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Author’s Preface

The general preface to the parts expunged from the printed accounts of my travels is at the start of the section entitled ‘Brobdingnag Chapter One’ and I consider it superfluous to reiterate it here.

The reader of my published account of my sojourn in Lilliput may have been puzzled by the vindictiveness of the empress of that realm on the occasion of my extinguishing the conflagration in her apartments.

This hitherto suppressed incident, that is the only part of the relation of my stay in Lilliput that I was advised to withhold, may provide a more balanced view of the empress’s distaste for me. All I can say in my defence is that the offence committed was involuntary and was largely caused by the empress’s own acts. That it was her own fault would of course only inflame her rancour toward me. The incident of the conflagration reminded her, and in her eyes much the worse offence, the general populace, about the events of Ladies’ Day.

Jonathan Swift

Chapter One and Only

The custom of Ladies’ Day in Lilliput. The empress pays a midnight visit. The toast to the empress. The result of the toast. The preparations for the whores. The actions of the naked women. The displacement of the staging. My sperm try to fulfil their function. The empress is not amused.

Ladies’ Day in Lilliput seems to me to have similarities to the ancient Romans’ celebration of Saturnalia. The Romans let servants rule their masters and indulge in unrestrained horseplay. The Lilliputians let women rule their men on Ladies’ Day. Common to both festivals was the understanding that any act committed by the unusually privileged group could not be redressed on days after the festival.

Whether the understanding was strictly observed, either by Roman masters or Lilliputian men, was something that gives me considerable misgivings. That there was licence is undisputed. That the licence was wholly unfettered and without consequence in the rest of the year: that I doubt. I think the Roman slaves and the Lilliputian women understood very well that there were things they could do that were beyond normal behaviour, and things they could not and should not do for fear of retaliation when the normal customs were resumed.

A Lilliputian lady could propose matrimony to a gentleman on Ladies’ Day. If he accepted the betrothal would proceed in due form. If he refused he was required to buy the lady a gown. The cost of the gown depended on his status. A poor man might buy the lady a second hand gown. A rich man would be expected to provide the lady with a silken gown designed by a fashionable dressmaker. Some ladies of advancing years were to be avoided on Ladies’ Day as they saw it as an opportunity of replenishing their wardrobe. No lady could make two proposals on Ladies’ Day and retain the title of lady. No lady could propose to a gentleman to whom she had not been introduced. Some eligible bachelors spent the day immured in their wine cellars so that they would not be obliged to buy a gown. Such behaviour was considered prudent if unsportsmanlike.

I was interested to observe the customs of Lilliput and to compare them with those of my own country. The advent of Ladies’ Day seemed to be an occasion to observe the reality of the event as opposed to the fables that I had been related.

However I was startled awake by the sounding of a tocsin adjacent to my ear shortly after midnight. I was informed by a loud voiced lady standing on a dais that the empress was without and wished to pledge my health on this day devoted to Ladies. Hurriedly fastening my points I left my dwelling and moved cautiously outside. This was at a time when I was still secured by chain in the vicinity of the temple.

The empress was standing on a platform erected just beyond my reach. The area before the temple was illuminated with numerous torches, the smoke of which made my eyes smart. The empress signed that she wished me to lie down which command I obeyed. The empress then, through the agency of the loud voiced lady who had delivered her invitation, that I should join her in a toast of mutual health on the start of this auspicious day. A team of twenty horses dragged forward a waggon on which was a container equating to an English half-pint measure.

I sat up, lifted the container from the waggon and pledged the empress desiring the loud voiced lady to convey my salutations and greetings. I then emptied the container at one draught. This prodigious act caused much twittering among the assembled ladies. The empress returned my pledge in a container of minuscule size. As she did so the smoke thinned enough for me to become aware that I was surrounded by a vast crowd of gaily-dressed ladies. It appeared that almost the entire female populace of the capital was assembled to greet me.

The loud voiced lady delivered her majesty’s request that I should resume a recumbent position so that conversation could take place between myself and the empress directly without need for an announcer. I placed myself again on the ground, flat on my back with my head turned to the platform on which the empress stood. It was not conveniently sited because it was placed near my waist. I had to crane my head forward to see Her Majesty.

