Giselle Clarize a Love StoryChapter 14
- 4 years ago
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There was snow on the terrace. And there was snow on the mountains. A curtain of fat, slow flakes billowed down from the low sky. It muffled all sounds. All echoes were silenced.
Snow didn't often fall in these foothills; the magic would soon melt away again. But tonight the Villa stood like a bride clad in white velvet. Snow wrapped itself all around her sensuous limbs. Yellow light spilt from the blazing jewels of her windows.
The great hall was filled with festive gathering. Silvery laughter danced on top of deeper voices. Crystal chandeliers spread their dazzling light into each niche and ornamented corner. Jewels and beads shone on creamy throats. Exquisite chests and shoulders caught the caressing lights and were moulded into the slick roundness of marble.
Angique knew how to flatter the female flesh. Hidden lights and a scattering of mirrors gave each woman the magical kiss of perfect illusion. Whatever her age or complexion. Entering this glorious hall was like plunging into a fountain of youth. Smiles appeared, brows relaxed. Blasé mistresses turned into careless girls, stern masters into reckless boys. And it brought a naughty gleam to the eyes of their entourage of enslaved creatures.
The soiree had been planned for months. Thousands of details had been carefully considered. The list of invitees, and maybe just as important: the list of the not-invited. The table setting had been studied thoroughly, of course. The dinner, the music. And the entertainment.
In fact, this evening would be Angique's début as a reigning mistress. She would be walking the very thin line between success and failure. Of course there were Sir Alfred and his exotic wife, two of her staunchest supporters. But there would also be the Comtesse and her clique of aristocrat sceptics. They had never forgiven her the quick rise from the lowest dungeons of slavery into their exclusive world of absolute domination.
Angique had spent whole nights considering her list of invitations. It would have been easy to tip the balance and turn the attendance into a claque of friends and admirers. That would, however, be the worst decision she could make. It would turn the evening into a non-event and would give her enemies the exact reason to ignore her.
In fact, she had chosen the bold opposite. Most of her guests would be high-ranking dominants of the ancien régime. Some of their bloodlines reached back to libertines and aristocrats of pre-revolutionary France. Others took their pedigree from Russian émigré circles and the discreet era of Victorian England.
Exactly these were the circles that had been split by her ascendance. Sir Alfred and others had been immediately taken in by the charm and talents of the Belgian girl, her youth and audacity. They wielded an impressive clout in the small world of their expensive lifestyle. But would it ever be enough against the undaunted sisterhood of La Contesse and her buffoons? One slip, like last time, and she would be history.
The Countess had let them leave the seaside villa without any more trouble. She had even provided some clothing and transport to the airport. But Angique knew for certain that she had made an enemy for life.
The newly acquired enemy had arrived as one of the last guests of the evening. She'd entered the villa in a flurry of snowflakes and expensive furs. She scaled the steps on her most dangerous heels. As a last moment's inspiration Angique had arranged for vintage sleighs. Strong black horses had pulled her guests up the driveway, turning it into a cheerful carnival of chiming bells and cracking whips.
By the time they reached the blazing hall, all guests were like excited children. Their eyes sparkled and their cheeks glowed. Hot steaming wine had replaced the usual champagne. All the waiters and waitresses were wrapped in black, shining latex. White lace and furs lined their collars and cuffs.
The vaulted hall was alive with music. It was being played by sweet girls in slinking dresses. The music was of a light classical type, things like Straus's Schneewalzer and the winter part of Vivaldi's Quattre Stagione.
Huge fir trees dominated the walls. Their only adornments were a multitude of bright lights and a spray of snow.
After the Countess's arrival, Angique let out a deep sigh. It made her breasts shiver inside her bodice. Her skin was wrapped entirely in dark red leather, this evening. Her heels were higher than ever. She knew that the tight grip of a well-laced corset would give her the confidence she needed. As would the proud, towering stance the heels gave her. She was more than grateful when indeed they did.
Even more helpful was Clarize. Their Napolitan adventure had turned the Canadian girl into the most ravishing and buoyant of creatures. Her wide blue eyes sparkled once more. Her mouth seemed always set in a most endearing smile. She had at last found her new self and the confidence that came with it. She had fought for it and had been prepared to pay the ultimate price.
