Giselle Clarize a Love StoryChapter 14
- 4 years ago
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The car hummed comfortably. It did not seem to touch the road. The landscape flashed by. So did age old trees and even older houses. It drove through crumbling villages and past endless knee-high walls that were meant to protect them from a dive into the lake.
The twilight had a golden touch. The sun had already sunk behind the mountains, but the sky still held on to the light. It painted a myriad of feathery clouds in a shade of apricot.
Angique sat in the corner of the tan leather seat. She had her legs pulled under her. She wore a black silk dress that clung to her body. It seemed simple. The top was straight with narrow lace straps. Her left leg showed almost to the pale top of her thigh. There the dress fell open because of a deep slit. She wore no stockings and had kicked off her backslung heels. They lay on the floor.
Kristie sat next to her. She held knees together. Her back was very straight. Her fingers played with the tiny purse in her lap. She wore a dress of silk similar to Angique's. But hers was a very light blue and it seemed closed at the throat. When she moved one would get a look into a deep slit. It exposed part of her cleavage, way down her bra-less tits. The hem of the dress did not begin to cover half of her thighs. It failed to meet the lace top of her white sheer stockings. She wore patent leather heels in the colour of her dress. And she was extremely nervous.
"Don't be nervous, sweetheart", Angique purred. She laid a hand on her arm. "They will all be very kind, truly."
"I am not used to this, Mistress", Kristie said with a very timid voice. "I don't know a thing about etiquette or how to dine the European way. I'll get drunk surely and that will make me do silly things. I have never worn a dress like this or even shoes like these." She let out a silent sob. She almost tore the delicate purse in two. "I am so afraid I will let you down!", she squealed and buried her blonde head in Angique's dress. She sobbed her heart out.
Angique rolled her eyes. She patted the golden curls.
The girl did not stop sobbing. She even started to cry. Angique grabbed her shoulders. She janked her up until the streaked, miserable face was in front of hers. Then she screamed, at the top of her lungs: "STOP THIS, YOU FOOL!!"
Kristie stopped her wailing at once. Her body shook with frustrated sobs. Her eyes opened wide. Her lower lip trembled.
"Cut this out, you sorry little idiot. Would I ever ask anything of you that you could not deliver? Is this how you regard me? How you thank me for taking you away from your miserable life? I hate this, this way you degrade yourself. Stop it! Stop distrusting me, you ungrateful bitch. Look at yourself. Look at your smeared face. Look at the running mascara, the snot dripping from your nose. STOP IT NOW!!"
To underline her words she shook the girl severely. She made her free tits bounce inside the dress. The blonde curls danced around her face.
The girl was in shock. Her lips moved. They were glossed over with tears and snot. Little squeaks escaped her panting chest. Her hands fluttered like pale nestlings not knowing how to fly. Then she sniffed. She pulled the back of her hands over her nose and eyes. They left streaks of make up. Her eyes sparkled in a dramatic frame of ruined mascara.
"I... I am so sorry, Mistress", she whispered. Her voice was hoarse. It still choked on the afterquakes of her emotions. "I... I let you down... I am not worthy... I..."
The wet slap rang through the car. It made Kristie's face snap aside.
"WHAT did I tell you, you damn nitwit?" Angique's green eyes blazed. She pushed her face into the girl's. "What did I tell you not a minute ago about diminishing yourself, you dumb little ass? Not worthy, you say? Do you doubt my judgement, you insolent cunt? Do you think I would even waste a second on unworthy fools? Do you suggest I would choose an unworthy girl to become my creature? Do you think you know better? Well??"
Angique had pushed her face forward with every screaming word. She forced Kristie back into her corner. She ended up with her head pressed against the window. Her eyeballs ran amok inside their sockets. They were two panic stricken mice cornered by a bloodthirsty cat. The blush of the slap ran diagonally over her face. She half-heartedly tried to protect it from the fearsome fury.
To her utter dismay she noticed how a gush of urine left her quaking pussy.
A minute of silence passed. It was the kind of silence that makes holes in time. It was void of more than sound alone. Caught in a halo of panic Kristie imagined that she could smell her piss. Then she felt two warm, soft hands cup her face. A slow tongue licked the salt off her skin. It lapped up the sweat of fear, the tears of despair. And the mascara of a long since ruined make up.
That was when Kristie broke down for real. Angique held her tight and allowed her to destroy a priceless dress. The black haired woman shhhh-ed and clucked. She cradled the blonde girl. And she hummed an age old lullaby.
The crying subsided. She knocked at the window pane that separated them from the driver. As it slid down she asked him to U-turn. He should take them back to the Villa to refresh themselves and change.
The restaurant lay below the corniche. It straddled an inlet for boats that had been hewn into the living rock. It went by the un-Italian name of Chez Pierre. The owner was of French origin. The place was the former boathouse of a villa higher up in the hills. It had been enlarged and rebuilt into a modest, but very tasteful restaurant. The entrance was at the top of a few steps. It was set inside a portal overgrown with vines and bougainvillea. To the right was a spectacular terrace. It stretched out, overlooking the lake below.
Pierre himself greeted them as they reached the steps. He was a tall dark man. He had a gallic nose and quick, mischievous eyes. He greeted Angique in rapid French. Then he took her pale hand into his. He grazed a kiss over its backside. Kristie prepared herself for a greeting. She extended her hand. But the man totally ignored her. He lead Angique inside. Kristie hesitated for a second. Then she followed with a mute sigh.
Both women had changed into dresses similar to the ones her emotional breakdown had ruined. Her own was a sky blue silk with a precarious decolleté. It would only hang on to her nipples as long as she kept them excited. That seemed the easiest task of this evening. It would take her the rest of the night to get used to not wearing anything under it at all.
The hem of the dress, like the first one, hardly reached down half her thighs. If she pulled at it enough, it might reach the elastic lace at the top of her white stockings. Which of course was a very unwise thing to do. Her shoes were the same as before. They had embarrassingly high heels and gave hardly any support. They made her wobble at every step.
In front of her Angique walked with an easy sway. The black lustre of her ankle long gown cascaded down the curves of her body. She chatted lightly with the dark man. He led her by the elbow.
