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Home Again

The senior year at the university was over at last. Tom had already broken up with Carrie. She was his mother's age and married. It wouldn't have lasted no matter how good the sex was. There had been two others before her, both similar ages, both married. He was handsome and could have had his pick of beautiful coeds. They never seemed to offer the same excitement.


Tom had been home nearly a week. The house was on several acres on the outskirts of town - rural seclusion. He heard his mother in the kitchen cooking breakfast. The smell of bacon pulled him from bed and down the hallway.

"Hey, darling," Mary said, giving her son a big hug.

"Wow. You look beautiful."

He stepped back and looked at her wearing very short pants that could have been painted on and a spandex waist-length tube-top that accentuated every curve of her upper body. She was barefooted as well. The silver-gray hair was pulled back in a ponytail which hung well below her shoulders.

"You don't have to pretend I look good." She scoffed then returned to the stove where she was cooking bacon and eggs. "It's almost ready." She drank another sip of beer from the nearly empty bottle then handed him one. She had already finished one and was feeling the effect.

"Thanks for letting me stay for the summer." Tom had plans to start graduate school in the fall.

"It'll be nice to have a man around the house for a change."

Robert had died in a car wreck a few years before. The one good thing was the life insurance settlement. She would never have to work again, and the house was paid off thanks to another policy. She was sewing her wild oats now that she was single again.

"You seeing anyone?" Tom said.

"Not really. How about you?"

"Not since Carrie." He had never mentioned Carrie's age or that she was married.

"There must be a million more to try at your age."

"I had one chat me up last week, only she was missing a leg."

"What's wrong with that? I bet all her parts still work." Mary snickered.

"Mom-m," Tom groaned.

"Maybe she was better in bed than Carrie. Her pussy is the same, you know."

"Geez Mom. When did you get such a gutter mouth?"

"I've heard you say things like that. Besides, we're both adults."

Tom groaned, but knew she was right about his language. "Mom, have you ever dated an amputee?"

"One man I know is missing a leg. It's not so bad fucking an amputee."

He groaned again muttering know. "How'd you meet him?"

"An online dating site. His left leg is amputated near the top of the thigh, and he uses crutches to walk. He's quite handsome."

"And you've seen him naked?"

"More than that. Whoa, he's hot"

He shook his head. It was a new side of his mother. "What happened to his leg?" He took another long swig of beer.

They sat at the kitchen table and started to eat. The two bottles of beer were empty, and they started new ones. Mary burped then drank more.

"There wasn't any physical injury or cancer. He found a surgeon to amputate it."

"You're k**ding, right?"

"No. We've talked a lot about it. He has something called BIID. It's analogous to being transgendered, but instead of the wrong body he feels the leg shouldn't have been there. He has no regrets. He's not alone, but there's no way of knowing how many others there are."

"And he just asked and then they cut it off?"

"Pretty much. There aren't any good tests for BIID so if someone requests an amputation they'll do it."

"I don't believe it. Mom, would you want that? I mean, you acted like I should have dated the amputee at school. What's your interest in this?"

"So, what if I had BIID?"

"Do you? I don't know how someone gets it or if it is contagious."

"It is not well understood. Researchers believe it's there from birth, but individuals might not realize it until closer to puberty. And I don't think I have BIID, but..." She paused for a long moment to sip more beer and eat the scrambled eggs. "Lately I've been thinking about having an amputation." She deep throated a piece of bacon then took a bite.

"But you're so beautiful."

"And you think losing a leg would change that?"

"I'm so confused about what I think. It's too bad you can't be an amputee part-time to test your feelings about this."

"Interesting you say that. He gave me something to inject to make my leg become a stump for a while. I have crutches and spend time as an amputee."

"Wow. That's so science fiction. Really?"

"I've used up what he gave me, but I got a new order a few days before you arrived. I was worried about how to bring this up."

"It's a little weird, but if it's what you need to do don't let me stop you. Is this only around home?"

"Mostly. After we eat, I'll show you."

"I can't wait. I have a feeling maybe I should have done something with that amputee girl." He laughed.

"So you didn't?"

"No, Mom. I was busy with finals. Maybe I wasn't thinking clearly. She was pretty. I don't know how much of her leg was missing because she wore a short dress."


