Lunar Ch. 01 free porn video

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Chapter 1: A Night of Meetings

I guess this is a story I’ve already written, but because it’s not on this site yet, and the story was PG-13 when I first did it around 5 years ago, I decided it could use some buffing and a bit more romance than it had, I hope you all like it, and I hope I can keep up the submissions regularly to this ‘novel’

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I snuck slowly along the outside of the meeting, hearing the droning chant of cultists.

‘Lunar, you have two guards fifty feet up according to scans, and they do have a civy they want to cut loose from the mortal coil’ His decker code named Eagle said, while punching keys and keeping checks on the area.

‘Hey, got family?’ Lunar asked, pulling out his silenced berretta, and stepping slowly forward, crouched low among bushes.

‘Two girls, you?’ Eagle asked.

‘None, that’s why I’m out here, and you’re behind the boards in a van, talking to a microphone in my ear.’ Lunar said, stepping behind a tree as the two guards moved near him ‘Radio Silence’ He whispered, listening as he heard their steps slow, and stop, turning around. ‘Alright, safe zones?’

‘You’re clear on the north, and west, the men are southeast, and the virgin sacrifice is due south, around twenty meters, mildly guarded.’ Eagle said, checking maps to make sure he remembered correctly.

‘Amateurs.’ Lunar said, stepping through the shadows and seeing the tan tent that was the holding area, about a half mile further south was the fire pit, where an orgy was commencing, in which the virgin girl would be taken, raped by the crowd, and then dropped in acid. ‘So these guys are murderers, rapists, and the Higher Ups sent just me?’ Lunar said with a dry laugh, cutting a hole in the back of the tent with his razor edged dagger, just enough to see the inside.

Lunar shook his head, he had a migraine bad enough to name, and it was only getting worse, seeing the young girl crying, barely clothed and being grabbed at by two men, Lunar decided to make an example.

Aiming his pistol he grinned and let loose two rounds, both in the head of his opponents before cutting through the back of the tent and stepping in.

‘Are… are you with the FBI?’ the girl said, red eyed with tears streaming down her face.

‘It would be best if you thought that, out that hold and a mile toward the moon is a van, the man in it goes by Eagle, he’ll take care of you and drop you home, the people here won’t get away with this.’ Lunar said, taking out his clip and putting two rounds in it before relocking it and cocking the pistol.

‘What’s your name?’ She asked, hugging him.

This is the part of the job I hate. thought Lunar Mushy victims, wanting to thank their hero

‘Call me Lunar, it’s not my name, but… it’s the most I can tell you without breaking more rules than you’d ever like to hear, now get out of here kid, you’re too young to see this.’ Lunar said, taking out a small box.

The girl ran, knowing she’d never see Lunar again, but knowing that as long as he existed, she’d feel safer.

Dropping to his knee’s from the pain in his head Lunar fell back, hitting his head lightly on the ground, and stood himself up. Fucking migraines’ Lunar said, getting up to his knees and opening a small pill bottle with one little white pill, tasking it and swallowing it he rubbed his temples slowly, looking at that box. ‘Thank God for stable explosives.’ He said quietly, dusting off and walking out the tent.

Walking slowly toward the orgy of bodies, most male, some female, he heard the writhing moans of passion, and grinned, ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ He said, pressing the timer on the bomb, and throwing it into the crowd, it landed with a soft thud, unnoticed to the mad, and the psychotic.

Hearing one man scream from pleasure made him laugh gently, Now see, I like this part of the job Lunar thought, jogging away from the orgy, still smelling sex in the air, and still remembering the writhing and sweaty bodies, humping the summer air before an explosion hit them.

An hour later, Lunar was in his office, migraine subsided and Grim, his ‘boss’, if one could call it that, looking over paperwork.

Grim was a man in his thirties, with the cover of being an executive to the Sears Corporation, when in actuality he’s an executive to the A.O.D. Anti-Occultist Division, a small set of groups started in the 1970’s by a rich man who lost two kids to a Cult, and decided to make a small organization working outside the boundaries of the Law to prevent such things.

‘Clean job, not bad, only a few survivors, who were swept up after you left the site. The girl is fine, her parents will keep this quiet, as per usual, and I have more paperwork to give to The Boss, and my wife will probably want my balls on a plate, as per usual. Take my advice Lunar, stay single.’ Grin said, closing the file and walking to his car.

‘I’m planning on it Grim, now, take my advice, divorce.’ Lunar said, smiling and walking toward town, he had the money for a nice car, and even had one, but… he hated cars.