Ah, how she admired this woman. Would she ever be able to belong to the world she lives in? This world of grace and elegance? My, how she'd melted to nothing in her embrace. How the emotions had taken away her breath. They had made her cry like a baby.
Even now she felt the relief. God, it took tons off her shoulders. The catharsis had pulled her up like a drowned swimmer from a deep ocean of misery. It left her to shiver on a beach of silvery sand and radiant sunshine.
Kristie shook her head. She took a deep, shaking breath. Then she followed the couple into the restaurant proper. The place was lovely. It had white washed walls and a high wooden ceiling. It was shored by ancient beams. Huge bouquets of flowers stood everywhere.
Most tables were occupied by elegant people. They were gorgeously dressed Italian women and men in immaculate summer suits. Lovely waitresses glided around as if on roller skates. A tall blonde waiter immediately captured her gaze. She felt a hot blush rise from her exposed cleavage. Her skin rubbed utterly naked against the clinging silk.
Pierre took them up a few steps onto a low balcony. A round table was set for two. On bright white damask linen everything seemed to sparkle. The light of tall white candles lit up the china, the silver cutlery, the crystal glasses. The dark man slid back a chair for Angique to sit down on. Then he left, leaving Kristie to stand in flustered uncertainty.
Angique took the menu. It lay beside her plate. She opened it and concentrated on its contents. All the while Kristie stood. Her head was aflame. She looked out over the restaurant below. She was totally bewildered by what might be expected of her.
Should she take the initiative and sit down? Or would that enrage her Mistress? Would she, on the other hand, not be even more enraged if Kristie kept standing? Minutes passed. As they ticked on Kristie got more and more overwhelmed by her dilemma. She bit her lip to keep the damn tears back.
Then Angique looked up. She frowned her eyebrows.
"Sit down, silly girl. Don't keep standing there."
With a sigh Kristie sank down onto the dainty rococo chair. Right then the blonde young god approached. He served them both a flute of pink kir royal. He also carried two small eggs in tiny silver cups. He set one in front of each. "L'amuse gueul, madame. Bon appétit." And he left. He not once let on that he had seen more than one person at the table.
Kristie tried to smile. The skin of her face seemed to have lost its elasticity. She hummed a little hum. She made it seem accidentally.
Angique laid the menu aside. She looked up. Her gaze at once caught the blue shifting look of her girl. She nodded at the egg and said: "Do you know what this is, ma petite?"
Kristie knew it was a soft boiled little egg. It was probably a quail's egg with a vinaigrette of spices and herbs. "I think it is a quail's egg, madam. A small appetizer to go with the kir."
Angique said nothing. She just held the girl's gaze until Kristie shifted on her chair, nervously. The silence went on. And she started to hear the rush of her blood. It pumped against her temples.
Why did Angique act like this? She had given the right answer, she knew for sure. She wasn't a peasant girl from somewhere way back. She was a waitress in a restaurant in Florida. It wasn't a posh restaurant like this one. But they knew what an appetizer was. Sure they did. So why...
Her thoughts raced on like this. They pointed into an angry direction. Then Angique's face suddenly brightened. She took her glass and held it aloft.
"Sweet Kristie", she said. She wrapped her words in soft velvet. "Please take your glass and let's drink to my obnoxious arrogance. And then let us drink to its expedient burial."
She laughed her silver laugh. She laughed on until Kristie joined her. The blonde girl laughed until tears ran down her cheeks. This time she wasn't the only one.
The dinner was a feast. Kristie hardly knew what was being served. She immediately forgot. The portions were tiny, but there was no end to the amount of them. There was a little dish of delicious mushrooms. It was followed by a bird's wing in glorious marinade. Then came a single, fat white asparagus. They sucked on it greedily, giggling when they looked at each other. Then they almost gagged on it.
There were three raw oysters. Angique slid them down Kristie's throat. Her kisses traced their way down. Her face almost disappeared between the free dangling tits.
By then they had moved their chairs together. They both looked into the restaurant. They commented on people like naughty schoolgirls. They giggled. They pointed and burst into uncontrollable glee.
Angique took the bottle of lovely Sancerre wine. She filled both glasses again. Then she bid Kristie to lock her arm through Angique's. That way each could drink out of the other's glass. "But please, darling, don't swallow", she said. They both grinned at the innuendo. They drank. Their eyes were locked as fast as their arms. Then they kissed and mixed the wine with their tongues.
It was a kiss that lasted and lasted. Angique held Kristie's head. She drove her pink tongue as deep as she could. Then she retreated. She took Kristie's in and sucked on it till it ached.
When they let go at last, Kristie's head was spinning. Her ears were filled with a buzz. Her heart beat like a hammer. Oh God, and her body. Her half exposed nipples ached. Her bare pussy glowed like a soft swollen light bulb. She ached to spread her thighs. But her silk cocoon would not let her.
A groan rose from the deepest of her throat. She whispered: "Oh my, sweet Mistress..."
Then the daze cleared. And she saw they were not alone. Pierre had returned to their table while they were kissing. He seemed not at all embarrassed. He stood smiling his mischievous little smile. At least he sees me now, Kristie thought. And she felt a touch of sweet revenge.
"Un café, s'il vous plait", Angique said. Then she waved nonchalantly with her hand. "Et vous pouvez l'avoir, maintenant."
Kristie's French was close to non-existent. But even if she would have understood what was being said, she might not have gotten it.
Pierre smiled. He thanked Angique with a nod and a tiger's grin. Then he stood back. He looked at Kristie with a frown. Kristie did not move. At first she wasn't even aware that anything was expected of her. But the silence told her that things were not all right. She looked up into the host's eager gaze. Then she turned towards Angique. Her eyes widened.
"Don't make monsieur Pierre wait, little slut. Be honoured. Please him as well as you can. Now hurry."
Stunned is a word. So are stricken and dumbfounded. Kristie was all of those and more. Her eyes flew from the Frenchman to the woman she had been kissing. They had joked together like little girls. That was not even three minutes ago. And now...