Tom started towards the living room when Mary suggested he come into the bedroom so he could witness the injection. She removed a pair of crutches from the closet and leaned them against the bed. From the nightstand Mary took a vial and a syringe.

"Special syringes marked in one-hour doses up to twelve. The stump forms where then injection is made." She rubbed her left thigh a few inches below the very short pants leg. He watched as she drew the fluid up to the first mark then pressed the needle straight into the thigh. The stump formed instantly.

"I don't know what it would really look like but that looks pretty real."

"The only difference is there isn't a scar across the end, but otherwise it feels like the leg is gone."

Mary stood and put the crutches under her arms one at a time then walked around the room modeling for Tom. He didn't mean to, but he was becoming erect.

"Do you get that way for just anyone?" Mary teased.

"Sorry. I guess I've finding it a little erotic."

"More than earlier when you had a boner going?" She laughed.

"I can't help if I think you are a beautiful lady. Too bad you're my mother."

"What would change if I wasn't?" She paused and looked more closely, nibbling her lower lip suggestively.

He noticed her nipples pressing firmly against the spandex and the suggestive expression.

"I'd ask you for a date." He grinned. "I've dated a few ladies your age."

"I had no idea."

"I found I prefer the age difference. There's a sense of maturity that's not there with girls my age. That's why I passed up the amputee girl...too young."

Mary stepped closer and pulled him against her. Her lips were close to Tom's but not touching. The crutches fell to the floor, and she continued to balance on the one barefoot.

"Does this feel as good?" she whispered.


"Yes it does."

A moment later their lips touched. Both seemed to not mind because neither did anything to stop. Her tongue slipped between his lips and explored. His hand rubbed a breast. She sighed deeply and felt him remove the hand.

"No-o," she moaned, pulling back in place.


"Pretend I'm just another woman."

She raised the stump and rubbed against his trousers. He reached down and rubbed the end. It was soft and felt good in his hand.

"I love that you have one leg."

"Now that you've touched it, what do you want to do?"

He dragged his hand between her thighs, rubbed firmly. "I want to go down on you." He pressed his hand inside the short pants and fingered. When he pulled his hand out, he sucked the wet fingertips. "Delicious."

"Now I'm sorry I have any thighs. Imagine if I was completely legless."

"I am."

She touched the bulge with a hand. "I'm glad you find that erotic."

"It's better than breasts or a nice ass."

"Would you like it if I had a big belly?"

"How did you know?"

"I happened to see your computer...all those pictures of women with big bellies that sag down."

"Fat aprons."

"On, my...yes." She rubbed his hand over her stomach. "I have something you'll like." She swallowed two pills then sat on the bed to inject the other thigh so it would be completely off. As her belly began to grow, she undressed. "There's a wheelchair in the closet."


He sat next to her and fondled the roll of fat and told her how much he liked it. He jiggled and moved it about. It was not excessive, but still large.

"That was just a hundred pounds," she said.

"Have you done more?"

"Twice that a few times."

He pushed her onto her back and kissed between her thighs, sometimes fingering around the opening.

"Oh, oh," she began repeating.

He continued without change knowing what was happening. The other older women had been excellent tutors. One hand fondled the legless hip while the longer stump rubbed alongside his face.

"Oh-h, baby-y," she drawled as the orgasm began to subside. "I hope that wasn't the only time." She reached down and gripped his erection. "Move around here." She removed her dentures revealing a toothless mouth.

Tom was unaware she had no teeth. "When?"

"A while. I usually wear dentures."

Her head lowered, and she took him in her mouth, her head began to move up and down.

"Oh-h," he groaned. It wasn't the first time that a woman had done this, but it was the first without any teeth. It felt much nicer. "Oh-h." He could not control himself and muttered he would come. She continued, and he filled her mouth without gagging or spilling any.

Mary swallowed a last time as she wiped her lips with the back of her hand.

"I love to suck cock most of all," Mary said.

"And I love both blow and hand jobs, not as much as sucking pussy, but close."

"More than fuckin'?"

"Before, yes. But, you without legs and with that belly and I might change my mind." Tom chuckled.


Mary's legs returned soon after they finished having sex. They cuddled and kissed for a while. The belly remained.

"The pills last half a day," she said.

"Can I take one?"

"Each is good for fifty pounds."

