Mammary Lane
- 3 years ago
- 27
- 0
Erik Von Schmiser
M/f, M+/f,
F/f, MF/f, interracial, size, BDSM, S/M, consensual, torture, nc, Extreme,
Heavy, violent.
This tale deals with the refined and detailed torture of women, centered almost
exclusively on their breasts.
Subjects/victims may be zealous, fanatical masochists, searching for the ever
elusive ultimate in pain, others will be those unfortunate enough to have
attracted the attention of one or more of those whose greatest pleasure in life
is inflicting horrific pain in the most savage and barbaric ways
imaginable on helpless women. This is not a bland, vanilla imitation..........
It is a narrative of explicit, violent, sadistic torment and torture.. There
will be considerable screaming and begging, pleading for mercy.. Such a
thing is unknown to these people.
If such actions offend your delicate nature or views, save everyone, most of
all yourself, the pain of continuing.
And PLEASE! Remember, it's all fiction.
Chapter 1
These name of this group of passionate devotees, and practioners of the
torture of women is known as the "quiet ones." Their methods result
in anything BUT quiet. They don't advertise their calling.. Those desiring
their services find their way to them quite nicely, and those "involuntary
guests" have no say in the matter.
Their den of horrors consists of a large isolated estate with no close by
habitation. A prerequisite for such a noisy endeavor. (The screaming you
know.) The property encompasses many acres, they even have their own airfield
to make "deliveries" convenient and private.
No attempt is made to suppress or muffle the continual screaming of it's "
customers" and "guests". They luxuriate in the results of the
plying of their craft. Too, hearing the screams of other patrons seems to add
to the delectation of the customers, and to the terror of
All in all a quite happy and pleasant group.
Joy is a lifelong masochist. From where her preoccupation with pain
springs is not known. No matter, she has been in search of those who will
subject her to any kind of abuse resulting in ever escalating levels of pain
most of her adult life. She seems to have an unlimited source of income.
Her most trusted employee is Isaac, a huge black hulk of a man whose ostensible
job is security at her extensive estate. His real job is to assure she is
strung up and lashed viciously each week, centering on her luxuriant
breasts, or whatever other punishment she dreams up. He is
slavishly devoted to Joy, and nothing is allowed to interfere with her wishes
and desires.
Several of her friends are closet masochists too and it was one of them who
appraised her of the existence of the group. It took Joy little time obtaining
the necessary information to contact them and arrange a meeting.
The group maintained a low profile but still maintained luxurious quarters in a
large city where they interviewed prospective clients.
It was necessary for her to complete an extensive questionnaire and submit it
to them before they would even grant her an interview. Her request for
such interview was approved and an appointment for an in-depth interview
The appointment day came and Joy was quite excited at the possibility of
availing herself of the promised "services." Of finding someone to
truly torture her and under conditions she could not control or stop if it got
too heavy for even her. Once committed she would be a virtual prisoner of these
diabolical torturers. She arrived punctually at the specified time and place,
her panties damp in anticipation.
She was ushered into a large office and told to make herself comfortable by the
interviewer. As she entered she noticed the heavy oak door had fat rubber
cushioning around the perimeter, the windows were triple pane and she realized
the walls appeared to be padded too. The room was soundproof.
"My name is Frederick, and I will ask you a few more questions and you may
ask your own."
"As the information supplied states, we offer a very comprehensive course
of treatment. They are thorough and if you truly desire that which you
expressed in the questionnaire I am sure you will receive all you wish, and
"I certainly hope so. I desperately want someone to take me to my limits
and beyond."
"Let me make one thing absolutely. "There ARE NO LIMITS". We
will do as we see fit to you. No amount of pleading or begging of any
kind will have any effect on your treatment. Screams will avail you
nothing. In fact we encourage them, and believe me you WILL scream!" Your
stay will end only when the time you have paid for expires. Do you
"Oh yes, of course. How soon may I start?"
"You will make arrangements to be absent from your normal place of
habitation and make it clear that once you leave you will be unreachable
until the date you specify which will be at the end of your contracted stay
with us."
"I'm ready immediately and have already given a letter to my solicitor
explaining my absence. It is also my understanding that my man Isaac may
accompany me and observe my treatments. Is that correct?"
"Indeed it is. Here are your instructions regarding transportation
to the manor. You can leave within the hour via our private jet.
Before you leave I must ask you to view a short film of some of our
treatments But first there is the matter of payment."
"Here is a certified, insured check for the full amount. $150,000
dollars. Is that correct?"
"Certainly madam. Congratulations you are now our property."
"Of course, I understand completely. The film will give me something
to look forward to."
"You can be assured it will do that."
With that Frederick touched a few buttons on a desk console and the lighting in
the room was subdued and the huge plasma TV screen on the wall came to life
with a drawn out ear piercing scream The stark image on the screen
explained the shrieking. A woman of about her own age hung naked and
suspended on an iron frame. Her arms were stretched wide and her large
prominent breasts bulged from her chest. A large, heavily muscled man
stood in front of her a little to one side. He was savagely beating her
unprotected globes with a stout bamboo cane. Each blow sunk deeply into
the soft flesh of her breasts, nearly disappearing into them. They were
already heavily striated by angry red weal's, he obviously had been beating her
breasts for some time. She screamed continually, struggling futilely against
the cruel straps holding her. The flagellating continued for several more
minutes before the scene changed. A young girl, no more than 18-19 was
bent back over a steel bar, her manacled wrists were bent around it and hooked
to a tight iron band about her waist. Her voluminous breasts were thrust
up and forward. Cords had been looped around each of her nipples
and pulled up grotesquely. An exotic looking woman was burning
designs into the flesh of her tits with a glowing, smoldering iron.
Interspersed with her howls of agony she begged and pleaded for the woman to
stop. She thrashed and struggled in her bindings as the woman stripped
the skin from a breast.
The display went on for 30 minutes, each scene more savage and heinous than the
"This dear lady is what is in store for you once you arrive at our manse.
One last thing before you leave. Remove your clothes"
"What? Now? Here?"
"Yes! here and now! And be quick about it, remember you now belong
to me, body and soul. You will do as I and my colleagues order. Now
strip. I want to inspect this package you described in your application."
"Joy quickly regained her composure. Of course, she willingly had
surrendered her freedom for the status as a piece of meat to be done with as
Joy quickly disrobed, removing skirt and blouse, but before she could go
further Frederick stopped her.
Joy stands 5ft 6inches, weighs 128pounds, with flaming red hair which cascades
down her back nearly to her delightful derriere. Her legs are long for
her height and beautifully formed. Her voluminous breasts thrust forward
stupendously, unrestrained by brassiere there is not a hint of sag, the nipples
fat, stiff and erect, protruding nearly an inch from the aureoles.
Frederick had stopped her because he wished to admire her appearance.. She wore
a black leather bustier ending below those stupendous mounds.
Straps from the bottom held up dark stockings and her feet were shod in
sexy, strappy sandals with 6 inch heels. She was indeed a luscious sight
to behold. Frederick licked his lips and you could almost hear his
thoughts of how fortunate he was to have such a morsel to do with as he
"Quite impressive my dear. I just had to see them for myself. Are
they really 38 HH?"
"Yes they are. And they're real, no silicone here."
"This is indeed going to be a pleasure."
He stepped closer and grasped one of the huge nipples, pinching and drawing it
Joy didn't even flinch, just closed her eyes and drew in a sharp breath, a
slight moan of ecstasy escaping her lips as he released the nubbin.
" Yes indeed, a real pleasure. You may dress now. Here are travel
papers for you and your man. Go directly to the airport, the plane is
"Oh thank you. I'm sure things are going to go wonderfully."
If she only realized what lay in store she might have had some misgivings..
Joy and Isaac were whisked to the airport and in no time at all were airborne,
enroute to a hell she could scarcely imagine.
The flight only took a couple of hours and as they prepared to land Joy could
see the huge mansion and grounds. She also noticed that even from their
altitude there was not a single sign of any habitation in site in any
direction. After landing the plane taxied to a hangar at one side.
They deplaned and were again whisked away in a limousine. It was a
short drive to the mansion and they got out and entered. A well built young man
greeted them and told them to follow him. They entered a long hallway which led
to another part of the mansion. As they moved further from the entrance
hall noises could be heard which soon became a cacophony of screams. More
than one person was being horribly tortured somewhere close by.. Joy's heart
was racing. As they moved further into the building screaming grew in
volume. The young man escorting them smiled as each new shriek of agony
reverberated through the halls. Joy thought, my God, soon those howls of
pain will be coming from me. She was so excited juices were dribbling
down her thigh, she was trembling in anticipation.
They were moving down a long stone hallway with iron doors set into the masonry
on either side. They stopped before one and their escort said, "This
is yours. Before you enter, remove your clothes. A message from
Frederick wishes you to leave just your underclothes on, you will however
remove the rest.
Joy was a little take aback to disrobe in the passageway but realized that she
was a prisoner and did as told. He opened the door and pushed her
"Hertha will be here shortly to settle you in."
The iron door clanged closed and the lock clicked.
Her "room" was a stark stone cell 12 ft square. Chains dangled
from rings imbedded in the wall and the stone ceiling. A stainless steel toilet
occupied a corner, A solitary water tap stuck from a wall. No bed,
no chair, nothing. She sat on the toilet and waited.
Hertha arrived shortly thereafter. She was a large, buxom, blonde woman
with a carryall for her accoutrements. She quickly went to work placing
leather cuffs around Joy's wrists and ankles. She dragged Joy over under
a couple of chains hanging from the overhead and stretched an arm up and
latched it fast. She did the same with the other wrist. Joy was
forced up till her toes were some inches above the stone floor. She
expected the woman would take a whip of some sort from her bag and give her a
whipping, however when she had hung Joy up, she picked up her carryall and left
the cell.
