche molto dolce e gentile, è bello e ha delle noti ragguardevoli: insomma....il trombamico perfetto! Il fatto che sia sposato inoltre non fa che renderlo migliore: è ricattabile e non rompe mai le s**tole essendo spesso impegnato con la famiglia. Unica pecca, se vogliamo, ci siamo sempre visti abbastanza di rado, diciamo non più di una volta al mese. Bisogna anche dire che è bravo e onesto nel suo lavoro. Infatti due anni fa dovevo fare un lavoro abbastanza grosso, in pratica dovevo rifare da capo il bagno su in mansarda, e lo chiamai. Mi disse che avrebbe dovuto anche chiamare l'idraulico per via dei sanitari e tutto quanto. Io accettai il preventivo e concordammo la data dei lavori.
Il primo giorno venne lui con il suo garzone: un ragazzo giovane, davvero carino.....e l'idea di una cosa a tre mi stuzzicava non poco. Le cose però presero tutt'altra piega dal giorno successivo quando anche l'idraulico e il suo garzone giunsero a casa mia. Gianni, l'idraulico era un bel biondo con occhi azzurri, dal fisico massiccio, forse un po' troppo rude nei modi ma nel complesso un maschio piacente. Il suo garzone era più anonimo, un ragazzo castano nella norma diciamo, un tipo per bene comunque. Io sono quello che sono: vanesia, molto disinibita e esibizionista. Era estate e il caldo facilitava molto il mio compito. Vestitini molto corti e semi rtasparenti, tanga evidenti o anche il bikini mettevano in mostra le mie forme. E' impossibile nascondere una quinta di seno e io, lo sottolineo, non avevo alcuna intenzione di nascondermi. Nel primo pomeriggio scesero di sotto per un caffé. Quando glielo portai parlammo un poco del lavoro e notai gli sguardi spudorati dell'idraulico, ma anche i due ragazzi, potei osservare, fecero qualche battutina. Io avevo solo il costume da bagno con sopra un pareo celeste. Eh sì, le bocce erano messe proprio lì e anche il mio fondo schiena non era ben coperto essendo il pareo trasparente. Appena me ne andai mi accostai alla finestra e potei intendere chiaramente le loro battute. "Simone, che bocce ha la tua amica!!!" E poi altre battute sul mio culo e di quanto c'era da scoparmelo. La cosa mi eccitò non poco, tanto che a fine pomeriggio, quando stavano per andarsene decisi di offrirgli da bere: lo feci solo per farmi guardare. Fui, forse, esagerata, ma io sono fatta così: le occasioni poi passano e si vive una volta sola! Misi un vestitino rosa attillato, molto corto, senza niente sotto. Si notava che il tanga non c'era più e i miei capezzoli si vedevano bene da sotto il vestito. Feci loro molti complimenti e come si suol dire....gliela feci annusare, senza dare troppa confidenza. La sera Simone mi mandò un sms in cui mi chiedeva che intenzioni avevo visto il comportamento provocante e io risposi senza mezzi termini che sia il suo amico che i due ragazzi mi erano piaciuti molto e che i loro sguardi mi avevano eccitata. Poi me la buttò lì: "Guarda che domani ti saltiamo addosso!" E io risposi: "Non aspetto altro!"
L'indomani io ero molto agitata ed eccitata allo stesso tempo. Sapevo che avevano parlato, tra uomini è sempre così, chissà, tuttavia cosa gli aveva detto Simone: forse poteva essere un po' geloso e non voleva condividermi coi suoi compari....chissà? Arrivarono e io preparai un bel caffé, ma loro erano più attratti dai miei leggins bianchi ( sotto non avevo niente e volevo che si notasse ) che evidenziavano le mie curve e la mia fica carnosa. La mia voglia saliva ad ogni secondo che passava e quando mi voltai per mettere le tazzine che erano sul tavolo nel vassoio mi piegai leggermente per farmi ammirare da dietro. Sentii i loro commenti osceni e qualcuno disse: secondo me non le ha le mutandine. A quel punto mi girai e sedendomi sul tavolo aprii le cosce: i leggins potevano nascondere i dettagli, ma la forma della mia vulva gonfia no....cominciai a toccarmi e Simone disse ad alta voce: " ragazzi, ve lo avevo detto, questa è una gran troia!" Si alzò e mi tolse brutalmente i leggins, mi lasciò solo i sandali col tacco alto che mi davano un'aria da perfetta zoccola. Mi tirò su il top bianco per far uscire le bocce e mi divoro i seni. Io smaniavo chiusi gli occhi in preda al piacere: il gioco era cominciato, adesso non si poteva più tornare indietro. Mi stesero sul tavolo, io aprii istintivamente le cosce. Simone raggiunse la mia fica bollente e mi cacciò dentro il suo cazzo meraviglioso e cominciò a sbattermi forte. Gli altri tre si avvicinarono al mio viso col cazzo in mano cercando la mia bocca. Io ero in estasi. Le loro mani sul mio corpo che fremeva, e parole, parole forti, rudi, volgari a consacrare la mia voglia di sesso. Mi scoparono a turno. Poi mi misero sul divanetto: a smorzacandela su uno dei ragazzi. E dietro Gianni mi spaccò il culo, in una doppia penetrazione selvaggia. Le mie grida, smorzate dai cazzi degli altri due che entravano nella mia bocca. I miei orgasmi furoni tre, uno di fila all'altro, poi mi accasciai a terra, appoggiai la testa sul divano: avevo capito che non ce la facevano più. Io pure volevo la loro sborra calda tutta in bocca, volevo sentire il loro sapore: a due a due, uno da una parte e uno dall'altra mi riempirono la bocca e mi schizzarono in faccia. Per l'eccitazione mi sditalinai come una pazza e squirtai sul pavimento. Tenni la crema in bocca giocandoci un po' prima di ingoiare tutto. Pulii bene le loro cappelle, i due ragazzi erano ancora in tiro e gli feci capire che ne volevo ancora. I due capoccia si riassettarono e richiamarono all'ordine i garzoni togliendomi quei portentosi giocattoli dalle mani. "Io ho ancora voglia, dai!" Reclamai, ma i capi furono inflessibili. Mi fecero una promessa: dopo la pausa mi avrebbero presa ancora. (continua)

