Camilla Ch. 098 free porn video

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The next memory that unconscious Camilla was reliving, in an out-of-body vision, was ten years before her incubi gang-bang predicament in the Montreal aquarium, when she was twenty-seven years old. One night in Toronto in mid-September, she and Cameron were at home, getting dressed and ready to go to a party held in a wealthy banker’s large house.

Camilla had had her hair cut to go down to the bottom of her neck, and she used Nigrovum to change her blonde hair to a light brown, she also psychically changed her eye colour to brown, out of a wish for a different look that night. Her complexion was changed to tawny, and the rest of her body had its original colours. Not bothering to put on any underwear, she just wore a low cut, sparkly silver dress and black high heels. The front of the dress showed off a generous amount of cleavage, and the low-cut back came down a millimetre or so above where her anal cleft began. Her face was made up like a prostitute, as usual, and red nail polish covered up her black nails.

Cameron, also with black nails, paler skin, and blacker hair, wore a black tuxedo, he and his wife were hoping to find a lover–male or female–to heighten their pleasure after the party. They drove 8-year-old Eros to Emily’s apartment to sleep over for the night. At Emily’s open front door, Camilla bent down to kiss Eros good-bye–though she didn’t need to bend very much, since he was an unusually big boy. Curious, he looked down her cleavage.

‘Sweetie,’ she gently chided. ‘Nice boys don’t look down their mommies’ dresses.’

‘Sorry,’ he said, looking away. ‘Do you really have to go?’

‘Oh, it’ll only be for tonight,’ she said. ‘You’ll see us tomorrow.’

‘I’ll miss you, Mommy. Cameron can stay away, though.’

‘Baby, I don’t like it when you talk about him that way. He’s your daddy, accept him.’ She looked firmly at him.

‘OK,’ he said reluctantly.

‘OK. Be good, and we’ll come and get you first thing tomorrow.’ She kissed him on the forehead, which he enjoyed despite the ‘latency’ of his desire, then she straightened up and turned to face Emily. ‘OK, Emily, he’s all yours.’ Eros started walking into her apartment.

‘Bye, little buddy,’ Cameron said to him. The boy said nothing. Cameron looked down at his shoes with a pout. Emily closed the door with a frown, feeling sad for Cameron. He and Camilla walked sadly toward the elevator. ‘He still hates me.’

‘I’ll talk to him tomorrow,’ she said as they got in the elevator.


They arrived at the banker’s house about thirty minutes later. As they walked around the large guest room, moving through a sea of people and hoping to find a suitable partner for their bed, Camilla saw Ted Weinstein.

‘Ted! Hi!’ she said, shaking his hand.

‘Hi Camilla, good to see you again,’ he said. Turning to the man he had just been talking to, he asked, ‘Have you met Paul Shaw?’

‘No,’ she said, looking at the tall, silver-haired, fifty-something man, and thinking him ideal to help her husband indulge his Candaulism with. ‘But you’re the host of the party tonight, aren’t you?’

‘Yes, I am,’ Paul said.

‘This is quite a mansion you have here,’ Cameron said.

‘Thanks,’ Paul said. ‘Being CEO of the Toronto headquarters of the Bank of Montreal makes it possible to live this way.’

‘Oh?’ Camilla said. ‘Did you know a Patrick,…oh, I don’t think I ever learned his last name. He used to work in your bank, in First Canadian Place. But he died about nine years ago.’

‘Blond, good-looking, in his late thirties?’ Paul asked, already knowing exactly whom she meant.

‘Yeah, that sounds like him,’ she said.

‘Patrick Shaw,’ Paul said. ‘My younger brother.’

‘Oh, I’m so sorry for your loss,’ she said.

‘He’d have gone far in our company, but he often questioned the morals of how we make our profits.’

‘I see,’ Cameron said, himself doubtful of the morals of big bankers.

Stay and chat with Ted, Paul mentally told Cameron. ‘I’m gonna chat with your wife a while, and you’ll forget all about me.’

Coming out of a brief daze, Cameron looked at Ted and said, ‘So, Garth Van Duyne won in the federal election. Isn’t that amazing, the first Green Party Prime Minister?’

‘It’s unprecedented,’ Ted said. ‘And since I supported him, I have every confidence he’ll lead the country in the right direction.’