Joy waited for someone to come and do something. After all she was here
to be abused. Time passed and no one came. Her arms began to ache,
her weight was beginning to tell. She searched with her toes for some
contact with the floor to relieve the strain but they remained some inches
above it. She tried to pull herself up to exercise some of the ache away
but she tired of this in short order, her weight stretched her muscles making
them cramp, the pain shooting up her arms and back. Well she thought, I
wanted to be tortured, this is the start. Soon someone will come along
and take her for her first session in what she was coming to realize would be a
torture chamber. A hideous shriek rang in her ears, someone being
tortured she thought, God what must they be doing to her. It was joined by more
screams from other tormented souls. All these screams... woman
being tortured, and she knew that these people dealt in breast torture almost
exclusively, and it would soon be her turn. Oh please hurry, I need it,
hurry, make me scream too. Her arms were cramping from the
suspension. How long had it been? Several hours she was sure,
but then with her arms stretched so high overhead the minutes seems like hours.
Her hands had long since gone numb, the muscles of her arms twitched and
trembled. A mere hour has elapsed. It seems an eternity. Surely they
would not leave her hanging very long. The sweat trickled down her face
from her soaked hair, dripping onto her tremendous breasts running
in rivulets across the lush flesh and dripped in large drops from her stiff
God when will they come? Please hurry, hanging like this is
torment. Well hellooooo! You are here to be TORTURED! She dotes on pain
yes but she wants it to be her tits that are the center of her trials.
Her shoulders are screaming in pain, they feel as though they are being
wrenched from their sockets. Joy thinks she has been hanging here for hours and
hours. It has now been 2 hours since they hoisted her.
She cries out, pleads to be released, this is not what she agreed to. Oh
Joy is left to hang, suspended by her brutally cuffed arms for 4 more
hours. She begins to hallucinate, picturing herself on some medieval
rack, her limbs being torn from her body. She finally realizes that this
is a part of her "treatment" that is not revealed to
clients. A bit of softening up so to speak, to impress on her the utter
futility and helplessness of her situation now that she is in their
Joy hangs in her isolated cell for more than 13 hours. She is sure she
has been hoodwinked by a band of unscrupulous cutthroats who have no intention
of fulfilling the contract she entered into. They have her money... They
will do with her as they please. Probably torture her to death and dispose of
her like a used condom. Then again, didn't she make this compact
voluntarily? Wasn't it for her to be tortured? Welcome to reality
Finally after what seems to Joy an eternity, the bolt on the iron door slides
back, her cell door opens. Two attendants lower her to the floor
and remove the cuffs from wrists and ankles. They place her on a gurney
and strap her down.. They wheel her to a large shower room where others push
her under fierce jets of nearly scalding water. Attendants scrub and rinse her,
then dry her. A large nozzle is forced up her rectum and 3 hot soapy water
enemas, flush her out. They take her to a spotlessly clean room where she is
told to lie on one of the tables covered with white sheets and is given a
massage to make the most elaborate spa seem like a sleazy San Fran
bathhouse. She continually asks questions regarding her rude introduction
to what she thought would be a stimulating experience, demanding to know what
they are doing. Her only answers are that it is all part of the program. After
the massage and another cleansing shower she is instructed where she is to go
next. Her dark stockings and high heels are returned to her, and is told
to put them on.
Though feeling much better her arms still ache and she is not exactly a happy
camper when she is ushered into a Spartan room furnished by a desk and two
chairs. One chair behind the desk is occupied by Frederick. He
motions her to sit in the other which sits in front of the desk.
Joy immediately launches into a tirade of the terrible treatment she has been
given and demands an explanation.
Frederick is prepared for her reaction and allows her to fully vent her
"Your reaction is normal my dear. What you have gone through is a
part of the program which is to acquaint you with our absolute control over you
and your complete vulnerability to whatever whim may strike us. My
statement that your are mine, body and soul, was not an idle description but a
fact. When I take you from here the treatment you contracted for will
begin. You will feel the very fires of hell and be completely at our
mercy. A bit of an oxymoron since we do not recognize the
term. You paid to be tortured and tortured you will be."
Joy is a bit taken aback but is eager to begin, her heart races as Frederick
comes around the desk and grabbing a handful of her flaming red hair, yanks her
to her feet.. He grips a wrist in a steely hand and drags her through a door at
the back of the room. They emerge in a long passageway with steel doors
on either side, exactly like the one she saw yesterday.. The first thing
that greeted her as they passed through the door was a piercing shriek from one
of the rooms. Others joined in as he half led, half dragged Joy down the
passage........ He stopped before one door and opening it pushed her
It was a large chamber resembling an operating theater. There were
semicircular rows of seats sloping downward giving a clear view of the
"stage".. Nearly every seat was occupied by a restive audience,
mostly men, but there also a goodly representation of eager female watchers.
The men were completely or partially naked. ALL were fondling themselves
enthusiastically. The women were in similar disarray, one woman, clad only in
waist cincher, stockings and heels was diligently pleasuring herself with
a large vinyl phallus, pinching and squeezing her nipples with her other hand.
It was a large, oval, brightly lit, bowlike space. There were large glass
fronted cabinets along the walls crammed with all sorts of instruments and
containers. A large leather covered Gyno table occupied the center of the
theater. On the table a magnificent blonde was tightly strapped.
Her mouth spread wide by a dental clamp. She writhed against the leather
straps holding her as a blood curdling shriek issued forth. A white
coated man stood next to her doing something so vile that Joy could
hardly comprehend it's barbarity.
"God that must be excruciatingly heavenly!"
"This young lady is one of our "involuntary" guests. Very
soon you will be entertaining some of our viewing audience with your own
A shiver went down Joy's spine as she envisioned herself being savagely
tortured as a rapt audience watched and listened. The unfortunate girl writhed
and screamed as the white garbed man increased the ferocity of what he was
doing to her large swollen tit flesh.
Joy's heart was racing as she watched and listened, a dribble of juice trickled
down the inside of her thigh, she was nearly hyperventilating in excitement.
Frederick pulled her back into the passage and hustled her further along.
Screaming and wails of pain came from each door as they passed. Finally
Frederick stopped at a door and opened it pushing Joy in ahead. They made
a sharp turn to the right and went down a flight of stairs and turned left.
"Well Joy your time has come. I"ll be taking you through this
door which leads into a room much like the one we just left. For your
sake I hope you have not changed your mind because it is too late to back
out Once in that room you will be subjected to the most painful and
excruciating tortures we have been able devise."
With that he opened another door and thrust her into a brightly illuminated
"Have a nice day."
Instead of looking like an operating room, this space resembled a
There was not an empty seat in the gallery. Word had gotten around that a
very beautiful and voluptuous woman was to experience her first breast
Instead of a gyno table, the center of the room was occupied by a large
"T". It stood just 4 feet tall and was constructed of square
steel tubing welded together. The cross arm on top was 3 feet wide.
There were steel rings at intervals along the top and sides.
Issac and a husky assistant led Joy to the device. A steel collar, 2
inches wide was placed around her neck and locked in place, it had rings welded
at the sides, in front and back. They forced her back to the upright,
neck at the junction of the tubes. An iron "U" shaped loop was
run through the ring in the back of the collar and a ring on the
"T". Her head was pressing against the crosspiece, the vertical
thrust into her back between her shoulder blades. Her arms were drawn out
and up and linked to rings on the crossbar. They weren't stretched out
tight, but when they finished it appeared she was flexing her upper arms like a
body builder.
Next came her lower legs. They were bent back under her and a heavy strap
passed around upper thigh and ankle. Her body, held to the upright by her
collar now swung free of the floor. She was decidedly uncomfortable and in just
a few moments the strain on her neck became painful. With arms spread and
shackled, neck held firmly to the frame, her tremendous breasts were thrust
arrogantly forward as if offering them to what or whomever was in store.
Frederick stepped in front of Joy and faced the watchers.
"Ladies and gentlemen. We have for you today a new member of our
circle. You will witness her introduction to her regimen.. Her name
is Joy and she is a very enthusiastic practitioner of our social
order. I'm sure you will appreciate her performance
today. Thank you. Dieter, you may begin."
Dieter is a former member of the East German security forces, the Stasi.
His specialty was the interrogation, OK torture, of women. Now he is not
wringing information from helpless victims, he has free rein to employ all his
hellish talents on people who come here voluntarily. Well most of them
He moves to Joy and reaches out cupping one of her huge breasts in his
hand. He is fairly salivating as he squeezes the heavy globe, his thumb
flicking it's already stiff nipple. He releases the breast and takes an
erect nubbin in each hand, between thumb and forefinger, pinching and twisting,
then pulling them out.
Joy gasps and thrusts her chest forward. God she is in heaven and he has just
begun. Dieter belabors her teats for some minutes, the nipples swollen
and red. Joy is keening a high wail of ecstasy as he abuses them..
He goes to a small trolley close by and rolls it beside Joy. It has numerous
gleaming instruments and vials on the snowy white cloth covering it. He
picks up a hypodermic and selecting a vial draws a colorless liquid into
it. Turning to Joy he swabs her side and injects the fluid into
her. Joy watches as Dieter goes back to the trolley and picks up another
syringe, filling it with another liquid, this time pale green. Returning
to Joy he grasps her left breast, lifting it he presses the needle into the
upper slope, injecting half of the fluid. He then does the same to her
left breast. Joy is just a bit nervous and asks what he is injecting into
"The first will ensure you remain alert and conscious during our adventure
today. The one into your lush breasts will super sensitize them so the
pain I will be inflicting on your abundant globes will be multiplied several
times ."
"Oh my heavens! You mean it will make the pain worse?"
"Oh my yes. It will at least triple the pain you will feel."
"Oh God! Hurry please!"
Dieter goes to the table piled high with various toys and instruments and
returns with two plastic tubes an inch in diameter, open at one end and a one
way valve at the other. He squeezes a bit of gel onto the open end of one
tube and a bit more around Joy's left nipple. An assistant hands him the
end of a rubber hose which he connects to the valve on the tube. The
helper flips a switch on a vacuum pump and Dieter slips the tube over her
nipple. There is a, sluppp, and Joy's nipple is drawn up into the
tube. He repeats the procedure on her right nipple. Joy's nipples are
being drawn up into the plastic sleeve. She draws a sharp breath and
utters a soft "ummmm" It soon changes to "Uhhhhhhhhooooooo!'
as the suction draws her already huge nipple upward in the tube. It takes
but a moment for her nipples to be pulled up into the tubes beyond anything she
could have imagined. They throb and pulse as they grow. It is soon
apparent that it is beginning to hurt. Joy moans an "Oh GOD
YESSSS!" as she shakes her tits back and forth. Her nipples have
been stretched to an incredible 2 inches and are fat as your thumb. Joy is
gasping and heaving as she pushes her mounds further out to accept the torment.