For this evening's start Angique had wrapped the girl in a slinking dress of black silk. The soft fabric followed her now almost perfect curves. It left her back bare and allowed the soft hills of her breasts to show. The only accent on her simple, narrow collar was a dangling fleur de lis. No one, Angique thought while she watched, no one could wear this dress with the style and elegance of her newborn lover. It must have been the contrast between her almost arrogant bearing and her warm, hugging openness that stunned the arriving visitors. To know that a woman of such perfect beauty was available at any moment must stir the crotches of every guest, this evening.
Giselle was perfect in her own sweet way. She wore a blue satin dress. It hugged her strong little feline body. It was short on her thighs and high against her throat. Her free tits drummed inside the shining material at every step she took on her daring heels. Angique had decided she would get every chance to radiate her hard won sexuality in the easy, innocent way that had become hers these last weeks. The bordello room had definitely washed away her reserves and anguishes. Their touching reunion had established once and for all who she was and where she belonged.
A huge oval table had been set in the ancient ballroom. Angique let her eyes wander around the damask expanse. It was lit by a multitude of tall white candles. Their light spread a sparkling blanket of highlights on silverware, white china and crystal glasses. The faces of the guests were flushed and animated. The conversation was still as lively as it had been from the start.
She felt warm and high with all the attention and compliments she had received. Of course the setting and the unique weather had helped. But the key to all excitement was Clarize. She seemed to be a magnet, electrifying all her guests, from the harshest master down to the most common little cum slave. Giselle was a success. She was a lovely, sweet innocent toy bouncing around. But Clarize was the secret bombshell that shook this company. Just a blink of her eyes made every man or woman feel welcomed. She made them think she was theirs and theirs alone.
Angique closed her eyes as a tremendous satisfaction made her body tremble. Then she opened them again. She smiled, touched her glass with a silver spoon and rose.
"Mesdames, messieurs", she said. Her voice was soft and hoarse. The sudden emotion had left a slight tremor. A silence fell and all faces turned into her direction. She smiled.
"Tonight once more is a special night for our little circle", she went on. "The weather gods have graced it with a unique setting. Let us hope that the sweet gods of lust and sensuality will be inclined to favour us too."
A murmur of agreement danced around the table. Angique sought out the face of Sir Alfred and smiled into his eyes.
"Our last meeting was... memorable to say the least", she went on and a soft laughter rose. She quickly shifted her glance to la Contesse, who was not amused. Then she went back to Sir Alfred, thanking him for a wonderful memory and a lesson well learned. A small applause followed her words.
"Tonight, messieurs, dames," she continued, "tonight will be the proof of that. We will eat and drink and enjoy the company of lovely friends and great lovers. We also will enjoy more stirring pleasures, though. Sensations that will deeply satisfy us all. But of course I shall not disclose those at this early moment."
She took her glass and lifted it.
"First let us toast to our unique little circle of pleasure. Santé, mes amis." They toasted and drank. Then Angique smiled and clapped her hands.
"Maintenant on s'amuse!", she cried out. "Que la fête commence."
The dinner was the success she had hoped for. The food turned out excellent. No one drank to excess. The music was sweet and well played. And the serving slaves knew how to fill the space between courses with their beauty, skill and devotion.
The elder gentleman at her right was a witty and sweet tempered table companion, even if his little stories and anecdotes dated well back. The more vigorous man to her left was well aware of his physical attraction. But his conversation was rather limited. He mostly talked about Clarize. How on earth I had found her, what I had done to make her into the goddess she was. How he could make sure to get a taste of her. And where, by the way, she was.
Angique had decided to allow her guests only a mere impression of her girls. After the first drinks and welcomes in the hall, they had both disappeared. Angique knew what they were doing right now. She knew if and when they would return, an certainty her table companions could only hope for and discuss amongst themselves.
The presentation of Clarize and Giselle was maybe not the main official reason for this gathering. But it certainly explained the fact that so many had come to the villa in this not very welcoming weather. Rumours of what had happened at Sir Alfred's place and after had a lot to do with that. These damn girls and their unconventional Mistress were certainly something else in their comfortable but predictable lives.
Port and cheese, coffee and brandy were served in the great hall. It had been changed into a veritable Grand Café in the great French tradition of the Belle Epoque. Girls served the tables in deeply slit and low cut cancan dresses. Their service of course knew many more aspects than might be expected of more traditional waitresses.
Man-servants were dressed in long traditional aprons. The unconventional thing about those was that they were indeed all they wore.