Walking to the corner store Lunar stepped in now instead of wearing his black suit, with gun holster and assorted technical gear, he had a black trench coat, silk black shirt, and matching pants on, with black running shoes. He wasn’t gothic, or morbid, just not very social, he never knew how to introduce himself, and alas, at 25, was not only alone, but still a virgin.

‘Terry, good to see you.’ Lunar said.

‘Cecil, I’ll be damned, you were here just this morning, how are you?’ Terry the store owner said.

‘I’m good, just picking up some smoke, usual brand and all, and a carton of milk for the night.’ Cecil De’Lunar said, knowing that Terry wouldn’t be calling him Lunar, like Grim and Eagle did.

‘Sounds good, I’ll get your cigarettes and you go back and grab the milk.’ Terry said, hearing lightning crash in the night. ‘Might want to add an umbrella to that.’

‘No, I’m fine, I grew up in Cleveland, there’s enough rain there to make me used to it.’ Cecil said, getting the milk and watching Terry ring it up. Passing Terry a 20 and talking off Cecil said, ‘Tell the wife I said ‘hi’.’

‘That man never asks for change.’ Terry said, putting the 20 in the cash drawer and scratching his head.

Jogging in the rain Cecil got a few blocks and slowed down, not wanting to wear himself out. Crossing the street he heard a skidding, looking carefully he saw an old car sliding along the wet pavement, looking carefully at the driver he saw a terrified woman, and realized he had no time to react, he jumped, and landed on the hood, which promptly stopped with him on it, throwing him to the pavement where he landed, head and shoulders first into the ground.

Sarah McKinning was terrified, she came from Islington just a few months ago, and already she had killed a man with her old English car.

‘Oh shit, oh bloody Christ! I just killed the bloke… what if he isn’t dead! Oh I have to put him in the car and get him to the Doctors!’ She yelled, getting out of her car and dragging the dreadfully heavy man into the back seat, falling on top of him, and smelling his clean black hair, noticing it was long and in a pony tail, getting off of him she got behind the wheel and sped to the hospital, which was one town over and quite large.

Admitting him was easy, explaining that he had slipped over a puddle while running and banged his head, casually discarding honesty.

Remind me never to walk again Cecil though, ignoring the fact that he was supposed to be knocked out, and got stitched up with minimal anesthetic.

A nurse went through his belongings, and fished out a card instructing her to call a number if he ever went into a hospital unconscious, or dead. Dialing and hearing a man who sounded tired answer, asking what had happened, and then hung up after he heard that Cecil had gone in because of a head wound
but was fine and stable after a few stitches.

Sarah sat next to Cecil in a chair, looking at him nervously, the R.N. who checked on him thought they were married, so she let Sarah stay on that basis only. Sarah felt nervous and awful, and so decided to talk, it always cheered her up.

‘So, who are you stranger?’ Sarah said, smiling as she looked at him in the light. ‘You’re really handsome, you know that? I’m sure you do, but I see no ring, which is a fairly good sign, I’m Sarah, Sarah McKinning, I just moved here from Islington, it’s a part of England, I’m sure you have no idea where though.’

Sarah ran her hands through his wet hair, feeling it being very smooth. ‘You’re well groomed, which is a plus, in England men bathed once a week, it was dreadful. I think it’s time I get to know you though.’ Sarah said, pulling his drivers license from his belongings and reading it out loud. ‘Cecil De’Lunar, sounds nice, though the nationality evades me, I wonder if you changed it to that. Eye color… other? Not brown, blue, green, hazel, or gray? Other? That’s unusual, how did you do that?’ She asked looking at his dace, seeing him breathe slowly. ‘Well, seems like this says you’re 6 meters tall… that can’t be right, I don’t know standard measurements, and if you were 175 kilograms, I’d be scared.’ Sarah said, seeing Cecil chuckle gently.

‘I’m sorry, I just… I like the sound of your voice.’ Cecil said, opening his eyes to see her smiling down at him from the chair. ‘I… I don’t talk much, you missed my job, I’m a landscaper, see, I just usually plant things, and keep to work, I guess I’m a workaholic and… Just not social.’ Cecil said sitting up and grabbing his head in pain.

‘Oh, are you alright?’ Sarah asked, holding his hand.

‘Migraine… I have caffeine headaches a lot…’ Cecil said, wincing and sitting back down.

