- 4 years ago
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One of the major problems in my life is an irresistible impulse to fall head-over-heels in love with complete strangers. This may not seem much of a problem, but when you combine it with a deep seated insecurity that makes me sure that they’ll never be interested in loving me back, it produces quite a few problems.
The first is an unwillingness, or rather an inability, to express my feelings. The first time I fell in love was when I was fourteen. It was with a girl who used to go to the school across the road from mine. But I couldn’t even bring myself to talk to her let alone ask her out.
We used to get the same bus home from school and I’d stand there at the bus stop trying not to stare at her. For a whole school year we stood there, not talking to each other. And to this day I have absolutely no idea if she had any similar feelings for me, or if she even noticed me.
The second problem is that I always pick a girl who under no stretch of the imagination would be the least bit interested in me. In my late teens I fell in love with a girl five years older them me. Today this would not cause me any problems, but the gap between a shy, immature eighteen year old boy and a somewhat more sophisticated, mature twenty three year old woman is quite large. She treated me kindly, I’m sure she was fond of me, but she had absolutely no romantic interest in me.
The third problem is that once I’ve overcome my shyness and I’ve struck up a friendship with the girl I immediately jump to the conclusion that she’s fallen in love with me, despite the fact that we might be having a very casual relationship from her point of view.
In the normal course of events I can take it or leave it if somebody takes a dislike to me. But once I’ve fallen ‘in love’ there can be no alternative but that she loves me back. And if she doesn’t seem to, well, I’ve got a vivid imagination and I can make no end of excuses to explain her behaviour. I can think of every thing, but that she isn’t interested in me.
In between falling ‘in love’, which happens about every three years, I have had more normal relationships with women. Indeed I have many friends who are women. A few of them ex-girlfriends. When I’m not ‘in love’ I can communicate quite well. We can go out on a date, have a great time and end the night with a kiss and a cuddle. Sex was never a problem, because we wouldn’t get that serious in that way.
And there in lies the problem. The girlfriends I could talk to, and have an honest and open relationship with, were the girls I was most likely to have sex with, but I had no interest in having sex with them. The girls I wanted were the ones I was ‘in love’ with, and they were the ones I had no hope of making it with.
So at the beginning of this story I started out as a twenty four year old virgin waiting for someone to come along and sweep me off my feet on a whirlwind of passion and romance. Someone I could ‘make a commitment’ to and ‘share my life’ with. Someone with whom I could have sex with every night.
I met and fell ‘in love’ with a girl who, for reasons of her own that I can not tell you, had exactly the opposite problems with her relationships with men as I had with women. We complemented each other perfectly and produced one of the worst relationships ever.
It started on a nice bright June evening at a meeting of the City Camera Club. A member of the Club, who was also a member of the Historical Society, was to give a guided tour detailing the history of the area surrounding the club’s new premises. I was standing talking to another member of the club, while we were waiting for enough people to turn up for the tour to start, when I noticed a rather attractive woman come into the room.
Something snapped in the back of my mind and I was ‘in love’ again. I was began to make my way over to her, but just then our guide for the evening decided that there was enough people to start the tour. He clapped his hands together to get our attention, asked us all to gather around and gave a short introductory talk about what we were going to see tonight.
Then he asked us all to move outside. As I turned around I noticed that the woman who was to be the new ‘love of my life’ had been standing behind me, talking to a friend of mine called Paul. I don’t remember what he said nor what her answer was. But my heart jumped when I heard her voice.
The only way I can describe it is as the cutest accent I have ever heard, but that doesn’t convey the impact it had on me. For me one of the most important things about a woman is her voice. I love accents and the way a woman uses words and the textures of her speech, all add to my attraction for her. And here was a woman able to sent shivers down my spine, even when she wasn’t talking to me.