‘Come with me, Camilla,’ Paul said, noting Cameron’s being oblivious to him. ‘Let me show you around my home.’ Finding him very attractive, Camilla went with him out of the guest room, and away from all those people.

He took her up to the third floor, and into a large, more or less empty room. He left the door wide open.

‘Why’d you bring me in here?’ she asked. ‘There’s nothing to see here.’

‘There doesn’t need to be anything in here, for our purposes,’ he said, standing before her. He used his psychic powers to make her dress suddenly fall off. Before the now-naked woman could react, Paul seized control of her mind, making her barely able to move, except very slowly. She just looked at him with a dazed expression, her eyes and mouth agape. His eyes poured all over her body, ogling her tits and pubic hair, which he ran his fingers through. ‘So this is what the naked–well, Nigrovum-altered–body of Camilla Mennon looks like,’ he said. ‘Camilla Fox, I should say, since you married that wimpy lump of a man. Still, his surname works well for you, since you sure are a fox.’ He took her by the shoulders and turned her around so he could see her pretty round buttocks. ‘Very nice.’ He patted them.

He then used his psychic powers to make her slip her feet out of her high heels and slowly walk around the room, allowing him to see her nakedness from all angles. She noted the wide-open door in terror, fearing the scandal of someone seeing her naked there, especially fearing that Cameron would come up looking for her, and find her in a sexual situation with Paul, all without Cameron’s consent or involvement. After all, we must remember that her swinging with her husband was supposed to be a controlled adultery, and her publicly exhibitionistic days were supposed to be long gone.

Paul had put a psychic barrier all around their section of the third floor, drowning out the screams of fucking that would soon be heard within it, and ensuring that no one would interfere, still, he wanted her to be frightened enough to think they might be heard and interfered with. Indeed, he was blocking her own psychic abilities to the point that she didn’t even know his barrier was protecting them from being caught.

Next, he made her get down on the floor on all floors, with her legs spread out so both her pussy and asshole were showing. She was facing the door, terrified that someone would walk by and see them. He knelt behind her and took off his shoes, pants, and underwear. He aimed his hard cock at her vaginal opening and slowly slid inside, though she was scared, her pussy was wet with the excitement of being terrified.

He pushed his cock all the way in, and when the tip poked against her A-spot, she let out a high-pitched squeal: ‘Ooh!’ After a few more pokes, she gushed out some come.

As he continued fucking her pussy, he mentally communicated the following: The whole time period when you were teasing, and later fucking, my brother, I could feel your lust energy all over him whenever he was in the same room with me at the bank. Since your reputation has preceded you in many more cities than you would care to know, and since I wanted your lust-energy spread among my employees, to make them more obedient to my will, I psychically enticed a female bank teller among them, the slut of the staff, to lure Patrick into having sex with him one night. Camilla screamed in whistle register and came again, then Paul pulled his soaking wet cock out of her cunt and aimed it at her asshole. He used Nigrovum to lubricate
the orifice and her rectum thoroughly, then he slid his cock inside slowly. She just moaned softly at the feeling of the widening of her asshole, and looked out that doorway, desperately hoping no one would come by and see them.

After Patrick’s sexual encounter with the slut bank teller, her nymphomania was combined with yours, Paul continued as he thrust his cock in and out of Camilla’s asshole. That tramp was soon fucking every male employee, and me, too. Of course, while the effect of Nigrovum made the others all my slaves, helping me steal from the masses and make a ton of money, I–knowing how to use Nigrovum’s power–was able to convert your lust-energy into an energy of ambition, which is what all of us ‘masked men’ do. My power grew, and my staff, not at all knowing how to use the power, are now unquestionably compliant. Our bank now makes twice what it did before in profits, though the media keeps that all quiet, than to Ted’s influence.

Camilla could only helplessly stare in terror at the wide-open door three feet in front of her, and hope her squeals weren’t loud enough to draw attention from the other guests. He pulled his cock out of her ass after another two or three minutes of ass-fucking, then got up and went over to stand beside her. He turned the kneeling woman around to face him, so when she blew him, her face, in profile, would be visible from outside the room. He pushed the tip of his cock against her opening lips, and she–always under his psychic control–took his cock in and began caressing the shaft with her lips and tongue.

