Una Vida Desnudo free porn video

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No tenía mucho que había llegado a aquel pueblo, quien se hubiera imaginado que de la gran ciudad terminaría en un pueblecito olvidado de todos, pero ahí estaba yo.
Me quede hospedado en un departamento pequeño y feo, realmente no tenia mucho con que empezar; mi rutina diaria era ir a la empresa en desarrollo, hacer algunas llamadas, registros, me iba de ahí y lo que faltara lo terminaba en casa.
Mi vida sería muy aburrida si no hiciera nada fuera de mi trabajo, de vez en cuando acostumbraba a pasear por el limite del pueblo, en donde se encontraba la entrada a un bosque enorme y frondoso. Ahí acostumbraba a entrar para pasar el tiempo, cada vez me la pasaba más y más tiempo caminando dentro del bosque que logre llegar hasta un lago bastante escondido y profundo.
Al ser un chico lo suficientemente delgado me encantaba exponer mi cuerpo, y la verdad no me daba pena mostrarlo, claro que no era un exhibicionista o algo parecido, pero se podría decir que me gustaba mi cuerpo.
Así que empece con un ritual propio, cada día que me sintiera cansado caminaba hasta aquel bosque, me quitaba la ropa y nadaba desnudo durante horas, y una vez estaba lo suficientemente cansado salia del agua, me recargaba en una roca y esperaba a que el aire y el sol secaran mi cuerpo.

Y todo comenzó un sábado por la mañana, serian aproximadamente las 8:30 cuando estaba parado frente al espejo observándome desnudo como usualmente duermo, esa mañana tenia unas ganas excesivas de pasear desnudo, no se porque, pero mi instinto me decía que tenía que hacerlo, como si una voz extraña me estuviera tentando a hacerlo.
El plan era simple, dejar toda mi ropa aquí, salir sin completamente nada, zapatos, calcetas, reloj, ¡nada!, nadar un poco y regresar al anochecer cuando nadie estuviera.

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 2

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 3

“That’s her house, down at the end of that long lane,” Miss Wilkins said as she pointed to the next driveway on the left. I drove up the to the house, just past the garage, then backed right up to it and stopped. “Josey, I’ll go in and unlock so you can back your pickup inside the garage. That way we can let the garage door down, strip off our clothes and fuck all we want to without some of her neighbors coming over to see if she’s home already.” “When is she coming back?” I asked. I was...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 4

Becky and Lena were standing beside my truck when I got there. I walked over and opened the door on my side and Lena got in first. She slid across to the other side, then Becky got in. Becky was wearing a skirt even shorter than her sister, Lena’s and I saw all the way up her leg, to the crease of her butt cheek. Boy, she must be part Mexican too, as brown as she is way up close to her butt. I was already wondering if she was that brown all over her butt and titties. I was hoping she was and...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 5

I made it over to the Ward’s home just a few minutes after 7:00. When I knocked on the front door, Mrs. Ward opened it immediately. Was I ever shocked, but in a good way. She was wearing a pair of white short-shorts and a T-shirt. I knew she didn’t have a bra on. I’m getting good at noticing that about women after Miss Wilkins gave me a few pointers on how to tell when a girl was braless. “Josey, come on in. You’re right on time, Wanda arrived just a few minutes ago. I’ve told her all about...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 6

“Hi, I know you. You’re Josey,” she said with a smile. Damn, her teeth are as white as snow. “Yes, I am. I saw you the other day at Sears, and then again when you and your friend were walking toward the softball field and you waved at me. I know your name is Mirra, but that’s all.” “I’m Mirra Bella Greesey. Where you headed, Josey?” she said and smiled that big perfect smile again, almost as if she might be flirting a little. “Just riding around. Where you headed, Mirra?” “Oh, nowhere...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 7

“Get your ass in here, Josey,” Mirra told me as they pulled me through the window by my arms. “Mother, I want you to meet Josey Ruiz. I just met him earlier tonight and he’s already the best friend I’ve ever had in this whole wide world – and Mother, he wants you to like him as much as I do,” Mirra said to the woman standing next to her. “Josey, this is my mother, Willie Mae Greesey.” Her long shiny black hair is hanging straight, wet, and down to her shoulders. She’s wearing a short house...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 8

