MAMMA NAVESCUOLA free porn video

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La mia storia inizia da quando avevo poco più di 18 anni, vivevo come tutti ragazzi della mia età. Solo che in casa viveva anche mia madre ed eravamo da soli. Ogni tanto fantasticavo con pensieri erotici e una volta è capitato di pensare al corpo di mia madre ed al suo bellissimo culo mentre mi masturbavo.
Ma il nostro rapporto cambiò nettamente un giorno, il quale dopo una brutta caduta, giocando a calcio, ritornai a casa con evidenti abrasioni un po' da per tutto. Quando mi vide mia madre si impaurì e preoccupata mi disse:
---- Vieni subito in bagno !..hai bisogno di una ripulita ed una disinfettata!!
Una volta in bagno continuò dicendomi:
---- Spogliati e mettiti nella vasca, . ... fra poco arrivo !
Vergognandomi un po' le ubbidii, rimanendo in piedi, e nascondendomi il pene con le mani. Arrivò quasi subito, chiuse la porta e prese la cipolla della doccia incominciando a lavarmi da dietro. Poi mi disse :
---- Girati dai !
Lo feci con un po' di perplessione, ma lo feci, ed anche allargando un po' le braccia, mettendo involontariamente tutto in mostra. Di colpo mia madre si fermò e guardandomi in faccia vidi il suo viso farsi quasi paonazzo ed i suoi occhi brillavano come stelle. Capii subito il suo turbamento e la cosa mi scaricò addosso una scossa che mi fece tremare. Ed improvvisamente mi eccitai. Mentre lei mi insaponava tutto il corpo, sentivo il mio cazzo venirmi duro, e crescere a dismisura. Sentivo il suo respiro farsi pesante ma oramai lasciai da parte la vergogna e per me non era altro che una sfida.
Incominciò il risciacquo, io chiusi gli occhi, ma nel mezzo del!'operazione sentii qualcosa urtare contro la cappella. Era la sua guancia, poi una sensazione di caldo. ERA LA SUA BOCCA. Incredulo e contento per aver vinto questa sfida la assecondavo muovendo il bacino non contento allungai una mano fino a tastargli seno. Trovai un capezzolo e mi sembrava enorme. Lei incominciò ad accarezzarmi le palle ed io incominciai a sentire il piacere che cresceva sempre di più,e quando arrivai proprio a limite l'avvertì:
---- Mamma... ... .sto per... ... ... !
Mi passò il suo braccio dietro il bacino per tenermi fermo e :
---- Hhhhummmmm,... .hummmmm... !
Io non potevo resistere a lungo e quasi gridando :
---- Eccolo..! mammmmmaaaa. ... ... .. eccccoooll... ooooohooo... !
Al contrario, lei prese a sbocchinarmi con più foga ed io mollai la tensione.
ti. ... vengooo... dentrooooo... .!!..... mammmaaaaaaaa...!
Finita tutta l'operazione mi accorsi che aveva inghiottito tutto, rimasi sconvolto perché pensavo che certe cose si leggevano solo sui giornalini porno. Alzò il busto e trovandosi di fronte a me notai nel suo viso la vergogna e nei suoi occhi la voglia. Aveva le labbra lucide con le traccia del mio piacere. Con un pò di timore mi chiese:
---- Adesso cosa penserai di tua madre..!?
La rassicurai:
---- Che è stato bellissimo. ... non lo avevo mai fatto. . ..grazie.. mamma....!
Ma mia MADRE voleva precisare. :
---- Sai cosa sono arrivata a fare....? E... lo fatto per te...!
Con stupore per il suo linguaggio gli risposi:
---- . ... ...!... ..! cosa...?
---- E stata la prima volta..!
---- Che cosa.. mamma...? --- Al fatto che... ... mi sono fatta SBORRARE IN BOCCA come una prostituta
...... ma, almeno ti è piaciuto... ? ho notato che avevi bisogno..!
---- Moltissimo,. ..è qualcosa che non si può rinunciare. ... .E sono ancora in tiro..guarda...!..mamma........che effetto mi fai..!
Lei un po' timorosa per il futuro:
---- Mi stai giudicando male ....? Sarò sempre tua madre...?
---- No... ... ... .MAMMA... ... .mi sei sempre piaciuta..!
