MageChapter 6 free porn video

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It seemed like only hours later I smelt cooking and felt two small warm bodies snuggling on each side of me. It was hard to imagine that it was only yesterday at noon that they had come to me. We had been through a lot. One man had died, another had been made my unwilling slave and they had said that they would be my slaves for at least another week.

One small nipple was too close and too interesting so I sucked it gently into my mouth and took my time. My PK worked beneath both the sheet and the flesh to find the small morsel that was getting harder and harder all the time. Connie was breathing hard when she finally woke up. She was surprised to see me. This apparently didn't happen often. She did like the attention and pulled me close until she remembered that she was a slave.

"Good morning Connie. You may have agreed to be my slave but you are also my woman. Don't be afraid to act that way. We both lose too much if that happens." I paused and she came to understand what I meant. I continued, "At times like this you are my girlfriend that unfortunately has to share me with her sisters. Only when it's work or important will I be the master. I like that job but I am too soft hearted to take it very far."

She put her hand back on me tentatively then pulled me to kiss her. This is what we would both like and I did as she wanted. She kept the lip lock and now her hands went over my body to find if there was anything interesting. Her search pattern moved quickly to my waist and then further. She found me then and very erect. It flashed through her mind that I was too large for here even I had been in both lower openings many times.

In moments she was sliding lower and trying to get me into her. "Sweetie, let me lay on my back and you can climb on top of me." She felt this was not the way to have sex but she had felt the same way when I used her anus. I moved into a good position and Connie awkwardly climbed on top of me. I had to pick her up a bit so she could manoeuvre her opening over where it belonged. She came down slow and had a large smile on her face when she had managed this task.

She was not sure exactly what to do so I said, "Just make small movements of every kind and remember those that make you feel the best. I want you to enjoy this and I will get my enjoyment from making you happy."

Connie did move about and found that she had to put her feet on the bed to get comfortable then she began to make experimental moves. Once she found some she did a few and then branched out to find others. When she began to start doing her favourites I began to caress her nipples. She stopped immediately then began again after seeing that she was not quite alone in her world of sensual pleasures.

When she was back in her world once more I began to also stroke her clit with my PK and Connie began to mumble then just groan about the feelings within her. She moved faster and faster until she lost her coordination completely when she screamed her orgasm.

I held Connie to me when she finally collapsed and soon I found that we were the centre of attention. Some of the girls thought I was murdering one of their number. They only saw me rubbing the girl's back while she tried to regain her breath.

The other occupant of our bed brushed Connie's hair back and looked at the girl. When the eyes opened the two girls looked at each other and soon they shared a knowing smile.

Connie got back up and started once more. She was half way to an orgasm when she started but continued to push herself the rest of the way. My own hips pushed up into her and I groaned my own exclamations in time to hers and soon her climax rushed upon her and she screamed once more and in a second I started to fill her with my seed. She pumped even more then but had to fall back onto my chest with a contented sigh and a body that had uncontrolled twitches running through it.

I was content though I still had a considerable amount of hormones in my body and fluid in my testicles and prostrate. I slid Connie away from our bedmate and encouraged Lena to take her place. She was only hesitant for a moment then got on.

She rode out two orgasms and I filled her twice to keep both of us happy. Though I wouldn't make a good master I would certainly need a great many women to keep me sated and able to think properly.

I threw a girl over each shoulder and took them to the washroom. Some of the girls had not left when they found that the girls were safe and just stayed to be entertained. I cleaned both of my ladies and they cleaned me. Lena seemed to be more adventurous and tried to use her small mouth. She could not get much in and used her hands and tongue. I reciprocated by using my PK and even tried to enter her this way. I could feel that she had no pain but on the contrary felt satisfied with my endeavours. I gave up my seed after she had her come and it sprayed all over her face.

When I was coming down from my own heights Connie took over and it started all over again. We were quite wrinkled by the time we dried ourselves and walked naked to the source of the food.

The girls were wearing the same clothing as me except Jen who now wore panties because her period was coming on. Sara was at the stove cooking away and wore a large apron to protect herself. I kissed each of the girls then walked over to Sara.

I said with my voice, "You look a lot better today Sara. Your food smells delicious too. I am very glad I met you." I got a very weak smile and I could tell she was still afraid but not as bad as last night.

"I have kissed all my other girls. May I kiss you too?"