"I don't have any clothes to fit if I get too much larger. I could wear some running shorts with fifty."

"Then, we need to get you some much larger clothes. I'd like to fatten you up." She patted his stomach then held three pills, but gave him only one.

"Let's go shopping first."

He kissed her letting his tongue rub against her gums. "Don't wear your dentures."

"Are you sure?"

"I love how you look without them. I mean, it's not obvious. It's like a naughty secret, almost like not wearing underwear. Do you mind?"

"For you, darling."


Mary and Tom had looked at a web site with pictures and clothing sizes for men and women weighing different amounts. Three pills would take him to about 325. Because the pills were made to create an apron of fat more than a rounded belly, it would be just what he wanted. Two pills would increase Mary's weight to about 225.

They continued to receive odd stares from clerks in clothing stores, slender people looking for plus-sizes, but soon found clothes for each. Already, she was sorry that she wasn't at home, but they stopped at a cafe and had pastries and coffee. It gave them a chance to look at the other shoppers.

"Is your amputee guy fat?" Tom said then sipped some coffee.

Mary recrossed her legs letting the short dress ride up high on one side. "Only when he uses the pills. He's how I found out about the vials and the pills." One foot swung casually back and forth. She inched the skirt up more to show him more thigh.

"How would you explain things to your friends?"

"I might not be able to. I don't know. It's something I've wondered about."

"Maybe they are hiding something, and wishing they had a way."

"I don't see it happening." She licked her gums, having left the dentures at home. Unless she opened her mouth in a certain way most people would never know. "I guess I could tell Jane. She's the closest thing to a friend I have."

"How close?" He chuckled.

"We screw some, not often."

"Mom-m," Tom groaned.

"Hey, it feels good. I'm just sorry I didn't know before now."

"Would you have been a lesbian?"

"Maybe. It's that good."

"Do you wish I was a woman?"

"Maybe, but you were delicious. I could be swayed to remain straight if you wanted me."

"Does he know you prefer women?"

Mary sipped her coffee and looked around delaying the answer for as long as possible. After seeing a few chubby women with large bellies walking past, she looked back at Tom.

"Yes. You see, he crossdresses and most people never realize what's happening."

"Is he trans?"

"No. He just likes to dress as a woman."

"And you're okay with that?"

"Nothing like reaching under a dress and finding a male package." She laughed.

"Would he have gender surgery, or is there something like the vial for changing bodies?" Tom grinned.

"Do we need to get some women's clothes?"

"I'd make a pretty horrible looking lady. Maybe I should have been born in Thailand and been a ladyboy." He chuckled.

"That's where he's from...Phuket."

"So is there a way?"

"Let's wait until we get home. It's not something to discuss in a public setting."

"But ladyboys are?" He scoffed. "If you insist."

Mary recrossed her legs as she turned more towards Tom. In the process flashed him a grand view. She nibbled her lower lip, and uncrossed her leg leaving the knees parted enough he could see between the thighs.

"Should I be a ladyboy?"

"I've never been with a man." He took a long sip of coffee and looked between her thighs. "I think you should be missing one of those legs...probably both at the hip."

"Thank you. Tom, I love you for so many reasons, but your understanding is one of them."


At home Tom swallowed three fat pills and waited for the growth to stop. When it had he played with the belly fat and enjoyed the feel.

"Goddamn, that's sweet," Mary said, picking up the apron of fat and feeling the weight.

"It's nicer than I expected." He dressed in running shorts. The tee shirt didn't cover all the belly. "What do you think?"

"Maybe a missing leg would help." Mary grinned, flashing her gums.

He grabbed a bottle of beer and went out back to the patio. He sat on the edge of the swimming pool with his feet in the water and drank several gulps. Soon, Mary joined him after taking two fat pills and injecting the left thigh as before. She was wearing a bikini.

He grabbed at her belly. "I love you this way."

"But not without?"

"I didn't say that. And I love you as an amputee."

"It made me feel good when you sounded like you did. It's how I want to be."

"Can't you just use the injections?"

"I could and do it twice a day. But, if I do that I might as well go to his surgeon and have a real amputation."

"Would you want us to be together?" He drank a big chug of beer then held the bottom of his belly.

"I have dreams about that...that we got married and no one knows our true relationship."