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My family are Gangbang Bitches

I was a fairly typical 19 year old, which is to say that not only did I watch a lot of pornos, but that they had got more and more hardcore and interesting as I had gone on. Where once I had enjoyed the sight of a girl fingering herself, now what I liked to watch was a pretty teen white babe being fucked every which way by a gang of huge and well hung hard black studs. I never expected, however, that watching this kind of thing would lead to something even kinkier, naughtier and, therefore,...

3 years ago
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I was a fairly typical 19 year old, which is to say that not only did I watch a lot of pornos, but that they had got more and more hardcore and interesting as I had gone on. Where once I had enjoyed the sight of a girl fingering herself, now what I liked to watch was a pretty teen white babe being fucked every which way by a gang of huge and well hung hard black studs. I never expected, however, that watching this kind of thing would lead to something even kinkier, naughtier and, therefore,...

4 years ago
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My First Gay Gangbang With Milkman And His Friends

Hello, dear readers! I am new to writing sex stories. This is the real story about a gay gangbang. So I changed all the names and places to maintain privacy. I am 23 years old gay guy Leo, height 5 feet 6 inches. I have a lean muscular due to my love for gymnastics, dusky complexion, and have an attractive personality.  I am verse-bottom. I like topping, but I love bottoming and am power bottom. This story took place when I was 19 years old. I used to live in a small town at that time. My home...

Gay Male
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My Best Gangbang With A Pornstar In The USA Ficti

This is one of the best gangbangs where I met a porn start from pornhub. I am from Tamil Nadu and due to work I came to the USA.First, after reaching the USA, I had a few happy encounters in spas around the place. I also had a couple of sexual encounters in the spa, which I will explain in a different story. Then I was searching for a gangbang. I saw on a few websites that some teams are hosting a gangbang party and swingers party every month.I always wanted to try a gangbang. But it was scary...

