Alexandra, Damsel In Distress free porn video

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I finished my beer and set the empty bottle on the rickety table. “I’m gonna wander on up the street and see what’s happening. Anyone wanna come?” I announced, rising from my seat.

“Yeah I’ll go, but I gotta piss first,” Sarge said, draining the last of his beer.

“We’ll catch up in a bit,” Digger added.

I nodded and made my way outside. The cool night air felt good as I turned to admire the historic station to my right and tried to imagine what The Drive was like a hundred years ago. Depot Drive, or The Drive as it was referred to, had a long and infamous history. From the historic station to the west for three full blocks to the east, everywhere you looked was a piece of history. During the heyday of the railroad, The Drive earned its well-deserved reputation. The street was lined with saloons at street level and hotels, brothels, and gambling houses above. All of this packed with travelers, railroad workers, con artists, and criminals. The Drive’s infamous reputation became known far and wide, and one famous First Lady disembarked just to see it for herself.

During Prohibition, the bars simply moved underground and set up candy stores, barbershops, and with other businesses as fronts. Several underground passages were built for patrons to easily move from one speakeasy to another without being seen. When prohibition ended, the bars and taverns moved back to street level. Later, other illicit endeavors utilized the hidden network for their operations.

As modern modes of transport took over and rail travel faded into history, The Drive faded too. The hotels closed one by one and the brothels were raided and shut down, but many of the bars remained. The Drive’s rough reputation continued as bikers, drug dealers, prostitutes, and criminals moved in.

In the mid-nineteen-eighties, the city decided The Drive needed to be cleaned up and transformed into a place for decent people. They bought, or simply took several of the abandoned buildings and demolished the more dilapidated structures. Property owners were warned to clean up their properties or have them condemned and taken. Increased police presence pushed out the drug dealers, prostitutes, and criminals. New sidewalks and street lamps were installed and trees were planted all along the street.

When beginning the project, city leaders envisioned The Drive as lined with cafes, ice cream shops, art galleries, and other family friendly establishments. However, they overestimated their ability to erase the long sordid history of The Drive. The bikers stubbornly refused to be pushed out and maintained their hold on the West End of the street. In addition, the big money investor, who they had been more than happy to assist in acquiring the entire eastern block, suddenly changed his plans and instead of restaurants and shops, he opened several bars, taverns, and night clubs. Other than a couple of new restaurants, The Drive remained primarily three continuous blocks of bars and taverns. The first block to the West belonged to the bikers. The third block, to the East, was the new clubs and restaurants catering to the Yuppie crowd. The middle block had one biker bar, a pawn shop, The Tropic Lounge, and a vacant lot where two buildings had been demolished.

The Tropic was the one place where the bikers and the yuppies mixed, along with the third group on the street, the pool sharks. Louie, the owner of The Tropic, liked to play pool and he was good, so were all of his friends who hung out at The Tropic. Some very high stakes games were played there, if you were gonna play pool at The Tropic, you better be damn good and have a lot of cash. In addition to his income from the club and playing pool, Eddie was the bail bondsman of choice for The Demons, the local outlaw motorcycle club, a very lucrative position to hold. Being the one the club turned to for bail meant that Eddie always got paid, even if a member jumped, and also meant that The Tropic was under the club’s protection. No member would ever get out of line in The Tropic or let anyone else cause problems. Being a bail bondsmen also meant that Eddie had a good relationship with the police. So when the city’s push to clean up The Drive came along, the cops refused to hassle Eddie the way they did the other bar owners.

A typical night on The Drive meant parking the bike in front of Tarantula’s at the West End and having a few beers there, then making my way from bar to bar until arriving at The Tropic, then working back down the street. All night long, groups meandered up and down the street in and out of each bar along the way. Only occasionally did we wander up to the eastern, respectable end of the street, and then, only to have a little fun putting a scare on the yuppies. They never wandered down to our end of The Drive. The farthest they ever made it was The Tropic. They came there to get a cheap buzz as the drinks were a third the price of those at their respectable clubs. We only tolerated them out of respect for Eddie.

The cool night air had barely filled my lungs when I heard a scream and the sound of people running. I turned in time to see a blonde woman run past me and three yuppie douchebags chasing her. Instinctively, I stepped in front of the lead douchebag. He ran into me full force and went sprawling into the gutter. His two friends skidded to a halt, staring dumbly at their buddy sprawled on the ground and raising their hands as they slowly backed away from me. I was at least six inches taller than either of them and probably a hundred pounds heavier.

