Camilla Ch 053
- 4 years ago
- 32
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Saturday, August 12
Camilla and Candice breathed in deeply and looked out the windows on opposite sides of the airplane as they watched it begin takeoff. They were sitting in seats in the middle, between two aisles.
‘Goodbye, Vancouver,’ Camilla said. ‘Hello, Toronto, a totally new world for me.’
‘Hello to your dad, too,’ Candice said.
‘Yeah, I can’t wait,’ Camilla said. ‘But I can’t believe we’re really leaving the only city I ever really knew.’
‘I can’t believe we survived another month and a half in that city, after that nightmare sex party.’
‘I know. Getting away from all those bastards, after what they did, was a real miracle. Speaking of miracles, it’s so weird, that drink we had. How it’s changed us, given us those powers.’
‘What was in that drink?’ Candice asked.
‘Something alien, I’m sure, it’s the one good thing that came from that horrible night, though I have a feeling we’ve had those abilities longer.’
‘Really? What makes you think that?’
‘Well, things Dr. Singh told me,’ Camilla said. ‘Ever since I’d had sex with him, he could heal quicker, the way we can. Only now with us it’s even better than before, thanks to the drink. After that whipping, to have healed so quickly, we’re women Wolverines, you know? The X-Women!’
‘Yeah,’ Candice laughed. Then she and Camilla started whispering. ‘We can influence things with our minds, too. I’m sure all those masked men ran back into the burning building because we willed it. I know ’cause I wanted them to die so badly that night, they deserved to die.’
‘And the few survivors dying a week later–the mayor and chief of police–you don’t think that was a coincidence?’
‘No. If anything, we were the ones who should have died: they had the muscle to make it happen. They died because we willed it to happen, I’m sure of it. If only we could’ve got rid of them sooner. Poor Jasmine.’
‘I know,’ Camilla whispered. ‘Poor Calina, Candice, and–oh, God–sweet little Li-ping.’ She fought back sobs. ‘I assured her we were finally OK in Bob’s van, and then she got killed with her mom half a week later.’
‘And Dora, don’t forget. They found and killed her, too.’
‘At least they didn’t get us. I prayed for our protection. I was never really religious, but with all that danger, I’ve never prayed so intensely in all my life.’
‘I’m sure all your intense praying was also you using the…what was that drink called?’
‘Nigrovum,’ Camilla said.
‘Yeah. And those bastards, trying to find you, killed your mom and Troy?’
‘Yeah, I’ll miss Troy. I prayed to keep Bob safe, too.’
‘When’s he coming to Toronto?’
‘I’m not sure,’ Camilla said. ‘He’s gotta sort stuff out in Vancouver first, but he is coming. Our porn website is doing so well, he doesn’t want to give up a successful business just to stay in B.C.’
‘Speaking of your porn site,’ Candice whispered, taking out her iPad. ‘I think I’ll check some of it out, now that we’re at a high altitude. I’m so glad our plane has Wi-Fi.’ She turned on her iPad.
‘I’m glad too,’ Camilla said, taking out her lap-top. ‘I wanna chat with Ravinder. I hope he’s online.’ She turned her computer on. ‘I wanna know if he’s learned anything new about the Nigrovum in our blood.’
‘Here we go,’ Candice said, looking at the home page of She whispered, ‘I only wish I had a joint to smoke while adoring your beauty.’
‘You sure the other passengers won’t mind you watching one of my fuck films?’ Camilla asked.
‘You saying that as audibly as you just did is more likely to let them know what I’m watching than my screen is,’ Candice said, finding a POV video of Bob fucking Camilla. ‘I’ll be careful not to let anyone else see.’
Indeed, the man sitting to the right of Camilla heard her (Candice was sitting to her left). He’d already found it difficult not to stare at Camilla, since she was wearing a sexy dark blue evening gown, with her cleavage showing. Now he needed an excuse to get up and walk behind Candice’s seat so he could check out the porn with her. He got up, apparently needing to use the washroom.
Candice hit play, and the video began. (You are Bob, for you see the video from Bob’s point of view.)
