Mamma, Guarda Comes Sborro! Cap.2 free porn video

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Parlando di sesso, la cosa che preferisco è farmi leccare la figa. Mi piace sentire la lingua lappare le mie grandi labbra, sentirla penetrare all'interno, titillare il mio clitoride.
Quella buonanima di mio marito, che Dio l'abbia in gloria, me la sapeva leccare davvero bene. Si ficcava col viso tra le mie cosce spalancate e me la lavorava di lingua e di labbra fino a quando non ero venuta almeno per due o tre volte. Non era un grande scopatore, ma come la sapeva leccare lui non c'era nessuno. Lo faceva con grazia, mettendoci tutto l'impegno possibile, si vedeva che gli piaceva. Mi ha fatto fare delle gran belle godute e adesso mi manca parecchio.
Ormai è morto da parecchi anni, pace all'anima sua, e non è facile trovare chi lo sappia sostituire.
Io sono ancora abbastanza giovane e ogni tanto incontro qualche uomo che mi fa la corte, ma quando arriviamo al dunque quelli vogliono solo scopare, o al massimo mettermelo nel culo. Non che mi dispiaccia, tutt'altro; un bel cazzo duro, grosso e nodoso, fa sempre piacere, e sentirselo scorrere tra le cosce o negli sfinteri e affondare dentro di me mi procura un discreto piacere, ma la leccata di figa è tutta un'altra cosa.
Per fortuna ho tante amiche e tra donne, si sa, capita spesso che ci si diverta un po', che si giochi con le nostre passere, soprattutto con quelle sposate.
Dopo tanti anni di matrimonio sono stufe dei mariti, ma non tutte hanno voglia di cornificarli con altri uomini. Così ci si arrangia tra donne e vi assicuro che i risultati non si fanno mancare.
Ultimamente ho conosciuto anche un paio di sposine, delle belle ragazze giovani e fresche, i cui mariti, tutti presi dal lavoro e dalla carriera, o forse anche da qualche troia di segretaria, le trascurano un po' troppo.
Le ho incontrate al circolo del bridge e non è stato difficile, dopo qualche passeggiata in centro e qualche tè coi pasticcini, portarmele a letto.
L'altro giorno stavo giusto divertendomi un po' con una di queste sposine, quando mio figlio Arturo, che credevo a lezione all'università, ci ha sorprese.
Devo dire che è stato alquanto imbarazzante farsi trovare dal proprio figlio ventenne inginocchiata sul letto, completamente nuda e con il viso affondato tra le cosce di una ragazza ululante di piacere.
La colpa, però, è anche un pò sua, dal momento che è entrato in camera mia senza neppure bussare.
Scusate – ha detto, come se niente fosse – credevo che mamma fosse da sola.
Però, invece di richiudere la porta e andarsene, si è soffermato a lungo a rimirare la scena mentre sul davanti dei jeans attillati gli si è formato repentinamente un inequivocabile gonfiore.
Lo sai mamma – mi ha apostrofata quando finalmente si è deciso ad andarsene – che hai davvero un bel culo.
Quella stessa sera, a cena, nessuno dei due sollevò l'argomento; ma mentre mi aiutava a sparecchiare la tavola Arturo mi piazzò una mano sul culo e, sorridendo, mi disse che era stata una bella sorpresa trovarmi a letto con una donna, per di più giovane e carina.
Non sapevo – aggiunse dandomi una bella palpata alle chiappe attraverso il vestito – che ti piacesse leccare la figa.
Invece di dargli uno schiaffo, come avrei forse dovuto fare, gli risposi a tono.
Non solo mi piace leccarla – gli dissi – ma mi piace anche molto farmela leccare.
Se è per questo – mi rispose lui continuando i palpeggiamenti – non c'è problema. Se vuoi te la lecco io.
A quel punto lo schiaffo glielo diedi ma lui, invece di risentirsi e allontanarsi da me, scoppiò a ridere.
Come sei permalosa – mi disse – in fondo non ci sarebbe nulla di male. Sei vedova, e visto che hai un uomo in casa non vedo perché devi ricorrere ad una donna per godere. A me, te lo confesso, piacerebbe un casino leccartela. Non hai nemmeno idea di quante seghe mi sono sparato al pensiero di farlo. Sin da ragazzino andavo a raccogliere le tue mutandine usate e mi facevo delle enormi godute annusandole per respirare l'odore della tua topa e del tuo culo.