---- Allora asciugati, poi vieni in camera mia !... SE VUOI TI FACCIO SCOPARE.!
Sbalordito , curioso, ma anche eccitato, mi asciugai in un secondo, e con l'asciugamano addosso entrai nella camera di mamma. La trovai seduta sul bordo del lettone con addosso calze reggicalze e reggiseno nero. Mi avvicinai ammirando quel ciuffo di peli neri che le spuntavano tra le sue belle cosce, poi mi sistemai in piedi di fronte a lei. E fu proprio lei a dire :
---- Fammi vedere cosa c'è qua sotto !!
Tirandomi via l'asciugamano e poi mi attirò a se allargando un po' le gambe. Il mio cazzo stava all'altezza del suo viso. Prese a leccarmi i coglioni facendomi eccitare al massimo dicendo:
---- Che bel cazzo che hai... ..! figlio mio !..! Vuoi scoparmi tesoro..?
----. ... ... si mamma... .!!
---- Prima però mi dovrai preparare..!
---- Come... .?... ... ..mamma.....dimmi come devo fare.!
---- Mi dovrai LECCARE LA FICA. ... ..!.!. ... ..ti fa . .. schifo... .?
---- NO... ..fammela vedere. ..dai..!
Si lasciò cadere all'indietro, spalancandomi le gambe e lo spettacolo èra meraviglioso quasi non credevo, e mi tuffai in quel paradiso, mentre lei con una mano dietro la nuca mi guidava dandomi anche qualche istruzione . Dopo un pò che si lamentava disse:
---- Fermo.!.. fermo.!... ... fermoooo..! . ..sono pronta adesso DAMMELO....!!
Le andai sopra trovandomi con il cazzo proprio all'ingresso della sua FICA.
Fu lei che con un colpo di reni si fece penetrare, poi uno anch'io e le misi tutto il cazzo dentro facendola sussultare. L'abbracciai trovandomi con la bocca vicino al suo orecchio
---- Mammmmaaaa... ! sei calda.. !! calda.....!
---- Ti piace... scoparmi... ?
---- Tantissimo... .!... mammmaaa...!!
Presi a stantuffargli tutto il cazzo in quella fica lorda mentre LEI cercava di penetrarmi un'orecchio con la lingua. E quasi sottovoce mi sussurrava:
---- Bravo... ! così....
---- . ..bona. ... sei BONA MAMMA..!
---- Prima ti ho fatto un pompino. ..lo sai. .e mi hai sborrato in bocca ! porco..!
---- Lo hai voluto. ... ..TU... .!
---- Siii... ..è vero... ! . ... .e sai che fine a fatto la tua sborra. .?
---- NO..!... ..che fine ha fatto..?
---- . ... ... ... ... ... ..L'HO BEVUTA TUTTA... !..! come una. ... TROIA..!
---- Mammmaaa... sei brava. ..e bona..!... ..eeee...
---- Dimmi che sono... ..una.. TROIA..! mi piace essere TROIA..!
---- Maammmmaaaaa... .SEI UNA GRANDE TROIA... ! sto per sborrare ancora
---- . .ssssiiii... VVVVEEENGOOO... sssii aahh SBORRAMI DENTRO..!
---- Mmmmmaaammmmaaaaa... ..ahhaa sssiiii... ANCHE..IO.....SI..!TI SBORRO DENTRO.!.!
Ci calmammo e con un respiro più accettabile, pur restandogli dentro mi dice:
---- Mi hai fatto godere sai... ! ed anche subito..!
---- Anche io mamma... ho goduto subito. .!
---- Questo significa che mi desideri !
---- E vero è da tanto tempo che sognavo di SCOPARTI..!
---- Io invece non ho mai pensato a questo... .ma quando ti ho visto a cazzo dritto non resistito, mi sono eccitata subito come non lo sono stata mai. Ed è la prima volta che faccio un pompino con l'ingoio. Mi sono sentita proprio una PUTTANA....!
---- Io invece ti guardavo spesso quando giravi per la casa e a volte ti sarei saltato addosso e ti avrei scopato con la forza, ma non così.
---- Come..?
---- Da dietro come gli a****li...!
---- Sei un bel porco lo sai.....!... credo che ci sia un po' di disprezzo nei tuoi gusti.
Rimase un po' interdetta poi tra la calma mi disse:
---- Vorresti provare....?
Le detti un bacio su una guancia infuocata dalla vergogna, ed anch'io con un pò di vergogna, ma grande desiderio di vedergli il suo culo...
---- Si mamma ......mi piacerebbe ...!!