‘I’ll get some coffee, okay?’ Sarah asked, as Cecil nodded, wincing in terrible pain. A minute later Sarah came back with a steaming cup, followed by a man in a doctor’s coat, who looked tired and angry.

‘What seems to be the problem Mr. De’Lunar.’ He said, with an angry glare.

‘Oh, Gr… I mean Doctor, right, uhm, nothing, just bumped my head really, but I’ve already been seen, you’re in the wrong room.’ Cecil said, smiling at his boss.

‘Good, glad to hear it, you have a nice day, you can leave if you want, and it’s cleared.’ Grim said, walking out and into the bathroom to change back into his normal clothes and go home to a screaming wife.

‘Sarah, I hope I’m not to forward, but, would you mind having breakfast with me?’ Cecil asked, looking down a bit because of his shyness.

‘I feel I owe you it at the least.’ Sarah said, turning around o he could get dressed and ready then taking his arm, which he as awkward about, but accepting, and walking with him to her car, which looked more rickety without the storm.

They drove and talked about their respective homes, Sarah came from a loving family and was a bad girl through her younger years, now, and just out of college she was working as a freelance artist. Cecil came from a family without the mother, whom died in birth, he explained that he knew his dad resented him since his mother’s death, but, in the end understood, and just left one day, heading east to a small town in New York.

Cecil spotted Sherry’s Diner and motioned toward it, it being the only place open at 3 am. Pulling into the lot, Cecil got out fast and opened Sarah’s door, trying to remember how one should act for a lady. Opening the diner’s door for her Cecil stepped into a nearly empty room, seeing one old man in a gray trench coat sipping coffee he noticed that graveyard shifters were on break.

‘Sherry, still awake back there?’ Cecil said, walking over to his usual booth and sitting, offering Sarah a seat across from him which she accepted. Cecil looked at hear this time, and really looked at her. She had long blonde hair that went nearly to her waist, but it was tied back, and also very deep blue eyes, which were not nearly as unusual as his lavender eyes, but up there. Her skin was a gentle tan, while his was unusually pale for a ‘landscaper’.

‘Cecil? Oh my god, you’re with the Brit? Sorry honey, I only know you’re English.’ Sherry said, Sherry was a middle aged overweight woman who ran the diner with her family.

‘It’s alright, I’m Sarah.’ Sarah said smiling.

‘Wow, she’s polite, how could she be with a gunslinger like you Cecil?’ Sherry said.

‘Gunslinger?’ Sarah asked, looking at the increasingly red cheeked Cecil.

‘Two soups, whatever kind and some toast to go with it, we’ll need it for the talk.’ Cecil said, sighing. ‘Alright, Sarah, I am trained and legally allowed to use a Beretta 9mm, a .357 Magnum, and a Rifle, it’s what I do in my spare time, and, well, I carry around my Beretta a lot, and this guy came in to rob the joint, and I simply pressed it to the back of his head, when he turned to fire, I caught his shotgun between my elbow and side, and hit him with the base of my gun, knocking him out. So she called me ‘The Gunslinger’.’ Cecil said between breaths.

‘I see, a modern day hero then?’ Sarah asked, holding Cecil’s hand, which made him increasingly nervous.

‘Not a hero, just a guy.’ Cecil said, modestly, but honestly. He was no hero, he just did his job. A few minutes later the soup was ready, minestrone, like always. Making light talk while eating was easy, but watching the clock go by wasn’t, they left at 4:30 Am., trying to not leave each others company.

‘Want me to give you a ride home?’ Sarah asked.

‘Yeah, yeah that’d be great.’ Cecil said, trying to think of how he could keep her with him even minutes longer.

Cecil gave the right directions, and they came to his estate minutes later, which had a driveway lined with oaks, large sweeping tree’s that blocked light during the day along the alley.

‘This is yours?’ Sarah said, shocked.

‘I don’t think it much,’ Cecil said honestly, ‘just the place where I hang my hat.’

‘I would expect quite a large hat on you then.’ Sarah said slyly, teasing Cecil’s shyness.

The house was simply said, large, it had 25 full rooms, four of which had beds, but Cecil just used one, because he tried to keep everything neat around his home. His training facility took up the entire basement, which was larger than most of the house itself, but kept locked. His attic was a single room, and nearly empty, except for some things he took with him when he left home.

‘So, would you like to have a cup of coffee?’ Cecil asked, nervously.

‘No wonder you have caffeine headaches so often, do you drink anything other than that?’ Sarah asked, jokingly.