“Hey man, we don’t want no trouble with you,” one of them said.

“Then you shouldn’t be harassing women on my street,” I sneered, taking a step toward them.

“That ain’t no woman! It's a dude in a dress!” the one on the ground shouted, slowly getting up and brushing himself off.

I half turned and glanced over my shoulder. The woman had stopped about twenty feet down the street and was watching with a frightened look on her face. She was slender, about five feet tall, and her low-cut top showed off firm round breasts. Her short black skirt didn’t quite cover the lace tops of her stockings and her stiletto heels accentuated her long legs. She had a great set of legs and looked all woman to me.

“Looks like a woman to me,” I sneered, turning back to the douchebag.

“It’s not, it’s a freak pretending to be a woman,” he shouted again.

“Yeah!” his friends chimed in unison.

I narrowed my gaze and stepped closer, forcing the douchebag to retreat. “You’ve got ten seconds get the fuck outta here!” I growled.

All three quickly retreated to what they thought was a safe distance, then douchebag turned back and shouted.

“What, you wanna suck her dick!”

All of the commotion had drawn attention inside and when he turned to run, he ran square into Digger’s massive barrel chest.

“This one’s cute and feisty, he’s all mine,” Digger grinned, grabbing Douchebag's ass.

Douchebag yelped and twisted away as his friends raised their hands and slowly backed away as Sarge advanced, his sixteen-inch Bowie gleaming in the street light. I noticed movement behind Digger and signaled Sarge to put his blade away just as two cops rode up on bicycles.

“What’s going on here, guys?” Officer Jenkins asked, stepping off his bike.

Jenkins was cool, he worked the drive a lot and never hassled anyone over petty shit. The regulars on The Drive knew him well, and we all had his back if needed.

“These boys seem to have a problem with the lady,” I answered before the douchebags had a chance to speak.

Jenkins cast an amused look toward Douchebag and friends. “You boys having a problem with this lady?” Jenkins asked.

Jenkins’s partner was new on The Drive and a little big to be pedaling around on a bicycle all night. He’d been trying to catch his breath since they pulled up. Now he swung off the bike and loomed over the douchebags.

“That ain’t a lady, it’s a dude in a dress,” Douchebag nearly shouted at Jenkins.

“And what were you going to do about that?” Jenkins glared.

“We were… uh, nothing, officer. We weren’t doing anything. it was just a... a misunderstanding,” Douchebag answered, his voice faltering as he realized what he was about to confess.

With a doubtful expression, Jenkins nodded and said, “Stay right here.”

Sarge, Digger, and I subtly taunted the three, being careful not to draw the attention of Jenkins’s partner. Jenkins walked over to talk with the woman. After a brief conversation, Jenkins returned to inform the douchebags that she didn't want to press charges and warned them not to cause any more problems. As they skulked away, Jenkins turned to Digger, Sarge, and I.

“I appreciate you guys stepping in to protect the, uh... lady, and it’s all right to put a scare in those idiots, but please tell me it wasn’t going to go any farther than that,” he said, glancing down at the knife hanging from Sarge’s belt.

“Just keeping the streets safe from the criminal element, Jenkins,” Sarge grinned.

Jenkins tried to hide a smile as he shook his head, “Yeah I'm sure you are, Sarge,” he scoffed, climbing on his bike. “We’ll be keeping an eye on those three, just to be sure they don’t run into anymore trouble,” Jenkins warned as they swung their bikes around and pedaled away.

As Jenkins and his partner rode off, the woman cautiously approached. I turned, getting my first good, head to toe, look at her. Long sexy legs, round hips, narrow waist, plump breasts, pouty red lips, smoldering green eyes, and long silky blonde hair, certainly looked like a woman to me, a beautiful sexy woman at that. Despite the accusations against her, I felt a familiar hunger growing in my loins.

“You okay, hun?” I smiled, stepping closer.

She flinched a little at my approach, but recovered herself and smiled nervously. “I’m fine, thank you so much. Those guys might have killed me if you hadn’t been here,” she said, her voice soft and feminine.

“Always happy to help a damsel in distress,” I smiled. “They call me Beast,” I said, offering my hand.

Her nerves seemed to settle a bit as she placed her small hand in my massive paw. “Alexandra. It’s lovely to make your acquaintance, Beast,” she giggled a little. “So, are you really a beast?” she asked, stepping closer.