---- Non avevo pensato che saresti arrivato a questo, sei proprio un bel PORCO, ma ti devo confessare che la cosa mi incuriosisce ..... spegni la luce..!
---- Vorrei chiederti una cosa....ancora...!
---- Cosa mi devo aspettare ...adesso..!
---- Niente di se non ti va...non fa niente...!
---- Dimmi....!
---- Vorrei comandarti io...! E tu dovrai obbedire...!
Non mi rispose ma dal suo sguardo capii il suo assenso e non solo, anche il suo piacere. La vidi disposta a tutto. Allora:
---- GIRATI MAMMA... ... ..E ...METTITI ALLA PECORINA......!!!
Mi ubbidii immediatamente. Si mise direttamente a pecorina, ed io scesi dal letto piazzandomi dietro di lei poi:
----Vieni più in fuori. !... mamma... .!.!
La presi per i fianchi attirandola a me, e schiacciando il mio cazzo tra le sue chiappe Non ne potei fare a meno di esclamare:
---- Che culo che hai mamma!!!!!... bellissimo!!!!
Le misi il cazzo vicino la fica e con la cappella le accarezzai il clitoride, e dopo un po' lei stessa sporse di più il culo. La sua fica grondava di umori caldi. Il mio cazzo era durissimo. Mia madre iniziò ad ansimare ed io la accontentai ficcandogli la cappella tutta dentro. Mi prese la voglia di umiliarla.
---- Lo vuoi sto cazzo mamma....!
---- Si tesoro sssii..!
---- Allora ....THO....THO..! eccoti servita .....PUTTANA......!!
La presi per i fianchi e le infilai tutto il cazzo dentro facendola lamentare..!
---- HHAAAA....!...HAA!!!....sis.iiii....!
Incominciai a scoparla alla pecorina è lei godeva dicendomi:
---- Si... ssssiiii.... Belloooooo... hhaaaa.... !mi piace tanto..!
Io guardavo il suo culo e la cosa mi ispirava :
---- Mammmaaaa....che bel culo...!,...Che...hai..?
---- E tuo tesoro...!!
---- E bellissimo...!
----E tutto ...tuo...!
----Mammmaaa...lo voglio...!!
Non credevo alle mie orecchie. Lo tirai fuori dalla sua fica gocciolante di umori poi lo puntai nel suo ano :
---- Mammmaaaa... te lo metto nel culo...!
Con un colpo glielo lo misi quasi tutto dentro, male si lamentò.
---- Pianoooo... .piaanoooo... ! più delicato. .tesoro..!
Avanzai piano, piano, come mi aveva detto LEI tenendola per i fianchi, fino in fondo. E quasi con un lamento mi pregò:
---- Fermo..fermo..! così... .! fammi abituare. ..ce l'hai troppo grosso... !
Mentre il suo ano si stava abituando al mio cazzo, io curioso le slacciai il reggiseno poi le accarezzai le sue tette sode,che mi riempivano i palmi delle mani e sentivo i suoi capezzoli grossi e duri. Incominciò a muovere il culo poi mi disse:
---- Adesso INCULAMI... .! dai..!
---- Ti piace prenderlo nel culo..?. ..TROIA...!!
E le detti anche una pacca su una natica. Poi incominciai a pompargli il mio cazzo nel culo ma lei mi rimproverava :
---- Disgraziato. .. ti stai inculando tua madre... ! PORCO..!
---- Ssssiiiiiii... .T'INCULO... .! TROIA... !. ... Mammma ti sei messa alla pecorima come una VACCA... ! ti sento il culo stretto... .FINALMENTE T'INCULO MAMMA::!!
---- Hai un cazzo durissimo. .sfacciato... mi stai facendo impazzire. svergognato
---- Che cosa stai facendo.? PUTTANA... !
---- Mi sto toccando la fica. ... .e... .sto per godere... ! ancora..!
---- Anche io sto per sborrare mamma..! aiutami. .PORCA. ..stringi il culo..!
---- Ecccoooommmiiiiiii... .stronzoooo... goodooooo... .ssssiiiii..hhaaaaaaa..
---- Aspettami... BRUTTA TROIA... .! thoo... .thoo... beccati sto cazzo PORCA..!
ssssssiiiii... .eccooo.. ssii.. ssiiii.. veeenggoooo... ssiii.ti sborro nel culo mamma.....!
Finito l'orgasmo le restai dentro ancora per un pò poi mi ritirai cadendo sopra il letto privi di forze, ma fu l'orgasmo più bello della mia vita e lei si complimentò:
---- Nessuno mi aveva inculato cosi bene figlio mio..! BRAVO...!