‘Well, wine, if the occasion calls for it.’ Cecil said, trying to sound less nervous than he was.

‘Has it ever?’ Sarah asked honestly, trying to see if he was the hermit she thought him to be.

‘Not yet.’ Cecil said with a sigh, ‘Well, I’m going to go in I guess, if you want I can give you my number.’ he said, sadly.

‘I haven’t turned down the invitation Cecil.’ Sarah said, running her hand along his mildly rugged cheek, because it had been about 20 hours since he shaved last.

‘Oh… okay.’ Cecil said, opening his door, and walking in, turning on the lights. The house was nice, English in design that Cecil had built for him after his first year in the A.O.D. as a celebration of his success. Now, he simply went in the basement, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and library, ignoring the rest of the house he considered to be his tomb.

‘So, where is the wine?’ Sarah asked, wanting to give him a reason to drink it.

‘Well, I have one bottle that’s been in the fridge for… I guess about four years, since I turned 21, I never have touched it, so it’s probably good, and I’ll get some glasses.’ Cecil said, walking toward his fridge and opening it, seeing it fairly filled with vegetables, beef, and other
well balanced things.

I’ve never drunken before, this could be awful. Cecil thought, taking the wine out and uncorking it, pouring two glasses, but keeping his only half full.

‘Thank you.’ Sarah said, hugging Cecil, to which he was shocked, but even worse, he enjoyed it. Smiling and taking a sip, then coughing, Cecil watched Sarah laugh. ‘Is it bad, or have you never tasted it before?’

‘I never drink.’ Cecil said, shyly, and trying to look away.

Sarah reached out and held his cheek, knowing she was falling for this shy and quiet man, ‘I also have not said that was a bad thing Cecil.’ She leaned in to kiss him, but he backed up.

‘I’m… I’m sorry, I just… I never dated in high school or college, never partied, never-‘

‘Did this?’ Sarah said, kissing him gently, and hearing his glass fall to the red carped and splash along it.

The kiss was amazing, as far as Cecil knew, her lips were soft and full, and her hair smelled like strawberries. Feeling his heart throb in his chest he returned the kiss timidly, holding her to him.

‘So you’re an unopened bottle then?’ Sarah asked, giggling.

‘Pardon?’ Cecil asked, confused.

‘A Virgin.’ Sarah stated, looking downwards, ‘I would say that means yes, would you agree?’ She said pointing and giggling.

Great, first girl I even think I can talk to and she laughs at me, way to go. Cecil though, ‘Yeah, I am…’ He said, picking up the glass and walking into the kitchen, putting it away.

‘Well I’m terribly sorry love, I hope you don’t mind me knowing.’ Sarah said following him.

‘No trouble, so, what would you like to do?’ Cecil said, quietly.

For a Yankee bloke he’s quite sweet… I really like him, might be the eyes, the innocence, that cool deep voice, but I do like him… Maybe. Sarah thought smiling, ‘Well, what do you do in this giant place?’ she asked.

‘Generally I read, I have a library on the third floor.’ He said, smiling.

‘I’ll race you there love.’ Sarah said, poking him in the stomach and running to the main hall and up the stairs. Cecil followed slowly, not sure what to do, apparently his reading was a good thing.

Getting to the top of the stairs he noticed something on the floor, picking it up he saw it was Sarah’s shirt. Turning bright red Cecil finally realized what she might have wanted.

Slowly walking in the long library, organized by genre, then author, Cecil heard the Echo of his steps, but not hers. Seeing a pair of women’s shoes on the ground gave him the reason why. Picking them up, Cecil trotted on, and made his way to the romance section, figuring it’s where she would be. Seeing a bra on the floor gave him the answer, but this library was a maze, he would not find her easily, reading the back of the white cotton he read ’36 D’ Not knowing what that meant, he simply continued on, oblivious.

This is so much fun! I love teasing blokes, but this one is damn fun. I wonder if he knows what we’ll be doing among his books yet. Sarah though, smiling to herself slyly, she had been in a bad way ever since she left her boyfriend home, though he was insensitive he was a good lay, and she needed someone now, and needed Cecil.

This is mad, I’ve never done this, how come I have to do this with someone who hit me with her car? Is this some kind of way of making sure I don’t sue or something? If that’s true this it the lowest… His train of thought went on but it wasn’t any getting any nicer.

Feeling a body against his back and holding him close, he stopped, and dropped the clothes.

