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The next day at class, I kept mostly to myself. I avoided talking as much as I could, in case they could smell the dick on my breath. But, nobody seemed to treat me any differently, so by the end of the week, I was back to my old self, taking Billy's breath mints daily just to be certain. It was a week after what I did that Billy and I spoke. He mainly asked if we were cool. I nodded. I asked if he told anyone, to which he mimed zipping his mouth. Another month passed before we were back to our old gaming habits, acting as though nothing had happened. Everything was falling back into normality. I evaded asking Billy for any money, just to avoid bringing it up. Two months after I did the deed, near the beginning of November, I realized that something Like, when you stand still, and your brain does a scan of your body, everything's great and dandy. When you go into a sort of stand-by mode, you can feel that your body is... well, your body. But when I was playing video games by myself that evening, I found something peculiar. My hands seemed to be switched, or my legs too long, or my lips too big. It was as if my body was off, that I had stumbled into someone else's body for a brief second, long enough for my memory to find it comfortable, only to return and not recognize my own body. Or even that my mind was detaching itself from my body, to get away from something. The next day, I decided to tell Billy. "You ever get the feeling like your body's wrong?" "What?" "Well, like my hands feel as though someone switched them when I wasn't looking." "That's nonsense." I paused for a moment, doubting whether I should bring it up or not. It would be awkward, but I had to ask. Just in case. "You think me, you know, swallowing that stuff did something to me?" Billy looked at me and started laughing. "I'm serious!" "Dude, cum doesn't just sit dormant in your stomach for a couple months before exploding and expanding to take control of your body!" He laughed for a long while. From then on, when we were alone, we started to joke about the incident, as though it was just like any other casual conversation. And then December hit. Billy and I were hanging around at the mall, trying to snag a few things for the family. Considering Christmas was a big money pit, I found it hard to find present within my price range. I immediately went into my old routine. "Can I borrow five bucks?" I realized who I was asking and turned beet red. "Sure." Billy dug in his pocket and pulled out five dollars from his wallet. He held it out as though he didn't remember our agreement. I carefully took it, waiting to see if he would say anything. He didn't. I paid and we left. On our way out, we stopped by a clothing store and I found a Futurama shirt that I knew my brother would go nuts over. But then as I reached for my wallet, my stomach cringed. The shirt was the last in its size, and who knows when I'll be able to get back up here after they restock. "Hey, Billy. Can I borrow twenty bucks? I'll pay you right back, as soon as we get home!" He eyed me for a second, which was enough time for me to listen to what I had said. But he couldn't think that I meant, well, you know. I have money at home, so I can pay this debt of quick. "Yeah, but I'm spent after this." "Oh, did you need to use it for something else?" I really needed to get my brother a present, but I didn't want to be a dick and just take his money, even if I was going to reimburse him right away. "No. I've done all my shopping. That's just the last of the extra money I had." "You sure?" "Course." He gave me the money and I quickly went and stood in line to pay. While I waited, my mind wandered around to thinking about my money troubles. I have to make sure I don't get in this situation where I'm in debt to Billy. Even when I pay him off when we get back to my place, I have to really pay attention to my budget. At least then I won't have to worry about whether or not I have the money. I do have money back home, don't I? The clerk called me out from my trance and I paid for the shirt. I followed Billy out of the mall, checking my mental list just to be certain that I've gotten something for everyone. I hope I did, because it's going to be a long and cold winter. Much of the money I make is from yard work. I'm just hoping I have enough lying around. "Seth, you coming?" I realized I had stopped and was staring at a couple of cute girls down the hall. I took an extra second to make sure they were recorded in my memory. When we got back to my place, everyone was out doing their own thing on this weekend. I began to rummage through the desk drawers in my room, but only found about six bucks. I deepened my search to my dresser, my bed, and scoured the corners and edges, only to find a couple dollars in change. After I poured it into Billy's hands, I leapt onto my bed and was ready for a nap. Billy, however, dropped the change on me. "So now my money's not good enough?" "I'd rather you just give me twenty dollars in one payment, rather than stagger it