Dieter shuts off the pump and disconnects the hoses. The valve does it's
job and Joy's nipples throb in the tubing, clear fluid seeping from the peaks.
"Enjoying yourself my dear?"
"My god it's mind boggling. I'm in heaven. It feels like they
will burst as they swell. Please don't stop now."
"Oh I'm just beginning bitch!"
Dieter picks up two long hypodermic needles, six inches long and as big around
as the lead in a pencil. Holding her right breast in one hand he inserts
the point of one through a special valve in the tube.. Joy's eyes widen
in trepidation as he pushes the point further into the tube, closer and closer
to her distended nipple. He touches the point to the tip and wiggles it
back and forth. Joy flinches and writhes in her strictures. She can
go nowhere, she is trapped, at the mercy of a sadistic fiend whose one aim in
life is inflicting intense pain on a helplessly bound woman. She writhes
in fascination and fright... Dieter centers the point on her nipple and
presses. A tiny drop of blood oozes out then stops as the puncture
is sealed by the shaft of the needle. The needle is like a living thing
as it pierces deeper, Joy feels the searing pain as the point stabs at
each nerve ending tearing the sumptuous flesh of her breast, deeper, deeper each
millimeter an agonizing, scorching thrust further into her hyper sensitized
bud. Slowly, ever so slowly Dieter presses the needle into the grossly swollen
nipple until at least 4 inches are buried in the ultra sensitive flesh.
The first scream is torn from Joy as the pain lanes through her swollen nipple.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! God it's divine! More!
Don't stop!"
"Never fear dear lady I have another needle for the other side. Then the
REAL fun will begin."
My god what can be worse. Dieter takes the other needle and working very
slowly impales the other nipple, wriggling the shaft, backing out a bit and
resuming skewering. Joy writhes and squirms, it is as if a living boring
thing eats at her flesh. Sweat breaks out on her magnificent body, it trickles
down her sides to drip to the floor. Joy screams in agony, shaking her
head, tears streaming down her face as she pleads for more. At last she is
experiencing what she has dreamt of for so long, unremitting, agonizing,
escalating pain.
Joy's chest heaves in and out as she gasps for air. "More,
more I need more."
Dieter rolls over a console with a myriad of dials and switches.
Coils of rubber covered wire hang from the side. Taking two he attaches
one to her right earlobe, the other to the opposite. Picking up two more
he clips one to the long hollow needle protruding from the tube sucking
her right nipple, the other goes on it's twin.
Joy watches, looking at the machine. She is sure she knows what it
means.,. Oh my God he's going to use electro-torture on my nipples.
God how I've dreamt so many times of that very thing.
Instead of going to the console, Dieter steps to the trolley once again and
retrieves a syringe minus a needle. It is already filled with a clear amber
fluid. Returning to Joy he looks at her with a malicious leer and whispers,
"A bit more stimulation for these lovely mounds before the real fun
commences." He snaps the syringe onto the needle in her left nipple
and presses the plunger. Joy feels a cool liquid begin to flow into the
swollen nipple, then, a piercing, searing pain as the liquid burns into
the violated appendage. Joy shrieks in agony as her nipple seems to
explode in pain.
Dieter ignores the screams and moves the syringe to the other needle injecting
the balance of the horrendous fluid into that nipple. Her breasts
jiggle and bounce as Joy struggles against the straps holding her so immobile
and vulnerable, howling in agony. When she is able to speak she shrieks at her
torturer. The pain in her breasts tears at her, a lancing, scorching wave
of tremendous pain bores into the huge globes.
"A special formula I make myself specifically for such purposes, I use the
distilled juice of the capsaicin pepper as the principle ingredient. It
will cause no permanent damage but will burn like acid as you try to cope with
the other goodies I have in store for you."
"My God this is unbelievable. I never imagined such penetrating
searing pain was possible, her tits are on fire. Go on!"
Dieter once more picks up the two wires he had put aside to inject the hellish
liquid into her beasts.
"Ever had an electric shock?"
"Yes. I accidentally touched a bare wire one time."
"Well I'm going to send much more current than that into the depths of
your tremendous tits.. You cannot begin to imagine the pain. As we
proceed I will increase the voltage. You will experience pain beyond
comprehension.. You'll scream, you will beg. It will go on until
"I" decide to stop.."
"Oh God I have dreamt of being tortured with electricity. Show no
mercy, I "Need" the pain."
Dieter turns to the console and flips a large switch. LED's come to life
and glow on the panel. Dials light, their needles swinging up. He
turns several knobs adjusting voltages, and amperes. Must be careful not
to turn that one too high or she will not be tortured but electrocuted.
That is not the object. Savage, penetrating, brain scrambling pain is the
objective not death. To administer towering, vicious pain, that is what
it is all about.
The watchers are to a person bent forward so as not to miss a millisecond
of torture. The men have all discarded all pretense of decorum or
modesty. The woman have arranged them selves so they may derive maximum
enjoyment from Joy's agony, baring themselves too and have their toys at
hand. Some of the men have relived themselves once already as Dieter
trussed and prepared Joy. Women are dabbing at their exposed womanhoods,
sopping up generous pools of juice.
Dieter leans over to Joy, and with an evil smirk on his face says,
"Welcome to HELL!!!!"
He flips a black switch and a red LED illuminates.
Joy stiffens, her body ridgid, She quivers, her eyes bulging. Her
breasts swell and feel like they will burst.
Her body convulses and shakes, every muscle taut. The current floods through
her body, her breasts are on the verge of exploding. Joy is in ecstasy
. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever expect to experience
such savage torture.
The watchers are enthralled at the site of the thrashing, screaming woman being
tortured for her enjoyment, and theirs. The beautiful creature bound so tightly
in front of them shrieks in abominable agony as her breasts are barbarically
tortured. She convulses and shudders in the throes of the machinations of
a master of the art. To a person, both male and female have relieved
themselves. The men spurting copious quantities of the white gluttonous
discharge into the containers supplied. The woman experience multiple
orgasms as they watch the merciless torture of the willing victim. Many
are envious. The insides of their thighs and the seats beneath them are
bathed in their sexual fluids.
Dieter stops the flow of electricity into Joy's struggling body. She continues
to quiver and struggle even though the current stops. Her magnificent
body is bathed in torture sweat, it runs in streams down her body and pools in
puddles beneath her. Joy is panting and sucking air into her lungs in
great heaving gasps, her head twists back and forth as her brain tries to deal
with the towering pain. She is whimpering and sobbing, begging her
tormentor to continue.
"That was a mere sample of what my gadget is capable of. I'm going
to increase the voltage now. That was 160 volts. I have moved
the control to administer 440 volts. What you have just experienced
will seem like the tickle of a feather."
"Oh my God I thought I would explode from the last bit. Do it!
Make me scream and howl in pain! DO IT!!!!"
Dieter turns a knob on the console, click! click! click! click!.
His hand reaches for the switch. Joy's eyes bug out in eagerness and yet
Joy bows out from the frame, her body shuddering. She strains at the
straps holding her arms spread on the cruel metal framework, the cords in her
neck standing out in sharp relief. The tendons in her arms am legs are
pulled taut, the muscles twitch and quiver.
Her screams bounce from the walls of the chamber. Numerous moans of
pleasure issue from watchers, great fountains of white fluid gush into the air.
Dieter flips the switch off and on giving Joy's great breasts lancing jolts of
current through her swollen tortured nipples. The fiend inflicting this
diabolic torment tortures her thus over the next 30 minutes. He increases the
voltage each time he stops the flow of current into her magnificent
breasts. She thrashes and struggles against the straps, her screams
pausing only long enough for her to gasp for air and scream again and again.
A final 30 seconds of the searing pain and Dieter shuts the machine off
Joy hangs on the frame, her body quivering and trembling as her muscles
continue to twitch and convulse. Finally she just hangs, limp and gasping...
She is left to hang on the "T" , her breasts heaving, the long
needles protruding from her globes, the fiery liquid injected into them
continues to burn like a hot iron.
Thus ends her first "treatment". She has been subjected to
Dieters twisted tortures for more than 3 hours. Her brain is reeling as
it tries to cope with the savage pain she had to endure. There will be
many more sessions in which Dieter or one of the many other sadists who go
about their barbarous vocation for their benefactors will subject her to ever
more violent and painful torments.
Joy hangs on the vile device, spasms of twitching and shuddering continue for
some time. She has experienced her first bout with true and barbarous torture.
"Take her to her cell, be sure she is uncomfortable. We will resume
her treatment tomorrow."
To Be Continued>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Erik Von Schmiser
M/f, M+/f,
F/f, MF/f, interracial, size, BDSM, S/M, consensual, torture, nc, Extreme,
Heavy, violent.
This tale deals with the refined and detailed torture of women, centered almost
exclusively on their breasts.
Subjects/victims may be zealous, fanatical masochists, searching for the ever
elusive ultimate in pain, others will be those unfortunate enough to have
attracted the attention of one or more of those whose greatest pleasure in life
is inflicting horrific pain in the most savage and barbaric ways
imaginable on helpless women. This is not a bland, vanilla imitation..........
It is a narrative of explicit, violent, sadistic torment and torture.. There
will be considerable screaming and begging, pleading for mercy.. Such a
thing is unknown to these people.
If such actions offend your delicate nature or views, save everyone, most of
all yourself, the pain of continuing.
And PLEASE! Remember, it's all fiction.
Chapter 1
These name of this group of passionate devotees, and practioners of the
torture of women is known as the "quiet ones." Their methods result
in anything BUT quiet. They don't advertise their calling.. Those desiring
their services find their way to them quite nicely, and those "involuntary
guests" have no say in the matter.
Their den of horrors consists of a large isolated estate with no close by
habitation. A prerequisite for such a noisy endeavor. (The screaming you
know.) The property encompasses many acres, they even have their own airfield
to make "deliveries" convenient and private.
No attempt is made to suppress or muffle the continual screaming of it's "
customers" and "guests". They luxuriate in the results of the
plying of their craft. Too, hearing the screams of other patrons seems to add
to the delectation of the customers, and to the terror of
All in all a quite happy and pleasant group.
