Una Historia Fascinante - An Awesome Story free porn video

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Una historia fascinante Desde que tengo uso de raz?n he sentido una especial atracci?n por la ropa de mujer. No sabr?a decir porqu? empez? todo aunque s? recuerdo cu?ndo y c?mo empez?: por unos zapatos de tac?n de mi madre que me puse en mis infantiles pies de 12 a?os. Desde entonces, esta "afici?n" fue creciendo y, en la actualidad, a mis 27 a?os, aprovecho la soledad de mi piso de soltero para vestirme de mujer siempre que me apetece, que suele ser bastante a menudo. Incluso he llegado a utilizar un seud?nimo para referirme a "ella": Claudia Moreno es el nombre de la mujer que se esconde dentro de m?. Claudia nunca ha salido a la calle aunque est? dese?ndolo pero hay una persona que s? la conoce. Se trata de una mujer llamada M?nica y ?sta es la historia de c?mo nos conocimos. Esto ocurri? cuando ten?a 25 a?os y no viv?a solo as? que ten?a que escaparme a hoteles para poder disfrutar de Claudia. Hab?a llegado a B*** sobre la una del mediod?a de un s?bado y pensaba quedarme a dormir esa noche y volver a casa el domingo. Mi intenci?n era pasarme todo el tiempo en el hotel vestido de Claudia, con elegante y bonita ropa que tra?a en una maleta. Nada m?s entrar en la habitaci?n, me alegr? de que hubiera moqueta por todo el suelo, eso me permitir?a caminar con los tacones altos sin que nadie se enterara y sin molestar a los dem?s clientes con mis taconeos. Comenc? la jornada d?ndome una ducha caliente de una media hora. Sal? desnudo del ba?o y comenc? a vestirme con la ropa que tra?a. Entre las novedades que hab?a comprado recientemente se encontraban una falda negra ajustada, una blusa blanca, una chaquetilla de lana de color azul y unos zapatos negros de tac?n alto y abiertos en el tal?n, todo comprado en Zara. Tras ponerme el conjunto de lencer?a de color azul cielo y con detalles de encaje, me ajust? las medias negras al liguero del mismo color. Me levant? y me coloqu? bien las tetas (en realidad, unos calzoncillos envueltos en medias de color carne). Acto seguido me fui vistiendo con toda la ropa reci?n comprada en Zara: la blusa, la falda, la chaqueta de lana y los hermosos zapatos. No ten?a maquillaje a mano aunque s? una peluca larga de pelo liso y moreno. Me ce?? la cintura con un cintur?n finito de cuero negro y ya estaba lista. Camin? un rato por la habitaci?n con la seguridad y el aplomo que da saber que nadie va a o?r tus taconeos. Luego, me sent? en un comod?simo sill?n y fum? un cigarrillo mientras me tomaba un trago del mueble bar. Cog? un libro que estaba leyendo por aquellos d?as y me dispuse a pasar una agradable velada en compa??a de la mujer m?s sexy que conoc?a: yo misma. A la media hora comprob? que no pod?a concentrarme en la lectura porque no dejaba de admirar mis piernas, embutidas en las medias negras, y mis pies, metidos en los preciosos zapatos negros de punta. Para m?s inri, hab?a colocado un gran espejo enfrente de m? para poder verme al completo. En media hora apenas hab?a le?do tres p?ginas del libro, descentrada por mi turbadora imagen en el espejo, y no cesaba de acariciarme por encima de la falda hasta que not? que aquello empezaba a estar h?medo. Lamentablemente, no hab?a escondido mi pene entre las piernas protegi?ndolo con un tamp?n. Lo llevaba en su posici?n natural y seg?n me iba excitando, aquello iba creciendo. As? que tom? una decisi?n: me levant? y me baj? la falda y las braguitas azules. Introduje mi pene en un calcet?n -no ten?a nada mejor a mano- y me lo ech? para atr?s, sujetando el calcet?n entre las nalgas. Me volv? a subir las bragas y me ajust? la falda a la cintura. Me hab?a entrado sed y descubr? que en el mueble bar hab?a vodka y otras bebidas alcoh?licas. Me serv? un vodka con zumo de naranja