Milla, La Travestie Soumise Partie1 free porn video

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Coucou, Hihi! Je voulais vous raconter quelques petites choses intimes de Milla la travestie soumise en formation pour devenir salope.

Il y a quelques temps, Milla fait la rencontre d'un homme séduisant sur un réseau social. Plus la discussion avance, plus l'excitation envahit Milla. Et plus elle se livre à une soumission de plus en plus complète. Lui, apprécie beaucoup les propositions et encourage la soumise à dépasser encore davantage ses limites. Elle mesure 5'6 avec un poids de 150lbs, 28 ans, avec un cul super bandant. Elle porte une perruque rousse avec des mèches blondes et aime s'habiller selon les goûts et les instructions des hommes qu'elle fréquente, mais toujours très sexy. Lui mesure 5'8, 165lbs, 63 ans, look jeune avec une super bite de 8" large.

Des descriptions et premiers contacts, la discussion est passée aux fantasmes les plus osés. L'un et l'autre partagent des fantasmes sexuels débridés. Milla adore la féminisation forcée, l'humiliation, les punitions, le sexe intense et aimerait bien expérimenter de satisfaire plusieurs hommes (gangbang). Elle est bottom (vraiment salope) et préfère les hommes matures dominants avec de gros membres. Lui est très dominant, adore se faire sucer et fourrer à fond un cul. Il adore l'idée que sa salope se fasse fourrer par plusieurs hommes. En temps que maître, il planifie déjà inviter ses amis bis. Il sait que Milla va découvrir bien des plaisirs ; chacune de leur queue sont nettement de grandeur au-dessus de la moyenne. Les photos du cul de Milla l'allument au plus haut point. Il compte bien lui défoncer son petit cul.

Milla et lui s'entendent pour une première rencontre le samedi soir. Milla souhaite être très soumise envers son nouveau maître, elle obéira à ses consignes et en est super excitée. Le maître lui demande de s'habiller super salope. Elle sera informée de son rôle plus tard avant la rencontre.

Première rencontre

Milla n'est pas du genre à rencontrer n'importe qui. D'ailleurs, c'est après un échange assez long qu'elle a pris confiance et a pu apprécier pleinement son nouveau maître. Et si elle l'appelle déjà son maître, c'est qu'il lui apparaît comme la personne idéale avec qui explorer son fantasme secret de féminisation fo**** (le subir).

Après plusieurs jours à fantasmer, le samedi soir arrive enfin. Elle commence par mettre de côté ce qu'elle mettra pour cette rencontre (inspirée par les recommandations de son maître). Un bodystocking en filet noir, une brassière, des faux seins, un string rose, des bottes à talons hauts de 3" noires, sa perruque rousse avec mèches blondes, un collier avec laisse rose, des menottes roses, un tube de lubrifiant , un mini top blanc semi-transparent qui ne couvre que la poitrine et un mini short en jeans. Un style "pute" et "salope" comme il le souhaite. Elle passe se faire un lavement puis hop! dans la douche. Ensuite, c'est le moment d'attendre le maître, déjà semi-préparée, dans le stationnement d'un parc. Après une dizaine de minutes, une voiture entre dans le vaste stationnement et se gare à une centaine de mètres, S'en suit un petit moment de confusion. Après un peu d'hésitation, elle décide de texter son maître, puis sans même attendre elle marche vers la voiture qui s'est garée plus loin. Elle arrive à la hauteur de la voiture et d'un signe son maître la fait entrer à bord. C'est bien lui, ouf! La nervosité est palpable pour cette première rencontre. Il démarre la voiture sans plus attendre. Pendant qu'il conduit, Milla prend le temps de l'observer de haut en bas. Apparence soignée, il dégage l'odeur agréable d'un parfum d'homme mature, il porte une chemise noire, une veste en cuir, pas de barbe, teint bronzé et un jeans bleu. Un homme très viril et avec beaucoup de classe comme elle avait pu le remarquer au cours de leur long échange. Il lui demande s'il lui convient et elle approuve. Le déplacement vers la maison de son nouveau maître paraît interminable aux yeux de Milla. Maître et soumise parlent très peu et lorsque cette dernière tente de s'exprimer, maître la comprend peu. Avec sa voix féminisée toute tremblotante et timide, elle ne parle pas assez fort. La voiture se gare devant un garage d'une rue populaire du centre-ville. Milla suit son maître dans un appartement du deuxième étage de la bâtisse.

