MAMMA NAVESCUOLA free porn video

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La mia storia inizia da quando avevo poco più di 18 anni, vivevo come tutti ragazzi della mia età. Solo che in casa viveva anche mia madre ed eravamo da soli. Ogni tanto fantasticavo con pensieri erotici e una volta è capitato di pensare al corpo di mia madre ed al suo bellissimo culo mentre mi masturbavo.
Ma il nostro rapporto cambiò nettamente un giorno, il quale dopo una brutta caduta, giocando a calcio, ritornai a casa con evidenti abrasioni un po' da per tutto. Quando mi vide mia madre si impaurì e preoccupata mi disse:
---- Vieni subito in bagno !..hai bisogno di una ripulita ed una disinfettata!!
Una volta in bagno continuò dicendomi:
---- Spogliati e mettiti nella vasca, . ... fra poco arrivo !
Vergognandomi un po' le ubbidii, rimanendo in piedi, e nascondendomi il pene con le mani. Arrivò quasi subito, chiuse la porta e prese la cipolla della doccia incominciando a lavarmi da dietro. Poi mi disse :
---- Girati dai !
Lo feci con un po' di perplessione, ma lo feci, ed anche allargando un po' le braccia, mettendo involontariamente tutto in mostra. Di colpo mia madre si fermò e guardandomi in faccia vidi il suo viso farsi quasi paonazzo ed i suoi occhi brillavano come stelle. Capii subito il suo turbamento e la cosa mi scaricò addosso una scossa che mi fece tremare. Ed improvvisamente mi eccitai. Mentre lei mi insaponava tutto il corpo, sentivo il mio cazzo venirmi duro, e crescere a dismisura. Sentivo il suo respiro farsi pesante ma oramai lasciai da parte la vergogna e per me non era altro che una sfida.
Incominciò il risciacquo, io chiusi gli occhi, ma nel mezzo del!'operazione sentii qualcosa urtare contro la cappella. Era la sua guancia, poi una sensazione di caldo. ERA LA SUA BOCCA. Incredulo e contento per aver vinto questa sfida la assecondavo muovendo il bacino non contento allungai una mano fino a tastargli seno. Trovai un capezzolo e mi sembrava enorme. Lei incominciò ad accarezzarmi le palle ed io incominciai a sentire il piacere che cresceva sempre di più,e quando arrivai proprio a limite l'avvertì:
---- Mamma... ... .sto per... ... ... !
Mi passò il suo braccio dietro il bacino per tenermi fermo e :
---- Hhhhummmmm,... .hummmmm... !
Io non potevo resistere a lungo e quasi gridando :
---- Eccolo..! mammmmmaaaa. ... ... .. eccccoooll... ooooohooo... !
Al contrario, lei prese a sbocchinarmi con più foga ed io mollai la tensione.
ti. ... vengooo... dentrooooo... .!!..... mammmaaaaaaaa...!
Finita tutta l'operazione mi accorsi che aveva inghiottito tutto, rimasi sconvolto perché pensavo che certe cose si leggevano solo sui giornalini porno. Alzò il busto e trovandosi di fronte a me notai nel suo viso la vergogna e nei suoi occhi la voglia. Aveva le labbra lucide con le traccia del mio piacere. Con un pò di timore mi chiese:
---- Adesso cosa penserai di tua madre..!?
La rassicurai:
---- Che è stato bellissimo. ... non lo avevo mai fatto. . ..grazie.. mamma....!
Ma mia MADRE voleva precisare. :
---- Sai cosa sono arrivata a fare....? E... lo fatto per te...!
Con stupore per il suo linguaggio gli risposi:
---- . ... ...!... ..! cosa...?
---- E stata la prima volta..!
---- Che cosa.. mamma...? --- Al fatto che... ... mi sono fatta SBORRARE IN BOCCA come una prostituta
...... ma, almeno ti è piaciuto... ? ho notato che avevi bisogno..!
---- Moltissimo,. ..è qualcosa che non si può rinunciare. ... .E sono ancora in tiro..guarda...!..mamma........che effetto mi fai..!
Lei un po' timorosa per il futuro:
---- Mi stai giudicando male ....? Sarò sempre tua madre...?
---- No... ... ... .MAMMA... ... .mi sei sempre piaciuta..!
