Giselle Clarize a Love StoryChapter 14
- 4 years ago
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The invitation had insisted that the dress code would be "outrageous". Most guests had gladly obliged. First and for all the Lady Huntington. She was Lord Alfred's wife and hostess of the evening. She and her lovely daughter wore salmon and sea green satins. They were as tight and generously cut out as their perfect bodies allowed. The Lady is a petite Thai princess in her early forties. She looks hardly a day older than her stunning sixteen-year-old daughter.
It was so special to watch them over the rim of her glass. To enjoy the elegance of their movements. The sweet and subtle way they smiled. Their suave and worldly manners, erudite conversations. At the same time Angique remembered the night the daughter knelt before her father. It had been right here in this same room, en plein publique. She had opened his trousers with delicate hands. Then she had taken his cock in her mouth. It slid down right to the entrance of her throat and made her lips stretch. Her tiny fingers were hardly able to circumvent its base. Her other hand caressed the heavy balls.
She also remembered how her own mother had abused her virgin little ass hole with a long and slender strapped on dildo. Her pushes urged her to take her father in to the root. She had gagged on his erection.
Turning her attention to the host himself, Angique smiled at him. She saw him converse with a Negro couple. They were very tall and distinguished both. Sir Alfred saw her smile, and he invited her over to introduce her. Their names were African and hard to reproduce. They were from Tanzania and allowed her to call them John and Elizabeth. She had never seen them before and she was much impressed by John, who was at least six foot five and displayed his exposed chest of oiled ebony. He only wore tight black leather leggings. They set off his strong muscles and hard butt. Curved highlights played with his impressive bulge.
Elizabeth was only a few inches shorter. Her head was shaven. It gave her the breathtaking looks of the Egyptian queen Nefertiti. She had almond eyes and pillowed lips, a long and gracious neck. She only wore a sheer sarong-like wrap in purest gold around her slick limbs. It exposed more than it covered the firm and pointy globes of her breasts.
They were on a tour in Europe, they told her. They were very grateful that Sir Alfred invited them as guests of honour.
Sir Alfred excused himself. He was immediately replaced by the Comtesse Emilie and her younger sister Eugenie. They were two regulars with excellent, but very snobby taste. They were highly opinionated and had ferocious sexual appetites. They dressed both in fine white leather. Their semi-over bust corsets were laced tightly at the back to tuck in their narrow waists. At the same time they accented their hips and pushed up their breasts.
Emilie was wearing a gold brocade full skirt lifted at the front to show off her shining stockings. Eugenie only wore garters and silver stockings. Their gold and silver ankle boots were in embroidered silk. They laced through a myriad of tiny holes and sported 18th century style heels.
They exchanged greetings with candy-laced smiles. Both Ladies complimented Angique on her entree and the stunning couple she brought with her for amusement. Angique tried to introduce them to John and Elizabeth. But they hastened to assure her that they had already met before. The Countess pointedly looked at John's main asset. Her sister couldn't keep her eyes off Elizabeth's chest. That gave Angique a flash of imagination. She saw John lift Emilie's brocade skirt at the back and push his immense cock between her cheeks.
Then she was plucked out of her reverie by a silver chime. The voice of the butler informed them that dinner would be served.
The table was set in a giant oval and decked with the purest white damask. China plates and crystal glasses caught the candlelight. They cast it back in a splattering of floating stars. The silver shone and made the lights dance along the ceiling at every touch.
The lovely, naked music ensemble stopped playing. A sudden murmuring silence deepened until it was almost total. All eyes turned to where Sir Alfred sat, the host of the evening. He rose to address his guests before the first course would be served.
"Friends", he said with his deep and rumbling voice. "Our meetings really are too few and too far apart. Je vous souhaite le bienvenue, I wish you all a hearty welcome. I hope tonight will be as satisfying as suits our tradition." A soft rap of fingertips ran around the table. People murmured their agreement.
He then lifted his glass of excellent Chablis. All followed his example. They sipped carefully after toasting the success of things to come. Then Sir Alfred clapped his hands. The tall doors flew open. The music stroke up the Halleluja of Haendel. And in a fragrant cloud of pink rose petals eight or nine naked children danced into the dining hall. They were girls and boys from six to maybe eight years old. They carried silver plates and balanced them precariously on their tiny hands. Then the first girl slid onto the lap of one of the guests. She fed him a small amuse on a spoon. The others followed suit. Soon a pretty little pink angel pecked Angique on the cheek. It settled its plump butt onto her leather thighs. She felt the delicious heat seep through. The child laughed and sang an Italian children's song. The Halleluja kept drowning all.