throughout a couple weeks of a dollar here or there. I'll lose track of how much you owe me." "Well, that's all I have." Billy hesitated for a moment before walking out. "Yeah, fine. I'll see you later." He left me and the spilled change alone. I sighed. Perhaps he did forget about our bet. I smiled, thinking this day couldn't get better. "Three days." I shot up to see Billy back in my doorway. "Huh?" My heart began racing as my mind thought up of many different answers, avoiding the one I feared. "You've got three days after you borrow money from me. If you can't pay it back, in one single payment, then keep the money and suck it up for next time." I smiled and chuckled a bit, shaking a little. He wasn't laughing though. "If I don't give you a time limit and money cap, then there's no point. There has to be barriers, or I'll just be out of cash all of the time." "Yeah, but?" "No. This is the way it is. You want money to borrow? Then there are some rules. If you can't handle it, then don't borrow money. I hate to be such a prick, but you have to learn somehow. So, three days; one payment. Got it?" "Yeah." "Cool. See you tomorrow." And Billy left. I fell back in my bed, my heart about to burst from my chest. I know my family won't lend me money, because I'm still in debt to a lot of them. Can't do any yard work during the winter, and there's no snow yet for shoveling. I'm just fucked! I laid in my bed for the rest of the night, trying to figure out what I can do. Before long, I found myself floating though darkness. I reveled in my sense of calm. Closing my eyes, I could feel the sounds and lights around me, far off in the distance. But there was something close by. It was warm and hard. If felt cold and soft myself. As I got closer to this warmth, I began to feel my stomach get lighter, my mind a bit flustered. Then I hit the warmth, not running into it, but I just happened to bump into it. I shyly smiled. Reaching out, I grabbed the warmth and pulled it closer to my body. I felt the warmth spread throughout my soul. There were hands that touched my shoulders, moving down and caressing my body. When they got closer to my ass, they groped me, to the which I bit my lip and repressed a squeal. I opened my mouth and let out a light gasp. The hands continued to roam my smooth and voluptuous body, making the strange lightness in my stomach spread further into my body. However, my head was still cold, so I brought the warmth closer to my mouth, wanting it inside to heat me up. I licked the hardness in my hands and could feel its warmth touch my nerves and then my brain. I moaned again as the hands touched my breasts, and lunged forth to impale my mouth onto this hardness. I moved up and down, using my tongue to bring in as much warmth into my mouth as I could. Then I opened my eyes. Billy was there in front of me, naked, with his dick in my mouth. I continued to suck harder and harder as I felt his hands roam about my body. I was smooth, curvy, and loving it. This womanly body I possessed had long hair, big breasts, wide hips, and a soaking pussy. I suddenly couldn't figure out what turned me on more; the naked chick I was, or the cock in my mouth. I reached down and touched my pussy, when a wall of pleasure struck throughout my body. I paused for a moment before I did it again, this time being stronger. With my hand working my pussy, and my mouth sucking off Billy, I couldn't help but feel...right. The penis in my mouth seemed to grow larger when I felt the streams of cum shoot inside of me. Each blast was warmer, stronger, and bigger than the last. I quickly gobbled up every drop, but he just kept cumming. The excitement of him cumming in my mouth really ramped up my hand that I reached the pinnacle of my orgasm? And my eyes shot open as I started to cum. I quickly smashed my hand over my dick, but the cum just splattered everywhere in my jeans. My breathing was loud and heavy, and it was one of the best orgasms I've ever had. When I finally calmed, I returned to my normal clarity level. Did I just cum while dreaming about sucking off Billy? Was I a woman, no less!? What the fuck is happening? Jumping out of bed, I saw it was three in the morning as I headed to the bathroom. After washing my hands, and wiping the smeared cum on my crotch, I went back to my room and changed into some clean boxers. As I laid in bed, I was afraid to fall asleep, especially with that nightmare waiting for me. But the more I relived it, the less repulsed I felt. My chest brought me back to reality with its constant itching. When I scratched it, I had the thought of what it would be like to have breasts. There was a pause as I contemplated this before I completely rejected it and rolled over. Over the next three days, I kept having similar dreams about either sucking cock, being a woman, or both at the same time. I only came one more time in my sleep, and as if it wasn't bad enough, a bit of the cum had shot up and hit my face. I can say I was surprised, but I was more shocked when my tongue instinctively slid out and licked it off my lips. I made