---- Allora asciugati, poi vieni in camera mia !... SE VUOI TI FACCIO SCOPARE.!
Sbalordito , curioso, ma anche eccitato, mi asciugai in un secondo, e con l'asciugamano addosso entrai nella camera di mamma. La trovai seduta sul bordo del lettone con addosso calze reggicalze e reggiseno nero. Mi avvicinai ammirando quel ciuffo di peli neri che le spuntavano tra le sue belle cosce, poi mi sistemai in piedi di fronte a lei. E fu proprio lei a dire :
---- Fammi vedere cosa c'è qua sotto !!
Tirandomi via l'asciugamano e poi mi attirò a se allargando un po' le gambe. Il mio cazzo stava all'altezza del suo viso. Prese a leccarmi i coglioni facendomi eccitare al massimo dicendo:
---- Che bel cazzo che hai... ..! figlio mio !..! Vuoi scoparmi tesoro..?
----. ... ... si mamma... .!!
---- Prima però mi dovrai preparare..!
---- Come... .?... ... ..mamma.....dimmi come devo fare.!
---- Mi dovrai LECCARE LA FICA. ... ..!.!. ... ..ti fa . .. schifo... .?
---- NO... ..fammela vedere. ..dai..!
Si lasciò cadere all'indietro, spalancandomi le gambe e lo spettacolo èra meraviglioso quasi non credevo, e mi tuffai in quel paradiso, mentre lei con una mano dietro la nuca mi guidava dandomi anche qualche istruzione . Dopo un pò che si lamentava disse:
---- Fermo.!.. fermo.!... ... fermoooo..! . ..sono pronta adesso DAMMELO....!!
Le andai sopra trovandomi con il cazzo proprio all'ingresso della sua FICA.
Fu lei che con un colpo di reni si fece penetrare, poi uno anch'io e le misi tutto il cazzo dentro facendola sussultare. L'abbracciai trovandomi con la bocca vicino al suo orecchio
---- Mammmmaaaa... ! sei calda.. !! calda.....!
---- Ti piace... scoparmi... ?
---- Tantissimo... .!... mammmaaa...!!
Presi a stantuffargli tutto il cazzo in quella fica lorda mentre LEI cercava di penetrarmi un'orecchio con la lingua. E quasi sottovoce mi sussurrava:
---- Bravo... ! così....
---- . ..bona. ... sei BONA MAMMA..!
---- Prima ti ho fatto un pompino. ..lo sai. .e mi hai sborrato in bocca ! porco..!
---- Lo hai voluto. ... ..TU... .!
---- Siii... ..è vero... ! . ... .e sai che fine a fatto la tua sborra. .?
---- NO..!... ..che fine ha fatto..?
---- . ... ... ... ... ... ..L'HO BEVUTA TUTTA... !..! come una. ... TROIA..!
---- Mammmaaa... sei brava. ..e bona..!... ..eeee...
---- Dimmi che sono... ..una.. TROIA..! mi piace essere TROIA..!
---- Maammmmaaaaa... .SEI UNA GRANDE TROIA... ! sto per sborrare ancora
---- . .ssssiiii... VVVVEEENGOOO... sssii aahh SBORRAMI DENTRO..!
---- Mmmmmaaammmmaaaaa... ..ahhaa sssiiii... ANCHE..IO.....SI..!TI SBORRO DENTRO.!.!
Ci calmammo e con un respiro più accettabile, pur restandogli dentro mi dice:
---- Mi hai fatto godere sai... ! ed anche subito..!
---- Anche io mamma... ho goduto subito. .!
---- Questo significa che mi desideri !
---- E vero è da tanto tempo che sognavo di SCOPARTI..!
---- Io invece non ho mai pensato a questo... .ma quando ti ho visto a cazzo dritto non resistito, mi sono eccitata subito come non lo sono stata mai. Ed è la prima volta che faccio un pompino con l'ingoio. Mi sono sentita proprio una PUTTANA....!
---- Io invece ti guardavo spesso quando giravi per la casa e a volte ti sarei saltato addosso e ti avrei scopato con la forza, ma non così.
---- Come..?
---- Da dietro come gli a****li...!
---- Sei un bel porco lo sai.....!... credo che ci sia un po' di disprezzo nei tuoi gusti.
Rimase un po' interdetta poi tra la calma mi disse:
---- Vorresti provare....?
Le detti un bacio su una guancia infuocata dalla vergogna, ed anch'io con un pò di vergogna, ma grande desiderio di vedergli il suo culo...
---- Si mamma ......mi piacerebbe ...!!