que estaba delicioso, encend? otro cigarrillo y me puse a ver la tele, intentando desviar la mirada de la maravillosa imagen que me devolv?a el espejo. As? estuve otra media hora y decid? comer algo. Hab?a tra?do pan y embutido y me hice un bocadillo. Ten?a hambre pero no quer?a que se demorara mucho la comida. Terminado el bocadillo, intent? echar una siesta. Me quit? los tacones, la falda, la chaqueta y la blusa y me qued? en ropa interior. Abr? la maleta y saqu? un camis?n rosa largo y con una cinta para atarlo a la cintura. Abr? la cama y me ech? a descansar. No tard? mucho en dormirme porque estaba cansado del viaje en coche que hab?a hecho para llegar hasta all?. Cuando me despert? eran las seis de la tarde. Afuera comenzaba a oscurecer. Ten?a el sujetador casi del rev?s, las medias todas revueltas y hab?a mojado un poco las braguitas. Me levant? con pesadez y me fui al ba?o a despejarme un poco la cara y a ponerme todo en su sitio. Regres? a la habitaci?n caminando sobre las puntas de los pies y decid? vestirme de nuevo con la misma ropa que llevaba antes. Me estaba calzando cuando son? el tel?fono: un nuevo mensaje. Me acerqu? a coger el tel?fono y vi que era uno de esos anuncios del 803. "Chicas de tu ciudad" se llamaba. A punto de borrarlo, se me ocurri? una idea grotesca. Me sent? en el sill?n y marqu? el n?mero de tel?fono. Di mi prefijo y una voz femenina grabada me gui? por el men? hasta que escuch? la voz de otra mujer, ?sta vez en directo. -Hola.- dijo ella. -Hola.- susurr?. -Me llamo M?nica. ?Qui?n eres? -Soy Enrique.- ment? sobre mi nombre. -Hola Enrique, encantada de conocerte. ?Tambi?n eres de Burgos?- pregunt? -S?, bueno, no... estoy aqu? de paso, en un hotel. -?Y qu? haces ahora? -Estoy acarici?ndome el pene a trav?s de unas braguitas que llevo puestas. -?En serio? -S?, ?te molesta? -No, si te digo la verdad, me da morbo. ?Qu? m?s llevas puesto? Le cont? todo lo que llevaba y estuvimos hablando durante media hora. Al acercarse a este punto, que la llamada es finalizada por imperativo legal, ella me dijo que le apetec?a conocerme. Le dije d?nde estaba alojado y me dijo que me llamar?a luego. Ni qu? decir tiene que durante la llamada me hab?a puesto excitad?simo, pensando en M?nica y en c?mo iba yo vestido. Una de mis fantas?as sexuales est? relacionada con Claudia jugando sexualmente con otras mujeres y aquella chica, que me trat? con educaci?n, me hab?a excitado hasta decir basta. Ten?a el pene, embutido entre las piernas, a punto de explotar. Me levant? y camin? por la habitaci?n, evitando acariciarme porque no quer?a correrme ya. Llevaba una media hora mojando las braguitas y aquella sensaci?n de estar a punto de correrte pero no hacerlo era incre?ble. Decid? tumbarme en la cama y atarme los tobillos y las mu?ecas para intentar no masturbarme salvajemente, de lo excitado que estaba. Cog? unas medias y me at? a la cama intentando controlar mi ansiedad. Cuando comprob? que mi pene volv?a a estar fl?ccido, me qued? en la cama, m?s tranquilo, y me qued? dormido. Una llamada me despert?. Sonaba el m?vil. Lo cog? y vi que pon?a n?mero privado. Descolgu? y contest?. -Hola, Enrique, soy M?nica, perdona por no haberte llamado antes pero... bueno, que estoy aqu?, en la puerta del hotel. ?Bajas o subo? Intent? pensar tranquilamente. Si dejaba a M?nica entrar en mi habitaci?n ser?a la primera vez que otra persona me ver?a vestido de mujer, algo que llevaba en secreto. Por otro lado, la tentaci?n de estar con una mujer vestido de Claudia era tan fuerte que era irresistible. Tampoco lo pens? mucho, treinta segundos despu?s le indiqu? cu?l era el n?mero de mi habitaci?n. Cuando colgu? el tel?fono, me mir? nervioso en el espejo. Joder, ten?a que arreglarme un poquito. Me fui al ba?o y me limpi? el pene. Me volv? a colocar todo en su sitio: las tetas falsas, el sujetador, el pene hacia dentro, las braguitas, las medias (que las volv? a ajustar al liguero), la falda ajustada, la blusa blanca y la chaqueta de lana. Me cambi? los zapatos por unas botas de cuero negro y tac?n alto y fino. Volv? al sal?n y me encend? un cigarrillo. Era puro nervio y cuando son? el timbre, casi exploto. Me acerqu? a la puerta y mir? por la mirilla y all? estaba M?nica, una preciosa morena de pelo largo y rizado. Cog? aire fuertemente y abr? la puerta, dejando que pasara ella. -Hola, ?qu? chica m?s guapa!