Joy is a lifelong masochist. From where her preoccupation with pain
springs is not known. No matter, she has been in search of those who will
subject her to any kind of abuse resulting in ever escalating levels of pain
most of her adult life. She seems to have an unlimited source of income.
Her most trusted employee is Isaac, a huge black hulk of a man whose ostensible
job is security at her extensive estate. His real job is to assure she is
strung up and lashed viciously each week, centering on her luxuriant
breasts, or whatever other punishment she dreams up. He is
slavishly devoted to Joy, and nothing is allowed to interfere with her wishes
and desires.
Several of her friends are closet masochists too and it was one of them who
appraised her of the existence of the group. It took Joy little time obtaining
the necessary information to contact them and arrange a meeting.
The group maintained a low profile but still maintained luxurious quarters in a
large city where they interviewed prospective clients.
It was necessary for her to complete an extensive questionnaire and submit it
to them before they would even grant her an interview. Her request for
such interview was approved and an appointment for an in-depth interview
The appointment day came and Joy was quite excited at the possibility of
availing herself of the promised "services." Of finding someone to
truly torture her and under conditions she could not control or stop if it got
too heavy for even her. Once committed she would be a virtual prisoner of these
diabolical torturers. She arrived punctually at the specified time and place,
her panties damp in anticipation.
She was ushered into a large office and told to make herself comfortable by the
interviewer. As she entered she noticed the heavy oak door had fat rubber
cushioning around the perimeter, the windows were triple pane and she realized
the walls appeared to be padded too. The room was soundproof.
"My name is Frederick, and I will ask you a few more questions and you may
ask your own."
"As the information supplied states, we offer a very comprehensive course
of treatment. They are thorough and if you truly desire that which you
expressed in the questionnaire I am sure you will receive all you wish, and
"I certainly hope so. I desperately want someone to take me to my limits
and beyond."
"Let me make one thing absolutely. "There ARE NO LIMITS". We
will do as we see fit to you. No amount of pleading or begging of any
kind will have any effect on your treatment. Screams will avail you
nothing. In fact we encourage them, and believe me you WILL scream!" Your
stay will end only when the time you have paid for expires. Do you
"Oh yes, of course. How soon may I start?"
"You will make arrangements to be absent from your normal place of
habitation and make it clear that once you leave you will be unreachable
until the date you specify which will be at the end of your contracted stay
with us."
"I'm ready immediately and have already given a letter to my solicitor
explaining my absence. It is also my understanding that my man Isaac may
accompany me and observe my treatments. Is that correct?"
"Indeed it is. Here are your instructions regarding transportation
to the manor. You can leave within the hour via our private jet.
Before you leave I must ask you to view a short film of some of our
treatments But first there is the matter of payment."
"Here is a certified, insured check for the full amount. $150,000
dollars. Is that correct?"
"Certainly madam. Congratulations you are now our property."
"Of course, I understand completely. The film will give me something
to look forward to."
"You can be assured it will do that."
With that Frederick touched a few buttons on a desk console and the lighting in
the room was subdued and the huge plasma TV screen on the wall came to life
with a drawn out ear piercing scream The stark image on the screen
explained the shrieking. A woman of about her own age hung naked and
suspended on an iron frame. Her arms were stretched wide and her large
prominent breasts bulged from her chest. A large, heavily muscled man
stood in front of her a little to one side. He was savagely beating her
unprotected globes with a stout bamboo cane. Each blow sunk deeply into
the soft flesh of her breasts, nearly disappearing into them. They were
already heavily striated by angry red weal's, he obviously had been beating her
breasts for some time. She screamed continually, struggling futilely against
the cruel straps holding her. The flagellating continued for several more
minutes before the scene changed. A young girl, no more than 18-19 was
bent back over a steel bar, her manacled wrists were bent around it and hooked
to a tight iron band about her waist. Her voluminous breasts were thrust
up and forward. Cords had been looped around each of her nipples
and pulled up grotesquely. An exotic looking woman was burning
designs into the flesh of her tits with a glowing, smoldering iron.
Interspersed with her howls of agony she begged and pleaded for the woman to
stop. She thrashed and struggled in her bindings as the woman stripped
the skin from a breast.
The display went on for 30 minutes, each scene more savage and heinous than the
"This dear lady is what is in store for you once you arrive at our manse.
One last thing before you leave. Remove your clothes"
"What? Now? Here?"
"Yes! here and now! And be quick about it, remember you now belong
to me, body and soul. You will do as I and my colleagues order. Now
strip. I want to inspect this package you described in your application."
"Joy quickly regained her composure. Of course, she willingly had
surrendered her freedom for the status as a piece of meat to be done with as
Joy quickly disrobed, removing skirt and blouse, but before she could go
further Frederick stopped her.
Joy stands 5ft 6inches, weighs 128pounds, with flaming red hair which cascades
down her back nearly to her delightful derriere. Her legs are long for
her height and beautifully formed. Her voluminous breasts thrust forward
stupendously, unrestrained by brassiere there is not a hint of sag, the nipples
fat, stiff and erect, protruding nearly an inch from the aureoles.
Frederick had stopped her because he wished to admire her appearance.. She wore
a black leather bustier ending below those stupendous mounds.
Straps from the bottom held up dark stockings and her feet were shod in
sexy, strappy sandals with 6 inch heels. She was indeed a luscious sight
to behold. Frederick licked his lips and you could almost hear his
thoughts of how fortunate he was to have such a morsel to do with as he
"Quite impressive my dear. I just had to see them for myself. Are
they really 38 HH?"
"Yes they are. And they're real, no silicone here."
"This is indeed going to be a pleasure."
He stepped closer and grasped one of the huge nipples, pinching and drawing it
Joy didn't even flinch, just closed her eyes and drew in a sharp breath, a
slight moan of ecstasy escaping her lips as he released the nubbin.
" Yes indeed, a real pleasure. You may dress now. Here are travel
papers for you and your man. Go directly to the airport, the plane is
"Oh thank you. I'm sure things are going to go wonderfully."
If she only realized what lay in store she might have had some misgivings..
Joy and Isaac were whisked to the airport and in no time at all were airborne,
enroute to a hell she could scarcely imagine.
The flight only took a couple of hours and as they prepared to land Joy could
see the huge mansion and grounds. She also noticed that even from their
altitude there was not a single sign of any habitation in site in any
direction. After landing the plane taxied to a hangar at one side.
They deplaned and were again whisked away in a limousine. It was a
short drive to the mansion and they got out and entered. A well built young man
greeted them and told them to follow him. They entered a long hallway which led
to another part of the mansion. As they moved further from the entrance
hall noises could be heard which soon became a cacophony of screams. More
than one person was being horribly tortured somewhere close by.. Joy's heart
was racing. As they moved further into the building screaming grew in
volume. The young man escorting them smiled as each new shriek of agony
reverberated through the halls. Joy thought, my God, soon those howls of
pain will be coming from me. She was so excited juices were dribbling
down her thigh, she was trembling in anticipation.
They were moving down a long stone hallway with iron doors set into the masonry
on either side. They stopped before one and their escort said, "This
is yours. Before you enter, remove your clothes. A message from
Frederick wishes you to leave just your underclothes on, you will however
remove the rest.
Joy was a little take aback to disrobe in the passageway but realized that she
was a prisoner and did as told. He opened the door and pushed her
"Hertha will be here shortly to settle you in."
The iron door clanged closed and the lock clicked.
Her "room" was a stark stone cell 12 ft square. Chains dangled
from rings imbedded in the wall and the stone ceiling. A stainless steel toilet
occupied a corner, A solitary water tap stuck from a wall. No bed,
no chair, nothing. She sat on the toilet and waited.
Hertha arrived shortly thereafter. She was a large, buxom, blonde woman
with a carryall for her accoutrements. She quickly went to work placing
leather cuffs around Joy's wrists and ankles. She dragged Joy over under
a couple of chains hanging from the overhead and stretched an arm up and
latched it fast. She did the same with the other wrist. Joy was
forced up till her toes were some inches above the stone floor. She
expected the woman would take a whip of some sort from her bag and give her a
whipping, however when she had hung Joy up, she picked up her carryall and left
the cell.
Joy waited for someone to come and do something. After all she was here
to be abused. Time passed and no one came. Her arms began to ache,
her weight was beginning to tell. She searched with her toes for some
contact with the floor to relieve the strain but they remained some inches
above it. She tried to pull herself up to exercise some of the ache away
but she tired of this in short order, her weight stretched her muscles making
them cramp, the pain shooting up her arms and back. Well she thought, I
wanted to be tortured, this is the start. Soon someone will come along
and take her for her first session in what she was coming to realize would be a
torture chamber. A hideous shriek rang in her ears, someone being
tortured she thought, God what must they be doing to her. It was joined by more
screams from other tormented souls. All these screams... woman
being tortured, and she knew that these people dealt in breast torture almost
exclusively, and it would soon be her turn. Oh please hurry, I need it,
hurry, make me scream too. Her arms were cramping from the
suspension. How long had it been? Several hours she was sure,
but then with her arms stretched so high overhead the minutes seems like hours.
Her hands had long since gone numb, the muscles of her arms twitched and
trembled. A mere hour has elapsed. It seems an eternity. Surely they
would not leave her hanging very long. The sweat trickled down her face
from her soaked hair, dripping onto her tremendous breasts running
in rivulets across the lush flesh and dripped in large drops from her stiff
God when will they come? Please hurry, hanging like this is
torment. Well hellooooo! You are here to be TORTURED! She dotes on pain
yes but she wants it to be her tits that are the center of her trials.
Her shoulders are screaming in pain, they feel as though they are being
wrenched from their sockets. Joy thinks she has been hanging here for hours and
hours. It has now been 2 hours since they hoisted her.