Milla se prépare dans la chambre de bain pendant que son tout nouveau maître l'attend en écrivant à plusieurs hommes matures qui pourraient être intéressés à fourrer la travestie avec lui. Un bodystocking en filet noir, une brassière, des faux seins, un string rose, des bottes à talons hauts de 3" noires, des bas blancs remontant aux genoux, sa perruque rousse avec mèches blondes, un collier avec laisse rose, des menottes roses, un tube de lubrifiant, un mini top blanc semi-transparent qui ne couvre que la poitrine, des bretelles noires et un mini short en jeans. Un style "pute" et "salope" comme il le souhaite. Après quelques coups de peigne pour ajouter un peu de volume à sa perruque, elle est prête.

En ouvrant la porte, Milla découvre son Maître devant l'ordinateur dans la cuisine alors que la télévision dans le salon jouait une radio dédiée à la musique des boîtes de nuit. Il se tourne pour l'admirer avec étonnement. Milla jubile devant sa réaction et se met à danser en agitant ses fesses bombées. Elle a bien appris ses leçons de twerk avec toutes les vidéos de danseuses sexys qu'elle regarde sur Youtube. Elle se rapproche tranquillement de son Maître. Arrivée à sa hauteur, elle se tourne puis frotte ses fesses contre le membre bien durci du Maître, prisonnier de son pantalon. Bientôt, celui-ci lui prend les hanches de Milla et lui fait quelques commentaires. "Sacrement, t'es une vraie petite pute toi. Attend que je te fourre, tu ne croiras pas à cela".

Le maître ordonne ensuite à Milla de se mettre à genoux, puis de sucer "comme il faut" le gros membre qu'il sort de son pantalon. Il doit bien faire 8" de long en pleine érection et est très large. Milla se met à la tâche avec ses lèvres pulpeuses. Son maître adore. Jusqu'au moment ou il demande à Milla de se pencher devant le comptoir. Pendant que Milla obéit, il enduit sa grosse bite de lubrifiant tout en disant à son oreille : "Petite pute, tu vas y goûter!".

Rapidement, il enfonce sa queue au fond du cul étroit de Milla. Elle pousse un long "Ahhhh" traduisant un mélange d'excitation, de surprise et de douleur, mais elle en redemande : "oui, encore Maître, défonce moi comme une chienne, je le veux". Il lui répond "Parfait" et se met à la perforer durement dans plusieurs positions durant une trentaine de minutes. La séance très intense et chaude est alors interrompue par quelqu'un qui cogne à la porte.

Le Maître ouvre et Milla voit un homme masqué entrer. Elle comprend immédiatement qu'il a été invité par son Maître et qu'elle doit lui obéir à lui aussi. L'homme masqué se place devant son visage et lui dit directement : "Suce-la". Milla obéit sans question, tout en prenant la queue de l'homme (un bon 8" également) bien au fond de sa gorge. Pendant ce temps, son Maître recommence à la pénétrer. Milla est maintenant utilisée par les deux bouts, par deux hommes dominants en même temps. Elle a chaud, elle qui voulait tant découvrir ce genre de plaisirs. Elle est servie! Après une dizaine de minutes le Maître éjacule son sperme chaud dans les fesses de Milla. Elle se sent vraiment salope de se faire remplir de la sorte quand, à son tour, l'homme masqué qui gémit de plus en plus lâche un gros jet de semence chaude dans sa bouche et un deuxième. Heureusement, son goût est très doux et même un peu sucré. Milla le garde dans sa bouche un moment pour montrer à ses deux cavaliers comment elle est une bonne salope. Puis, elle avale le tout. Sans dire un mot, l'homme masqué attache son pantalon et repart comme il est arrivé. Le Maître demande à Milla d'aller se changer puis, il la ramène aussi silencieusement que lors de trajet d'aller chez elle.