- dijo. -Hola, M?nica. T? s? que eres guapa.? M?nica era una preciosa chica rubia de pelo largo. Llevaba un vestido negro de tirantes finos, era corto y ajustado; unas medias negras y unas sandalias negras de tiras de tac?n alto y fino. Llevaba una chaquetilla de lana en la mano derecha y un bolso de mano en la izquierda. Camin? delante de m? y se sent? en el sof?. Me fij? en que llevaba las u?as de los pies pintadas de rojo, el mismo color que las u?as de la mano. Ten?a un buen par de tetas que destacaban en el escote del vestido negro. No sab?a qu? hacer. Estaba nervios?simo y excitad?simo. Segu?a de pie, balance?ndome sobre los altos tacones de las botas y con las manos apoyadas en la cadera. M?nica me hizo un gesto para que me sentara junto a ella. Camin? hasta el sill?n y me sent? encima de ella. -?C?mo te llamas, preciosidad?- me pregunt? -Jasmine, es mi nombre de guerra.- y me sent? rid?culo mientras lo dec?a. -Mmmm, un nombre de guerra precioso. Tengo una sed tremenda, ?qu? tienes para m?? Me levant? y se?al? el mueble bar. Ella se levant? y pas? delante de m? para acercarse al mueble bar. Sent? el olor de su colonia y aquello me excit? m?s todav?a. Sac? del mueble bar un par de botellitas de vodka y un bote de zumo de naranja y prepar? dos combinados mientras yo la miraba hacer, escondiendo el nerviosismo fumando un cigarrillo. Cuando finaliz?, me acerc? un vaso, lo cog? y beb? un trago largo de aquella bebida que para siempre asociar?a con aquella noche. Nos sentamos en un sof? que estaba enfrente de la cama de matrimonio. -Dime, Jasmine, ?hace mucho que te vistes de mujer? -Desde los 16 a?os, aunque en los ?ltimos meses el deseo de vestirme ha sido mayor. -Sabes que eres muy sexy.- dijo M?nica. Yo me estaba retorciendo de gusto. Ten?a el pene, metido entre las piernas y tapado con una compresa y las braguitas, a punto de explotar. -Me gustar?a que me hicieras un pase de modelos. Quiero que camines por la habitaci?n con soltura y feminidad. Me levant?, me ajust? la falda y comenc? a caminar sobre los altos tacones de las botas negras que llevaba puestas. Cada vez que la miraba, M?nica me sonre?a. -Ven aqu?, preciosidad. Qu?tate esas botas. Me sent? y me quit? las botas, dejando mis pies cubiertos con las medias negras al aire. Cruc? las piernas y esper?. -?Te gustar?a que te pintara las u?as de los pies?- pregunt?. Asent?. M?nica se agach? junto a m? y me solt? los cierres del liguero, extrajo las medias negras de mis piernas depiladas y las dej? sobre la cama. Apoy? los pies sobre el borde de la cama. M?nica se fue al ba?o y trajo papel higi?nico para no manchar el edred?n. Coloqu? los pies encima del papel y luego ella me puso peque?os trozos de papel entre los dedos, para separarlos. Luego sac? de su bolso un bote de laca roja y comenz? a pintarme las u?as. La visi?n de M?nica pint?ndome las u?as de los pies me excit? sobremanera y trat? de acomodarme el pene, que luchaba por salir de mis braguitas. Ella vio mi gesto y acerc? su cara a mis braguitas. Las baj? con la boca y extrajo mi pene con la lengua. Lo meti? en su boca de labios rojos y comenz? a chuparlo suavemente. Me agarr? al sof? por detr?s fuertemente tratando de mantener la calma, pero era imposible: M?nica me ten?a a su merced. Continuar?...