She cries out, pleads to be released, this is not what she agreed to. Oh
Joy is left to hang, suspended by her brutally cuffed arms for 4 more
hours. She begins to hallucinate, picturing herself on some medieval
rack, her limbs being torn from her body. She finally realizes that this
is a part of her "treatment" that is not revealed to
clients. A bit of softening up so to speak, to impress on her the utter
futility and helplessness of her situation now that she is in their
Joy hangs in her isolated cell for more than 13 hours. She is sure she
has been hoodwinked by a band of unscrupulous cutthroats who have no intention
of fulfilling the contract she entered into. They have her money... They
will do with her as they please. Probably torture her to death and dispose of
her like a used condom. Then again, didn't she make this compact
voluntarily? Wasn't it for her to be tortured? Welcome to reality
Finally after what seems to Joy an eternity, the bolt on the iron door slides
back, her cell door opens. Two attendants lower her to the floor
and remove the cuffs from wrists and ankles. They place her on a gurney
and strap her down.. They wheel her to a large shower room where others push
her under fierce jets of nearly scalding water. Attendants scrub and rinse her,
then dry her. A large nozzle is forced up her rectum and 3 hot soapy water
enemas, flush her out. They take her to a spotlessly clean room where she is
told to lie on one of the tables covered with white sheets and is given a
massage to make the most elaborate spa seem like a sleazy San Fran
bathhouse. She continually asks questions regarding her rude introduction
to what she thought would be a stimulating experience, demanding to know what
they are doing. Her only answers are that it is all part of the program. After
the massage and another cleansing shower she is instructed where she is to go
next. Her dark stockings and high heels are returned to her, and is told
to put them on.
Though feeling much better her arms still ache and she is not exactly a happy
camper when she is ushered into a Spartan room furnished by a desk and two
chairs. One chair behind the desk is occupied by Frederick. He
motions her to sit in the other which sits in front of the desk.
Joy immediately launches into a tirade of the terrible treatment she has been
given and demands an explanation.
Frederick is prepared for her reaction and allows her to fully vent her
"Your reaction is normal my dear. What you have gone through is a
part of the program which is to acquaint you with our absolute control over you
and your complete vulnerability to whatever whim may strike us. My
statement that your are mine, body and soul, was not an idle description but a
fact. When I take you from here the treatment you contracted for will
begin. You will feel the very fires of hell and be completely at our
mercy. A bit of an oxymoron since we do not recognize the
term. You paid to be tortured and tortured you will be."
Joy is a bit taken aback but is eager to begin, her heart races as Frederick
comes around the desk and grabbing a handful of her flaming red hair, yanks her
to her feet.. He grips a wrist in a steely hand and drags her through a door at
the back of the room. They emerge in a long passageway with steel doors
on either side, exactly like the one she saw yesterday.. The first thing
that greeted her as they passed through the door was a piercing shriek from one
of the rooms. Others joined in as he half led, half dragged Joy down the
passage........ He stopped before one door and opening it pushed her
It was a large chamber resembling an operating theater. There were
semicircular rows of seats sloping downward giving a clear view of the
"stage".. Nearly every seat was occupied by a restive audience,
mostly men, but there also a goodly representation of eager female watchers.
The men were completely or partially naked. ALL were fondling themselves
enthusiastically. The women were in similar disarray, one woman, clad only in
waist cincher, stockings and heels was diligently pleasuring herself with
a large vinyl phallus, pinching and squeezing her nipples with her other hand.
It was a large, oval, brightly lit, bowlike space. There were large glass
fronted cabinets along the walls crammed with all sorts of instruments and
containers. A large leather covered Gyno table occupied the center of the
theater. On the table a magnificent blonde was tightly strapped.
Her mouth spread wide by a dental clamp. She writhed against the leather
straps holding her as a blood curdling shriek issued forth. A white
coated man stood next to her doing something so vile that Joy could
hardly comprehend it's barbarity.
"God that must be excruciatingly heavenly!"
"This young lady is one of our "involuntary" guests. Very
soon you will be entertaining some of our viewing audience with your own
A shiver went down Joy's spine as she envisioned herself being savagely
tortured as a rapt audience watched and listened. The unfortunate girl writhed
and screamed as the white garbed man increased the ferocity of what he was
doing to her large swollen tit flesh.
Joy's heart was racing as she watched and listened, a dribble of juice trickled
down the inside of her thigh, she was nearly hyperventilating in excitement.
Frederick pulled her back into the passage and hustled her further along.
Screaming and wails of pain came from each door as they passed. Finally
Frederick stopped at a door and opened it pushing Joy in ahead. They made
a sharp turn to the right and went down a flight of stairs and turned left.
"Well Joy your time has come. I"ll be taking you through this
door which leads into a room much like the one we just left. For your
sake I hope you have not changed your mind because it is too late to back
out Once in that room you will be subjected to the most painful and
excruciating tortures we have been able devise."
With that he opened another door and thrust her into a brightly illuminated
"Have a nice day."
Instead of looking like an operating room, this space resembled a
There was not an empty seat in the gallery. Word had gotten around that a
very beautiful and voluptuous woman was to experience her first breast
Instead of a gyno table, the center of the room was occupied by a large
"T". It stood just 4 feet tall and was constructed of square
steel tubing welded together. The cross arm on top was 3 feet wide.
There were steel rings at intervals along the top and sides.
Issac and a husky assistant led Joy to the device. A steel collar, 2
inches wide was placed around her neck and locked in place, it had rings welded
at the sides, in front and back. They forced her back to the upright,
neck at the junction of the tubes. An iron "U" shaped loop was
run through the ring in the back of the collar and a ring on the
"T". Her head was pressing against the crosspiece, the vertical
thrust into her back between her shoulder blades. Her arms were drawn out
and up and linked to rings on the crossbar. They weren't stretched out
tight, but when they finished it appeared she was flexing her upper arms like a
body builder.
Next came her lower legs. They were bent back under her and a heavy strap
passed around upper thigh and ankle. Her body, held to the upright by her
collar now swung free of the floor. She was decidedly uncomfortable and in just
a few moments the strain on her neck became painful. With arms spread and
shackled, neck held firmly to the frame, her tremendous breasts were thrust
arrogantly forward as if offering them to what or whomever was in store.
Frederick stepped in front of Joy and faced the watchers.
"Ladies and gentlemen. We have for you today a new member of our
circle. You will witness her introduction to her regimen.. Her name
is Joy and she is a very enthusiastic practitioner of our social
order. I'm sure you will appreciate her performance
today. Thank you. Dieter, you may begin."
Dieter is a former member of the East German security forces, the Stasi.
His specialty was the interrogation, OK torture, of women. Now he is not
wringing information from helpless victims, he has free rein to employ all his
hellish talents on people who come here voluntarily. Well most of them
He moves to Joy and reaches out cupping one of her huge breasts in his
hand. He is fairly salivating as he squeezes the heavy globe, his thumb
flicking it's already stiff nipple. He releases the breast and takes an
erect nubbin in each hand, between thumb and forefinger, pinching and twisting,
then pulling them out.
Joy gasps and thrusts her chest forward. God she is in heaven and he has just
begun. Dieter belabors her teats for some minutes, the nipples swollen
and red. Joy is keening a high wail of ecstasy as he abuses them..
He goes to a small trolley close by and rolls it beside Joy. It has numerous
gleaming instruments and vials on the snowy white cloth covering it. He
picks up a hypodermic and selecting a vial draws a colorless liquid into
it. Turning to Joy he swabs her side and injects the fluid into
her. Joy watches as Dieter goes back to the trolley and picks up another
syringe, filling it with another liquid, this time pale green. Returning
to Joy he grasps her left breast, lifting it he presses the needle into the
upper slope, injecting half of the fluid. He then does the same to her
left breast. Joy is just a bit nervous and asks what he is injecting into
"The first will ensure you remain alert and conscious during our adventure
today. The one into your lush breasts will super sensitize them so the
pain I will be inflicting on your abundant globes will be multiplied several
times ."
"Oh my heavens! You mean it will make the pain worse?"
"Oh my yes. It will at least triple the pain you will feel."
"Oh God! Hurry please!"
Dieter goes to the table piled high with various toys and instruments and
returns with two plastic tubes an inch in diameter, open at one end and a one
way valve at the other. He squeezes a bit of gel onto the open end of one
tube and a bit more around Joy's left nipple. An assistant hands him the
end of a rubber hose which he connects to the valve on the tube. The
helper flips a switch on a vacuum pump and Dieter slips the tube over her
nipple. There is a, sluppp, and Joy's nipple is drawn up into the
tube. He repeats the procedure on her right nipple. Joy's nipples are
being drawn up into the plastic sleeve. She draws a sharp breath and
utters a soft "ummmm" It soon changes to "Uhhhhhhhhooooooo!'
as the suction draws her already huge nipple upward in the tube. It takes
but a moment for her nipples to be pulled up into the tubes beyond anything she
could have imagined. They throb and pulse as they grow. It is soon
apparent that it is beginning to hurt. Joy moans an "Oh GOD
YESSSS!" as she shakes her tits back and forth. Her nipples have
been stretched to an incredible 2 inches and are fat as your thumb. Joy is
gasping and heaving as she pushes her mounds further out to accept the torment.
Dieter shuts off the pump and disconnects the hoses. The valve does it's
job and Joy's nipples throb in the tubing, clear fluid seeping from the peaks.
"Enjoying yourself my dear?"
"My god it's mind boggling. I'm in heaven. It feels like they
will burst as they swell. Please don't stop now."
"Oh I'm just beginning bitch!"
Dieter picks up two long hypodermic needles, six inches long and as big around
as the lead in a pencil. Holding her right breast in one hand he inserts
the point of one through a special valve in the tube.. Joy's eyes widen
in trepidation as he pushes the point further into the tube, closer and closer
to her distended nipple. He touches the point to the tip and wiggles it
back and forth. Joy flinches and writhes in her strictures. She can
go nowhere, she is trapped, at the mercy of a sadistic fiend whose one aim in
life is inflicting intense pain on a helplessly bound woman. She writhes
in fascination and fright... Dieter centers the point on her nipple and
presses. A tiny drop of blood oozes out then stops as the puncture
is sealed by the shaft of the needle. The needle is like a living thing
as it pierces deeper, Joy feels the searing pain as the point stabs at
each nerve ending tearing the sumptuous flesh of her breast, deeper, deeper each
millimeter an agonizing, scorching thrust further into her hyper sensitized
bud. Slowly, ever so slowly Dieter presses the needle into the grossly swollen
nipple until at least 4 inches are buried in the ultra sensitive flesh.