“When I need to be,” I grinned, squeezing her hand gently. “This is Sarge and Digger,” I said, introducing her to my friends.

“Nice to meet you both, and thank you too. Such colorful names too,” Alexandra said, seeming to get past her nervousness.

“No problem, you gonna join us for a drink?” Sarge smiled.

“Oh, I’ve had enough excitement for tonight, I think I’ll just get a cab home, but thanks for the offer,” Alexandra declined.

“I can give you a ride if you want,” I offered. There was just something about her and I couldn’t let her get away so soon. I found her intriguing and had to know more.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to disrupt your night more than I already have,” she said, batting her eyes at me.

“Nah, it’s no problem, I want to make sure you get home safe,” I heard Sarge snicker as I spoke to her. I looked over and Digger was trying to suppress a laugh.

Alexandra laid her hand on my chest and moved closer. “Such a gentlemanly beast. Thank you so much,” she said, brushing against me.

“You two have fun,” Sarge called as he and Digger walked away snickering.

I slipped my arm around Alexandra’s waist and walked her to my bike.

“Mmmm, I’ve always wanted a big hog between my legs,” she giggled as I swung my leg over the seat.

"Just wait until you feel it vibrating between your legs," I winked at her.

An excited smile covered her face as she climbed on and held me tight, pressing her firm breasts into my back as we rode up the street. She squealed and squeezed me tight as I cracked the throttle and the bike shook beneath her. Her breath was hot in my ear as she directed me to her house. By the time we arrived, her hand was rubbing my rapidly swelling cock through my jeans.

“I can’t wait to get this in my mouth,” she said, squeezing my swollen shaft as I switched off the bike.

She kissed my neck as she climbed off the bike. Taking my hand, she led me to the front door, her heels clicking on the driveway as her ass wiggled beneath her tight skirt. I still couldn’t believe this wasn’t all woman, but she had never denied the douchebag’s accusations. I just couldn’t see how it was possible and, at this point, I didn’t care, all that mattered was that I wanted her.

The door clicked shut behind us and Alexandra melted into my arms. Our lips met in a heated kiss as her fingers unbuckled my chaps and belt. My hands covered each of her smooth firm ass cheeks as I explored her warm mouth with my tongue. A rush of cool air met my rigid shaft as she freed it from the overheated confines of my jeans. I groaned into her mouth as her warm fingers wrapped around my shaft and started slowly stroking me. One hand began fondling my heavy balls as the other slid over my throbbing dick. I began opening her blouse to expose her lacy black bra and the firm round breasts within.

Alexandra shrugged the blouse off and let it fall to the floor as she cupped her breasts and teased the hard nipples through the lace cups of her bra. I reached for her, sliding my rough hands over her smooth flesh up to her bra clasp and quickly released it. A hungry growl rumbled deep in my chest as I took in her smooth creamy skin and perfect round breasts capped with stiff pink nipples.

With a giggle, Alexandra pulled my T-shirt up and lightly drug her manicured nails over my hairy chest, sending a shiver through me. She stepped forward, pressing her breasts into me as she kissed and bit my neck. Her hand returned to my swollen cock and she began kissing her way down my body, dragging her hot tongue over my flesh as she went. Once on her knees, Alexandra lifted my cock and began licking and sucking my big hairy testicles. I groaned aloud as she sucked one into her warm mouth. She stared up at me and licked along the underside of my shaft up to the swollen leaking tip. She swabbed the sensitive tip with her talented tongue before parting her soft pink lips and sliding them down over my aching cock.

My eyes closed and I pushed my hips out at the unbelievable sensation of her warm wet mouth engulfing my stiff member. Her tongue massaged the underside of my member as she bobbed her head, taking more and more of me each time her lips slid down my pole. She gagged a little as my thick cock entered her throat. She pulled back, took a breath, and plunged her mouth down my shaft again. I felt her throat expand around the swollen head and her lips reached the base. My knees went weak and I grabbed her head for support. She moaned around my cock plugging her throat and I nearly came from the intense sensation.

I stepped back, pulling my cock from her delicious mouth and lifted her up to kiss her again. I picked her up and her long legs wrapped around my waist as I squeezed her ass and our tongues dueled in the moist heat of our joined mouths.

“Oh fuck me, Beast! I need you inside me,” she breathed, breaking our kiss.