Paul asked her what her name was and I heard her reply ‘Alexandra’, before I got separated from them as the crowd squeezed its way through the door. Outside we turned right and followed the guide down the street. I watched Alexandra as she walked along ahead of me. She was wearing an orange track-suit type jacket, with faded blue jeans. And I thought that she had one of the nicest bottoms I’d ever seen.
We followed the guide around the corner and down a little alleyway. He stopped outside the gates of an old Jewish cemetery that I hadn’t known was there. Unfortunately the gates were locked so we couldn’t get in to explore. But our guide gave us a brief history of it standing on the pavement out side.
I noticed Alexandra sneak a camera out of her pocket and point it through the bars of the cemetery’s railings. I walked over to her and reached her just as she was putting the camera away again.
‘Nice shot?’ I asked.
‘Umm, yes,’ she gave me a petite smile and I almost kissed her.
There was silence for a moment. Our guide had started to walk on and the group was following him. She turned to follow and I walked beside her.
‘So what’s your name?’ I asked, even through I’d heard her tell it to Paul a minute ago.
‘Alexandra,’ the word danced off her tongue.
My heart was beating so loud and she spoke so softly that I had trouble hearing her. ‘Alex?’ I asked.
‘I prefer Alexandra,’ she replied.
‘Alexandra,’ I savored her name.
We walked in silence for a few moments. Then I asked, ‘So is this your first time down at the Camera Club?’
‘Oh no. I’ve been to several meetings,’ she smiled.
‘Really,’ I was surprised. ‘I must have been asleep not to have noticed you before.’
She laughed softly. ‘Well I’ve seen you around.’
‘Yeah?’ I smiled at her. ‘Well I go to most meetings.’ I laughed, ‘Guess I must be addicted to them.’
She was a few inches shorter than me and as I looked down at her, she smiled up at me. Our eyes met and I was lost. There and then she stole my heart with the sparkle in her hazel eyes.
The rest of the tour is like a dream to me. I have a hazy impression of the group following our guide around the streets and alleyways, stopping here and there to be told about the historical significance of this or that building. But I judge the highlights of the tour not on the historical pedigree of the buildings, but how close I managed to get to Alexandra as we stood and listened to the stories of our guide. I remember talking to her, but I don’t remember what we said.
To my now jaded memory it seems as if I spent the whole tour running about the group trying to be as close as possible to her for as long as possible. The reason I had to keep running to catch up with her was because she kept moving away from me. It wasn’t that she didn’t like me, or so I thought, it was just that she wanted me to chase after her. A fact to which I should have paid more attention at the time.
But at the time all I thought about was being near her, to be close enough to touch. To talk and listen to her. She had an irresistible attraction for me, like a moth to a cand
le flame. And I circled closer and closer to the burning passion.
After the tour a group of us retired to the pub as usual. Alexandra joined us, but sat at the opposite end of the group from me. During the night I switched from conversation to conversation, gradually working my way along the group towards her. But unfortunately I didn’t get to her before closing time.
For the next week I could think of nothing but her. When I went to bed my last thought was of her and when I woke she was in my first. The physiologists say that men think of sex once every five minutes, well I seemed to have changed that thought to Alexandra. At that time I knew that I was going to have sex with her. Now I know I wanted much more than just sex from her.
It was a sensation of almost physical hunger. I wanted to touch her and see her and be with. To smell her even! I’ve never paid much attention to smell with a woman before. Except on the odd occasion when I meet a woman who seemingly uses a perfume designed to fumigate the whole room. But with Alexandra it was as if I wanted to devour her with all my senses.
I can’t remember what the lecture at next week’s meeting of the Club was about. But I do remember the disappointment I felt that she didn’t show up before the meeting started. However after the announcements were read and the meeting was concluded I turned to find her sitting in the back row.
I smiled at her and she smiled back. So I made my way over to speak to her.
‘Did you enjoy the meeting?’ I asked as I stood beside her chair.
‘Yes,’ she stood up. ‘But I missed the beginning.’
There was an electrical tension between us. I wanted to grab her and hug her, but I couldn’t.