---- Non avevo pensato che saresti arrivato a questo, sei proprio un bel PORCO, ma ti devo confessare che la cosa mi incuriosisce ..... spegni la luce..!
---- Vorrei chiederti una cosa....ancora...!
---- Cosa mi devo aspettare ...adesso..!
---- Niente di se non ti va...non fa niente...!
---- Dimmi....!
---- Vorrei comandarti io...! E tu dovrai obbedire...!
Non mi rispose ma dal suo sguardo capii il suo assenso e non solo, anche il suo piacere. La vidi disposta a tutto. Allora:
---- GIRATI MAMMA... ... ..E ...METTITI ALLA PECORINA......!!!
Mi ubbidii immediatamente. Si mise direttamente a pecorina, ed io scesi dal letto piazzandomi dietro di lei poi:
----Vieni più in fuori. !... mamma... .!.!
La presi per i fianchi attirandola a me, e schiacciando il mio cazzo tra le sue chiappe Non ne potei fare a meno di esclamare:
---- Che culo che hai mamma!!!!!... bellissimo!!!!
Le misi il cazzo vicino la fica e con la cappella le accarezzai il clitoride, e dopo un po' lei stessa sporse di più il culo. La sua fica grondava di umori caldi. Il mio cazzo era durissimo. Mia madre iniziò ad ansimare ed io la accontentai ficcandogli la cappella tutta dentro. Mi prese la voglia di umiliarla.
---- Lo vuoi sto cazzo mamma....!
---- Si tesoro sssii..!
---- Allora ....THO....THO..! eccoti servita .....PUTTANA......!!
La presi per i fianchi e le infilai tutto il cazzo dentro facendola lamentare..!
---- HHAAAA....!...HAA!!!....sis.iiii....!
Incominciai a scoparla alla pecorina è lei godeva dicendomi:
---- Si... ssssiiii.... Belloooooo... hhaaaa.... !mi piace tanto..!
Io guardavo il suo culo e la cosa mi ispirava :
---- Mammmaaaa....che bel culo...!,...Che...hai..?
---- E tuo tesoro...!!
---- E bellissimo...!
----E tutto ...tuo...!
----Mammmaaa...lo voglio...!!
Non credevo alle mie orecchie. Lo tirai fuori dalla sua fica gocciolante di umori poi lo puntai nel suo ano :
---- Mammmaaaa... te lo metto nel culo...!
Con un colpo glielo lo misi quasi tutto dentro, male si lamentò.
---- Pianoooo... .piaanoooo... ! più delicato. .tesoro..!
Avanzai piano, piano, come mi aveva detto LEI tenendola per i fianchi, fino in fondo. E quasi con un lamento mi pregò:
---- Fermo..fermo..! così... .! fammi abituare. ..ce l'hai troppo grosso... !
Mentre il suo ano si stava abituando al mio cazzo, io curioso le slacciai il reggiseno poi le accarezzai le sue tette sode,che mi riempivano i palmi delle mani e sentivo i suoi capezzoli grossi e duri. Incominciò a muovere il culo poi mi disse:
---- Adesso INCULAMI... .! dai..!
---- Ti piace prenderlo nel culo..?. ..TROIA...!!
E le detti anche una pacca su una natica. Poi incominciai a pompargli il mio cazzo nel culo ma lei mi rimproverava :
---- Disgraziato. .. ti stai inculando tua madre... ! PORCO..!
---- Ssssiiiiiii... .T'INCULO... .! TROIA... !. ... Mammma ti sei messa alla pecorima come una VACCA... ! ti sento il culo stretto... .FINALMENTE T'INCULO MAMMA::!!
---- Hai un cazzo durissimo. .sfacciato... mi stai facendo impazzire. svergognato
---- Che cosa stai facendo.? PUTTANA... !
---- Mi sto toccando la fica. ... .e... .sto per godere... ! ancora..!
---- Anche io sto per sborrare mamma..! aiutami. .PORCA. ..stringi il culo..!
---- Ecccoooommmiiiiiii... .stronzoooo... goodooooo... .ssssiiiii..hhaaaaaaa..
---- Aspettami... BRUTTA TROIA... .! thoo... .thoo... beccati sto cazzo PORCA..!
ssssssiiiii... .eccooo.. ssii.. ssiiii.. veeenggoooo... ssiii.ti sborro nel culo mamma.....!
Finito l'orgasmo le restai dentro ancora per un pò poi mi ritirai cadendo sopra il letto privi di forze, ma fu l'orgasmo più bello della mia vita e lei si complimentò:
---- Nessuno mi aveva inculato cosi bene figlio mio..! BRAVO...!