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Una Noche

'Hmph, ' he said, looking at his brother flatly. 'Yeah, you'd really do something like that.' Nick raised an eyebrow, challenging him. 'You really think I wouldn't?' He snorted, shaking his head a little, a smirk spreading across his lips. Drew stared at him incredulously, pulling off his baseball cap and running a hand through his hair. 'No, I don't.' He replaced the cap, shrugging a shoulder. 'Besides, it's not like you would even want to in the first place.' Nick laughed,...

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My most awesome story

Introduction: My total fantacy This story is my biggest fantasy and not real at all.CHAPTER ONEIt’s about my fantastic family. My Mom, Dee Dee, my sister, Midge and myself. My name is Denny and I’ve wanted to tell this story for a long time.About two years ago when I was 17 and a junior in high school and my sister was a sophomore and 16, my Dad unexpectedly died in a car crash. My Mom, sister and I were, of course, completely crushed. My Mom and Dad had had a fantastic relationship and were...

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Sunaina Mere Virgin Girlfriend And Parosi

Hi, friend ya story bikul orignal hai .Pehle mai apne bare mai bta deta hu mai amritsar sa hu mere nam abhi hai height 5.6 ft hai and mere lund 6 inch lamba hai 2 inch mota hai mera rang gora and body maintain hai gym jane k wja sa. Chalo ab story par ata hu .Ya bat 2015 ki hai jab maine apne graduation k complete hone k bad job karna start kiya .Mai mobiles company mai job karne lga jis wja sa mere area mai sab and mere reletives b phn ya electronics lane k mere salah lane lage.Fr ek din mere...

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Aruna Kumari Madam Our English Teacher

Hi readers, I am Raj Kumar from Vizag ( Andhra) and im 27 yrs now. Telling about me I am 6ft tall and 6.5 inch thick cock. If you like this story mail me on This is a true incident which happened in year 2001 when I am in 12th class. I studied most of my schooling in boarding school and my school is a kind of military based school. Due to military training and other hard sports and stuffs I gained good muscle at that age only. Our school had hard rules, like Even in 12th grade the students in...

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Guna 8211 My Partner 8211 Part V

Hi friends this is Harsha once again. a million thanks to ISS for publishing my stories, now I got lot of chat friends and well wishers around me I’m really thank ISS from my heart. New to my story please read the previous part of Guna my partner 1,2,3,and 4. now let us continue to my life, after the shit thing we guna and Suresh once again had some good sex with my mom, I just sucked and licked both guys ass and cock from that Suresh start to stay in our house itself he very rare go to his...