The amuse was a tiny quail's egg with a delicious mustard sauce. It melted on the tongue. The little girl kissed Angique once more with her syrupy lips and flew on. All around the table smiling faces met smiling faces. The air itself seemed to have turned into spun sugar. Fireflies danced where the silverware caught the light.
She saw tight little naked bums being pinched. A pouting child's mouth suckled on a woman's ripe nipple. A man's finger disappeared into a baby bare slit. But all the while the dance went on. It was like a merry go round until the last guest had been served. Then the carnival of laughter and movement fled the room again. It left the guests out of breath. Bright flushed faces mirrored the delight of the moment.
The music sank back into the murmurs of conversation. The butler announced the first course: huge ice-filled silver plates covered with open oysters and other seashells. Before the guests could reach out, though, the host stood yet again. He got their attention by striking his glass with a spoon.
"Friends", he started. "Before feasting on these delicious and invigorating delicatessen I'd once again like to remind you. The stimulation of your taste buds is only part of the carnival of the senses I planned for you tonight..." He again clapped his hands. The doors opened. And on the first movements of Vivaldi's Summer the doorway filled with a group of the most erotic girls and boys Angique ever set eyes on. They represented all the physical beauty this world is able to produce. Blondes and brunettes were there, Negro princesses and Scandinavian athletes. Delicate Asian dolls displayed their porcelain skin. A tall Nubian male was only dressed in the oiled splendour of his blue-black skin. A lovely petite blonde curly headed teenage girl leaned against him.
All looked excited. They seemed aroused, flushed with anticipation... as were the guests. Sir Alfred smiled widely. He made an inviting gesture and said: "Allez, mes petites... bon appetit!"
The splendid troupe danced forward, then fell on all fours to crawl under the table.
It was great to look around the table and watch the faces. To see how they all tried to keep up a nice conversation. How they tried not to betray their increasing arousal from what happened between their legs down there. The hanging tablecloth shielded the mysterious darkness under the table.
A delicious shiver ran up Angique's spine. She felt a hand climb along her legs, slowly up towards her inner thigh. She opened slightly. She felt a moisture form. For a second she had to close her eyes. Then she lifted her oyster to let the salty morsel slide down her throat. She tried to guess whose hand it was. And she had to admit she neglected the older neighbour on her left for a while. Wasn't that a tiny, soft hand? It must be the teenage girl. Yes. Weren't those her soft curls that tickled her skin through the flimsy leather? Wasn't that her head moving up towards her crotch? Oh, God... how divine this was...
She still felt the subsiding tremors of release slither down her limbs. Her eyes toured the grand oval of the table. Her skin seemed glued with sweat to the flimsy leather covering it. She glowed like a candle.
The girls and boys down there must by now be mostly finished with their exquisite service. Many a guest slumped slightly in his or her seat. Their eyes were glazed over, their chests heaved rapidly.
One of the valets, a tall Negro, clapped his hands. Angique saw their sweet tormentors crawl from under the hanging damask. Such a wonderful sight. Faces shone with spent juices and globs of creamy sperm. Hair looked sticky, skin was flush with heat and excitement.
All slaves were smiling. They licked the juices off of each other's bodies and faces. The little curly haired child ran a tongue Angique knew so well over the drenched face of a Chinese girl. They huddled together, and giggled as they left the room on their way to be tidied. They would no doubt be prepared for yet another service.
Angique noted that the music had stopped. The gap slowly filled with murmuring voices. Laughs sounded and excited exclamations, comments on what had happened. People started to concentrate on the iced seafood in front of them.
When the empty shells had been removed, a deep throbbing drumbeat made the air vibrate. The doors opened. The lights lowered. Silhouetted against the glaring light stood the tallest giant Angique ever saw. He was totally bald and shaven. He was at least seven feet of gleaming bluish black muscle. He carried a huge drum, which he beat so loud and deep that she felt her bowels vibrate with it.
He stepped forward. He swayed the leopard's skin that protected his body from the drum. And behind him strutted two naked midgets. They stepped out of the light into the candle lit dusk of the room, a man and a woman the size of children. Their enormous heads wore wreaths of ivy around two perfect little horns. Their legs and feet were covered to look like the hooves of goats. A tail swept from their chubby behinds. The male dwarf played a pan's flute. His woman held a silver chain and oh...