‘You didn’t find a few Cecil.’ Sarah said, holding him against her so he could see nothing.

‘I have a feeling you’re thinking this is a game, well, it is, but not the way you’re thinking. I like you Cecil, and I would like to make you mine tonight, in the worst of ways,’ she said in his ear, kissing it. ‘Though, I fear you don’t understand my meaning with this.’ Sarah said, sliding her hands down his chest slowly and grabbing him through his silk pants, feeling everything through them.

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It had been almost 8 months since Amol and Priyanka had started their bizarre cuckold relationship with Zoheb. Zoheb and Priyanka had met each other during this time on and off. Sometimes they met along with Amol and sometimes without him. Initially Priyanka had been hesitant in presence of her husband, but as the time went on, she had become much more comfortable with her husband’s presence and in fact she had become even more open with her lovemaking with Zoheb when Amol was present. To...

2 years ago
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Daughters Hot Home MoviesChapter 2

It was nearly five in the morning before Symphony finished her project. She took a few steps away from the bed and inspected her work. In one suitcase she had the camera; in the other was the recording equipment. The camera shot through a hole cut in the side of the suitcase and was held in place with Styrofoam. Finally, entirely exhausted from her hours of work, Symphony put the camera and other equipment away and crawled between the cool sheets of her bed. With a sigh she closed her eyes...

4 years ago
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sex with tution teacher

visit on to see top rated stories like theseHi all to my ISS readers this is Kiran again back with a real story. I hope u enjoyed my last story “sex with my neighbor aunty” . That story was my first experience and I was waiting for a nice and sexy lady with whom I want to spend whole one night and want to fuck her whole night. This happened when I was shopping in mall suddenly I saw my teacher her name is’Priya’ she was married and had one c***d. First let me tell u...

2 years ago
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Surefoot Ch 05 Show and Tell

USS Surefoot, Deck 5, Brig: ‘Not very palatial in here, is it?’ Giles had been lying in his bunk in the brig, staring at the blank wall opposite. Now, at the sight of Captain Hrelle standing on the other side of the force field door, he rose to attention. ‘At ease.’ As Giles relaxed a little, Hrelle nodded to the Security Officer at the brig control panel nearby, who turned off the energy screen long enough to allow the Captain to step inside. ‘Leave the screen down and go get yourself a...

4 years ago
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Siennas Seduction Part I

She and her boyfriend, Adam, had been coming to this club for a while now. Being from Ireland, it wasn’t really her thing. She preferred the pubs of the Temple Bar in Dublin with their relaxed atmosphere and air of craic to the seemingly frenetic chase for a mate – any mate – that she’d witnessed in Sydney’s nightclubs. She believed she was a confident person, but felt off kilter in these places, a feeling compounded by the fact that she’d started to change since being with Adam. She didn’t...

2 years ago
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Late Night Laundry

Late-Night Laundry By Emshonique It was almost midnight when I left the office, finally satisfied that the place wouldn?t implode when I left on my long-overdue vacation in the morning. I was just starting to enjoy the prospect of a week away from work, when I realized that I had no clean clothing to pack for my 6a.m. flight. So I hurried home, grabbed a bundle of clothes from my hamper and headed off to the laundry room. I dumped my clothing into a washer, dropped in a few...

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Its All in the Game Ch 03

1988 began quite well, and the year just seemed to fly by. Marsha’s new romantic relationship didn’t quite pan out, nor did the one after it, but she was back in the game to stay and by the end of the year had a new steady boyfriend, Jeff, that seemed to suit her well enough that she often now sometimes spent nights at his home. Despite all odds, I found that I liked him and we got along well together. He was a member of The Church and was a nudist at home, but always wore clothes when...

1 year ago
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A Series Of Incest 8211 Part II

Hi guys, I’m here with my second incident. I’m really very sorry, I lost track of my previous mail Id and changed to Please excuse. In the last part I explained you how I experienced first sex with Vadina. Here in this part, I’ll explain you how I got close to my Aunty (Kalyani). During my 10+2 I had sex with Vadina and then she got married and left to US. I was 19 then and doing my +2. Then after 10+2 I was planning to join some engineering college and had a lot of holidays until I get the...

3 years ago
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Will You Be Our MommyChapter 7

My sons’ Tiger Den headed for Money Rocks Park on Saturday, March 24th. We got lucky. The cold weather from a few days ago had disappeared. The storm front bringing snow from our west wasn’t due until late Sunday. We had sunny clear skies with temperatures expected to hit the mid-sixties. It was a perfect day to introduce our boys to hiking. Hunter accompanied Noah, Connor and me on the hike. I give my little brother credit. He figured out that Cub Scouts is a family affair and that sister...

