Ci Pensa La Mamma free porn video

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Certe volte, anzi sempre, il compito di genitore non è per niente facile. Si rischia di dover prendere decisioni che si possono rivelare nel tempo sbagliate o dalle conseguenze inaspettate in quello che sarà la felicità di un figlio, la forgiatura del carattere e del temperamento dell’uomo o donna che sarà.
Fiamma era una donna perbene, di 43 anni, mamma di due figli Simona e Paolo di 19 e 18 anni.
Fiamma è sempre stata una bellissima donna, pelle liscia capelli scuri lunghi alle spalle, un fisico tonico grazie alla palestra ed un seno generoso e bello che attirava e non poco gli sguardi ed i commenti degli uomini e delle donne invidiose.
La bellezza era una delizia per chi la vedeva ed una condanna ad essere sempre guardata e desiderata.
Aveva avuto due figli e sembrava ancora una ragazza, aveva un lavoro nella ditta del marito che era anche lui un bell’uomo ma era sempre in giro per il mondo per lavoro, si vedevano poco ma andava bene così.
I loro figli non potevano che essere belli come loro.
Fiamma lavorava la mattina era una donna molto presente nella vita dei figli e cercava di dare loro tutto il meglio che poteva, il loro rapporto era meraviglioso però con il tempo, gli anni la mamma era diventata il filtro di qualunque cosa succedesse a loro.
Simona e Paolo frequentavano la stessa scuola ed il giorno del ricevimento parenti Fiamma andò a parlare con i professori assieme i figli, c’erano anche tutti gli altri genitori e lei si staccò un attimo per salutarli.
Chiaccherando, Fiamma teneva d’occhio i sui due ed osservandoli vedeva che stavano sì con gli altri ma non c’era complicità; specialmente per Paolo con le ragazze.
Era terribilmente timido e non reggeva neanche gli sguardi dell’altro sesso.
Si chiese se fosse stata colpa della sua eccessiva presenza nelle loro vite fino a quel giorno, erano già grande e quando salutava la mamma le dava ancora il bacino…va bene avere una madre bellissima ma ogni cosa ha la sua stagione.
Pensò che era il caso di parlarne con lui, indagare sulla sua vita privata se glielo avesse permesso.
Tornarono a casa e la giornata trascorse come una giornata normale, inebriata dalle lodi che gli insegnanti avevano per i figli di Fiamma, molto bravi a scuola.
“Eppure gli procuro attività, sport, sono belli ed intelligenti, forse meno di come li vedo io che sono la mamma” Pensava Fiamma tra sé e sé.
Cenarono, un po’ di tv e poi andarono a dormire nelle loro stanze, il bacino della buonanotte a Simona e poi nella stanza di Paolo.
“Buonanotte amore mio, sogni d’oro”
“Notte mamma” rispose lui.
“Paolo - disse poi lei - mi rispondi se ti faccio una domanda?” Chiese Fiamma tentennando.
“Penso di sì Mà”
“Tesoro, oggi ti ho guardato mentre eri con i tuoi amici e mi sei sembrato tanto timido; quasi non parli con le ragazze. Hai litigato con qualcuno per caso? Non mi sembri proprio il tipo sai?
“Ma no mamma” disse lui un po’ stupito.
“Ma allora cosa c’è Paolo, sembravi strano…timido come non ti conoscevo”
“E’ che…”
“Che mi piace una ragazza ma ho paura di farmi avanti”
“E perché mio Dio?”
“Perché dicono che lei è un tipo sveglio ed io non ho mai avuto una fidanzata perché non mi oso, non so neanche come si bacia una ragazza” rispose Paolo liberandosi di quell’ enorme sasso sullo stomaco.
“Amore mio, non ti preoccupare tutto succederà e sarà bello; non temere e stai tranquillo. Dai retta alla mamma”
Detto questo lo accarezzò dolcemente ed usci dalla stanza per andare nelle sua,
Ma non dormì neanche un minuto, secondo lei ere colpa sua se i figli faticavano così ad esprimere la loro personalità. Ne era sempre più convinta.