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So recently my girlfriend and I decided to buy a sybian for fun off of ebay. We bought one where you can change the cock shape to any size or shape of the ones that it came with, including one that was practically flat with a slighting bulge for not penetrating vibrating fun. This is my story of how I decided to ride the sybian for a couple hours non-stop. So the other day I went out and bought some rope and wiches, and an extension cord from the local hardware store. I used the extension cord...

4 years ago
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Navel Oranges

She cut into the firm skin of the fruit, piercing the deep orange of the outside, then slowly sinking into the pith and the sweet, juicy flesh. She chose the largest of the segments she had just cut and took a generous bite, the juice from the orange spilling out and running around her mouth and down her chin. She giggled at the mess she had made; her chin quickly becoming sticky as the orange juice started to dry. He watched as she attempted to clean up the mess, but quickly stopped her when...

Oral Sex
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Noodles Part 9

"Oh my God, Dani!" Mark said, as Sally opened the door. "I can't believe it's you!" Mark stepped over to me, slowly, as if he really didn't believe his eyes. "If I hadn't seen you come in wearing that dress, I swear I wouldn't...WOW!"My face hurt, from smiling so hard. I put my arms out, for Mark to come kiss me. Mark closed the distance between us and gently kissed my lips, eyes open. Then he put his hands around my waist, turning me around to face the mirror. We looked at each other in the...

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Sexi Saali Aadi Gharwali

I like matured ladies, I always excite about elder women i.e, aunties……. Dosto mera naam sameer, 32 saal umar bangalore ka rehne waal hu, ek software company me kaam karta hu aur meri biwi construction company me engineer hai. Hamara sex life bahut achha hai, jab bhi mood aata toh dono start ho jaate hai aur specialy mere dimaag me hamesha sex hee ghumte rehta hai. Koi ladki,lady, aunty ya matured lady mujhse dosti karna chahti hai toh mail kare- Mujhe hamesha se matured ladies pasand hai...

1 year ago
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A Necessary Beating

A Necessary Beating by Ashley Zacharias?Not going to the gym today?? Derrick asked brusquely. ?No,? Jillian replied, surprised. For the first three months after her horrible 'Fall from Grace', he had restricted all conversation to single-word replies and she only got that much if she asked a direct question that, in his opinion, absolutely required his input. In the past month, he had begun to answer in full sentences on occasion, which had been a huge improvement. But this was the first time...