2 years ago
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The ProtectorChapter 30

When I got inside, I immediately got in touch with Pete and ran my new idea by him, asking if it could be done this evening while there was still light. He informed me it would take about an hour to do, and that he and two of his men were on their way. I got off the phone with him and called Jerry. I was told that he was out of town for the evening, and that my message would be passed on to him as soon as he called in. I sat back, thinking about everything that had happened today. Although I...

2 years ago
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Teaching Nancy

Nancy tucked her dark hair behind her ear before starting the car and glancing in the rear-view mirror. She didn’t exactly try to make herself look ugly when she made the delivery to Mr. Burgess, but she avoided makeup. It wouldn’t have really been possible anyway. She had never really felt like she was beautiful, but she knew she wasn’t ugly. Her dark hair had a hint of red in it, and came down to the small of her back. It swept decidedly across her forehead and curved around her ears. Her...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Luna Star Gorgeous Milf Gushers

Luna Star is one of those married women that just love hearing juicy gossip from anybody. Including her pool boy Tyler Nixon. She’s been badgering the young man about his sex life and wants to hear everything about it! Knowing her had been on a date last weekend, she inquires as to if he fucked the woman. When he says no and furthermore says he has never made a woman squirt, she just has to show him how it’s done! Feeling used like a cheap suit, Tyler gives in to her advances and...

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Confessions 4 Blond beauty hot Helena

Unlike the first three tasty cunning confessions in my series, this is one from my own privacyWith blushes at my cheeks I tell the tasty tale of me and my sexy younger sibling, still so shyWe are back then young teens - hardly know anything about love lust tease or any sexy seductionTelling my true sweet sexy story emerged from an unexpected challenge by a sexy slim fresh friendWonderful woman wonders why I get wet hot and horny by watching tasty teens at the toiletA fresh female fine friend...

1 year ago
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A Saint and A Sinner Ch 03

Michelle pulled her seat-belt a little tighter, not caring if Nick saw it or not. The man drove like a maniac. She had felt safer being in a car with Sam, even though the man was a pervert and lazy as hell. She felt her stomach tighten as the light in front of them turned yellow and he sped up, going through it just as it turned red. ‘Is this your way of trying to back out?’ she asked him through gritted teeth. Nick looked over at her, sitting stiffly in the low slung passenger bucket seat in...

2 years ago
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Annie and her Granny 1

Annie and her Granny By Susannah Donim Steve helps with the testing of some interesting new technology. Prologue "Here, Granny, hold onto my arm," Annie said. "I'll help you up the steps." "Thank you, dear," I said gratefully. I struggled up the steep staircase from the car park to the street. My walking stick helped a little, but even in only one-inch heels the ascent was a challenge. "Is he watching?" I asked in a softer voice, trying not to move my lips. My...

4 years ago
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The Pact Episode 1 The Elegant Solution Chapter 26

"Mama! What are you DOING in there?" Terence roared, thumping on the bathroom door. "I'll be out in a minute!" Louise called, wiping her self down with a bath towel. She'd been in the bathroom for a considerable period, what with the shaving, and trimming her pubic hair, and the shower ... One bathroom for the four of them could get to be inconvenient. Throwing on a light robe, she breezed out the door, "Sorry!" "Thought I was gonna piss myself!" Terence grunted, rushing through...

2 years ago
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Encounter at Greens Rock

Every life has one magical event--one instant where everything changes forever. For some of us, the moment comes and goes invisibly, and we do not know its significance until years later, if ever. For others, the moment confronts us at its happening and we experience it with our full awareness. Whichever the case, the magical event always happens. I'll tell you about mine. There's a small island called Green's Rock in the middle of Maine's Penobscot Bay. It's mostly granite, like the...

3 years ago
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Gabatrix MinervaChapter 11 The Next Day After

It seemed that a cheery wave of words began to spread around the ship about the actions of a supposed companion bot that managed to jump onto a spinning shuttlecraft. All the crew would get to know what Minerva was and what she had accomplished. Any fear or skepticism of the crew of the UHN Tyson ended then and there. Minerva existed, and she was a hero. Ericson was awestruck. Minerva had essentially performed a miracle the day before. The Captain was impressed, and the UHN canceled sending...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Roxi Beautiful all natural amateur MILF

– 33 year old sexy MILF – Has been married since she was a teen – Recently quit her job in the medical billing field – She’s always had a fantasy to try out doing porn – This is her very first time being filmed fucking on camera – Has started doing webcam modeling lately and loves it – Loves to watch porn, mostly group sex and orgy scenes – This is one sexual woman, she loves sex and aims to please – She loves riding on cock so she can give the guy all the pleasure – Its a challenge to not blow...

