Giselle Clarize a Love StoryChapter 14
- 4 years ago
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Home had changed. Everything seemed smaller, uglier. She had walked past the restaurant where she worked. She did not enter. People at the fitness club greeted her enthusiastically. She felt reserved. The gossip they had did not touch her. It seemed to concern strangers.
Her mother had cried when she saw her again. Her father just stood and watched her. His eyes had been sad. They hugged. But something essential seemed to have changed.
Her apartment used to be her one precious place. It had been the proof of her pride and independence. Now it looked empty. It seemed small and insignificant. Her boss at the restaurant called her the second day she was back. He asked her if she'd returned to stay. She said she wasn't sure. He said she could start again this same day. She had been missed sorely. She thanked him and said she'd think about it. Then she went to the beach and cried.
It took her another day to call the number. No one answered. She tried again and again. She listened into the void that only echoed silence.
That night she went to the club to work out.
She always felt great after physical exertion. She would spin and lift and stretch for hours, gradually emptying her mind. Then she would take an extended shower. And she would feel all her disturbing thoughts rinse off her with the sweat.
She slipped into her blue lycra outfit and walked into the mirrored hall. All the memories crowded back into her head. The sheer ecstasy of meeting Angique. She fell silent in the middle of a conversation. Silently she started her exercise.
The gym had always been a place for her to be with friends. It was an opportunity to talk and share experiences. This night few of her friends and acquaintances had shown up. She found it hard to find small talk. She answered all questions about her stay in far away Italy with vague and bland remarks. Then all curiosity dried up. Of course she knew she acted strange. But she did not know how to find her way back to the spontaneous Kristie they knew.
She had always considered showering after a work out the second best experience her body could give her. But today it wasn't. She felt tense. Her mind never shut down. Maybe it was because of her period. It had started on the flight back. But she knew it couldn't be just that.
Why had she ever given in to that woman? Love? Ah, yes, it was so easy to love her. But why did it have to make her life so complicated? Before, her life had been straight and easy. Or had it? Oh, she didn't know. She just knew that she felt restless now. She felt incomplete as she walked home to her apartment.
The night was quiet and balmy. She heard the sea, way off. And over the ever-present fumes of traffic, wafts of oleander and honeysuckle reached her. They stirred her soul with nagging memories of mountains, lakes and gardens. Oh, stuff it! she muttered and tried to give her step a springy quality. Her well used muscles glowed and rolled easily inside her loose sweat suit.
Why was it? Why didn't things thrill her anymore? Why did she feel so utterly bored? And what was this feeling of betrayal? Her body felt so hungry, so deprived. It felt as if she starved it. As if she robbed it of the passions it craved. Can one betray one's body? Can one steal from it what it has a right to? Could a mind take a body for hostage? Ah, stop this, Kristie!
Before this, she had never considered something like a body and a mind, separately. She was Kristie, the young, spontaneous creature. There was never a problem that could not be worked out of her system. Literally. Never a sadness that could not be solved with a hug and a good cry. Never a frustration that could not dissolve in the thralls of a great orgasm. And now... dammit, Angique, what have you done to me? Where is my life?
The footsteps must have been behind her for a while. Leather soles, male strides. She looked over her shoulder. The figure was a silhouette against the dark, but she recognized it. He was a guy from the club, a coloured guy. What was his name? Dick? Derek. Pretty well built, with a well-toned body. Not at all the body builder type, though.
His sweet tenor voice greeted her. She walked slower to let him get alongside her. She said hi and smiled. Then she said she hadn't seen him at the gym. He told her he had only been there for a drink. He wanted to know where she had been these weeks. She told him she'd been to Europe and he said, well, Europe! And she laughed at the way he said it and he laughed with her.
She then felt the presence of another person. She looked and saw it was a very tall man. He was much darker than Derek. His face punched a hole in the night. And it became even blacker when he flashed a smile. He said hi with a rich dark baritone and told her his name was Jerome. Kristie turned to Derek, questioningly. He shrugged and said that Jerome was his friend. He was a very good friend. And the two men laughed.
Derek then said that it maybe wasn't wise for a girl to walk home alone at night. She watched his face. Then she laughed at a rather nervous pitch. What did he mean? She was suddenly not sure at all that she liked this.