Thanks again for your help in getting us Greens voted into office, he psychically told her as his cock went in and out of her salivating mouth. Prime Minister Van Duyne is happy beyond words to be finally controlling the whole country, and you don’t even know you helped us, since we always had you in a trance whenever you voted, or mentally prodded other people to vote for him. You didn’t seriously think that all the boundless power of Nigrovum would be only yours to manipulate, did you? A mere girl? Our people were exploiting this power long before you even knew you had it, though we had far grander goals than just to have an endless string of sexual conquests. Our men in Vancouver were using it even when you’d thought your seduction of Mark Grisham was all your doing. They, far more than you, were psychically making all that fucking happen with your elementary and high school teachers, and for the same purposes as my getting my brother to fuck that slut bank teller. I’m just curious: do you still think you’re a goddess? Don’t make me laugh.


Since Cameron had been having sex with Camilla for a couple of years now, he too had lots of Nigrovum in his blood, and he could vaguely sense the sexual excitement–and fear–his wife was feeling.

‘Excuse me, Ted,’ he said to the media man, who had been deliberately stalling him with verbose conversation. ‘I want to go look for my wife. Where is she?’

‘Oh, I’m sure she’s in good hands with Paul, don’t worry,’ Ted said, trying to keep from snickering at what he knew was really happening in that room on the third floor. ‘But if you want to go find her, I understand.’

‘Thanks. It’s been nice talking to you,’ Cameron said. ‘Bye.’

‘Bye,’ Ted said. I’d love to be a fly on the wall and see your reaction to what Paul’s doing with her, Ted thought with an eerie grin.

Cameron left Ted, found the stairs, and went up to the second floor, sensing that he was getting closer to wherever Camilla was, but still not getting a clear enough psychic signal as to where exactly. He kept looking around.


Camilla was aggressively and frantically sucking on Paul’s cock, hoping to speed up his excitement and make him come soon, maybe then he would finally release her, and she could get dressed and return to her husband. She had her wet lips tightly wrapped around Paul’s shaft, and her tongue licked, flickered, and vibrated against the sensitive underside of his cock. She looked up at him with a slutty look in her eyes, hoping that would turn him on more, while hoping no less that her husband–whom she sensed was coming up and looking for her–wouldn’t catch her with Paul. She gently shook his balls in her hand.

Finally, Paul was about to blow: he pulled his cock out of her mouth and came all over her face. It hit her on the nose, in her right eye, on her left cheek, on her lips, and on her chin.

‘Thank you, Camilla,’ he said as he went over and got a handkerchief out of his pants. He wiped her come off his groin area, then licked it all off the handkerchief. ‘Don’t want to miss a single drop, not a single microscopic black egg, right Camilla? You are definitely as good as your reputation informs us. I’m sure I’ll get much more powerful now with Nigrovum coming directly from you, who have developed your own talents with it. Now, those talents are mine.’ When he finished drying himself off and licking the handkerchief off, he put his pants, underwear, and shoes back on. ‘OK, baby, get back on all fours.’ She was mentally forced to obey.

He got behind her and began licking all her come off her pussy. He sucked it all off her labia and clitoris, then stuck his tongue as far inside her cunt as he could reach, he used Nigrovum to lengthen his tongue so it could reach all the way to her A-spot and lap up every drop of her come.

She was getting excited again, but also increasingly afraid, for she could sense Cameron finishing his search of the second floor, and his plan to go up to the third floor and search there. She mustered all her will to counter Paul’s blocking of her so keep her own desire under control, so she wouldn’t come again, and further lengthen this dangerous sexual encounter.

When he’d finished lapping up all her come, Paul psychically shortened his tongue to its original size and pulled it out of her pussy. Then he got a small jar and scoop out of his left blazer pocket, and shovelled all her come, which was in a blob on the floor between her legs, into the jar.

When he was finished scooping it all up, he put the jar and scoop back in his blazer pocket, got up, and said, ‘Good. That will be of invaluable use in our rituals. Thanks again, Camilla. You’ve been so helpful to us.’ He then put his hand into his right blazer pocket and pulled out a grotesque mask, like those worn in ancient Greek comedies, just like the ones the Satanists wore in the mansion on Grouse Mountain in Vancouver. He put the mask on the window sill. He left the room, leaving the door wide open and giggling to himself. She just looked over at the mask and tried to gasp in terror, but couldn’t, for she was still under Paul’s psychic control.