The first scream is torn from Joy as the pain lanes through her swollen nipple.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! God it's divine! More!
Don't stop!"
"Never fear dear lady I have another needle for the other side. Then the
REAL fun will begin."
My god what can be worse. Dieter takes the other needle and working very
slowly impales the other nipple, wriggling the shaft, backing out a bit and
resuming skewering. Joy writhes and squirms, it is as if a living boring
thing eats at her flesh. Sweat breaks out on her magnificent body, it trickles
down her sides to drip to the floor. Joy screams in agony, shaking her
head, tears streaming down her face as she pleads for more. At last she is
experiencing what she has dreamt of for so long, unremitting, agonizing,
escalating pain.
Joy's chest heaves in and out as she gasps for air. "More,
more I need more."
Dieter rolls over a console with a myriad of dials and switches.
Coils of rubber covered wire hang from the side. Taking two he attaches
one to her right earlobe, the other to the opposite. Picking up two more
he clips one to the long hollow needle protruding from the tube sucking
her right nipple, the other goes on it's twin.
Joy watches, looking at the machine. She is sure she knows what it
means.,. Oh my God he's going to use electro-torture on my nipples.
God how I've dreamt so many times of that very thing.
Instead of going to the console, Dieter steps to the trolley once again and
retrieves a syringe minus a needle. It is already filled with a clear amber
fluid. Returning to Joy he looks at her with a malicious leer and whispers,
"A bit more stimulation for these lovely mounds before the real fun
commences." He snaps the syringe onto the needle in her left nipple
and presses the plunger. Joy feels a cool liquid begin to flow into the
swollen nipple, then, a piercing, searing pain as the liquid burns into
the violated appendage. Joy shrieks in agony as her nipple seems to
explode in pain.
Dieter ignores the screams and moves the syringe to the other needle injecting
the balance of the horrendous fluid into that nipple. Her breasts
jiggle and bounce as Joy struggles against the straps holding her so immobile
and vulnerable, howling in agony. When she is able to speak she shrieks at her
torturer. The pain in her breasts tears at her, a lancing, scorching wave
of tremendous pain bores into the huge globes.
"A special formula I make myself specifically for such purposes, I use the
distilled juice of the capsaicin pepper as the principle ingredient. It
will cause no permanent damage but will burn like acid as you try to cope with
the other goodies I have in store for you."
"My God this is unbelievable. I never imagined such penetrating
searing pain was possible, her tits are on fire. Go on!"
Dieter once more picks up the two wires he had put aside to inject the hellish
liquid into her beasts.
"Ever had an electric shock?"
"Yes. I accidentally touched a bare wire one time."
"Well I'm going to send much more current than that into the depths of
your tremendous tits.. You cannot begin to imagine the pain. As we
proceed I will increase the voltage. You will experience pain beyond
comprehension.. You'll scream, you will beg. It will go on until
"I" decide to stop.."
"Oh God I have dreamt of being tortured with electricity. Show no
mercy, I "Need" the pain."
Dieter turns to the console and flips a large switch. LED's come to life
and glow on the panel. Dials light, their needles swinging up. He
turns several knobs adjusting voltages, and amperes. Must be careful not
to turn that one too high or she will not be tortured but electrocuted.
That is not the object. Savage, penetrating, brain scrambling pain is the
objective not death. To administer towering, vicious pain, that is what
it is all about.
The watchers are to a person bent forward so as not to miss a millisecond
of torture. The men have all discarded all pretense of decorum or
modesty. The woman have arranged them selves so they may derive maximum
enjoyment from Joy's agony, baring themselves too and have their toys at
hand. Some of the men have relived themselves once already as Dieter
trussed and prepared Joy. Women are dabbing at their exposed womanhoods,
sopping up generous pools of juice.
Dieter leans over to Joy, and with an evil smirk on his face says,
"Welcome to HELL!!!!"
He flips a black switch and a red LED illuminates.
Joy stiffens, her body ridgid, She quivers, her eyes bulging. Her
breasts swell and feel like they will burst.
Her body convulses and shakes, every muscle taut. The current floods through
her body, her breasts are on the verge of exploding. Joy is in ecstasy
. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever expect to experience
such savage torture.
The watchers are enthralled at the site of the thrashing, screaming woman being
tortured for her enjoyment, and theirs. The beautiful creature bound so tightly
in front of them shrieks in abominable agony as her breasts are barbarically
tortured. She convulses and shudders in the throes of the machinations of
a master of the art. To a person, both male and female have relieved
themselves. The men spurting copious quantities of the white gluttonous
discharge into the containers supplied. The woman experience multiple
orgasms as they watch the merciless torture of the willing victim. Many
are envious. The insides of their thighs and the seats beneath them are
bathed in their sexual fluids.
Dieter stops the flow of electricity into Joy's struggling body. She continues
to quiver and struggle even though the current stops. Her magnificent
body is bathed in torture sweat, it runs in streams down her body and pools in
puddles beneath her. Joy is panting and sucking air into her lungs in
great heaving gasps, her head twists back and forth as her brain tries to deal
with the towering pain. She is whimpering and sobbing, begging her
tormentor to continue.
"That was a mere sample of what my gadget is capable of. I'm going
to increase the voltage now. That was 160 volts. I have moved
the control to administer 440 volts. What you have just experienced
will seem like the tickle of a feather."
"Oh my God I thought I would explode from the last bit. Do it!
Make me scream and howl in pain! DO IT!!!!"
Dieter turns a knob on the console, click! click! click! click!.
His hand reaches for the switch. Joy's eyes bug out in eagerness and yet
Joy bows out from the frame, her body shuddering. She strains at the
straps holding her arms spread on the cruel metal framework, the cords in her
neck standing out in sharp relief. The tendons in her arms am legs are
pulled taut, the muscles twitch and quiver.
Her screams bounce from the walls of the chamber. Numerous moans of
pleasure issue from watchers, great fountains of white fluid gush into the air.
Dieter flips the switch off and on giving Joy's great breasts lancing jolts of
current through her swollen tortured nipples. The fiend inflicting this
diabolic torment tortures her thus over the next 30 minutes. He increases the
voltage each time he stops the flow of current into her magnificent
breasts. She thrashes and struggles against the straps, her screams
pausing only long enough for her to gasp for air and scream again and again.
A final 30 seconds of the searing pain and Dieter shuts the machine off
Joy hangs on the frame, her body quivering and trembling as her muscles
continue to twitch and convulse. Finally she just hangs, limp and gasping...
She is left to hang on the "T" , her breasts heaving, the long
needles protruding from her globes, the fiery liquid injected into them
continues to burn like a hot iron.
Thus ends her first "treatment". She has been subjected to
Dieters twisted tortures for more than 3 hours. Her brain is reeling as
it tries to cope with the savage pain she had to endure. There will be
many more sessions in which Dieter or one of the many other sadists who go
about their barbarous vocation for their benefactors will subject her to ever
more violent and painful torments.
Joy hangs on the vile device, spasms of twitching and shuddering continue for
some time. She has experienced her first bout with true and barbarous torture.
"Take her to her cell, be sure she is uncomfortable. We will resume
her treatment tomorrow."
To Be Continued>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
NOTE: This story is much longer than most of my stories, about 15 pages in Word. Lady In Distress As I drove down that unpaved back road around sunset I looked in my rearview mirror to admire all of the dust that I had stirred up. Hey, I was just sixteen and I had taken Dad’s car out for a joyride. I knew that he would make me wash it off, wax it, and then he would ground me for a week but I was just a kid and I couldn’t think that far ahead anyway. When I looked forward again...
Damsel in Distress Don Abdul ©Regina was horny, she is always horny anyways her overactive sex drive is probably the reason she couldn’t stay in a committed relationship for any good length of time. This didn’t bother her at all, as she has come to accept that she is what she is, a slut, and a very proud one at that. Her motto in life is ‘fuck and let fuck’. She had awakened that morning feeling so horny it hurt. After running down the batteries of her 8 inch vibrator, she realized that she...
Damsel in Distress Don Abdul ©Regina was horny, she is always horny anyways her overactive sex drive is probably the reason she couldn't stay in a committed relationship for any good length of time. This didn't bother her at all, as she has come to accept that she is what she is, a slut, and a very proud one at that. Her motto in life is "fuck and let fuck". She had awakened that morning feeling so horny it hurt. After running down the batteries of her 8 inch vibrator, she realized that she...
Straight SexNote from the author: I'll keep this short, as I myself am annoyed by overly long prefaces. I wanted to show that I'm not a one-trick pony with the furry TG stories I had submitted in the past. This story itself started out intending to be a one shot, but along the line the serialized approach seemed better. Anyways, writing in the first person looking back style was a little problematic for me at times, and the rushed approach I took to it kind of shows here and there. I decided...
"Damsel In Distress" by Marcher Watt **This is my first attempt at writing a story. I've been meaning to for a while but now that I'm confined to bed with the flu for a few days, I thought I might as well get cracking. I'd love to hear any feedback you might have. If people are interested, I have the rest of the story mapped out in my head, so I could write the next part. ** "Be sure to wear something sexy for me," I whispered into the phone. "You don't have to worry about that," she...
It was the first weekend after I got my brand new ‘Hemi-orange’ Dodge SRT8 Challenger and even though it wasn’t dirty at all, I decided to wash and wax the shiny muscle car. I pulled it out of the garage onto the concrete driveway and started. I was just using my chamois to get the excess water off the car when I heard a ‘bang’ in the street in front of my house. I quickly turned to look and saw an old blue Toyota pull over right at the end of my driveway. I watched as a tall slender appearing...
Straight SexIt was a Monday in early February and it was England so of course, it was raining.I sat at my desk in my office and watched rivers of cold water run down the clouded glass of the window as I ate my lunch without enthusiasm. In an attempt to maintain my new, slimmer figure for my lover the ‘New Me’ had dispensed with sandwiches and cafeteria food so instead, I was tucking as best I could into a pre-made salad guaranteed to be less than 300 calories.It tasted as delicious you would expect a three...
CuckoldYeah – I know – not my usual but for those following the story, long awaited. Thank you for your patience. Part 9 After the marathon tit wank, the women, mostly pissed fell out of the spa, grabbed robes and staggered off. I relaxed into the spa and finished off two half empty bottles of bubbly, then I too lurched upstairs to sleep it off. **************** I awoke to the sound of the telephone ringing next to the bed. It was Monica. “Caught you. Not busy are you?” “No. Just me.” “Good....