"Would it be better if I was a woman?"

"You wouldn't want that." Mary shook her head, licked her gums. She raised and lowered her stump of thigh watching as she did.

"But I would if it was what it took for us to be together."

"How long have you been thinking about us?"

Tom sat the bottle beside him. "Maybe since the first older woman I dated. She even suggested maybe that she was a substitute for you and had me call her Mary and Mom."

"And you did?"

"Especially when we were having sex." He grinned.

"Damn-n," she muttered. "I need to think about this some."

"Didn't you enjoy yourself?"

"I hate to admit it, but yes. It was great...and still is."

"So I need to be a fat amputee man?"

"Probably." Mary laughed. "Only if you want."

They kissed for a while, sometimes just staring at each other without saying anything. This would be his favorite fantasy. Even as a boy, he had loved thinking about his mother. Now having experienced the real thing only helped to confirm how good it would be.

"But what if I wanted to be a woman?" Tom said.

"I guess that might be a surprise to me. But, we are having many surprises."

"I'd like to be a middle aged woman, but there's no way to do that."

"How old?"

"Early forties. Your age, you know."

"I didn't know," Mary said, playing with Tom's belly.

"I've never told anyone, mostly because it'd make me sound crazy since there's no way to so that. Gender surgery would only give me the appearance of being a woman, but not a real one, and not older."

"I'm sorry." She kissed Tom full on the mouth for a long moment. "What if there was a way?"

"I'm just playing along," he chuckled. "I'd begin living as a woman...if I could be an older woman."


Sitting on the couch in the living room, Mary remained with one leg and a big belly. She undressed because it was best before changing bodies so that clothes did not get ripped if the new one was larger.

"Is that the new iPhone?" Tom said, pointing to a gadget next to Mary.

"Looks like it, doesn't it? But no, it's called a Mark III and it allows you to change bodies. There's a huge selection in a catalog. I have one in mind that's so different you'll have no doubt that I have a new body."

Mary tapped the screen several times. Instantly a beautiful black lady with light chocolate flesh tones took her place. About ten years older than Tom, her features would make most men's knees weak just from seeing her. She was also missing the left leg at the hip.

"Well?" the lady softly cooed, then wiggled the halves of a split tongue before doing a few tongue tricks.

"I think I'm in love." He laughed. "Are you that way often?"

"I've used it to be an amputee out in public."

"Oh-h, wow-w."

"So now I have to use this body around you?" Mary laughed.

"Wouldn't hurt my feelings, but I was thinking how I'd like to use whatever that thing is."

"How would you like to use it?"

"Does she have a twin sister?" Tom laughed. "It would be the perfect solution to let us remain together. You see, the biggest problem is people know both of us. If we both changed bodies then we'd be strangers and could start over." He paused. "We wouldn't have to be black ladies...unless you want. I'm sure there are plenty of bodies that would be enjoyable."

"You have this all worked out, don't you? Don't get me wrong, I love that you are trying to find a way for us to be together."

"Then what's the problem?" Tom kissed her hard on the mouth. It was different because she now had teeth. "How many are in the catalog?"

"Tens of thousands of women of all ages and shapes and sizes. Many, many, are amputees. You're right, we wouldn't have to be black ladies. Just changing appearance would be enough."

Mary stood, picked up one crutch and walked as gracefully as she had before with two. She had discovered by chance that she could, and it was easier when the leg was off at the hip. There were videos she had seen of Asian and African women using a single crutch because that was the custom. She turned back towards Tom and stared.

"What if the change was permanent?" Mary said a moment later.

"If that was the only body I could have, then I'd say not a problem. I could live forever looking like her. Why are you resisting this so much?"

"I feel it's a commitment, and we've scarcely started whatever we've started."

"But Mom, we can't be public about what we both want and look like ourselves. You need to become an amputee, and I want to be more than just your lover. You tell me how to do that. Besides, don't you enjoy using that body or something similar?"
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0043 Mr. Vibrator for Dilly (Repost)Dilly sat near the end of the sofa. Her red dress and her sheet music were on the other end. She was nearly naked. The only thing she was wearing were the red and white leggings that she loved so well. They started high up on her thighs and enclosed her curvy short legs until they ended over the toes on her dainty feet. She had her pretty legs spread really wide with her right leg over the armrest. She was very relaxed; she had been in this position a...