You knock on the door to an apartment (Neither Camilla’s nor Bob’s, for their safety, since this video was shot three days after the incident at the mansion.) Camilla opens the door.
‘Hi,’ she says to you with a grin. She’s wearing a tight white T-shirt, tight white denim pants, and matching high heels. ‘How can I help you?’
‘I’m your neighbour from down the hall,’ you say. ‘I was wondering if I could borrow some sugar from you, if that’s OK.’
‘Sure,’ she says, still smiling. ‘Come in.’ You go into the apartment, and she leads you to her living room. ‘OK, what would you like to do?’
‘Aren’t we going to get some sugar?’ You ask. ‘Aren’t we going to get some in the kitchen?’
‘We can ‘get some’ right here.’
‘You have sugar here, in your living room?’
‘Well,’ she says with a sly smirk, ‘that depends.’
‘Depends on what?’
‘What kind of ‘sugar’ you want.’
‘What ‘kind of sugar’?’
‘Yeah,’ she says. ‘Come on now, you don’t really wanna borrow sugar from me, do you? Who borrows sugar from neighbours? It’s not like you can’t afford it at the store.’ She walks up close to you. ‘What do you really want?’
You pause for a second, then say, ‘I want you to take off all your clothes, right now.’
She laughs briefly in surprise. ‘Wow, you don’t beat around the bush, do you?’ She starts pulling off her shirt, revealing her bra-less breasts.
‘No, I do other things with the bush,’ you say, looking down at her endowed chest.
‘I hope they’re good things,’ she says, undoing and pulling down her pants. She takes them and her high heels off. Without underwear, she stands completely frontally nude before you. ‘As you can see, my bush deserves no less.’
‘Absolutely,’ you say, looking down at her pubic hair. Looking back up to see all of her, you say, ‘You have such a beautiful body.’
‘Why, thank you,’ she says, giggling. ‘What do you want me to do now?’
‘Could you pose for me, please? I wanna see all of you.’
‘OK,’ she says, getting on a coffee table and spreading her legs. You bend down to get a closer look at her delicious pink pussy. ‘What do you think?’ she asks.
‘Perfection,’ you say. ‘Can I finger you?’
‘We’ll find out just how well.’ She spreads her labia wide open for you.
You put your left index finger on her clitoris and tickle it, she starts moaning. You put your right index and long fingers deep inside her vagina. She moans louder.
Candice could sense, with the aid of the Nigrovum in her blood, the presence of that man, standing behind her in the aisle to her left, and watching the porn with her, after having left the washroom. Nothing was more annoying to her than having someone looking over her shoulder, watching what she was watching. Already being well-practiced at using the Nigrovum to influence things and people around her, she decided to use it on him. Closing her eyes so as not to be distracted by the video on her iPad, she concentrated all her thoughts on the man’s dick, which she sensed to be about five inches long.
His penis, already partially erect from watching what was now Bob fondling Camilla’s left breast while still fingering her clit, started feeling a surprising acceleration of blood flowing inside, engorging him faster than he’d ever felt before. His erection started pointing forward, becoming an embarrassingly visible bulge in the front of his exercise pants. Within seconds, his phallus was perpendicular with his body. Neither able to understand nor able to stop what was happening, he covered his groin area with his hands.
Candice wasn’t finished with him yet, thou
gh: she caused him to feel so much sexual excitement that he knew he was about to ejaculate in the next few seconds–he was at the point of no return. He rushed for the washroom, but by the time he opened the door, his cream had already soaked his grey pants with two squirts. It was all over his groin and much of his legs, looking back at him as he went in the washroom, Candice laughed out loud.
‘That’ll learn ya,’ she said, still laughing. ‘I’m a Jedi knight of jizz: may the fuck-Force be with me.’ Pausing her porno, she looked over at Camilla’s lap-top and noticed the long conversation she’d been typing with Ravinder. ‘What does Dr. Singh say, Camil?’
‘He says that a book was found in the burned-down remains of the mansion,’ Camilla whispered in Candice’s ear. ‘The book was all their writings about their Satanic cult, and why they were doing what they did. Originally, they worshipped Set, an ancient Egyptian god. Then, a few years ago, one of them saw me in a park masturbating.’