De retour, Milla se sent très fière d'avoir osé l'aventure et d'avoir su combler deux hommes en petite femelle sexy. Très salope également d'avoir reçu la décharge des deux hommes. Elle trouve son nouveau Maître très intense et très bien membré, elle a eu beaucoup de plaisir et a déjà hâte aux prochains scénarios qu'il lui réserve. Son Maître lui envoie un texto : "Tu aimerais d'autres rencontres comme ça petite pute?". Ce à quoi Milla répond sans attendre, ni hésiter: "Oui, j'ai très hâte et je promet d'être de plus en plus salope pour vous. J'ai besoin d'une bonne formation de pute". "Tu l'auras", répond le Maître.

À suivre...

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Lets start with a little back ground to better imagine the situation. My parents are divorced and when I was younger my mother and I would always spend a part of our vacation with our family in Serbia. We would spend most of the time in the wilage where my grandfather lived, there I would play and run around the wilage. His name is Darko and is a month younger than me. Darko was at that time about as high as me and had dark black hair that got to about the middle of forehead and dark black...

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The first incest experience with my mother all 4 chapters compiled into 1 as requested

I 'm an average looking 18 year old teenager living with my 45 year old mother in a small comfortable house. We always had a fantastic relationship and loved each other as much as any other family. She's about 5 foot 5, has long blonde hair and a somewhat chubby figure with large natural breasts. It was the beginning of summer and the heat waves would begin to change the mood around the house. I'd walk around the house with nothing but a thin white t-shirt and some looney toons boxers, my...

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Summer Angel

Ah, Elizabeth. What can I say. From the moment I saw her, I wanted her terribly. I suppose that the best way to describe her is to say that she is what every real man wants, in his heart of hearts. So many men are hypocrites. They want a woman at home who is shy and virginal – pure. But they want to go outside of their relationship for sexual pleasure – they want to find a whore. Truly enlightened men, who have been fortunate enough to find truly enlightened women, know that the most desirable...

2 years ago
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My black lover Wilson in NYC

I had met Wilson a year ago, on a cold, rainy afternoon at Chicago; where I was attending a business trip. He was a very handsome black guy, much younger than me. We had crossed our paths in a mall and he had looked at me with his hungry eyes.I was so fucking horny, after three days without my loving husband…Wilson had invited me a beer and then we had gone to my hotel room for a quickie…I came hard and wild on his big black dick. He fucked me from behind and I could felt his energy as he...

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Pickup LinesChapter 5

Lyle McFadden had held off on actually selecting his second concubine until it was clear what would happen to Hortense, of course. For one thing, despite the illegality of the manner in which Hortense had been impregnated, she WAS pregnant now. He would have a girl of proven fertility and the next child would be his, he was sure of that. Lyle could wait a bit, and it was obvious that his fellow Civil Service officers agreed with him on that point. “Mother and both daughters ... yes, I would...

4 years ago
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A Night In The Complete Series

She’d gone to great lengths to set the mood for tonight’s fun. Jessie had spent hours preparing her body with lotions and perfumes, making her skin silky soft. She applied the perfume expertly behind her ears, between her breasts, and a few drops waiting in anticipation for his arrival between her thighs… The lights in the bedroom were off, but the numerous candles with their flickering light dancing now across her succulent tanned skin. She reclined on the bed, resting on her elbows. Her...