‘Oh, you didn’t miss much,’ I smiled, while the smell of her perfume sent my heart racing.
‘Good,’ she smiled back.
I couldn’t think of anything to say. Or rather the only things I could think of were along the lines of, ‘Lets go back to your place and have mad, passionate sex.’, which didn’t seem appropriate to either the location or the stage our relationship was at.
‘I think I’ll go up stairs for some coffee,’ she started for the exit.
‘Err, yes,’ I replied and watched her make her way through the crowd.
Paul tapped me on the shoulder and asked, ‘Are you coming for a pint?’
Normally I would but today I wanted to follow Alexandra up to the coffee dock. ‘I’ll be down later, Paul,’ I said. ‘Tonight I feel like a cup of coffee first.’
‘You! Coffee?,’ he faked amazement. ‘Are you feeling all right?’
‘I do drink coffee on the odd occasion,’ I replied.
A few other people headed for the street exit. ‘See you later,’ he said and joined them.
I made my way upstairs and got myself a cup of coffee. I saw Alexandra browsing through the couple of cupboards that the club stored its small library in. I went over and stood beside her.
‘Anything interesting?’ I asked.
‘Oh,’ she looked up. ‘Yeah. It’s all about nineteen twenties fashion photographs.’ She turned the book to show me its pages.
‘Oh yes,’ I half turned and looked at the book. ‘They had style then, didn’t they?’
‘Yes,’ she slowly flicked through the pages and we looked at the old style glamour photos.
I was leaning back against the wall, but close enough to her to feel the heat from her body. As she flipped the pages she lent back and towards me, pressing her shoulder against my arm. I wanted to put my arm around her shoulders and hug her close.
Instead I cleared my throat and asked, ‘Do you want to come out to the movies with me on Friday?’
She looked up at me, ‘This Friday?’
‘Well yes,’ I smiled.
‘Well …’ she hesitated. And my heart stopped beating. ‘I think that would be very nice.’ And I sighed with relief.
‘Meet you at half seven outside Eason’s newsagents on O’Connell Street,’ I said.
‘OK’ she smiled back.
I almost left then, but Alexandra turned the page of the book and held it out so that I could see. So we stayed there for the next hour, flicking through photography books.
Then Brian, another member of the club, offered me a lift home, as he lives out in my direction.
I hesitated, not wanting ever to be parted from Alexandra.
‘Oh,’ gushed Alexandra, ‘Do take your lift.’
So I said ‘OK.’ And ‘Goodbye’ to Alexandra. And took Brian’s lift. And spend the next few days thinking only of Alexandra.
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Hello dosto kaise ho app ke bahut sare mail mile mujey kushi hai ki app ko meri khahani bahut pasand aayi abki bar mujey girls & boys ke mail bahut jyada mile thankyou verymuch asise hi aap logo ka sath chaiye aur me app logo ko meri dosti ka pegaam bhejti hun jiskisi ko mujse dosti karni to email kare to pesh agli gatna to padiye. Me do glass le ayi bhaiya fridge se pani ki bottle aur ice cube ki tray le kar bhaiya ki room me gaye aur waha par side table ke upar rakh diya bhaiya ne kaha neetu...
A Perfect Life By Wholeman DECLARATION: This story is an original literary work. I wrote a story just to stretch my creative muscles. All scientists and Wizards in this work are fictional. Any resemblance to anyone living, dead, or born in the future, is purely coincidental. WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild violence, swearing, and strange ideas. It has only the strange things that dribble from my head. If you are not old enough, mature enough, open...
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I was an average, married white guy. We had been married for 18 years with an poor sex life you know all the sex before we got married and than less and less until my hand was still my best friend. I had never in my life ever thought of being with another man in any form.We live in a nice upscale middle class neighborhood. Everyone knows everyone, and we all get along very well. Neighborhood picnics, hanging out, camping, all that.When we first moved there everyone was really nice to us and...