"I have walked this stretch alone for years", she said. She tried to chuckle.
Derek's face was serious. He thought things had got worse these last weeks. He felt it his duty to escort her home. She protested. He insisted. The tall guy said nothing. The rest of the way was spent in uncomfortable silence.
At the entrance to the apartment building she thanked them. She assured them she was perfectly okay and wished them goodnight. Then the tall guy stepped forward. He told her to shut the fuck up. His voice was calm, even friendly. His eyes were steady in their black-in-black frame. He said she was far too slutty a white trash whore to go to bed without the benefice of his cunt stretching cock.
A hot flame of fear flashed through her body. She stared up into this black, inscrutable face. She was a little bird, not even blinking. And she heard a tiny voice stutter: "Yes sir."
They went upstairs. Her head swam. The tall Negro clutched her upper arm. She felt detached. A glass wall separated her from the outside world. The glass was warm and felt like velvet. Not a word was spoken.
She undressed for them as soon as they were inside her snug apartment. The little string of her tampon dangled between her thighs. They did not seem to mind. She unzipped the fly of the tall guy's pants and took his cock into her mouth. She had never sucked a black cock. It felt huge on her tongue. He fucked her face. She let his fat crown pass the sentinel of her throat's entrance. She never gagged.
He then started to hump her face. She noticed how fingers explored her raised ass. A hand avoided her tampon filled cunt. It found her wakening clit. She moaned around the cock.
The men were quite vocal about her. They praised her talents in the most obscene of languages. Their never-ending flow of words was riddled with racist offences. But what really disgusted her was that she did not feel offended at all. All she felt was reassurance, even pride. For the first time since she had come back from Italy, she felt at ease, relaxed. At last she had arrived at a place she understood. All tenseness dissipated. She felt calm, almost serene. The second cock invaded her. It filled her ass to the brim.
She came twice. She flooded her inner thighs with blood stained juices. Then Derek spilled his sperm into her. And when Jerome took out his monstrous cock to empty it all over her face and hair, she smiled.
She thanked him. They did not have to ask.
When they had gone, she took a scalding shower. She scrubbed her skin to rawness. She flushed the sperm and pink fluids into the sink. Then she sank into a white tiled corner. The water drowned her upturned face.
So this is Kristie now, she thought. A slut. She can only relax when she's raped, fucked and ravaged. She feels pride at being humiliated. She begs to be used and abused. My God, Angique, what have you done to Kristie, she wailed. But she knew it wasn't Angique she ought to blame. The pale, black haired woman had only shown her who she was. She had ignited the flame. The fuel had always been there.
Maybe she cried. Maybe sobs shook her shoulders. But the drumming shower washed it all away.
She renewed her tampon. She wrapped her glowing body in a nice, dry teddy robe. Then she punched a number into her cell phone. There was a void as big as an ocean. It was a silence that even swallowed her heartbeat.
She went to bed and dreamt of nothing.
The next day she spent mostly in bed. She not even let herself be lured outside by the glorious sun. She masturbated until her clit was a raw mess. She did not know why. Her body insisted. After each orgasm she sank into a pit of dull despair. But not even half an hour later her fingers once more touched the tender nub. Her hands and thighs were a mess. They were smeared with the blood of her period. She did not care. She used her old vibrator until all batteries in the house were empty. Then she used the handle of her brush, the neck of an empty bottle.
She slept less than two hours in a row. But she hardly left her bed. The next morning was almost afternoon, really. She had some yoghurt on her balcony that gave her a glimpse of the sea. Her mother called. She said everything was all right, but no, she did not feel well. She had her period and had no time to have coffee with her. She hung up and moaned because of the lie. Then she spooned some yoghurt into her cunt and started rubbing it in. At first it felt cool and slippery. Then the familiar burn set in. The pain died. Another pale climax flooded her.
The sun was hot. She decided to take a swim and stay on the beach for a while. She masturbated twice in the shadow of an umbrella. One hand was inside her bikini briefs. The other was inside the flimsy top. Two sun tanned beach bums saw her at it. She knew them. She invited them to do her in the shed where they kept their boards. She blew both their cocks and received them in her cunt and ass hole. They left her on the planked floor. They did not say good bye.