‘Were you ever not a bad girl, Camil?’
‘When I had my daddy with me, I wasn’t. My mom never let me do anything sexual, and I was jealous of other girls who were having sex with their boyfriends, so I used to go into parks and finger myself until I came. I like doing that, I still do it sometimes–I like the way the grass tickles my pussy. And when watch me, I get turned on all the more. Anyway, that perv who saw me playing with myself in the park got so turned on when I came all over the grass, that when I left, he ate my come, along with some of the blades of grass. He felt a change come over him. He learned that I often go to parks to masturbate, and he’d eat the grass with my come on it every time. It wasn’t long before he was gaining all the abilities we have: healing quickly, influencing things with your mind, that kind of thing, and other powers. Anyway, with some scientist friends of his, he learned there was something already on the grass, something–well, not of this world. Just as Ravinder suspects. Singh and his doctors are now examining grass all over the Vancouver area to see if the Nigrovum is on it.’
‘Wow,’ Candice said. ‘This is getting so weird.’
‘Exactly,’ Camilla whispered. ‘There must be bad sides to the Nigrovum, ’cause that guy who ate it must’ve gone crazy, for after sharing the Nigrovum grass with my come on it with the others in his cult, they apparently went crazy, too. It seems they got power hungry, thinking the Nigrovum could give them unlimited powers. In their craziness, they changed from worshipping Set to Satan.’
‘Weirder and weirder,’ Candice said.
Camilla kept her voice especially low: ‘They at the party wanted us to have the Nigrovum in our blood, piss, and shit, and to share it with each other, hence all the fucking, us pissing on the naked guys, and them eating our shit.’
‘They ate our shit?’ Candice whispered.
‘Yeah, don’t you remember? Oh, yeah, I guess you were too high to notice. Anyway, if we fucked all the time, the Nigrovum would spread between us whenever we came on each other. Getting us all horny would make the Nigrovum focus its power on our passions, intensifying them. In our state of extreme passion, the Satanists would then kill us and eat us, so their own power would grow, as well as their addiction to Nigrovum.’
‘Sick bastards!’ Candice whispered.
‘They treated us like animals, degrading us the way they did, so that when we were killed, the Nigrovum would be in the most beast-like form, then it would spread around the world through our wandering, lost souls, spiritually infecting everyone and making them all slaves to their passions. Then the Satanists could easily take over the world, and everyone else would be too mentally weak to stop them.’
‘Sounds like a B horror movie.’
‘Sounds like one of those weird conspiracy theories,’ Camilla said. ‘Well, remember that they were all nuts, that’s why they did what they did. Ravinder warned us not to get crazy feelings with this Nigrovum in us, we might become just as bad as those Satanists. The craziness could have been what killed Mr. Leroy and Mr. Baker. I wonder if Wayne and Mr. Chen died crazy because they had sexual contact with me?’
‘Could be,’ Candice said.
‘Ravinder says he and the other doctors are still studying the Nigrovum in Leroy, as well as that in the bodies of the burned masked men they found in the mansion. He’ll tell us more when he learns more. Anyway, I’m tired, and I wanna sleep for a while.’
‘OK,’ Candice said, looking back at her POV porn, and pressing play. Then she whispered, ‘When you wake up, let me know if you get horny again during your sleep, I’m getting jealous about those hot dreams you’ve been having over the past few months.’
‘We’ll know soon enough,’ Camilla whispered, then nodded off.
The man came out of the washroom with an embarrassed look on his face and his hands covering up the large wet spot on his pants as best he could. He sat back down beside sleeping Camilla. Candice tried to keep from laughing at him, then she focused on her porn, adoring the body of the girl she still loved and hoped to have all to herself once she was reunited with her father. The video continued:
Camilla comes from your fingering, there’s a mess all over the wooden living room floor.
Panting, she asks you, ‘What shall we do now?’
‘Can I put my cock in your pretty pussy?’ you ask.
‘I thought you’d never ask,’ she says with a grin.