1 year ago
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Seasons of the Heart Fall Ch 02

That weekend it was near impossible for Claire to concentrate on anything else besides the encounter in the café. She hadn’t thought anyone had seen, but just to be careful she didn’t talk about it. But every night as she lay between her crisp, cool sheets, her body burned, remembering the paths his eyes had traveled over her. She wasn’t sure if he was attracted to her or just appreciating a fine body. Either way, remembering the look he gave her made her shiver deep down in her core, a slow...

2 years ago
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One time at band camp

While I was in college I worked at a band camp for Jewish pupils with my fiancé at the time. It was a lot of fun and I met lots of great people. My fiancé being one of them. He was from a well to do family and my parents were happy we were going together. After a short courtship we got engaged. My fiancé being from a very religious family didn’t want to have sex until after we were married. I was okay with that. I’d give him blowjobs regularly though , because he said that wasn’t sex and I went...

3 years ago
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The Sister in Law episode 1 nice underwear

My sister in law was divorced. It was a really sad time because she had no idea that he was having an affair, nor did Karen and me. They were both in their mid forties and had no c***dren but seemed happy enough. My wife was really supportive to her, she lived not far away so she helped her through the early difficulties and took some time off. When eventually she went back to work, she was a specialist nurse who travelled the country, she asked me to keep an eye on her which I said I would.It...

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Do you know what I love most about winter? That you hate it. The cold gives you the sniffles and I know firsthand that you much rather enjoy being dressed down than up. And your cheeks…they get all red, like a cute, perpetual blush, and I just can’t help but giggle when we go out together. “Stop being so childish,” you always say. Or, “You embarrass me.” But I know you like it. You like to watch that little smile creep over my full, pink lips and it makes you smile cause you’re thinking...

Straight Sex
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BlacksOnBlondes Kyler Quinn Fourth Appearance

Kyler has hired a personal trainer to help her with working out and stretching and has always had the hots for him. Prince realizes this and decides to give her a series of workout exercises where he’s able to touch and caress her great curves which gets her all hot and bothered and then some stretching to help her loosen up after the workout. She’s already super horny so when he helps her with doing a split, on her legs and back and starts rubbing her inner thighs and has his face...

2 years ago
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The BreakdownChapter 2

I awoke with a start. It was dark in the room so I had no idea of the time. I lay for a moment as awareness of where I was came back to me. I wondered what had disturbed me. Light was at my window and I could hear faint snatches of noise. On impulse, I got out of bed without switching on the light and padded across to the window. The light came from the living room opposite. The curtains were undrawn and I could see the interior clearly. What I saw made me start back then, as if drawn by a...

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my friends mom

This is my first time writing a story so here it goes.This all happened when I was a 18 year old teenage guy. I was like most horny teenagers and constantly horny. Now my best friends mom we'll call her denise was the sexiest milf I knew. She had brown hair, 5'6, 36D tits and an ass to die for. Now Denise had walked in on me peeing and occasionally masturbating several times and always made comments on my dick size which was around 8.5 at the time. I also knew from several times looking in her...

3 years ago
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Hello its me again

Hello it's me again! By Princess Pantyboy Kelly me teenage boy 14 years' old Tina my big sister 16 years' old Miley my little sister 11 years-old Beth our next-door neighbor/cheerleader All, I was transferring files from my old laptop to my knew laptop and found some stories I wrote back in 2011 and never put on line. Here is another one of them. I hope you enjoy it, like always please forgive any of the spelling or grammar mistakes I didn't catch I hope there...

1 year ago
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GF of 45 years leaves and becomes a slut

My girlfriend Linda and I had been together for 4.5 years and had a great relationship. I was 24 and she was 22. We had gone through university together and had just moved out together to another city for our careers. I noticed my girlfriend became distant from me within a couple of weeks of living together. She was never horny for me and was texting on her phone a lot, more than normal. She would always giggle when she was reading the texts. I had a slight suspicion something was up but just...