"My heart skipped at least three beats when I saw who was on the leash. She walked in silver splendour. Her shy eyes were fixed on the floor before her."
The backlight made her silver skull shine like a halo. Liquid light leaked off her shoulders. It fingered her breasts' outlines whenever she swayed them left or right. The adorning jewels tingled at every step. The booming drum and the sensuous flute drowned their music.
Clarize moved into the creamy candlelight. It played all over her gorgeous body. It licked at her like a thousand tongues. Her face rose proudly now. Brilliant eyes swept the breathless room through wide slits in her mask. The dancing flames set off her chains and collar. The silver ball gagged her into a look of eternal surprise. The swaying lilies and the metal bracelets and anklets were all proud signs of her slavedom.
Beside her was Brynn. His huge head reached her elbow. The lighting of the room and his leather headpiece demonized his appearance. Maybe Angique was the only one in that room who knew that his attitude wasn't mere theatre. She knew how he'd really tear apart each and everyone foolish enough to harm his bitch. Even the Negro giant with the drum would not be save.
No one knew that only one small, two-letter word from Angique's lips stood between him or her and a painful death.
"I looked around the table. I felt so much joy and pride as I watched those greedy faces, the bulging eyes, and the open mouths. My girl, I whispered under my breath... my girl, you horny bastards. I found her, I trained her, she is mine. You considered me a slave, treated me like a slave. Now know me as the Mistress I am. The Mistress of the most perfect creatures you'll ever meet.
A warm wave of satisfaction rushed through my body".
The dwarves and the Nubian led the chained girl and her Master to a platform next to the music stand. It was a stage that up to now had been hidden by heavy black curtains. The stage itself was black too. In the spotlighted centre of it stood a young, curly blonde. She was totally naked. The white creaminess of her skin dazzled in the lights. She smiled and invited Clarize to climb the few steps up to the stage. Then she was to stand in the middle. Two spotlights showered her with a silver flood. Brynn stood beside his bitch. Then he sank to his haunches and lay against her feet. He growled from the deep abyss of his throat.
The blonde whispered a word. Clarize spread her arms. She waited for two chains to be lowered from the ceiling. The girl clicked both bracelets to the chains. The dwarf slowly cranked her arms upwards until she was stretched on the ball of her toes. A sigh ran through the audience. The young girl softly caressed the taut body and kissed each breast ever so lightly. Then she sank next to Brynn at the other side of Clarize's feet.
The drum's roaring voice was silenced. The flute let its last note hang in the musk-scented air. Wafts of perfume drifted around the guests on syrupy breezes. All the while she stood there. She stood tense and trembling, tottering on the painted tips of her toes.
She was a shining torch to submissive glory.
The evening's host rose. He commanded attention without even raising his voice.
"Tonight's special guest", he said and smiled in her direction. "La magnifique Angélique... ("I blushed in the dark")... has brought us something really extraordinary."
He turned towards the stage and gestured. "A hundred and sixty pounds of immaculately trained, iron muscle, clad in shining fur."
A modest applause rippled through the room like a brook in a forest. "A magnificent brute guarding his bitch, the amazing Clarize. She has been in training for just a few months, but she is showing incredible talent."
Again hand palms touched in the dark. Now they even mingled with low, breathy whistles. He turned towards the table again and almost whispered:
"Que la fête commence..."
The orchestra plunged into a dark and melancholic suite unknown to Angique. It was dominated by a cello's vibrant sadness and the low throbs of the drum. The strange, strange music moved her almost to tears. It strummed at the strings of her erotic being with a force she knew so well. Angique sighed. She heaved her exposed chest. Then she slowly sat back to watch the glorious angel and her Master perform.
The blonde, curly cherub at her feet stirred. She rose and slid her body all along Clarize's legs and thighs. She let her tiny hands flutter over the oiled skin. They were two white butterflies in the limelight. She smiled. Her eyes sparkled as she watched the dangling slave girl. Then she sank to her knees and spread Clarize's legs as wide as she could. She fastened the rings in the leather cuffs to short chains hooked to the floor.
"All the while I tried to imagine Clarize's thoughts. They must cartwheel through her captive brain. They were imprisoned behind the mask and gag ball. Even from here I could see shining rivulets of honey seep past the cruel silver. It cupped her bound paradise. Maybe she was scared and afraid, my love. And yet she was so helplessly aroused. The greedy hunger of her own body must imprison her. None of her will seemed left. She had no control over her passions. She was utterly enslaved by her urging needs."
