MAMMA NAVESCUOLA free porn video

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La mia storia inizia da quando avevo poco più di 18 anni, vivevo come tutti ragazzi della mia età. Solo che in casa viveva anche mia madre ed eravamo da soli. Ogni tanto fantasticavo con pensieri erotici e una volta è capitato di pensare al corpo di mia madre ed al suo bellissimo culo mentre mi masturbavo.
Ma il nostro rapporto cambiò nettamente un giorno, il quale dopo una brutta caduta, giocando a calcio, ritornai a casa con evidenti abrasioni un po' da per tutto. Quando mi vide mia madre si impaurì e preoccupata mi disse:
---- Vieni subito in bagno !..hai bisogno di una ripulita ed una disinfettata!!
Una volta in bagno continuò dicendomi:
---- Spogliati e mettiti nella vasca, . ... fra poco arrivo !
Vergognandomi un po' le ubbidii, rimanendo in piedi, e nascondendomi il pene con le mani. Arrivò quasi subito, chiuse la porta e prese la cipolla della doccia incominciando a lavarmi da dietro. Poi mi disse :
---- Girati dai !
Lo feci con un po' di perplessione, ma lo feci, ed anche allargando un po' le braccia, mettendo involontariamente tutto in mostra. Di colpo mia madre si fermò e guardandomi in faccia vidi il suo viso farsi quasi paonazzo ed i suoi occhi brillavano come stelle. Capii subito il suo turbamento e la cosa mi scaricò addosso una scossa che mi fece tremare. Ed improvvisamente mi eccitai. Mentre lei mi insaponava tutto il corpo, sentivo il mio cazzo venirmi duro, e crescere a dismisura. Sentivo il suo respiro farsi pesante ma oramai lasciai da parte la vergogna e per me non era altro che una sfida.
Incominciò il risciacquo, io chiusi gli occhi, ma nel mezzo del!'operazione sentii qualcosa urtare contro la cappella. Era la sua guancia, poi una sensazione di caldo. ERA LA SUA BOCCA. Incredulo e contento per aver vinto questa sfida la assecondavo muovendo il bacino non contento allungai una mano fino a tastargli seno. Trovai un capezzolo e mi sembrava enorme. Lei incominciò ad accarezzarmi le palle ed io incominciai a sentire il piacere che cresceva sempre di più,e quando arrivai proprio a limite l'avvertì:
---- Mamma... ... .sto per... ... ... !
Mi passò il suo braccio dietro il bacino per tenermi fermo e :
---- Hhhhummmmm,... .hummmmm... !
Io non potevo resistere a lungo e quasi gridando :
---- Eccolo..! mammmmmaaaa. ... ... .. eccccoooll... ooooohooo... !
Al contrario, lei prese a sbocchinarmi con più foga ed io mollai la tensione.
ti. ... vengooo... dentrooooo... .!!..... mammmaaaaaaaa...!
Finita tutta l'operazione mi accorsi che aveva inghiottito tutto, rimasi sconvolto perché pensavo che certe cose si leggevano solo sui giornalini porno. Alzò il busto e trovandosi di fronte a me notai nel suo viso la vergogna e nei suoi occhi la voglia. Aveva le labbra lucide con le traccia del mio piacere. Con un pò di timore mi chiese:
---- Adesso cosa penserai di tua madre..!?
La rassicurai:
---- Che è stato bellissimo. ... non lo avevo mai fatto. . ..grazie.. mamma....!
Ma mia MADRE voleva precisare. :
---- Sai cosa sono arrivata a fare....? E... lo fatto per te...!
Con stupore per il suo linguaggio gli risposi:
---- . ... ...!... ..! cosa...?
---- E stata la prima volta..!
---- Che cosa.. mamma...? --- Al fatto che... ... mi sono fatta SBORRARE IN BOCCA come una prostituta
...... ma, almeno ti è piaciuto... ? ho notato che avevi bisogno..!
---- Moltissimo,. ..è qualcosa che non si può rinunciare. ... .E sono ancora in tiro..guarda...!..mamma........che effetto mi fai..!
Lei un po' timorosa per il futuro:
---- Mi stai giudicando male ....? Sarò sempre tua madre...?
---- No... ... ... .MAMMA... ... .mi sei sempre piaciuta..!