sure to have the breath mints Billy gave me with me at all times. But the more disappointed and frightening things, was that I still didn't have twenty bucks. I had managed fifteen, but that was with the most effort I could manage. That evening, Billy came over just as my mom was leaving. He came up to my room and stood in the doorway. I didn't look to him, but instead kept my focus on my video game, hoping he would disappear if I didn't believe he was in my room. "So, what have you been up to?" Billy tried sarcasm, but I just wasn't up for it. I couldn't even manage a response except for a grunt. "You know, I hate to be a bastard, but a deal's a deal. It's been three days, right?" I nodded. "Did you manage to snag twenty dollars?" I hesitated before shaking my head. "You know what that means, right?" Again, I hesitated, and almost shook my head, but just couldn't bear to hear him explain what it was that I would have to do. I nodded. Billy didn't say anything. I could hear him move over and sit on my bed. The tv suddenly turned off. I whipped around, to see him with the remote in his hand. He looked serious, as though a friend had died. "I just want you to know that I really thought I could get you motivated to earn some cash over the winter break. I'm not doing this to torture you or anything, but I do want to help you. Seth, you've always been one to borrow things and never return them. Don't look at this as some act of lust or sex, but simply compensation for what money I lent you. I don't get any real pleasure out of this, it's just the reaction I have is involuntary, considering my sex organs are getting a work out. This is science and math, not a date. Do you get what I mean?" I looked away before nodding my head. "Are you going to do it? I figure since your family is out, we should do it now and get it out of the way. After that, we can go back to games and tv." I didn't move. Billy reached out and pulled my shoulder towards him. I reluctantly go up. Billy stood up as well, and unzipped his pants. He sat back down, pulling me to my knees. His hands guided my own towards his boxers. My fingers reached in and pulled out his limp dick. It was smaller and much more pathetic than what I had dreamed about over the past few nights. Billy's hands were on my head, pushing me closer to his dick. I closed my eyes and found my mind regressing to the darkness. It felt similar to my dream. Then I felt my mouth open, accepting his cock entirely. When I wrapped my lips around the base of his dick, I began to twirl my tongue around and around him. Very quickly, his penis grew with warmth spreading throughout my mouth. Billy's hand started to dance around on my head as I swirled his dick. They began to travel down my back and around my chest. That's when he found my nipples. Right when he touched them, I knew this wasn't going to be like last time. With this different warmth feeling spreading in my mouth and Billy fiddling around with my nipples, there was a most peculiar feeling of pleasure stretching through the nerves in my body. When Billy started to pinch my nipples, my own smaller penis jumped in excitement. My hand darted down and into my jeans to play with it, but I couldn't do much more than run it. When Billy's cock was to big too fit in my mouth, he removed one hand from my nipple, to my strange disappointment, and began to move my head up and down. After a minute, I was in my rhythm, and his hand returned to pinching my nipples. There were so many strange feeling and pleasures riding inside my body that I felt like I wasn't me; this was someone else doing all of these things. However, Billy's cock grew larger all of a sudden, and the jets of cum hitting my throat brought me back to my own senses. He pinched my nipples harder, and with the combination of the splattering cum, my own dick shot its load. I back off to take a breath and his cock quickly popped out, spraying what was left inside of him onto my face. When the last of it was out, I rolled over onto my back, in such utter confusion and pleasure. Billy quietly left the room and went into the bathroom. In my isolation, I reached up and wiped off some of the cum from my face slowly. With my eyes still closed, I put my hand back near my mouth and licked more of the cum off. It was sweet and a bit tangy, but it was different. A good different. Before I realized what was happening, or who was watching, I pulled my cum-covered-hand from my jeans and licked that off to. I finally opened my eyes and stared up at the ceiling light for a long time. "Seth?" "You should go." "Right." And he left. I stayed on the floor for a while longer before I finally ventured to the restroom. I jumped in the shower for a second to rinse off, then back into some cleaner clothes, and into bed. Personally, I wouldn't say I was excited or happy, but more confused and still reeling in from all of the different sensations and pleasures. Maybe it was good, I don't know. I couldn't admit to it right now, but I was almost looking forward to another dream. If nothing else, than to compare notes.