She just closed her eyes and puckered as if she didn't know how to do this. I took the tongs from her hand and handed them to another girl and very lightly caressed Sara with my hands. Her eyes came open and I had to assume she didn't know what I was doing. The fear stayed strong and no amount of stroking seemed to calm her. I did kiss her then but it was a chaste kiss as if to a child.

Hassan came out dressed in suit and tie as I was being served my breakfast. I was angry with him for the way he treated his slave. I think even Erasmus would not like it but it would be for different reasons. The knowledge I gained from him never mentioned his beatings of the woman so I asked, "Who beats Sara?"

The man replied in voice after thinking of a way to hide this information or make it less damning. "Some of my friends come over from time to time. They use her if they are inclined. Some of my business associates like her and they just like to get more physical than the others."

I didn't raise my voice but I asked, "List the men, their relation to you or your companies and then how much you think they enjoy causing Sara pain."

Again he paused but the loyalty spell in him didn't allow him to lie though he tried a great deal now. The list had his boyfriend Ryan about third and I asked questions to make sure Hassan knew exactly what I wanted to know.

We both ate a breakfast then I took Hassan into the study to talk further. "You are either an inherently evil man or one bent on using Sara in any way possible for you to rise in fame and fortune. I am angry now and I would like to beat you the same way Sara was hurt all those times but I am afraid you would not survive."

He quickly got on his knees. "But Master that is the way I learned when you taught me. I remember you saying that females are less than nothing. Your only exceptions were those of the two females that acted like men. You were the one to put the spells on her so she would never be a bother to us."

This made me hate Maximus even more. "I will clean up my house even if it has to be one slave at a time." The man was quaking now and I continued, "I will postpone your punishment to allow you to think on the error of your ways and see if there is someway you can make it up to Sara and any other woman you have wronged.

"I now want to know of all my other assets in this area. Start with my slaves, add the trainees then the apprentices. When you are done list all the real estate that they own and I own."

He wasn't thinking of a reason for me asking this but of his possible doom. Maximus must have been either killed on this plane or on another. No body was ever found. Hassan had already told me that one of the buildings Maximus owned exploded with the loss of thirty two slaves. The lawyers and the security service that Maximus owned handled the matter.

Presently the mage was thought to be out of town or in hiding. I felt like picking up the pieces to make my own base. At least I would get a chance at modifying the thinking of all those Maximus had touched with his evil hands.

Maximus had quite a few slaves I found and they were of both genders. They lived at his houses for the most part. He also owned a great many lawyers and accountants that kept the money growing and safe. Some of the businesses were world renown and I had shipped many packages to them during my old life.

Hassan was listed among the trainees though he was at it for many years. There was only one apprentice in Toronto and the name Francis Mordock seemed to fit the bill. The voice I heard and the picture that Erasmus had shown me matched in my mind. Mordock had been the one that detected my magic and sent Hassan to investigate. Murdock had not replied when we phoned his home and we looked on this that he was afraid. He had tried to hide the fact before but had not been that successful. I thought that this was one of the reasons that Maximus had not used him on the attack on Erasmus that had only happened two months ago on this time-line.

Miss Carboni and Miss Nesbit lived in Paris and London respectively. Adrian Malochuck lived in Houston while Mark Himmler lived in Berlin. Other apprentices lived in other areas but Hassan was not privy to much of that information. He has also said that the properties that he mentioned were only assets that he had discovered in many years of dealing with high finance. This was his way of saying that there was probably lots more.

I found Maximus owned at least two large homes in this country. One was north in cottage country and the other one in Vancouver. The rest were spread all over the Earth. He owned a great many businesses outright and had controlling interest in a great many more. I might have to fight a lot more than magic to take over this empire.

Hassan's assets were not paltry either. Most of it had come by him taking over some accountants and business leaders and getting them to either manage his money or to tell him of upcoming events so he could invest in them.

Francis Mordock would be a much stronger opponent I found. Maximus had trained him more personally for the last five years but the man had been learning in a group for at least seventeen years before that. He was a true apprentice while I was not even up to Hassan's level. I had only succeeded on balls and speed.

In the next hour and a half I learned a good deal about Mordock. Hassan was not good but not evil either. Mordock was very bad if not evil and this may have been the reason whey Maximus had taken him under his wing recently.

Hassan was quizzed as if he was having a test and he told me how he would take out a person like Mordock if he had been magically compelled to try.