---- Allora asciugati, poi vieni in camera mia !... SE VUOI TI FACCIO SCOPARE.!
Sbalordito , curioso, ma anche eccitato, mi asciugai in un secondo, e con l'asciugamano addosso entrai nella camera di mamma. La trovai seduta sul bordo del lettone con addosso calze reggicalze e reggiseno nero. Mi avvicinai ammirando quel ciuffo di peli neri che le spuntavano tra le sue belle cosce, poi mi sistemai in piedi di fronte a lei. E fu proprio lei a dire :
---- Fammi vedere cosa c'è qua sotto !!
Tirandomi via l'asciugamano e poi mi attirò a se allargando un po' le gambe. Il mio cazzo stava all'altezza del suo viso. Prese a leccarmi i coglioni facendomi eccitare al massimo dicendo:
---- Che bel cazzo che hai... ..! figlio mio !..! Vuoi scoparmi tesoro..?
----. ... ... si mamma... .!!
---- Prima però mi dovrai preparare..!
---- Come... .?... ... ..mamma.....dimmi come devo fare.!
---- Mi dovrai LECCARE LA FICA. ... ..!.!. ... ..ti fa . .. schifo... .?
---- NO... ..fammela vedere. ..dai..!
Si lasciò cadere all'indietro, spalancandomi le gambe e lo spettacolo èra meraviglioso quasi non credevo, e mi tuffai in quel paradiso, mentre lei con una mano dietro la nuca mi guidava dandomi anche qualche istruzione . Dopo un pò che si lamentava disse:
---- Fermo.!.. fermo.!... ... fermoooo..! . ..sono pronta adesso DAMMELO....!!
Le andai sopra trovandomi con il cazzo proprio all'ingresso della sua FICA.
Fu lei che con un colpo di reni si fece penetrare, poi uno anch'io e le misi tutto il cazzo dentro facendola sussultare. L'abbracciai trovandomi con la bocca vicino al suo orecchio
---- Mammmmaaaa... ! sei calda.. !! calda.....!
---- Ti piace... scoparmi... ?
---- Tantissimo... .!... mammmaaa...!!
Presi a stantuffargli tutto il cazzo in quella fica lorda mentre LEI cercava di penetrarmi un'orecchio con la lingua. E quasi sottovoce mi sussurrava:
---- Bravo... ! così....
---- . ..bona. ... sei BONA MAMMA..!
---- Prima ti ho fatto un pompino. ..lo sai. .e mi hai sborrato in bocca ! porco..!
---- Lo hai voluto. ... ..TU... .!
---- Siii... ..è vero... ! . ... .e sai che fine a fatto la tua sborra. .?
---- NO..!... ..che fine ha fatto..?
---- . ... ... ... ... ... ..L'HO BEVUTA TUTTA... !..! come una. ... TROIA..!
---- Mammmaaa... sei brava. ..e bona..!... ..eeee...
---- Dimmi che sono... ..una.. TROIA..! mi piace essere TROIA..!
---- Maammmmaaaaa... .SEI UNA GRANDE TROIA... ! sto per sborrare ancora
---- . .ssssiiii... VVVVEEENGOOO... sssii aahh SBORRAMI DENTRO..!
---- Mmmmmaaammmmaaaaa... ..ahhaa sssiiii... ANCHE..IO.....SI..!TI SBORRO DENTRO.!.!
Ci calmammo e con un respiro più accettabile, pur restandogli dentro mi dice:
---- Mi hai fatto godere sai... ! ed anche subito..!
---- Anche io mamma... ho goduto subito. .!
---- Questo significa che mi desideri !
---- E vero è da tanto tempo che sognavo di SCOPARTI..!
---- Io invece non ho mai pensato a questo... .ma quando ti ho visto a cazzo dritto non resistito, mi sono eccitata subito come non lo sono stata mai. Ed è la prima volta che faccio un pompino con l'ingoio. Mi sono sentita proprio una PUTTANA....!
---- Io invece ti guardavo spesso quando giravi per la casa e a volte ti sarei saltato addosso e ti avrei scopato con la forza, ma non così.
---- Come..?
---- Da dietro come gli a****li...!
---- Sei un bel porco lo sai.....!... credo che ci sia un po' di disprezzo nei tuoi gusti.
Rimase un po' interdetta poi tra la calma mi disse:
---- Vorresti provare....?
Le detti un bacio su una guancia infuocata dalla vergogna, ed anch'io con un pò di vergogna, ma grande desiderio di vedergli il suo culo...
---- Si mamma ......mi piacerebbe ...!!