I kissed her neck and breasts as I carried her to the couch and laid her upon it. She lifted her legs as I gripped the waistband of her panties and slid them off of her and there it was, a stiff little cock pointing up at me. She pulled her legs back and lifted the smooth hairless nut sack exposing her pink little rosebud. She looked so hot, I lined my thick hard cock up with her tiny hole and pushed. Her eyes went wide as her opening stretched around my swollen cock. I continued pushing until her tight entrance yielded to my invasion and my fat tip slipped inside her hot passage.

“Ohh, fuck me,” she moaned as my thick tool pushed up into her.

She was so tight, I pushed slowly, trying not to hurt her. Her eyes closed and her mouthed formed an, 'oh,' as she breathed out. I groaned from the tight grip around my hard shaft as it slid deeper. My hips met her firm ass and my bone was buried to the hilt in her tight boi-cunt. I leaned down to kiss her hot lips as her tight hole squeezed my throbbing meat. Our tongues danced together and I began slowly pumping my hips, stroking her hot tight hole with my hard shaft. Her hands stroked my chest and pinched my nipples as I picked up the pace. She moaned quietly each time I bottomed out in her clutching pussy.

“Oh, oh, harder, fuck me harder,” she begged.

I pumped my hips faster, plunging my cock deep inside her. My hips slamming into her ass hard. My mind was spinning from the electric pulses emanating from my throbbing cock as it plunged in and out. I felt the pull in my balls and knew I wouldn’t last much longer. Grabbing her ankles, I pushed her legs back and drove my cock into her harder and harder until with a final deep thrust, I exploded inside her. She screamed as I unloaded deep in her boi-pussy. My legs trembled and my hips jerked with every hot burst of cum. I gasped for breath as my cock twitched in her flooded cavern. I slowly stroked her a few more times as I caught my breath and the intensity of my orgasm faded. She moaned and pulled me down on top of her.

"Oh, you are a beast," she sighed, pressing her soft lips to mine.

As we kissed, I noticed the cum on her flat stomach and breasts. I scooped it up with my finger and fed it to her between kisses. We kissed and caressed each other, regaining our strength before she sucked my cock back to life and rode me to another gut wrenching orgasm.

The following night I walked into Tarantula’s, as usual, and Bull got up from the table as I approached. Bull was a big man, almost as big as me, and known for being a little unstable. He walked up and stared me straight in the eye with an accusing look. He sniffed a couple of times.

“You fucked the girly boy, didn’t you?” he accused.

I stared back at him unsure how to answer and prepared myself for a fight.

Taking my silence as confirmation, he exclaimed, “My brother!” and threw his thick tattooed arms around me.

“See he knows, I told you guys, ain’t nothing like fucking hot girly boy ass,” he announced, turning back to the table.

“Oh god, now there’s two of em,” Sarge shook his head.

The whole table erupted with laughter.

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Alexandrarsquos Birthday Present ndash Part 1

A very attractive woman, svelte body, short black hair, gorgeous legs, was window-shopping in Bond Street. She wore a long dark plum classically styled camel coat over a tailored grey suit worn to just above the knee. But what first drew my attention to her were the deep crimson high heels that she wore with black tights or stockings. ‘Alexandra’ I said to myself. She was my client this evening; a new client and I usually like to check out new clients out beforehand. By observing them secretly...

3 years ago
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One "BRAT!" "TOAD!" Well, don't all 8-year-old boys think all six-year old girls are brats? And don't 6-year-old girls think 8-year-old boys are toads? Well, most of them, anyway. That's my experience. And those were our respective ages when Alexandra's family moved in next door to mine. I was 8, she was 6. However, I don't remember ever calling her a brat. And I don't remember her calling me a toad. That was her twin sister Cheryl, who still is a brat and probably still...

3 years ago
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Alexandra 2

“Pleasure before pain.” That was what Alexandra had said as she slowly removed her dress. There was a knock on the door and the club’s owner, Maxine de Vraie entered to Alexandra’s command. Maxine, whom I knew although we did not acknowledge the fact, was accompanied by two naked women, both tall, and slender, one blonde, the other brunette. “Balkans,” said Alexandra with a sneer. The Russians hate all the former satellites. In fact, most of us hate almost every other nation including the...