2 years ago
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The Coach

You’re not sure why you’ve been called to Coach’s office. You recently celebrated your 18th birthday and are on the cheer leading squad. There’s a game tonight but you’re not the captain of the squad and usually Coach is preoccupied getting ready for the game. Tonight is a critical game too, your opponent is your school’s long time rival and a win means playoffs, while a loss…well it’s too terrible to even think about…but a loss means the end of the season! You knock timidly on Coach’s door...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Night With My Best Friend

Hey this is Dhruv. This is my first sex experience which I want to share with u guys. This experience and situation was completely unexpected. Its with my best friend Tina. Tina and me are best friends from childhood.. but one unexpected night got us together physically too.. Coming to info about me I am a boy age 21, and I am studying.. and good looking. My best friend Tina is my childhood friend. Both of us played together, shared everything..but never had such feelings of getting physical....

2 years ago
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The First of many

  There had been tension between us for sometime now. Innocent, but strong attraction. You wanted me and I you.   One evening after a long day at work I was getting ready to leave for the day. I went to switch the lights off, but at the same moment so did you. I turned around and suddenly you were to close. For a moment we paused, unsure of what the other would do. But still feeling the heat between us. All the lights were off except for one in the distance, which left only...

First Time
3 years ago
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Tutoring Jocks

I'd remained on campus during Spring Break along with a few otherstudents. My roommate Jason, had gone home to Boston for a couple of weeks,leaving me with some quiet time. I'd planned to catch up on an essay I waspreparing for one of my classes. I went down to the kitchen to get some ice before I settled down tostudy. As I went through the living area, I spotted Kevin King, talking toone of the other guys in my Frat. He looked up nodded then winked at me. Iretrieved a bucket of ice from the...

2 years ago
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She Gambles and Wins

I walk from the casino into the bar. As I await the attention of the barkeep, a beautiful woman walks up and stands beside me. Leaning suggestively against the bar, she seductively turns her head toward me and asks, “So, do you like to play?” “Um, yeah I do,” I respond, a little taken back by her forwardness and question. After all, I am in a casino. She recognizes my confusion and smiles. Then I inform her that I prefer blackjack but am not opposed to a little bit of poker now and then. ...

1 year ago
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Hot and Horny WeekendChapter 7

Laura lay with her head cradled on the backseat of the Farrington's powerful white convertible, as it sped through the blistering Friday afternoon heat. As usual, George Farrington was driving at a breakneck pace, and Laura preferred to keep her eyes closed rather than watch his terrifying progress along the crowded four lane highway. The last few days had been the longest Laura could ever remember. It had almost been as though time had stood still, breathless in anticipation of what was to...

4 years ago
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BlackmailedChapter 7

To Joan Pearson, the telephone call was innocent enough, but to Carla Reynolds, who made it, it was a matter of life or death... her own. "Joan... ? This is Carla... Carla Reynolds... I just had to talk to you..." "Well, I don't want to talk to you!" "Please... don't hang up on me... I want to explain..." she pleaded desperately. "What's to explain... ?" "I thought that man... Jay would be gone... before you arrived... and we'd just have a lovely... woman-woman thing,...

2 years ago
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The Mechanics Big Tool

Dallas, Texas 2005 "Will ya look at that?" I heard Uncle Mario hiss as I lay on the gurney under the Ferrari. "What?" I grumbled, greasy and sweaty from a mornings work on the toys of the rich and famous. "You gotta see this broad boss," he said as he knelt down and winked at me under the car. I couldn't imagine any broad getting Mario this excited; when you work in the best Ferrari garage in the Southwest you see a lot of prime cunt. These old farts that can afford a half mill for a...

3 years ago
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Biker Momma

Hello, my name is Brad, I was an apartment dweller until management decided to sell the property so I had to move back home with mom bushe was glad to have me back. Dad died a while ago, he was never in good health and I guess his body was just plum worn out. Back in my twenties I started to look at Mom through the eyes of a man, not just her son. I started to see her as Gail, a good looking woman, rather than Mom. Yeah I fancied her and her good looks and we did some pretty neat things...

2 years ago
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the 1st time i shared my a woman i loved

one of the first times i shared a gf was kind of set up by me. we'd been together a couple of years living in france, were both 24, went to nudist beaches a lot, had a lot of public sex. One of my friends used to keep trying to get into our bed after a party or a night out, but even though we were mates, I found him greasy. I asked her what she thought about it. She told me she didn't find him at all attractive and treated it like a minor irritation but with good humour. Then she put the ball...

