RACCONTO DI UNA 50 Enne E Il SUO BOY-Toy free porn video

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Ho 50 anni ma non li dimostro, o almeno così dicono i miei amanti.

Mi guardo allo specchio tutte le mattine e scorro le mie mani nude sulle mie rotondità, scoprendo una donna in forma e che ancora attira gli sguardi degli uomini.

Ogni tanto ne scelgo uno, molto più giovane di me, bello quasi quanto me e con tutti i muscoli al loro posto.

Scelgo il meglio perché posso permettermelo e perché sono interessata solo a farci sesso.
Non ho storie d’amore da anni perché ho capito che fare sesso con tanti ragazzi è molto più divertente che stare a casa a pulire e cucinare per un uomo.

Il mio interesse non è scopare il pavimento, semmai scopare sul pavimento.

Li chiamano toy boy, quei ragazzi smaniosi di andare a letto con una donna più matura perciò mi sono adeguata a chiamarli così e anche adesso ho un toy boy davvero sexy.

L’ho pes**to in piscina mentre faceva una vasca, mentre tutte le ragazzine si lanciavano occhiatine eccitate e si bisbigliavano nelle orecchie al suo passaggio.
Mi è bastato guardarlo, farmi guardare, per ritrovarmelo nelle docce e dargli un antipastino di ciò che poteva assaggiare.

Stamattina ho ricevuto un bellissimo buongiorno, amo dormire nuda per sentire il tocco delle lenzuola egiziane sulla pelle ma questa mattina sentivo qualcos’altro.

Stavo facendo un meraviglioso sogno erotico che mi stava bagnando tutte le cosce quando ho captato la realtà.

Un ciuffo di capelli biondi spuntava dalle mie cosce e lo sguardo divertito del mio toy boy mi colpiva con la sua irriverenza.

Gli uomini delle altre donne preparano al massimo il caffè mentre questo giovanotto aveva ben pensato di regalarsi una colazione da leccare i baffi (i suoi). Mi sono quindi sistemata comodamente, spostando i cuscini e piazzandomi proprio in mezzo al letto, con le cosce spalancate. Faceva bene il suo lavoro, il toy boy e ogni tanto mi alzavo sui gomiti per guardarlo, era bello e appassionato, più che leccarla sembrava volesse divorarla e mi piaceva… quanto mi piaceva.

Per rallentare il mio piacere gli ho alzato il viso, i miei umori scorrevano sulle sue labbra e mi sono affrettata a leccargliele, mordendo il suo labbro inferiore. Sapevo di yogurt e miele, un sapore agrodolce che lo faceva impazzire.

Gli ho mimato di andar più lento e mi sono stesa, godendomi questa piccola pausa.
Il toy ha cominciato a scorrere la sua lingua sull’interno delle mie cosce. Sembrava una piccola lumaca bavosa, sentivo il suo naso strofinare il mio clitoride e affondare, come per sentire ogni sfumatura del mio profumo.

Ogni tanto mi dava dei piccoli bacini affettuosi e mi guardava come un cane bastonato. Ho sprofondato la mano nei suoi capelli e l’ho spinto forte sulla mia vagina. Ecco il segnale. Poteva continuare.

Gli avevo fatto alcune lezioni su come leccare una donna fino a farla venire e devo dire che è stato un allievo modello.

Prima si concentra sugli incavi e sulle labbra, leccandole dolcemente dal basso verso l’alto, poi passa al clitoride, mentre con le mani accarezza la vulva ed effettua dei piccoli gesti circolare.

In questo modo tutto il sangue defluisce verso il clitoride che si inturgidisce pronto per essere succhiato.

Gli ho insegnato a non esagerare con la lingua ma ad usarla come un’artista, alternando delicatezza e irruenza in maniera ciclica.

A volte lo spingevo verso il basso, volevo sentire la sua lingua dentro di me e lui obbediva subito. Frugava per entrare mentre io cominciavo a desiderare qualcosa di più grosso e duro.

Il toy a un certo punto infila prima un dito e poi due dita, penetrandomi violentemente e succhiando il mio clitoride sempre più turgido. Reclino la testa verso la spalliera, i miei fianchi roteano come se stessero danzando un ballo s**tenato. Il mio toy boy deve tenermi ferma perché ha paura possa volare via e a un certo punto volo sul serio, via, da qualche parte nell’universo.

Vengo in maniera molto forte e intensa, gridando fino a sentirmi senza voce. Un orgasmo pazzesco. Bravo il mio toy boy, lo ringrazio con un bacio mentre lui va a farmi un caffè.

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My visit with Christie and her Boy Toy

I had been trying and wanting to see Mistress for quite some time. Our schedules simply did not match, and while they did on two occasions, Mistress was incapacitated with her monthly cycle. Though finally, our schedules melded. I had scheduled a time with her several weeks in advance; it had been a very pleasant yet torturous anticipation. Mistress had promised me several scenarios that would be new to me. She had promised to be dressed in a very sophisticated manner, boy did she every live...

