A Date Gone Wrong, Chapter 2 free porn video

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They arrived at his house and he pulled into the driveway, clicking the remote to open the garage door.

Maria looked at the house and the well-cared-for lawn and trimmed hedges. She was duly impressed. "This is a very nice looking place!"

"Thank you. Let me show you the inside." 

Brett helped her out of the car and led her into the house and into the living room. "I'll be back in just a moment, won't you sit down?" 

Maria sat down on the sofa looking around at the decor and furnishings while Brett walked over to the security system and pressed a button. "Can't be too careful, even in this neighborhood!" He smiled reassuringly at her. Then he went off to the kitchen, returning a couple of moments later with two drinks.

"I remembered that you were drinking screwdrivers that night at the bar–I hope that's all right."

"Um... yeah that's fine, thank you." Maria took the drink from him as he sat down next to her. Wow! he makes them STRONG! she thought to herself as she took a sip. But she wanted to be polite so she went ahead and drank more of it. Soon she had gotten used to his mixing and it wasn't so bad. 

After she finished her first drink, Brett was right there with another equally strong one. At first, she was a bit uncertain about this second drink, but the alcohol had already begun working on her inhibitions, and she accepted it and began drinking. By the time she had gotten halfway through this second drink, Maria was happily buzzed and Brett could approach her with impunity.

He sat next to her on the sofa, closer than before. She couldn't tell if she was imagining it through her alcohol-induced haze or not, but she felt a change in his personality. He no longer asked her, but rather told her what to do, where to sit, what to drink. He was considerably more forward toward her, and more physical. In his eyes, she detected a sexy self-confidence. Not to the point of cockiness, but he had an air of command. Little by little, Maria realized she liked it. 

Intrigued, she watched him as he became more... assertive. His hand moved to rest on her thigh as they talked, his conversation and confidence keeping her at ease. As the alcohol continued to work on her inhibitions, his hands became bolder, moving slowly up her leg, resting on increasingly more intimate places. 

Maria became more uneasy with these new advances, but there was something else... she also felt an odd attraction, a sexual excitement. He leaned forward unexpectedly and kissed her surprising her. This was not an ordinary passionate kiss, this one was somehow different, more possessive. He wasn't kissing her, he was claiming her. 

She raised her hand to push him back a bit and regain some control of her situation, but he was a step ahead of her. Gently, he grabbed hold of her wrists, guiding them back, until they were behind her. 

Then she heard a curious "click, click" sound and felt something cold on her wrists. Puzzled and still groggy from drinking, it didn't occur to her that she was now handcuffed. She tried to raise her hands, but they were securely held behind her.

He continued to kiss her as if he was completely entitled to whatever he wanted. Maria's helpless state began to seep into her consciousness as she found her movements restricted and his insistent kissing and handling getting more sexual. To her surprise, her new vulnerability also excited her.

He held her with one arm wrapped around her waist and holding onto the handcuff chain while his free hand now moved, unhindered, to her breasts. he began caressing her through her dress roughly so she could feel it through the dress and bra.

She couldn't speak with him kissing her, although something akin to moaned pleas was coming from her. He didn't know if they were pleas to stop or to continue so he ignored them. 

Maria's helplessness slowly turned to arousal. She had always been in control of herself and what she did. But that was slipping away with his kisses and his touch. Her fear grew with each moment he continued, and so did her arousal. She could feel her body... changing and betraying her. 

He slowly unzipped the back of her dress and slipped the top down over her shoulders, exposing her lacy bra. Her muffled cries fueled the fire within him. It was time to increase the intensity.

He ended his kiss, freeing her mouth. 

"Oh my God Brett!" she gasped.

He opened a drawer on the end table next to him as he said "I can see you are a screamer. We can't have the neighbors coming over wondering what is going on!  We'll have to do something about that!"

Brett pulled out what appeared to be a red rubber ball with a strap through the center of it. "This ball gag should do to keep your excitement contained a bit more!"

He brought it up to her lips. "Open up dear." She opened her mouth obediently and he pushed the ball gag deep into her mouth, quickly buckling it behind her head. When he finished, the best she could do was mumble. 