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xmoviesforyouShe visited them as regularly as she could. The drive in her jeep would take her through various mountainous terrain and valleys of bare rock. A place fondly remembered, far enough from main roads and remote enough from her own existence in the noisy city. She would stay usually no more than one or two nights in her cave, but the nights there were her medicine that she had to take. Her nights would rejuvenate her, recharge her, fire her hormones and detonate her sexuality. She would go away,...
It had been a very long, boring day. I was in an unfamiliar city, working with people I’d never met before, discussing things we weren’t sure were going to happen. And this was going to last the whole week. Sighing, I stood outside the building, waiting for the cab to come take me to my hotel. I was not looking forward to the rest of the week. Finally, the cab from the company I had called pulled up in front. I was kind of surprised to notice the driver was a young woman, I doubt...
Callela Holiday (Exhibitionism). Part 1We booked Callela as a 10 day Holiday break during term time away from every thing and left the daughter with the mother in law, Paula had to have her womb removed after the birth and later changed when she had alcohol, she was a like nympho’ in bed.After about six months recovery we decided to take the break. We flew into Barcelona and after having a few drinks on the plane were in a great mood as we booked into the hotel which was adult only.The room was...
I had lost my job. We moved back to our hometown and settled in with my wife’s parents. It was going to be just temporary, until one of us found work and then a place to live. My mother-in law, Stella, was a fun person to be around. We had always gotten along well. She did not work outside the home and was glad to have someone around even if was only going to be just for a short while. My father-in-law, Frank, was just an ordinary working guy. Went to work every day, came home to dinner, went...
When Keith got to the top of the grassy river bank he found himself following ‘Gemma-the-nudist’ along a short dusty track through some trees then out onto a large mowed paddock that served as the camp ground’s recreational field. As they walked the young girl dropped back to Keith’s side and began telling him how the campsite was called the Narrows Nudist Camp on account of the narrow section of the Waikato River it was located on. It had once been a christian camp called The Narrows...
As I sit here eating beautifully creamy Brie with some oatcakes I can feel the remains of cum soaking into my silky knickers. I feel surprise at myself, yet have just had one of the best fucks I have ever had, with perfect strangers.When I arrived I was introduced to Greg, along with another very couple couple, the wife grabbing her guy very territorially, as if she knew I had just been through a split with my plank of a partner. I looked at the hubby, thinking in your dreams, as I would eat...
Hi I am ****, now studying in Australia. This is the story of my adventures before I left chennai. It was around 4 months before I was leaving that we had a new tenant move in to the next door. I wasn’t expecting some hot girl to turn up as I believed they only happen in movies. But to my surprise it was a young ,tall and hot gal with great boobs and nice ass. Her structure is too perfect to describe. I immediately felt attracted to her. She was moving in with her parents. But, I didn’t plan on...
I'm waiting for you outside yoga. You left me asleep in your bed but I was only drifting.As I watched you wriggle into your yoga pants through lidded eyes, that beautiful ass dancing before me I knew I couldn't wait til when you got back. I'd tried stopping you going to yoga once before and that didn't end well. You were in a bit of a mood for the rest of the day even if I did make it up to you with my tongue.As you pecked me a kiss goodbye my cock stirred as I thought of the day ahead and...
Quickie SexChapter 1 Barely making it in Seattle. That should be my forum name. I finally found work, and then my husband slips and cracks his spine. He's on disability, and has regained most of his mobility, but Donald whinges whenever I bring up applying for work. Stace, our 14 year old daughter spends like a sixteen year old. She's attractive enough. She doesn't need the makeup and makeovers and makewhatevers, she saves every cent of her allowance for. We were making it, a living. Can't say...
If You Go Down To The Woods Today.(You could be in for a big surprise) Simone was a very beautiful, sexy figured, totally convincing, submissive, twenty one year old red headed male to female transvestite living in Prague in the Czech Republic. She stood 178cm, or five foot nine inches tall in her bare feet. She wasn’t vain, she didn’t consider herself to be sexy or beautiful at all but anyone who met her became captivated by her sheer feminism. Very few passed her in the street, men and...