The next evening she sat on her tiny balcony once more. She toyed with a salad. But she wasn't hungry at all. Her brain buzzed. It had buzzed all day. She was restless and incredibly horny. It seemed impossible for her to focus or even concentrate. And impossible not to touch herself. But she had decided to stop the crazy rollercoaster of bleak and hasty climaxes.
Not that her body agreed. She had shaved her pussy carefully this morning. It oozed drops of fluid all day. She'd had to change her panties twice. Her ringed nipple chaffed at the inside of her bikini top. Even the inside of her soft terry robe made her nipples burn. Her hands trembled.
She had never felt like this in Villa d'Este. She had always been horny and excited there. But it was never like this. Here, there was no joy in it, no reason for it. There seemed to be no focus to her arousal. She had hoped her mood would change with the ending of her period. But she felt hornier than before.
She put the salad into the refrigerator. Then she emptied the glass of red wine and poured a second. Sipping it, she went to her bedroom. On the bed were two bags. They were from shops she had visited this afternoon. Shops she had never been to before.
The first bag was black with golden letters around a couple of kissing doves. Out of it she took a slithering top in liquid silver. She had tried it on in the booth of the shop. What she had seen in the mirror was outrageously sexy. She immediately took it off. But she had bought it nevertheless. And she took a stretch tube skirt in shining black to go with it. She had also bought lovely sheer silk stockings with lace elastic tops. But no underwear.
The other bag was brilliantly white. On it was a black, slashing logo. From it she took two severely heeled mules. They had narrow silver straps that gave her ankles no support whatsoever.
She had no idea why she had gone there and bought the items. She had no idea why it felt so good to watch herself in them. She did not know why she loved the liquid fabric to lick her skin. Before her stay at the Villa all her clothes had been in line with her sports loving image. And the no-nonsense decency of her family.
She emptied the glass and once more took a long shower. Then she stretched the tight silver top over her chest. It hugged her damp skin. And it kissed her nipples in a way that made her shiver. The ring pressed its little loop into the soft fabric.
She wriggled into the black skirt. Then she carefully slid the stockings up her shaven legs. Their tops just reached the hem of the skirt. It took all her concentration not to wobble on the high-heeled mules.
She felt incredibly sexy. The sensuous material hugged her. It made her bare skin tingle. In a few minutes she would go down and slide into a cab undressed like this. The thought baffled her. Especially since it didn't cause her any fear at all. It just made her pussy drool.
She avoided watching herself in the mirror. She sat down and did her hair and make up, only seeing her face. Tonight Florida would know a new Kristie. Made up as sexy as she was dressed. She put silver and green over her eyes. She used fat, black lashes to put them in mysterious shades. And a deep blood red coating on her shining lips.
At last she stood and saw herself in the floor to ceiling mirror. Her knees went liquid, her brain melted. Who was this girl? Where had Kristie gone? And she knew. She had stopped being the Kristie her friends and family knew. Even the Kristie she herself knew. Something had shifted in her mind to never return where it came from. She smiled at the girl she saw. She knew she was her now. But she also knew that she was not. She was like a puppet that was her own puppeteer. Like a sculptor sculpting a smile on lips that were at once her own and not. She held the girl's silk clad tits. She watched the nipples swell at the centre where the ring's imprint shone. She felt the arousal like the girl felt it. And she pushed the girl's fat glossy lips into a pout.
"Welcome, pretty new Kristie", she purred. "Please help stupid old Kristie. Don't you ever leave her again. Not ever".
The club's bar was bustling with people. Blue curtains of smoke billowed under tiny spotlights that swarmed the ceiling. Jazzy music filled the semi darkness. It seeped into its deepest niches.
At least twenty sets of eyes flashed in her direction. They took in every outrageous inch of her body. She almost felt their caressing touch. A million tiny bumps rose from her skin.
The heavy bar had a horseshoe shape. There was one empty leather-and-brass stool. She walked over to it, conscious of her tits and ass at every careful step. She climbed onto the stool. Her tube skirt slid up two inches. It exposed the paleness of her skin.