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An Awesome Introduction In A Mall

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net On Saturday, August 05, 2017 I had an appointment with a doctor at the Heera Panna Shopping Mall, Hiranandani area at Powai, Mumbai. After my appointment, I decided to take a stroll and was doing some window shopping. As I was walking down one of the small corridors, suddenly a young mother with her four-year-old daughter, rush past ahead of me and then they were just walking casually in front of me. I was walking at my own...

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Kunal Entered My House

Helloo friends, I am Aditi Sharma from Delhi India, 25 years and married heaving two small kids.My husband runs his business in Singapore and I stay here in India with my father in law and two kids.I am graduate in studies and mostly whenever am free I like to chat, surfing net mostly Orkut, going out in parties, and I also go gym regularly to keep myself fit,its all my daily life routine.I am 5″5 in height and have exquisite features, I have great body to die for, sensual curves, I have also...

2 years ago
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The Amazing Story of the Amazing Awesome Girl Who Is Amazing

Have I ever told you that I am the best sneaker ever! Because I totes am. Sneak, sneak, sneak, I went as I moved past the rows of beds filled with sleeping women, and I didn't even hum my theme tune or anything. And it's a really great theme tune. It goes, "Na na, na na naa." Oops, wait, there I went. I looked around. No one heard; everyone still slept. Still best sneaker ever! Go team Awesome Girl! That's me by the way, Awesome Girl. Okay, technically I'm Henchgirl Number Thirty Two...

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Guna My Partner 8211 Part VI

Hi friends this is Harsha once again for you with my real life experience, I first of all want to thank Iss and all those friends who regularly send mail and encourage me …..thanks to all you……and who all new to the story plz read the previous part of guna my partner part -1,2,3,4 and 5 and moving on to my life after they came from Rasaak and Sabil my mom Sunitha became very tired and as she want to take rest for the next day vigorous fuck she gone to sleep straight away, so guna and Suresh had...

4 years ago
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Seeking Enlightenment through Bondage I am a creature of habit. I do the same thing, the same way, in the same order, every day. Well, work days, at least. When I walk out the door in the morning, I'm carrying a stuffed-full lunch bucket and a mostly-full coffee cup. The coffee cup becomes depressingly empty on the way to work and gets left in the car, but the bucket goes in with me. When I get home in the evening, I put the half-empty bucket and the useless coffee cup on my spoiler and walk...

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Aruna Ki Chut Ka Bura Hal Kiya

Mai ek achi family se belong krta hu,sex ka bda hi pyasa hu,mera lund 7.1 inch lamba hai and 2.8 inch mota hai aur ekdam lohe ki rod jaisa mjbut hai,jb kbi m muth marta hu to 1 ghante me jhadta hu khne ka mtlb hai ki stamina bht h,body bi achi h,dikhne me bi acha hu.. Ab m tmhe aruna ke bare me btadu,aruna meri padosan hai jiski shadi ko 2 sal ho gye hai and uska 1 baby bi hai,vo dikhne me ek dam husan ki rani hai,26 sal ki h par dkhne me 18 ki ladki ko bi fail kr skti hai,aruna ke boobs 34 hai...

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Awesome Ariel in Adam 4 Fierce Fingering

Awesome Ariel almost faints from fingering by Professor Peter P, under his sexy showerAriel is hot from her dirty dancing, horny from all looks she got, warm & wet from pants pee.Ariel is glad Professor Peter P undresses, and her as well, as soon as they arrive at his home.Ariel always wanted to take a lovely long sexy shower with a man, who knows what he can.Ariel feels that the water is warm. Has hot hopes of what happens to her under the shower.Ariel is allowed to squat down on all...

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Awesome With A Couple

Hi Guys, this is my first sex story hence I do not know how to start or proceed. Anyway this is a fantasy story which describes the cuckold feeling of a husband. I am not a cuck but know the feelings of cuck from my past experience through chats. Too much talking, lets continue with this story. I hope to get your valuable feedback on my mail id: . Let the husbands name be Vikram and his wife Sapna. We met on a chatting website and he messaged me saying a Hi seeing my username as youngmale21....