1 year ago
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Alexandra part 1

Alexandra is a beautiful young woman, with dark hair, a perfect body, and eyes you could get lost in. We had met each other awhile back, and we seemed to hit it off right away. We had gotten together a few times over the last month for dinner, or coffee, but it never went further. During our last conversation she told me how much she loves boats and being near the water. ''What a coincidence,'' I said. ''I have a boat.'' ''I would love to see it sometime." ''What are you doing this weekend,''...

3 years ago
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Cartoon Damsels in distress

The general idea here is to to imagine a world where you can kidnap any girl from any cartoon/anime and do whatever you want to her. ideas for damsels include... Daphne Blake and Velma Dinkley from Scooby Doo.. Kim Possible and the Middleton High Cheerleaders Ava Aayla aka White Tiger, Mary Jane Watson, Gwen Stacey and Felicia Hardy from Ultimate Spiderman Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren and Ahsoka Tano from Star Wars Rebels Catalina "Lioness" Leone, Liza Leone, Samantha "Magness" Payne from Alpha...

3 years ago
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helping a damsel in distress

Being a dark night it wasn't in a safe spot so I stopped to see if I could help the driver.I turned around and went back and parked behind the car using my hazard lights for safety and I got out to assist the driver. I introduced my self to the driver and when they opened the window I see it was a young female.I offered her the warmth of my vehicle and she eagerly accepted returning with me back to my car. She said her name was Dawn and she was on her way back home form college.She...

3 years ago
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Damsel in Distress

AS ALWAYS! I write for money. Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested. I accept DONATIONS also. This helps me hire editors to edit and rework my massive archives into something at least somewhat worth mass reading. My original products are solid and exceptional and I hit the points my clients require hitting ---- even if some of you don't agree. These arn't written for mass publication but individual people who want some exceptional plot with their smut. As...

2 years ago
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The White Knight part 1 Damsel in Distress

Introduction: Dave meets a girl abandoned on the beach by her family, and takes her in Dave had lived near the beach for the last 15 years, and was a bit of a beach bum. He had retired at 40, and now spent his time on the beach or hanging out in the local bars. It was a touristy beach town, but it was a bit more expensive than most, so it wasnt too bad. One day he was on the beach, and a family settled next to him. At first he was annoyed that they were only 10 feet away from him, but then he...

3 years ago
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The Damsel In Distress

It was the first weekend after I got my brand new ‘Hemi-orange’ Dodge SRT8 Challenger and even though it wasn’t dirty at all, I decided to wash and wax the shiny muscle car. I pulled it out of the garage onto the concrete driveway and started. I was just using my chamois to get the excess water off the car when I heard a ‘bang’ in the street in front of my house. I quickly turned to look and saw an old blue Toyota pull over right at the end of my driveway. I watched as a tall slender appearing...

3 years ago
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Damsel In Distress

I have been divorced for over a year after twenty one years with one man.   Now, here I am at 43 and alone for the first time in my adult life. It had hurt when he told me that he was seeing a younger woman and wanted to be with her.   It hurt even more when I happened to see the two of them together.   I was walking past a local bar and saw the two of them having drinks, laughing, holding hands.   He had not held my hand in years.   I felt even worse when I looked at her.   I thought she...

1 year ago
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Damsel in Distress

The knock came late at night.Three nervous taps on the flat door, followed a few moments later by three taps that are more urgent.Well at least that proved that it wasn’t k**s playing “Knocky hi-door”.I got up from the computer and headed for the front door, a little nervous and to be honest not a little unafraid.I peeked through the spyglass and to my surprise saw standing outside my next-door neighbour Annie Booker, she was hopping from foot to foot and had a light coat tightly clutched about...

4 years ago
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Pee Cum in the Park A Damsel in Distress

True story, July 19, 2017.I'm an American man touring the Balkan Region. Last week I was in Nis, Serbia, and I had the most unexpected encounter at the centuries-old Fortress Park that is located just outside the city centre.I arrive at the park and take a seat on one of the benches to enjoy the summer heat and read a book. I hear some noise behind me so I turn around to look. I see a very attractive blonde woman – probably in her mid-thirties - dressed fashionably in a white sun dress with...

4 years ago
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Damsel In Distress

I was living alone in an upscale apartment, one of my neighbors was a lady, Simran around 35 who worked in an MNC, she too lived alone. As months went by, we would meet and say hellos and chat generally, with nothing happening. I always used to fantasize how it would be to fuck her. One day while I was on my way back home, I found her in the middle of the road her car parked on the side, I stopped and asked her what the problem was, she pointed towards the rear tire, and she had a puncture. I...