2 years ago
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Granny is a big help to young men Part 1

I admit to being an old lady in her seventies. And I suppose, I will also agree to really enjoying sex but who wants to fuck an old biddy like me? However, in my younger days, I found that there were many very young men who were very shy and unsure of themselves sexually. Sure, they wanked but deep down they wanted to lose their virginity. So why not with me! Besides, young men cum lots and can keep it up for hours. I put an ad in Craig list that read: sympathetic mature lady (70) provides...

4 years ago
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How Did It Come To This Part I

I slowly open my eyes, Squinting as they adjust to the sudden invasion of my lightbulb. I look over at my alarm clock to see I had been asleep for three hours. "Damn it!" I whisper. I completely slept through the rest of my day. I had homework to do and hated the world for it. I grudgingly stand up, My back popping uniformally. I wipe my hazey eyes and blink a few times. I clumsily walk to the kitchen, Feeling as though I had been asleep for two days. I pour myself some orange juice,...

2 years ago
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How my girlfriend turned me gay Part 2

The minutes passed. Steve and I lay there on our backs, our breathing slowly getting back to normal. I slowly stroked his thigh with the back of my hand, just trying to keep contact with his warm skin. “It’s been a long time since I had sex that intense,” I said. “In fact I can’t remember EVER having sex that intense.” “Me either,” he said. “I thought I would never stop coming.” He lifted his head enough to look at our bodies, where the cum was starting to dry. He turned on his right...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Wife Touches Buddy 7

The Uber driver picked us up from the bar and drove the three of us home. Once we arrived at the house, my wife went into the living room and played some music while I made cocktails. I walked into the living room to find her dancing in the middle of the room. It was about that time when Anthony returned from the bathroom. He walked over and started dancing with her. I gave them their drinks, we toasted and I took a seat to watch them. They were really getting into it and began rubbing and...

3 years ago
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Bailees Prom Date

“Hey,” she stood before me holding her smartphone, “Take my picture.” I looked up at my sister, she was ready for the school dance, cleaned up, made up, and dressed up for her date to the last big Prom of the year. I never saw my sister as anything but my sister, you know, part of the environment, never noticed or appreciated, but the young woman standing in front of me with the phone in her outstretched hand caught my attention. I checked her from hair to heels then back to her face, I was...

1 year ago
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Milfty Becky Bandini MILF Gag Games

Becky Bandini can be a little absent minded sometimes, so when she cannot find her ring, she gets down on her hands and knees to look for it. Unfortunately, she gets stuck under the coffee table while she is at it! The only way she can get out is if her stepson helps her. But he has a different kind of help in mind. He fucks her tight MILF snatch from behind, and Becky loves every inch! Later, Becky gives her stepson a throaty blowjob, gagging all over his sausage. A little later, Beckys...

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Sailing out of Oyster Bay Part 2

We were relaxing in the cockpit. Anne heared a splash and turned around to see the other boat close by. It turns out that one of the guys dove into the water. She looked at me funny and asks how long have they be there. I smile and indicate a while. Anne turned red in the face and asked if they saw anything. I suggest that I wasn’t sure with a quirky smile on my face. (Anne loves nude sailing but she is a little shy when others are around) The guy in the water throws his swim suit onto the...

3 years ago
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The Wedding Present

Chardonnay had been Phil’s live in sissy lover and constant companion for just coming up to two years. She wanted to do something very special for him and had saved enough money at last. She phoned an exclusive hotel, giving great detail into what she required. She made a few more calls that afternoon while Phil was working. As she finished the last call, she gave a huge grin to herself in the hallway mirror. Phil had given her an engagement ring the previous year, which she found such a...

2 years ago
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Beth and Mike

As I held my wife’s pale delicate hand, she slowly opened her eyes and gave me a weak smile. ‘How ya feelin’ babe?’ I asked Beth’s body was gaunt and terribly thin, her beautiful brown hair a memory. Although she endured the second round of chemotherapy with stoic courage, the oncologist was doubtful that it would have any effect on the rapidly advancing cancer. Today was her final treatment. ‘Ok,’ she croaked in a hoarse whisper. Clasping her cold hand, I held it against my cheek as a...