She began to tell me, in a loud but monotonous voice, various incidents of past Ladies’ Days. Compared with the fables I had previously heard these incidents seemed to be accounts of boring minutiae. I regret that I soon felt sleepy and nodded off while Her Majesty continued to drone.

Had I been aware at that time that I had fallen asleep while Her Majesty was speaking to me I would have been mortified. I now know that the drink prepared for me had been drugged and Her Majesty’s boring address was intended to distract me while the sleeping draught took effect.

I awoke just after dawn to find that I was secured on my back as I had been on the occasion of my first arrival in Lilliput. I seemed uncomfortably chilly below my waist and was astounded to become aware that my private parts were exposed to the air. With prodigious effort of women and horses my head was being inclined forward. I saved them much labour by resting my chin on my chest. Pillows were dragged by their hundreds to prop my head in this position from whence I could observe the preparations below my waist.

Surrounding my recumbent member a net, raised on many poles, had been strung parallel to the ground to a diameter of about two feet and the extremities extended beyond the sides of my body. At each side were ladders for mounting to the net. In the centre of the net an open topped conical structure, incomplete on the side where my member flopped, raised to a height of a foot from my body. Planking was being fitted at two levels inside the cone.

I became aware that the loud voiced lady was speaking to me. Shaking my head slightly and thus incommoding those who were still piling mountains of pillows under my head, I indicated that I needed her to repeat her remarks.

She informed me that since it was Ladies’ Day, the ladies of the capital wished a demonstration of my fertilising power. At first I did not follow her meaning. She explained in more explicit language. The ladies wanted to see my member not only fully erect but to witness the discharge of semen from it. They expected that this would be an occasion to tell to their grandchildren.

I expressed my extreme repugnance and horror at becoming so public a spectacle. The empress reminded me, through her messenger, that a gentleman could not decline a lady’s request on Ladies’ Day no matter how absurd he might find the request. This was not a request. It was a command and she pointed out in strong terminology that I was in no position to refuse.

I accepted that this was true but privately vowed that I would not let myself be aroused, no matter what the ladies of Lilliput could do. Unfortun
ately where a gentleman’s penis is concerned, what he wills is not always what the penis does. So it was to prove on Ladies’ Day.

Since I was unable to resist the continuation of the preparations I tried to divert my mind away from subjects that could possibly be arousing. I was contemplating the square on the hypotenuse and its application to celestial navigation when I became aware of a number of ladies assembling on my chest. Some musicians struck up a dance tune and the ladies began to pirouette slowly. Their movements became synchronised with the music and they commenced what I can only describe as a skirt dance. Each lady had loose flowing skirts that they manipulated in time with the rhythm. I become uncomfortably aware of flashes of tiny female legs as the skirts revealed and concealed them.

The musicians started another dance, a livelier one akin to the Italian tarantella. The dancers’ movements included several fast turns that flared their skirts almost horizontal to the ground as they span. My eyes opened wide as I realised that the dancers wore neither petticoats nor panties. As the skirts fluttered I saw their private parts clearly.

I tried to remind myself that these ladies were minuscule but failed. The effect was as if I was seeing ladies of normal dimensions at a distance with their size reduced by the effect of perspective. I found myself concentrating on the movements of one particular red-haired dancer. The hair on her head lashed furiously as her head whipped around. Her flying skirt confirmed that she was indeed a natural redhead.

A sudden cheer from the assembled crowd of ladies shocked me. They had observed my member rise from its recumbent position. When I knew the cause of the cheer I was embarrassed and my member became flaccid again to the sound of a groan in unison.

Unfortunately for me, the redheaded dancer and her companions had noticed my particular attention on her activities. The troupe parted to allow her to approach me directly. She danced with passion in my full view. Two of her fellow dancers swung her in the air to reveal the full glory of her lower hair. She ended the dance by running up my face and straddling my nose with her skirt spread over my nostrils. I felt the skirt billow inwards as I breathed and her perfume filled my brain. It was a delicate scent mixed with her own bodily odours. It was intoxicating and she was delighted with the effect that she had induced in me.