Hassan had spent a good deal of his money on mage stones or crystals. It was a way of hiding cash from the government making Maximus happy at turning such a good profit.

After lunch I took Sara and put her into the circle after rendering her unconscious. I began by sliding into Sonya. She was very horny and just groaned and the delicious feelings travelling up her spine to her head. When enough of a connection was reached with the rest of the girls I chanted a spell that would stop the periods the girls had until they wanted to start them again. As a master I had full control over them but deep down I didn't want to saddle them with something they didn't want. Sonya though had wanted a child for a long time and I thought it was just to tie me to her a bit more strongly.

When the spell was done, I shifted focus and worked on Sara the same way as I had on Hassan. Sara though had three magical spots. Two were like the one in Hassan and the other was much simpler.

I went around the circle taking up where I had left off yesterday. There was more work but now I knew much more on how to handle this. We stayed at it for three hours to remove all of the spells then had a break.

The girls were very tired but seemed to work harder knowing that Sara was a person that should get a chance to be treated right for once.

When Sara awoke she looked around for the first time with a much brighter light of intelligence. "Where am I?"

"You are safe. You have been under three major spells for a long time. My girls and I have removed them."

She concentrated for a while then said, "Where's Maximus? He said he would be waiting for me. We were going to..." she looked at me closely and blasted into my mind to see what I knew.

Sonya threw a lamp across the room and it struck the back of Sara's head and shattered. She was right behind it to give her a karate chop to put the woman out.

I was stunned by the attack. I could only sense a voracious beast wanting to devour me and my thoughts.

"Are you all right Adam? Did she hurt you?"

I got my thoughts more in order and stood. I had fallen in the attack. "I think so. Sara sure changed. She was a meek and mild slave one minute and a powerful like a full mage the next. I don't know what happened. Did we do something wrong?"

Sonya said, "I don't think so. She could have been a failed apprentice of Maximus. For some reason he kept her alive. I followed the steps you took in her mind. I think the second spell was something that Maximus could have used if he needed a strong weapon that nobody suspected all of a sudden. The other one was more sophisticated and probably made Sara even more her master's devoted tool."

I belatedly looked at the six others and found them in shock. Most had been out of the room getting a snack or going to the bathroom. They didn't seem to like swimming in sperm.

With Sonya holding my hand I put Sara under a sleeping spell in case Sonya had not made her strike perfect. I now thought of the spells that we had unravelled and went into detail on each point. Hassan had some books and programs on the computer and we went through this data to find all the ramifications. It looked like Sonya may have been right.

I couldn't turn Sara out on the world and I wasn't going to kill her so she had to go back to what she was but this time she would be able to use her powers and her mind for us. The weave around the commands would have to be very intricate. She may decide at some time to remove this herself and then we would have a lion in our midst and perhaps even unknown until she struck.

Both spell and protective weave took a long time to formulate and much longer to apply. It took more time to put one spell back than it did to take three out. I charged up the crystals owned by Hassan and made a complicated spell that only needed a few details to finish. If I needed to, Sara would be struck with enough energy to fry her.

We were all too tired to continue so we went to sleep once again but this time a great many wards were around Sara's form.

I slept fitfully between two of the other girls and got up early and went to see Sara in her own bed alone and looking peaceful. I began making coffee, tea and some breakfast for my girls. It was an hour later that the first got up to find some food and drink.

When all our defences were in place along with Hassan to assist us, I awoke Sara. This time she cried at being freed but I could not detect the hungry personality that had hidden there all along.

I had to be able to read Sara's mind. I also needed her talents if they could be trusted. This could be found out by simply making love to her. I moved in slowly and so did Sonya. I caressed the woman and she seemed to be responding to me. When it got far enough I put her on the carpet and entered her slowly. She had been used to this as well as pain and humiliation before. This was neither though and after two orgasms each I could see her mind as easily as I could Sonya.

Sonya came in with me and we went through Sara's mind when she was trying to get over the sensations that had peaked in her body. Sonya said, "Hi Sara. This man is our master and I am in charge of you among my other duties."

"Hello Sara. I am your master. You may remember this from before but I want to make sure you know. I want you to do whatever Sonya says."

"Yes Master. I will do whatever you want."

The spell we took so long to formulate and put in place seemed to be doing its job well. Complete trust on our part though would be a long time coming.