2 years ago
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Slutty Day

Slutty Day As a closeted CD it's sometimes hard to find time or a place to play. I usually meet my dates and dress at their place, or get a hotel room, but my car died and I haven't been able to afford a new one yet. Needless to say, playtime has been even more scarce. Compounding this, I don't live alone so I can't usually host. I did have a rare day with the roomies gone recently, so I just had to take advantage. I got up early, placed a Craigslist ad, did an all over body shave, and...

2 years ago
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Speaking With Your Demons06 Help the Fairies Err Hire the Intern

“You should see your face when Phil has his ‘conversations’. It’s priceless.” Meg imitated her mother, opening her eyes wide with her fingers. “Your eyes grow big and you don’t know what’s going on.” “She’s not the only one,” Abe added. “You have to admit, it’s hard to follow one side of a multi-part conversation when you only hear one person.” “Are the other ... creatures always with you?” Betty asked, resting her hand on her chin. “I mean, do they ever give you a break to go to the...

4 years ago
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Welcome to Acteon, a world of slaves and masters. Acteon is a pre industrial UNESCO protected world classified in the Confederation Dossiers as an M class planet, colonized by humans in the year 2304, nine hundred years ago. The colonists were Naturals, eschewing technology in favor of an agricultural civilization. The settlers deliberately eradicated all knowledge of the other worlds in their histories, and, not surprisingly, became isolated and regressed to a feudal society. The world was now...

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Preachers Sinful Daughter Chapter 4 Sinning at the Club

Chapter Four: Sinning at the Club By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “And you are sure this is a good idea, dear?” Mother asked Daddy. As always, Mother wore a conservative dress: skirt long, neckline high, though it was sleeveless, a concession to the summer heat. Her hair was perfectly coiffed even after a day spent weeding at the church. I didn't even recall her slipping into the bathroom to fix herself when we returned home, she just changed out of her garden jeans and looked...

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Wife and the Pool guys

It is a hot summer morning and Karen is relaxing in the quiet house for some much-needed personal time. At about noon Karen goes out to her pool and for a dip and sun. Noticing that the pool needs cleaning, Karen goes back inside to call the pool cleaners. They let her know that it will take about 2 or 3 hours for them to arrive due to scheduling.Karen goes back to her bedroom, not thinking about the day or her pending visitors and put on the skimpiest bikini she owns, one that barely covers...

2 years ago
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girlfriends daughters

So I did. After about an hour Jenny said she was getting tired and needed to go. I was dissappointed until the other girls said they wanted to stay but Jenny needed a ride. So of course I volunteered. She lived fairly close in a little studio apartment. I was so happy when she invited me in. When I walked in there was an elderly woman and two little girls watching TV. The elderly lady got up and Jenny gave her some money and she left. The two girls Cinthia 10 and Lily 6 got up and hugged their...

4 years ago
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Youth Stolen

“C’mon, gimme your money, bitch!” She commanded, lowering her voice to a gruff octave she hoped Kelly wouldn’t recognize. She may not have recognized Heather, but Kelly recognized the knifed pointed dangerously at her and let out a small shriek. “N-no! I don’t-“ She stammered as she backpedaled, face frozen in terror. Heather charged at her quickly, and Kelly chose the smart option; turning and running. Just as Heather planned. She gave chase momentarily, simply to sell the illusion, before...

1 year ago
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BangBus Jackie Huff Horny Teacher Fucks For Cash

In Miami, anything can happen, and we mean ANYTHING. Today on the bus we found a school teacher with giant tits, ready to get naughty. When she told us her job, we figured there was no way that we’d be able to get her to show her tits and fuck our boy Tyler. But we’ve been wrong before and we’ll be wrong again! This girl was ready to FUCK. We paid her some money to flash her giant tits and then we got her on the bus where the real fun started. We made it rain with hundred...

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The Remote Control public

Rules for the remote control. Unlock: unlocks any cars and makes people suggestible to commands. Lock: locks any cars, people are no longer suggestible but still follow through with any orders that were given in unlock phase. Alarm: car alarm and causes orgasms and urges to have sex. Trunk: opens trunks and causes people to undress without their knowledge. Pressing trunk again stops the person from stripping while pressing lock will bring full awareness and embarrassment. I: pause time in a...

Mind Control

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