“Josey, we’re getting hungry. Let’s go get Mother to cook us some breakfast. I know she’d like to give you some more pussy too, that is if she’s not too sore from that last fucking you gave her,” Mirra told me as we sat naked on my tailgate and talked. “OH YES, I’d love to see Josey fuck Miss Willie with both of them naked so we can see it all,” Alexa said. “Hell Yeah, and Josey is out of fucking rubbers so he’ll have to fuck her and shoot cum in her pussy. Let’s go, Josey, we want to see...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 9

Mr. Ward must have announced it over the intercom about the snake in the parking lot and me almost killing it with my bare hands. Damn what a lie that was. “Josey, we heard about that snake trying to crawl up Miss Mooney’s leg before you grabbed it and tried to pull its head off barehanded. Everyone in school knows about it now,” Junior Whitlock told me when I sat down at my desk. Linda Bircher leaned over from her desk, smiling as I looked down into the deep V of her cheerleader sweater....

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 10

Miss Etty had already fixed stuff for sandwiches and we sat at her kitchen table eating and drinking tea. We were all naked like it was natural and the way we lived each day of our lives. I was sitting between Momma and Aunt Rita, and Momma would look at me and smile, then lean over to kiss me on my cheek. When I looked at Aunt Rita, she was smiling at me. I knew she was happy for me and I was so happy we were together. “Aunt Rita, did you know anything about all this before today?” “No,...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 11

“Hello?” “Hello, Miss Ramsey. This is Cindy Mooney and I’m one of Josey, Analilia, and Aracelle’s teachers. I just heard about the terrible plane crash a few minutes ago and I wanted to call and express my sympathy to you, Josey, and the family. Mr. Ward told me that he had excused your granddaughters too. He said the Garcia sisters left with him also since they have no immediate family members left. Is that true? Are they with him at this time? I am so upset, I can hardly think straight....

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 12

When we arrived in Collinsville, I drove straight to Foster Chevrolet-Olds. I slowed down when we passed the ‘57 Chevy convertible that I had looked at a few days ago. I couldn’t believe it was still here. “That’s the one I want, Granny! I hope it’s still for sale.” “My grandson will have the best looking car in the county when you buy that baby. That sporty convertible will be known as Josey’s Pussy-Wagon, the very first day you own it! Let’s go in there and make our deals. I’ve known old...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 13

I had gone maybe 2 miles from town when I met a vehicle with their lights on bright. I flashed my lights to make them dim theirs. They didn’t and I felt the wind gusts shake my car when we met. Damn, they were flying as fast as I was. I looked down and I was running a flat one hundred miles per hour. I looked back in my mirror and saw red and blue lights flashing, then headlights flashing on and off behind me. That’s the fucking law! I wasn’t sure if it was the county or the state police,...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 14

I put one box of rubbers under my seat, then opened the other box and took three out to put in my back pocket. I put the opened box in my glove compartment. I guess I do need to start using them on stray pussy, but damn, does it ever feel good to shoot my cum inside a naked pussy with my naked cock. Since Beverly has never fucked before, she gets the naked cock – well – if she shows up naked under her dress with a shaved pussy, I’ll give her my naked cock. If she shows up wearing underwear...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 15

My dash clock showed 4:43 when I rolled to a stop at the back corner of the apartment building. I saw the curtains move, and then Val poked her head out the door to look both ways before she came out. She ran out her door, slamming it behind her, as her small white, shorty apron flipped up over her pussy. The apron was made with a bib at the top that was barely wide enough to cover half of each breast, with a strap that looped around her neck. She had it tied at the waist in back with a big...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 17

“So, we can fuck all we want to, anytime we want to, and you won’t get pregnant?” I asked Saige as we drove west toward her house, out past the edge of town. “I have to insert it before we fuck and leave it in me for six hours, but yes.” “Are they expensive?” Cynthia asked her. “Mom got mine through the Health Department, where she works. I think they are free.” They were still naked and I was driving slow. I wanted some more of Saige’s pussy now that I knew she had something in her pussy...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 18

We left my car parked in front of the diner and walked across the street with Mr. Harp. He and Granny never stopped talking the whole way and they made sure I was right between them – including me in their conversation. “Josey, your Granny and I have some phone calls to make, but before we get started, I want to take you down the hall to my sister’s office...” “Early, if you want to go ahead and start calling those we talked about bringing in this morning, I’ll take Josey down to meet Erica...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 19

I asked Mr. Kendall to fix us two sandwiches - with mayonnaise, a slice of bologna and a slice of cheese on both of them. I grabbed two small bags of potato chips and placed them on the counter. He had the sandwiches wrapped in waxed paper and stuffed down inside a brown paper bag with the potato chips on top when Erica stepped up with two large Cokes in bottles. “Is this together?” he asked. “Yes Sir... “Mr. Kendall, have you met Nurse Erica Steiner, from the County Health...