She tried to form words. The first one was "But", so were the second and the third. "But, Mistress... he is a MAN!" The words stumbled and struggled until they culminated into the last one. She stretched it and twisted it into a wail. "A MAN!"
Angique looked amused. She let her eyes wander from the girl to Pierre. "Damn, Kristie", she laughed. "You are right! He is a man... and quite a man too." She sank her hand into the crotch of the waiting man. Slowly she kneaded the bulge she found. She felt it harden under her touch.
"Un homme, bien sûr."
They both grinned, the big nosed Frenchman and the woman who owned her. Something inside her seemed to unhitch. But not quite. From even deeper came a little girl's voice screaming no... noooooooo.
Her soul turned into a battlefield.
"But Mistress," she croaked, her eyes pleading. "You know I am a lesbian. I can't make love to a man?"
Angique laughed, a sweet but cruel laugh.
"Elle est une lesbienne, Pierre. Vous écoutez? Ma petite esclave dit qu'elle est une lesbienne."
They both chuckled. Angique reached out to touch Kristie's glowing cheek. Then her hand slid down. It rested on the narrow spaghetti lace that held up the flimsy dress. With a sudden flick she tore it. She pulled the silk off the girls chest, exposing her tits.
Kristie fought valiantly. But the cool breeze fingered her nipples. It made them stand tall for all the world to see. A torrent of tears flooded her cheeks.
"Rise, bitch!", Angique hissed.
In her dazed state the girl did not even hear what was told her. She sat like a statue. Tears rained on her breasts. They soaked the torn pieces of silk.
Angique reached out with red nailed fingers. She pinched the closest nipple and twisted it left and right. This shook the girl out of her apathy. She pushed the chair back with a yelp. Then she stood on shaking knees. The dress sagged down to her hips.
"Listen to me, Kristie", the seated woman said. She put in a pause to get the sobbing girl's full attention. "It is your right to regard yourself a lesbian. It is your right to refuse pleasing this man. It is even your right to tell me here and now: fuck you, Angique, and leave me. It is all up to you, darling. But listen..." She now rose herself. She walked two small steps to Kristie. Then she cupped her face and stared her down with the smouldering emerald of her eyes.
"If you decide to be a lesbian, you can't be my slave girl. Slave girls can't be lesbians. Nor can they be straight or bi or whatever they might fancy to be. They have no choice." She pulled the girl's face even closer. She repeated, much softer now: "They have no choice, darling. The choice is their Master's or Mistress's. Do you understand, sweet slut? I need you to tell me if you understand. You can't be mine and have a choice too."
The silence mingled with the murmurs of the restaurant and the soft sobbing of the girl.
"Do you understand, Kristie? Tell me."
"I... eh, I understand, Mistress", she whispered almost inaudible.
"You understand what, Kristie?"
"I eh... I understand I have no choice if I want to stay yours, Mistress."
Angique now took her shoulders. She turned the half naked girl around to face the Frenchman.
"If you want to be mine, Kristie, you have to go with this man. You must suck his glorious cock until he comes in your throat. Tell me that this is what you want to do for me."
She felt the girl tremble through her clutching hands. The aftershocks of her misery slowly got less intense. She pulled the girl towards herself. She made her breasts press into the bare back. Then she put her mouth close to the left ear. She whispered: "Please, beg me to be mine, my sweetest love."
Angique's hands sensed it before her ears heard the words. The change, the subtle sweet change when a girl surrenders. When both wills align. When at last a girl sees who she is. When destiny reveals itself.
"Please, Mistress... allow me to be yours."
That evening, back at the Villa, Angique asked Kristie to crawl into the huge bed with her. And to snug up into her embrace. They kissed and hugged and kissed again. Then they formed the sacred number. They gave each other numerous intense orgasms, before falling asleep.
"Did he treat you right, sweet angel?", Angique asked. She lay stretched out in the dark.
"He did, Mistress. And thank you for showing me who I am. It feels great to know that. And to know that I pleased you."
Another silence fell. Then the girl's sleepy voice said: "I am sorry I resisted you, Mistress. I am a stupid little girl. I shall never resist you again."
No answer. Then, minutes later: "I saw you serve him, darling. I saw you recline on the table. You rested on your back. You let your sweet head dangle from the edge so he could pump his big cock deep into your throat. Deep enough to get all of his nine fat inches embedded without fear of gagging you. You did very well, sweet slut of mine."
Silence again.
"Thank you, Mistress."
She put the ticket into the lower drawer of her pseudo antique little cabinet. But it didn't collect dust there. It was taken out regularly, mostly at night in those bleary eyed hours. The hours we number three or four. The first hard-earned sleep has worn off and the second seems to elude our tired grasp.
Brigitte knew she was stalling. She knew she was acting as immature as Justine. Justine spread a blanket of silence around her since their last eventful meeting. Maybe she had lost her. Maybe the shame was too great to meet the cause of it again. Whatever, Brigitte thought. She shrugged. Who was she to moralise?
And again she dragged herself to the restaurant. She put on a smile. She served all the Cédrics and Justines and the heavy handed, hard laughing business men. The men with their cute, steel eyed secretaries. And their fellow business men from all over the country and even abroad. She served the tourists with their little booklets and their halting French. The French they quickly changed into English as soon as the impossible numbers had to be understood. "Quatre-vingt treize, my God, what IS that?"
She handed out menus. She pointed out the specialities. She tried to sell the top listed wines and overprized champagnes. Then she dragged herself back to her tiny apartment to fall asleep like a log. And she woke up at three to open the lower drawer again. She slowly fingered the sleek ticket's cover, imagining.
One evening she saw the real Cédric walk into the restaurant. He had a very slutty girl on his arm. She was a tall, classic platinum blonde. Her tits were twice the size her tube top could handle. Her face was cute in a Barbie kind of way. But she was heavily made up. Her mouth screamed cock, her eyes begged: fuck me.
Brigitte held herself back not to embarrass the man. Through him she might hurt Justine. Although she doubted that he would recognise her. She had been at their wedding. She even had been Justine's bridesmaid, but that was a few years back now. And Cédric was, well, let's say not the type to remember faces he saw outside a mirror.