Decise che doveva fare qualcosa per risolvere il disagio di suo figlio, visto che lei ne era (o no) la causa.
Il rito della buonanotte era cosa consolidata ed il giorno seguente prima di andare a letto Fiamma salutò Simona e poi entrò nella camera di Paolo.
“Buonanotte tesoro”
“Paolo, ma sul serio non hai mai baciato una ragazza?”
“N-no, perché”
“Vieni qui - sussurrò - te lo insegno io, stai tranquillo”
Lui non credeva alle sue orecchie e rimase in silenzio con gli occhi sbarrati e Fiamma, che aveva una giacca da camera che nascondeva gli slip ed il reggiseno senza lasciar trasparire nulla, lo prese dolcemente per il viso e gli diede un bacio sulla bocca.
Non il classico bacetto di saluto, ma un bacio lento, morbido, e poi si staccò.
Lui tremava, aveva sentito l’odore di sua madre, lo stesso di sempre ma gli aveva fatto un altro effetto: un brivido gli saliva dal ventre in su ed il cuore batteva strano.
“Allora, ti è piaciuto il bacio?”
“Ma… mamma - non riusciva a dire nulla, era tra l’estasiato e lo sconvolto - si, credo di si” riusci a biascicare
“Bene, allora visto che sei ancora vivo? Un bacio non ha mai ucciso nessuno, può essere solo bello, ora ti insegno un altro giochino, adesso ti do un altro bacio… un po’ più vero; se ti è piaciuto prima, goditi questo e poi fai quello che ti viene, quello che ti senti”
Lo prese dolcemente per i fianchi, lo portò a sé e lo baciò nuovamente.
Lei muoveva le labbra mordicchiando le sue, poi gliele aprì e con la punta della lingua gliele bagnò; piano la usò per aprigli le labbra via via sempre più rilassate e quando fu dentro la sua bocca inizio a massaggiare la lingua di suo figlio in un modo così bagnato e sensuale che luì capì subito quanto era stato sciocco ad aver così paura del primo bacio, e allora rispose a sua madre mettendo la lingua nella sua bocca cercando di sentire tutti i gusti che poteva raccogliere.
Senza accorgersene le mani erano sulla sua vita ed aprendo gli occhi vide di che seno era dotata sua madre.
Ebbe un altro brivido e Fiamma dolcemente si staccò, non voleva esagerare.
Ma era contenta, Paolo sembrava essersi un po’ sbloccato, era anche un po’ eccitata e se ne vergognò.
Anche lui era eccitato, non lo aveva detto ma si vedeva il pigiama gonfio creandogli non poco imbarazzo.
Non sapeva che dire, ci pensò lei.
“Amore mio, era il minimo che potessi fare per te, te lo dovevo, lo meritavi.”
“Grazie - rispose lui timidamente - mi è piaciuto, sei stata una brava maestra“ Osò dire con un pizzico di euforia tipica.
“E tu un bravo allievo, buonanotte tesoro”
E con questa frase si alzò e andò in camera sua, a dormire.
Anche se in fondo al cuore tutti e due sapevano che qualcosa era cambiato, e non si erano accorti che Simona li aveva spiati dalla porta socchiusa.
Superfluo dire che Paolo resistette poco meno di un’ora prima di andare in bagno a masturbarsi, il suo uccello non voleva saperne di scendere da solo e così dovette provvedere lui, per vergognarsi con se stesso subito dopo.
La mattina seguente la giornata iniziò come al solito, colazione scuola ecc. solo prima di uscire di casa lui salutò con il solito bacino la madre guardandola con gli occhi di chi è tra il timido ed il furbetto e sottovoce le sussurrò: “Grazie per ieri sera mamma”
E lei pronta gli rispose: “Ssst non è successo niente tesoro, questo deve rimanere il nostro piccolo segreto ok? Nessuno saprà mai niente chiaro?”
“Niente” disse lui, e raggiunse la sorella che era già uscita… ma sapeva tutto.
Oramai Paolo aveva deciso dentro di se che il momento magico della giornata era la buonanotte, tutto il giorno sognò e sperò di ripetere l’esperienza della sera prima.
Dopo ogni giorno solitamente segue la sera ed anche quella volta arrivò puntuale l’ora di dirsi buonanotte.