3 years ago
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Damsel In Distress

Hello, indian sex stories dot net, enigma here, today I bring you the story of my first sexual encounter, I will not be revealing any names for privacy concerns, so, let’s dive right in. Starting off with the introductions, I am a below average looking guy, dark-skinned and short. The story is about how I got to have with one of my friend’s mother. The story is dated towards the second year of my college. It was a Saturday evening and as usual, all of my friends were drunk as fuck and I was...

1 year ago
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Another Damsel in Distress

I happened to be at the club for lunch the day her world collapsed so I was around to pick up the pieces, as it were, and tuck them into my bed. I watched the waiter approach Claudette, saw her blanch, stalk across the room and then heard her yell at the manager. I quickly took her arm, led her to my table and sat her down, sputtering and red-faced. "Sanderson, right?" I asked. She nodded, and I flipped on my phone, found the story and showed her. She shook her head and sobbed, "It can't...

1 year ago
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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 2 Look Ma a damsel in distress

I continued down the hill following the stream until it abruptly fell off the side of a short cliff. The sheer face didn't even have any vegetation just a few exposed rocks. The risk of injury from sliding against the jagged rocks seemed too high. I needed to find a different way down. Choosing another path to follow I ended up climbing a few hundred feet. All the while trying to keep the stream within hearing distance. Near the bottom of the hill, I spotted an old overgrown path. The...

2 years ago
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Hot Damsel From My College 8211 Part 1

On the first day of college. I saw a beautiful and hot damsel with blonde hair wearing a tight red shirt which was showing off her big boobs (34 was what I guessed at the moment!) and her sexy stomach. During the registration process, I sat behind her just to smell the fragrance of this beauty and try talking to her. I was not successful that day, but my fate was with me (or I thought so!). We were allotted our departments and to my luck, we both were in the same department! I was successful in...

2 years ago
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Lancelot and the Damsel

In days of old When men were bold And Arthur was the king Sir Lancelot The knight was hot And he'd tried everything Then one hot day While on his way Back home upon a wagon He saw a girl With golden curl Escaping from a Dragon Behold! He cried His smile wide And proffered up his sword Your fiery breath Will be your death. He stood, and charged, and roared He faced the beast Feared not the least And drove the sword with power The dragon bled And soon was dead As Lance stood like a tower Oh...

2 years ago
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The Present Day Mira Destovsky and Ivanova were dead and gone. Mira’s younger sister, Alexandra, had assumed command of Mira’s business empire. My name is Jelena Miskoba. I was trained by the former KGB as an assassin. I only graduated when the Soviet Union was in total disarray after its collapse. I had learned the arts of cold-blooded murder and excelled in them. I was not like some of my peers who orgasmed when they killed. It was not a sexual thrill for me, it was a job. I was also...

3 years ago
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Alexandra The Beauty

The rest of our day carried on as usual we got the munchies and some Soda, Some Pepsi, some coke, sprite and other stuff. we walked back to my place and i opened the door, i invited her in and looked at her ass as she walked in first. my boner had risen to it's full length as i watched her hips sway side to side her ass in a tight blue mini skirt. God i loved that sight. "Oh? What are you staring at Jess?" Damn this girl caught me. "Nothing I-i was just admiring you're" Really...

3 years ago
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Alexandra part 1

Alexandra is a beautiful young woman, with dark hair, a perfect body, and eyes you could get lost in. We had met each other awhile back, and we seemed to hit it off right away. We had gotten together a few times over the last month for dinner, or coffee, but it never went further. During our last conversation she told me how much she loves boats and being near the water. ”What a coincidence,” I said. ”I have a boat.” ”I would love to see it sometime.’ ”What are you doing this weekend,” I...

2 years ago
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Alexandra Part 3

Boredom began to rule my mind. I painted, fighted, read, and danced nothing could fill the empty spot in my mind. I needed something new, exciting. Still the presence of something positive was going to happen. As I sat in the garden staring into the yard a figure approached me.   “I did not ask for visitors.” I turned my head and looked to the figure. There stood a beautiful woman.   “Who are you?” She knelt down facing me.   “Well Alexandra I have been sent by your husband he says you grow...

1 year ago
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Alexandra part two

We had been out on the lake for a couple of hours now. I was really enjoying her company at this point. We decided that we wanted to take a quick dip to cool off, so I dropped the anchor and we dove in. We spent some time playing around and splashing each other. Not only was Alexandra one of the most gorgeous women I had ever seen, but she was really fun to be around. I got out of the water and on to the boat first, and then helped her back in. Taking her by the hand, I pulled her into the...