"Tu connais l'homme lá? Et sa putain?" a throaty female voice said at a table right beside her. Brigitte started and turned. She looked straight into the chuckling face of a business type woman in her thirties. She had straight brown hair, an intelligent face, a twinkle in her gray calm eyes. She held a new cigarette between long, slim fingers. She looked like a strong woman. She had a strong voice too, but with a surprisingly sensuous edge.
Brigitte agreed that she knew the man. She added he was the husband of her best friend. This made the woman click her tongue. She added a soft oh-la-la. Then she asked if this was a place for men to take their maitresses to. Brigitte thought about this, but no. Although it was a favourite hangout for corporate types, she didn't think so. But yes, she had to agree, this definitely wasn't Cédric's wife. She definitely wasn't his secretary or business partner either.
The woman chuckled her throaty laugh at this again. She reached out a hand to lay it on Brigitte's arm. She asked her if there was anything on or off the menu, which she would recommend. The hand seemed to send little pulses through her skin. Brigitte immediately understood what she meant by off the menu.
But she dutifully pointed out the specialities. She also dwelt on the fresh délices du marché. She felt herself smile beyond the call of duty. And she noticed how she started to respond to the cool and easy gaze of the woman. The husky voice seemed to tighten its control with every new word. It caught her in a soft web. It subtly wove a cocoon of intimacy.
She returned to bring the wine, the entrée and the dessert. And each time a new sweet layer was added. At last she brought the coffee and the bill. She did not even blink when the woman told her to go to the restroom and wait for her in one of the stalls. And please to get rid of her soaked panties.
In the last half-hour every touch and every whisper had made the short hairs in her neck rise. They made her nipples tingle and her crotch swell. When she walked to where the restrooms were, her knees trembled. The wetness of her panties made her thighs squish at every step.
In the room two lady guests were checking their faces. They gossiped in a flat Canadian English. Brigitte smiled at them, Then she went to the first stall. She got out of her soaked panties and sat down on the bowl. She stared at the closed door. She felt a throbbing pulse in her throat. The scent of the balled up panties in her fist started to permeate the air. They made her nostrils flare. My God, Brigitte, she thought. Now who is the whore here?
But she did not move. She just sat there and heard the ladies leave. She sat and waited for the woman to visit her. She was ready to do whatever she was supposed to.
Then she heard the door to the restaurant open. She noticed the click of heels. They hesitated for a second. Then they came in her direction. The stall's door opened. The woman stood silhouetted against the cream tiled background.
"Brigitte", she said and smiled. "Ma belle putain. Tu es si gentile et patiente." Then she stepped forward. She tucked up her gray business skirt. She exposed strong, athletic thighs framed in black garters. She wore no panties. Her nicely trimmed crotch was a perfect triangle.
"Mange-moi, saloppe", she whispered. Her words were like steel darts dipped in honey. Brigitte never even wavered. She leaned forward to press her lips against the slit. She opened it with the tip of her tongue. She rested her hands on the woman's hips and pressed forward. She tasted the slick pink linings. Then she moved upwards to search for the clit.
"Fuck me with your pointed tongue, cheap little whore."
The words seemed to float in the air. They did not touch her as she started to bob her head. She drove her tongue into the moist, narrow cave. My God, the heat of it.
"Plus vite! Aaaah, mais oui, ma jouet, plus vite! Plus profond... aaaahhh..."
She felt the woman's cunt hump against her face. The nicely trimmed hair filled her nose. A low, soft moan rose. It blended with the hoarse purring of a cat. Her own pathetic gasps for air mixed with the sloshing sounds her tongue made. Yet again she speeded up.
Two insisting hands pulled her hard against the crotch. All air seemed to vanish. She became a pistoning machine. All thought left her. All consciousness fled her mind. She pushed and pushed her stiff tongue to greater depths. Their movements started to synchronise to a devastating rhythm of one, two, one, two, in, out, in, out. The lack of air made her feel dizzy. Her body got limp. Only her tongue held its dutiful rigidity. It pumped and darted. It fucked.
The woman's moans rose to screams. She tightened even further. Her thighs stiffened. She started coming. She held her pet like a vice. Her shrieks followed the pattern of her increased motions. She spasmed. She buckled against her whore and cried obscenities. She called her the worst of names. Then she sank down to her knees and pulled the ruined face of her toy over her silk clad chest. She held it up against her shoulder.
For a while she lay panting against the door. She hugged her unconscious plaything. Then she at last came down from her incredible high. She kissed the girl on her brow and let her slide to the tiled floor. She straightened her own skirt and blouse and stepped out of the stall. She closed the door behind her. Then she walked over to the mirrors. She retouched her face and hair and went back into the restaurant. There she asked for a cab. Two minutes later she slid into the back of the car.
She pointed out the directions to her hotel.
It took longer for the fazed out fucktoy to change back into the waitress Brigitte. Or what was left of her. They were minutes of gasping, gagging, almost throwing up. Then there were more minutes of sobbing muffled wails. And a low, sad repetition of no's.
At last she grabbed the top of the toilet bowl. She dragged herself up to her feet. Her head throbbed. Her jaws ached. She tried to focus her eyes. She struggled to stand on her feet without help from the walls. Then she pushed at the door and stepped into the tiled space outside.
At the dainty china washbasin she dabbed her hot face with cold water. She redid her ruined hairdo. She restored her make up as far as she was able to with only her hands. Seeing herself in the mirror made her wince.
Then she turned to leave. The door opened and in walked the platinum escort. Her signal red lips curled into a knowing smile. She winked a heavy lashed eye.
The day had been long. It had been filled to the brim with sweet Italian spring. Now the last rays of the sinking sun played along the top of the summer room's walls. The rest of it was already in shadows. Angique lay on the velvet-clad chaise longue. She sipped espresso from a tiny cup. A burgundy robe of glowing silk was wrapped around her. Kristie knelt naked at her feet. She hugged Angique's legs. Her blonde head lay against them. Her skin held a fresh glow from a day in the sun. It shone with a layer of scented oil.