Rimasi interdetta, non sapevo cosa controbattere.
E lo fai ancora? - gli domandai sentendo un piacevole calore invadermi il bassoventre.
Ogni tanto, quando non trovo una ragazza con cui sfogarmi.
Arturo è un bellissimo ragazzo e le compagnie femminile non gli mancano di certo, ma l'idea che lui si menasse il cazzo pensando a me ed annusando i miei odori mi eccitò in una maniera pazzesca.
Lui dovette accorgersene perché mi si fece più sotto e, inaspettatamente, infilò una mano nella mia scollatura.
Hai un bel culo - mi sussurrò in un orecchio solleticandomelo con il suo fiato caldo e profumato – te l'ho già detto oggi, ed hai anche un bel paio di tette.
La sua mano si intrufolò in profondità nella scollatura e prese a palparmi le poppe, facendomi indurire i capezzoli.
Sono belle grosse e ancora sode come quelle di una ragazzina.
I suoi jeans mostravano una erezione gigantesca, e senza neppure sapere io cosa stessi facendo, vi posai una mano.
Nonostante tra la mia mano ed il suo cazzo si interponessero due strati di stoffa, quella dei jeans e quella dei boxer, riuscii a percepirne il calore e lo sentii fremere al mio tocco.
Spaventata da quello che stavo facendo lo allontanai da me con uno spintone, ma ormai ero arrapata e quando lui mi si fece di nuovo sotto lasciai che mi sbottonasse la camicetta e gli permisi di aprire anche il gancio del reggiseno.
Sono davvero belle – disse in un sussurro rimirando le mie poppe – verrebbe voglia di mangiarle.
E, senza aggiungere altro, si tuffò col viso nel mio seno.
Non è bello, lo so, farsi impastare, leccare e ciucciare le poppe dal proprio figlio ventenne, ma quando una è arrapata è arrapata, e non c'è ragione che tenga.
E non è bello neppure farsi sfilare la gonna e lasciarsi abbassare le mutandine, ma in quel momento non capivo più niente e avevo solo voglia di godere, con tutta me stessa.
Non ricordo neppure bene tutti i particolari, ricordo solo che ad un certo punto mi ritrovai seduta sul tavolo di cucina, a cosce spalancate, mentre Arturo, inginocchiato a terra, aveva affondato il viso nel mio sesso e mi stava leccando la topa con una grazia ed una perizia degna del suo povero papà.
Ricordo che dopo che mi ebbe fatto venire una prima volta con un orgasmo pazzesco, lunghissimo e devastante, gli puntai i piedi sulle spalle e, spingendo la sua testa tra le mie cosce divaricate, gli dissi di lapparmela ancora e farmi nuovamente venire.
Mi fece godere per tre volte quel benedetto ragazzoe, tre godute colossali, e quando si abbassò i jeans ed i boxer per farselo ciucciare non potei dirgli di no.
Così mi inginocchiai a mia volta a terra e gli tirai un bel pompino.
Ha un cazzo stupendo il mio Arturo, bello grosso e lungo il giusto, duro come il ferro e nodoso come un bastone, con la pelle liscia come la seta e una cappella larga e dai bordi spessi e rialzati, proprio come piace a me.
Ha anche un bel paio di coglioni, grossi e sodi, e gli leccai anche quelli.
Mi piaceva leccare e succhiare quella cappellona cianotica e fare scorrere la lingua per tutta la lunghezza del cazzo. Mi piaceva palpare quel paio di coglioni che sentivo essere pieni di succo. Mi piaceva, soprattutto, l'idea di fare godere mio figlio.
Continua così, mamma, continua senza fermarti che sto per sborrare – mi disse ad un tratto, quando dal suo cazzo iniziò a fuoriuscire un filo di bava collosa e leggermente salata – lecca la punta, da brava, passa la lingua tutto intorno alla cappella, lungo i bordi.
Ci siamo – continuò mentre mi parve quasi di sentire i suoi coglioni gorgogliare – sto proprio per sborrare.
In effetti il suo cazzo era diventato se possibile ancora più duro e lo sentivo pulsare nella mia bocca mentre il filo di bava si era fatto un po' più spesso e mi fuoriusciva dalle labbra.
Pensavo che mi avrebbe sborrato in gola, invece d'un tratto si sfilò dalla bocca e mi puntò la testa del cazzo contro il viso.
Voglio sborrarti in faccia – disse – in faccia e sulle poppe.
Come vuoi tu, piccolo – gli feci – puoi sborrare dove vuoi.
Ho sempre sognato di sporcarti tutta con la mia sborra, di innaffiarti il viso e le poppe con i miei spruzzi.