DAMSEL IN DISTRESS: MODERN-DAY FOLKTALES; or, Amusement for Adults, compiled by MAX BLITZ. INTRODUCTION: Tiffany’s Troubles, and Her Helpers. Our self-sacrificing heroine always does her best to do right by others, especially the men and boys who are only too happy to help her out of her difficulties. Along the way, the gentle click of the mental kaleidoscope shows how her views change as a pair of decrepit old boots wins her affections in “The Godfather and the Goodfellas; or, Beauty and the...
“Help! Help!” Sir Bedevier heard the distant call as his palfrey clopped over the rocky soil. “Who could be alive in this seer wilderness?” he thought to himself as he swung toward the sound, his travel armor clashing as he moved. He came over a rise and his eyes widened with amazement. There, on a rocky headland, within an ornate metal frame well over ten feet high, with the body of a naked girl. The chains holding her arms and legs spread-eagled were well padded, as...
Yet another common trope in modern media, the hot police woman on a team in a drama series, good recent examples are Chris from S.W.A.T, Tani and Kono of Hawaii 5-O, Andy Mcnally and Gail Peck from Rookie Blue, Jules Callahan of Flashpoint as well as Dana Scully from the X-Files, in almost all cases the women in question inevitably become Damsels in distress eventually, and in this story you as the reader get to choose who the damsel will be, and if she's going to escape or not. As for main...
BDSMI finished my beer and set the empty bottle on the rickety table. “I’m gonna wander on up the street and see what’s happening. Anyone wanna come?” I announced, rising from my seat.“Yeah I’ll go, but I gotta piss first,” Sarge said, draining the last of his beer.“We’ll catch up in a bit,” Digger added.I nodded and made my way outside. The cool night air felt good as I turned to admire the historic station to my right and tried to imagine what The Drive was like a hundred years ago. Depot Drive,...
TransIt was going to be an interesting call out for me. We were turning out to an incident. It was dark; the weather was wet and horrible. When an enquiry was made to the front of the cab, the print out was passed to the crew in the back. On the tip sheet were the details of the incident, this was eagerly scrutinised. Along with the address & other information it contained the details of the type of incident. Person trapped…Could this be one the favourite cartoony scenarios where the Fire...
Damsel in Distress By Morpheus The castle had been filled with confusion and worry for the last two days, making the eerie silence that filled the courtyard stand out even more. Everyone in the castle, from the lowest chambermaid up to the highest noble stood...waiting. Waiting for the reports of the knights and of the royal wizard Graydar. Waiting for information on the kidnapped Princess Dandell. Brydon was no exception, leaning against a wall and sharpening Sir...
I have been divorced for over a year after twenty one years with one man. Now, here I am at 43 and alone for the first time in my adult life. It had hurt when he told me that he was seeing a younger woman and wanted to be with her. It hurt even more when I happened to see the two of them together. I was walking past a local bar and saw the two of them having drinks, laughing, holding hands. He had not held my hand in years. I felt even worse when I looked at her. I thought...
BDSMI found this nerd looking guy trying to a flat tire at 3am. He was trying to figure out the tire jack. He was about twenty-five, skinny large rim glasses. I stopped to help. I asked if he needed some help. I could tell he didn’t know what to do. His wife got out of the car. GD, She was a fox. She spoke to me in broken English with a French accent. Thank you for stopping to help. She said her name was Suzette. Suzette was wearing a low cut neckline thin T-shirt and no bra. She was showing about...
Being a dark night it wasn't in a safe spot so I stopped to see if I could help the driver.I turned around and went back and parked behind the car using my hazard lights for safety and I got out to assist the driver. I introduced my self to the driver and when they opened the window I see it was a young female.I offered her the warmth of my vehicle and she eagerly accepted returning with me back to my car. She said her name was Dawn and she was on her way back home form college.She...
AS ALWAYS! I write for money. Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested. I accept DONATIONS also. This helps me hire editors to edit and rework my massive archives into something at least somewhat worth mass reading. My original products are solid and exceptional and I hit the points my clients require hitting ---- even if some of you don't agree. These arn't written for mass publication but individual people who want some exceptional plot with their smut. As...
Introduction: Dave meets a girl abandoned on the beach by her family, and takes her in Dave had lived near the beach for the last 15 years, and was a bit of a beach bum. He had retired at 40, and now spent his time on the beach or hanging out in the local bars. It was a touristy beach town, but it was a bit more expensive than most, so it wasnt too bad. One day he was on the beach, and a family settled next to him. At first he was annoyed that they were only 10 feet away from him, but then he...
It was the first weekend after I got my brand new ‘Hemi-orange’ Dodge SRT8 Challenger and even though it wasn’t dirty at all, I decided to wash and wax the shiny muscle car. I pulled it out of the garage onto the concrete driveway and started. I was just using my chamois to get the excess water off the car when I heard a ‘bang’ in the street in front of my house. I quickly turned to look and saw an old blue Toyota pull over right at the end of my driveway. I watched as a tall slender appearing...
I have been divorced for over a year after twenty one years with one man. Now, here I am at 43 and alone for the first time in my adult life. It had hurt when he told me that he was seeing a younger woman and wanted to be with her. It hurt even more when I happened to see the two of them together. I was walking past a local bar and saw the two of them having drinks, laughing, holding hands. He had not held my hand in years. I felt even worse when I looked at her. I thought she...
The general idea here is to to imagine a world where you can kidnap any girl from any cartoon/anime and do whatever you want to her. ideas for damsels include... Daphne Blake and Velma Dinkley from Scooby Doo.. Kim Possible and the Middleton High Cheerleaders Ava Aayla aka White Tiger, Mary Jane Watson, Gwen Stacey and Felicia Hardy from Ultimate Spiderman Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren and Ahsoka Tano from Star Wars Rebels Catalina "Lioness" Leone, Liza Leone, Samantha "Magness" Payne from Alpha...
BDSMThe knock came late at night.Three nervous taps on the flat door, followed a few moments later by three taps that are more urgent.Well at least that proved that it wasn’t k**s playing “Knocky hi-door”.I got up from the computer and headed for the front door, a little nervous and to be honest not a little unafraid.I peeked through the spyglass and to my surprise saw standing outside my next-door neighbour Annie Booker, she was hopping from foot to foot and had a light coat tightly clutched about...
True story, July 19, 2017.I'm an American man touring the Balkan Region. Last week I was in Nis, Serbia, and I had the most unexpected encounter at the centuries-old Fortress Park that is located just outside the city centre.I arrive at the park and take a seat on one of the benches to enjoy the summer heat and read a book. I hear some noise behind me so I turn around to look. I see a very attractive blonde woman – probably in her mid-thirties - dressed fashionably in a white sun dress with...
This is fiction...We approached the island late in the afternoon, our rented speed boat full of beer, a barbecue and a few burgers, four lads on holiday looking for a quiet beach to have a bit of a party.“That looks like a beach Daz,” said Stu, pointing away to our right. “Take her in a bit.”The boat edged towards the island and we agreed that it seemed a likely place to cook some meat and sup some ale, so Daz brought us to a stop in waist-deep water while Kevin dropped the little anchor to...
I was living alone in an upscale apartment, one of my neighbors was a lady, Simran around 35 who worked in an MNC, she too lived alone. As months went by, we would meet and say hellos and chat generally, with nothing happening. I always used to fantasize how it would be to fuck her. One day while I was on my way back home, I found her in the middle of the road her car parked on the side, I stopped and asked her what the problem was, she pointed towards the rear tire, and she had a puncture. I...
Hello, indian sex stories dot net, enigma here, today I bring you the story of my first sexual encounter, I will not be revealing any names for privacy concerns, so, let’s dive right in. Starting off with the introductions, I am a below average looking guy, dark-skinned and short. The story is about how I got to have with one of my friend’s mother. The story is dated towards the second year of my college. It was a Saturday evening and as usual, all of my friends were drunk as fuck and I was...
Hello to all readers, this is a true story based on the recent events, where I got intimate with my neighbor A little description about me, I am working as a software programmer in Navi Mumbai and stay in Thane district, with average built, fair and good height and the heroine of the story is a married lady with no kids and has dusky complexion and has bigger boobs than my hands and an ass to die for. Let’s call her Simi. Simi and her family moved into my building a year ago and they all...
Nobody loves a car-clamper.And I imagine the lady in that big Porsche loves me about as much as a puff-adder with typhoid on a bad day.But for me, it had been a really bad day - all day - and I'm afraid it left me very much wanting to sting someone.My clamping territory is small, manageable and highly lucrative, in an upmarket enclave of boutiques, restaurants and a couple of luxury blocks with a private car-park in the courtyard between them. We've posted-up all the warning signs about...
I found this nerd looking guy trying to a flat tire at 3am. He was trying to figure out the tire jack. He was about twenty-five, skinny large rim glasses. I stopped to help. I asked if he needed some help. I could tell he didn't know what to do. His wife got out of the car. GD, She was a fox. She spoke to me in broken English with a French accent. Thank you for stopping to help.She said her name was Suzette. Suzette was wearing a low cut neckline thin T-shirt and no bra. She was showing about 7...
On the flight Synopsis: Certainly not based on a true story, a supermodel is arrested on her way to a job. This story tells what she must endure in order to return to Denmark. 1. On the flight Ann August is model and has been one for 5 years. Her height was 179 cm and she was weighing 48 kg. She came from a poor fisherman family in Jutland but was discovered by a photographer in Copenhagen on a family holiday when she was 16. She was success almost at once and now her friend called...
Officer Hindenbaum was raging when he arrived at his police cruiser. He got into the dark vehicle, slammed the door, and loudly yelled “Fuck!”. He started the engine, and punched the dashboard. Finally, he put the car in drive and drove off without headlights.Fear and anger still exploding inside his head, he turned into an alley and forced himself to think. He worried that the foul old senior, who could well have given him a venereal disease, might need to seek medical attention for the blow...