Two of the other dancers climbed to my cheeks and displayed their nether regions directly in front of my eyes. While I am slightly short sighted even I could not focus on their attractions at that distance. I flinched as something touched my now erect member. The dancers held their skirts out so that I could not see past them. I groaned as skin was pressed against my erection. I seemed to be sheathed, not in a vagina, for such a vagina could not exist in Lilliput, but certainly in warm naked skin.

The dancers withdrew, with the redheaded one flicking her skirt up at the rear as if to remind me of the delights hitherto revealed, to permit me to observe what was being done to my erection.

I looked down. The structure around my erection had been completed. A dozen naked women standing on the two levels of platform surrounded my penis. They had linked arms and were pressing their bodies directly on me. They started a chant, very similar to the sea shanties used by sailors, to co-ordinate their movements. They bent their knees together dragging their bodies down my erection and pressing harder inwards, then they straightened their knees and relaxed their grip. As this motion was continued I knew that their efforts would achieve their object. Whoever had devised this acrobatic activity had done it well.

Will I, nil I, sooner or later the naked ladies’ exercises would produce the desired result. I would reach a climax. I looked down at the attractive ladies exerting themselves. There was a change. Another lady had climbed to the top of the scaffolding and had placed herself about an inch above the engorged tip of my penis. She was wearing a transparent hooped skirt that surrounded my tip. Underneath the skirt she was wearing heavily padded knickers that were reminiscent of the puffed breeches worn by Elizabethan gentlemen.

Later I was told that the intention had been to see whether my emission would project the lady through the air. The netting surrounding the scaffolding had been placed to catch her at the end of her flight. She had been selected for her daring and she expected to the dominion’s first semen propelled aerialist.

I tried very hard to resist the ministrations of the ladies working in unison to excite me but the image of the redheaded dancer kept obtruding into my thoughts. The dancer herself continued to display her skills on my chest with abandon.

I felt that the result of their efforts would be met with success in a few seconds and all my consciousness was on the massage that I was receiving. Just before the final moment and at a point at which my member was totally beyond my control the scaffolding around my penis partially collapsed. The structure tilted sideways throwing the prospective aerialist wide. She landed safely in the netting, as did the ladies on the lee side of the structure.

My penis had been deflected from its position just at the point when the climax occurred. My emission was sprayed to the side of my body in a large arc. Unfortunately for my future, the Empress and the noblest ladies of her realm occupied the end of the arc.

If you can imagine a large bucket full of warm, strong smelling, fish-glue suddenly dashed into your face then you have some idea of what I had inflicted on the Empress. The other members of her entourage were bespattered by spray from the impact on her highness. She had been knocked off her feet and her legs were waving in the air.

If that had been the only indignity she suffered that would have been offence enough for her to have an antipathy for me. However there were far worse assaults upon the Empress.

To normal eyes spermatozoa are invisible. To Lilliputian eyes my spermatozoa were visible much as large tadpoles would be to us. So to the image of a bucket of warm fish glue you must add a host of wriggling objects like an angler’s maggots.

My spermatozoa compounded their assault on the Empress with further attacks. They followed their natural inclination to seek a warm wet place and many insinuated themselves between the clothing and skin of the Empress and her ladies. She screamed in a high-pitched voice and tore off her clothing. Around her the noble ladies were also screaming and stripping with alacrity.

This nakedness was far different from that of those women who had manipulated me. The manipulators were paid professional whores contracted to perform. I doubt whether anyone except the Empress’s personal maid had ever seen her wholly naked. Now she was revealed to almost the whole female population of the capital of Lilliput. Such a display could foster republican sympathies because it became apparent that underneath her finery the Empress was a woman like any other and not as well formed as some. She was plain of body compared to the whores who had been selected for their attractiveness.

The Empress was writhing convulsively as she attempted to catch and divest herself of the wriggling sperm. One intrepid spermatozoon was only caught a Lilliputian hands-breadth from the Empress’s lower lips. Had he, for a spermatozoon must be a he, succeeded in his object the consequences might have been dire since the Empress was still of childbearing age and had ovulated a couple of days before Ladies’ Day.