2 years ago
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Milking Factory

Milking Factory. Chapter 1: Brother of President Crimson "Welcome, to my factory Davy, brother" said president Jacob Crimsonof the Louisiana Milking Factory to his brother "As you can see you treatour animals well." Davy seemed uneased seeing naked women with lactation devices attached totheir breasts. "In this factory, are the lights on continuously?" hesaid. "Yes, of course, according to regulations 45588//22 of 2025. We haveto, you see. The cows produce less milk when there's night." "I...

3 years ago
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Even Stranger In Lust

I swear he was planning to devour me when I hit the "Close Door" button on the elevator. The look in his eye was so frightening that I almost peed when I saw his hand snake in before the two halves met. The door opened again and he stepped in, looking at me like I was a lamb and he was a wolf.I was cowering in the corner, and for some reason, I felt that tingle between my legs that told me that my panties were getting wet, but not from pee. I don't know why I had that reaction, but if he'd...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Fucking Sexually Charged MILF Wife Outdoors

Hello, everyone, it was nice to hear from all of my fans. Thank you all for your valuable feedback. For my new readers, “Hello, I am Ankur. I have a perfect athletic body with a 10-inch cock.” These are the assets (or figure) of my hot MILFs. Jasmine my wife has a figure of 34D-24-36. Alura, my mother-in-law has a figure of 34G-29-38. Louise, my wife’s Aunt has a figure of 40F-29-40. After fucking my hot mother-in-law and making her realize who the real man is, it was time to bid a goodbye to...

2 years ago
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Zeus and Io Books 1 and 2Chapter 13

I was itchy to do something again. Back in ... that is, when I was ... well, in the days before Arti ... uh, when I was on my own ... I mean, I'm still on my own, because I don't have any sort of caretaker or anything ... but, you know ... before we started doing everything as "us" doing something. Back then, I was busy all the time. I had a string of alternative identities to care for. Go to Comanche, and be Lee Roberts for a few days. Go to Weatherford, Texas, and work on the John...

2 years ago
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Kings Bay

Author’s Note: This is my submission to Lit’s Summer Lovin’ Contest. I hope you enjoy it and votes and comments are appreciated. ============================== I worked like a dog for that company for eight years and what happened? They fired me. Bright side? Nice severance package. So screw it. Instead of diving right back into the overcrowded pool of job hunters, I decided to take it easy for a while. I deserved it, I’d barely taken a day off for the last eight years, so I was going to...

1 year ago
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GingerPatch Lacy Lennon Meat And Greet

There is nothing hotter than meeting a banging raver chick at a party, so when Lacy Lennon finally meets her favorite DJ in the flesh, its no surprise that he invites her over to his place for a meet and greet. She arrives in her rager outfit, ready to use all her sexual powers to seduce the man of her dreams. She bats her long lashes, she flips her gorgeous red hair, and to seal the deal, she shows off her perky, hot tits. When they finally make their way to the bed, she bends over, revealing...

2 years ago
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My First Night with Sylvia

This is based on a true experience.I’d known John and Sylvia for several years. We drank and socialised together once or twice a week and got on very well. One night - shortly following my divorce - the phone rang around midnight and it was Sylvia on the other end asking me if I wanted to come around and spend the night. We had had a few kiss and cuddle sessions in the past but I had thought it was just a bit of fun and ever thought anything more would happen. I knew her hubby worked away...

1 year ago
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18Eighteen Alexia Anders Vocal Vixen

In the beginning of this video, Alexia tells us that she’s super sexual and she’s here to show us everything she’s got. For starters, she has a great rack and a tight body. She’s also a pro at dirty talk and loves to suck cock and balls loudly. Things stay loud as this former cheerleader moans, squeals and encourages her guy. The whole time she rides him, she lets him know in a sultry voice exactly how much she likes his dick filling up her tight pussy. One of the best...

4 years ago
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Oysterville A Love StoryChapter 4 The trip home

I gave Janey the nickel tour of the Surprise. Since the Surprise is over 40' long, there is a little to see. There are two state rooms with queen size beds each had it's own small head. There is a small crew's cabin with two double bunks. The main salon was where all the relaxation, eating and cooking took place. There was a small head off that too. In the Pilot House Bridge. There was the control station with two Captains chairs. I had also installed a compact single berth that could be...