Suddenly, she felt herself forget who he was, what he’d said to her, and what he looked like, now she was even more scared. Still with her mental block, she tried to get up and reach for her clothes, but she could move only very slowly. She sensed Cameron approaching the stairs leading up to the third floor.

As Paul went down the stairs to the second floor, he saw Cameron coming up. ‘Excuse me,’ Cameron asked him, having been made by Paul to forget having met him. ‘Have you seen my wife by chance? She’s a short, young woman, with short, wavy light brown hair, and wearing a silver dress?’

‘Well, I think I saw a woman of that description up on the third floor somewhere, though I don’t think she was wearing a silver dress,’ Paul said, passing Cameron and making him forget that second meeting with Paul. He also removed the psychic barrier, so Cameron could freely enter every room and eventually find Camilla.

Bent over, Camilla desperately tried to put her dress back on as fast as she could, which was still extremely slow. Paul’s come was still dripping off her face and onto the floor, and she sensed her approaching husband. At that point, she had only her feet in the dress, and it was pulled up to her knees, her bare ass was pointing at
the wide-open door.

Cameron walked by the room, looked in, and saw her. ‘Camilla,’ he said, unsurprised to see her naked, since he’d sensed her sexual excitement from before, he also sensed her fear. ‘What happened?’

Suddenly, she could move normally again, since Paul had finally released her. She quickly pulled her dress up and put on her shoes. Getting some tissue out of her purse and wiping her face with trembling hands, she said, ‘Cameron, I can explain.’ The sight of the mask on the window sill made her already-racing heartbeat seem to double in speed. ‘The man who just went downstairs forced himself on me. I never consented to the sex with him, I swear.’

‘What man?’ Cameron asked. ‘I don’t remember anyone.’

‘Honey, he made you forget,’ she explained, having got essentially all of Paul’s come off her face, with most of her makeup. ‘He made me forget who he was. You know that psychic power I have, the one I passed on to you and to Eros? Well, other people have it too, and not just my former lovers. Bad people have it.’

‘Who?’ Cameron asked. Never angry about his wife having sex with another man, since his low self-esteem made him almost welcome further cuckolding, Cameron was now getting worried from the fear he sensed in her.

‘Remember the story I told you once about masked men in a mansion? Well, look at this.’ She handed him the mask from the window sill. ‘Those bastards must have come here from Vancouver and found me using their psychic powers. I thought Candice and I had killed them all, but we were wrong, apparently. They must want revenge for our killing their friends. He was saying something to me as he was raping me, but he made me forget it all, all I know is it was terrifying to hear. Anyway, I’ll bet their numbers have grown, and I’ll bet they use this mansion, and maybe other ones, to continue their Satanic bullshit. All those times that I’ve been terrorized at York, being masturbated to orgasm, right in my classrooms, or forced to get naked and fuck in front of my classmates? It must have been the masked men. I’d always thought that it had been the incubi who used to torment me in my dreams, maybe it’s both the living and the dead masked men. Who knows for sure. I don’t remember who I was just with, but this mask tells me a lot. They’re so bold with their power, those masked bastards, they’re even telling me it’s them.’

‘Can’t you do anything? Can’t we do anything?’ Cameron asked.

‘I’ve tried putting up psychic barriers, and they work for a while, I won’t be attacked by them for several months, but they’ll break through eventually. What do they want? I never listened to Ravinder’s and Daddy’s warnings, because they sounded like just a bunch of crazy conspiracy theories. Were they right? I don’t know. Sometimes I try to communicate with Dr. Singh and Daddy, but I get blocked. Before I thought it was the incubi blocking me, maybe it’s been the masked men. Again, maybe it’s both–I can’t be sure.’

‘What will we do?’

‘Cameron, we’ve gotta move, as soon as I get my doctorate, which should be next year–fuck, that’s so long to wait!–we’ve gotta leave Toronto. Hopefully, those Satanic bastards, if it’s them, won’t find us. Maybe the ghosts’ psychic power is enough to produce a mask out of thin air. If it was the ghosts who made me get naked and fuck in front of my classmates, I guess anything’s possible. But then again, the idea that it’s living masked men sounds more believable, if much scarier. Anyway, we’ve gotta make really strong psychic barriers to protect us in the meantime. We’ve both got to make those barriers together, to make sure they’re as strong as possible. Then, as soon as I get my PhD, we’re leaving Toronto.’