You look down, unzip your pants and pull out your cock, which is three-quarters erect. She lies on her back on the floor with her legs spread wide open. You get on top of her and slowly slide your cock in her pussy. You look up at her sighing face and down at the penetration, you continue looking up and down several times to see yourself going further and further inside, and to see her excited reaction, until you’re all the way in, at which time she screams. Her screams are short staccato soprano notes as you keep poking your way inside her. You continue alternately looking up at her face and down at the fucking to see clearly how much pleasure you’re giving her.
After watching the fucking on her iPad for the next few minutes, Candice noticed Camilla fidgeting in her seat and moaning. ‘She doesn’t have to tell me about her horniness now,’ she said.
The man on Camilla’s right side also noticed, and while he was getting turned on, Candice was worrying, for Camilla looked like she was doing more than just dreaming. She was acting as though she was having sex with an invisible man!
If that’s a dream, Candice thought, I wanna dream like that too.
Camilla was dreaming that her deceased first two lovers, Mr. Chen and Wayne, were fucking her ass and pussy, respectively.
Mr. Chen was on the floor on his back, she lay on her back on top of him, Wayne was on top of her in the missionary position. The naked lovers were in the mansion, on the fourth floor, where LUST was written, but the house was on fire: flames closely surrounded them. Wayne was squeezing her tits and French-kissing her.
Camilla’s dress was pulled up, and her legs were up and spread wide open, just as they were in her dream. She was wearing no panties, and her pussy and asshole were showing. Her hips were gyrating faster and faster. Candice saw, to her horror, that Camilla’s pussy and asshole were stretched open, as though cocks were probing her! Her pussy was wide open enough to have accommodated Wayne’s large phallus, and her asshole was opened less wide, to have accommodated Chen’s smaller penis. Her breasts looked as though they were being squeezed, and her mouth was open, with her tongue flickering, as though she were French-kissing someone.
‘Holy fuck,’ she whispered. She tried pulling down Camilla’s legs and dress, but felt as if something invisible were in the way.
‘That is so hot,’ the man moaned as he ogled Camilla.
Angered by his lack of respect for her friend an
d lover, Candice decided it was time to use more psychic manipulation on him. She focused all her concentration on his dick, trying her best to block out her worries about Camilla.
After a few seconds, his partially-erect penis became quickly engorged again. He was shocked and frightened to find himself with another full erection pushing his wet pants forward in an embarrassing point. He could feel an imminent climax.
‘Not again,’ he said, rushing back to the washroom and coming as he opened the door.
Camilla came, too, splashing all over the seat in front of her. Some passengers looked at her in shock. Sheepishly grinning, she said, ‘Sorry,’ to them, then pulled her dress down to cover her legs. She got out some wet napkins to clean herself off. ‘Well, at least I didn’t mess up my dress,’ she whispered to Candice, whose mouth was still wide-open in shock. ‘I don’t believe it: that was my first wet dream in years.’
‘Camilla,’ Candice said. ‘I don’t think that was just a wet dream.’
On the seventh day of Camilla’s predicament in the public aquarium in Montreal, she was being gang-banged by two spirits: those of a younger man and an older man she’d met one night thirteen years before, while visiting another strip joint in Toronto, called the Solid Gold. The boy’s invisible cock was in her ass, and the older man’s was in her pussy. Cell-phone cameras never stopped getting video of those two gaping holes as her naked body continued to hover over the water tank. Since Camilla...
“Honey”, she purred. “Can we do a little role playing tonight?” Mark looked at his gorgeous wife with her full pouting lips and long brown hair and said, “Anything for you babe. What have you got in mind?” The normally boisterous and unflappable Camilla looked at him and chewed her bottom lip which he found sexy as hell. “Well, I have been doing some reading lately online and came across some stories that have really turned me on so much it isn't funny.” “Oh really?” She looked down...