Spruzza dove vuoi – gli dissi di nuovo vedendolo inarcare il corpo e prepararsi alla sborrata – mamma ti fa fare quello che preferisci. Sporcala tutta se ti fa piacere, scaricale addosso i tuoi schizzi, sborrale sul viso, sulle poppe, tutto dove vuoi. L'importante è che tu ti faccia una bella goduta.
Non riuscii quasi a terminare la frase che il suo cazzo, ondeggiando come una canna al vento, iniziò a scaricarmi addosso una sequenza ravvicinata di schizzi lunghissimi e potentissimi che mi colpirono il viso come schiaffi.
Poi, reggendo il cazzo a due mani come fosse stata una pompa da giardino, il mio Arturo indirizzò i lanci contro le mie poppe, imbrattandole tutte di sborra calda, spessa e vischiosa.
Infine – ma quanta ne aveva quel benedetto ragazzo! - diresse gli ultimi spruzzi nuovamente contro il mio viso, finendo di ricoprirlo col suo sperma.
Ero quasi accecata da tutta quella sborra, ma riuscii comunque a vedere che il suo cazzo rilasciava ancora del liquido, seppure meno denso, che andò a ricadere sulle mie pantofoline di velluto e sui miei piedi.
Quando finalmente le sue portentose palle si furono definitivamente svuotate lo sentii lanciare un lungo sospiro.
Che sborrata, mamma, che sborrata! Credo di non avere mai sborrato tanto in vita mia. Hai visto che schizzi? Hai visto quanta ne ho buttata'
Eccome se ho visto – replicai – e ho anche sentito! Guarda come mi hai conciata!
Grazie, mammina, grazie davvero! Mi hai fatto fare la più bella sborrata della mia vita!
Davvero? Bè, sono contenta, d'altronde anche tu mi hai fatto godere un casino quando mi hai leccato la figa.
Andammo a ripulirci, ma sapevo che la serata non era ancora finita.
Il mio ragazzo era ancora su di giri e, a quel punto, decisi di portarmelo in camera.
Sdraiato sul mio lettone lo leccai dalla testa ai piedi, davanti e dietro. Gli leccai i piedi, le gambe, le cosce, la pancia, la schiena, gli leccai le orecchie, il collo ed i capezzoli.
Gli leccai nuovamente il cazzo e i coglioni. Poi lo feci accovacciare sul mio viso e gli leccai anche il buco del culo.
Poi lasciai che anche lui mi leccasse dalla testa ai piedi e quando volle mettermelo in pancia spalancai le cosce e lo feci entrare dentro di me.
Mi scopò con l'irruenza dei suoi vent'anni e, sebbene mancasse di esperienza, la sua foga e la sua potenza sopperirono abbondantemente.
Gli diedi anche il culo, ovviamente, lasciando che affondasse tra le mie chiappe fino in fondo.
Inginocchiata sul lettone mi feci cavalcare il culo sentendolo affondare sempre più in profondità fino a sentirlo scaricarsi dentro di me con lunghi fiotti caldi che mi costrinsero a correre al cesso, dove mi raggiunse per assistere mentre mi svuotavo rumorosamente i visceri.
La cosa dovette eccitarlo perché, nonostante avesse appena goduto, vidi il suo cazzo dare nuovamente segni di vita.
Mi sa che mi farò una bella pisciata – disse all'improvviso – e senza darmi il tempo di capire cosa stesse succedendo, mi scaricò sul viso un fiume di urina calda che quasi mi tolse il respiro.
Facemmo la doccia insieme, e mentre lo insaponavo il suo cazzo prese nuovamente a crescere.
Sei instancabile – gli dissi sciacquandolo, e lui, per tutta risposta, mi infilò due dita nella figa ed uno nel buco del culo.
Me la voglio di nuovo fare questa bella mammina – mi sussurrò in un orecchio – voglio di nuovo leccarle il suo bel figone nero e peloso e poi metterglielo dappertutto.
Così tornammo in camera e ci facemmo un bel sessantanove, poi mi salì in groppa e me lo rimise nel culo.
Mi cavalcò a lungo ma si trattenne dal venire e quando si sfilò mi diede la cappella da ciucciare.
Ciucciala - mi disse – penso che sappia del tuo culo. Ciucciala per bene che poi te lo metto in pancia.
E così fece. Per fortuna si sfilò per tempo e mi beccai in faccia un'altra formidabile sborrata, non abbondante come la prima, ma pur sempre di tutto rispetto.
A quel punto il mio Arturo prese finalmente sonno ed io, nel silenzio della notte, potei tirarmi il mio ultimo ditale prima di addormentarmi al suo fianco.

