Story Of The Desperate Housewife Vasundhara
- 4 years ago
- 33
- 0
Day Thirty-three - Friday - Day Two of a new life
Oh man, that feels good, so very, very, good. My dream had me lying on my back being ridden by a beautiful, sexy, woman. Her pussy was so tight, and it felt so good. I was going to come but didn't want to yet, as it was feeling too good for it to stop. I didn't want to come.
Trying so hard not to come woke me. I opened my eyes to see my new wife firmly sheathed on me, riding up and down with her head and hair hanging over me, her eyes squeezed shut and her mouth open in a silent orgasmic scream. That was more than I could take. My juices shot up into her, making her eyes pop open to see me watching her.
She smiled that beautiful Sue smile, and leaned down to kiss me long and passionately. When she had lay down, resting her head on my chest, she said, "You know, yesterday was the first day that we haven't made love since we've met, and to think it was our first day of marriage."
"You just made up for it love. That was intense. I was dreaming of you riding me and thought I was going to have a wet dream. I woke to find you coming and that set me off with you."
Sue was kissing my chest, "We did a good job yesterday. Hope we can repeat that type of effort again. How many couples can start off the first day of a marriage with a twenty thousand-dollar bonus? How many couples can start a marriage debt free? I have a decent chunk in the bank, and you have been depositing some nice checks. Your pocket money should be just about gone by now, because I know you took out a bunch for the house and the wedding. We are fixed."
I glanced at the clock and saw it was approaching six and suggested, "let's get a shower and make coffee. We both have some catching up to do on paper work."
We got out of bed, brushed our teeth and mouths, along with some serious playing in the shower, ending with Sue lying on the floor of the shower as I pounded into her, delivering the second load of this new morning.
Sue wore a sexy, near see-through robe while I wore the traditional shorts and T-shirt to make coffee and greet the new day and our friends. Sue whipped up a batch of biscuits so I put out the butter and honey.
Out on the patio, I turned on the light to see the smiling faces of Tiny and Ruth. She had on one of her transparent robes that let you see her full size nipples. The bush was bare, as she was scooted down in her chair with her feet on the edge, with her legs open and the robe on her lap, imitating Shawna.
I looked at Tiny, "I think you're being offered breakfast."
"I've already had breakfast. If you look closely some of the gravy is drooling out of the place where I ate. I left a tip," Tiny bragged.
Shawna and Hanna came from Shawna's place. They looked tired. When Sue came out of the house with a big platter of biscuits, Hanna said, "We need food, sustenance, and energy."
Shawna yawned and said, "When we got back from the hot tub last night, Jim and Hanna stopped by for a drink. We continued playing almost all night long. The guys flaked out about two but..."
Hanna picked up from Shawna, "But the two us of kept snacking and playing till probably four."
"What's worse," Shawna was telling us "is I'm still horny. Damn, if you could just line 'em up, I would take 'em on."
"You're just a slut, Shawna," Hanna smiled.
"No worse than you, you nasty cunted little bitch," replied Shawna.
"My, my, you two are little potty mouths this morning," Glenda said with a smile. "It looks like we did in our three guys last night. Mine is still sawing logs in there."
Charlie and Jim finally straggled over to join us for coffee, and then Martin came out and shuffled over with his mug to sit with Glenda.
Charlie said, "You need to come by and pick up your shovel, it's done. You have a bill with Jan; the rest is our wedding present. Shawna's pretty proud of this one. Nobody's ever gonna believe a chick designed, built, and painted this one. You're gonna shit when you see it."
Shawna was smiling, with obvious pride of the finished product we had yet to see. Sue and I said we would come by this afternoon to bring it home.
I asked Martin if he could get someone to put up an awning over the little patio on the little trailer, and to have one of those small aluminum sheds put at the end of the patio like the one I had. I was telling Martin I wanted to build a bigger shed, with more workspace, and to put a carport on the other side of our house for Sue's car. Martin said he would get some prices for me.
Sue asked Glenda if she could help her decorate our new place. She had some ideas, but she needed Glenda and Ruth to help her with curtains, where they were needed, and some possible furniture, too.