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One day as I was driving around on the other side of town, I decided to pay a lady friend of mine a surprise visit. Sandy was a 40 year old single Mom and lived with her 18 year old daughter named Hannah. I had known them for many years, but had not seen them in several months. As I knocked on the door, it unexpectedly swang open. This had me concerned, so I stepped inside to see if they were okay and shut the door behind me. Hello? Is anyone home?, I loudly asked. As I walked down the hallway,...

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The Invention II Touch of LustChapter 13

Ryan felt the warmth of his mother’s body. His balls had been emptied just a few hours ago from his time with Nancy and Cat - and now with his mother, his own mother, his own big breasted sexy as hell mother pressing against him, her hot breath tickling his ear - he felt his erection start to swell once again in his pants. “I’d better get to bed. Need a lot of rest before tomorrow, you know?” With great difficulty he extracted himself from the beautiful blonde, her blue eyes bright. Ryan...

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Whored out at the mine

This a true story of my first experience of being whored out.I sat at my desk in my office at work ( I recently got a promotion to team leader) I was feeling so horny, yesterday my husband took my naked pictures in to his work ( he works asa heavy mining equipment salesman) and put them up in the men's changing rooms and public toilets with add reading " whore to use please contact on number below if you want to use her!"My naked pictures were up for any one at my hubbies work to see, the...

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Sexual Discoveries Ch 01

Kira Moore tearfully signed the divorce papers that had been on her desk for over a week. She was just a month past nineteen when they had gotten married. She often remembered back to her wedding day just over three years ago, the church had been filled with friends and family. After the reception, they had retired to the bridal suite. There, in the soft glow of the bedside lamp, they made love for hours. She had really felt that they would be together forever. But that was not the case. Roger...

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Sex with Bhabhi

I am seducer from kolkata age 28 My aunty with a married son, her daughter-in-law whom I used to call Ranju Bhabi was a damn sexy lady, I always dreamt of having her one day. One day I went to auntie house to see her, she was not there and had gone off to her daughters house so I decided to stay back and gossip with bhabhi, she was looking gorgeous as ever in her blue sari and sleeveless blouse after some time of chatting of here and there she went off to her kitchen to make tea for both of...

4 years ago
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The niehgbor boy

It became a rutine, every saturday when my parents left, I would spend hours and hours playing with a toy I had gotten from old unused stuff in my house, sucking it, deep throating it, ramming my ass with it. Though the rest of the time, I was strait, even had a girlfriend, and had sex with her, it was lovely. Still, saturday nights, I would be in my room fucking my own brains out with my toy for hours and hours, and eventually we broke up. When I was 16, we moved away from there, and somehow...

1 year ago
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My Best Friends Mom

I remember a few years ago, I stayed over my buddy's house as we were going to a concert the next morning. We were both asleep by 11 but I woke up around 12:36 to go to the bathroom. When I walked out into the hall, I saw that the bathroom door was open and the light was still on. When I walked in, I saw his mom, Jennifer, a hot redhead with glasses, D cup tits and a wonderful ass, sitting on the bathroom counter fingering herself. Why she wasn't in her room, I don't know. I turned quickly...

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Dream Warrior

Drakari and a handful of his close mates had been playing poker for a good six hours straight when he finally got up from the table and stretched his large muscular frame. Even though the game of poker was new to him, he had quickly picked up the understanding of it. Drakari decided that he liked the game very much. He liked the game even more so, he chuckled, when he had taken nearly everyone's money in the process! After bidding everyone a good night, he left and made his way back to his...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Finding my way back home Parts 1 and 2 of 6

This story is a more serious one from my others, but does have sex in it. I am going to post two parts in each section. This is parts I and II. Chapter 1. Finding my way back home… 15 September 2009 I was recovering from my second shoulder surgery and was still trying to get back to sleep after a bad dream when a face and a person popped into my head. Lily Johnson. I don’t know what made me think of her all these years later. Maybe it was just being back home with my mother in the...