After a visit to the jewelry store I headed home. I travel light so when I got home I was able to easily carry my bags up to the apartment. I put them down and opened the door, happy to be home. After my stop at the jewelry store, my bags weren't the only thing that were light and I was keenly aware of the need to get some income producing work out of the way. The thing is, travel is very tiring, for me at least and the kind of work I do requires real enthusiasm and mental alertness, so work...
Maria stood outside her daughter's room, a hand brush in her hand. Sitting on the bed was her daughter Isabelle, looking absent mindedly out the window. Maria shook her head as she looked her daughter over. What a complete tramp she looked. Her top barely covering her budding breasts, her flat smooth midriff completely bared, and that mini skirt leaving nothing to the imagination as nearly all her firm legs were exposed. Was that a black thong that peeked out under that skirt? Maria...
This is Rahul Sharma from Delhi writing my episode that took place with my girlfriend in our college library about 10years ago. Firstly, to divulge details about myself, I am a married man, 5ft 10.5in tall with a fair complexion and hold a decent member sized 6inches. Rather than the size, it is more of how well you use it that matters, and I think I use it fairly well. We had been going around for some time and we had already kissed and stuff but nothing major physically till now. At this...
“Did you light the candles? Did you put on ‘Kind of Blue?’ Did you use that Ivy League voodoo on him, too? He thinks he’ll be all right, but he doesn’t know for sure. Just like every other unindicted co-conspirator. Mata Hari had a house in France, where she worked on all her secret plans. Men were falling for her, sight unseen. She was a genius.” -Warren Zevon, “Genius“ “There’s another question for you, Contessa.” Leonard Whyte CBE said as he composed his suicide note. “Back at the...
Alwyn led me down a short hallway, then left me alone to rest and to settle in. The room she offered me was brightly decorated, the bedspread and curtains blooming with daisies and petunias in a variety of colors. The flowers lifted my spirits in a way I found surprising. The closet gave me an even bigger surprise: Marcus had not been kidding when he told me someone was bringing clothes from my safe house in the city. Many of my new creations were there. I immediately exchanged my shorts...
Ederia College is an all-girls high-class school located in a remote rural area. It is 10 kilometers to the north from a small quiet town. Its facilities are among the best that can be found anywhere - large buildings with plenty of space, two dormitories with luxury single and double rooms, indoor pool, and so on. You didn't bother memorizing everything there is since you'll have plenty of time to learn the locations of all places of interest. To maintain all the facilities the college charges...
LesbianMaria Baker had watched anxiously as her daughter Steph grew up. She tried her best to hide her from all the sleaze and sexualisation of the modern world but had come to realise that it was impossible. What worried her most was that she’d turn out like herself. You see Maria was a slut, possibly borderline nymphomaniac. She had hoped getting married to Steph’s father Donald and having a family would calm her down and it had for a while but Donald had always actively encouraged and took part in...
Aryan grew up as a child who struggled to get what he wanted in life. Even in his highs and lows he persevered and always had a smile on his face. But he fought for whatever he wanted in his life and boy did he get some. He wasn’t good looking but he had an aura about himself. He was smart, witty and knew how to hold up a conversation with the pretty girls during his school days. Aryan wasn’t a shy person but had a personality of larger than life. His friends called him the life of the party....
Copyright© 1992-2003 Said a lecherous fellow named Shea, When his prick wouldn't rise for a lay, "You must seize it, and squeeze it, And tease it, and please it, For Rome wasn't built in a day." My regiment had fought and died those days in early July, 1944. Yet when we finally entered Caen, tired half-starved people began to cheer. Not only that, a few brazen and obviously relieved civilians ventured forth and embraced and gave us hastily picked flowers. Many civilians...