When breakfast broke up, Sue, Glenda, and Ruth went into the house to make a list of what they wanted to do. I told Sue I was going to Wal-Mart for a desk and chair.
It took me a quick look to see that I wasn't going to get what I needed at Wal-Mart so I went next door to Staples and found just the desk for me, along with a comfortable looking chair. I bought a couple of two-line phones for the house and headed home.
The two guys that had helped me previously were able to manhandle the new desk through the office's outside entrance and put it in place. I gave them each a twenty with a promise of a possible job opportunity soon.
I called the telephone company and ordered Sue's telephone line relocated to be a second line in our new place. That had slipped both of our minds before. I asked if they had any kind of fast Internet service and they offered DSL, but that was not an always on technology.
My next shot was the cable company, who had something called Roadrunner, that was supposed to be a very fast Internet service and always on. It wasn't bad for the price, and Sue and I could use the Internet at the same time, making it actually cheaper than dialup accounts.
I setup my desk, turned on my PC, and entered our activity. While I was working, I had a tingle of a thought, how about S&S Welding, S&S Manufacturing, or S&S Engineering, for our company name. You know, Sue and Steve, or Steve and Sue. The S&S would be a rip off of the S&S motorcycle parts people but then it would be just us, locally. I would talk to Sue about it.
I looked for and found the notes from Gene about the people to call for work. The man was happy that I called and said he wanted to order four frames from us, with two to be delivered ASAP, and two within two weeks at the latest. I told him I would have to have his blueprints and order materials.
"Go ahead and order your materials to be fast freight, or overnight if you can, because I need them really bad," he said, sounding stressed.
I asked him if he had e-mail and replied that he did, so I asked him to send me a Purchase Order for the price he had been paying.
"You mean I can't get the same deal as Gene. Gene said he was getting the frames done to spec for five grand. Can't I get them for that," he pleaded.
"I'm sorry, I assumed you were getting them for that or less already. Sure, we'll do it for that. Where should we deliver them," I asked.
There was a pause, "Tell you what, as soon as you're getting close to being done, call me and I'll send a truck to pick them up. We're in Lakeland and this will save you the delivery time."
"Sounds good, now how are you going to get me your blueprints?" I asked again.
"Don't you have Gene's NASCAR specifications and prints? Or does he only lend them to you while you're working on them," he asked.
"Are they the same, yours and his?"
"Everyone in NASCAR uses the exact same frame for each model car built with the exact same materials. That's the rule, even the gauge of the sheet metal is specified," he paused a second "when do you think you'll have my first two?"
"How about tomorrow afternoon, after three."
"You sure you can do both by then? You going to work all night for me?"
"Whatever it takes, just bring money."
"No problem I'll have a check for you. I'd appreciate a receipt if you would. Give me your shop's address and we will be there."
He took down the address then added, "Thanks for taking me on as a customer. Most outfits like yours don't want to work with many teams. If it gets out you're willing to produce quality work for any of us, you'll be doing emergency work all the time."
When he hung up, I took my notes for quantity of tubing for one car then multiplied it by ten. As an added thought, I checked the print for the sheet metal. It had a material list so I wrote down the materials for two units thinking that I was going to try something. I called the steel company prepared to argue about shipping. When I told them the quantities and the timing, they thought I was crazy. I need two groups of materials instantly, and two more overnight. The last six could be three day freight, but I wanted it at the shop as fast as possible.
Guessing that I might be able to ask a favor of Gene, I called him and asked him if I could borrow two sets of tubing, as his friend was as desperate as he had been. I told him that I had ordered replacements and would have them available no later than late Monday. He said to come get the materials. He would have his guy separate it, thanking me again for getting him taken care of so fast.
I told Sue what the deal was and asked her if she wanted to do it tonight or do it in the morning. She said for me to get the steel and we would work at the shop in the morning and get them done. She said we could get a real early start and see if we could do two before lunch. She told me to take her list of needed supplies and to make sure we had the grinding equipment.
Gene was happy to see me and immediately had his men load the pickup. He showed me the two cars that were ready to be loaded onto the big trailers, saying they were going to be able to test them as soon as they got to the track.