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Annual Day Practice Led To An Awesome Foursome

Hello I am Avinash Kundra. Been an avid reader of Indian Sex Stories since I was 16. Now I am 18 and here I am sharing you one of my incident happened at the end of our 12th std. Please send me your feedbacks: . Gals interested for sex chats can also contact me. Find me on fb. Do mention that you are Indian Sex Stories reader when you message. It was one of the day, our class started dance practice for annual day. Were all were practicing really very hard for it. We were divided into groups of...

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Awesome Experience With Friend Of My Girlfriend

Hi, this is my second story at ISS. Link of my first real life story is I m raj 32,working as an electrical Engg, fun loving by nature, 66 kgs of weight and stands 5’8″ tall .I love traveling a lot and keep moving to almost all major cities of India. I have been a regular reader of sex adventures over here and at last thought to pen down my real experiences . My life has been very colorful and now I have decided to share my real life experiences with wonderful readers at this site. I am not a...

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My First Awesome Sex Experience

Hi ISS Readers, I am a regular reader of ISS and so I decided to share the story of my first sex when I lost my virginity. Let me introduce myself first, I am Snehal, a 23 year hot, sexy and adorable girl from Nagpur. My size 34-30-34, and height 5’4″. Let come to the story now, this incidence was happened last week. As I told u that I am a regular ISS reader, last month I read a story of a guy named Darsh, how he take virginity of his girlfriend. Darsh is also from Nagpur and I liked his story...

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Saunas in Europe 1 Austrian Spa

*** Prolog *** This one is from some time ago and pretty much one of my first sauna experiences. I've not been to saunas until my last twenties. I've been to spas and resorts quite often but always avoided sauna spaces as I assumed it would be awkward and also too hot and sweaty. This story happened about five years ago and me and my girlfriend (still the same today!) were on vacation at some spa resort in Austria. It was a super-stylish hotel that was attached to a huge family spa...

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Lunar Ch 01

Chapter 1: A Night of Meetings I guess this is a story I’ve already written, but because it’s not on this site yet, and the story was PG-13 when I first did it around 5 years ago, I decided it could use some buffing and a bit more romance than it had, I hope you all like it, and I hope I can keep up the submissions regularly to this ‘novel’ — — I snuck slowly along the outside of the meeting, hearing the droning chant of cultists. ‘Lunar, you have two guards fifty feet up according to...

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The Orchid The Storyteller

This story is an allegory of a real life relationship that developed in my life. It helped me cope with disappointment, and to perhaps be better able to accept the reality that had crashed upon my infatuated fantasy. I cope with the friendship better now, having decided that staying a part of her life is better than nothing, yet there are times when the attraction is still magnetic. I’m sure there are many of you out there who have experienced such a thing and perhaps this will give you a...

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Awesome friendships story

Introduction: a totally straight friend relationship gone awry in one night Silent Submission I’ve always been the quiet shy k**. That and having to move 3 times during high school crippled my social life. I’m 6 feet tall, short brown hair that curls when it gets long, brown eyes and broad shoulders. I’m straight and homophobic to be quite honest. I had a girlfriend back in California in 8th grade but it was really nothing serious, just someone to walk with during classes. In my high school in...

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Awesome Ariel in Adam 5 Lesbian Lessons

Awesome Ariel encounters erotic experiments at Professor Peter Poet & Princess Petra Awesome Ariel ends first Friday late, it is Saturday by now, and dawn when she falls asleep.Ariel is in spoons position between Professor Peter Poet and his dear dod Princess Petra.Ariel had nice new erotic experiences last evening and night, as Sex Student of Professor P.Ariel had her 'Intimate Interview', followed by a nice naughty night out, doing 'Dirty Dancing'.Awesome Ariel wakes up, when precious...