Fiamma come sempre prima di andare a dormire si preparò in bagno, e poi entrò nella camera di Simona che era la più vicina e le diede la buonanotte; passò davanti alla sua camera che si trovava tra le due per entrare da Paolo.
“Allora buonanotte tesoro” disse lei sedendosi sul letto.
“Buonanotte mamma” rispose lui non sapendo come comportarsi.
“Lo vuoi un bacio come quello di ieri? Io te lo do volentieri se vuoi.”
“Si, certo” non aspettava altro.
Allora Fiamma si avvicinò e mise le sue labbra sulla bocca di suo figlio come la sera prima, lo leccò per bene fuori e dentro le labbra e lui rispose più voglioso di ieri prendendola per il viso per muoverle la testa dolcemente in modo da riuscire a esplorare la sua bocca in ogni angolo. Che bacio. Lungo, dolce e fisico; un sogno.
“Bravo amore mio - disse Fiamma - mi è piaciuto più di ieri sai? Penso che ora meriti un premio.”
Lui non rispose perché nonostante fosse praticamente sulla luna non sapeva cosa fare e cosa non fare, scelse furbamente di lasciar condurre il gioco alla mamma.
Lei vedendo la sua espressione gli lesse nel pensiero così allargò la vestaglia tanto da sfilarsi le maniche e la lasciò scivolare sui fianchi fino alla vita e rimase in reggiseno.
Si fece ammirare per qualche secondo poi disse:
“Ti piacciono?
“Ti diverti a torturarmi vero mamma? Comunque la risposta è si”
Paolo non aveva mai visto il seno di una donna così da vicino, vedere quello di sua madre, con quell’atmosfera era fantastico. Pensò che mamma aveva due tette da fare invidia ad una ventenne.
Si sbottonò il reggiseno da dietro poi allungò le braccia verso lui come per invitarlo a sfilarlo e Paolo lo sfilò; le tette di sua madre erano sode e chiare, con un capezzolo piccolo, scuro e già duro, eccitatissimo.
Fiamma con una mano prese da sotto una delle sue tette e la tirò verso di lui come per offrirgliela: “Tieni assaggiala se vuoi” e con l’altra mano gli avvicinò la testa e gli mise il suo seno in bocca e lui prima lo bacio, poi quando sentì l’odore di sua madre comincio a succhiarlo, a leccare il capezzolo duro come il marmo.
Li prese tutti e due tra le mani e leccava prima uno poi l’altro poi li stringeva dolcemente e li allargava per bagnare di saliva anche in mezzo per poi stringersi la faccia tra le tette.
Poi con la lingua torno su, leccò la gola, passò per il mento e di nuovo in bocca; Fiamma vibrava, godeva da morire, in silenzio, respirando col naso.
Quando Paolo riprese fiato lei notò quanto era eccitato
Allora lei maliziosamente: “Io volevo solo svezzarti tesoro ma tu ci hai preso gusto vedo!”
E gli indicò in basso, lui l’aveva durissimo e non stava più negli slip.
“Vieni qui sciocco.”
Le piaceva parlargli come ad un bambino piccolo, mentre facevano quei giochi proibiti.
Con due dita nell’elastico fece salire le mutande fino a coprirgli quell’uccello giovane e ben messo, poi appoggiò il palmo della mano sugli slip quindi sul membro ed iniziò a tastarglielo per poi massaggiarlo su e giù stringendo ed allentando abilmente la presa. Non ci mise neanche due minuti a venire.
Lei fu brava a prendere il suo succo quasi tutto in mano,e lo assaggiò sorridendo.
“Come è andata questa sera, hai goduto figlio mio?”
“Si, come un maledetto… ma come fai… è troppo bello” disse lui ancora stordito dalla libidine.
“E’ solo l’amore della mamma, buonanotte tesoro, ti amo”
Si leccò ancora le mani e lo baciò sulla bocca per fargli sentire il suo gusto.
“Notte mamma, ti amo anche io.”
Fiamma uscì ed andò in bagno a lavarsi le mani in silenzio per non svegliare la figlia,
Che solo un minuto prima era rientrata nella sua camera dopo essersi goduta lo spettacolo… ed essersi bagnata da doversi cambiare.