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Gabrielles fantasy

“I don’t want your money, baby. I want to fuck your tight, wet pussy,” he says. With that, he grabs her face, bringing her to her feet and kisses her, biting her lip. Gabrielle pulls back and spits in his face. He wipes it off and angrily smacks her, then kisses her to muffle her cry of pain. “Now, now. Be a good girl or else I’ll have to punish you,” he explains. She pleads with him to let her go and he hushes her. “Shh. Don’t worry baby. You’ll like it. I bet your pussy is wet...

2 years ago
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Angels and Guardians Pt 04

Author’s note: This is part four of a story about a group of very close and special friends. Character development was done primarily in the first three parts, so it is best to read those first. All characters are 18 and are the subject of this FICTIONAL story. Thanks for reading and please VOTE! (5’s are awesome, but only if deserved.) Thank you. *** Chapter 14 Amateur Night They had walked a short distance when Ashley broke into their thoughts. ‘A lot of what you told me molded around...

4 years ago
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A Young Students Dream

It was 8:00 on a Friday morning. Today was the last day before Christmas break. Several students came into class, some had their cell phones to their ears while others were walking in with cups of hot coffee in their hands. Mr. Cohler was at the head of the class waiting patiently for his students. “Alright guys, settle down,” he said. “Hey, Mr. C. are you coming to the game?” asked James. “I gonna kill a buncha fuckers from Beaverton High tonight. It‘s gonna be awesome!” “Of course, but...

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Jackis BitchesChapter 1 Carols Parents Return

Carol was sitting in the parlor of her Uncle Rob's home awaiting the arrival of her parents. Carol, an 18 year old high school senior, was staying with her Uncle and his girlfriend, Joy, in order to finish high school while her parents were on an extended, three-month long European vacation. Carol was not only wanted to see them again, but she suddenly realized how much she had missed them both dearly. Carol loved both her Uncle Rob and his girlfriend, and also really enjoyed their sexual...

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The Doctor Part 12 On Tarryns bed

Tarryn and Tessa had a nice shower together, during which there was lots of kissing and hugging, and sexy talk.Back in Tarryn’s bedroom, Tessa noticed the toys lying on the bed.“Is that what I think it is?” asked Tessa pointing to the butt plug.“Yep,” replied Tarryn smiling brightly. “It is a butt plug, and it feels amazing.”“Wow,” said Tessa. “I’ve never tried one of those.”“Well then, my sexy friend,” said Tarryn with a wink. “You are in for a treat.”“Not sure I want to try that,” came the...

3 years ago
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Sissy all dressed up at a rest area

Sissy all dressed up at a rest areaSo, i had a bit of a scary encounter recently. But it was totally worth it =]. I was driving from my home town to the town where i go to school. It is a windy little road that goes right through a big slice of nowhere, with very minimal cell service. And it was night time. I had been all dressed up and hoping to find someone at a local wildlife area that is an OK place to find guy sometimes, but no dice. I am pretty shy, and don't go to places like that much,...

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The stepmother continued

Months had passed since Paul’s first sexual experience with his stepmother and they had only met at public affairs so there hadn’t been any chances to reflect upon what had happened that very special night. Paul’s father frequently worked away on business and could be gone for weeks at a time. Wondering when he may get another chance to impress his stepmother, Paul had been patiently waiting to see if she would ever contact him to babysit again. Much to his surprise that chance would be sooner...

4 years ago
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Birthday Boy

I think my f****y has always know i was gay. The way i acted and dressed and my interests gave it all away. So the day I finally came out it was no surprise to them. They continued to treat me the same and so did my friends. The only thing that changed was my mom. The same year I came out, she bought me a dildo for my birthday. This was a real shocker but I accepted the gift and anxiously waited to use it. That night I was in my room and decided to try it out. I started by giving it a blowjob...