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I was not happy. In fact I was a whole mixture of emotions; resentful, disappointed, anxious, frustrated. It was our tenth wedding anniversary and my husband, Jeremy, who is 13 years my senior and partner in a city centre law practice had had one of his ‘senior moments’. We had just been finishing our meal at the hotel restaurant when his face paled. For one brief moment I thought it was a heart attack. He began to tap the breast pocket of his navy blazer before exclaiming, “Oh my God!”“What is...

3 years ago
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Paying off debts Part 1

Tamara walked into her crumbling apartment in a frenzy. This whole week had come to shit and a bottle of wine in the cabinet was calling for her in these desperate times. Her mind began to swim with thoughts of her piece of shit job that paid her next to nothing. Thinking of that made her glance over to the counter, looking at the pile of past due bills. She kept borrowing from the bank, but was never able to pay it back. Tears started to sting her eyes as she reached up for the wine in the...

3 years ago
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Sara and I had been close friends since our sophomore year of high school. I guess that's where I should begin.You know how close friends get, how you get to be physically as well as emotionally close, and you are so comfortable around them you feel like you could do anything. That's how it was with Sara and I.Sara is petite and pretty, and always makes me laugh. I, curvier - particularly the D breasts - had always felt like there was something more between us, even though I had never...

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Teen CD Confession

It was nearly ten p.m. as I pulled into an empty parking lot of a tiny park on the edge of town, a place where I usually play out many a cross dressing night out for myself whenever possible, a special night for me to enjoy the freedom of cross dressing out in the open when no one is around.The scenario goes like this, I park my car overnight, grab my small back pack with a few goodies inside and a trench coat for cover just in case my walk is interrupted by passerby's, an hitchhike the few...

2 years ago
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Claude a star is discovered

CLAUDE – a star is discovered I’d been a member of Claude’s gym for the best part of two years when he announced he wanted to sell it. “I’ve been running this place for twenty years. I just want to do something different,” he told me. This was indeed sad news, as I loved the place. It was pretty well equipped, the members were nice and there was a friendly atmosphere, largely due to Claude’s natural people skills. Also, a great plus was that there was a spa area with hot tubs, Jacuzzi, saunas...

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Carla Chapter 4

Harry Carter and I went way back. He was, like me, from a part of the military that doesn’t exist. He had to leave when he mislaid a leg in some shitty part of the world. I’d carried him most of the way out and while he didn’t owe me anything (he’d have done the same for me), he’d remained a close and dear friend. He was also one of the most resourceful men I knew. If the police couldn’t find who was trying to kill Lauren then maybe, just maybe, we might. I gave Harry copies of all the email...