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Steve goes out to malls, stores, any place where pretty woman go, he is trying to find a pretty red head for Omar’s brother. Steve has never really been into red heads! He goes all over but comes up empty then decides to go home so he can call Dubai, talk to Omar and Hanna. He First talks to Hanna, tells her he misses her and can not wait until he see her again. Next it is Omar, he tells Omar that he want to get Hanna here to be with him, Omar says that you could marry her by phone or...

3 years ago
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What Goes Around Comes Around Part 2 Final

The next morning when I wake up I feel something next to my back. I roll over and to my surprise, I see Brian sleeping beside me. I can't believe he actually came home, and slept in our bed with me in it. I gently slide out of bed. I look at Brian sleeping. I am so angry and so hurt..I decide to go downstairs. I go in his office. Let's see if he has his plans wrote down in his planner. I pick it up and sure enough, I see he is planning to go back to the Golden Crown Hotel tonight, but he wrote...

Straight Sex
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Sister In Law Comes To Visit

Several years ago my Sister In Law came to visit. It was well known by my wife that I had a thing for her sister. She is equally sexy and seeing her dressed and watching her I always wondered what was beneath the clothing. Do her tits look similar? Is her pussy similar with large labia? When I found out she was coming for a visit my wife was already on to me about how lucky I was going to be. I could check her out. We made plans to take her to see the sights locally. We had even planned to take...

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My Mother Comes to Visit by Mrs Walker

"My Mother Comes to Visit" by Mrs WalkerMy mother is flying into town today to stay with us for a week. I asked her if she wanted my son Tommy or my daughter Krissy to pick her up at the airport, but declined my offer because she is going to rent a car.Well, she called me from the airport about an hour ago and said she should be here about noon. Just as I finish making the potato salad for dinner a car comes up the driveway and stops. It must be my Mom!I excitedly run out the front door to...

2 years ago
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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P6

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

2 years ago
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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P5

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

2 years ago
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Something Wicked This Way Comes Part 4

Something Wicked This Way Comes 4 Ryan took one last look at himself in the locker room mirror. The uniform was supposed to look like a cowboy, or cowgirl in his case. The cowboy hat came down over his brow and he had to push it back and tie the string tight under his chin, so it didn't fall down over his face. Which was not as bad as the uniform. A western shirt, in brown and mustard yellow, with fringe on the pockets - the breast pockets. "Howdy cowpokes. Everyone ready?" Dirk,...