Sonya and Ann went back to the hotel to get our property and pay our bill. They came back with take-out Chinese food for everybody.

Hassan was chaffing because he usually had a great deal to do for business even though it was fairly well run. It was at three in the afternoon that Mordock returned the last call. Hassan had been coached on what to say and gave the performance very well. Hassan had a truth spell on him and I was sure the lie was believed.

There had been a fight where both of us were knocked out. Hassan had recovered first and put a sleeping spell on me and I was now locked in his basement along with one of the women. Only this one had come with me. The others were just so many sluts I had picked up to drain my balls.

Hassan said to Mordock on the phone, "Do you want me to take them up north and feed them to the bears?"

Mordock considered for a moment and said, "Better bring them here. I want to do a bit more talking to them. They may know something about Maximus."

Hassan tried to get out of the duty as he usually would but then acquiesced to the order. He would drop the two of us off after six when he got home.

Sara was a better conductor than I was and she was a good generator too. If she was going to be of use she had to be our secret weapon. If Sonya and I went in we would be basically defenceless. Hassan was not strong but he would help. It was the unexpected strike that I wanted to use to take him down.

Sonya rode in the back seat, accompanied by Sara. The latter was dressed as she normally would and was encouraged to act less proficient and even less bright. I rode in the large trunk because of the threat of my size and physical strength.

The trip took almost fifty minutes because rush hour had not stopped yet and an accident that occurred on the Don Valley Parkway. Hassan used a cell phone and the garage opened for us when we arrived. I could only look through Sonya's eyes and she kept her head down like a typical slave.

Mordock's loud voice questioned why the slut was here and Hassan had replied that it was to watch out for the other slave. The excuse was not that good but Mordock must still be interested in talking to me.

When the trunk opened I saw Mordock for the first time in the flesh. He was corpulent but dressed in a very expensive suit. A large crystal in his hand indicated that he had a spell just ready to be cast.

I acted fearful which was not too much of an act. My hands were tied as well as my ankles. Even my mouth was covered to keep me from mumbling a spell of my own. I was ordered out of the trunk but I refused. Both men sent pain into my body. Hassan did so at my order but Mordock seemed to enjoy this.

Same as Mage
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PrincessCum Lily Adams All Tied Up

Lily Adams knows that girls have needs, and she’s happy to take care of herself. She puts on some porn and starts rubbing her clit and breasts as she masturbates her landing strip pussy. She has just reached climax when her stepbrother Kyle Mason finds her. He rushes to tell their parents, but Lily intercepts him and offers to do anything he wants to keep her secret. She spends the next few days being nice to Kyle, but when that doesn’t work for her she decides there’s a...

2 years ago
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Games People Play Conclusion

5- Battlestar Gallactica The date went well, very well. Sara and Deekan went Dutch on Sushi and then spent most of a movie making out. On top of that, judging by the way that she kept running her hand around under his shirt, Lexi was right about her preference for hairless guys. They didn't actually hook up or anything, but they did seta second date for the next Saturday. In light of that, Deekan was in a great mood while he was setting up for the next game night. As he set out the...

2 years ago
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French tourist getting blackmailed by a local girl

It was such a warm day in Pangkor lsland, an island off the coast of Malaysia in South East Asia. Francesca Marceau was a French tourist staying all by herself in a motel. She rented a motel room, over-facing a large beach all by herself. Unlike other holiday resort parts of Malaysia, this one was one of the least crowded, for any season at any time. Francesca Marceau was an attractive French Brunette who bore a strong resemblance to that French actress from that hit 70s British sitcom Mind...

3 years ago
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Cousins Removed a New BeginningChapter 12

The next day It was Friday and Jan hadn’t turned her alarm off. It woke us up at an ungodly hour, she texted one of her employees and we fell back asleep. When I woke a second time, it was after ten and the smell of bacon was coming from the kitchen. I realized too, that I had no clothes with me besides what I had worn the night before. I pulled my boxers on and cracked the bedroom door. “Are we alone?” “Good morning sleepyhead. Just us.” I padded out to the kitchen, rubbing the sleep out...

3 years ago
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Keep Your Eyes Closed

It was just another quiet, muggy, spring evening alone in my apartment. The smell from my lavender candle lingered in the air as I put a movie into the DVD player. A comedy that night, I needed a good laugh after having a big fight with my boyfriend. I had just settled onto the couch when my phone vibrated. It was from my friend Cole, he lived in the unit that was directly across the courtyard from mine. When the blinds were open we could both see into each other’s apartment clear as day. His...