2 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 20

“OK, Josey, I heard your part. Now tell me what Saige said,” Erica said. She was smiling and she looked excited. “When I told her what we were doing over here, she screamed FUCK, and told me she’d be here in less than 10 minutes.” “Erica, would you let me put Saige’s diaphragm in for her? I know Josey will want some more of her pussy,” Becky said, grinning as she looked at Erica. “What else? I know by that look you’ve got something else in mind,” Erica asked Becky. “I want to kiss her...

4 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 22

“Hello Nurse Erica. Good to see you again. I see you’ve met with Alisha and Ashley already. Just take those Cokes with you and bring the bottles back for a refund, I’ll furnish the cold drinks for this special occasion... “Hello Becky. Both you and Nurse Erica look stunning in those white uniforms. Josey is one lucky young man to be in your company day after day,” Mr. Kendall was laying some shit on them. I suppose he’s thinking of them asking if they could give him some personal lessons in...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 23

When I went back to Erica’s office, I tapped on her door and Becky opened it after peeking out to see who it was. “Josey, get in here. We’ve just made plans with Lou Ann to help us have fuck and suck party in the theater.” They told me all about their plans and I was as excited as they were. Since Lou Ann was out of school today, she had made plans to spend the day with Mona in her office and she was hoping they’d get to go out on a call in her patrol car. A little before noon, I picked...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 24

I made sure the .45 was secure in my waistband in back, took a deep breath and started down. I counted twenty five steps and figured they were a good 2 feet apart. Damn, I was already fifty feet below the upstairs floor of the house and could still hardly see the bottom where the light was shining a little brighter. I looked up and could barely see a light above me. I took another deep breath and reached back to feel of my .45 again before I started down once more. Another ten steps and my...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 25

I knew I’d never make it back to town for dinner. I decided that if it kept raining like this I’d stop at Kendall’s on the way back and grab a sandwich. By the time I got to Kendall’s Store, the rain was coming down so hard I decided to stop now for a sandwich and wait until the rain let up some. I was proud to do something special like this for Daisy, since she was single and living off her uncle with no way to support herself, or even have a way to go places alone. Besides that, I didn’t...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 26

I had plenty of time, but I hurried across the street and around the courthouse to the apartment building where Val lives. I found the office and walked in to see an older man and woman sitting over to the side watching TV. “Can we help you? If you’re looking for an apartment, they’re all rented at this time and we have a long waiting list,” the man said and walked over to the counter. “What I really came here for was to pay some rent in advance for a friend of my Granny’s. I’m not even...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 27

“Well hello, Josey. I’m glad you could stop by. I hope you’re not in any hurry. We have some snacks and some high powered cocktail mixers on hand,” Denorah told me as she placed her armload of grocery bags on the bed. “I was hoping I’d get to stay long enough to be friends with all of you, at least. I told my granny that I may be spending the night with a friend, just in case I stayed late.” “Josey, we had a great meeting yesterday and this morning with the county planning commission. Your...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 28

Each of us had just downed two glasses of wine and that shit already had my head fuzzy when I took a drag off the first doobie and handed it to Jacklyn. She pulled the smoke down tight, then held it in her lungs as she smiled at me and squirmed, hunching her naked ass on my lap as she tried to trap my cock in her pussy. I took a fat Mexican Red and lit the fuse on the tail-end of that skyrocket. I handed it to Josalyn and blew my smoke at her as she leaned over to kiss me. “What’s with the...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 29

Josalyn pointed to Mariah and I patted the table next to her, then fumbled with her sexy ass like I was wearing the blindfold before I stepped up behind her. When I was between her legs, I pulled her ass cheeks open and tried to get my cock in her tight pussy. I reached over and swiped my fingers through Jillian’s slick pussy the smeared it over my cockhead. When I stabbed it back at Mariah’s pussy with my foreskin pulled over the head, my cock popped into her pussy lips, to lodge at her...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 30