Brett slipped his hand into one of the cups in her bra and dug down until he found her nipple. He toyed the hidden nub. She sat there watching him through lust-fogged eyes as he reached down to the clasp of her front-hook bra and unfastened it letting the bra fall open and her tits get their first taste of freedom. He peeled the bra back off her shoulders and down her upper arms behind her to join the straps of her dress.

Brett took her tits in his hands hefting them and feeling the weight of her ample tits. "Mmm, very nice" 

He fondled her breasts, squeezing them and rubbing his thumbs over her hardening nipples, enjoying her struggle and muffled protests. Her every move made her large firm breasts jiggle and bounce, adding to his pleasure. Brett's "dominant side" was in control now. The beast that he had kept locked up for so long had broken free of its chains. 

Complete dominance energized and spurred him on. The lust for power and her resistance were his fuel. Her face became flushed from her efforts, and little beads of sweat began forming on her forehead as she struggled against his actions–and her own reactions!

Brett's free hand now moved slowly up her thigh towards the "V" of her legs. Maria sucked in a breath as his fingers moved past the lacy tops of her stockings to feel the bare flesh of her inner thighs. She squirmed at his touch and instinctively tried to close her legs but a sharp slap to that bare skin caused her to squeal behind her gag.

"Now be a good girl and keep those legs open, won't you? I don't want to have to smack you again!"

His fingers moved up under her dress to her panties. He could feel the heat of her core through the skimpy fabric and he began to stroke her most sensitive spot. He traced the outline of her pussy lips and drew small circles around them occasionally brushing softly over them as he teased her.

Gradually, his teasing began to have an effect on her. The scent of her arousal became evident, and he smiled into her softening face as he stroked her. Her nipples had become aroused and stood at attention, so he took them into his mouth, one at a time, and suckled on them. 

His actions, though she had tried to fight them initially, aroused and excited her. Everything he did brought her pleasure, though she would not admit it. 

Brett continued to toy with her pussy and enjoy her breasts, her neck, and her shoulders. He nibbled, stroked, and licked, however, he wanted as her will to resist waned. Her body and her own lusts began to have more and more control over her. 

Slowly and subtly at first, her hips began to rotate and grind against the hand teasing her. The sounds she made behind the gag began to soften into whimpers and moans of pleasure. As she began to acquiesce and surrender to her baser urges, he increased the intensity once again.

Smiling, he pulled her to her feet and turned her around so her back was to him, and began fussing with the handcuffs binding her wrists. She thought he was going to let her wrists go free, but before removing them, he fastened a second pair of handcuffs above the dress and bra straps at her wrists. 

Then, he removed the first set of cuffs, bra and dress straps off, leaving her still cuffed. He turned her back around to face him and, with one smooth tug, pulled her dress right down to her ankles. She stood, hobbled by her dress and wearing only her skimpy black panties now. She shrieked through the ball gag in surprise, which only served to make him smile smugly. 

"Very nice! I knew you were attractive but I'm glad to see you are more than just a pretty face!"

"Mmph! Mmmmph!" 

Maria moaned her need, or rather tried to. However, the ball gag wedged in her mouth prevented her from being understood. 

"You and I are going to have a lot of fun, Maria, my dear. I am going to enjoy playing with this hot, sexy body! And I think you will enjoy the things I do to you as well." 

Maria stood there in his living room, wearing only her panties, gagged and bound, humiliated, and most importantly, sexually aroused. 

He slipped his arm behind her back and began licking and sucking one nipple. She moaned at the pleasure, and she had to admit that he was good at it. Meanwhile, his other hand slid under the waistband of her panties and found her slit, his fingers entering briefly just far enough to wet the tips, then moving up to find her nub of pleasure. 

Starting slowly, he made small circles around her stiff, swollen clit, causing her to tense up and moan aloud. Then, as she thrust her hips forward, he gradually quickened his pace. 

He sucked harder on her tit, drawing the whole areola into his mouth. Holding it there by the suction he created, he used his tongue to circle and tickle her hard nipple. His hand, meanwhile,  stayed busy in her panties. flicking her clit and making her shudder each time he did.