Fine prima parte....

Same as ci pensa la mamma Videos

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The Hotel Take 2

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1 year ago
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BangBros18 Riley Star Fucks a Fan

This time beautiful Riley Star, wanted to try two best friends at the same time, so she decided to reward her social media fans and invited two of them to shoot a scene with her, when they showed up, they couldn’t believe it, they were there to fuck their favorite porn star, on camera, this was so overwhelming that one of them chickened out and left, unbelievable, he just passed on a really good pussy, so Riley was exclusively for Majiik, good for him, she gave him an out of the world bj,...

4 years ago
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My Wifes First Experience and mine too

For years I had been sharing with my wife my fantasy of having her be with another man. Once, years ago, a fellow worker took her out on a date, with my knowledge, and they ended up making out in the car and the guy stuck his hand down my wife’s panties and begged to fuck her, but she didn’t go along with that. The whole thing ended up in a disaster because the guy’s wife found out about it and put him, and my wife, through hell, with hateful text messages, emails, phone calls and more....

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After school with sister

So my sister Tara and I have always been really good friends. I mean, we both have our own lives away from each other, but at the end of the day when we're both at home we're talking and laughing, and it just feels right. Just the two of us. We're a little more like roommates you could say, because it doesn't matter what we do or say around each other. Like whenever I get laid, the first person I tell is Tara, and she'll usually fire back with something like "Really? Was she hot?"And something...

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Seatmate8217s Sis

It had been a few weeks since I had returned from the conference in Chicago. The events that had transpired had been mind blowing. I had met a short little black girl in her mid-20s named Mya. She had an apparent fantasy about finding a white boyfriend. She found that and me and in the span of 24 hours had went from a sweet virgin to absolutely sex-crazed. But once I had gotten back to California, I had been busy with family road trips, etc. I had also had been giving a few of my other...

4 years ago
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PurcellChapter 6 New Relationships

When Deborah Warren had told the other teachers that she was expecting a child, they had all been excited and pleased. She had seen a flicker of worry cross Marjorie’s face. Her question was whether Deb could teach through to picking season. “Past Christmas, I would think. The babe should come early in the new year.” “Well, we might as well adjust the schedules before the Christmas break. We don’t want you delivering the child in front of the entire class.” “No, but I don’t want to deliver...

2 years ago
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Watching a male prostitute at play

despite having had sex with many men, there was still one fantasy i hadn't yet fulfilled. I had been having this desire to watch a guy who is totally naked pleasuring himself as i watched on, but i myself wanted to remain fully dressed. there is just something that turned me on about the thought of another guy feeling vulnerable with his own nakedness as another guy watches him. I think everyone in that situation becomes more self-concious and has a feeling of vulnerability. Having spotted an...

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A piece Of her heart

I pulled into the driveway of my humble abode, smiling softly as I realized my hard day of slaving at work was finally over, and could once again return to the warm confines of my home, and her. I worked my way towards the front door, twisting the worn handle and stepping inside. Already I could smell the wonderful aromas of my beloveds cooking, knowing she had been waiting for me. I smiled at that notion, how much I cared for Rhianna, how much she made me smile at even the smallest things...

2 years ago
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Making Babies

Mary Thoren is the latest to be fucked by my wife Kat. Mary is 47yrs. office manger and mother of two daughters one 17yrs. dark hair sporty and full of life. The other 22 and married doing her best to have a baby but it's not happing yet and she is very down about it. Mary is married to a very important man in the city but as you might guess Kat just don't care about him. So now after six months Kat will pick Mary up for lunch and kiss and feel her up in front of Mary's workers. Two weeks ago...

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I Told You So

I Told You So. Sue was dressed in a black crushed velvet pantsuit, that at first glance could be mistaken for a man's tuxedo. Her broad shoulders and her salt and pepper hair was pulled back in a severe bun on the back of her head only added to the illusion. It would take a trained observer to detect the very feminine voluptuous body concealed behind the manly fa?ade. Her face was the antithesis of masculine. For her age she was considered a raving beauty. Tonight, her beauty was e...

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Wife uses the block in the basement

Ruth came home smiled and told me she wanted me on the block,get it ready while she changed. I striped naked my cock getting hard knowing she was going to use me. Then naked I went to THE closet containing all of our toys and set out all the items needed for her to enjoy herself.In our basement we have an old wooden butcher block she had me purchase at a yard sale. It is large and very thick, it took three guys to move it to our basement. The top is waist high and she had me add some rings to...