---- Non avevo pensato che saresti arrivato a questo, sei proprio un bel PORCO, ma ti devo confessare che la cosa mi incuriosisce ..... spegni la luce..!
---- Vorrei chiederti una cosa....ancora...!
---- Cosa mi devo aspettare ...adesso..!
---- Niente di se non ti va...non fa niente...!
---- Dimmi....!
---- Vorrei comandarti io...! E tu dovrai obbedire...!
Non mi rispose ma dal suo sguardo capii il suo assenso e non solo, anche il suo piacere. La vidi disposta a tutto. Allora:
---- GIRATI MAMMA... ... ..E ...METTITI ALLA PECORINA......!!!
Mi ubbidii immediatamente. Si mise direttamente a pecorina, ed io scesi dal letto piazzandomi dietro di lei poi:
----Vieni più in fuori. !... mamma... .!.!
La presi per i fianchi attirandola a me, e schiacciando il mio cazzo tra le sue chiappe Non ne potei fare a meno di esclamare:
---- Che culo che hai mamma!!!!!... bellissimo!!!!
Le misi il cazzo vicino la fica e con la cappella le accarezzai il clitoride, e dopo un po' lei stessa sporse di più il culo. La sua fica grondava di umori caldi. Il mio cazzo era durissimo. Mia madre iniziò ad ansimare ed io la accontentai ficcandogli la cappella tutta dentro. Mi prese la voglia di umiliarla.
---- Lo vuoi sto cazzo mamma....!
---- Si tesoro sssii..!
---- Allora ....THO....THO..! eccoti servita .....PUTTANA......!!
La presi per i fianchi e le infilai tutto il cazzo dentro facendola lamentare..!
---- HHAAAA....!...HAA!!!....sis.iiii....!
Incominciai a scoparla alla pecorina è lei godeva dicendomi:
---- Si... ssssiiii.... Belloooooo... hhaaaa.... !mi piace tanto..!
Io guardavo il suo culo e la cosa mi ispirava :
---- Mammmaaaa....che bel culo...!,...Che...hai..?
---- E tuo tesoro...!!
---- E bellissimo...!
----E tutto ...tuo...!
----Mammmaaa...lo voglio...!!
Non credevo alle mie orecchie. Lo tirai fuori dalla sua fica gocciolante di umori poi lo puntai nel suo ano :
---- Mammmaaaa... te lo metto nel culo...!
Con un colpo glielo lo misi quasi tutto dentro, male si lamentò.
---- Pianoooo... .piaanoooo... ! più delicato. .tesoro..!
Avanzai piano, piano, come mi aveva detto LEI tenendola per i fianchi, fino in fondo. E quasi con un lamento mi pregò:
---- Fermo..fermo..! così... .! fammi abituare. ..ce l'hai troppo grosso... !
Mentre il suo ano si stava abituando al mio cazzo, io curioso le slacciai il reggiseno poi le accarezzai le sue tette sode,che mi riempivano i palmi delle mani e sentivo i suoi capezzoli grossi e duri. Incominciò a muovere il culo poi mi disse:
---- Adesso INCULAMI... .! dai..!
---- Ti piace prenderlo nel culo..?. ..TROIA...!!
E le detti anche una pacca su una natica. Poi incominciai a pompargli il mio cazzo nel culo ma lei mi rimproverava :
---- Disgraziato. .. ti stai inculando tua madre... ! PORCO..!
---- Ssssiiiiiii... .T'INCULO... .! TROIA... !. ... Mammma ti sei messa alla pecorima come una VACCA... ! ti sento il culo stretto... .FINALMENTE T'INCULO MAMMA::!!
---- Hai un cazzo durissimo. .sfacciato... mi stai facendo impazzire. svergognato
---- Che cosa stai facendo.? PUTTANA... !
---- Mi sto toccando la fica. ... .e... .sto per godere... ! ancora..!
---- Anche io sto per sborrare mamma..! aiutami. .PORCA. ..stringi il culo..!
---- Ecccoooommmiiiiiii... .stronzoooo... goodooooo... .ssssiiiii..hhaaaaaaa..
---- Aspettami... BRUTTA TROIA... .! thoo... .thoo... beccati sto cazzo PORCA..!
ssssssiiiii... .eccooo.. ssii.. ssiiii.. veeenggoooo... ssiii.ti sborro nel culo mamma.....!
Finito l'orgasmo le restai dentro ancora per un pò poi mi ritirai cadendo sopra il letto privi di forze, ma fu l'orgasmo più bello della mia vita e lei si complimentò:
---- Nessuno mi aveva inculato cosi bene figlio mio..! BRAVO...!