"Mmmmph..." her protests had ceased, replaced now with moans of lust and desire. Her body had betrayed her and now was hungry for satisfaction rather than vengeance. After about a minute of his sucking and teasing, her hips began thrusting forward in sync with his circles. Her passions rising up within her, and her moaning getting louder and more urgent. Then, it happened. 

Maria's body gave a great shudder then tensed up rigidly and she groaned loudly through the gag. As he played in her pussy, he felt a sudden rush of warmth and her panties and thighs became instantly saturated. Little rivers of pussy juice ran down the insides of her legs, soaking into her stockings and spreading as more fluid followed. The scent of aroused female filled his nostrils and then the room. Maria had cum, and cum hard.

Suddenly Maria seemed to go limp and Brett had to hold her up or she would have collapsed completely. He eased her gently down onto the sofa behind her and pulled her saturated panties off, tossing them aside. Still trying to recover from her tremendous orgasm, she gave him no resistance as he spread her legs wide apart and knelt between them. 

Wrapping his arms around her soaked stockinged thighs, he pulled her to him until her hips rested on the edge of the cushion, then he pushed his face into her soaked cunt. His tongue licked from the back of her pussy all the way to her clit, sending an electric shockwave through her body. Her legs instinctively clamped down on his head in defense as she groaned through the gag, but he was already in position and blocked her attempts to shield herself. He began licking, sucking, nibbling on her clit. 

Maria's body writhed and squirmed as her senses overloaded. She came once, twice, three times, but Brett still wouldn't stop. Her hips bucked, but his arms were wrapped around them, holding on for dear life. She moaned and screamed and whimpered through her gag, trying to plead for him to stop and let her rest, but that wasn't his plan. He tried to count her orgasms at first, but after a while, there were just too many and they seemed to run together at one point into one long continuous orgasm, so he just gave up and enjoyed himself.

Finally, Maria passed out, partially from the sensory overload and partially from imbibing too much alcohol. Brett was concerned at first and removed her gag, but she was still breathing so he sat back and watched over her until she revived.

He looked at his conquest, enjoying the view of her laying there before him, naked and helpless, her thighs wet from her own juices, skin flushed and red, and her rosy nipples rock hard from arousal. Her open pussy, wet and available, called to him, and his cock nagged at him to complete the deed. But he wasn't ready for that step just yet. There was more to do first... 

After a few minutes, Maria began to stir, and she slowly returned to consciousness. Resuming his position between her sprawled legs, Brett waited for her to remember where she was and what was going on. When he saw realization in her eyes, he said "There now, have a nice little nap, did we? You didn't ask permission to take a break. I'm going to have to punish you for that." then he resumed the assault on her clit. 

"No! Please wait!" she cried as he buried his head in her lap. But he ignored her pleas and fastened his mouth over her tortured cunt, his tongue diving back into the slit and then up to toy with her clit once again. Almost immediately she began cumming, her outraged, indignant screams, unhindered by the ball gag now, quickly giving way to lustful whimperings and begging.

Brett made her cum several more times before he relented and stopped his blitzkrieg of her tortured clit. Maria lay there slouched down on the sofa, panting, her body shiny with sweat and dripping her juices into the puddle she had made on the hardwood floor under her. She moaned, her head swaying side to side, as she tried to make sense of her lust-addled mind.

He rose to his feet, standing in front of her for a moment before he pulled her up to him. He noted with satisfaction that she no longer seemed angry, though she was dazed. 

"There now, are you going to be a good girl and behave, Maria?" 

She nodded pleadingly. He gripped her upper arm and led her down the hall. She followed stumbling once or twice, but he was right there to steady her until they got to his bedroom. He shut and locked the door and then led her over to stand next to the bed. Then, he went to the dresser and retrieved a collar and leather cuffs. 

He placed the collar around her neck and then removed her handcuffs, replacing them with the wrist cuffs, this time locking them together in front of her. He placed the ankle cuffs on and then took her to a large armchair he had in the bedroom. She gave no resistance to anything he did. 