("Don't be afraid, sweet thing. Trust your Master. No one will hurt you more than he allows. Trust him... no one can be as safe as you are right now... Just know how proud I am... and how I envy your sweet fate")
They watched the torch of her body. It shone in the silver glare of the spotlights. Her oiled and painted skin was a liquid splendour. Lovely little tremors ran the length of her limbs. So much like a precious thoroughbred mare she was. Her nerves were tense, but she moved not even one muscle.
Angique saw the admiring glances from the petite blonde companion. She noted the majestic bearing of her canine Master. And she felt proud knowing how impressed everyone was. A sigh left her throat.
A month had passed. Kristie had returned to the Villa. Arnold had picked her up in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She had been hiding in a motel. She only opened her door after he had shown his face and had talked to her for minutes. He had wrapped her in blankets and taken her to Miami Airport. She had slept all the way to Milan. She only woke up when the car crunched the gravel on the driveway to Villa d'Este. Brigitte seemed to have decided that her pride was more precious than her...
Florida. Home had changed. Everything seemed smaller, uglier. She had walked past the restaurant where she worked. She did not enter. People at the fitness club greeted her enthusiastically. She felt reserved. The gossip they had did not touch her. It seemed to concern strangers. Her mother had cried when she saw her again. Her father just stood and watched her. His eyes had been sad. They hugged. But something essential seemed to have changed. Her apartment used to be her one precious...
Villa. The view always took her breath away. Today even more than before. Maybe it was the incredible vastness of the blue sky over the still snowy caps of the mountains. Or the sun that painted a bright shining avenue of light on the lake below. She stood at the edge of the terrace. She felt the spring breeze lick at the nipples of her exposed breasts. The slope of the mountain fell away steeply before her high-heeled feet. It gave her a dizzying sensation of flying whenever she looked...
Pierre. The car hummed comfortably. It did not seem to touch the road. The landscape flashed by. So did age old trees and even older houses. It drove through crumbling villages and past endless knee-high walls that were meant to protect them from a dive into the lake. The twilight had a golden touch. The sun had already sunk behind the mountains, but the sky still held on to the light. It painted a myriad of feathery clouds in a shade of apricot. Angique sat in the corner of the tan...
Iron. The darkness seemed to stick to her eyes and her face. It glued her lashes together. It also had icy cold fingers that made her skin ripple with shivers. Her teeth clattered. Life seeped back into her body. Gradually. First it warmed her slow, heavy heart. Then it spread throughout her flesh, fractions of inches at a time. But her fingers stayed numb, as did her feet. She opened her eyes. Nothing changed. Then all came back to her. The blindfold, the gag... the awful people. The...
Whore. Her head split. Her mouth was the stinking den of furry animals. There wasn't a bone in her body that didn't ache. Even the air around her was hot. It felt wet and filthy. She stumbled along the sidewalk. Her eyes blinked against the cruel light of day. She cursed the person bearing her name. She had thrown her broken heels away and tried to make her shredded top to at least cover her nipples. She walked with a curious gait. It was due to the delicate tenderness of both her cunt...
Author's Note: I promised everyone that I don't like sequels, I don't read serial stories, and I stay away from continuing sagas. So, when Caleb Jones asked publicly for a continuation of the Sci-Fi Detective Body-Swap story "Kalliope", I simply set aside my prejudices and wrote it. This is it. If you haven't read "Kalliope", you can still understand about 95% of this story, but if you read it first, the entire 110% of this tale will be crystal clear. Dedicated to...
CHAPTER III – Mobu’s Big Black CockOn Friday evening, Mobu arrived as agreed at Becca’s house. During the previous week he had thought a lot about how he would court and seduce Giselle. He thought about what Becca had told him about her friend’s marriage in crisis, and wondered how Giselle put up with her miserable husband Francesco, who was not able to give her the sexual satisfaction a woman like her needed. He had no doubt that he would be able to conquer Giselle, and add her to the list of...
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As some from the community asked us how it came that we enjoy taking porn photos, porn clips or even fucking in the public, we decided to write our story about how it came. Moana asked me her loverboy to write down what we experienced many years ago while we were on a holiday trip to Australia. For a few days we stayed south of Townsend on the Australian east coast. We spent our day on a remote area of a very long beach. This beach area was next to a golf course which was just behind the beach....