3 years ago
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sissybloke my life as a kennel doggy boy

sissybloke doggy slave ( just internet search "sissybloke" to find me. i live in the UK , near London.Master Bruce has ordered me to write my story. He has brought a laptop in to my kennel and told me to share my story with the World.Master Bruce watches me take his dogs up my arse hole, that's the biggest turn on of all, for him. He usually comes in around ten o clock. That's somewhere around the fourth dog, as they have been waiting all night to fuck em, so I'm pretty well in heat,...

1 year ago
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Wife shares her boy toy

I was texting my wife all day of how horny I was. I went through the entire day with a hard cock while my wife continuously sent me pictures of her massive tits and wet pussy. She even sent me a quick video of her eating her own cum. I told her I had enough and wanted something extremely hot when I walk through the door that will make me cum hard. As always my wife never disappoints.Apparently my wife made some calls because when I walked through the door my wife was sitting in the center...

4 years ago
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50 year old couple fuck boy toy

Disclaimer: this is a purely fictional story... Or is it? Let's just say it is though. One night when I was nineteen years old I found myself searching the mw4m ads on Craigslist. The situation was horny and desperate. After a marathon of fakes, flakes, and robots it seemed I would never reach the finish. But fate had other plans for me, plans on me role playing "parent/son" style with a couple in their fifties. The ad read something like "bi couple looking for boy toy" age said "50"....

2 years ago
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Girl Meets Boy Boy Meets Her Toy

What could be better than having a hot, young blonde as your roommate? Fucking her? Too bad Max never got to do that. Max and Taylor met in college. They clicked instantly, but Taylor only saw Max as a good friend, nothing more. They decided they would share an apartment together after graduation to save money. Max thought moving in with her would give him a better chance of sleeping with her. Maybe he would catch her right out of the shower, wrapped only in a towel, and things would go from...

4 years ago
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Delhi Wali Sunaina Bhabhi Ki Mast

Hi Readers, Mera naam rohit hai our mein gwahati ka rehna wala hu. Yeh baat pichle saal sardiyo ki hai jo meri mulakat chatting karte karte sunaina bhabhi se hui. Meri umar 26 saal hai our sunaina bhabhi 29 saal ki hai. Unki shadi hue 4 saal hue hai our wo saket mein rehti hai.Unka pati our wo dono job karte hai our unke pati mahine mein 4-5 din tour par bhi jate rehte hai. Sunaina bhabhi se mein 2-4 baar chat ke baad hi kafi khul gaya our friendly ho gaya tha. Wo mujhe bhaut achi lagne lagi...

3 years ago
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little cock boys and the flashlight toy

We didnt knew one another all he said was he promise fleshlight pussy toy Mike , kept his promise and he ask me if we would keep mine?I realy wanted the toy , i txt him back i would meet him getting in my sister room choosing a panty to wear for tonighti was ready that night on the sidewalk waiting for the truck he describedi got very horny at the idea of him helping the toy on my cock as i wear my sister pantyi hesitate when i saw him, a black teen i never saw of my age in the backseat but he...

2 years ago
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Una Noche

'Hmph, ' he said, looking at his brother flatly. 'Yeah, you'd really do something like that.' Nick raised an eyebrow, challenging him. 'You really think I wouldn't?' He snorted, shaking his head a little, a smirk spreading across his lips. Drew stared at him incredulously, pulling off his baseball cap and running a hand through his hair. 'No, I don't.' He replaced the cap, shrugging a shoulder. 'Besides, it's not like you would even want to in the first place.' Nick laughed,...

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Claire Kent Alias SuperSister The Return of Superboy

When a vengeful woman turned the teenage Clark Kent aka Superboy into Claire Kent aka Super-Sister, that was the last anyone ever saw of Clark, or so Supergirl believed. So why, when she travels back in time from a period when her now adult cousin is the world-famous Superwoman, does she find a Smallville in which Superboy is back, and Claire Kent is one of the town's bad girls? CLAIRE KENT, ALIAS SUPER-SISTER: THE RETURN OF SUPERBOY by BobH (c) 2006 All characters herein...

1 year ago
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My new Boy toy

My latest boy toy is 22, and gorgeous! He has been after me for a while, wanting to see my tattoo - I have a tattoo on my - well were hair should be. So after months of him asking, he called the other day and was talking all dirty to me as usual, telling me how he wants to lick my tattoo for hours, make me cum on his face over and over. The usualy stuff he says to me on the phone. So I asked him why a cute little hottie like him wants to fuck me so badly. He was somewhat taken back and said...

4 years ago
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Older boy fucks his CD sex toy

I had been with Brett several times now after our first time together. ("Older boy turns me into his CD sex toy" story) sucking his cock and making him cum was all I could think about. I loved pleasuring him, I loved the way it made me feel being with him. I also admit, I loved the attention of an older, popular, handsome boy.Brett liked me to dress up in feminine, girly panties and bra. From the moment I first slipped on a soft, silky thong, I loved the way it felt and how it made me feel. So...