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Sexy Sadies Red Notepad

I'm Sadie, and I'm a cute half-Japanese girl with pigtails and high aspirations, and I'm also an independent sociologist. I'm just naturally a curious person I suppose, and am especially interested in sexual events, especially of the random sort, from a sociological context. I've also had my own share, but this isn't my life story. This is a particular story of a study, my quest to gain information, in my trusty Red Notepad, for independent sociological research. Well, in some ways that's what...

1 year ago
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Blacked Lily Love My Dream Hook Up 2

Lily has always wanted to be a sports reporter, but breaking in isn’t easy. So when she was asked to do a big interview, she found herself in a situation she never dreamed was possible. Since then, her transition has finally been completed and she’s loving every minute. She has bagged a dream interview with Rob and as tempting as it is to take advantage, she has a job to do. She wants the best outcome possible and she will do almost anything to get what she wants – off the...

4 years ago
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Going to the Dogs

Gloria Stanhope was pushing sixty and she was beginning to think the effort to stay looking young was a losing proposition considering the high cost of plastic surgery, Botox and the spa sessions and beauty parlor appointments that seemed to go up at twice the normal rate of cost of living on a national average. She decided that her cock chasing days were over out of economic necessity and not due to her waning good looks that were losing the race with age and time. Besides, she could always...

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Closer Than Breathing A Light Gay OdysseyChapter 15

Toby was not put off by the misleading information I gave him about the sect in the Give and Take. He strolled into the bookshop a couple of days later to ask for a copy of their book. He even claimed to have persuaded Jayde not to hassle me about the baby, at least until after it was born. Alicia's three copies were in store in Jeremy's basement, and reluctantly I went down for one, reassuring myself that it did not even mention The Rocking Boulders. Wading through all that turgid prose...

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Summer Fun Chapter 1 Help Wanted

It’s early May and I am in the last quarter of 11th Grade, my Junior Year of high school. I attend one of the two high schools in the Spring Haven School District. Our district is aptly named after my hometown of Spring Haven, a medium-sized Michigan town, not too big and not too small. It’s been a good place to grow up, I think so at least. Like any town, it’s not perfect, but it’s home and the only place I’ve lived for all of my 17 years. My school is Maplewood High, home of the “Mighty...

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Dream Came True With Mature Woman

Hi, I am kiran from bangalore, karnataka. I’m 28 years old with athletic body and white in complexion with a hot rod of 8” inch which is sufficient to satisfy any woman and I am basically a lover of big boobs and mature woman.   Any aunties interested in sexual satisfaction and want to chat or have fun can contact me I can assure you 100% satisfaction and secrecy maintained– “ ”   This incident happened last june with neighbor aunty asha(name changed) who is widow and she was 35 that time....

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PART - 41 HE, ME AND NEETA, FULL FUCK Only I know how difficult it was to make my husband ready to fuck my lesbian partner Neeta. When I had my last lesbian sex encounter with Neeta, in her house, a month back, Neeta was keen for fucking by my husband with me. Not only that time, I received many calls from her expressing her desire. She is a beautiful girl, a sexy lesbian partner, a sex loving girl like me. It was not new for my husband and for me to involve Neeta in our sex and fuck...

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RebelChapter 98 Junes Boys

It was getting cold, very cold as what few were left of us made our way toward the river, the Delaware, and hoped for safety in Pennsylvania. Foster's men had drawn rear guard again so we were constantly in sight of the camp followers and their wagons. Cornwallis or whoever was in change mounted what one college boy labeled "desultory" attacks on our flanks, just chivvying us along. Most of the Germans and Redcoats had gone into winter hiding, curled up with their doxies and some hot rum...

4 years ago
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Moms Surprise

My mom and dad divorced when I was pretty young and it seemed like my mother dedicated her life to me. She attended all school functions, all sporting events and anything I participated in, she participated in. I don't even remember her having a boyfriend back then. We lived in an older house but it was always clean and picked up in case anyone stopped by so you didn't have to “run around picking up newspapers and dusting things off.” But the house had a unique feature in it's upstairs hot air...

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