I happened to be at the club for lunch the day her world collapsed so I was around to pick up the pieces, as it were, and tuck them into my bed. I watched the waiter approach Claudette, saw her blanch, stalk across the room and then heard her yell at the manager. I quickly took her arm, led her to my table and sat her down, sputtering and red-faced. "Sanderson, right?" I asked. She nodded, and I flipped on my phone, found the story and showed her. She shook her head and sobbed, "It can't...
I continued down the hill following the stream until it abruptly fell off the side of a short cliff. The sheer face didn't even have any vegetation just a few exposed rocks. The risk of injury from sliding against the jagged rocks seemed too high. I needed to find a different way down. Choosing another path to follow I ended up climbing a few hundred feet. All the while trying to keep the stream within hearing distance. Near the bottom of the hill, I spotted an old overgrown path. The...
John Barstow, prosecutor at the Central Criminal Court, alighted from the rented cab that had taken him to Newgate Prison. The case of the attempted murder of Sir Hamilton Crewes had been assigned to him just an hour ago, and the suspect, Sir Hamilton's wife, was already kept at Newgate. He wanted to interview her first to get an impression of her. The magistrate rose when he recognised the Crown attorney. "Good afternoon, Sir." "Good afternoon. I wish to speak Lady...
I did not give up my parenting responsibility. I had some long talks with Cassandra about responsibility and commitment. I reminded her that it was unlikely a person in her dating group would become a life mate. She listened patiently, but I suspected what I said went in one ear and out the other. When Brian Frost called to ask me to approve his choice of activity for their first official date after she turned sixteen, I grudgingly had to give him my respect. If he was just a Christian, the...
Cheerleader Coven By Trisha Max and Stuart watched them from the top bleachers, pretending to talk to each other, but in reality totally transfixed at the spectacle below. Stuart was particularly anxious, but Max wasn't far behind him in excitement. They were in the gymnasium. Down below, on the basketball floor, the cheerleaders were practicing their routine, jumping up and own, thrusting pom-poms out from their chests, and forming elaborate human pyramids. There were six of them,...
The following story is written from different points of view of the various characters. To find out what happened to a different character check out their story on my profile (when written). IntroductionJohn is a 52 year old man living in Newcastle in the UK. He resides with his wife of 12 years, Anne 43 years old, her daughter Saria who has just turned 18, and his son Daniel who is 19. They belong to a little known religion called Darmanian which has a few churches around the country, although...
First things first, you need a series to start off with. What cartoon do you want to dive into? options below.
I managed to pass the rest of the school week without any further radar evasion failures. As we gathered our belongings after Friday’s lecture, Kathy sidled up next to me, and asked, “So, where are you going to take me, so as to sweep me off my feet, and work your evil wiles upon innocent, defenseless little me?” She accompanied this with a wide eyed, waif-like moue, as if she was indeed the innocent lass she pretended to be. I paused, and answered her. “I think I’ll take you to Greektown....
[Protection – Janice] As soon as I heard the bolt, I was ducking behind Jeff and drew my pistol. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see two men with rifles. They were much older than Jeff and his friends. I took in all of this in an instant. An instant later, it was over. Robby had dropped and rolled. As he rolled, he drew his pistol and shot the one nearer to him without stopping his roll. I shot the one near me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Robby reach cover with his rifle at...
He walked up the stairs on his way to bed. It had been another long day. As he entered the bedroom, he saw her, seated at the mirror, brushing her long dark hair. His breath caught in his throat, even after all this time the mere sight of her still left him dizzy. He watched for a few moments, with a slight grin on his face, before she looked up and their eyes met in the mirror. She smiled at him, and his grin remained. "What?" she asked. He slowly shook his head, the grin never leaving his...
I am mid fifties, five feet tall, with 34D tits and on heat. Just recently a good looking college guy joined the company I work for as a stores person on a work experience project. It all started with a bit of sexist banter like pointing at my name badge and asking what the other one was called, but then got hotter with my new work colleague telling me he was available any time I fancied a good fucking. I was very embarrassed at first but must admit I liked the attention. I started getting...
I was working for the WWE and loving it but they were not thrilled with my take- no- prisoners attitude and actions. I didn't have issues with many wrestlers. The Big Show was -holding a grudge for not being able to knock me out and me being able to knock him out. He was pretty much the only one, but every so often he'd have a tag team partner that'd side with him, and or at least pretend to, so they could keep from being knocked out. Now, there are very few people out there who couldn't...
Henrietta was more of a bicycle person than a motorcar person because she was fearful of being in some accident that would negate her cursed existence for at least another five hundred years of mortal life. Actually at almost three hundred winters under her belt she was really still in her younger years in humankind terms and she was a bit irresponsible in matters of the heart. She had expressed her regret at her terrible weakness of the flesh with regard to the one-legged Police Chief in...
It was a bitterly cold, early spring afternoon. I had arrived after lunch, in my thickest fluffy coat and furry hat. The noise from the crowd, which was like a kind of baying – a feverish swell of cheers and applause met my ears. I responded with a shiver of excitement. The tribal allegiance of spectator sports was alien to me, but I flashed my VIP pass at the turnstile, and took a seat at the back. Rugby was, I suppose the posh guy's soccer. You were allowed to pick the ball up and run. It was...
Oral SexFranks and Mason walked me out to their car and put me in the back. Franks got in on the driver's side and Mason took the shotgun seat and then turned to me and said: "What the fuck did you come back for? We gave up looking for you a year ago." "Just stupid I guess" I said and then I turned my head and looked out the window. "Just stupid" pretty much summed it up. I had loved the bitch and the entire time I ran around the country she was never very far from my mind. I let that love...
It’s Sunday afternoon and Lana Roy and Emily Mayers are bored, so they decide to use their apartment building’s gym to sweat out last night’s alcohol. Several minutes into the workout the two babes decide there’s a much better way to cure a hangover cure: lesbian sex. After making out a bit and undressing, the pair gets oiled up and begin playing with each other’s clits. Emily has her fingers knuckle-deep inside of Lana’s box when they’re interrupted by their neighbor Vince, who’s looking to...
xmoviesforyouI’m Kami, and I’m a thirty-something blonde who mostly has a preference for other women, which if anything has been heightened by my boyfriend’s recent obsession with T-girls. Secretly though, while I’m busy licking out my gorgeous young flatmate Amy, or my landlady Jess, my mind often wanders towards she-cock, something that through my boyfriend’s sessions I’ve been lucky enough to taste and experience in my pussy a few times now.The other night, I got my first taste of an actual gay and...
I picked up my sister Sally from a party in our old neighbourhood. The morning sun was already rising ready to roast us once more in this mid-summer heatwave.Sis came out to the car wearing a long crepe white summer dress, which was quite transparent letting me see that she had at least kept her underwear on for once. "Good Party?" I asked."Not bad, a bit disappointing, I was hoping Paul King was going to be there." Paul King, that was a blast from the past. "I thought as he was still...
IncestMera naam Priya Mishra hain aur mein ek middle class ghar ki bahu hoon. Meri shaadi 3 mahine pehle Vipul se huwi thi. Vipul ek vyaapaari hain aur unka chota karobaar hain. Ghar mein saas ke alaawa, meri nanad Rupa rehti hain jo ab college khatam karke ek choti si firm mein naukri kar rahi hain. Meri sasu ma bahut hi dharmik kism ki aurat hain jo jyaadatar waqt pooja-paath mein guzaar deti hain. Sasu ma sirf 37 saal ki hain kyunki unki shaadi 15 varshki aayu mein huwi thi aur jab Vipul paida...
JULY 1940 VICHY GOVERNMENT BREAKS RELATIONS WITH BRITAIN “Fuehrer’s Headquarters August 1, 1940 TOP SECRET Directive No. 17 for the Conduct of Air and Navel Warfare against England In order to establish the conditions necessary for the final conquest of England, I intend to continue the air and naval war against the English homeland more intensively than heretofore. To this end I issue the following orders: 1. The German Air Force is to overcome the British Air Force with all means at its...
It had all started for Ron the day after Thanksgiving, just about a month earlier. On that day Ron had climbed the stairs up to his room without thinking about much of anything at all. As he reached the top of the stairs a noise coming from the guest bedroom caught his attention. He knew that Pam was staying in that room as she and her daughter, Sandy, visited Ron and his mother for the holiday. She had gone upstairs a little while ago and Ron hadn't thought anything about it, but something...
My wife told my step daughter about me bending her over the counter like a dirty whore and forcing her to take my cock. I know she likes it. Not sure why she told our daughter about it. She has been flipping her ass in front of me for years. Her tiny young body is so fucking hot. I love her pretty little brace face and have been thinking about fucking her cute little mouth for longer than I would like to admit. She is 18 now, and told me that she loved the idea of me forcing her to do dirty...
xmoviesforyouTom managed to get through the rest of the day, somehow. Louise sent him out to get sandwiches for her and the girls at lunchtime. Mrs. Peterson returned to the office around 1:30 and noted that things seemed fairly normal. She looked questioningly at Louise as she walked to her office and received a positive nod from her that everything was OK. Maybe she had made the right decision giving Tommy one more chance to keep his job. As long as Louise was around to keep watch over things nothing...
Hi everyone. This is Steve. I am from vadodara , Gujarat. This is my first story so I would like to narret few things about me. I am 22 years old and studying in MBBS. As its my last year , I will be a doctor soon . I regularly visit gym so I have athletic body and pretty attractive look. I would not say my dick is 8-9 inches but it is of good length of 6.5 inches . you can give me feedback on my id so without wasting much time i will move straight away to the story. This happened about 15...
“What the fuck, what the fuck…”, my head was reeling for days after Jake left, what the hell had I gotten myself involved in and how the fuck was I going to get out of it. Jake told me Terry and he were going to make sure I either do whatever the fuck they wanted to do to me OR I’d lose my cushy “free ride” with my wife. A few days later a temporary reprieve came when Carol needed to go to New York City for three weeks to manage the business and I could figure my way out of this mess, but they...
I was happiest when I had Jake for extended periods of time. Since my ex wife was going away with her current boyfriend I would have Jake for over a week. He was estactic about the time alone and could not wait for the day to arrive, but we still got chances to sneak away and be together whenever we could. I could not help feel a light sting of jealousy when Jake told me that he was tutoring a member of the school football team but it was just rouse to be alone. The guy, Alan, was a tall...