3 years ago
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For Whom Death Comes

For Whom Death Comes By: Light Clark Synopsis: Owen has a plan for his summer which he hopes will make him the most popular freshman to ever attend his high school. Things start to go astray, though, when he sees a mysterious girl in white who seems dead set on throwing all of his plans into disarray. Warning: This story is 'technically' set in the Whateley universe. It uses no characters or places from that universe, just borrows a few terms and general thematics. It is certainly...

4 years ago
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Niki Comes of Age Part 1 of 4

Unfortunately, this lust for youth meant that all my adult relationships with women were doomed. While I’ve had plenty of age-appropriate interactions, they’ve never lasted. It was difficult for these women to meet my requirements of youthful vitality, smooth, soft, wrinkle-free skin, perky breasts, tight pussies, and the innocence I so longed for. It was not their fault, my standards were impossibly high. Invariably, these relationships would fall apart the moment my paramour caught me...

2 years ago
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The Little Witch Comes To Town Part Three

Later Friday Night...Wine for the girls, beer for the guys and a stack of finger foods fortified us for the next round.Tina lay on the floor, using a cushion as a pillow, and invited Jake to come and do her face. Jake straddled her chest and slid his cock into her mouth until his scrotum was resting on her chin. Tina's huge sapphire eyes laughed up at him as he started to run his cock in and out of her mouth, slowly at first then gradually building speed. She locked her soft, pouty lips around...

Group Sex
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Fox Tales 2 When Next Comes the Fox

Fox Tales 2: When Next Comes the Fox By Bill Hart As I entered my small apartment, I let loose with a long sigh. I was beat. It had been a long rough game, but we'd finally won. I was that seldom-used last sub - a role I'd never relished. At six foot four inches in height, there were far too many people that considered me too small to play the game. Some of those raucous fools - you'd think they'd actually paid to see the game - had booed loud and long when I'd finally stepped out...

3 years ago
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When Daddy comes home

t was a long and tiring week for daddy, work was hard and with barley little time to spend with his two little girls Kerry and Shona he had not noticed the amount of mischief his girls had been up two. Normally their daddy would have noticed things missing or his feverouts chocolates had been eaten but this week was extra tough on him and he was counting on his girls to behave themselves and help him out with the house work, this however was not the case. Normally if Kerry or Shony. had done...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 64 It All Comes To A Head

July 31, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” I asked. “Where else could we meet and talk privately? And openly? Without any witnesses?” “Even so, I’m not comfortable doing that because of our history AND because of the current situation. Would you object to Deborah being there? Eve would be OK as well, but I’d much rather have Deborah.” “I suppose.” “She knows our history, Julia. I told her everything because she needed to know.” “Excuse me?!” Julia...

3 years ago
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Danny Comes to Stay Part 1

As we undressed for bed, Alex said to me, "I feel kind of sorry for Danny.""Sorry for him?  You're kidding me!"It was hard to believe he would feel anything but mistrust for my ex.  He hadn't been keen on Danny visiting us, and sure as hell hadn't been comfortable with him staying over with us for the night."No I do," he insisted.  "Being holed up in that tiny Cornish village without any cute guys to help him pass the time.""It was his choice to take the job down there," I reminded him.  Danny...

Gay Male
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A Mature Fantasy Comes to Life

I guess I am not your average 22-year-old man when it comes to women. From puberty I had the same fascination with the female form that my friend did, but my tastes always tended towards a maturer woman. While all my friends lusted after young pop stars such as Britney Speirs in her school uniform I was more attracted to Monica Bellucci who made the cinema uncomfortably hot for me in the 2nd and 3rd parts of the matrix trilogy. Similarly when my friends started getting interested in the other...