2 years ago
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The Long Road Back Ch 13

The next month flew by. As much as I begged for time to go by slowly, it seemed to fly by faster. I spent my time, reading or watching TV. Hawk took time off from work to help me prepare my case. Mr. Wallace came over a few times but mainly it was just talking about what to say when I was on the stand and to go over what we talked about the night I got arrested. Amy and Jericho said they had to get back to LA, because Jericho had to get back to work. They made me promise to keep them updated...

4 years ago
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TandraChapter 95B

My family and Carl's went to the pub in style after we took our time looking at the area close to the shore. We used a small cutter to give us a more intimate view of the city. In a few more minutes, we landed in the parking lot of the pub. I pushed open the large doors and found nobody around. From the back room I heard John talk about all the inconsiderate people that left his business to see a foolish ship. His mind told me that his employees had deserted with the customers. Behind the...

2 years ago
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Edited by Barney R. Final edit and spelling and grammar checked by Grammarly Tweaked by me all errors are on me. Author’s Note; All military training and action references are totally made up I have no sniper experience, and I was not a supply clerk. I was a maintenance man in a hospital unit. This is fiction after all. This is a longer than normal story for me. She showed me the home pregnancy kit it had turned blue. I was not happy. Dramatis personae Sidney Greenleaf (Me) John...

1 year ago
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Thigh Highs and sex toys

The phone rings , it is you on the other end asking me when we are going to get together again. I ask when is a good time for you and you say you have no plans for tomorrow. I agree and ask where we will meet,you say you are going to rent a hotel room for the night . I tell you to call me tomorrow with all the details and hang up. I sit down and pour myself a glass of wine thinking about the preperations I am going to need to do before tomorrow night,thinking to myself I am going to have a few...

2 years ago
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Kinky Family Adventures

My name is Jason, and I was bringing up some firewood to the house, when my daughter drove up in her Miata with her wife in the passenger seat. The girls hopped out of their little car, and said in unison, “Hi handsome!” “Get the door girls will you and why are you here so late in the day?” I hustled inside and dumped the wood in the hopper by the fireplace. From the kitchen Karen said, “Is that you Meg?” My wife was preparing dinner. “Yes Mom, and I...

4 years ago
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The Devils Pact Sidestory Lillian Gets Spanked

Edited by Master Ken Friday, November 8th, 2013 – Lillian Franks – Murano Hotel, Tacoma, WA "Lillian," Tomoyo greeted when I opened my hotel room door. She was one of the maids, and cute as a button with dark, slanted eyes and a petite body. I had enjoyed the teen and her tiny tits a few times. She was a screamer. "My Lady will attend to your punishment now." I had to suppress my grin. I had mouthed off during the meeting in the Matmown early this morning. Very early. Master and Mistress...

2 years ago
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The Aquarium

Aquarium By Slothrop Chapter 1: Welcome to Fantasy Island We got off the plane and were greeted by a bright sunny day. The island was lush but not tropical. A few of the guys argued about where we were. My guess was the South Atlantic, but I have been known to be wrong. A plane full of strangers, fifty guys in their late twenties climbed down the steps from the 757 and walked towards the two women who were holding one of those greeting signs emblazoned with "Group D"....

2 years ago
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Swinging Milf Gets Double Cock

Tommy & Omar are two young swinging studs and last week they went to meet and fuck a married woman who they had met on a swinging website, Her name was Helen. Tommy approached the front door and gave it a knock, When Helen opened the door Tommy was surprised how sexy she had dressed for the occasion wearing a latex like corset, Oh Wow Helen Tommy cried, Omar followed in close behind him, I cant believe you came im so excited Helen sighed, Tommy who was holding the camera asked Helen just to...

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I Was My Sisters Sex SlaveChapter 9

Joe settled in and did a very good job as the shaver. The girls liked him, and a few even propositioned him for after-hours sex. It was obvious that they were trying to avoid paying the $225 fee for a fuck, but Joe was smart enough to refuse the tempting offers. Sue had anticipated that was going to happen, so she had warned Joe that he would lose his job if he gave in to a girl on this offer. Joe could see the great advantage of his job and how much money he would have given to him when he...