2 years ago
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The Contest

Contest Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Almost nobody could believe it when it was announced, yet I was almost beside myself with joy; I hid it well, but it was there. The club that my parents belong to announced that they were going to award three full scholarships, along with two $10,000 prizes. The catch? It was required that all contestants dress and live as a member of the opposite sex for one year, starting the day school let out then all the way through the following...

2 years ago
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It Started in the Rain Ch 06

[Chapters 1 thru 5 can be found authored by Scorpio44. I apologize for the long delay before Chapter 6. No excuses.] Corine and I kissed and shared pressing our warm bodies together in my bed. When the kiss ended she said, ‘When I arrived I was in uniform. I was sent by Captain Evans to see how our operation was progressing. Captain Evans said I could authorize extending his stay, if I thought it was worthwhile.’ ‘Well? Is it?’ I asked, knowing the answer was obvious. ‘Yes! He’s swimming...

3 years ago
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The Guy

Lisa quietly undressed herself in the darkness of the bedroom. Stripping down to her white panties she tossed her other clothes into the hamper and pulled a tee shirt over slender frame. The shirt fell down to just below her backside and as she slipped under the sheets she pulled it up so that her panties were free. Although she hadn't thought about masturbating, she couldn't help sliding her hand under the soft cotton fabric. Within seconds she was in ecstasy, purring softly as she ran her...

Love Stories
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Girl mates sister

I have been friends for a long time with a Indian girl. I always wanted to have the opportunity to play with her hard nipples that seem to forever be on show through her short thin dresses but was forever stopped by our friendship. Then one day her older sister decided to join us in her bedroom and hang around with us, her sister is tall, has dark hair and caramel eyes. She was a few years older then us and seemed reserved and dressed like it too dressing more to her strict fathers wishes then...

3 years ago
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Mother Swapping ndash Part 2 Fucked My Friends Mom

The next morning I went inside my room. I saw mom taking a shower, and Suraj was sleeping in the bed naked. I could see plenty of torn pieces of condoms on the floor as if they had been fucking the whole night.I woke Suraj and asked him to go to his room and get ready. We had plans to visit nearby places. He went to his room. Mom came out of the shower wearing her night suit. I could see she was looking satisfied and happy. I was getting jealous.Now I could not wait to get my chance with Kavita...

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The Costume

You stand in the costume shop and cough, the heavy smell of incense and potpourri overpowering your fragile sinuses as you gaze at the mounds of multi-colored clothing piled in huge masses all over the cramped shop. You hear a voice come from somewhere in the back of the shop, “Just a minute please.” It is a feminine voice, sounds like a slightly older lady. It reminds you of the voice of some of your grandmother’s old bridge club friends, the blue hairs that always pinched your cheeks and...

1 year ago
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crackwhoreblues 42

Transmission # 97 Standing at the edge of the cliff, gazing thoughtlessly down into the septic tank of our soul... High heels and lip-stick, cocaine enemas, we beg the Whore-Goddess to fuck us with her fifteen inch throbbing cock, to be her slave....Bouncing up and down, playing pogo on your cock, tightening my sphincter, milking, teasing, squeezing your throbbing shaft so deep inside. You pull my legs back, speeding my asshole, gape-r****g me, making me scream as I lose control over my...

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Slingshot Billpart one

Introduction: Bill Tinker relate how he acquired lots of wives in late 19th century Texas. My name’s Bill Tinker an' I am 12 years old at the time I’m tellin’ you about late in 19th century Texas. I can pretty much hit anythin' with my slingshot, mostly rabbits but I can hit doves an' pheasants on the fly too. It’s a good thing too or we’d most likely starve to death.I lived with my ma an' pa an' my two sisters miles from anythin’ civilized tryin’ to scratch out a livin’. My pa failed in...

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spin the bottle

About 2 yrs ago me and a few friends went to Kingsnorton a suberb of Birmingham England. We meet up with a load of student girls studying at the local University. These 4 girls we all single and extremley shapley ladies ;)the night was going so well I couldnt belive my luck. One of my mates had to leave early as he had to go pick up his girlfriend from work. So i was left with a guy called Andy and 4 stunners. The drinks were flowin and the girls were getting more and more aroused and...

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