No one hinted at it, as of course no one wanted to look greedy or impatient. But of course all guests were curious about the meaning of the wide aisle of golden straw. It ran between the tables. It started at the wide doors. Then it ran straight through the hall into the dining room they had just abandoned.
Conversation went on, but seemed to get less and less lively. Waitresses and waiters knelt before their masters and mistresses. They took in their cocks and ate their cunts dutifully. But somehow their sweet actions had become a by-line.
Something hung in the air. Every guest and every slave knew it. They could almost feel it. Brandies were sipped, creamy tits were cupped and kneaded, skirts were lifted and hard rods pressed against exposed asses.
A hush fell. One after the other the huge chandeliers lost their blazing light. Dusk crept from all corners. At last only the pinpointed lights of the fir trees were left.
All guests and their attendants stopped their activities. They looked at each other. Then they looked at the huge doors. A sudden spotlight bathed the shining wood in silver splendour. Heavy pulsing music started. It pounded with primitive vehemence, vibrating through the bellies of all who were gathered.
The doors crashed open. A cold december wind gushed into the hall. It chilled the scantily clad guests and their servants. Against the deep night and swirling blasts of snow they saw the most delightfully barbaric scene of their life.
A huge stallion stood stamping and snorting on the doorsteps. It seemed black in black and shook its snow-laden manes. On its back sat a tall, straight figure. It was all laced up in black leather straps. It must be a woman. Her frame was slender and her chest was wrapped in a leather bra that allowed her tits to ride high on its half-cups. Her legs were also laced in leather, from her feet up to her thighs.
Her ass seemed naked. When she stood in her stirrups her clean- shaven cunt was in plain sight.
Her face was masked. Her head wore a tight leather helmet that sported a high red ponytail at its crown. Her hands were in half-gloves that let her blood-red talons free. She pulled hard at the reigns. It made the horse rear and whinny. A black leather crop dangled from the saddle.
Also in her hand was a leash. It ran to the bound wrists of a masked slave girl at the side of her horse. The girl was completely naked. Even her feet were bare in the snow. Only her face was masked and in her mouth stuck an iron bit. A red rubber gag-ball at the centre stretched her jaws in a wide and cruel O.
Her hands were tied together in front of her. She shivered from the cold and was obviously scared by the prancing horse.
As the horse danced to the left another creature became visible. It was a huge brute of a hound, led by a chain in the woman's other hand. Its back reached the horse's belly. Massive muscles rolled under a gray shining pelt. Its snout was tied with leather straps. Its face was masked and his body bound with sturdy length of leather too. The animal growled from within its throat and nervously pulled at the taut chain.
Then the amazon gave a mighty roar. She slammed her heels into the horse's flanks. Through the pounding music its hooves clattered on the stone, then dug into the thick layer of straw. The guests scurried back to let the animal pass. The naked girl had to trot to keep up with the horse.
The woman rode the length of the straw aisle. Then she disappeared through the open doors of the former dining hall. First two, then more guests followed her. And at last all of them thronged into the adjoining room.
It had been totally changed. The huge dinner table had gone. The spacious floor was now covered in straw that shone with a dark gold in the light of innumerable torches.
At the far side a stage had been set up. Dark wood and black slabs of rock created a space of archaic beauty. A ramp led up to it and right now the woman drove her mount over it. The naked girl tottered behind. The dog had already reached the stage.
When they were up, big floodlights were lighted. They set off the tableau with great detail and made the audience gasp. The scene was of a primeval beauty. The amazon girl stroked the proud neck of the horse with her hand. She leaned forward and whispered into its pointed ears. Steam rose from its panting flanks.
The naked girl had sunk to her knees. She leaned into the monstrous hound, pushing her face into its shining pelt. The music pounded on relentlessly. It turned the big hall into an all encompassing, throbbing heart.
From high she gazed down through the slits in her mask. She felt elated and took in great gulps of smoke-filled air. It made her high tits heave on her chest.
All faces looked up at her. They seemed pale ovals around dark set eyes. How great it felt to be at the centre of attention. To squeeze these naked thighs around this gorgeous steed. To smell the beast's sweat and feel its heat radiate through her flesh. Her skin still tingled from the severe cold outside. Her nipples stood like sentinels. Snowflakes melted on her shoulders. Tiny rivulets of hot juice seeped out of her swollen slit. They stained the polished saddle and leaked down her trembling legs. She felt so incredibly excited.