1 year ago
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BigTitsRoundAsses Gabriela Lopez Gabriela Gets Wet

Gabriela Lopez is so horny! She starts rubbing her pussy on the couch and sucking her big tits. She can hear Peter Green cleaning the dishes. A man who does chores makes her wet. She sneaks up on him and pulls down his pants. Before peter realizes what’s happing She sucking his thick juicy cock. He makes her get up and gets her real wet with the hose. Her breasts are nice and wet and bouncy. After They get right to fucking. Peter gets in her fat dripping pussy. They fuck until He cums all...

2 years ago
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Change of Fate Part 1

Change of Fate: Part 1 By JRD IN OUR UNIVERSE... Tarina jogged from the airport towards the suburban home of her mother. She knew that the distance was extreme and that Joe probably would've recommended a cab, but it had been bad enough that she had to fly in one of those stinky airplanes. She was not going to further irritate her nose by riding in a car, not unless she had to. It would take a little longer, but she'd be there by mid-afternoon. A big incentive to move quickly...

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Headlocked in Thailand

"Headlocked in Thailand" by MFXslave [interracial, Fdom, femdom, snuff, rimjob, cunnilingus, anulingus, killing, handjob, headlock, BDSM, bondage, assassin]David Argyle shook hands with his Thai business partners in the downtown Bangkok Head office after all the necessary papers had been signed. He had closed the deal in less than four hours. His superiors had expected several days, if not weeks, of stalling and various unreasonable demands.He called his New York office, quickly briefed them...

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Romp with the Principal

‘But, Mr. Deutsch is so hot! I would do anything for him to suspend me…’ ‘Girls, can you get to class and not talk about me that way in school?’ Lakewind High School is the epitome of diversity. We have rowdy farmers from Scottoline and even preppy rich kids from Eloquence Township. Out of the seven high schools in our district, I’d say I’m the most proud to work at Lakewind. Not because I’m a vice principal that makes good money, but also because the faculty is fantastic. I’m one of three...

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the garden party

I should have learnt my lesson not to have to much to drink, after the firms Christmas party when I ended up with two of the younger members of the staff in a back room where I got well and truly fucked by both of them . I got invited to a garden party with a few other female members of staff, our area manager had a nice house and was obviously showing off to everyone at how well he had done for himself, this afternoon was to be a thank you to all the staff for all the hard work they had done...

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Reassigned MChapter 4 Reassigned

Some days, David Blake enjoyed the daily railroad trip from Chicago. He could read with breaks looking out the window at passing scenery. This was not one of those days. His seatmate knew the men sitting across from David, and the chatter was too frequent to allow him to really get into his book. For that matter, the book was a long, slow, slog at the best of times. He’d half-written a book on Paul’s teaching about marriage before he’d begun being counseled for his own upcoming marriage....

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Mirror Mirror on the Wall

I’d like to thank Randi and SOL for this opportunity to write something outside my normal oeuvre. I thank Randi for her skilful editing. However, any subsequent errors are mine and I demand the right to claim any such errors as my own! And The Hammersmith Nude Murders aka Jack the Stripper was a real case. The murder weapon was as described in this story. The case was never solved. Danny Flavian was going to die, and it was all his own fault. Not that he actually accepted this fact, but...

1 year ago
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Fellatio Japan

FellatioJapan! I’ve always been a fan of website names that tell you exactly what you’re getting. I call my own site ThePornDude because what you’re tuning in to is 100% pure, unadulterated Porn Dude. When I found the link to Fellatio Japan, I rubbed my hands together with glee. Naturally, I lubed up thoroughly before I stuck my dick between, as you geniuses may have already guessed, is a premium porn site devoted to the art of Japanese fellatio. They added the first...