They had been down at the lakeshore. Arnold had filled the hold of the elegant, classic Riva speedboat with a tall basket containing the ingredients for an unforgettable picnic.
He had taken them to one of the tiny islands. As soon as he left, they both tore the flimsy summer dresses off their bodies. They plunged naked into the cool, deep water. Kristie was a great swimmer. She seemed a little golden dolphin. She sped her strong, sleek body effortlessly through the clear waters. Angique wasn't. She was content to be able to thrash around. She could just keep her pale mermaid's body from sinking. Swimming had never appealed to her. Even the few humble strokes she'd mastered had cost her years of suppressing fear and gaining control.
But right now she was glad she had not given up. She loved to feel the girl's slick body slide along her back. She loved the dainty hands teasing. Cool wet titties fondled hers. And yes... few things beat the immense pleasure of kissing a wet, shivering face. To hug like mating nymphs below the huge coppola of a summer sky.
The invitation had insisted that the dress code would be "outrageous". Most guests had gladly obliged. First and for all the Lady Huntington. She was Lord Alfred's wife and hostess of the evening. She and her lovely daughter wore salmon and sea green satins. They were as tight and generously cut out as their perfect bodies allowed. The Lady is a petite Thai princess in her early forties. She looks hardly a day older than her stunning sixteen-year-old daughter. It was so special to watch...
A month had passed. Kristie had returned to the Villa. Arnold had picked her up in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She had been hiding in a motel. She only opened her door after he had shown his face and had talked to her for minutes. He had wrapped her in blankets and taken her to Miami Airport. She had slept all the way to Milan. She only woke up when the car crunched the gravel on the driveway to Villa d'Este. Brigitte seemed to have decided that her pride was more precious than her...
Florida. Home had changed. Everything seemed smaller, uglier. She had walked past the restaurant where she worked. She did not enter. People at the fitness club greeted her enthusiastically. She felt reserved. The gossip they had did not touch her. It seemed to concern strangers. Her mother had cried when she saw her again. Her father just stood and watched her. His eyes had been sad. They hugged. But something essential seemed to have changed. Her apartment used to be her one precious...
Villa. The view always took her breath away. Today even more than before. Maybe it was the incredible vastness of the blue sky over the still snowy caps of the mountains. Or the sun that painted a bright shining avenue of light on the lake below. She stood at the edge of the terrace. She felt the spring breeze lick at the nipples of her exposed breasts. The slope of the mountain fell away steeply before her high-heeled feet. It gave her a dizzying sensation of flying whenever she looked...
Iron. The darkness seemed to stick to her eyes and her face. It glued her lashes together. It also had icy cold fingers that made her skin ripple with shivers. Her teeth clattered. Life seeped back into her body. Gradually. First it warmed her slow, heavy heart. Then it spread throughout her flesh, fractions of inches at a time. But her fingers stayed numb, as did her feet. She opened her eyes. Nothing changed. Then all came back to her. The blindfold, the gag... the awful people. The...
Whore. Her head split. Her mouth was the stinking den of furry animals. There wasn't a bone in her body that didn't ache. Even the air around her was hot. It felt wet and filthy. She stumbled along the sidewalk. Her eyes blinked against the cruel light of day. She cursed the person bearing her name. She had thrown her broken heels away and tried to make her shredded top to at least cover her nipples. She walked with a curious gait. It was due to the delicate tenderness of both her cunt...
Author's Note: I promised everyone that I don't like sequels, I don't read serial stories, and I stay away from continuing sagas. So, when Caleb Jones asked publicly for a continuation of the Sci-Fi Detective Body-Swap story "Kalliope", I simply set aside my prejudices and wrote it. This is it. If you haven't read "Kalliope", you can still understand about 95% of this story, but if you read it first, the entire 110% of this tale will be crystal clear. Dedicated to...
CHAPTER III – Mobu’s Big Black CockOn Friday evening, Mobu arrived as agreed at Becca’s house. During the previous week he had thought a lot about how he would court and seduce Giselle. He thought about what Becca had told him about her friend’s marriage in crisis, and wondered how Giselle put up with her miserable husband Francesco, who was not able to give her the sexual satisfaction a woman like her needed. He had no doubt that he would be able to conquer Giselle, and add her to the list of...
Interracialthought of her grandfather, his life long tutor and how he had entrusted her care to him. He remembered well. Rommel had watched her grow up, fall down, lose teeth and at last begin to bloom. Now he watched as young men slithered around her at gatherings and it began to drive him crazy. He watched Giselle laugh at the young gentlemen and flirt; she had no idea the depth to her appeal. How could she be aware of how sexy her her neck looked when her hair was up, or...
The story so far:Giselle’s Italian husband, Francisco, is useless in bed. To satisfy her sexually, she has taken a lover, an African named Mobu with a huge black cock. She has just had her first fuck from him, and drunk his semen out of a condom. But the evening is not over yet by a long way. Now read on…*Then Giselle invited her African stud to lie down next to her on the double bed. She wanted to get to know his body better, and learn how to satisfy every inch of his black frame.She and Mobu...
InterracialThe story so far: Giselle’s Italian husband, Francisco, is useless in bed, and can no longer satisfy her sexually. Her friend Becca, suggests she gets an African lover.***Giselle laughed with delight at her friend’s suggestion.“Ah Becca, please don’t make fun of me,” she said. “Tell me honestly; is the myth about African men really true? I mean, do they really have such huge penises, and are they such great lovers? I’ve always thought it was just people’s imagination. And are they as...
InterracialIn the meantime, having watched Giselle swallow every drop of his fertile semen out of the condom, Mobu was aroused and excited more than ever before. He pulled her towards him and kissed her passionately, pushing his tongue into her mouth and wrapping it round hers. Eventually, he pulled away and spoke eagerly to her. “Look, Giselle, maybe you think that I am a jerk and this is for me only a one-night stand. But you are wrong. Now, be honest with me, please. Has this just been a diversion for...