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My benggali neighbour

Halim meminta anaknya yang berusia enam tahun itu menjengok di luar rumah untuk melihat sama-ada sesiapa yang datang ke rumahnya. Bunyi deruan angin lori yang agak kuat di luar seolah ada orang datang ke rumahnya. Setahunya tidak ada pun dia menempah atau meminta sesiapa menghantar barang untuknya. Setelah dia sendiri menjengoknya, barulah dia tahu ada orang yang akan duduk atau sewa rumah kosong di sebelahnya.“Dah ada orang sewa rumah sebelah tu. Nampaknya benggali pula yang sewa rumah Che...

3 years ago
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Five Alarm Fire

When Lockhart stepped off the fire engine, I couldn’t help but stare. His shirt stuck to his chest with a mixture of sweat and water, showing every inch of definition of his bulging chest. His arms jut through the sleeves of his shirt like two powerful tree trucks through rock; the tattoos reaching from his neckline and shoulders, stretching across every free inch of skin covering his arms. The color of his eyes matched the ash that was smeared across his face and down his thick neck. Walking...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Dropping off lunch for my wife

I had been sitting around the house for hours and was so very bored. I had the day off, but I had nothing to do. My wife was supposed to get the day off, but she had to work last minute. I am not great at binge watching shows, so I was limited on what I had to fill my time. It was getting on lunch time so I figured that I would go get something to eat. I decided on a fast food joint and I went ahead and sat down and ate. I figured it would be nice to get my wife something and take it to her...

2 years ago
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Fine Italian Wine Chapter 02

“What! What have you done to yourself?” Stew bellowed. Stew had seen Sherri’s beautiful multi-colored tribal designs adorning her body. She was just coming out of the pool nude when Stew noticed. “What I do with my body is no concern of yours!” Sherri shot back. Stew looked shocked. He didn’t expect her response at all. His elevator gaze went from the patterns on her feet, up her legs, to the rings on her beautiful slick vagina, the scrolling lettering over her mons pubis, the floral pattern...

2 years ago
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A little tale from a while back that never got posted for various reasons. Grogg By Ellie Dauber (c) 2002 You see that young couple wrestling out on my front porch? The boy with the octopus hands is Greg Reiner. They call him "Grogg" out on the football field. He's an offensive lineman - emphasis on "offensive" - the best Cedar Brook High has had in years. He's only a junior, and already the college scouts are sniffing around him. That innocent, young girl he's molesting is my...

1 year ago
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Dave and Chris had seen this house before, every night for a week infact. They had been staking the place out, checking out when the owners would be out so that they can sneak in and burgle the place.And after all those checks tonight was the night. They stood in the back garden, looking up at the open window, their entrance, their chance to get at all the money that they knew was inside.For a second Chris thought he had seen someone moving inside but he dismissed the thought, he knew tonight...

1 year ago
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(A/N Hello everyone my name is lugen and this is my first story both on this site and generally. I hope to provide good people with an engaging story and some raunchy scenes. Now at first this will be my own story but if i get tired/run out of ideas' for it or just generally burn out i will open this story up to the public but until then i hope you all have a fun time) Jacob Miller was 18 and had been the offspring of two loving parents who were a full blooded witch and wizard. To his 'dismay'...

3 years ago
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Getting with my son and his boyfriend

I will be using (P) for my son and (A) for his boyfriend. well first I had to get rid of my ex so my son gave her a spa weekend pass I bought to get her out of the house! when I showed up my son (P) was in his shorts just out of the shower and his b/f (A) was in the shower we sat in the kitchen waiting for his b/f and I was impressed by the way my (P) body was turning out since he was going to the gym. : His (A) walked in and kissed him not seeing me sitting there and I pulled his towel...

2 years ago
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Slave Student0

On Friday, after a math exam, the last class of the day, she approached me after all the students had left. She was wearing a white tank top, and a pretty short miniskirt. “Mr. Smith I need to talk to you about my math exam.” She said. “Great” I thought sarcastically. I was tired and wanted to get home and rest. I had to grade these papers all weekend. After a few seconds I finally said “What is it?” “Well… I didn’t have time to study properly and I think I might get a bad...