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The Adventure Of Or Lives Part 4

Suffice it to say, after Brandi and I had sex for the first time, we had sex just about every time we were alone together. Except when she was on her period, however, after we got married we fucked even then. A towel under her ass kept the bed from getting messy. It would be impossible for me to remember all of the times we fucked and, needless to say, it would get boring, but I will tell about the more memorable occasions.I was in my Senior year of High School and Brandi was a Junior and we...

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Franklin III

I lay face down on Franklin’s bed. My legs were spread apart and my hips were elevated on a pillow. My asshole was still dilated from the girth of Franklin’s cock and his cum was leaking slowly out of me.It had been about three weeks since Franklin had first fucked my ass and since then I had been over to his house almost every other night, most of those times ended up with him ass fucking me until my head swam.I could hear Franklin in the shower getting cleaned up but I just lay there with my...

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A Chefs JourneyChapter 4

Jason — Earning a Reputation As the fall came and the leaves started to turn, Robert began converting the area over from a summer resort for honeymooners and hikers to a ski resort. He spent hours checking rooms for signs they might let cold air in. He also climbed the mountainside to check on the lifts and paths, making sure they were properly prepared for the coming season. The breakfast traffic died down some, but the dinner crowds continued to increase. Robert told me that my cooking was...

2 years ago
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 44

I went to sleep dreaming of being fucked. Guess that is all I think about any more. Ever since Mistress Pam made me a whore, I can’t seem to get enough sex and I think of nothing but cocks and pussies all the time. But I slept well as I dreamed of one cock after another fucking all my fuck holes. When I woke up, I was refreshed and ready for another day. I flipped up to get my nasty morning piss in my mouth and then to slowly lick my cunt to a great orgasm. I was still thinking of all those...

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SURPRISE!Ellen was a late bloomer…until she was 18 years old she was a blushing small town virgin. Her 18 th birthday party down at Panama City Beach changed all that. She discovered that the sight of an erect penis ejaculating over her hands excited her, gave her a funny, tingly feeling between her legs. That same night she found that the hot squirts of cum against her pussy walls would make her cum as well. Shortly thereafter, she found that if she rubbed her pussy with her hand while she was...

Group Sex
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Catching My Girlfriend

I grew up with my mom in Pennsylvania, she had me when she was eighteen and I've really never known who my father was, it's just something she doesn't like to talk about. I know the name on my birth certificate but that's all. She's really quite something, pregnant her senior year in high school, got her GED, went to night school and worked two jobs at times as my grandmother and an aunt took care of me. She got her degree to become a paralegal, then into law school and now she's a...

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Alone and AfraidChapter 6 Driving into Marietta

We traveled down the Interstate going at a sedate pace with me honking frequently. Karen was talking and more animated than before. She admitted that Jennifer had inhibited her even before the vanishing. Karen said, “Jennifer was a sad, young woman. She was clinging to Jimmy almost desperately. I’m not sure they would have married. He was a distant cousin and he was becoming concerned about her emotional state. She had a troubled childhood and that seemed to take her over at times.” She shook...

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Breeding Mrs Gray pt 1

Introduction: Brandon finds the perfect women whos married This story is a little slow going and the sex is short, but this is only the beginning of the story line so let me know what you think and I will get you part 2 shortly. I just graduated from college and wanted to take the summer off. My parents were okay with it as long as I helped around the house. My parents were gone on a 3 week vacation, and I was outside cleaning the pool when I first saw her. She and her husband bought the...

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At Jakes Cabin

Jake and I had been secretly seeing each other for about a year. We took every chance we could get to go and fuck. Jake’s famly had a cabin on a private pond in northern Minnesota. He had asked me to go up there with him for spring break. He told the fam that it was a guy’s weekend to fish and drink. It would be just us two up there the whole week. We did do some drinking but we fucked instead of fished. We stopped at a small town just south of the cabin, probably about ten minutes away. He...

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Does Miracle Happen

Hi all, I am Mimo from New Delhi. A decent 40+ Bengali chap working in MNC . I am well settled family man. I have been reading all the stories at ISS at my ease time. So i thought lets share one of my best extra marital affair happened with me. This incident took place about 3 years back, i happened to meet this wonderful marwari lady named Trishna she was working as general manager of a private reputed firm , our meeting started over coffee and ended with love making ,we had corporate meeting...