Many eyes had accompanied her until she sat. Then most of them returned to where they dwelled before. But a few never left her. These were set inside the skulls of three young male Caucasians. They usually followed the instructions of a swelling organ between their thighs.
Yes, Kristie knew what a nice girl like her was doing in a place like this. And yes, she'd love a white wine and ice, please. And thank you for all the sweet compliments. And no, she did not smoke. But she giggled.
One of the three was a freckled redhead with a great smile and wide shoulders. It was with him that she shared the first dance. And the feel of his promising bulge against her thigh. But before his hand really reached her ass, he was politely tapped on his shoulder. His small, olive skinned buddy took over. He might be smaller, but his bulge seemed more aroused. Or maybe he already was much bigger to start with.
Kristie rubbed into it. She felt a lovely glow spread from her crotch and all over her body. He was a great dancer too. She was rather disappointed when the chubby blonde guy took over. He was a talker, not a dancer. She had to fear for her almost unprotected feet.
They returned to her stool. And she knew it wasn't only the ice in her wine that seemed broken. The tiny circle around her shrank to a solid wall of male flesh. It seemed to sprout branches. They touched her in a million places. But mostly felt them where her curves were. She smiled to let them know she knew. What the heck. And the branches sprouted even more fingers. They covered her with a magnetic shield of caresses.
Oh God, she loved this. She wriggled. And she spread her thighs as far as her tight skirt allowed,. She felt a warm dry hand slide up her inner thigh. Another hand had long since cupped her right silver tit. A third one even slipped inside the top to rub a shrieking nipple. She closed her eyes and moaned. Then she lifted her ass. She allowed the hand to crawl all the way up to her drenched cunt.
The only one who could see her, was the lady bartender. She understood perfectly well what was going on. Kristie knew her. She was a member of the same fitness club. They had made love a few times. If the girl was surprised to see her with guys, she never let on. She just winked and went on with her business.
The third wine was her fifth of the last two hours. A sweet slow dizziness spread over her like a moist blanket. She slid off the stool and bid the wall to open. Then she started her way to the restrooms. She reached those after a few less elegant stumbles. In one of the stalls she pulled her skirt up and sat down on a toilet bowl. She released her bladder with a sigh. My God, Kristie. Ah well, it's fun, isn't it?
She dabbed at her crotch with a soft piece of toilet paper. She drew threads of crystal clear juices. Aaaah, so wet she was. This new Kristie was a little wet slut, indeed. Grin.
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Pierre. The car hummed comfortably. It did not seem to touch the road. The landscape flashed by. So did age old trees and even older houses. It drove through crumbling villages and past endless knee-high walls that were meant to protect them from a dive into the lake. The twilight had a golden touch. The sun had already sunk behind the mountains, but the sky still held on to the light. It painted a myriad of feathery clouds in a shade of apricot. Angique sat in the corner of the tan...
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Author's Note: I promised everyone that I don't like sequels, I don't read serial stories, and I stay away from continuing sagas. So, when Caleb Jones asked publicly for a continuation of the Sci-Fi Detective Body-Swap story "Kalliope", I simply set aside my prejudices and wrote it. This is it. If you haven't read "Kalliope", you can still understand about 95% of this story, but if you read it first, the entire 110% of this tale will be crystal clear. Dedicated to...
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The story so far:Giselle’s Italian husband, Francisco, is useless in bed. To satisfy her sexually, she has taken a lover, an African named Mobu with a huge black cock. She has just had her first fuck from him, and drunk his semen out of a condom. But the evening is not over yet by a long way. Now read on…*Then Giselle invited her African stud to lie down next to her on the double bed. She wanted to get to know his body better, and learn how to satisfy every inch of his black frame.She and Mobu...
InterracialThe story so far: Giselle’s Italian husband, Francisco, is useless in bed, and can no longer satisfy her sexually. Her friend Becca, suggests she gets an African lover.***Giselle laughed with delight at her friend’s suggestion.“Ah Becca, please don’t make fun of me,” she said. “Tell me honestly; is the myth about African men really true? I mean, do they really have such huge penises, and are they such great lovers? I’ve always thought it was just people’s imagination. And are they as...