3 years ago
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My Best Gangbang With A Pornstar In The USA

Hi, this is my very first story. I am the biggest fan of this site. Without wasting time, let me start the story. So just give my small introduction. You can call me Balaji. I am 29 years old, height 5’11, and dick 6 in. This is one of the best gangbangs where I met a porn start from pornhub. I am from Tamil Nadu and due to work I came to the USA. First, after reaching the USA, I had a few happy encounters in spas around the place. I also had a couple of sexual encounters in the spa, which I...

4 years ago
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Craigslist gangbang

After months of talking about trying more of a cuckold style gangbang Kristi andI finally got a motel room on the eastside and put out some ads on Craigslist for a BBC gangbang. Kristi was always nasty and acted like a total slut in the replys so I know she was wanting it rough and lots of guys. We found a guy that could bring over a bunch of guys at one time so we gave him the room number and got ready. She told me she wants me to be very subish and told the guys to treat me like a sissy. she...

2 years ago
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Gangbang Creampie

GangbangCreampie! Around 250 million sperm are released every time a dude busts a nut, on average, and it only takes one of those little guys to get a broad knocked up. I hope the girls doing gangbang creampie scenes are on some heavy-duty birth control, or at least buy their DNA tests in bulk. Bukkake girls leave those billions of fallen soldiers on their bodies or on the floor, but creampie sluts just need them all inside!Speaking of girls getting pumped with jizz by a bunch of dudes,...

Premium Creampie Porn Sites
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Adams Gangbang Birthday Surprise

If you want to read in detail what happened before this story, check my profile. Sort by date to get the right sequence. The stories involve me and my husband. We just moved into our own small bungalow in this small town. Just enough room for us two. Since we won't have any kids, we decided to have one room as a home gym. Working out is a big part of our lives. I am Mike, 35, lean build with a 7 inch cock.. My Husband, Taylor, 28 but looks so much younger, hot body with a 8 inch dick and...

2 years ago
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Theater gangbang of cockslut Kitty

I drove to the old-and-rotten-unofficially-turned-adult-theater that I had been too before, parked and headed in. I walked in, went to the counter to pay and the clerk gave me a once over."Ladies are free on Friday nights," he said.Did I really pull off the appearance of a girl? "Oh, I'm not really a girl," I said, not wanting to cheat the establishment out of revenue."Hot stuff, you are close enough for my tastes," he said with a dashing smile. "Have fun up there." He then winked at me.He was...

2 years ago
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Gangbang For My Friend Birthday

Hi there ISS readers, This is Sam again. I hope you all enjoyed reading my first Computer Repair to Girl Repair story. As I promised on that essay I am now here to share the story of how I called Risha for a gangbang with my friends. i think this should be pretty Interesting. It was actually March 27th 2010. It was my friends Vinodh birthday. Me and my friends always roam together and do all sorts of stuffs together. It was actually his 23rd birthday. He said he wants to enjoy that birthday a...

3 years ago
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Gangbang cum slut

Not my own but hope you like :)I want to tell you about how I became who I am today. I neverintended for things to turn out this way but it's too late tochange now. I am who I am! I still feel like the events of thatSaturday night happened to someone else. I was so drunk. It waslike I was an observer, rather than a participant. If it hadn'tbeen for the physical evidence and my very sore fanny the nextday, I would have almost thought it was just a dream.My name is Sara. Without an "H"! It always...

3 years ago
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Mythili8217s Gangbang Story 8211 Part 2

Just to reiterate my introduction, which I had given in part 1. I am Balaji, I am 29 years old, height 5’11, and dick size is 6 inches. This is the story of one of my ISS fans and her experience in gangbang when she got banged by 5 of her friends along with her live-in boyfriend. From now on, I will be narrating the story from Mythili’s point of view. Hi all, this is Mythili(name changed) aged 33. My stats are 36D-30-36. I’m a cute looking woman and most of the boys stare at my boobs and also...