InterracialIn the meantime, having watched Giselle swallow every drop of his fertile semen out of the condom, Mobu was aroused and excited more than ever before. He pulled her towards him and kissed her passionately, pushing his tongue into her mouth and wrapping it round hers. Eventually, he pulled away and spoke eagerly to her. “Look, Giselle, maybe you think that I am a jerk and this is for me only a one-night stand. But you are wrong. Now, be honest with me, please. Has this just been a diversion for...
InterracialFor the first time in many months, Giselle felt happy and fulfilled. She sat back and gazed at her black lover’s penis, soft and wilting after she had sucked every drop of semen out of it. She thought back over the events of the last few weeks; how miserable she had been because of her husband’s sexual inadequacy, and how her friend Becca had suggested she take an African lover. Then how Becca had arranged for her to meet just such a man: Mobu, a black stud with an enormous cock and an...
InterracialFor the first time in many months, Giselle felt happy and fulfilled. She sat back and gazed at her black lover’s penis, soft and wilting after she had sucked every drop of semen out of it. She thought back over the events of the last few weeks; how miserable she had been because of her husband’s sexual inadequacy, and how her friend Becca had suggested she take an African lover. Then how Becca had arranged for her to meet just such a man: Mobu, a black stud with an enormous cock and an...
InterracialCHAPTER ITheir friends all thought Giselle and her husband Francesco were a slightly ill-matched couple. For a start, she was a youthful 33 years old, while he was 48 and looked it. She was everything that a red-blooded Italian man would look for in a wife: 5’7” tall, an angelic face with a cascade of blond hair, 130 pounds in weight, with gorgeous bouncing 34D breasts and firm well-rounded buttocks that would turn heads in the street, especially in the tight figure-hugging skirts that she...
InterracialI don't care who owns it. As long as they allow for the glorious amounts of nudity on the platform, Twitter is and continues to be fucking awesome. As great as the many different porn sites that I have reviewed are, checking out the torrents of tasty women on Twitter certainly does put me in the mood. Not only do you get to see the sorts of smut they are interested in, you often get a flood of free previews of what they are into.I realized a long time ago that there are hundreds of hotties to...
Twitter Porn AccountsThis week is a Three day holiday and so I decided to visit home; it's been almost three months since the last time I went home. My parents live only an hour or so from the city but with work and life I guess I have just been lazy. I recently broke up with my girlfriend of eight months, apparently she says I wasn't 'taking the relationship serious enough', whatever that means. I'm not heartbroken though, I suppose I just don't do good with commitment. I am not a player but I just...
Paul woke up, his heart racing. He checked his watch on the nightstand. 12 midnight, so he had only been asleep for a couple of hours. "Gonna be a long night," he sighed. Ancient but unmistakably feminine smells surrounded him. He looked around the room, scanning its contents. Apparently, nothing had been touched after Rosemary's daughter had died. "A car accident," Rosemary had said, clearly still angry. "Hit and run." Old clothing was left on chairs and dressers, make-up lids were...
This story is a little creepy. Fair warning. The Clover Coffee Club By Joe Six-Pack The desire to create is insatiable in some people. They want nothing more out of life than to dream, to design and to build. No force known to man can stop a man when his mind his focused on the goal of making something. The need to leave something behind that shows you were here, that shows that you meant something, that demonstrates an existence validated by the object one brings into...
Gisel is my cousins wife. She's 31 mexican doesn't know any English she's an elementary school teacher lives in juarez and only has been with 1 man in her life. She's 5ft 5in tall, juicy tits plump ass sexy face and great brown tan skin. Every time I see her I struggle not to get hard, ever since I saw her ive wanted to fuck her. 1 day I went by myself to juarez because I was going to play with my cousin in the Sunday soccer league. I showed up at his house expecting to see him there so we can...
Dear friends, This is a true story about a father his daughters not one or two but all there daughters he produced during 20 years of marriage bond. First let me introduce myself i am a guy of 25 years tall handsome and loveable boy and am a student of local post graduation college.Lovey eldest of all three girls along with ruby and pinky was my classmate in degree course. We use to study together in our house for which i was being paid for by three girls not sisters(two other classmates) Rs...
Our story begins with a recent refurbishment of a local theater. The local tabloids had done recent articles on the theater: when it was first constructed, its passings of ownership, and its slow decay with the poor economic times. Our two lovebirds had first fallen in love at this theater. They had been following these news articles with building interest as the week passed, for these articles were the build up to the first show of the refurbished theater. The two lovebirds had made a date of...
CHAPTER 1 _____________________ Beau Lovejoy was pretty much a nerd when he was young. He loved to read, and he was completely addicted to comic books, but anything that wasn't grounded in reality would do. He was always lost in some fantasy or another, and the real world seemed rather mundane in comparison. At least, it did until he discovered something even more facinating. Women. When he was a boy, he found girls annoying, and he actually tried to...
Rosaleen Dickonson’s famous quote says ‘Whatever they grow up to be, they are still our children, and the one most important of all the things we can give to them is unconditional love. Not a love that depends on anything at all except that they are our children.’ Some parents don’t love their children, though. Some parents hate them, wanting to be rid of them the first moment they legally can. In the small New England town of Munishire exists a school to deal with a select few of these...
I sent a text to Giselle Saturday morning after a sleepless night regarding a follow-up appointment. After feeding and changing Char, Daniel and I went about our usual Saturday routine of chores and grocery shopping. During our errands, I kept wondering when and if Giselle would text back. It wasn't until late Monday morning that I received a text asking me to call.I returned her call during my lunch break; we talked the entire time discussing in more detail what I wanted as far as lingerie. I...
LesbianMy husband and I have been married almost five years. We're both thirty-two years old, and we have a darling one-year-old baby girl who is the light of our lives. We're both very physically active, working out and playing sports. We take Charlotte with us when we run, pushing her in the stroller while we talk. We have the perfect relationship, and we're in the prime of our sexual lives.During our time together, our sex life has ebbed and flowed like the waves on a beach. Before Char, we were...
First TimeIt’s been some time since I wrote about my crazy life as a slutty crossdresser so with some free time right now I thought I might tell you about Ricky, one of my early boyfriends when I was a teenager…. Ricky moved into our neighborhood when I was 17 and he was 18 and I had a crush on him right away. He was so damn good looking with dark brown hair, brown eyes and strong athletic body and fantasizing about his cock between my lips made me dizzy every time I saw him. It was summertime...