1 year ago
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Sunaina Mere Virgin Girlfriend And Parosi

Hi, friend ya story bikul orignal hai .Pehle mai apne bare mai bta deta hu mai amritsar sa hu mere nam abhi hai height 5.6 ft hai and mere lund 6 inch lamba hai 2 inch mota hai mera rang gora and body maintain hai gym jane k wja sa. Chalo ab story par ata hu .Ya bat 2015 ki hai jab maine apne graduation k complete hone k bad job karna start kiya .Mai mobiles company mai job karne lga jis wja sa mere area mai sab and mere reletives b phn ya electronics lane k mere salah lane lage.Fr ek din mere...

3 years ago
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How I Had Sex With Sunaina My Colleague From Office

Hello friends I am back with one of other experience. Please overlook my writing skills as I am no professional writer. This is about how I and my office colleague ended up in having some of our best Sexual pleasure with each other. Let me tell you something about my colleague her name was Sunaina Mukherjee, she is a beautiful Bong (Bengali) she is not fair like us North Indians but she is very attractive and has a sexy figure. I am describing her figure for those readers who like to imagine,...

2 years ago
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A Boy for a Toy

 Michelle breathed a sigh of relief after getting off the plane. She hated flying. The only way this frequent flyer could handle being in the sky was by lubricating her fears with alcohol, usually two drinks in the first ten minutes to settle down, followed by several more during the flight. On this journey from New York to Seattle, she had knocked back seven shots of Jack Daniels on the rocks. She still had a buzz going as she walked through the terminal. The tired traveler was looking forward...

3 years ago
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Getting Lucky With Sunaina Aunty

Hi, guys, I am Raj back with my other story. So to tell you I am a 22-year-old young guy from Mumbai. I stay with my mom and dad. I have a fantasy for an older woman which I got to experience in real life a few days ago. So I used to have a college friend name Suchit. He was from Pune. So during our college days, we got a project for which we had to shift to Pune for it. Since I didn’t have any place to go Suchit asked me to stay at his place till the project gets over. We went to his place and...

2 years ago
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Toyboy Boytoy

Toyboy Boytoy By Beverley Ann Miles I must have been heavily asleep. I finally awoke, as my mouth was forced open - and something plastic was being crammed in - and by that time, it was already too late to do anything about it! The little plastic circle had been inserted, covering my teeth and locking my mouth open. I couldn't figure out what it was. I lay on my side on the bed, already bound at knees and ankles, my wrists were secured behind my back. I was rolled face down...

4 years ago
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Boy Toy

Copyright © 2002, Jack Spratt. ALL Rights Reserved Date of first publication Friday PM, July 12, 2002: Later in my life I learn my mom always wanted a girl. After I was born mom's doctor advises her that her childbearing abilities are over, she will never have the daughter she always wanted. Subsequently she raises me like the daughter she can never have rather then the boy I am. My dad makes it easy for her. Dad's job requires intensive travel. Sometimes he is away from home for months,...

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Aruna Kumari Madam Our English Teacher

Hi readers, I am Raj Kumar from Vizag ( Andhra) and im 27 yrs now. Telling about me I am 6ft tall and 6.5 inch thick cock. If you like this story mail me on This is a true incident which happened in year 2001 when I am in 12th class. I studied most of my schooling in boarding school and my school is a kind of military based school. Due to military training and other hard sports and stuffs I gained good muscle at that age only. Our school had hard rules, like Even in 12th grade the students in...

4 years ago
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Jeri Ryans Boy Toy

Jeri Ryan took the world by storm when she was introduced into 'Star Trek Voyager'. Who could resist this phenomenal Borg-Babe? Her biggest assets were those incredibly tight cat suits; which, in turn, emphasized her other considerable assets - her Tits & Ass. This sexually related story about her is nothing more than my fantasy about being close and catching her eye. I'm a part-time Taxi driver. I was at the airport, waiting for a fare. A female voice loudly called to me. I turned...

2 years ago
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WhiteBoy Taken

I led Jay down the short corridor, opening the bathroom door for him to see. It was neat and clean. Then I led him the next few steps to the bedroom. The door was open and he pushed past me. His shoulder and arm brushed across my chest as he moved through the doorway. My cock was already rock hard. I watched him walk to the closet and open the door. As he checked it out, I checked out his body.Jay was tall and muscular, but not overly developed. He wore some long shorts and a tight fitting...

3 years ago
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Miss Jayneys Mile High Boy Toy

P.S. Any resemblance between the sexual personalities of the Jayney and Jack of this tale and the Jayney(Redd) and Jack(assTales) of XNXX are purely intentional! Miss Jayney’s Mile High Boy Toy If I had my way I believe I would ask pants designers to invent a way for teenager boys like me to hide their hard horny dicks so female personages could not become aware of them. I often wonder if those people even know the fact that guys who are sixteen like me can develop a hardon at the...

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