InterracialIn the meantime, having watched Giselle swallow every drop of his fertile semen out of the condom, Mobu was aroused and excited more than ever before. He pulled her towards him and kissed her passionately, pushing his tongue into her mouth and wrapping it round hers. Eventually, he pulled away and spoke eagerly to her. “Look, Giselle, maybe you think that I am a jerk and this is for me only a one-night stand. But you are wrong. Now, be honest with me, please. Has this just been a diversion for...
InterracialIn the meantime, having watched Giselle swallow every drop of his fertile semen out of the condom, Mobu was aroused and excited more than ever before. He pulled her towards him and kissed her passionately, pushing his tongue into her mouth and wrapping it round hers. Eventually, he pulled away and spoke eagerly to her. “Look, Giselle, maybe you think that I am a jerk and this is for me only a one-night stand. But you are wrong. Now, be honest with me, please. Has this just been a diversion for...
InterracialFor the first time in many months, Giselle felt happy and fulfilled. She sat back and gazed at her black lover’s penis, soft and wilting after she had sucked every drop of semen out of it. She thought back over the events of the last few weeks; how miserable she had been because of her husband’s sexual inadequacy, and how her friend Becca had suggested she take an African lover. Then how Becca had arranged for her to meet just such a man: Mobu, a black stud with an enormous cock and an...
InterracialFor the first time in many months, Giselle felt happy and fulfilled. She sat back and gazed at her black lover’s penis, soft and wilting after she had sucked every drop of semen out of it. She thought back over the events of the last few weeks; how miserable she had been because of her husband’s sexual inadequacy, and how her friend Becca had suggested she take an African lover. Then how Becca had arranged for her to meet just such a man: Mobu, a black stud with an enormous cock and an...
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Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Six: Love's Nature By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264for beta reading this. Chapter Sixteen: Love's Nature Sven Falk – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch The room Priestess Thea led me to was surprisingly homey. It wasn't what I expected given the solemn grandeur of the rest of the Temple of Luben. An open window looked out at a small garden, lacy curtains framing it. A table set in the center, the...
It was the second day of school of my freshman year when I first kissed Suzi. I sat with her during lunch instead of my usual table, making Joey a little mad at me. At least he tried to make it look like it was anger, but I knew from his body language that he was really just plain jealous. I mean, here I was holding hands with the girl we all had discussed in detail what we thought she looked like naked. Suzi and I had three classes together. As it happened, they were the odd-numbered...
This story is meant for free fan distribution to TG fiction sites throughout the web. Please enjoy the story and be free with your comments or critiques! ============================================================ Fork Leaf Clover: SHAMrock Stand-In II By Dee Eon Kicking heels high after my slippers' metal taps clicked and rapped the parquet floor like a machine gun below my long legs and flouncing embroidered clover green velvet skirt, my passionate solo jig to the...
As I entered the bedroom, Joey asked, “Tim, after dinner, what were you doing to Honey before you kissed her?” Surprised, I hesitated a moment to recall that moment before saying, “I shared my feelings for her with her. Why?” “It was weird but ... I swear I felt it coming from Joy.” Suzi said, “They are twins. Maybe they’re so in sync with each other they actually can feel what each other feels. You two did kiss them at the same time. They were very excited about that, by the way. They...
As some from the community asked us how it came that we enjoy taking porn photos, porn clips or even fucking in the public, we decided to write our story about how it came. Moana asked me her loverboy to write down what we experienced many years ago while we were on a holiday trip to Australia. For a few days we stayed south of Townsend on the Australian east coast. We spent our day on a remote area of a very long beach. This beach area was next to a golf course which was just behind the beach....
All Lovers' Desires So it had happened that Steve, upset that his fiancee, attractive and willfull, had been unwilling to incorporate "power tools" into their love making. That she in fact had discouraged every hint of experimentation or kink in their play, and coming home from work one day, Steve had chanced to stop at an out of the way store because of a detour. "Young man, I can see that you are troubled but I believe I can help you." The shopkeeper saw Steve start to interrupt...
That evening, Penny fucked me in the ass with the strap on while Suzi did the same to Joey. Thankfully it didn’t last very long before Penny demanded I lick her again. Joey didn’t get off as lightly, but then he got to fuck Suzi the regular way afterward which I didn’t get to do until that night in the shower. Saturday was the last full day of camp for the kiddos and it was the standard celebratory events we all remembered from when we had attended camp. There were dunking booths, tug of...