It’s been some time since I wrote about my crazy life as a slutty crossdresser so with some free time right now I thought I might tell you about Ricky, one of my early boyfriends when I was a teenager…. Ricky moved into our neighborhood when I was 17 and he was 18 and I had a crush on him right away. He was so damn good looking with dark brown hair, brown eyes and strong athletic body and fantasizing about his cock between my lips made me dizzy every time I saw him. It...
CrossdressingNight Skies Hotel: Lovers' Retreat By Wolverine I'm not Solari, but I'm decent, so give this one a shot. This story was written with permission from Solari. ******************************************************************* Lisa and William stumbled into the entrance of the Night Skies Hotel, watching carefully over their shoulders. Leroy wouldn't be too far behind and the hope he wouldn't look inside a high-class hotel such as this one was just that - a hope, a prayer, a desperate...
EPISODE IVCrimson & CloverWe decide for our anniversary to go for a ride in the country, having a picnic lunch packed with a bottle of red table wine & a blanket. Just the two of us this time. We drove for quite some time, until we drove way out into the boonies, big time! We spotted this huge field of clover growing on the right side of the country road, so we found a dirt road leading into it. Bob's road, I presumed? Ha ha. Driving in just far enough not to be spotted from the road,...
Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Six: Love's Nature By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264for beta reading this. Chapter Sixteen: Love's Nature Sven Falk – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch The room Priestess Thea led me to was surprisingly homey. It wasn't what I expected given the solemn grandeur of the rest of the Temple of Luben. An open window looked out at a small garden, lacy curtains framing it. A table set in the center, the...
It was the second day of school of my freshman year when I first kissed Suzi. I sat with her during lunch instead of my usual table, making Joey a little mad at me. At least he tried to make it look like it was anger, but I knew from his body language that he was really just plain jealous. I mean, here I was holding hands with the girl we all had discussed in detail what we thought she looked like naked. Suzi and I had three classes together. As it happened, they were the odd-numbered...
This story is meant for free fan distribution to TG fiction sites throughout the web. Please enjoy the story and be free with your comments or critiques! ============================================================ Fork Leaf Clover: SHAMrock Stand-In II By Dee Eon Kicking heels high after my slippers' metal taps clicked and rapped the parquet floor like a machine gun below my long legs and flouncing embroidered clover green velvet skirt, my passionate solo jig to the...
As I entered the bedroom, Joey asked, “Tim, after dinner, what were you doing to Honey before you kissed her?” Surprised, I hesitated a moment to recall that moment before saying, “I shared my feelings for her with her. Why?” “It was weird but ... I swear I felt it coming from Joy.” Suzi said, “They are twins. Maybe they’re so in sync with each other they actually can feel what each other feels. You two did kiss them at the same time. They were very excited about that, by the way. They...
As some from the community asked us how it came that we enjoy taking porn photos, porn clips or even fucking in the public, we decided to write our story about how it came. Moana asked me her loverboy to write down what we experienced many years ago while we were on a holiday trip to Australia. For a few days we stayed south of Townsend on the Australian east coast. We spent our day on a remote area of a very long beach. This beach area was next to a golf course which was just behind the beach....
All Lovers' Desires So it had happened that Steve, upset that his fiancee, attractive and willfull, had been unwilling to incorporate "power tools" into their love making. That she in fact had discouraged every hint of experimentation or kink in their play, and coming home from work one day, Steve had chanced to stop at an out of the way store because of a detour. "Young man, I can see that you are troubled but I believe I can help you." The shopkeeper saw Steve start to interrupt...
That evening, Penny fucked me in the ass with the strap on while Suzi did the same to Joey. Thankfully it didn’t last very long before Penny demanded I lick her again. Joey didn’t get off as lightly, but then he got to fuck Suzi the regular way afterward which I didn’t get to do until that night in the shower. Saturday was the last full day of camp for the kiddos and it was the standard celebratory events we all remembered from when we had attended camp. There were dunking booths, tug of...
Love's Journey -------------------------- The flowers are in bloom In the early weeks of May The little boys chase frogs The girls just sing and play. Above a field of green Beneath a tree of pine Two friends sit side by side Two lovers intertwined Moral laws be damned Let only God lay blame Love shall rule the day Though chromosomes the same. Years and years as brothers Divide by hate and pain Wandering the desert Stuck out in the rain. Separate bearing...
This is the third and final part of my story about my unexpected love for my beautiful neighbour. Links to the other parts are available on my profile page as usual. Love's Awakening A warm wetness was working it's way up my legs. Although I knew I was dreaming, I savoured the sensation as it paused. Roughness followed on from the slippery heat and in my dream, my skin tingled. Again the wetness, higher this time it caressed my thighs both inner and outer. I could feel small fingers grasping...
Straight SexEverybody Love's Raymond's Wife (Chapter's 1-5) Warning: This story is fiction, and should be treatedas such. The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, andcontains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult, or readingsex stories upset you, DO NOT read any further. If it is illegal in yourlocation, DO NOT read it. This is a copyrighted work. Copyright by NotMy Story. Reposting or any other use of it is strictly prohibited withoutthe express, written permission of...
Copyright© 2004 Kyle was having a very sexy dream, one more exciting and vivid than he had ever imagined. Brianna was romping naked and dancing with him in passion and delight. The flashing curves of her breasts and legs, her joyful laugh and bright smiling eyes filled the dream. Kyle gasped as Brianna dominated him for coupling, gasped again as she rolled to let him mount her for a short while, gasped a third time as she turned and reclaimed the mount position. It all seemed so...
Camp Eighteen was reputed to have the best food and the least nasty guards in the string of Western female detainee camps along the Singapore Road. Alice had only been in Camp Eighteen for a short time when Needle-nose Hakimura reported her for disrespect to her assigned minder in front of other female prisoners. The shifty-eyed Japanese soldier and former street cleaner hated all the round-eyed Western women in the camp and often let his acrimony be shown with slaps and kicks to their sickly...