The Empress and the ladies of the court withdrew, still naked because their clothing was infested with wriggling spermatozoa, vowing revenge on the inadvertent cause of their distress. Once they were out of earshot the crowd of assembled ladies of lesser status gave me three loud

I was apprehensive of the result of the Empress’s ordeal as was later proven in her animosity recorded in my already published account. Perhaps this additional episode will show that her enmity toward me had a greater cause than the extinguishing of the conflagration at her apartments. I had used the tool that had been the instrument of her previous indignity and reminded many of that earlier occasion.

As an anticlimax the naked whores restored their scaffolding and after a period of some hours I launched the intrepid female aerialist. By the afternoon I had recovered sufficiently for a final feu de joie in an unfettered arc of semen. Both events were appreciated by the waiting assemblage but I feared, rightly, that the occurrences of Ladies’ Day would not be forgotten and that the Empress would not forgive. She did not and her displeasure was the eventual cause of my quitting her realms for Blefuscu.

End of Chapter One and Only.

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Introduction: Tara was left to raise her baby on her own. The least I could do was make her feel like a woman again. Fuck! It was more a grunt than a word, and it tumbled over my lower lip while my right hand squeezed my sticky cock. I looked down and watched a tablespoon of white semen appear from the tip. She gasped as the hot, viscous substance landed on her stomach. I propped myself up with my weary left arm and tried to catch my breath. I looked down at her, sweat droplets formed on her...

2 years ago
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My One Adventure with Mom

If you've read my other stories, you know that my family consist of my mom, me (I'm the oldest), my younger sister Ginger, and my little brother Mikey. My sister and I have been very close for a long while over the eyars, but she wasn't my first member of the family I had a sexual encounter with. There was that one night with I had with my mom.It all started when I was f*****n. We lived in HOT south Florida and Mom was pretty open about nudity around the house, so it wasn’t unusual to see her...

1 year ago
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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 9 Dark and Airless The Conclusion

Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in the mountains with MzDominica. Sunday morning, mistress kept Daniella in a deep brainwashing trance while letting the slave watch close up, as Dominica took the long laces from a friend's leather outfit, tied little bumps in one cord, and masturbated herself to an intense orgasm. She then sent Daniella to the bathroom, with orders to put on the remote-controlled rubber panties and present herself for further orders....

4 years ago
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Shirley JeanChapter 12

At the beginning of April, we were sitting in our giant bathtub, sharing a bottle of wine, when Connie's cell phone rang. It was a Friday night about 11:30 pm, and we'd just gotten home from our date. Connie stepped out of the tub and answered. "Hello?... Uh-huh... He what?" This last was said with a tone of incredulity I've seldom heard matched. Then, "We'll be there as soon as we can. Call it an hour, okay?" She put the phone down very gently and turned to me. "We've got to go....

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52 John Julie unexpected cuck

52 John & Julie unexpected cuckSaturday night, Julie and John, our Cromer couple, sat dressed to go out, they were waiting the k** sitter and they were eager to be off, both looking forward to an evening of swapping with Debbie and Kevin. It had become a monthly treat for them both Kevin had promised to make it a fun evening for her with a meal and wine at a steak house which she had looked forward too since he phoned her specifically last week. John had decided to take Debbie, to a pub he...

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No Contest Book 3 Tallying the Score 20012003Chapter 18

Another great show in Barcelona, for a nearly full auditorium, albeit with far less seats to fill. Backstage after, Alejandra greeted him with a kiss. “That was quite amazing.” “Thanks.” She immediately handed him off to Essie, who’d watched backstage. And went to Al, who seemed to be annoying Eddie, not understanding the rock star’s need for quiet. “Come on,” she muttered. “You can be with him at home.” “Alright Alejandra,” he smiled without affecting his cruel eyes. Joe was...

3 years ago
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I Seduced My Mom

Hi, I am 18 year old hunk, staying with my parents. I am only son to them. My father is around forty and my mom is 35. Both got married at a very young age, when my dad was 23 and mother of 17. It was a love marriage and they fathered me one year after they got married.My mom, at 35, is very beautiful with figure of 34-38-36. She is very regular in exercise and keeps herself fit. My father is also handsome, but not fit – he is bit bulky.I had never thought of seducing my mom. But the thought...