As an afterthought, I asked Gene if he had a print for the sheet metal that I could have, as I thought I might experiment. He asked what model I wanted, Chevy, Ford, or Dodge. I said I wanted to try a Chevy first as he could evaluate that better than the others. He handed me two prints, along with another frame print, telling me to just keep them coming.
Back at the shop I unloaded the materials, and while Abe was listening, I called the supply house to see if he wanted another big unit at the new price Abe had given me. He said to bring it down and he would have a customer on site to probably just haul it away. Abe put on his Onan shirt and we hauled the rebuilt unit to the supply house.
While Abe was demonstrating how new the unit was, I was at the counter buying the supplies I needed. The counter man took my sales tax number, so I didn't have to pay tax this time, then pulled the supplies from stock. It took two hand truck loads to get everything out to the truck.
Abe and the supply house customer were shaking hands when I came out, so I figured we had a sale. Abe was grinning real big when the owner came out with the check. It was for eighteen thousand, not the fifteen Abe had said.
When we got into the truck, Abe said to pay him his usual commission, plus the extra three grand, and that the difference was for an additional year's warranty. He said unless the guy ran the thing twenty-four hours a day for the next two years, that was the easiest three grand he ever made. I laughed. Abe never ceased to amaze me. He said the supply house guy was ready for the next one as soon as Abe was done with it. Abe said it should be ready by next Friday, depending on how many side jobs he was getting.
I unloaded my supplies and setup the shop so Sue and I could start as soon as we got there in the morning. I was very glad that I had saved the extra arc welders as they now cut the welding time to almost half.
The bank was next, then home to pick up Sue and get the bike from Jan and Dell's.
When we drove up to the shop, Jan had her new dirt drag bike out front. It looked good, ready to race. I had seen pictures of Jan in her racing leathers, and could imagine the ruckus she caused strutting among a bunch of horny bikers. I bet that was a sight.
I walked through the store, saying hi to Jan, while Dell was talking to a customer, trying to sell a bike. In the back, Charlie was working on one bike on a raised stand, while Shawna was at the bench working on a transmission. When they saw us, they both stopped and gave us greasy hugs, genuinely happy to see us.
Shawna said, "Go up front and pay Jan so you don't forget. She'll be happy to have that bill paid."
When I went back up to the counter, Jan had three pieces of paper clipped together with an adding machine tape. She smiled at me, "I think Shawna included every type of doo-dad she could find in the store, or get from a catalog, for you. That sled is a show winner; I wish we had it for sale out front.
The bill was big, very big. It was almost three times what I paid for the bike, and that was with the very big twenty percent discount Jan had listed. I gave Jan my personal credit card and she happily processed it, thanking me for my business.
Back in the shop, while folding up the sheets of paper listing the new parts, I saw a covered up bike by the door with the Charlie, Shawna, and Sue standing around it.
CHAPTER 4 I usually spent around thirty minutes getting ready in the morning between washing, shaving, brushing my teeth, and dressing. I planned on a few minutes extra this morning because of Jennie. We were dressed, bed made, and out the door right on time. I knew from experience that Dr. Whitney’s office was exactly sixteen miles away. Normally, that would take me about twenty minutes to drive. Unfortunately, at this hour there was always the chance of running behind a school... became pregnant my first night at Arun market. By the time most of you get to read this story I would have given birth. Already I have a name for the c***d, be it a boy or girl—I pray for a boy though—I will call him (or her) Arun, after the market. It's only fitting that he (she) answers the name of the place where he (she) was conceived. Unfortunately I won't be able to mother him (her) when that happens, but from seeing how...
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Welcome to another sensual imagery to make your dicks hard and pussies wet. Not every day you will get to see really cute Pakistani babes homemade nude pics especially taken when they are in a horny mood and just before getting fucked. In today’s hot ISS gallery, enjoy these instant cum-drooling images of a big boobs Pakistani girl who is getting undressed and then getting captured by her college boyfriend. /** * Image Gallery * *...