3 years ago
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What Goes Around Comes Around

WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUNDMy name is Mike and I am the Senior VP of a large marketing firm in the Southwest. I manage a group of about 20 employees that handle the marketing for many fortune 500 companies across the globe. I moved here after graduating from college in the south. It’s a tough business, but if you work hard and are intelligent, you can move up fairly quickly. One of my employees is John Stanley. He is a lower level marketer with very little experience. We hired him fresh out...

3 years ago
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What Goes Around Comes Around

WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUNDMy name is Mike and I am the Senior VP of a large marketing firm in the Southwest. I manage a group of about 20 employees that handle the marketing for many fortune 500 companies across the globe. I moved here after graduating from college in the south. It’s a tough business, but if you work hard and are intelligent, you can move up fairly quickly. One of my employees is John Stanley. He is a lower level marketer with very little experience. We hired him fresh out...

2 years ago
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Inga Comes to AmericaChapter 3

I parked in the back and went in through an unmarked door. Inga had no idea what was inside. We went up a dark hallway and into the front. Inga looked around and saw that the walls were covered with pictures of women in various stages of undress. Some of the shots were positively vulgar. A very few were quite good, artistic even. Most were just normal pictures of bored looking women undressing and posing nude. A large black man looked up when we came in and smiled. He said, "Right on time!...

3 years ago
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The Puzzle Comes Together

The puzzle comes together! My lovely wife of sixteen years announced upon my entry that we were going on a cruise. I was not sure what to say, so I said nothing. Sheila didn't let on that she was disappointed in the fact I was not elated. I for one was not sure we could afford a cruise or if I would have the time. I shared this bit of information with my wife. She said I needed to make up my mind or she would just go without me! Sheila seemed to be very excited about the...

2 years ago
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A Princess Comes of Age

In a far off land in a different time, my fantasy begins. I awaken with excitement, for today is my day to begin the ritual to become a women and a princess to the kingdom so one day I can be a Queen. The day starts with the servants coming in and rushing me to the bath. They clean me with a special scented soap and scrub me all over, taking gentle care on my body. Then they clean my insides by squirting a special mixture up into my pussy. This makes me feel very warm and tingling inside as I...

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Erotic Education 5 Chrissy Comes

CHRISSY COMES TO STAY ALL HOT HOLIDAY IN OUR TENT-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chrissy comes unexpectedly to my tent, around midnight, in full moon lightHave I slept, or was I still day-dreaming at night of cute Chrissie at my lap?Right hand under my head, gazing the twinkling stars, left hand in my tent"I need to take a leak, pappa Peter! Will you help me & kiss my cunny dry?"She seems to wear only a long wide white T-shirt &...

2 years ago
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When Johnny Comes Marching Home Ch 04

Continued from Chapter 3: While working deep undercover for the CIA in Pakistan, he routinely crossed the border to Afghanistan and Pakistan. From where he was perched atop of a hill, he could see the borders of both countries. At the time he was there, he overlooked a six-man band of Navy SEALS who were obviously on a mission. Even without binoculars or the aid of his sniper rifle scope, he could tell they were SEALS. With the CIA paying for tips and receiving mixed and bad info, unsure if he...

1 year ago
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Life comes to Overwatch

A few months had passed since Lena, Hana, Angela, Widowmaker, Mei and Symmetra had returned to the game. The Doomfist release turned out to be a sneak peak of the future from Blizzard, because hero number 24 just so happened to be Orisa. Some female omnic horse thing. I was still depressed. Not only had I lost the six most perfect women any guy could ever ask for, I had also lost the ability to be with normal women, they were just nothing in comparison, it would take hours for a normal woman to...

4 years ago
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Sex Without Outcomes

CHAPTER 1 Summer was warming up when Mac (Malcolm) Harris arrived from Edinburgh via Boston to the pretty New England city for a 14-day vacation with his recently widowed Aunt Ada, a bookshop proprietor who was his mom’s older sister. A medical technologist, Mac had been working long hours in the lab to complete a project and had been given three weeks off work by his department director after making the crucial breakthrough in identifying a rare virus that had attacked the brain and killed...