3 years ago
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The last virgin asshole appears the disappears goo

First a trick Hell Halloween is coming keep running. Hide in a safe spot these ho's come gunning. Three years later the facts the first chick I seen never had appeared shit christmas keep bring tight fresh female virgin assholes. Lets just say tight pussy a drop of lube,the best pussy just add of hint of lotion.Major Major Major score 100. The pretty pink perfect asshole with a pale white BBW 25(I am 55, hope see 56 he he) Of cousre I went in Raw Dog I had that given to me in 4 years. Plus...

3 years ago
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Cute Horny Client

I’m a repairman for this big renting company. They buy lots of property to places all over town then lease them out. I’m one of four repairmen that they hired to fix appliances, paint, do whatever needs to be done. Usually our hours are pretty reasonable, but sometimes, when there’s an emergency, we get called out at random hours of the day. I’m a pretty stocky man, in my mid-30’s with short hair, but I think I have some good muscle to show. I’ve worked as a repairman for years for a few...

4 years ago
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Slut School Pt 8

Part 8--------------------------------------------------------------------------While Sarah waited patiently for Mandy to return, she sat there wondering just how Mandy was going to 'take care' of her, all scenarios played through her mind and her body tingled in anticipation. Alas after 2 hours, Mandy walked through the door. She was wearing a little black see-through nightie with a black velvet thong, her ample breasts were showing through the soft transparent material of the nightie, her...

3 years ago
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The Arrangement Ch 11

Jill smiled weakly and waved as the school bus pulled off from the curb. Exhaustion and something else ate at her insides. She promised herself that she would take a nap when Britney and Ashley had theirs. She shook her head. This should have been easy. Old Hat. Instead it was eating her lunch, she thought. Three days. How the hell was she going to make three months, maybe more? ‘Are you sure you’re all right? Why don’t I take the babies for the day? You can rest and call the damned doctor to...

3 years ago
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Prodigious CollectionChapter 12

3 Section 50 -- Godwin orgy Rob and Allison were stretched out on the bed, taking in each other's visage, gently kissing and whispering endearments to each other. They completely ignored the mass of spectators, all vying for comfortable positions on the fifty-yard line. Beth, last to arrive, had parked the lubricant and washrag on the headboard before climbing up in front of Diane, whose arms quickly encircled her sister. The twins shrieked when Martin walked in, followed by Jack. "They...

4 years ago
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Erins End

ERIN’S END by Kimmie Holland & Meeah MackenzieSo this is really it, Erin said to herself in a clear objective inner voice. This is how I die. The sissy’s thin broken body was bleeding quietly into a bed of fragrant pine needles. The gibbous moon was cold and brilliant, the holly leaves silvered in its harsh light, and the universal moaning of the waves somehow made one feel not quite so alone. So this is really it, she repeated, as if to convince herself, it seemed so unreal, this is how I...

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Sumathis Fantasy 8211 Part 2

Sumathi’s visit to the market stayed fresh in her thoughts for a couple of days. She was happy about how things panned out and relieved that she didn’t get into any trouble post that. She was happy to be back home in one piece and happy to be looked at like someone about to grant a wish. All the dreams around her in that experiment were to find an opportunity to fuck Sumathi. That still gave her the sense of being the goddess about to bestow the best wish any male would ever wish! She liked...

4 years ago
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A Lift 02

A Lift – 02 It’s better if you read the first part to better understand the plot and characters. Thank you all for your very positive and encouraging feedback. Do you think the story is good enough to move on to next chapter? I’ll wait for your comments, feedback, email or all of these. ------- “It is oozing out profusely Jane. It’s making my cock so wet, so slick, as if someone has poured juice on it ... colorless, thick, sticky juice. You wanna taste it sexy girl? You wanna taste my cock...

Straight Sex
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MomBF and Daughter makes Three Chapter 2

Chapter Two - Two becomes ThreeBetween their meets Lorie and Brad continued playing online, chatting and camming when they could, emailing naughty pics when they couldnt. Interestingly it seems that Beth had picked up her mom's like of sensual pictures and had done some as well. Lorie and Beth were very close and new each other took pics and infact sometimes took some together. On this day Lorie emailed Brad some pics of her and included a couple of fun pics of her and Beth horsing around in...