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Aaj aap ko meri aur bhabhi ki khani likh raha hu, mera nama Jagdish hai main 27 saal ka hu aur 5feet 5inch hu aur Deihi main yehta hu. Yeah undino ki baat hai jab main 25 saal ka tha aur main apni sister ki saadhi main apney ghar gaya tha. Saadhi main sab relative aya huey they. Merey mama ney mujey bhabhi say intruduce karya ki yeah Dhani bhaiya (papa key dost ka beta) ki wife hai. Bhabhi ka naam Rajshri aur who 29 saal ki sawli raang ki thi per sexy figure thi, bhabhi ki height 5feet 4inch...
Chloe sighed and ran her hands down the front of the new uniform that felt stiff and starched against her skin. Looking in the mirror, she gave herself a quick appraisal: shiny dark locks curled down to her breasts framing her pretty face, her large dark brown eyes and plump lips smiling at what she saw. Black satin ballerina pumps, bright white short socks which reminded her of being in school and stood out against her long, toned caramel legs, up to the almost indecently short skirt of a grey...
Paul was surprised when the woman who had contacted him, regarding rental of his warehouse space, turned out to be a pretty 19 year old blonde girl. He was even more surprised to find out she had the requisite funds, a substantial amount for such a young lady, to facilitate such a deal. But sure enough, the teenager had the cash, the transaction went ahead and the warehouse was the property of the young blonde for the next 24 hours. Whilst the deal was in the process of negotiation, men across...
Oh yes oh yes oooh.... i moan as i pump 2 fingers in my bald wet cunt as i fantasize about a ridged cock filling my wet snatch. I pick up the pace and feverishly finger fuck my self faster and faster to an explosive body shaking, convulsing orgasm oh and im a huge gusher/squirter laying in my bed its about 8 am on a Saturday im naked, shiny with sweat and my own cum. Just a little bit about me My name is shelby im an 18 year old highschool graduate 5'4 130lbs fairly curvy with 34 dd tits. They...
"I've been waiting for this a long time Angel. I've been following you career for several years. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen .""Thank you Mrs. Whitman, that is very kind of you."Angel stood still as she felt the woman's hands lightly touching the diamonds on the front of the panties. Her fingers spread across the front and were gently massaging just above Angel's pussy."Omigod," Angel thought, "this is going to be good."Angel put her hands on the woman's shoulders as she...
Mr. Bill Murchison offered to have his driver take us to the bank, then he looked at me and smiled when I asked if I could just drive his limousine there and back, since we had a couple more stops to make. “I hope you brought plenty of condoms. This is the first chance I’ve had to be alone with you, since we were dressing for the senior party.” “I brought six. If that’s not enough, tell me now, and I’ll stop at a service station and get more.” The man at the bank asked if there was a way...
Sonny gave Sandy a call at 10:00 the next morning. they spoke on the phone for about five minutes, flirting some, and then she agreed that she'd let him take her to dinner the next night after he had finished up with work. Rather than have him drive all the way over to West Covina, Sandy suggested that the two of them meet in Brea at the Red Lobster by the mall. They settled on meeting at 7:00 and then they hung up. Sonny was really excited at getting to spend an evening with her. He was...
Lasirena69 is a sexy little maid for Prince. They have been playing this game where she teases him while she cleans the house. He’s ready to pounce at any minute. When they both finally give in and about to get it on…Rico unexpectedly shows up. Prince tries to get rid of him…but Lasirena69 has something else in mind. She wants to fuck 2 guys for the very first time! She starts by having them sit back on the couch as she goes back and forth sucking dick. Then they take over and...
xmoviesforyouHello girls and guys. It’s Shivang here with the second part of my story. It has been a long gap and my apologies for that. I am Shivang, 23 from Mumbai 6’1 in height with around 6.5″ of flesh hanging between my testicles. I will continue this story right from where I left the previous one. I was exhausted due to the sex with Smita ma’am, so I wore my clothes and went to sleep. After sometime I felt a hand on my penis, I thought Smita is back and so I woke up happy that she was there and again...