2 years ago
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Alexandra Part 3

Boredom began to rule my mind. I painted, fighted, read, and danced nothing could fill the empty spot in my mind. I needed something new, exciting. Still the presence of something positive was going to happen. As I sat in the garden staring into the yard a figure approached me. “I did not ask for visitors.” I turned my head and looked to the figure. There stood a beautiful woman. “Who are you?” She knelt down facing me. “Well Alexandra I have been sent by your husband he says you grow bored in...

1 year ago
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Damsels in Distress Rules

All rights reserved © 2012 by Ernest Bywater Cover Art The image of Cove Mountain Trail tn4 by Brian Stansberry is used with his permission under Creative Commons Attribution. The manipulation and adding of text is done by Ernest Bywater. All rights to the cover image are reserved by the copyright owners. 6 June 2019 version The titles in use are a Chapter, a Sub-chapter, and a section. Table of Contents Background The Worlds The Plan The People The Rules and...

1 year ago
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Rescuing Two Damsels in Distress

This is fiction...We approached the island late in the afternoon, our rented speed boat full of beer, a barbecue and a few burgers, four lads on holiday looking for a quiet beach to have a bit of a party.“That looks like a beach Daz,” said Stu, pointing away to our right. “Take her in a bit.”The boat edged towards the island and we agreed that it seemed a likely place to cook some meat and sup some ale, so Daz brought us to a stop in waist-deep water while Kevin dropped the little anchor to...

2 years ago
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The Dark Damsel Ch 15

Thank you for taking the time to vote and for giving me your thoughts. With your votes and comments in mind, here is the choice YOU made… * * * * * She looked like the head cheerleader at my old alma mater…tall, gorgeous and a little better developed than everyone else. But like the head cheerleader at my alma mater, she met a bad end. Supergirl looked like Betty Ambromowicz at the senior homecoming kegger after the captain of the football team had his way in the garage against her will. The...

2 years ago
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The Dark Damsel Ch 16

(Continuing the letter to the Dark Knight regarding the claiming of the Dark Damsel and the Adventure of the Metahuman Sex Slave Ring. Based on reader feedback, I give you what many readers DESPERATELY want to have happen to Anaxandros…be warned.) * * * * * About this time it dawned on me that I could use a really, really big gun. Down the hall from my position at the crossroads, faceless thugs were lining up like Stormtroopers hunting down Solo and crew in the Death Star prison block. THEY...

3 years ago
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Damn The Damsel

The summer heat drove people to the Tank Bund by the evening. I was taking a stroll on the tank bund, enjoying the cool breeze and feasting my eyes on the women fluttering like colorful butterflies. My x-ray eyes were trying to assess their autonomy and their unseen ‘assets’. It was then that I was accosted by her. Around 25, she was fair, slim and of medium height. She dressed very conservatively, tending to cause bulging in the pants of the men folk. She was quite beautiful and sexy. She...

1 year ago
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Wet Dreams And Damsel In The Office

It was just another day I woke up to, with vivid memories of the dream I just had. It was, in some sense, similar to what I have been dreaming for a couple of days now. All these visions had one thing in common – I was having passionate sex with the same girl. I could remember my fingers caressing her curves, her sweet voice moaning my name, the taste of her lips and the scent of her hair. In each dream, I was having a truly sensual experience with this heavenly angel on different occasions....

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The tale of the damsel in bondage

From The Chronicles of The Risque Adventures of Madame EricaChapter. 2"The tale of the damsel in bondage"I had always had a fetish for bondage. I guess it comes natural for me since I'm such a submissive person. I decided that I wanted to explore into it more than before and I knew it had to be with people I trusted. So one night very recently I discussed it with one of my bestest friends and her hubby and we decided that if it happened it would be ok. 4hrs. and some drinks later.... we...

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Damsel in Disdress

I am having marital problems for the past year and you have been my confidant at the office. Listening so attentively as I cry on your shoulder about the latest husband drama. You are consoling, gently suggesting I consider leaving him.After months of me sobbing out the same shit over and over, you finally say rather sharply-"for Christ's sake woman, why don't you just leave? You have no c***dren, nothing holding you there."This is when I burst into tears and through the sobbing I stammer out I...

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