3 years ago
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Showing off my ass

I used to get really horny just sitting around the house. I didn’t want to just sit there and play with myself, I wanted to go get some dick. I found that there was a gay bar right down the road from my house. I decided to check it out. The drive took only a couple minutes and my dick was rock hard just thinking about going to a gay bar. If you read my story ‘My Gay Friend’ then know that this takes place when I was 21 not 17. I didn’t know anyone else who is gay and my old friend was in jail...

4 years ago
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The Photo Shoot

It had been a while since I had seen my old girlfriend Emily which made me feel a little cheeky for asking her this favour. You see we used to be the hot couple in our little click. She is a hot brunette with a great body and sexy as well. She knows she's hot but doesn’t flaunt it. Emily was my first proper girlfriend, she took my lesbian cherry for want of a better phrase. But as time went on and we grew up we grew apart and both conformed and got involved with boys. My boyfriend Kyle was now...

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After Hours Cocktale

It was late at night as usual when she was closing the bar up. Savana looked around at the mess the patrons had left behind, and exhaled a big sigh. Sav, as most called her, leaned back on the bar in between two stools. She let her head fall back onto the bar as she rested a minute, gathering her thoughts on what to tackle first. Her long lean legs stretched out beyond the stools, moving one foot in a circular motion and then the other. Somehow she felt as though she had been on her feet for...

Straight Sex
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Encounter in the Lab

Introduction: This story is fictional, however, it is based upon actual people and authentic situations. In order to provide anonymity, names have been changed and details have been modified. Dr. Ken Mathews was well known around the hospital as a ladies man, or more correctly, a lecher. He was particularly anxious to fuck any new, young, and attractive nurse who joined the staff. Regardless, had been also known to readily tap into any gorgeous MD or eye-catching woman on the administrative...

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AirBNB Jody

Nikki had totally worn me out so I was glad of the text from Jody to say she wouldn’t be arriving until 10pm which gave me an opportunity for a quick nap, I thought I had better set an alarm as the text also asked if I would be kind enough to pick her up from the station. Good job I set the alarm because I was fast asleep when it went off at 9.30 so a quick grab at some shorts and a tee shirt and I was on my way to the station.Luckily it was quiet so I was able to park in the pick up area and...

4 years ago
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The Brass StatuettesChapter 13 Expendable

Frank hung up the telephone. He'd been discussing his plan for putting together the new financing package with the Company's investment banker in New York. The intercom buzzed. "Agent Henderson would like to see you," Jeannette announced over the speaker. Henderson walked into Frank's office with the employee roster in hand. "Do you have a guy named Fishberg working here? I don't see him on the printout." "It's Fishman," Frank answered. "He's a Financial Analyst; he works on...

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Lady Kathryns Punishment

Lady Kathryn?s Punishment  Synopsis  Found guilty of theft and lewd behaviour, Lady Kathryn is publicly whipped and demoted to servant status for a year whilst Margaret, her maid, is elevated to take her place.   Lady Kathryn?s Punishment  by obohobo   Warnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF Whipping  If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, c...

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Naughty Professor At Work

Hi guys this is your professor Kapil this side. This is my first story so please give your feedback at Myself Kapil 23 years old, average built I have currently passed my B.Tech from Delhi and involved in tuitions for earning my pocket money. Last year I got tuition call for Anu (name changed) for 12th class physics As I was provided nice fee so I accepted it. Anu is a pretty 18 years old girl who looks very secretive and shy. Her figure is 32-25-34 (which I measured myself). She was very...

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The Man in the Woods

The Man in the WoodsThis is a work of fiction. It is much like all my fiction which has many autobiographical elements. Much of this is pure fantasy. But, when it comes right down to it, aren’t our dreams the fuel for what actually happens in our lives? I certainly hope so. If the dreams are so wonderful, we must endeavor to make our lives just as wonderful and fulfilling. So, here’ s my latest offering. Enjoy. xxoooxxxWhat to wear? What to wear? It’s the same question every day. So many...

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Magicians Assistant Friends Lovers 5

Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers 5 By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink Copyrighted 2002 Preface Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers takes place in the Magatrix the Magnificent Universe, which was first introduced in my serialized seven-part story, Magician's Assistant. The premise upon which both that story and this story are based revolves around the fact that Magatrix the Magnificent has been reprimanded by the ethics review board of the Magician's...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Eveline Dellai Silvia Dellai Twins

Fun loving director Cherry Kiss introduces real-life twins: Eveline Dellai and Silvia Dellai are slender, tasty, dirty blondes with cute butts. Eveline wears white lingerie; tattooed Silvia wears black. The siblings freak out Vince Karter in a playful threesome. Eveline and Vince kiss intimately, and she gives his big cock a blowjob. The good twin rides his fat meat vaginally, moaning. Vince chokes her in the midst of a manhandling anal fuck. Suddenly, Vince finds that he’s buttfucking...