Bringing her around behind the chair he bent her forward over the back and attached her wrist cuffs to the top of the front legs. Then, he attached her ankles to the rear legs near the floor. With her secured to the chair in a bent-over fashion, he had a perfect view and access to her ass and pussy.

"Now because you were such a bad girl and gave me so much trouble tonight, you are going to get punished."

Maria was astonished when suddenly SMACK! Her bare upturned ass met with a heavy wooden paddle! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!  

As her ass turned from pale to pink to angry red, and the sting of the paddle jolted her body, Maria felt herself getting aroused again.

She yelped at first, but the yelps turned to groans as her pussy began preparing for the fucking she expected to follow. Yes, she expected it! And more surprising to her, she wanted it! She wanted his cock filling her, thrusting into her. She wanted him to claim her, and make her his. 

He paused for a moment, his hand caressing her ass. The skin was glowing red and hot to the touch and she moaned as she felt his hand. She could smell her own sex scent again, as she lay over the chair. 

"Do you understand now how important it is to obey me, Maria?" 

She nodded her head, as much as possible, enthusiastically agreeing. His finger found her sensitized clit again, and he fingered her through two more orgasms before resuming. 

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Maria's arousal was at a fever pitch now. She raised her hot, pink ass to be spanked the way she had always secretly craved. And Brett didn't disappoint her. Then, the ultimate surprise for them both... she came... from the spanking!

With a great groan, her pussy opened up and she poured her juices out in a hard spray onto the floor. There was no doubt about it, it excited the hell out of her to be treated this way. Now, all she wanted was for him to fill her pussy, to fuck the hell out of her.

He moved around the chair and unclipped the chain, standing her up. She looked at him completely different now. He was no longer a possible romantic date partner - he was her owner! And Brett was no longer the "nice" guy - Mr. polite and gentlemanly. He exuded authority, confidence, and power. She had never looked at him like this. It took her breath away.

He unclipped her ankle cuffs and wrist cuffs, allowing her to stand more comfortably. When she found her footing and could stand on her own he handed her clothes to her. 

"Get dressed now and I'll take you home."

Maria was totally stunned, not to mention horny as hell. "Aren't you going to fuck me?" 

"Not tonight. There will be time for that. Tonight was about establishing our roles in this relationship. I am Master and you are my submissive. If you are a good girl on our next date, I might fuck you. But we will have to see..."

She WOULD be a good girl for him, she decided. She could hardly wait for their next date so she could tell him how good she had been! Maybe he would fuck her next time... next time!


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Femdomme Marriage Gone Wrong and AftermathChapter 21

So I got out of bed, picked her up and carried her into the bathroom, sat her on the toilet while I got the water going at the right temperature before picking her up again and putting her down on the seat in the shower. I started to wash her gently and it took me just a few seconds before I realized that my dick was in Red's mouth and she was giving me the promised BJ. That girl is full of surprises. I really thought that the offer was just for show and not really to be taken...

1 year ago
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Date Night with Mom

(Credit to the beautiful Ava Addams for the cover photo.) I am hanging around the apartment by myself one night when the phone rings. I glance up from the textbook I was reading and over at the phone with some annoyance. It was the landline which meant it was almost certainly for my roommate Craig. It was probably his work calling. Besides telemarketers they were the only ones to really use that number. Despite needing the shifts Craig refused to give them his cell phone number. He had a...

2 years ago
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Forgone Skies Online

In the shadowed depths of a dense jungle, a lone ray of yellow light shines down on the face of a man. With neatly combed back grey hair, and piercing eyes of matching color, the stern-faced man gives off an aura of severity. His dull white robes flutter in a light wind, revealing the layers of cloth covering his form underneath, all one shade of grey or another. Standing just ten feet in front of him, partially obscured by the dense foliage, is a massive wolf. Its dark, ashen fur blends into...

2 years ago
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Date Night

Date Night An Erotic Adventure Starring Kiki & Ty Blaze Special guest stars Handson1Marie had a great life. A wonderful home, and a c***d. Her husband Steve was not only a great provider and father, he was a good man, and a handsome one too. She had what many would call the picture perfect life. A life that many others would be happy...