Love's Journey -------------------------- The flowers are in bloom In the early weeks of May The little boys chase frogs The girls just sing and play. Above a field of green Beneath a tree of pine Two friends sit side by side Two lovers intertwined Moral laws be damned Let only God lay blame Love shall rule the day Though chromosomes the same. Years and years as brothers Divide by hate and pain Wandering the desert Stuck out in the rain. Separate bearing...
This is the third and final part of my story about my unexpected love for my beautiful neighbour. Links to the other parts are available on my profile page as usual. Love's Awakening A warm wetness was working it's way up my legs. Although I knew I was dreaming, I savoured the sensation as it paused. Roughness followed on from the slippery heat and in my dream, my skin tingled. Again the wetness, higher this time it caressed my thighs both inner and outer. I could feel small fingers grasping...
Straight SexEverybody Love's Raymond's Wife (Chapter's 1-5) Warning: This story is fiction, and should be treatedas such. The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, andcontains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult, or readingsex stories upset you, DO NOT read any further. If it is illegal in yourlocation, DO NOT read it. This is a copyrighted work. Copyright by NotMy Story. Reposting or any other use of it is strictly prohibited withoutthe express, written permission of...
Copyright© 2004 Kyle was having a very sexy dream, one more exciting and vivid than he had ever imagined. Brianna was romping naked and dancing with him in passion and delight. The flashing curves of her breasts and legs, her joyful laugh and bright smiling eyes filled the dream. Kyle gasped as Brianna dominated him for coupling, gasped again as she rolled to let him mount her for a short while, gasped a third time as she turned and reclaimed the mount position. It all seemed so...
Camp Eighteen was reputed to have the best food and the least nasty guards in the string of Western female detainee camps along the Singapore Road. Alice had only been in Camp Eighteen for a short time when Needle-nose Hakimura reported her for disrespect to her assigned minder in front of other female prisoners. The shifty-eyed Japanese soldier and former street cleaner hated all the round-eyed Western women in the camp and often let his acrimony be shown with slaps and kicks to their sickly...
Chapter Cast: Ireland (Iry), Female, 29 - Beige skin, 5’6, 130lbs, straight shoulder-length blonde hair Zoe, Female, 29 - Beige skin, 5’6, 120lbs, straight long silky black hair I’d never been one to approach anyone for a sexual relationship. I never made the first move. I liked it when someone would try to seduce me. To catch my interest. To let me know they wanted to do more than have a conversation. I was confidant in doing so, happy to be the shy, innocent type who enjoyed being led to...
A Colleen In Clover (rushed re-touch from 3/8/99 version. Happy St. Pat's!) by Dee Eon "Gee, that's a stupid idea, carrot top!!" scoffed Paul atop his farm's log fence with me. "None's gonna make a St. Patrick's Day parade in Four Clovers 'cause there ain't any Irish here--'cept you 'n your folks! There's just Poles n' Czechs 'round here!" "Americans don't mind celebrating St. Pat's in stores!" I retorted sourly to my eighth-grade American schoolmate and neighbor. "Sure, the...
My parents announced to me that due to her mother getting ill they were going to have to go to the states for a month, but as l had my university interview coming up l would go and stay with my aunt ( my father's elder sister).Now l have a bit of a 'thing' for my aunt who is in her 50s but she looks and dresses younger and everytime l see her she is always wearing skintight black leather gloves which excite me and l've often wondered what it would be like to have my cock played with by a woman...
My husband was always a good guy, a bread winner who always came through for his family. He was very smart and seemed destined for more than a standard nine-to-five. Thus, it was no surprise when he invented something that he was able to sell and say bye-bye to the grind. The only surprise lay in how comfortable we truly were. It was like a whirlwind, buying a large, posh new home, new vehicles and a family vacation. We went from cold Ohio to the tropics for ten days. On the last night, our...