Premium Blowjob Porn Sites
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sissies obey rules

1. A real sissy whore is always ready to be fucked at anytime and anywhere2. A real sissy whore shows sissy clitty and cunny at every opportunity3. A real sissy whore begs to be fucked hard4. A real sissy whore sucks anything that's offered5. A real sissy whore must be prepared to be fucked in any position6. A real sissy whore does as told no matter how dirty and low the task7. A real sissy whore plays with herself as instructed for others amusement8. A real sissy whore loves being m*****ed in...

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Horny colleagues

IN FLIGHT ENTERTAINMENT Hi, all u horny people. My name is Zoltan and I am back again with a new encounter. I am not going to give my CV here but would suffice to say that I am pleasant to look at and well built in all the relevant departments. Stats are not important. Life has been good to me. Lots of wine, women and song. I have loads of girlfriends who are bold and beautiful and hence with the blessings of the Lord above I lead a happy and a fulfilling life. By the very nature of my job I...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 9 Professor Reaper

Fall 2018 to Spring 2019 Thanksgiving was at my parents’ house. Last year it was supposed to be there, but Kelly had inherited it when Dad had his heart attack that week. Another way of looking at it was that Mom gave him a heart attack, considering what the two of them were up to when the event occurred. With all the mayhem I’d been around in my life I’d prefer to check out the way he almost did. Regardless, this year it was at Mom and Dad’s, and it would give us a chance to tease them some...

4 years ago
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Zwei Schwedenlesben auf dem Campingplatz

Drei Tage waren mein bester Kumpel Arno und ich nun schon auf diesem Campingplatz. Mit dem rauschenden Meer fast direkt vor unserem Zelteingang chillten wir die meiste Zeit in der Sommerhitze bei einem oder mehreren Bierchen und erholten uns von den Abiturprüfungen. Am vierten Tag wurde es dann endlich interessant. Die nervige Familie neben uns räumte ihren Platz und wenig später hielt ein Cabrio mit schwedischem Kennzeichen und es stiegen zwei Göttinnen aus: Sandalen, bauchfreie Tops, die sich...

Group Sex
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Moving Around

Moving Around. Edward rubbed his hands together. He had just moved in to his new house, he moved around every few months as he got bored of the places. He had seen his new neighbour as he had moved in. They were a nice looking family, A husband and wife with 1 son. Edward knew he would have fun with in this town, every few months he moved around the country, coming to a new town, then messing with peoples lives and then moving on. He knocked on the door of the 4 bedroom house,...

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Bec2 ThanksgivingChapter 4 Wednesday Afternoon November 24th

There’s something magical about cars. They’re like spaceships. They carry you from one world to another. For example, Nana’s car was carrying me from the world of school to the world of home – two entirely different worlds with their own rules and expectations. I think even the laws of gravity are different. And since I’m a different person in each of those worlds, the spaceship-car has the additional power to transform me from one person into another. I get into the car as Rebecca Freeman...

2 years ago
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Real Man

All the women on my mom's side of the family are petite and fairly good looking. They age really well. As I was growing up I became more curious about women and pussy. So I would pop in on mom catching her in various stages of dress. One day I did that to my grandma Flo, caught her buck naked. She glared at me and opened her pussy lips and yelled "Only real men can get pussy this good. Come back when and if you are ever a real man." Granny Flo was good looking, in great shape at that time. Pert...

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Surprise in the park

Introduction: I found three young black girls in the public mens room. It was getting late and I had spent the evening fishing in Mission Bay. I had done OK and caught three calico bass and a legal sized halibut. I knew that they would soon be locking up the bathrooms for the night so I beached my 14 foot boat on the shore and headed for the mens room to relive myself before calling it a night and heading home. As I entered the toilets, I was shocked to see three women standing there. I...

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How I Made Myself a Cuckold part 4

Pauline eventually came back into the club with the doorman in tow, she looked flushed and contented from their 30 minutes in the cleaners cupboard. The doorman said, thanks baby, see you next week, as their hands parted and he went on with his duties.Everything OK I said. Yes i`m fine thanks Pauline said. She took her phone from a small bag and keyed in the unlock code directly in my view, she keyed in four letters , S - L - U - T, before sending a short message , that information would be...

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