3 years ago
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Date Night 1

This is a mostly true story written by me. It contains adult themes and is not meant for minors to read. I would be interested in any feedback from anyone wanting to send their comments by e-mail. DATE NIGHT 1 Written by 4play Tonight was "Date Night" and as usually was the case, I'd spent the day in a high state of anticipation. My wife, Chris, and I had created the "Date Nights" several years ago to merge our divergent sexual desires into a mutually satisfying...

4 years ago
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Date With My Aunt

My aunt Sharon has always been a secret crush of mine. She’s my mom’s younger sister by a couple years currently aged 45. She’s blond with a hint of grey, bright blue eyes a pleasant demeanor and just as sweet as can be. Her body, after a daughter, is surprisingly tight, solid B cup. Her husband founded a manufacturing company, and in a short while exploded into wealthy relative to the rest of my extended family’s standards. I’m Ryan and I come from a fairly comfortable middle-class family....

2 years ago
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Date Night

I had the shock of my life when my good friend and neighbor told me that she and her husband had contemplated “spicing up” their marriage. When I asked Dee what that meant, she told me that they wanted to expand their sexual horizons with another couple. Her husband Will had suggested Mark and me.My name is Vicki, I’m twenty-five having been married to Mark for three years. Mark and I were high school sweethearts. We knew each other as friends all through high school but only started dating the...

Wife Lovers
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Date Night

I had the shock of my life when my good friend and neighbor told me that she and her husband had contemplated “spicing up” their marriage. When I asked Dee what that meant, she told me that they wanted to expand their sexual horizons with another couple. Her husband Will had suggested Mark and me.My name is Vicki, I’m twenty-five having been married to Mark for three years. Mark and I were high school sweethearts. We knew each other as friends all through high school but only started dating the...

Wife Lovers
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Date Night 5

This is the 5th story in the Date Night series. I wrote this story for the enjoyment of adults only. Hope you like it. Please send any comments to [email protected] DATE NIGHT 5 Written by 4play In the two weeks that had elapsed since the Mistress Rachel's wild party, my wife Chris had not mentioned a word about the events which had transpired there. While she had obviously had a very exciting time, I had spent much of the party bound and hooded in what was called the Playroom,...

4 years ago
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Date Night

Date night By 2nn WARNING! This story is not for minors or people who don't like sexualwritings, BDSM, homosexuality and such. It depicts extreme slavery,brutal torture, forced feminism, hard core homosexual sex, and a rangeof other sexual activities. If this offends you stop reading now. Kimmie checked herself one final time in the mirror, to make sure thatshe looked acceptable - or rather that she looked perfect; at least asperfect as a worthless and nearly used up sissy bitch could look....

2 years ago
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Date with Pornstars

It all started when I won the Megamillion jackpot. It was $120 million before taxes. I had a little over $65 million left after every government took its share. There was not much I wanted to spend the money on. I had to get a new car because my old one was 14 years old and in poor condition. My house in Chicago was paid for and I had no plans or reasons to move. I have been divorced for 10 years. Suddenly my ex wants to get back together. I sure didn’t want to. I gave her a half million to go...

2 years ago
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Date Night

Not for the underaged. I don't know why, but that's how it is. Those who don't like stories like this will find that this is the kind of story they don't like. Fair warning! Date Night by Vickie Tern "Laurie, this can't be right! I look like a loose woman!" "No, Stevie love, you look like a nice woman. Lipstick and eye shadow don't make for a loose woman, all they do is declare that a decent woman's fit to...

2 years ago
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Date Night Part 5

I had finally managed to fall asleep and woke up at six without the alarm. I didn't have much time, but did as I was told last night. I got out the magazine and quickly milked myself to prevent embarrasment later. Stripping off my panties and nightgown, I ran into the shower. I decided to Nair myself to assist the illusion of femininity. My armpits and legs had been hairless since I started living female at home full time, but it was time to do my arms as well and let the chips fall...