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The club femdom Exgirlfriend

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, I'm Daniel, a 32 year old average looking single guy. For almost a year or so now, I regularly visit a sex club. It's an extraordinary place, visited by couples and singles, where your wildest dreams and fantasies can become reality. It is quite a private society, and it is near unknown to non-members, so most members were...

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Fun Run

30 August 2019 version City Paper For the first time in its existence the daily column by the local ghost reporter is on the front page and not page three. This column is about the people events around the city, not the major news events. The column covers the interesting things that don’t make the local gossip reports or the usual news reports. Today it’s very different to usual: About Town with Al It’s another Monday and the start of the week again. This year I’m breaking with an eight...

1 year ago
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Private Sienna Day Ruby Reign Share Stud in Anal Threesome

The sensual brunette, Ruby Reign, and glorious big titted MILF, Sienna Day, have come to Private Movies, Traders in the City to share their favourite thing in the entire world… cock! That’s right, this incredible duo is here today to take on stud Máximo Garcia, and they waste no time at all getting down to business by immediately treating him to a double gagging blowjob. Then watch the rest of the action unfold on as Ruby’s tight pussy and Sienna’s beautiful ass take a hard...

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My Wife And I Made Slave Of My Colleague 8211 Part 2

Hey guys, thank you for all your valuable comments on Part 1. Don’t worry, we will train this bitch together. This part depicts the celebration sex between Vidya and Sujith. Back to the story: Vidya reached her home with pride. Sujith welcomed her with a wide smile and a french kiss. Sujith: Mistress, I am all yours today. Vidya: There is only one way of repayment for this baby. That bitch should lick my toes and worship us forever and you need to train her for that to happen. Sujith became a...

3 years ago
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Thunder rumbled through the night sky as rain poured down drenching the streets with cold droplets. The city slowed to the speed of a small town; the occasional dog owner or a car going down the road. As the sun starts to set, a man leans against the frame of the porch door watching the night take over the day.Lost in thought, he stands oblivious to the growing storm while the thunder gets louder than before and lightning begins to flash. The wind picks up, and the pace of the city dies down to...

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anokhapiyar anokhi chudai

By:- Aryan, frm Kol. Anokhi chudai anokha piyar. Hi, I am Aryan . Merey piyarey ISS readers , Zindagi ka naam Dosti aur Dosti ka naam ISS pariwar. Jee haan dosto yehi ek aisa pariwar hai. Jahan hum aur aap apni apni sex experience ko share kartey hain.aur zindagi ko ek naye andaaz me jeeney ka saleeqa sikhtey hain. Main ek 25 saal ka nawjwan hoon aur kolkata me rahta hoon. Main ney abhi abhi college khatam kiya hai. Is story ko aap log ek baar zarur padho gey. Kion ke insaan ki zindagi me...

4 years ago
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A Tale To Tell

"I can't believe it happened myself!" I said to Jack in self-amazement. "If it really is true, aren't you worried that you're out here on the road and your wife's back home with perhaps even more opportunity to do it again?" Jack was another computer techie like me, out on the road getting shit done for people who didn't have time or inclination to read the manuals. "Sure, it crosses my mind, but it was very spontaneous and she said it only happened because I was there; she could...

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Making Love With Mom

This is a true story My family’s of 5, I have Two siblings outside India, I’m the youngest so I decided to study here in India itself. We live in a weird place, its 20km from the city but, use to government restriction only a few homes are there here.Dad’s 49 and moms 41. My mom is like sukanya, truly a milf to fuck. But you know its your own mother and all so I didn’t. After my siblings left, my mom and dad never went out often. Dad would go to a job and come at night. My mom was really...

4 months ago
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My boyfriend and I have sex on the bus

“About 45 minutes until we’re home Scott” I told him as we sat on the upper deck of the bus. “Ok thanks Emma” he replied. We’d just been visiting… “About 45 minutes until we’re home Scott” I told him as we sat on the upper deck of the bus. “Ok thanks Emma” he replied. We’d just been visiting my grandmother who was delighted that we had visited. She liked Scott who I had been dating for about three years. I was...


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