The next memory that unconscious Camilla was reliving, in an out-of-body vision, was ten years before her incubi gang-bang predicament in the Montreal aquarium, when she was twenty-seven years old. One night in Toronto in mid-September, she and Cameron were at home, getting dressed and ready to go to a party held in a wealthy banker’s large house. Camilla had had her hair cut to go down to the bottom of her neck, and she used Nigrovum to change her blonde hair to a light brown, she also...
Monday was Labor Day, Camilla’s last day of summer vacation before beginning university. That morning around 11 AM, she and Candice woke up with a blanket over them to cover up their nakedness, obviously Agape, who was in the kitchen, had woken up earlier, gone down into the living room, and seen the naked girls sleeping there on the floor, he then put a blanket over them. ‘I’ll bet your dad was more than surprised to see us like this,’ Candice said as she reached for her dress. ‘I’ll bet...
Late on Tuesday night, after Camilla had finished committing incest with Agape, he used his psychic powers to put himself completely to sleep, a deep sleep would put that whole sordid affair out of his mind…for a while, at least. He wasn’t yet ready to confront his daughter with his awareness of her surreptitious lewdness. In his dream, he saw Collette in the mansion, now burning, with the sight of groups of naked lovers engaging in group sex all around him and his ex-wife. ‘I’m so sorry,...
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IncestGreetings and salutations, my friends.I'm Paul. I noticed there's a lot of Jilnar Jardaly worshipers around here so I thought you all might like to read how she inducted me into her sordid, sexual cult....I'm a registered nurse from Seattle, working the late-shift over here at Dubai Hospital. One night, as always, I was on the late train which turned out to be a train trip that changed me life completely and forever!It was after 2AM on a weeknight so the train was practically empty, apart from...
Janet came downstairs after an hour-long conversation with either Ralph or Terry her son Wally wasn’t sure which guy had called her. She was glowing she had a look of a woman who had been fucked good. Since Ralph and Terry had fucked her for three solid hours was the reason she was glowing and leaking. She started cleaning the kitchen, “who called mom” oh one of the girls from work nothing important”. Wally knew she had been talking to one of the guys who she was fucking last night he...
It only took them a little over an hour and a half to drive to Port Macquarie, having set out straight after an early breakfast. When they got to Kew, Dave turned east, so that he could drive through Camden Haven and then up along the coast. When Dave arrived at the turn off to North Brother Mountain, he parked the RV and unloaded the 4WD. They drove to the summit and drank in the magnificent views of the breakwater at North Haven and the spectacular Doorangan National Park. The other...
By: Mpurvang Mera naam Anjali log mujhe Anju kahate hai age 18 Ek saal pehle meri didi Amrita jo mujhse 2 saal badi hai ki shadi Manoj ke saath hui Wo log Bomaby mr rahete the Sath me jiju ka bhai unse ek saal chhota Sanjay bhi sath me raheta tha Parents Lucknow me Hum bhi Lucknow me rahete the Mene 12 pass kiya jiju didi bole age padhai ke liye Bombay ao Aur mujhe waha admission dila aur me Bombay chali gayi Sanjay ekdum chikana aur handsome tha Sanjay apne dosto ke Saath har raat baahr...
Hi Everyone, my name is Romil Singh. I’m 29 years old, from Delhi but currently settled in Hyderabad. I was an active , but I didn’t get enough ideas and experiences after my marriage. Luckily I met with a woman who came to India and emailed me after reading my story. So without wasting your time, let’s jump to the story. I stopped writing sex stories after my marriage. My email responses almost stopped. I was married and happy with my wife. But she was not into BDSM. I had to manage to do...
Leona and Slade left The Main Artery club and drove to Cafe Rendezvous. Leona sat next to Slade, but touched him less and never looked directly at him. She tried to hide that she cried, about the night's earlier events with Connie. The argument between Gustaf and Andrei at the club was about what happened earlier. Something went radically wrong with the healing process and the least desirable side effect happened. The three vampires felt it immediately, but the others would not notice for a...
SupernaturalHi, Friends. this s my 4th ISS story. I am a huge fan and would encourage all to read it rather Dan watch porn. It’s amazing. This is a story of how I seduced (in the bus) and banged my hot Bengali colleague.I was working in a major IT MNC in Calcutta. My office was located outside the town and there were about 1500 plus employees so government AC bus service was the best option. Sometimes during peak hours, the bus would get super crowded and there wud be heat despite the AC being on Also the...