4 years ago
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Date Interrupted

by youbadboy I was home alone getting ready, and had put on my favorite red dress. It was a first date and I was pretty excited. I hadn’t been on like a real date in a long time. I was in the bathroom putting some of the finishing make up touches on, when I heard the front door open then slam. Shit. Shit. That would be my father home from the bar. drunk. I thought I could get out of here before HE came home. I was living with daddy for about a year now because I didn’t make enough to live on...

3 years ago
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Date needed

So, it's was Mike's company's Christmas party and they do this very fancy gala at a ballroom in a swanky hotel. He needed a date. Someone who would impress his boss and be great eye candy on his arm for his colleagues. He wanted a gorgeous woman who would dress elegantly but also slightly sexy. A lady that would be able to have intelligent conversation with his contemporaries, make the men stare and the women be slightly envious. The evening could help his career tremendously and he...

3 years ago
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Date Night

Mary had no luck with men. She was a very pretty petite blonde with a perpetually sunny smile and disposition. Yet all the men she was meeting were some mixture of arrogant, horny, desperate, and/or clueless about how to act on a date or around a woman. The worst of these was the horniness. You want men to have a healthy interest; but the guys she dated almost universally either would start pressuring her to have sex, or were so clearly worried about the question of getting into her pants as...

3 years ago
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Date Night 2 A Date Weekend

A DATE WEEKEND After our successful first date, Hannah and I kept in regular contact via email. True to her word, Hannah tried to set up a second date for us to go for a meal together on her side of London for a few weeks hence. However, as so often happens when you are trying to set a date for something you would really like to do, it proved impossible to match diaries. Although we tried juggling other commitments, we just couldn't find a suitable evening that we could both...

2 years ago
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Date Night Just a start

Date Night The dorm was quiet as always on Friday night when all the other girls would go out with their boy of the week in some cases the guy who asked before any other. Kaylee laid in here room reading over her notes from class as she heard a noise down the hall of her floor. A tall man with blue eyes and dark hair came out of the community bathroom. It was a shock to see a man on this floor even less...

1 year ago
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Date Night Just a start

Introduction: College student meets older male and falls in love I wasnt sure if I had the skills to write a story so leave me a message if you like the start of this story if you do I will keep going. Date Night The dorm was quiet as always on Friday night when all the other girls would go out with their boy of the week in some cases the guy who asked before any other. Kaylee laid in here room reading over her notes from class as she heard a noise down the hall of her floor. A tall man with...

2 years ago
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Date Night Part 1

My wife Brenda had come home a day early from a business trip. She didn't call because she wanted to surprise me. I'm not sure which one of us was more surprised when she caught me getting ready for bed wearing her pink nylon panties, bra and nightgown. I tried to hide my erection in the panties. She told me she wasn't really angry, but now completely understood why I couldn't get an erection to have sex with her. I started mumbling an apology but she stopped me short. Now she WAS...

3 years ago
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Trip Gone Wrong Part 1

I am in an interracial marriage. I am white, 50 yrs. old, 5’7”, 170 lbs. & my wife black, Sherry, is 36 yrs old, 5’1”, 110 lbs with small pert tits & a nice size ass! This happened about a month ago when I decided to take my wife on a last minut trip to Houston, about 200 miles away. I got off late, so we got a late start, causing us to arrive there about midnight. What’s worse, I made the wrong exit and ended up taking us into a ghetto part of town. That’s when I realized that neither...

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Femdomme Marriage Gone Wrong and AftermathChapter 11

"Welcome Oh Great Goddess to my humble abode. I'm yours to command." "Toy fetch the bag I dropped by the door." As I got close to the door I could not see it but then it dawned on me. Damn, if she didn't drop it outside. Well what could I do. I tried open the door just a bit and reach outside, trying to find it. "Open the door wide and get the damn bag or I'll get it myself and use the cane in it on your ass and that will be the only "kissing" you'll get." I knew better than...