1 year ago
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Party fuck part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! This is part one of a series.. We were at the , I was smashed mom was sat across from me talking to my mates. The joint was passed round, it must have been the hundredth one of the night and I was stoned. Mom went out to go to bed around 4ish and I followed about an hour later when everyone had to split. I was walking up the stairs and saw my mom’s bedroom door open, I had a quick peak in to see if she was in bed. I saw her laying there half undressed...

2 years ago
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The Family Mansion Chapter 2 Brooke

After almost twenty years of being in a loveless marriage, Liz’s youngest child was now eighteen, and Liz had decided to get divorced. The first thing she did was meet with her lawyer, Rita Pearson. They met at a diner in a nearby city as Liz didn’t want to be seen by anyone who would recognize her. They might get back to her husband that she was meeting with a divorce lawyer.This was the first time Liz met with Rita. She was a bit surprised that she was so young, even younger than she was. Liz...

4 years ago
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The Demons WithinEpilogue

Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny... C.S. Lewis “It’s terrific hearing from you. How’s the cold and dreary Northwest? While we miss you, I understand why you had to get away. Every day, numerous broken people seek us out, requesting assistance. Call me selfish, but I prefer you surviving rather than sacrificing yourself, though I appreciate your frustration at being unable to help.” “The city is delightful, Toni. Despite being a new-age yuppie...

3 years ago
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Stand in TimeChapter 06

The next morning I gather my black girls together to tell them not to leave the wagon circle for any reason unless I’m with them. We set up a temporary latrine in the inner circle for them to use. They don’t like being restricted until after I explain this is the town where they were going to be given over to be prostitutes and I don’t want to risk having some idiot grab them. Donna suggests a way for them to keep busy within the circle. I end up surrendering another bolt of cloth to the...

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Used by son in law and daughter

By this time I was hot and getting wet, as she kissed my neck, she slipped a big rubber cock into my pussy, telling me that Joe was going to fuck me hard and fill me with his cum, she got off the bed and called Joe on the phone saying mama is ready, I told her I can't do this , Jenny looked at me and said '' you you can mama because you are a slut just like those people in the film called you and you will have your fat cunt fucked by my husband'' and you will like it, about then Joe...

1 year ago
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The Monstrous Regime

THE MONSTROUS REGIME By Heather Alexander Chapter One To us it was all just history, what do they say that history is written by the victors. I wasn't one of the victors, I was cursed, born male in a society where to be born female was to be given a winning lottery ticket, they were smarter, taller bigger and far more aggressive then us poor boys. Oh how I hated that phrase, 'poor boy.' It really got up my goat but here I was looking into the mirror. I pulled my long black...

3 years ago
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Dirty Little Secrets 6 Sharing

“Your wife is an unfaithful whore.”The message has been sent to my work inbox. The most remarkable thing about it is perhaps that it bypassed the attentions of my normally so reliable PA, Ms. McLeod, who does such a good job of scanning incoming messages. PA is in this instance perhaps a euphemism for general dogsbody, but Ms. McLeod performs her duties assiduously.I don’t know how other men would react to receiving such a message, but I haven’t got where I am by taking unsubstantiated rumours...

Wife Lovers
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Raped by Her Best Friends Father

Jenny was an extremely shy girl. She only had one friend at school. Her name was Megan. Now, one would wonder why Jenny was so very shy, so let me explain. She was a 15yo girl. Like all the other girls in class she had started her period already. Her hips had started its development giving her a very beautiful pear shaped body. The problem was, unlike the rest of the class she was a late bloomer. Her tits were so small they were virtually flat, barely registering as a mean nipple stand. She...

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Pony girl

He caught himself looking at her profile for the thousandth time. Adam couldn’t help himself he just had to check. It was almost as if he wanted to make sure she was still there, that she wasn't gone. Each time left him feeling guilty and c***dish.The girl was Ashley Walker his next door neighbour. Adam leaned back in his chair, he sighed with frustration. He had known Ashley since they were little k**s. They used to be the terror of the neighbourhood when they were growing up. Their days were...