A Children's Spat By Morpheus Five-year-old Kenny Donaldson glared jealously at his three-year-old sister Shauna as their mother held her close. How could his Mommy ignore him, he thought angrily. And even his Daddy ignored him. All because of that little brat, Kenny told himself as his anger for his sister built. He'd been the one to get all the love and attention before she came around. But ever since then she'd taken over his place, making it so that Mommy and Daddy didn't...
My Early Encounter: sherryladyboy I was 8 years old when I discovered my deep interest in women. It started by admiring sexy women bodies in bikinis. It was never a look of lust but more a look of admire or you can say envy them for their sexy body, wishing someday I could become as sexy and slutty as them. With each day I became more and more interested in women and their details. Their body shape, the breasts and feet caught most of my attention. I started trying put on my mom lingerie...
Maria sat up in the bed and looked inquisitively at her husband. “Hawk, what are you talking about?” “I haven’t looked over everything we found in the old trunks, but we’ve probably just rewritten American History.” “And you think Consuela would be interested enough to come out here on a Saturday evening?” “Maria, if it gets any better she’s liable to move in. This is an historian’s dream-come-true.” “And you want her to promise to keep it quiet?” “Honey, only for a little while. Besides...
How to get pregnant Part 1Donna and I are a white couple, We have been married for 2 years . Some people consider us as an odd couple because of how different it was between my wife and I. I am 60 years young, a fit build, very out going and confidant. Donna is 37 years old, on the plump side, keeps to herself and has no confidence .You got to wonder what I saw in her. After dating a lot of bimbos it was a pleasant change to meet a down to earth woman. I could see Donna really cared about me...
By : Rakhiqewe Hi everybody. I am Rakhee Tiwari (changed name) from Lucknow. I am a newly married housewife. My husband is the owner of two five star hotels.I am 26 years old. My father owns a travel agency in Kanpur. I have a one year old son who still drinks my milk. I am still lactating. I had a happy life my husband has a beautiful younger sister Aarti who is 21 and is about to get married in my home there are also my husbands parents and two servants one is old driver Rajesh who used to...
My name is Jonathan Dark. I was born 40 years ago, yet look to be 17 or 18. I came to Jewel Valley to flee the vampire war that has raged since the 1500s. My mother, Anastasia, is an avid believer in the justness of the war. She, and consequently me, belong to the Immoral, the faction of vampires that aren’t resistant to drinking blood. The Immoral believe that humans are perfectly fine sources of blood. The Moral believe that humans are to be protected, and they drink animal blood. I’ve tried...
FantasyThe rest stop was dark and practically deserted. He had parked toward the back, accessible to anyone and everyone, but slightly out of the way for the average motorist. As he opened the car door, the slight breeze of warm summer night air did nothing to cool my body, which was dripping from the sweat he had wrenched out of me. My legs were still shaking from cumming over and over in the car, the plug still securely vibrating in my ass, and I could barely walk as he helped me out of the car to a...
Tommy Brown’s mom Connie was a gorgeous MILF that had this fantastic slightly drooping ass and huge knockers that would swing with heavy duty determination whenever I got her down on all fours and looking over her shoulder with a smile on her beautiful face. She had let me do her ass a couple of times and it wasn’t a big success because she was so tight back there and I had a really oversized cock that worked better in a well-lubed pussy than in an almost virgin ass. Tommy told me that she...
Hello adult sex stories dosto mera nam garry hai (short name) age 25 aur punjab ka rehne wala hu aur dubai me job karta hu me ek shadi shuda ladka hu meri biwi ka nam sumanpreet kaur hai uski age 22 hai figure 34 30 36 aur uske bal uski gand se niche tak lambe hai hmari love merg hui hai ab me story pe ata hu ye hamri bilkul sachi story hai To jese mene btaya ki hmari love marg hai to meri biwi bhut shreef ladki thi isi liye mene usse shadi krli shadi se pehle hmane sex nhi kiya tha suhagrat ko...