The next morning Jacklyn let me take her to work and use her car. I needed to do a little Christmas shopping. I had looked in the phone book the night before to get the addresses and phone numbers I needed. I visited three different jewelry stores before I had what I wanted, but when I returned to the house, I had one hundred womens gold Bulova watches and two dozen men’s gold Bulova watches. I wanted to be sure I had enough for all my girls and women and for my few men-friends plus the farm...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 31

I sat in the cockpit with Jillian as she took time to show me each little detail about what she was doing as she prepared to turn the plane and head down the runway. The more time I spend around this big plane, the more I want to buy us one like it, so we can all fly to some place special and have fun while we spend a little of the money we’ve accumulated in the past three or four months. Aunt Rita had mentioned to Granny and me about all of us flying down to Mexico to see some of her...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 32

The next evening we were loading up in Jacklyn’s Cadillac again. Jacklyn wasn’t with us, she was going to the shower with her boss, Willard Musgrave since they have just about made final commitments to each other after just one date that lasted one day and two nights. I knew I’d get some more of Jacklyn’s pussy before I returned home, and from the way Willard looked my teenage friends over, those girls may just get a big bonus from the rich old fart tonight. They were dressed to kill too,...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 33

When I stepped off the elevator, I ran into Wendy Skelley. I ran into her so hard, I had to catch her to keep her from falling. “Josey, I’ve been looking for you. I saw you and Bailey together earlier, then you were gone. You fucked her, didn’t you? Come on, you can tell me. I want to know all about it. I hope you impregnated her too. Do you have a few minutes? Come go with me, I need you.” She was pulling my arm toward the long white drapes near the back wall of the lobby. I looked around...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 34

Before Naomi put my T-shirt on, I took my pocket knife and cut the top just like Josalyn had hers cut this morning. I cut it plenty low too. I wanted to see my woman’s titties and I wanted to show her off to the store clerks and customers. When she put it on, her big bronze titties were almost shining to the world, the shirt was stretched so tight across them. Damn, I love a woman with big titties no matter what color they are, but if her titties are brown like my skin or close to it, I...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 35

“Josey – Dru and Marcie wanted to stay at Granny’s and spend the night with Charley. Granny told us it was alright with her. I hope that was alright with you,” Lougenia told me. “If Granny says something is alright around here, it’s alright with the whole family. They need to be around a boy their own age anyway. Did they have their diaphragms with them?” “They did, Josey. Granny and I both told them you would skin some asses - Charley’s included, if they come up with a baby,” Naomi told...

2 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 36

The girls jumped up and grabbed their clothes. They were still dressing as I ran out the door. “Did he say what this is about? It’s got to be bad, Rondo ... Hank lives nearly a quarter of a mile from Granny’s house.” “He told me your granny told him that you needed to gather up Hank and his boys, and be sure you bring Tommy and his brother.” By the time I got to the phone, my heart was about to beat its way out of my chest. I just knew some of the gang from Jackson - or either the ones who...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 37

When we stepped upon the porch at home, all the women ran to meet us at the front door, to find out what had happened, even though Momma and Granny had already told them most of it. “It’s all taken care of now, and we’ve turned the men over to the law,” I told them. Naomi told me, “Josey we have supper cooked, and it’s about ready to put on the table, if you and Rondo want to wash up before we eat.” “Yes, we need a shower after being out all day.” One of the best things I like about my...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 38

“Calleen - come here, Baby. You may be last, but you’re just as beautiful and sexy as any of my women. Next time we lay in bed like this, we’ll make sure you’re first. Come kiss me like we kissed this morning, then I want you to kiss my cock like you love him as much as you love me.” “Josey, I don’t mind being last, as my sisters and I learn to love your cock and take lessons in how to fuck from Naomi and Lougenia.” “That’s the way I want my women to be, Calleen. No matter what we do, we’ll...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 39

“Emmylou I’m so proud to see you’re happy about doing this. I was almost afraid to tell Rondo I’d do it - I had just told Joe I would be glad to help him and Billie have babies - and I knew I had to tell my Main Man - I’d help him too. There was no way I could turn him down.” “OH-HELL-YES, Josey – is this big happy cock for me? Did you really get swelled up this big for me?” “Yes I did, and now that you have me naked, you tell me how you want to do this. I like making my women happy and I...

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