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Alessandra Autobiography 3 Awesome Photos

Alessandra is awesome, lovely and lonelyAlessandra sits lonely at home. No more school to suffer. Still she suffers at home, mostly all alone. Only her elder bro Rob shows some understanding and sometimes offers her his helping hand. To avoid a complete scholarly stand still, he borrows her his computer and shows her sites, where she can pick up some useful knowledge for free. Later, he takes her along running a few times a week, to keep her in some shape. Linda is still her only friend in...

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Nailed An Awesome Milf In Dehradun

Hello, Indian Sex Stories fraternity.! This is my real sex story. Myself Sunny from the city of love Dehradun! I am 29 yrs old commerce graduate. I am 5ft 8inches tall fair complexioned with a muscular body and blessed with a thick and long dick which can make any lady die for.! I am single and a hardcore classy sex lover. Any classy girl, lady feel free to contact me for some awesome time and memorable moments.Complete privacy and security guaranteed and expected. My email: well coming to the...

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Awesome Experience With My Girlfriend

Hi. This is viraaj again. This is the story of first sex with my girlfriend “Snehal”. Snehal & I went into relationship after the 12th board exams. We were really together from there along. We joined the crash course, went to yoga , most of the activities, we used to be together. We were literally inseparable. After getting good score in MHT-CET, Snehal got admission in one of the private autonomous institute & I got the admission in government college in Amravati. we were sad as we now had to...

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Unexpected But Awesome 8211 Neighbor8217s Treat

Hi everybody, myself SuperHulk (obviously named changed) , and I am going to narrate my awesome sex session with my busty neighbor that happened just 3 days back and how it all started. My name is Superhulk (obviously name changed) I’m 5 ft 8inches tall with a muscular body. I am 21 years old and currently doing b.com in a very reputed college in Mumbai. This is my first story out here so hope it’ll leave behind some wet pussies and hard dick. Feel free to give your feedback at ;.com . I will...

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Awesome Sex Experience With My Friend

Hellu dosto, this is my first story on ISS. My name is Rishav Sharma, from a beautiful city Guwahati (Assam). My story is 100% genuine and true. It’s about one of my friend and me. My friend’s name is Naina. God has just awarded her with awesome assets. Like other guys I can’t say about the boobs size and hips size. For any feedback or for any enjoyment if needed to any1 just knock at Now coming to the story… This story is about just 6months before. Till date I have done lots of sex with lots...

2 years ago
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Australian StoryChapter 39 Awesome

Thursday 11-Oct 2007 They arrived a little early at Joe's coffee shop. The first thing Chris did was pick up the paper. The headline was real simple: "AWESOME". Splashed across the front page was huge photo of Lisa with Andrew beside her. She was directing something with her arm, her expression focused and happy. In the background there were students sitting on the road studying. And she did look awesome. Beside the picture, in big obvious text, was the email that they'd drafted last...

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Kunal Uncle visits Savita and Ashok Comic Video

// Ashok’s Kunal uncle is going to visit them again. Savita bhabhi remembers Kunal uncle’s last visit 3 years back. She had cheated on Ashok for the first time and lusted for Rohit’s dick. Kunal uncle had caught her masturbating in her room. Not just that, she was moaning out Rohit’s name aloud as well! What will Kunal do, seeing his daughter-in-law in this situation? Watch this video and find out: Savita Bhabhi: Episode 25 – Bahu ka Farz. Liked the trailer? You can watch the full video...

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Submissive Ssters 2 Awesome Anne Wants Ass We

Anne is awesomely attractive. She has a hot slender sexy fine figure. Anne is as smart as pretty, this blonde beauty with her curly hair and rare emerald eyes. Anne is freshmen'at a journalist school, outside our Amsterdam. And also still a vintage virgin at eighteen! Which makes her feel shy, apparently unwanted by those elder,erotically experienced men, whom she might want to invite to take her first. And next soon also her , hidden deeper behind her beautiful blond bushes underneath her...