3 years ago
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My first time with a stranger

I waited and waited for hours. Spent hours sitting on a bench and it was getting dark. Then a tall old man walked in. He was surprised to see me there. He looked like a bear, hairy tall, a bit of a belly and a moustache. He came towards me and stood infront of me. I pulled my earphones out. He: what are you doing here son? me: oh... i was just waiting for a friend we decided to meet up here he: boy this is not a place to hangout with friends... me: oh alright ill just leave when my friend...

2 years ago
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Dominating the Librarian

Mandy was working in the library, taking a cart of books around to re-shelve them. She felt good today, like she knew something good was going to happen. She woke feeling this way, and decided to wear something a bit more daring at work. Today, Mandy wore a nice thigh high skirt that was grey and black plaid, a pair of her favorite black lace panties, black open toed shoes, and a button up blouse that was low cut enough to show some cleavage. She had been alone for some time after a divorce...

3 years ago
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Wife and daughter forced to pay off husbands debts

Part 4I woke, I could feel hands running up my legs. I liked the sensation. It took me a moment to realise where I was. The masseuse continued, kneaded my bottom. I stretched my neck. It felt as if I was laying on two pillows. Two large pillows. My new tits. My big new, E- cup breasts.We walked to the refreshment lounge, wrapped in big white fluffy toweling robes. Mineral waters in hand, we found two armchairs in a corner. “These take some getting use to,” Cindy said, indicating her two twin...

2 years ago
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Naturist SchoolChapter 1 Naturist School

Monday, September 8th My jaw nearly hit the floor when Mr. Johnson, my health teacher at Rosemount High School, started the DVD. The screen was full of what appeared to be teenagers hanging out at a summer camp (swimming in the pool, riding horses, etc). Except, unlike any camp I'd ever seen, everyone was nude. Even the teachers and counselors were naked! "Since when could we watch porn in class?" Katie asked. As the class brain, it was expected that she'd be quicker than the rest of us,...

1 year ago
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Mom and her babydolls

100% fiction! I am ryan and 22 years old. My mom is 45 years old. Still she is a pretty lady not too fat and not slim. She got divorced 2 years before. My mom runs own business. I used to think of how frustrated she will be with her sexual life. But as she was busy with growing her business she never cared for it. One day over our dinner she told me that she is now very happy with her business and wanna take some leave to normal life. So we started planning stuff to do, even i needed a break....

1 year ago
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Wife coerced Threesome

My wife was reluctant at the idea, until one night at a local luxury hotel, I arranged a staycation, and got as nice suite. We spent the evening in the hotel lounge with live music. She wore her short denim shirt and black stay ups, as requested, and my favorite black silky top. I arranged a couple bulls from craigslist (the good ol days) and I asked them to hang in the lounge and wait til I pryed her with more wine, having them inspecting her from across the room. After about an hour , and...

1 year ago
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Incestuous Harems PassionChapter 2 Sisters Nurse Their Brother

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! December 17th, 2026 – Tad Blake I squirmed in the backseat of the unmarked cop car. Detective Salvage was driving, the young woman looking fierce with her mirrored sunglasses and pink lips. Her partner was much older, a shadow of whiskers about his face, his brown hair graying. He had the look of an experienced investigator. The type of man who didn’t fuck around. Why did they want to speak with me? Had my sister talked about what we did in...

1 year ago
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The DumontsChapter 3

I had a barbecue two days before Maria was to leave for home and the city of Bogotá. It was an exceptionally warm day as only a day in Texas can be. I had plans for an in-ground pool, but it hadn't been installed yet. We had to make due with squirting each other with water hoses. There was more female pulchritude around that day, than I could believe. Wendy at fifteen was going to take after her mother in beauty. Robin had been a beauty of the first order. Then there was Merry. She was...

1 year ago
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owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 23 Escape

[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place as the Rohirrim ride to Gondor. Éowyn has defied King Théoden’s orders twice: first by disguising herself as a man named Dernhelm in order to join the ride, and second by inviting Meriadoc to come with her. Only Marshal Elfhelm is aware of Dernhelm’s true identity. The leader of the Drúedain is guiding the Rohirrim along a shortcut to the Pelennor Fields, and the company is taking one final rest before they join the battle already...