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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 18 A Great Weekend

July 1978 Friday was a completely normal day at the deli, and Jennifer and Melanie joined me for lunch. When they found out I didn’t have plans for that evening, they suggested dinner. I agreed, and after work we went to a diner and had a great time, renewing our mutual friendship. It was clear that the girls had spoken about what they wanted, and I was reasonably sure what they had decided. I planned to talk to Jennifer about it after dinner on Sunday. On Saturday, I left home a few...

1 year ago
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Slut Wife Sister

"Don't even think about it Loser!" laughed my sis-in-law as I was about to walk into the bathroom for my morning shower. I stopped and turned to look back as she quickly pushed past me wearing just her nightie which hardly covered her ass. Ellen's sister, Karen, was hot. I know its probably wrong for a man to think like that about his sister-in-law but I'm only human!! Ellen's parents had Karen later in life, so she was only half her age. She always used to joke that her sister was a mistake....

Cheating Wifes
2 years ago
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Boys Will Be Boys

Don came out of the showers into the changing room, just a towel around his waist to cover his manhood. At seventeen, he was developing rapidly, and was well-satisfied with how large his cock could grow when erect. He had just enjoyed a vigorous game of football, and the shower had relaxed him, easing the aches caused by some of the more bruising tackles.He saw the looks directed at him by some of the other boys from his class. As captain of the school team, and a favourite with the...

Gay Male
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The Neighbours Knickers Part 1

It was a sultry summer night but it wasn’t the muggy air that was making me hot. It was my clothes. I’d felt the urge to dress up in a very sexy outfit. My preparations had started much earlier in the day, and they had been thorough: my whole body was clean and smooth, shaved so that there was not the slightest hint of hair anywhere other than on my head. My heart thumped wildly as I made my selection: a schoolgirl gym skirt and top, with bra, blue panties and stiletto heels. I felt sexier...

1 year ago
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RoadhouseChapter 17

Preparation for Christmas took on a new urgency, some of the boys cut a tree and set it up in the mess. With a bit of urging Fred dipped into petty cash and paid for some decorations. Jess mixed up some flour paste and her and the boys started to make up paper chains, it wasn't long before they had enough to decorate the hall. One of the Polish boys told us that when he was a kid the family decorated the walls with small boughs of fir and dressed them with berries. We didn't have berries...

2 years ago
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A Semester Abroad

Buttercup had her head on my lap and her drool was dampening my jeans. Scratching behind her ears with my left hand, I flipped through the brochure with my right. She was a cute dog, and a family dog, but we’d never been particularly close. She belonged to my sister, Cynthia. Maybe that was reversed, and Cynthia belonged to Buttercup. If you saw one, you invariably saw the other. It’s odd to ascribe such motivations to a dog, but I think that we took each other for granted. When I moved to...

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Sultana Chapter 6 Discoveries

YounosThe Sultana sat down next to her husband, and cleared her throat. Everyone in the room was paying attention, including her ‘lord and master’.“They are using some manner of battle tactics,” she said. “Even a cursory examination of their sheer power will tell any of us that they could decimate our kingdom if that was their purpose. This means one of three possible alternatives. One. Someone inimical to our kingdom who has designs on its resources has managed to control them. Two. These...

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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMSunny Manor Pony Farm and Pet Grooming Facility

“If where we are going next is something for Lucy, then we probably ARE going to the FART FACTORY!” Lindsay teased her little sister as we walked back to the golf cart. “They will make you head of production in no time!” “You fart too!” Lucy pouted. Lindsay was once again making the joke that the Fun Center was a Fart Center because in her opinion it was dumpy while at the same time getting a little dig in on her sister. “You seem obsessed with farts,” Eddie said to Lindsay, “sounds like a...

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first time posting a story.... grammar and spelling might need some work.... Sasha lay bent over end of bed panties at half-mast and hood on so she could not see anything and could barely hear anything either she wasn't sure how long she waited but it was sometime before she felt movement around her. master was careful not to touch, just looking at her from afar, getting his stuff ready for what he planned on doing, while he stood there gazing at her perfectly rounded ass with her panties at...

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The Mechanic

The light on the dashboard wouldn’t go out, its presence a sour reminder of how knackered her old Fiesta was. She’d asked a couple of male friends what it was, and the answers weren’t encouraging. “Get it to the garage Faith,” they said. “It might be something and nothing, a valve sticking, but it might be something serious.” And so it was, after work on a rainy Wednesday afternoon, Faith came to drive onto the forecourt of the garage. The mechanic was called Derek, and he was an old friend of...