IncestI was raised an only child by very strict Protestant parents. As a girl born int the 1950's, it was expected you would grow up living at home until you were married and then have your family. Sex before marriage was not permitted and that was drilled into my head, daily. From the time I could talk, I wanted to be a nurse, and when my dad had his first heart attack when I was five, he was admitted into a Catholic church run hospital. In those days, children were not allowed to visit, but...
Love StoriesIt was my senior year of college. I was excited about FINALLY getting done with school and getting on with my life. Nothing could go wrong. Until this. Then everything was RIGHT. First off let me tell you a little about myself. I am a masculine straight black guy. About 6 ft. And, lets say pretty chubby. Kinda shy as well. One day I get a letter from the school saying I owe money. I'm in shock. How could this be? I get...
Heidi slipped into a tight red dress. It was one of the few dresses she owned, since she hardly ever had a place to wear them. She had gotten it for a friend’s wedding, it was a splurge and she was glad she was having another chance to wear it. ‘Mommy?’ Fitzroy walked into the room as she was struggling to zip up the back. ‘Where are you going?’ ‘I’m going out to dinner, baby,’ she told him, picking him up and setting him down on her bed, ‘What do you think?’ ‘Mommy looks pretty,’ he told...
Hot black Jenna Foxx strips and shows off in the scorching tease session preceding a slobbering interracial suck session. The dirty-talking doll kneels for Jason Moody and Jay Smooth, lapping balls through a sloppy double blowjob. Jenna drools as the guys take turns fucking her face, and spit seeps over her luscious breasts. The dudes pour sperm-like lube into Jenna’s mouth and then ream her throat as the liquid oozes from her lips. The intense oral threesome includes a kinky foot job and...
xmoviesforyouThey’d lay together for some time. Ayanna held her friend, offering what comfort she could, and they were both lost in their own thoughts. “What if...” Ayanna began. “Can your owner be changed? Is it possible?” “I don’t know,” said Alaina despondently. “What does it matter?” “Maybe this is a bit of a stretch, but think about this for a minute. I have two ideas. First, about the no-kids part. You know that Classes can change, right? Like how your mom was a [Biologist], but now she’s an...
This story was custom written to Circe's specifications as a prize for my fourth story contest. Ring on the Changes By Morpheus The Dragon's Trove was located in an old, red brick building, with a large window in the front that had a carefully painted picture of a dragon wrapped around a large pile of books on it. Within the used bookstore, only half of it was filled with the books that the sign represented and more than half of these were of the science fiction or fantasy genre,...
I was driving my red F-150. Gertie in the middle, Harold, shotgun. We were braving suburban Raytown without Columbo, naked without Harold’s bodyguard. Gertie wasn’t complaining about the less-than-comfortable middle seat. She was strapped in and going over today’s lesson with Harold. Again. “This isn’t a whore building, Harold. You’re playing it straight today.” “I know, Gertrude. Market diversification.” Harold, seat belt diagonally across his dark blue blazer, white shirt, Trumpian red...
My name is Steve. I'm 31 and have a 8 1/2 inch cock. I'm pretty much a player since I graduated college. I was engaged to be married during my forth year but at my bachelor party I got a blow job from one of the strippers. My fiancee got news about it and that was that. As I look back on that night the stripper actually got me off in more ways than one. I've been a confirmed bachelor ever since. I have dated various girls since but I find myself going to strip club occasionally. The thought of...
Anjelica Di Angelo The second thing that happened in the spring of 1936, also started at the dairy. I was reconciling the April accounts ready for the following Monday’s board meeting. We had kept the dairy going as a separate concern from both the farm and the crop dusting businesses, so it could be sold off easier if we needed to. Anything over a dollar plus the clean-up costs were pure profit. But the dairy was going so well, especially with the new Milk Bar, that we kept it going, with...
Her grandmother raised her arms to the sky and said, “Ayibobo!” I flashed back to when Jacienthe had cast her charm, and said the same thing. I still didn’t know what it meant, but it obviously had significance. Whatever it was, I surely had her family’s blessing, and while we never rubbed their noses in it, they were quite aware of our physical relationship and gave it their tacit approval. I was able to sublet my apartment and moved in with Jasmine, saving quite a bit of money due to...