3 years ago
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The Chauffeur 53 New Orleans

By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 In the next few days, Jennifer once again found an office tower for virtually no money. This one was on the market for just barely over $19 million for a 45-story building. The office tower was located downtown New Orleans. Since I had added the restriction of having to look at the buildings that she was buying, I put both Tina and Jennifer in the plane. Our first stop would be in Phoenix to drop Tina off, her Mother was waiting for the jet. Our...

2 years ago
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Finding JessicaChapter 3

My dark thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of the elevator. Pru came walking out and headed for the "employees only" door. When she spotted me she changed course and her smile seemed to light up the room. She was beautiful and the way she filled out that green wool dress would make any man's heart beat faster. She was probably in her early twenties, perhaps just out of college, about five seven, but much taller in heels. "Hi Marine ... Nice to see you again so soon." She sat on...

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Lost In Love 8211 Part I

Hello everyone and my name is Sanket. I am 18 a pure bottom height 5.10 with fair colour skin and before I just jump on to my story. I would like to say that all the criticisms and suggestions regarding the story are welcomed at It is a story of emotions and so those who are looking for quick sex will be disappointed. It is going to be my first story on ISS so please forgive me for my mistakes. So starting with the story everything was just going normal. I used to go my university regularly...

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Pushover A Whateley (fanfic) story. By Shrike This story is in (US) English, but it mostly is situated in the Netherlands. Several times the conversation is written in Dutch (my second native language), with the translation directly trailing it between straight brackets. I have done this because many readers will not understand the Dutch language, but I feel that the conversation in a country should be original as spoken in that country. Cursing I walked with my trashed bicycle...

3 years ago
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Shared Honeymoon

Hi friends..handshake to guys, boobs shake to girls..Your comments and appreciations has forced me to write another story..Do not forget to comment on this story mail and I work in an MNC where my senior manager Prakash and my manager Sahana are husband and wife..They both had been very nice to all their subordinates..I was quite close to both of them since I was always very good at work..They were good friends of mine rather than my seniors.. The story begins when they were about to...

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Whitewash High Ch17

It had been a couple days since Suzy’s brutal beating. Nik tried to keep his mind off of it. Work and grading assignments didn’t help. Gale was too close to the situation to talk to. Valerie and Michelle wanted Nik to distance himself from the entire affair. He called Maya, needing to see her, needing help to relieve feeling helpless and keep focused on more positive situations.That phone call was an hour ago, and now Nik sat in the large, lavish bedroom of Dr. Rai’s house. The building was...

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best friend lover

This is a fiction story. No real name was used in the making ;) It was a cool Friday night in August. A 5'4 girl named Deborah was sitting at home waiting for a call from her husband saying he was in her way home. It was 10:30 and she was starting to get worried so she gave him a call. As she was calling him, she heard loud music in the background and she hung up without another word being said. She got up and went to bed. As she was laying down her best friend Patrick texted her asking her if...

2 years ago
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Ambition Pt 3

Chapter 3: First FuckingRon Taylor grabbed Louise roughly and pushed the head of his penis into her surprised mouth, giving it couple of deep thrusts until she gagged. Harold King joined him on the other side of Louise on the sofa, pulling her face in his direction and inserting his thick penis straight into her mouth and throat."Hey, enough," Daley barked. "We can teach her how to suck a cock later. It's time to begin The Initiation, remember? She has to take a cock in her pussy for the...

4 years ago
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Arent you afraid Part 4

She hears Kylo Ren moving around the room behind her. This was one of those moments where she could almost forget she was surrounded by enemies. She could momentarily pretend they were a couple going on vacation to a… desolate planet. She sighs. Rey turns around, leans her back against the wall and slides into a sitting position. She watches Kylo Ren dress himself, putting on the dark uniform that made him so intimidating. She was learning what she could get away with from Kylo Ren. She could...

3 years ago
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Surprise at the beach

We were on a cruise along the coasts of South America with a few other couples, friends from our hometown, when we had a “land” stop for a week in a beach resort in the North of Brazil. Our group was hanging out at the pool, blasted and lazy from the many pina coladas with lots of rum. My wife was also sleeping (passed out) but I was still close to sober and decided to go for a walk by myself to explore the beautiful beach. The beach was really very beautiful: very soft white sand and very...