3 years ago
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Wife becomes gangbang record breaker

Continuation of the Fantasy -- Please Note This is a FANTASYMy wife had really gotten into the cuckold lifestyle and was looking for the more bizarre challenges. She ordered me to find stuff on the internet for her to try. This was a hard request for me as I was not sure what I would be happy for her to do but knowing that it wasn’t my choice. I therefore came up with what I thought was a cunning plan. If I found some really bizarre ones it might shock her out of the lifestyle. I started to...

1 year ago
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Is MAE ready for a gangbang

Not quit sure just where it started. But here we go. I'm a 55 year old man. and my wife MAE is a naughty chubby 50 year old women. and I must say. she loves to play a naughty girl. mae loves to get dressed up in her naughty and slutty cloths. and then go out with all her girlfriends. and I find it very hot and sexy of her out slutin around. and it makes for a great night for sex with her. MAE'S favorite position. is to lay on her back. with her head at the end of the bed. or layed out on our...

Group Sex
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Gangbang Van Stories

In the 2000’s for the longest time in the city of San Karlomina in California there was a story that was bandied around that was just like that. It was about a plain white van full of masked black men who would abduct unsuspecting white women and while driving around the city, they would gangbang them in the back of the van. The longevity of the gangbangs would vary from woman to woman depending on her own depiction, but every story ended the same way with the hapless woman being returned to...

3 years ago
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Cindy and Alexandras Biker Gangbang

That Friday night when I got home from work, I wasn't expecting anything. Alexandra and I had no plans but I wished we did. Almost immediately after our first performance together at the gangbang bukkake club, Alex and I started living together at her beach house in Malibu. We had formed a deep bond as both friends and lovers. We were regularly invited back to the club, together or one at a time. We were favorites, with lots of fans. I had discovered that gangbanging is an addictive way of...

Group Sex
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Sethy Part Seven The Gangbang

AUTHOR’S NOTE – This story is partly fantasy, partly true. For best effect, read parts 1-6 before this part. The main character, Sethy, is based upon a real woman who is an active member of the XHamster community, and much of Sethy reflects the true woman. The photos included in this story of Sethy are of the real Sethy and are here with her permission. The photos of Linda were used with permission as well.This story is the property of the author and cannot be copied or used in part or in...

5 years ago
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A Completely Consensual Reluctant Gangbang

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you...

3 years ago
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Pregnant after her first gangbang

Introduction: Don and Fran have an unwanted pregnancy after their first gangbang. Don and Fran sat on the couch holding hands. Fran looked at the tester in her hand. It says positive. I think Im pregnant. The doctor had told them that the pill was not 100% foolproof. What should we do? Don answered, One problem is that we dont know who the father is. Based on the timing, this may have happened at the party we had a few weeks ago. Fran thought for a minute, Ya, that fits. That was a really fun...

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A Completely Consensual Reluctant Gangbang

The #metoo movement is helping to right many wrongs in our society, but it is also making it much more difficult for men and women to interact, especially in flirting or casual pickup situations. But modern technology is always ready to offer a solution to any problem.This is a story of a reluctant-style gang bang. All characters are over eighteen and all actions are completely consensual.  * * * * Janet Bryce felt the pendant on her necklace vibrate slightly and she knew that they were...

Group Sex
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Chapter 20 My personal gangbang and pulling a train

My journey from a sex obsessed teen to a group sex loving swinger was blossoming. I was now firmly fixed on becoming a gangbang queen. The recent wonderful threesome had elevated my sexual tension. My goal of a properly organised gangbang was now within reach, provided my new friends passed on my phone number as promised. They were as good as their word and a couple of days later I received a phone call from a woman who introduced herself as Claire. She mentioned that our mutual friends had...

Group Sex
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My S1sterrsquos Gangbang Chapter One

My S1ster’s Gangbang - Chapter OneMy name is Mark. I am 22 years old and I live in a big house uptown with my two s!sters. Our parents died in an accident two years ago, leaving me in charge of the f*mily. Our uncles offered to let us move in with them, but we refused to leave our home. My s!sters and I were very close even before the accident and now more than ever. I am a couple years older than Tracy and Kelly is the youngest. Both girls are very pretty and sexy. I admit that in the last few...

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