3 years ago
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Where To Begin My Story pt 1

Going through some DVDs I found some of my early film adventures. This one is from a time of great fun and growth in my appetite for being nasty. I got to enjoy a time with most responsibilities done and the assets available to be free to chase fantasy and fetish. So I begin where genie had already moved on in this journey. Renting a room above a sleazy bar with a well-deserved reputation as a gay/drag pickup bar was step one. Getting the room was a combination of kinky college and...

2 years ago
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Putting On a Show

Buzzzzz. You pick up your phone to see a new message from me. “Tonight you are all mine. When you get home, I want you to take a warm bubble bath, grab a glass of wine, and relax. I will text you again on my way home, and I need you lying naked on the bed before I get home.” Your mind races as you wonder what I have in plan for you tonight. You snap back into your work and continue your day-to-day tasks. You feel the warmth of your of your wetness begin to soak through the sheer black thong you...

3 years ago
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Bargain CuntChapter 3

The costumed Shapes successfully polished the moves Clare had choreographed and Cyril enjoyed the four gyrating and posing bodies. He steadied himself to peep through the gap in the door, frightened of his old age betraying his presence by knocking the vertical pine door planks. Suze’s knockers were prime choice of the four, but Helen’s rotund, mother of four, flabby curves were as good to watch. The costume briefs slung purposely low, such was the design, emphasising the two fat rolls Helen...

1 year ago
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Conversion of Jasmine

Conversion of Jasmine Conversion of Jasmine Jasmine and Mike had been together for a year now, they had a good strong relationship and a healthy sex life. Mike had no complaints with Jasmines body as it got him hard whenever she stripped and showed off her assets. She kept it in shape by visiting the gym regularly; she loved showing it off as much as she did giving it exercise. Jasmine was 21 and had the most amazing breasts, and she knew it - her wardrobe focussed on making sure...

3 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 12

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 12 Paul spent Saturday trying to watch the practice and qualifying sessions for the Malaysian Grand Prix. Kevin would be coming for to watch the race and have dinner too. His viewing pleasure on Saturday however, was disturbed by Laura, who had decided that there was a programme she wanted to watch. "Mom! You know I like to watch every aspect of a Grand Prix!" he complained. "We like to watch the television too," was her answer. Paul knew...

2 years ago
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Silver ArrowChapter 11 A Full House a visit and an overheard conversation

"Are you sure?" I asked Christie for what seemed the tenth time. "Yes," she nodded. "I've thought it over and it's the best solution. I've been talking to your mother and she's convinced I'm the best person for the job. If she has confidence in me and you guys think I'm the right person, then I guess I can take a chance. Thank you for the offer, Doug." "I'm really very happy you decided in our favor, Christie. We'll do everything possible to make you happy here. I want you to...

3 years ago
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Lucky StiffChapter 10 Detention

We don't need no education. We don't need no thought control. No dark sarcasm in the classroom. Teacher, leave those kids alone! --Another Brick in the Wall (Pink Floyd) That night, Kristen took me to "our" apartment. I was surprised to see that the work that she designed for it was mostly complete. The only thing that was the same from the original apartment was the color scheme in the living room. Apparently, Harry unpacked Kristen's suitcases since I didn't see them in the...

1 year ago
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Free Will

IStanding at the bar was a beautiful woman. It was the intermission of one of my favourite music acts; they played long hypnotic improvised pieces that usually left me in a contemplative mood. Right now, I contemplated the poise and elegance of this woman as she lifted a flute of champagne to her lips, gently tilted it, and savoured a mouthful. I had been watching her for at least half the glass. She seemed to be alone. My stomach churned with nervous excitement as I tried to pluck up the...

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A Bike Ride with Mum

my mum was 5 foot 6, size 14, blue eyes, dark brown hair, She has 38C breasts (I know, I've seen her bra's), I would peek a glance at her any chance I could; I had seen her nude many times around the house, She had a lovely hairy vagina that I had started to notice more latly These images and would flood into my head when I'd jerk off, and it disturbed me. At first. I shouldn't think about mum that way, it's gross and wrong, she's my mum. But the more I thought about it, the less inhibitions I...