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College FuckOff

She had graduated from high school in the beginning of June, and spent most of her summer working, hanging out with friends, and shopping for supplies for her freshman year at Arizona State. May was excited to move out of her small town and finally face the real-world head on – as well as play a shit ton of volleyball! May decided to scroll through her Instagram feed before taking a nice nap – she didn’t have to work again until tomorrow afternoon – but all of the posts were of the...

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Maid8217s Daughter 8211 Part 3

My cock was out of my pants and Gayatri was standing in front of me. She again saw my cock and turned around. I acted as if just now I had came to know about the scene and placed my cock back in the pants asking her pardon. Gayatri ran out of the room. I just brushed my teeth’s and went to the dining table. My cock was still making a pyramid in my pants. Gayatri was on the table and had a shy smile on her face. She didn’t notice my bulge. I sat on the table and asked her sorry many times while...

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The Stepmother

I loved this story and wanted to share it, the writer is "horrorotica" here is a link to the main story: eighteen-year-old Dale Barrett travelled home by train, he felt excited about seeing his stepmom for the first time since spring break. Nervous energy made his heartbeat fast, his stomach feel funny, and his fingers tingle. The reason he felt so nervous about coming home is that his stepmother had told him that she knew about his little secret.She...

3 years ago
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True Love Waits Part 2

"Fate brings people together no matter how far apart they may be. Separated as we are, thousands of miles between us, we come together as if willed by destiny."*He slowly opened his eyes to find himself staring up at a crystal clear blue sky and the sound of waves breaking upon the shore. After a moment, he sat up and looked around to discover he was on a golden sandy beach that stretched either side of him as far as the eye could see. Taking a moment to gather himself, he got to his feet and...

Love Stories
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Absolute power

Billy knew he was on the spectrum. It didn't bother him really. He much preferred things to people seeing as they didn't pay much attention to him anyway. His issue of course arose when he entered puberty and started gaining an attraction over them, Well...their naked bodies at least, which was why he was spending that Sunday morning on a trip with his mom to a therapist instead of on his computer looking at more naked people like he normally would. "Billy, please stop staring." "Sorry mother."...

Mind Control
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Forever in The Underworld Chapter II

His kisses make me wild with desire, and the cock plunging deep into me summon screams of lust and ecstasy . I nearly faint as his constant thrusts throw me over the edge of orgasm, and I come. Hands grip firmly into the grass. Heels dig into the wet ground. My back arches and my chest rapidly rises and falls. I can feel the pulsing sensation as he empties his load in my depths. Still, he continues for another few thrust, just to draw forth every ounce of pleasure left in me. He collapses on my...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 327 Construction of Our Hilltop Home

January 1 to late-February, 2007 I won't bother describing the back-and-forth architectural design process we went through for our new home. It was interesting, and Julia had one of the absolute BEST times of her life, but it's really only the final design that matters. Constructing our new home was cool though, so I'll describe that. The Army Engineers had been heavily involved in our new home right from the beginning of the design stage because they had a great deal of...

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Sex make a happy family1

Hi, I’m Sanjay. I’m a regular reader of ISS and this site helps me lot in enjoy and satisfy my wives in a different style. I’m 24 years old. My height is 5’9″ with wide strong hairy chest and strong solder. I have two beautiful cute wife. They are very sexy and faithful to me. My 1st wife is Sonia my Sona Dearling 39 years, but no one can guess her age, she looks like 23/24 yrs babe.She is very sexy looks with the figure of 36-28-34. Her breast are huge with respect to body which attracks all...

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sissyboy jakes first outing part 2

I lay on the thin blue pad, exhausted and somewhat dazed. As I said, I am very new at this and didn't expect such harsh treatment so quickly. My bottom was sore and I actually thought I felt my insides twitching. My legs were shaking. I felt the warm fluid trickling out and down the back of my leg, pooling on the pad underneath me. This was my first time and they had been so rough. If Tiffany hadn't prepared me so well, I doubt I could have survived it. Karl and Rashid were both...

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A Day to Remember

A Day to Remember Author's Note: A germ of an idea I tried to make an entertaining story. Hope you enjoy Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, No escape from Reality Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen 1975 William finished buttoning his shirt and checked himself over in the mirror. He knew he wasn't much to look at, but he took pride in keeping himself neat and presentable. Khaki slacks, yellow button-down shirt, brown loafers. He nodded to his image...

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