Her eyes swept the darkened hall, searching. And finding. A sweet, warm wave of reassurance drowned her as she met the emerald centre of her being. Her nipples contracted. She let out a primal scream of pure elation.
With athletic ease the masked amazon slid down the horse's back to join the naked girl and the hound. She pulled at the leash and grabbed the girl by her collar. She tore at the strap that held the bit and freed the girl of the gag. Her gasps were audible in the farthest corners of the hall. Then the amazon girl sank her wide red mouth over hers. They started a long, deep, hungry kiss.
A month had passed. Kristie had returned to the Villa. Arnold had picked her up in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She had been hiding in a motel. She only opened her door after he had shown his face and had talked to her for minutes. He had wrapped her in blankets and taken her to Miami Airport. She had slept all the way to Milan. She only woke up when the car crunched the gravel on the driveway to Villa d'Este. Brigitte seemed to have decided that her pride was more precious than her...
Florida. Home had changed. Everything seemed smaller, uglier. She had walked past the restaurant where she worked. She did not enter. People at the fitness club greeted her enthusiastically. She felt reserved. The gossip they had did not touch her. It seemed to concern strangers. Her mother had cried when she saw her again. Her father just stood and watched her. His eyes had been sad. They hugged. But something essential seemed to have changed. Her apartment used to be her one precious...
Villa. The view always took her breath away. Today even more than before. Maybe it was the incredible vastness of the blue sky over the still snowy caps of the mountains. Or the sun that painted a bright shining avenue of light on the lake below. She stood at the edge of the terrace. She felt the spring breeze lick at the nipples of her exposed breasts. The slope of the mountain fell away steeply before her high-heeled feet. It gave her a dizzying sensation of flying whenever she looked...
Pierre. The car hummed comfortably. It did not seem to touch the road. The landscape flashed by. So did age old trees and even older houses. It drove through crumbling villages and past endless knee-high walls that were meant to protect them from a dive into the lake. The twilight had a golden touch. The sun had already sunk behind the mountains, but the sky still held on to the light. It painted a myriad of feathery clouds in a shade of apricot. Angique sat in the corner of the tan...
Iron. The darkness seemed to stick to her eyes and her face. It glued her lashes together. It also had icy cold fingers that made her skin ripple with shivers. Her teeth clattered. Life seeped back into her body. Gradually. First it warmed her slow, heavy heart. Then it spread throughout her flesh, fractions of inches at a time. But her fingers stayed numb, as did her feet. She opened her eyes. Nothing changed. Then all came back to her. The blindfold, the gag... the awful people. The...
Whore. Her head split. Her mouth was the stinking den of furry animals. There wasn't a bone in her body that didn't ache. Even the air around her was hot. It felt wet and filthy. She stumbled along the sidewalk. Her eyes blinked against the cruel light of day. She cursed the person bearing her name. She had thrown her broken heels away and tried to make her shredded top to at least cover her nipples. She walked with a curious gait. It was due to the delicate tenderness of both her cunt...
Author's Note: I promised everyone that I don't like sequels, I don't read serial stories, and I stay away from continuing sagas. So, when Caleb Jones asked publicly for a continuation of the Sci-Fi Detective Body-Swap story "Kalliope", I simply set aside my prejudices and wrote it. This is it. If you haven't read "Kalliope", you can still understand about 95% of this story, but if you read it first, the entire 110% of this tale will be crystal clear. Dedicated to...
CHAPTER III – Mobu’s Big Black CockOn Friday evening, Mobu arrived as agreed at Becca’s house. During the previous week he had thought a lot about how he would court and seduce Giselle. He thought about what Becca had told him about her friend’s marriage in crisis, and wondered how Giselle put up with her miserable husband Francesco, who was not able to give her the sexual satisfaction a woman like her needed. He had no doubt that he would be able to conquer Giselle, and add her to the list of...
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InterracialFor the first time in many months, Giselle felt happy and fulfilled. She sat back and gazed at her black lover’s penis, soft and wilting after she had sucked every drop of semen out of it. She thought back over the events of the last few weeks; how miserable she had been because of her husband’s sexual inadequacy, and how her friend Becca had suggested she take an African lover. Then how Becca had arranged for her to meet just such a man: Mobu, a black stud with an enormous cock and an...
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All Lovers' Desires So it had happened that Steve, upset that his fiancee, attractive and willfull, had been unwilling to incorporate "power tools" into their love making. That she in fact had discouraged every hint of experimentation or kink in their play, and coming home from work one day, Steve had chanced to stop at an out of the way store because of a detour. "Young man, I can see that you are troubled but I believe I can help you." The shopkeeper saw Steve start to interrupt...