This One Is Compliments of Dom A A young and inexperienced guy was taking advice about how to get a date warmed up. He was told by a sage peer that getting right and clear about his intentions was the way to go; just take her hand and place it around his erection. That evening, having parked with his date for more than an hour and only encountering sisterly kisses he decided to try the technique. The response was instantaneous: she gave him the longest stream of invectives he’d ever heard,...
Mandy Muse and her amazing ass are back on the pages of Sexually Broken and Dee Williams is in the house to help with the sexually Destruction of our helpless sex slave. Three intense bondage positions, Sybians, and multiple brutal orgasms are just a few of the sexual torments Mandy suffers with today. We make her cum over and over while bound in hard metal as she is stuck on a sybian. But it is never just that easy, as we are brutally fucking her face and throat at the same time. The breath...
xmoviesforyouBy the time I left work it was late; very late. I closed and locked my office; made sure the office was secure and made my way down to the parking garage. I said goodnight to Marc the security guard, the young man asked if I wanted an escort; I smiled politely and told him I didn’t park that far out, but thanked him for the offer. As my heels clicked over the cement I had a moment of panic, I swore I had parked closer. The parking garage was lit, but barely, the lighting was comparable to every...
After almost an hour Agent Jada returned, wearing only a bathrobe & announced, “I’m going to have to get you prepared for interrogation. That means I get to take you into the shower & get you nice and clean.”Soon she had her prisoner naked in the shower with his hands tied to the showerhead over his head. She then removed her robe & joined him-turning on the water & saying seductively, “I think you’re going to have the cleanest cock in town.” She shook her magnificent chest...
It was Tuesday morning. Vinod watched mother Divya seated nude in presence of waiter who had fondled clit but he did not object. After waiter left Divya scolded son that he will enjoy if someone will fuck her in his presence. Vinod heard & smiled. He was hot and turned mother in doggy pose. Then he fucked in cunt for sometime and then penetrated in ass. She moaned and expressed satisfaction. Afterwards they took bath together and went for breakfast. Thereafter he went straightway to his...
IncestWhy hurt yourself with anger when someone else makes a mistake? After over 2 years without having any contact with the O'Neal family at all, I was in my room at the Denver Rescue Mission. I had been given free room and board there. They said that they recognized my work on the streets of Denver and knew that I was integral in their own reach out to the homeless and helpless of Denver. For the past 22 months, somebody had been depositing $5,000 on the 4th day of the month, into my personal...
SpringFest Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I was in high school at the time, and looking forward to being out of school. There is a tradition, all in fun of course, that just before the Easter break, the top ten percent of the class had to participate in any event the top ten percent of the Freshman class decided on. There had been all sorts of parties and fun over this, like making the Seniors wear their clothes inside out, or make pizza for the entire school. Only...
The following day, Sandy called Phyllis. They hadn't seen each other since their afternoon heart to heart conversation revealing how Phyllis got involved in the Party Boat. Sandy had kept Phyllis' secret to herself but told the girls at the club that Phyllis had a job on a private yacht as a hostess. Sandy told her friends that it was a way for Phyllis to earn extra money because her ex, Bob, wasn't reliable with his monthly payments. Sandy said she didn't know much about the men calling on the...
MILFThe internet is crammed to the brim with all sorts of porn sites, which is quite handy for us porn freaks. I don’t know about you, nothing quite feels as electrifying as having a fun time getting off on a hot, steamy porn.Nowadays, porn sites are popping up all over the place. But there are still a few sites from the good old days (when porn was porn) that still reign supreme on their turf. is one of them.History of the siteI would be right to say this has got to be among the...
Premium Black Porn SitesThis story is loosely based on the accounts of a tale regaled to me by the leading lady in the following:The story has been approved by the lady in question.I hope you enjoy her terrific sexual antics.A simple introduction, my name is Amanda and my husbands name is Steve. We’ve been married for ten wonderful years now, some good, some bad, but we've always maintained total honesty with each other. Our sex life was the original fireworks party in the early days but like most other couples it...