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Femdomme Marriage Gone Wrong and AftermathChapter 16

That gave us time for nice long hot shower. I had a grand ol' time washing every little "nook and cranny" on Red's delicious body. I think my balls are turning from blue to deep purple and my poor dick is suffering "cabin fever". I don't know if there is such a thing as the "Fraternal Order of Sushi Chefs but the guy knew about Joshi and a couple of minutes later I was making Saki Martinis for the five of us. Dinner was a lot of fun but also a bit of torture because I sat between...

4 years ago
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Femdomme Marriage Gone Wrong and AftermathChapter 22

So I went back to my room, dealt with some office stuff and to my surprise found an e-mail from Greg. "Merry Christmas buddy, I'm sorry about not returning your calls. I finally got a straight story from Michelle after I questioned her when I got this strange phone call from Lucy asking WTF I was trying to pull, trying to mess up her and Ted's life. I was pretty pissed at Michelle and we had our first major fight. At the end she finally admitted that she was wrong. That Ted, you and me...

1 year ago
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Date Rape Aftermath

This story is part of the continuing adventures of Katie and Jeanette, two college-age witches. They are now members of the Mu Phi sorority, and use their powers to help the girls. To fully understand the story, you should read "The Consequences of Date Rape", archived at fictionmania. I've tried to make this story stand-alone, but as a sequel, it really helps if you read its predecessor. The story of Katie, Jeanette, and the Mu Phi sorority is open, should someone wish to...

3 years ago
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BIRTHDAY WISH gone wrong

Both our families got stationed to the Northwoods within months of each other, and we lived on the same street. I met Tina almost as soon as we moved to the neighborhood, as we had to go by her house walking our children to elementary school. It wasn’t long that our children were playing, and Tian and I chatted almost daily over coffee, and reviewing our children’s homework. It wasn’t long before family BBQs, or evening card games and a few drinks seemed to be our routine. I was shocked...

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Horseback Riding Gone Wrong

___________________________________________________________________________________ Horseback Riding Gone Wrong It was a beautiful summer day at the farm as usual. The gentle prairie winds gently blow across Ashley with the sweat scent of wheat and barley. Ashley's parents owned a 400 acre farm which also included a big forest which was well suited for horseback riding. Ashley was a 22 years old, 5"6 tall, with beautiful blond hair that reached to her ass. She had eyes that were...

1 year ago
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Role play gone wrong

Another story from my sex diary. A little preface. Originally I though we were going to do some role playing, but I was deceived. I've told you in other stories about my dealer/biker bf, Carlos, that liked doing things out of the ordinary. He also liked fucking me and having his cock sucked as much as he liked having me fuck and suck other guys. One of his rules was if I started messing with any of his friends, which he had me do often, I was not allowed to stop till they were all "taken care...

3 years ago
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Robbery gone wrong

“I think I found one,” muttered Rick, scrolling through his computer. “Yeah? Better not be another one of your mistakes,” mused Dwayne as he took a hit from his joint. “Hey chill homie I thought we were over that.” “Not until you make it up, homie.” Dwayne stood from his chair and walked over to Rick, his big frame shaking the floor. Rick looked up at Dwayne’s towering gaze and showed the screen. “Look, this rich cunt Mark is going on a business trip, he posted it on...

2 years ago
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Femdomme Marriage Gone Wrong and AftermathChapter 3

So tell me, what else do you have in mind where I – your Mistress and Goddess – should make concessions to a "lowly slave"?" I took a deep breath and began. "Darling, we need to spend some of the time we are together on MY "playground" – the lake house. She started to... "Please wait, let me finish, OK?" She nodded and I went on. "You haven't been there for a very long time. It is no longer the cabin in the woods. It's a real home. That is why I said that its value is about...

2 years ago
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Femdomme Marriage Gone Wrong and AftermathChapter 10

As we got inside Michelle came out of their bedroom wearing just a really sexy bra and panties and she had what looked like my collar and leash in her hand. Interestingly tonight she did not wear hers. "Mich is a Domme tonight and will do the punishment. I'm just going to watch" came the explanation. Red must have read my mind questioning the absence of the collar. "Strip down here and then kneel in front of Red for sentencing for your cheeky behavior this morning." I did what I was...

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