All Lovers' Desires So it had happened that Steve, upset that his fiancee, attractive and willfull, had been unwilling to incorporate "power tools" into their love making. That she in fact had discouraged every hint of experimentation or kink in their play, and coming home from work one day, Steve had chanced to stop at an out of the way store because of a detour. "Young man, I can see that you are troubled but I believe I can help you." The shopkeeper saw Steve start to interrupt...
That evening, Penny fucked me in the ass with the strap on while Suzi did the same to Joey. Thankfully it didn’t last very long before Penny demanded I lick her again. Joey didn’t get off as lightly, but then he got to fuck Suzi the regular way afterward which I didn’t get to do until that night in the shower. Saturday was the last full day of camp for the kiddos and it was the standard celebratory events we all remembered from when we had attended camp. There were dunking booths, tug of...
Love's Journey -------------------------- The flowers are in bloom In the early weeks of May The little boys chase frogs The girls just sing and play. Above a field of green Beneath a tree of pine Two friends sit side by side Two lovers intertwined Moral laws be damned Let only God lay blame Love shall rule the day Though chromosomes the same. Years and years as brothers Divide by hate and pain Wandering the desert Stuck out in the rain. Separate bearing...
This is the third and final part of my story about my unexpected love for my beautiful neighbour. Links to the other parts are available on my profile page as usual. Love's Awakening A warm wetness was working it's way up my legs. Although I knew I was dreaming, I savoured the sensation as it paused. Roughness followed on from the slippery heat and in my dream, my skin tingled. Again the wetness, higher this time it caressed my thighs both inner and outer. I could feel small fingers grasping...
Straight SexEverybody Love's Raymond's Wife (Chapter's 1-5) Warning: This story is fiction, and should be treatedas such. The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, andcontains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult, or readingsex stories upset you, DO NOT read any further. If it is illegal in yourlocation, DO NOT read it. This is a copyrighted work. Copyright by NotMy Story. Reposting or any other use of it is strictly prohibited withoutthe express, written permission of...
Copyright© 2004 Kyle was having a very sexy dream, one more exciting and vivid than he had ever imagined. Brianna was romping naked and dancing with him in passion and delight. The flashing curves of her breasts and legs, her joyful laugh and bright smiling eyes filled the dream. Kyle gasped as Brianna dominated him for coupling, gasped again as she rolled to let him mount her for a short while, gasped a third time as she turned and reclaimed the mount position. It all seemed so...
Camp Eighteen was reputed to have the best food and the least nasty guards in the string of Western female detainee camps along the Singapore Road. Alice had only been in Camp Eighteen for a short time when Needle-nose Hakimura reported her for disrespect to her assigned minder in front of other female prisoners. The shifty-eyed Japanese soldier and former street cleaner hated all the round-eyed Western women in the camp and often let his acrimony be shown with slaps and kicks to their sickly...
Chapter Cast: Ireland (Iry), Female, 29 - Beige skin, 5’6, 130lbs, straight shoulder-length blonde hair Zoe, Female, 29 - Beige skin, 5’6, 120lbs, straight long silky black hair I’d never been one to approach anyone for a sexual relationship. I never made the first move. I liked it when someone would try to seduce me. To catch my interest. To let me know they wanted to do more than have a conversation. I was confidant in doing so, happy to be the shy, innocent type who enjoyed being led to...
A Colleen In Clover (rushed re-touch from 3/8/99 version. Happy St. Pat's!) by Dee Eon "Gee, that's a stupid idea, carrot top!!" scoffed Paul atop his farm's log fence with me. "None's gonna make a St. Patrick's Day parade in Four Clovers 'cause there ain't any Irish here--'cept you 'n your folks! There's just Poles n' Czechs 'round here!" "Americans don't mind celebrating St. Pat's in stores!" I retorted sourly to my eighth-grade American schoolmate and neighbor. "Sure, the...
My parents announced to me that due to her mother getting ill they were going to have to go to the states for a month, but as l had my university interview coming up l would go and stay with my aunt ( my father's elder sister).Now l have a bit of a 'thing' for my aunt who is in her 50s but she looks and dresses younger and everytime l see her she is always wearing skintight black leather gloves which excite me and l've often wondered what it would be like to have my cock played with by a woman...
My husband was always a good guy, a bread winner who always came through for his family. He was very smart and seemed destined for more than a standard nine-to-five. Thus, it was no surprise when he invented something that he was able to sell and say bye-bye to the grind. The only surprise lay in how comfortable we truly were. It was like a whirlwind, buying a large, posh new home, new vehicles and a family vacation. We went from cold Ohio to the tropics for ten days. On the last night, our...