That evening, Penny fucked me in the ass with the strap on while Suzi did the same to Joey. Thankfully it didn’t last very long before Penny demanded I lick her again. Joey didn’t get off as lightly, but then he got to fuck Suzi the regular way afterward which I didn’t get to do until that night in the shower. Saturday was the last full day of camp for the kiddos and it was the standard celebratory events we all remembered from when we had attended camp. There were dunking booths, tug of...
Love's Journey -------------------------- The flowers are in bloom In the early weeks of May The little boys chase frogs The girls just sing and play. Above a field of green Beneath a tree of pine Two friends sit side by side Two lovers intertwined Moral laws be damned Let only God lay blame Love shall rule the day Though chromosomes the same. Years and years as brothers Divide by hate and pain Wandering the desert Stuck out in the rain. Separate bearing...
This is the third and final part of my story about my unexpected love for my beautiful neighbour. Links to the other parts are available on my profile page as usual. Love's Awakening A warm wetness was working it's way up my legs. Although I knew I was dreaming, I savoured the sensation as it paused. Roughness followed on from the slippery heat and in my dream, my skin tingled. Again the wetness, higher this time it caressed my thighs both inner and outer. I could feel small fingers grasping...
Straight SexEverybody Love's Raymond's Wife (Chapter's 1-5) Warning: This story is fiction, and should be treatedas such. The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, andcontains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult, or readingsex stories upset you, DO NOT read any further. If it is illegal in yourlocation, DO NOT read it. This is a copyrighted work. Copyright by NotMy Story. Reposting or any other use of it is strictly prohibited withoutthe express, written permission of...
Copyright© 2004 Kyle was having a very sexy dream, one more exciting and vivid than he had ever imagined. Brianna was romping naked and dancing with him in passion and delight. The flashing curves of her breasts and legs, her joyful laugh and bright smiling eyes filled the dream. Kyle gasped as Brianna dominated him for coupling, gasped again as she rolled to let him mount her for a short while, gasped a third time as she turned and reclaimed the mount position. It all seemed so...
Camp Eighteen was reputed to have the best food and the least nasty guards in the string of Western female detainee camps along the Singapore Road. Alice had only been in Camp Eighteen for a short time when Needle-nose Hakimura reported her for disrespect to her assigned minder in front of other female prisoners. The shifty-eyed Japanese soldier and former street cleaner hated all the round-eyed Western women in the camp and often let his acrimony be shown with slaps and kicks to their sickly...
Chapter Cast: Ireland (Iry), Female, 29 - Beige skin, 5’6, 130lbs, straight shoulder-length blonde hair Zoe, Female, 29 - Beige skin, 5’6, 120lbs, straight long silky black hair I’d never been one to approach anyone for a sexual relationship. I never made the first move. I liked it when someone would try to seduce me. To catch my interest. To let me know they wanted to do more than have a conversation. I was confidant in doing so, happy to be the shy, innocent type who enjoyed being led to...
A Colleen In Clover (rushed re-touch from 3/8/99 version. Happy St. Pat's!) by Dee Eon "Gee, that's a stupid idea, carrot top!!" scoffed Paul atop his farm's log fence with me. "None's gonna make a St. Patrick's Day parade in Four Clovers 'cause there ain't any Irish here--'cept you 'n your folks! There's just Poles n' Czechs 'round here!" "Americans don't mind celebrating St. Pat's in stores!" I retorted sourly to my eighth-grade American schoolmate and neighbor. "Sure, the...
My parents announced to me that due to her mother getting ill they were going to have to go to the states for a month, but as l had my university interview coming up l would go and stay with my aunt ( my father's elder sister).Now l have a bit of a 'thing' for my aunt who is in her 50s but she looks and dresses younger and everytime l see her she is always wearing skintight black leather gloves which excite me and l've often wondered what it would be like to have my cock played with by a woman...
My husband was always a good guy, a bread winner who always came through for his family. He was very smart and seemed destined for more than a standard nine-to-five. Thus, it was no surprise when he invented something that he was able to sell and say bye-bye to the grind. The only surprise lay in how comfortable we truly were. It was like a whirlwind, buying a large, posh new home, new vehicles and a family vacation. We went from cold Ohio to the tropics for ten days. On the last night, our...