1 year ago
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Shadows From the PastChapter 64

Debby was forced to tell Diane and Richie to hold their account until they returned home. She did not trust that she would have been in the proper emotional state to handle the icy roads if she had heard it either before or during the trip. This gave them a chance to calm down. She wished she could do the same. Her heart pounded all the way home as she tried not to speculate on what they had seen. She could not imagine what more that poor woman could endure. Soon after returning to her...

2 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 50

Flashback – Ben – Beslan Two days of this fucking bullshit and nothing has been done! I still hear the screams in the school! The fucking rat bastard terrorists are doing God knows what to the hostages. At least it's finally night and I can get the hell out of this sniper's hide and find the access door to the roof. I grabbed the suppressed Dragonov SVD1 and the three extra 10 round mags. That gave me a total of 38 rounds of 7.62x54R ammo along with the AK 742 and the three mags I took...

2 years ago
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A Baby for Maeby Part 2

Saturday 14 December 2019Jessica MacFarlane knelt, impaled on her son Richie’s rock-hard penis. Moments before he had orgasmed deep inside her fertile vagina. An outcome that was the culmination of months of planning. Planning she had undertaken with the help of her sister, Maeby Lewis. Richie’s only aunt.Jessica wanted a baby, but her husband Dennis was unwilling. Unwilling to take on the sex required. And especially the commitment of raising a second child this late in life. She knew at...

2 years ago
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Continuing with Naughty Bettypt2

“When do you think you will be ready for round two?” Betty said with a dirty smile on her face. “Aren’t you a naughty one” I said as I pulled her up close for a kiss. “Let’s go downstairs and get something to drink and see what we can do.” then I kissed her again. We got up and she started to put on her underwear, “Now I don’t think we need these do we?” I asked smiling. “Oh, are you telling me that you are a nudist?” she said while she stopped and stepped out of her pretty panties. “That’s...

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BarbaraChapter 17

John Callaway leaned back in his chair in his oak-paneled judicial chambers, took off his glasses and closed his eyes. His headache — an ever-present companion these days — had increased in intensity again. Although only fifty-four years old, Callaway had already retired as a justice of the California Court of Appeals for medical reasons. No one except his doctor and himself knew the reason: He was dying of cancer. Complaining of headaches, he had gone to see his doctor almost a year...

4 years ago
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Fantasy Of Every Virgin Guy Part2

Hi, guys. Thank you all for your support and for liking my previous sex story. I am back with the continued version of my previous sex story titled ‘fantasy of every virgin guy’. Let me get straight to the sex story. After our experience in the car, we headed back home. On the way, she allowed me to play with her hot melons. I then asked her if I can see her pussy as I was eager and couldn’t control my temptation. She said, “well, let’s keep a little bit of surprise for later and winked at me”....

3 years ago
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My wifes KIK account

I wasn't even sure what KIK was, but I quickly found out. My wife was at work and called me from her office number to tell me that she had left her phone at home, and in case I needed to reach her, to use her office land line. Later that day, I arrived home before her usual arrival time, so I went to find her phone, to verify it was where she had thought. I'm not sure what made me open her phone (easy password) but I began to look at her chats. I felt a bit guilty, particularly since most of...

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Princess Ellie

by All These Roadworks === Princess Ellie wasn’t a *bad* princess, but she was occasionally a thoughtless and cruel one, and she made the mistake of doing so on the day when a middle-aged woman arrived at court and applied for permission to access the Royal Library. To be fair, the woman was trashily dressed, huge-titted, and more than a little vulgar. But still, Ellie’s response was uncalled for. She laughed when she heard the woman wanted a pass to the Library, and said, “What use does...

1 year ago
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House Staff Are Sexual Predators

PRELUDE Arthur Holden was looking out the window in his master bedroom into the backyard of his East Hampton estate. He could see his gay 20 year old son Douglas standing with two of the house staff Miguel and Estefan. Miguel at 23 and Estefan 22 were strapping young men who were both well endowed. The three of them had their swim suits down around their knees and they were all sporting erections. Douglas had a cock in each hand jerking off the two Brazilians. Estefan was stroking Douglas’s...