My husband was always a good guy, a bread winner who always came through for his family. He was very smart and seemed destined for more than a standard nine-to-five. Thus, it was no surprise when he invented something that he was able to sell and say bye-bye to the grind. The only surprise lay in how comfortable we truly were. It was like a whirlwind, buying a large, posh new home, new vehicles and a family vacation. We went from cold Ohio to the tropics for ten days. On the last night, our...
Wife LoversMany think badly of shoe fetishists. Despite our opening up of society to the subject of sex and fetishism, we are for the most part very limited in what we subjectively view as "normal". But why is that so? Why is a man who finds only anal sex with a woman really satisfying any different from one who seeks physical and emotional satisfaction from a much more private and intimate object of his beloved? After all, let's think more about it - how long do we wear a pair of shoes on average? What...
Some time passed after the ski camp, what felt like an eternity. Tamara and Marie winked at me more often during class, but nothing more happened. Neither could I - as usual - go into the girls' cabin during physical education classes, as we had swimming lessons for this grade. Unfortunately, it was in the municipal bathing complex, where it was almost impossible to get into the women's changing room without being seen. To make matters worse, there were also lockers with locks, no, my chances...
Each upper grade was allowed to go on a grade trip for one week. For most of them it meant being further away from their parents for the first time and being able to do what one wanted. In addition, you could choose where to go. There were different cities in Europe to choose from. I didn't really care which one I would take because I had already visited them all “privately”. So I simply chose it based on which other people would go with it. There was the group of the “cool” - those who mainly...
Her name was Sabine (name changed). A cute mouse, about 1.60 m tall, very thin and brunette. Always in the front row, most would say she was a nerd. Basically no one liked her either - she was the one who would gossip about every matter to the teacher. I had known her since 5th grade, together with Marie (name changed). But this is another story. Now it's about the typical wallflower Sabine. Even her style of clothing was inconspicuous, almost boring. She only wore jeans or denim skirts, but...
It was a rainy winter day. New Year's Eve was long gone, but winter persisted in the rural area where our school was located.The school itself was actually quite nicely located, next to a river and a mountain with a small castle overlooking the panorama. A few weeks had passed since my last visit to the girls' changing room. At the moment I didn't even have the urge to know exactly what it was I couldn't pin down. Sabine hadn't really noticed it back then either. Sure - that the shoe was in the...
Now l had been staying at my aunts for about a week and we had fucked in virtually every room in the house and my aunt seemed to have a different outfit for every day,my education was coming along quite nicely and from the way my aunt responded l felt l was getting straight A's.This particular morning my aunt was dressed to go out she was wearing a black leather suit with the skirt midway between her knees and thighs so if she sat in a certain position the tops of her black stockings could be...
I’d been seeing Carla for almost three years. It was a fading romance, with the emphasis on fading, rather than romance. A year of separate colleges hadn’t done anything to pull us back together after the fading started in our last year of high school. I’d looked forward to the Memorial Day holiday as we’d both be home and maybe things would be better. In hindsight, looking forward to spending time with Carla and rejuvenating our relationship was optimistic of me.We’d gone out for a reunion...
Straight SexDisclaimer: This story is for adult entertainment! So, ensure you are 18 years of age. Author's Note: Once again, I've delved into the Spells R Us is my third story with this setting. (Lust Potion '69' & Womanizer, and now Lover's Desire) Anyway, this is a fantasy, and contains a lot of female-female......Enjoy! Oh Yeah: My new e-mail address (lower case): [email protected] "Lover's Desire" by J.R. Parz I. Jess Parker was browsing...
Prologue The light fog added moisture to the air. The coolness of the night wrapped around her like a wet towel, sending a shiver up her spine. She was lucky she knew the area so well, or she could have easily become lost. She looked through the trees at the house where he lived, slightly smiling at the one candle burning in the kitchen window. Part One: Seductive Arrest Gabrielle Garrison was a woman on a mission and neither cold, fog, or wetness was going to deter her from its swift...
I woke up the next morning, not sure if what had happened the night before had been a dream. Before I even opened my eyes I felt Chris's hairy chest against my cheek and smelled his musky male scent. The reality of the previous day came back to me. I totally lost my will to this young man, who could light up my body like a Christmas tree. I had tried to resist him, and got only pain as a result. My resistance was futile. I could not deny my Master. I heard Andrea let out a moan, and I...