My husband was always a good guy, a bread winner who always came through for his family. He was very smart and seemed destined for more than a standard nine-to-five. Thus, it was no surprise when he invented something that he was able to sell and say bye-bye to the grind. The only surprise lay in how comfortable we truly were. It was like a whirlwind, buying a large, posh new home, new vehicles and a family vacation. We went from cold Ohio to the tropics for ten days. On the last night, our...
Wife LoversMany think badly of shoe fetishists. Despite our opening up of society to the subject of sex and fetishism, we are for the most part very limited in what we subjectively view as "normal". But why is that so? Why is a man who finds only anal sex with a woman really satisfying any different from one who seeks physical and emotional satisfaction from a much more private and intimate object of his beloved? After all, let's think more about it - how long do we wear a pair of shoes on average? What...
Some time passed after the ski camp, what felt like an eternity. Tamara and Marie winked at me more often during class, but nothing more happened. Neither could I - as usual - go into the girls' cabin during physical education classes, as we had swimming lessons for this grade. Unfortunately, it was in the municipal bathing complex, where it was almost impossible to get into the women's changing room without being seen. To make matters worse, there were also lockers with locks, no, my chances...
Each upper grade was allowed to go on a grade trip for one week. For most of them it meant being further away from their parents for the first time and being able to do what one wanted. In addition, you could choose where to go. There were different cities in Europe to choose from. I didn't really care which one I would take because I had already visited them all “privately”. So I simply chose it based on which other people would go with it. There was the group of the “cool” - those who mainly...
Her name was Sabine (name changed). A cute mouse, about 1.60 m tall, very thin and brunette. Always in the front row, most would say she was a nerd. Basically no one liked her either - she was the one who would gossip about every matter to the teacher. I had known her since 5th grade, together with Marie (name changed). But this is another story. Now it's about the typical wallflower Sabine. Even her style of clothing was inconspicuous, almost boring. She only wore jeans or denim skirts, but...
It was a rainy winter day. New Year's Eve was long gone, but winter persisted in the rural area where our school was located.The school itself was actually quite nicely located, next to a river and a mountain with a small castle overlooking the panorama. A few weeks had passed since my last visit to the girls' changing room. At the moment I didn't even have the urge to know exactly what it was I couldn't pin down. Sabine hadn't really noticed it back then either. Sure - that the shoe was in the...
Now l had been staying at my aunts for about a week and we had fucked in virtually every room in the house and my aunt seemed to have a different outfit for every day,my education was coming along quite nicely and from the way my aunt responded l felt l was getting straight A's.This particular morning my aunt was dressed to go out she was wearing a black leather suit with the skirt midway between her knees and thighs so if she sat in a certain position the tops of her black stockings could be...
I’d been seeing Carla for almost three years. It was a fading romance, with the emphasis on fading, rather than romance. A year of separate colleges hadn’t done anything to pull us back together after the fading started in our last year of high school. I’d looked forward to the Memorial Day holiday as we’d both be home and maybe things would be better. In hindsight, looking forward to spending time with Carla and rejuvenating our relationship was optimistic of me.We’d gone out for a reunion...
Straight SexDisclaimer: This story is for adult entertainment! So, ensure you are 18 years of age. Author's Note: Once again, I've delved into the Spells R Us is my third story with this setting. (Lust Potion '69' & Womanizer, and now Lover's Desire) Anyway, this is a fantasy, and contains a lot of female-female......Enjoy! Oh Yeah: My new e-mail address (lower case): [email protected] "Lover's Desire" by J.R. Parz I. Jess Parker was browsing...
Prologue The light fog added moisture to the air. The coolness of the night wrapped around her like a wet towel, sending a shiver up her spine. She was lucky she knew the area so well, or she could have easily become lost. She looked through the trees at the house where he lived, slightly smiling at the one candle burning in the kitchen window. Part One: Seductive Arrest Gabrielle Garrison was a woman on a mission and neither cold, fog, or wetness was going to deter her from its swift...
I woke up the next morning, not sure if what had happened the night before had been a dream. Before I even opened my eyes I felt Chris's hairy chest against my cheek and smelled his musky male scent. The reality of the previous day came back to me. I totally lost my will to this young man, who could light up my body like a Christmas tree. I had tried to resist him, and got only pain as a result. My resistance was futile. I could not deny my Master. I heard Andrea let out a moan, and I...