My husband was always a good guy, a bread winner who always came through for his family. He was very smart and seemed destined for more than a standard nine-to-five. Thus, it was no surprise when he invented something that he was able to sell and say bye-bye to the grind. The only surprise lay in how comfortable we truly were. It was like a whirlwind, buying a large, posh new home, new vehicles and a family vacation. We went from cold Ohio to the tropics for ten days. On the last night, our...
Wife LoversMany think badly of shoe fetishists. Despite our opening up of society to the subject of sex and fetishism, we are for the most part very limited in what we subjectively view as "normal". But why is that so? Why is a man who finds only anal sex with a woman really satisfying any different from one who seeks physical and emotional satisfaction from a much more private and intimate object of his beloved? After all, let's think more about it - how long do we wear a pair of shoes on average? What...
Some time passed after the ski camp, what felt like an eternity. Tamara and Marie winked at me more often during class, but nothing more happened. Neither could I - as usual - go into the girls' cabin during physical education classes, as we had swimming lessons for this grade. Unfortunately, it was in the municipal bathing complex, where it was almost impossible to get into the women's changing room without being seen. To make matters worse, there were also lockers with locks, no, my chances...
Each upper grade was allowed to go on a grade trip for one week. For most of them it meant being further away from their parents for the first time and being able to do what one wanted. In addition, you could choose where to go. There were different cities in Europe to choose from. I didn't really care which one I would take because I had already visited them all “privately”. So I simply chose it based on which other people would go with it. There was the group of the “cool” - those who mainly...
Her name was Sabine (name changed). A cute mouse, about 1.60 m tall, very thin and brunette. Always in the front row, most would say she was a nerd. Basically no one liked her either - she was the one who would gossip about every matter to the teacher. I had known her since 5th grade, together with Marie (name changed). But this is another story. Now it's about the typical wallflower Sabine. Even her style of clothing was inconspicuous, almost boring. She only wore jeans or denim skirts, but...
It was a rainy winter day. New Year's Eve was long gone, but winter persisted in the rural area where our school was located.The school itself was actually quite nicely located, next to a river and a mountain with a small castle overlooking the panorama. A few weeks had passed since my last visit to the girls' changing room. At the moment I didn't even have the urge to know exactly what it was I couldn't pin down. Sabine hadn't really noticed it back then either. Sure - that the shoe was in the...
Now l had been staying at my aunts for about a week and we had fucked in virtually every room in the house and my aunt seemed to have a different outfit for every day,my education was coming along quite nicely and from the way my aunt responded l felt l was getting straight A's.This particular morning my aunt was dressed to go out she was wearing a black leather suit with the skirt midway between her knees and thighs so if she sat in a certain position the tops of her black stockings could be...
I’d been seeing Carla for almost three years. It was a fading romance, with the emphasis on fading, rather than romance. A year of separate colleges hadn’t done anything to pull us back together after the fading started in our last year of high school. I’d looked forward to the Memorial Day holiday as we’d both be home and maybe things would be better. In hindsight, looking forward to spending time with Carla and rejuvenating our relationship was optimistic of me.We’d gone out for a reunion...
Straight SexDisclaimer: This story is for adult entertainment! So, ensure you are 18 years of age. Author's Note: Once again, I've delved into the Spells R Us is my third story with this setting. (Lust Potion '69' & Womanizer, and now Lover's Desire) Anyway, this is a fantasy, and contains a lot of female-female......Enjoy! Oh Yeah: My new e-mail address (lower case): [email protected] "Lover's Desire" by J.R. Parz I. Jess Parker was browsing...
Prologue The light fog added moisture to the air. The coolness of the night wrapped around her like a wet towel, sending a shiver up her spine. She was lucky she knew the area so well, or she could have easily become lost. She looked through the trees at the house where he lived, slightly smiling at the one candle burning in the kitchen window. Part One: Seductive Arrest Gabrielle Garrison was a woman on a mission and neither cold, fog, or wetness was going to deter her from its swift...
I woke up the next morning, not sure if what had happened the night before had been a dream. Before I even opened my eyes I felt Chris's hairy chest against my cheek and smelled his musky male scent. The reality of the previous day came back to me. I totally lost my will to this young man, who could light up my body like a Christmas tree. I had tried to resist him, and got only pain as a result. My resistance was futile. I could not deny my Master. I heard Andrea let out a moan, and I...