2 years ago
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Robbie and Uncle Donnie Find Each Other

“Uncle Donnie!” Robbie squealed, “what are you doing here?” She flew off her porch, ran to my outstretched arms, and literally jumped onto me, wrapping her slim legs around my hips and her freckled arms around my neck. She kissed me on the cheeks, over and over. When she dropped her feet to the ground, she looked up at me and said, “I just can’t believe this. I was just thinking about you this morning. I was looking through some old pictures, and there you were,” she took my hand and...

1 year ago
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I want to fuck my daddy

  I dnt kno were this came frm but I want my daddy to fuck me. Nice hard strokes, lick my pussy,suck my nipples hard,suck on my clit,while I deep throat him, get his dick nice n wet have him stroke his dick while he watch me play wit my pussy.    I'm 22, 5'4, no kids, live alone, black plus size, not sloppy tho, fat pussy and my shit stay tight and wet well, "juicy "so I've been told. I love suckin dick and the "best", so I've been told (lol later story maybe). Ill call...

4 years ago
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Young Riya And MILF Meeta In Bed

I am Meeta, 42 years old bisexual married woman. I live in Kolkata, India. I am a businesswoman. I am fair, wheatish color, black long hair, beautiful, self-dependent woman. I have a good curvy figure of 38dd-28-38. With my measurements. I am a big sized woman. My tits are quite huge in size and in good shape as I take good care of my figure. I’m curvy but not fat with fleshy arms, broad back, and big ass cheeks and very thick thighs and ass. I do yoga, weight training and keep my body tight...

2 years ago
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Gf Ki Choot Chati Part 8211 3

Hlo everyone. Yeh meri 3rd story h jo meri or meri gf k beech me huyi chudayi ki h. Jaise k ap jante hi ho m sushant from jalandhar panjab. Age 25. Athletic body.agr kisi v lakdi aurat aunty kisi v age ki ho mujse secret sex ja kisi v tarah ka experience chahiye to btana.koi v fantasy ho poori krunga poori satisfaction milegi.. koi v age ho it’s doesn’t matter. Muje apni pichli stories ka kafi acha response mila thnxxx uske liye sabhi ka.. To jada bore na krte huye ab story pe ata hu.. Jab...

2 years ago
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Second Date Day Two

Needless to say, we slept in pretty late on Sunday since we had been up so late the night before. At first as I woke up I was a bit startled to find something in bed with me that wasn't my cat Bob, then I came back to reality and remembered Lisa. I had to pee really bad, but hadn't really introduced Lisa to my pee play fetish, I thought better of it and just got up to pee.While I was standing in front of the toilet, yes I really do stand when I pee, I've been doing since I was a little girl...

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I Cant Have Sex Even In My Dreams Chapter 3

This is the final Chapter of the mini series and I hope you will enjoy it. Please read chapter 1 & 2 before this chapter. To everyone who encouraged me with their comments, Messages and pop-in texts, Thank-you so much, it means a lot to me. Chapter 3 Mandy looked at the watch and realizing it was nearly the appointed time. She walked to her closet and pulled out a summer dress she had purchased some weeks ago. She loved how it looked on her. It was a grey dress with little white flowery...

2 years ago
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Affair with older woman

  Affair with older woman          Hitchhiking This story was written and submitted to me to edit and post.  Thank you Don I am sure that it will be have a good following. I was a college freshman going to a school about 200 miles from home in the Northwestern part of Michigan. The college did not allow freshman to have a car on campus, so anytime that I wanted to go home for the weekend I either had to find a ride home with another student or hitchhike. This spring weekend in particular I...

3 years ago
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A BBC for Elise

It has been almost exactly twenty years since my story began, and I hardly know how to tell it. It is not a source of pride for me. It is more a source of shame, something I cannot tell my friends and family about. Yet, these are probably the most exciting events of my life, and they will mean the end of my marriage because I will not be able to keep them secret much longer. I regret what I did those months ago and I have thought of little else since then. Maybe that is why I feel compelled to...