2 years ago
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Intended Outcomes Donna

[One evening. 1986. Denver. Colorado. An evening that changed everything, just as I intended it would. This is not a stroke story. There is no explicit sex in the story. In real life there was lots of sex, I just don’t tell you about it here.] /’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/’/ When I knocked on the front door of Donna’s parent’s home her Dad opened the door so quickly I assumed he was standing just inside, holding onto the knob. He smiled and said, ‘Right on time. I like that about you.’ The...

2 years ago
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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P4

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

3 years ago
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Femdom Fantasies Becomes an Unpleasant Reality

Femdom Fantasies Becomes an Unpleasant Reality By: Ken Bristol want2b Chapter 1 (Discovery) Ed came walked into the kitchen Saturday morning and saw his wife Diane glaring at him while sitting at the kitchen table with her knees tucked up under her and holding a cup of coffee.  Diane, in an ominously quiet voice said:  ?Sit down, we need to talk.? Ed poured himself a cup and said:  ?what’s your problem?. ?You are.? She replied. ?I don’t understand.? He said. Diane continued:  ?I feel like I...

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Lauras Hunger Fantasy Becomes Reality

It starts off as a wonderful day, it’s the first day of Laura’s new job as stay at home mom and Lydia has already left to pick up Ray Jr. at the airport so he can spend the summer at home. It would be a perfect day if Ray had been able to put off the business trip he had planned, but as usual, business comes first. As long as she can quit her job and relax at home for a while its worth Ray’s frequent out of town trips. Maybe with her added free time she can begin fixing herself up and try to...

1 year ago
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Mammary Mansion Ch 09

Yeah – I know – not my usual but for those following the story, long awaited. Thank you for your patience. Part 9 After the marathon tit wank, the women, mostly pissed fell out of the spa, grabbed robes and staggered off. I relaxed into the spa and finished off two half empty bottles of bubbly, then I too lurched upstairs to sleep it off. **************** I awoke to the sound of the telephone ringing next to the bed. It was Monica. “Caught you. Not busy are you?” “No. Just me.” “Good....

4 years ago
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My Best Friend Comes Over to Visit for the Weekend

A great friend of mine was coming up to visit for the weekend. My wife and I had known him for a long time and he was one of those seldom-found male friends where you had no (or very few!) secrets and who you could really trust. I also knew for a fact that my wife Stacey had a soft spot for him. We had sometimes even fantasized together about having a threesome with him and although it had never gone further than Stacey and I having good sex while sharing and discussing a few fantasies, I often...

3 years ago
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A Dream comes True Ch 16

A Dream comes True. ch 16 by Julian Irwin. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = What a wonderful way to start ones day, yes sharing the shower with Annabel. Soaping every part of each others feminine body, making sure every little crevice was nice and clean. Although I've never been a fan of having sex in the shower or bath for that matter, well OK I have masturbated many times why lying in the bath. Being in there with Annabel enjoying touching her sweet petite body, cuddling with...

3 years ago
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Something Wicked This Way Comes Chapter 5

Something Wicked This Way Comes 5 The sole saving grace of this entire trip was that Jack was not coming. It didn't hurt that he was pissed off. Ryan had been stewing ever since Jack's performance over pizza rolls in front of Harper. He had been kicking himself for not saying anything to his mom when she came home from grandpa's but the look on her face said 'not now. Not today.' Which she compounded by pouring a big glass of wine and walking into her room, the door closing...

4 years ago
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An almost endless story or the dog comes to the party

I had already noticed she at the entrance to the nightclub. She was not tall, but she had a great figure. All rounded off nicely how I liked it. She had a golden disco dress. Her hair was dark and she wore shoulder length. I came up with her this week and so I learned after a short time that it was Franziska and she was seventeen. After a few drinks I did not notice that my first impression me had deceived - She was sharp as a pepperoni. When it came around eleven, she said she had no...

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