1 year ago
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Aunt Charlene

I was just over 19 when my died of cancer. She was just 38 and it was a long slow and horrible process to watch her die and I had a hard time with it. I was attending a small community college and was working a part-time job but didn't earn enough to pay rent so my mom's best friend Charlene, whom I had always called my Aunt, offered to let me move in to her spare room. She was the same age as my mom and because of her closeness to my mom and also because her husband had died two years earlier,...

First Time
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Pasayten PeteChapter 18 Foundations

Graydon was exhausted. His eyes had sunk into their sockets, dark circles lay sagging above his gaunt cheekbones, and his face bore signs of strain and a weariness beyond his years. For a week he had spent his nights alone in the hayloft, isolated and immersed in his connections, seeing the harm that had befallen the Jacobs family. His days were filled with work, sweating to clear ditches, cut brush, weed the garden and repair fences around the old homestead. He drove himself hard, stopping...

1 year ago
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Oil of RosesChapter 58

"Eddie," Angie Bolan rasped, "what are you doing here?" "Looking for you, Angie – why else would I be in this part of town at this time of night? You disappeared, fell off the radar completely. That makes me nervous, makes me wonder what you're up to, what you're trying to hide." "Eddie," Angie replied, "I'm not up to anything. I dropped out of sight because ... I don't want anyone I know to see me like this." Her hands, skeletally thin, reached out and grasped the big man's...

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When Strangers Meet

(The Author wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to Alberto Casella for creating the original idea embedded in this story.) Helen Manning stepped out onto the balcony of her hotel in Sliema on the island of Malta. The light had the soft diffusion of early evening and the heat of the day had diminished, though it was still comfortably warm. Across the blue water of Marsamxett Harbour lay the buildings and massive ramparts of Valletta. It was a breathtaking view, which never failed to hold...

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Confessions of a BoyToy Part 3 Liz more

I laid there totally naked as this poker faced, tall beauty slowly walked towards the bed. The blond laying next to me laughed uncontrollably at having pulled one over on me. ‘Soooooo,’ I stammered sheepishly, looking back and forth at both of them, pointing to the brunette, then to the blond. ‘you’re Liz…aaaand she’s…not?’ ‘Yes Sir. And I take you Sir, must be Howdy?’ she said as she leaned over between my bended knees, placing her hands onto the bed on either side of my waist. Liz studied...

4 years ago
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The Autumn Weekend

A FRIDAY IN AUTUMN It is Friday evening. I arrive home just after 7 o'clock, a little later than usual. I can tell from the lights in the windows that you are already home, and as I open the door I call your name. There is no reply and the house remains silent. I open the living room door. The lights are subdued and it takes my eyes a moment or two to get used to the gloom. You are not there, but I notice a black leather trench coat thrown over the back of one of the red...

2 years ago
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Robert Paula Me

Bob and Paula had been living together for the last three years and were my best friends. We played golf together about every week-end and I was at their house about as much as I was my own apartment. Paula was a petite little red head with green eyes and a nice trim little figure. Despite that small frame, she was a dominate type person and could hit a golf ball as far as any woman on the LPGA, except she didn't always know which direction it was going. Bob was about my size,...

3 years ago
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Catching up with my lover Nick

The winter months seemed like they were just getting colder and colder. It was a Tuesday night after my husband left for a 3 day business. My daughter was already asleep and I was laying in my bed when I decided to msg My younger lover Nick.I asked him what he had planned for tomorrow as my husband was away. He replied saying that he has class at 14h00 the afternoon but free the entire morning. I replied saying awesome and asked if he wants to be by me by 8h00 then we could spend a few hours...

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Carla Buys A House Chapter Two

Carla drummed her fingernails on the desk beside her phone as she wrestled with her conscience. Alice’s message had been clear. The weekend was looming on the horizon, and she and Gerald wanted Carla to come out and play. But Carla‘s memory of Doris’ spanking was still so fresh and vivid. Just thinking of it, she could feel herself beginning to swell, and she needed to open and close her legs as she sat at the table. She’d been like that all week. She thought how the heat from the spanking had...


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