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Awesome Alycia Sex Schools Verified Virgin Video

Alycia Abused AcquanintedActress Amazing Amateur Amusee As Astoundedas Attractive Awesome aa Boobies Bare Beautifulelted Best Bilingual Bisexual Blond Baby Beauty Bare Blows BDSM-submissiveCandid Careful Carelessly Central Climaxing & Clitorial Climaxin& -- Coming from Penile PenistrationDaring Dear 'Dirty Defloration Demonstration Destimnation Doll Doing Doneas 'Dyke's Dynami Dynamo Energizing from Eroticising Every Experience @ 'Experimental Erotics' Eventful Evenings Enorm Eyes Fine...

2 years ago
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Awesome Ariel in Adam 2 Intimate Interview

'Intimate Interview' is an Inspection, first of physical, next of psychological state of a Sex Student An 'Intimate Interview' starts with an 'Intimate Inspection' of bodily beauties, fully nude, legs spread.Intimate Inspection includes in any case 'Solo Sex', performed as first student test she has to pass.It might be followed by a test for her talent to suck succesfully the male member of her Professor. Intimite Inspection of her mind and soul is definitively the hardest part of all the...

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Awesome Experience With Married Woman

Dear friends, I am not mentioning names here(confidential). We respect each other a lot. I respect women & feelings.Hello i am shadowpndtMarried lady is from sainikpuri, secunderabad… gorgeous, lovely, she maintains structure well, 5.6 in height, 38 32 38 awesome boobs, with big ass anyone would love to die for her.. She has no k**s.The sex story starts here… we started with chatting at yahoo messenger for hours and started cam chat we use to see each other in cam, liked each other very...

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Awesome Erotic Fun With Indian Sex Stories Reader

Hello everyone , this is Rahul currently working in a mnc company in Chennai and thanks for the feedback for my previous indian sex story and after that I had two encounters with two readers , no no , not threesome , separate encounters :-) :-) and please do not ask any details about them, anyways I’m not gonna give a damn about them. Last time few people even scolded me for not sharing the girl’s picture, I’m not gonna give anything, just read and masturbate. Now, coming right into the...

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Awesome Sex With My Cousin Bhabhi

Hello All, Hope you all are having a wonderful day!! This story is all about how I ended up in a sensual relationship with my cousin bhabhi. I am a college student with normal physic. My bhabhi is so beautiful and awesome and she has got all the assets to satisfy a man in all the possible way. She has got those pink nipples and awesome pussy. Coming to the story, my bhabhi is newly married and friendly in nature. I don’t know if she had any affair before marriage but I was always in the search...

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Fucked Avantika And Her Bhabhi Awesome Threesome

Hello, I am Avtansh Kundra again.Those who don’t know me can read my last story.I am from Ghaziabad. Please, send me your feedbacks . Girls interested for sex chats can also contact me. Do mention that you are ISS reader when you message. This time it is my fantasy. I and Avantika were discussing sex and during roleplay this scene happened. I am going to share this with you all. It’s just a fantasy this time. So let’s start with the story:   It was a long time after our foursome. She wanted...

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My Awesome Sex With My Friend

Hi, this is Syed, new to Indian sex story for writing a story, I am a follower of this site many years and have read a lot of stories. Today I will tell you friends about my first counter with my school friend Priya (name changed). We have been good friends from 10th standard. I used to go to her house, she used to come to my house often.The friendship was quite good and went fine. Let me describe me first. I am a tall guy 6 ft height and weight of 78kg, with a 6-inch tool. And Priya is around...

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Awesome Night With A Call Girl 8211 Second Experience

Hi readers, I’m new to ISS as an author but a great reader of stories for so many years. I’m Rahul Raj, 6ft and muscular body with a 6-inch cock.Here is the incident which happened some 6 months ago with a call girl named Lal(name shortened). Feel free to leave feedback at Girls and ladies, reach out to me for quick encounters or a secret relation, secrecy and privacy guaranteed. I’m a very friendly good with a lot of sense of humor.You will definitely enjoy my company. Reach me at for...

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