Chapter Cast: Ireland (Iry), Female, 29 - Beige skin, 5’6, 130lbs, straight shoulder-length blonde hair Zoe, Female, 29 - Beige skin, 5’6, 120lbs, straight long silky black hair I’d never been one to approach anyone for a sexual relationship. I never made the first move. I liked it when someone would try to seduce me. To catch my interest. To let me know they wanted to do more than have a conversation. I was confidant in doing so, happy to be the shy, innocent type who enjoyed being led to...
A Colleen In Clover (rushed re-touch from 3/8/99 version. Happy St. Pat's!) by Dee Eon "Gee, that's a stupid idea, carrot top!!" scoffed Paul atop his farm's log fence with me. "None's gonna make a St. Patrick's Day parade in Four Clovers 'cause there ain't any Irish here--'cept you 'n your folks! There's just Poles n' Czechs 'round here!" "Americans don't mind celebrating St. Pat's in stores!" I retorted sourly to my eighth-grade American schoolmate and neighbor. "Sure, the...
My parents announced to me that due to her mother getting ill they were going to have to go to the states for a month, but as l had my university interview coming up l would go and stay with my aunt ( my father's elder sister).Now l have a bit of a 'thing' for my aunt who is in her 50s but she looks and dresses younger and everytime l see her she is always wearing skintight black leather gloves which excite me and l've often wondered what it would be like to have my cock played with by a woman...
My husband was always a good guy, a bread winner who always came through for his family. He was very smart and seemed destined for more than a standard nine-to-five. Thus, it was no surprise when he invented something that he was able to sell and say bye-bye to the grind. The only surprise lay in how comfortable we truly were. It was like a whirlwind, buying a large, posh new home, new vehicles and a family vacation. We went from cold Ohio to the tropics for ten days. On the last night, our...
My husband was always a good guy, a bread winner who always came through for his family. He was very smart and seemed destined for more than a standard nine-to-five. Thus, it was no surprise when he invented something that he was able to sell and say bye-bye to the grind. The only surprise lay in how comfortable we truly were. It was like a whirlwind, buying a large, posh new home, new vehicles and a family vacation. We went from cold Ohio to the tropics for ten days. On the last night, our...
Wife LoversMany think badly of shoe fetishists. Despite our opening up of society to the subject of sex and fetishism, we are for the most part very limited in what we subjectively view as "normal". But why is that so? Why is a man who finds only anal sex with a woman really satisfying any different from one who seeks physical and emotional satisfaction from a much more private and intimate object of his beloved? After all, let's think more about it - how long do we wear a pair of shoes on average? What...
Some time passed after the ski camp, what felt like an eternity. Tamara and Marie winked at me more often during class, but nothing more happened. Neither could I - as usual - go into the girls' cabin during physical education classes, as we had swimming lessons for this grade. Unfortunately, it was in the municipal bathing complex, where it was almost impossible to get into the women's changing room without being seen. To make matters worse, there were also lockers with locks, no, my chances...
Each upper grade was allowed to go on a grade trip for one week. For most of them it meant being further away from their parents for the first time and being able to do what one wanted. In addition, you could choose where to go. There were different cities in Europe to choose from. I didn't really care which one I would take because I had already visited them all “privately”. So I simply chose it based on which other people would go with it. There was the group of the “cool” - those who mainly...
Her name was Sabine (name changed). A cute mouse, about 1.60 m tall, very thin and brunette. Always in the front row, most would say she was a nerd. Basically no one liked her either - she was the one who would gossip about every matter to the teacher. I had known her since 5th grade, together with Marie (name changed). But this is another story. Now it's about the typical wallflower Sabine. Even her style of clothing was inconspicuous, almost boring. She only wore jeans or denim skirts, but...
It was a rainy winter day. New Year's Eve was long gone, but winter persisted in the rural area where our school was located.The school itself was actually quite nicely located, next to a river and a mountain with a small castle overlooking the panorama. A few weeks had passed since my last visit to the girls' changing room. At the moment I didn't even have the urge to know exactly what it was I couldn't pin down. Sabine hadn't really noticed it back then either. Sure - that the shoe was in the...
Now l had been staying at my aunts for about a week and we had fucked in virtually every room in the house and my aunt seemed to have a different outfit for every day,my education was coming along quite nicely and from the way my aunt responded l felt l was getting straight A's.This particular morning my aunt was dressed to go out she was wearing a black leather suit with the skirt midway between her knees and thighs so if she sat in a certain position the tops of her black stockings could be...
I’d been seeing Carla for almost three years. It was a fading romance, with the emphasis on fading, rather than romance. A year of separate colleges hadn’t done anything to pull us back together after the fading started in our last year of high school. I’d looked forward to the Memorial Day holiday as we’d both be home and maybe things would be better. In hindsight, looking forward to spending time with Carla and rejuvenating our relationship was optimistic of me.We’d gone out for a reunion...
Straight SexDisclaimer: This story is for adult entertainment! So, ensure you are 18 years of age. Author's Note: Once again, I've delved into the Spells R Us is my third story with this setting. (Lust Potion '69' & Womanizer, and now Lover's Desire) Anyway, this is a fantasy, and contains a lot of female-female......Enjoy! Oh Yeah: My new e-mail address (lower case): [email protected] "Lover's Desire" by J.R. Parz I. Jess Parker was browsing...
Prologue The light fog added moisture to the air. The coolness of the night wrapped around her like a wet towel, sending a shiver up her spine. She was lucky she knew the area so well, or she could have easily become lost. She looked through the trees at the house where he lived, slightly smiling at the one candle burning in the kitchen window. Part One: Seductive Arrest Gabrielle Garrison was a woman on a mission and neither cold, fog, or wetness was going to deter her from its swift...
I woke up the next morning, not sure if what had happened the night before had been a dream. Before I even opened my eyes I felt Chris's hairy chest against my cheek and smelled his musky male scent. The reality of the previous day came back to me. I totally lost my will to this young man, who could light up my body like a Christmas tree. I had tried to resist him, and got only pain as a result. My resistance was futile. I could not deny my Master. I heard Andrea let out a moan, and I...