3 years ago
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Playing with our neighbours son

Introduction: Following on from earlier story about myself, my Gf Clare and our young neighbour Things carried on this way for a few months and Sophie was a regular visitor to our bedroom. We played out all our fantasies including my favourite where the two girls tied me up and had their way with me. I was during one of these nights that Sophie mentioned that Steven, her older brother, was back from college soon. I looked at Clare and could see her smile. I could tell she was already thinking...

1 year ago
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Wife Bangs Cuckolded Husband in the Ass in Threesome

I had a different sexual relationship with my husband Jan. He liked being the cuckolded husband and it added spice to our sex life. We had experimented with many kinks and one was when I had tied him up put him inside the slotted cupboard. From there he watched me getting fucked by a bouncer that we had found at a nightclub. He came just by watching us and I had a lot of fun getting rammed by a big black dick. That was a fun night. Today we were meeting Simon who was into threesomes. He came...

4 years ago
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My Taboo Desires Fulfilled Part 1

My name is Kevin. I'm eighteen and I live with my stepmother, Julia. She is forty-two, blonde and beautiful. We had always been close, but since the divorce, our bond has only grown stronger. This is the story of how a son's love for his stepmom turned into a lust so powerful it had to be quenched. My stepmom has really leaned on me after my dad left. I enjoy being able to comfort her and make her feel good about herself. We have always talked about everything. But now, the one thing that I...

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TimeChapter 36

Just before my fifteenth birthday, Valerie moved out with a lot of crying. She had found an engineer who worked for me and they wanted to live together for a while before thinking seriously of marriage. I had talked to both and could see that this might work. All my girls were on the birth control pill, even if the medication had not passed testing, yet. The girls were just listed as test subjects and I would keep track of their progress. They needed it, because I started to have a watery...

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Hill Station Fun

I am extremely excited writing my first story since this is a different experience altogether.Since this is the first time I am writing it might take little extra time to explain everything.But my further stories would not bore you much. So here it goes.I was posted in Chennai after my training (software engineer by profession). There was a friend of mine whom I met online.He is genuinely a great guy and we became so close to each other that we started sharing everything with each other and one...

3 years ago
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Love In Lockdown pt 1

"Being alive during a global pandemic isn't as much fun as it sounds," Lindsay said into the window as she gazed out at the empty beach.  "Yeah, no shit, I'm starting to go a little crazy here. I thought a month of video games sounded fun, but we're only two weeks in and all I want is my life back!" Jake replied. Before the state of California mandated a lockdown, he had been planning a trip down to Mexico with his buddies to go surfing and drinking, and of course, flirt with girls and...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 22

The big bed was lonely that night. Sometime in the early morning hours, I realized that I couldn’t live there, anymore. I had to go away ... somewhere far away ... and stay away while I searched for a new life, because the one I had was all gone. My bride left me for my business partner. I saved her from starvation, and she rewarded me by screwing my closest friend. They bought me out of the house so that I would leave town. George bought the studio to get me out of the business that I...

3 years ago
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Punished For Spying

Dale was remembering the time, six years ago, when she was first spanked. She was now sixty-six-years-old and she had enjoyed building up relationships where she was the submissive and was spanked and caned. How it started was always a happy memory, although very awkward at the time.It was six years ago that Dale Brown opened the door to her house and stepped back to allow Emma Hogan and Amy Johnson to come in.Dale was sixty-years-old and a schoolmistress at the local sixth form college. Both...

1 year ago
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Personalising My Personal Assistant

kris is my former student whom i know her since age 18. she was my favourite. about 3 years ago, i had the opportunity to work with her in my office when when she was did an internship with me. i mentored her personally and i know i am also her favourite mentor. kris was a young lady who has the fire and idealism in her. she is a highly confident girl who knows what she want. she is an achiever in every sense. kris is now employed as my personal assistant. fresh from university, she is half my...

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A Dane story

Carol was upset today. Her neighbors decided to take a 3 week vacation and asked her if she would take their great dane Butch in while they were gone. She was afraid of the damn thing. She tried to explain to them she had no yard for the dog but they insisted he was perfectly fine in the house. They had done things for her in the past so she felt obligated. It was Monday, Her daughter was in school and Carol had no work today. Lisa wanted to stay home with her but she made her go to...

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