4 years ago
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Who Is Ch 03

So you really have never had sex before that point? Correct. But look at you. You’re gorgeous. And you’re smart and you’re… you’re the whole package. So I’ve been told. How could you not have had sex like a thousand times before that day? I guess that’s what happens when you get hurt. Plus, I was young and inexperienced. Who was your first time with? Someone Stacey set me up with. How’d that work out? Bad at first but good – Overall. Were you okay with loosing your virginity like...

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Summer Vacation Ch 20

The morning after Master Kwan died, Tommy called the lawyer’s office and found out which funeral home was handling Mr. Kwan’s burial. He called the funeral home next and learned that Mr. Kwan had left orders to be cremated, and that there was to be no service or calling hours. He did manage to convince the funeral director to allow him to do a Buddhist service, however, and did that the next day, after his Sensei had been cremated. Conducting the rituals in front of the brass urn holding...

2 years ago
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My Sister the Ballerina

Regardless of the title of this story, I have to admit right up front that our family was not a family that one would say was "loaded with culture". In fact, my sister Ronnie was not really a ballerina and had never been to a ballet. If the truth be known, she was not even a very good dancer. This story is about the time my cute younger sister Ronnie decided to wear a ballerina costume to a costume party being sponsored by the Police Athletic League on the West Side of town. My name is Louie...

4 years ago
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There and BackChapter 160 Stone Dreams

I went back inside rather than watch everyone leave; I was going to miss them, and worry about Anders and Solona, and somehow watching people go was just harder than it should have been. Or maybe it’s just my lack of sleep? Alistair caught up to me before I got far, pulling me against his chest and just holding me. I didn’t cry – and was rather proud of myself for that fact – and rewarded myself with a soft, lingering kiss with my husband. “We should get some rest,” he whispered to me, his...

3 years ago
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SamChapter 19A

When I woke up in the morning it was very bright in the room, I rolled over to look at the clock and saw that I had slept later than I could remember ever doing. I did the math and found that I had my usual eight hours. It was just delayed a few hours because I had got in so late the night before. "Or the morning of," I corrected myself. Being a night-owl was a new experience for me. I felt that the day was almost half gone because I hadn't gotten up before nine. I slid off the high...

4 years ago
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Fucking Lesson In The Tuition

This is my real sex story. I am working as a software engineer in a well-known company. My mom asked me to meet her friend, Sonal. I was excited to see Sonal. Sonal is in her late 30s, bit busty, but she puts up lots of makeup to look younger. Her boobs are big but saggy. But even at this age, Sonal looks beautiful and sexy in her own way. May be it’s her thighs or her big ass or her flirty talks with me, I don’t know but she is sexy. Since she is my mom’s friend, I have seen her from my...

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The Snapper

By the middle of the '90s, Terri and I had been married for more than twenty years. I had taken a job as a private investigator that paid very well. However, it kept me away from home for weeks at a time. Though a few trips were by air, most of my travel was in my personal car. I had been on the road nearly two weeks when I met Sue. Shortly after dark on a Saturday evening, I stopped for the night in central Illinois. As usual, I stayed at a motel that was part of a well known, nation-wide,...

3 years ago
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Bad Bad Bad Day

Claire’s Story It was not supposed to be a bad day. My divorce from Dillon was official. My boss rewarded my mentoring of a newbie with a penthouse suite for the company’s annual meeting. The shadow of where my wedding ring had been disappeared. Now, I was officially single. Plus, I’d lost the weight I intended to lose. The new-found freedom from my decade of being faithful to a now-I-know philandering ex was a foregone conclusion. I thought, “One day soon, I deserve a good day and a great...

Group Sex
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Master PC Child of the ProgramChapter 20 Commands and Desires

Mandy felt pretty down about what was happening. She desperately wanted to go to her mother to console her. Fortunately she didn't want Mom coming back and potentially blaming me for what was happening when she found out about Mandy and me. Finally, Mandy decided to go to her room. Yvonne and Chloe offered to stay with her for a bit, but she turned them away, wanting some time to herself. I didn't blame her. I would have felt the same. My Russian and my paramour felt helpless too. There...

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