1 year ago
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The Divorcees Offer To A 16 Year Old Teenage Boy

Introduction: 16 year old British lad Sam has a problem he needs accommodation and transport up North to start a summer job fast, but a kindly call and offer from a 45 year old Neighbour Joanna Willow who had recently moved out of the street Sam lived on and up North following the breakdown of her marriage could be the answer to all his prayers and dreams. The passion and buildup of lust driven by sexual tension becomes too much as the recent divorcee Joanna offers the 16 year old boy who she...

3 years ago
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Before Covid restrictions

As the news broke that London would be going into more stricter lock down measure Maureen had called me to tell me to come over as Alan was going out for the day as she wanted to see me before the restrictions started.Going through her front door we kiss and make our way upstairs. I held her in my arms, my cock just shot up in the air and stood like a true champion. I couldn't help but just pulled her towards me crushing her massive breasts in our embrace, I held her by her bare waist and...

1 year ago
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Story is an elaboration of illicit relation between my elder sister NANCY & GARRY . Hello ! I have a nice oral sex session with my elder sister NANCY.she is an air hostess & knows how to make her look attractive.I am moving with my both sisters and mom in a mom as well as younger sister have left us . we both are moving in a park that is in the outskirt of delhi.Buddha national park is infamous for hot couples.park is too large and have dense greenery also.we both moved inside the green...

2 years ago
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Flubberguts and MeChapter 11

The face I saw was about my age or a little older. Mel turned and saw me coming and said, "There's dad now. I'll see ya later!" Just for the time being I will ignore the dad bit, but I must admit I like her calling me that. I think I earned the title with her and more importantly, she believed I earned the title. However this went by the wayside due to the man standing in the doorway and I sighting each other. He was short for an adult male, probably five six or seven, due to poor...

1 year ago
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Leak Tube! Are you the kind of mother fucker that wants to see amazing amateur content featuring beautiful black women? Then you need to head on over to LeakTube! This is where you are bound to find a video that is going to make you cum your goddamn brains out before you know it! Keeping you coming back time and again as you see even more beauties that you wish you could eat out in person.Fly over there and see what happens, bitch! Maybe they will go for you, but I doubt it. These women look...

Black Porn Sites
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Leather Biker Initiation

My head hit the wall and the wind was knocked out of me, He had his hand tight round my throat and I was struggling to breathe. He savagely thrust his tongue deep into my mouth and crushed my balls with his free hand. My head was spinning as he sucked the breath from me. Then he removed his tongue and bit my lip sharply and I felt blood trickle down my chin. He licked it with his tongue and pressed his lips on it to taste more then he stepped back saying 'Be careful what you wish for'. Then he...

2 years ago
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Eager Wild WifeChapter 5

Tiffany parked her car. She was ashamed. The day before seemed like a nightmare. After leaving the shoe store, she had met a man whose wife was busy buying clothes. Tiffany had left with him, spending the rest of the afternoon in a motel room, fucking with the horny man. She slipped out of the car, her dress riding high up her thighs. A man smiled. She ignored him. Today she was giving Ryan a choice: either spend a little more time with her, or she would split. Things had to change. She...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 5 the Vaults TreasureChapter 1 DwarfQueens Reward

Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Acolyte Sophia – The Lost Mines of Khragorath, Fallen Kingdom of Modan We were closer to our goal. We had defeated the wraith of the dwarf-queen Kazodi and claimed the adamantium ore we needed to reforge the High King’s sword. The ore was safely stored in Angela’s satchel with the first piece of the blade. We had four more pieces to find, plus three more prophesied companions, and we had to kill the minotaur and use its heart to power the reforging. The...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Female Friend Nice And Hard

Hello friends, This is my 2nd story to Indian sex stories. You can read the 1st one here along with my details. Now coming to story, this is absolute real and happened between me and my female friend. She is 5ft 5 inch, with good amount of fat at boobs and bumps and flat tummy. She is fair, with black medium long hair and black sparkling eyes. She works for s/w MNC and stays alone in PG.I know her before my marriage and we were quite close and use to go to movies and trips together with our...

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