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Adventures with a Sex Therapist

Liz looked across at Helen and smiled, she still looked nervous, her hands clinging to her wine glass, but it was understandable. It was only their third meeting and tonight they would be getting down to the practical solutions phase, the talking had been done, the evaluations were complete, it was time to get down to the business of releasing her from her sexual hang-ups. “Well Helen are you ready to make a start?” Helen visibly shook and turned to look at her husband Don beside her. He gave...

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My fatherinlaw A total prick

"Great what are we going to do now Ashton? I can't understand how to fix this!""Don't worry baby, you'll fix it somehow. You're brilliant. I know you'll figure it out. I believe in you.""I don't know if I can do it this time Ashton. I have to though. I have to try. I can't let everyone down. All those people. Everyone at the company. I have to figure out something.""You will baby. You will."Poor Jason. All I could do was offer him some comfort. I rubbed his back as he sat at his desk and wrung...

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Taxi Drivers Ne Apne Hawas Ka Shikar Banaya

Hello dosto, mai aapka DBB aapke saamne fir se ek sacha kissa le ke aya hoon. Yeh kahani hai champa ki. Champa ek middle class family se belong karti hai. Rang uska goora hai. Uske pita ki death uske chote umar mai hi ho gayi thi. Ab champa ki umar hai 19 years. Champa ke father hindu the aur mother muslim. Champa ke father ke death ke baad champa ki mom ne kayi mardo ke saath sambandh banana shuru kar diya tha. Champa ko yeh sab pata tha. Par usne aaj tak kuch kiya hua nahi tha. Woh thodi moti...

2 years ago
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A couple of years went by and we would have lunch together, usually on Fridays and engage in small talk. It was enjoyable to have someone to talk with who was intelligent and interesting, as well as always willing to listen. She had been dating a plastic surgeon for the two years I had known her, but I could tell she wasn't really into him either. I could never put my finger on it, but I always knew there was something "different" about her. It was two days before my birthday and...

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A Second Chance Chapter 40

THURSDAY, June 2, 2016 The sky was just starting to lighten as Maria walked to the bakery. She couldn't imagine how much darker 4 a.m. would seem in the winter. She came to the back door of the bakery and slipped inside, where she saw Geoff at the mixer. She waited until he finished dumping in the flour: you don't disturb someone emptying a 40 kg bag, even to give him a morning kiss. He stood, and turned, and Maria made a quick "Eeeep." It was not Geoff, but another man. She looked...

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DivorceChapter 4

ANGELA I went to see my doctor because I wasn’t feeling well. After some tests she diagnosed me with an STD, gonorrhea. I couldn’t believe it. That son of a bitch gave me gonorrhea. The doctor gave me an injection and an antibiotic prescription. She said I should be cleared up in a few weeks but to come back for a follow up. I’m so embarrassed. I’m damaged goods. Jim will never take me back if he finds out. The kids told me that Jim was out of town for the weekend. I already had heard that...

4 years ago
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My wife sarita

My wife is 30 with a body to die for; she keeps her bush very nicely trimmmera ed. Wherever she goes she always turns heads & it’s always been my fantasy to watch my wife having sex with another man for a few years. I would tell her stories while I fucked her with her big dildo about her getting a real good fucking by a total stranger. This 1 night as I was fucking her with the dildo I asked her if she wished that the rubber lund was a real one that was making her cum, she was gasping & bucking...

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Washing Day Procrastination Part 3

PART 3 Washing day had never been a great joy of mine. I had managed to do one load on this particular day, but had been waylaid by a most enjoyable procrastination. After a soak in my oily bubble bath, with some self-exploratory caressing, the event had been cruelly interrupted by a phone call advising that Mike the electrician (who I had not previously met in person, but flirted with on the phone) was indeed on his way to fix some faulty wiring for me. And faultily wired I WAS on this day,...

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The CavemanChapter 4

Well, at least he’s stirring. It’s been most of an hour, and I still have no idea what to do. I tried the phone but it’s dead, and there’s never been a decent cell signal up here, I’m dependent on the damn land-line. Internet’s out too, of course; same phone line. I meant to be isolated, but I guess not quite this damn isolated. Especially with Mister No-Spikka-da-English here hurt and me pretty much clueless about medical stuff. Well, not completely clueless. I read somewhere that when...

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Banged A Smoking Hot Russian

As I walked out of the airport, I saw a smoking hot girl holding an iPad with my name scribbled on it. I was a bit surprised as my luck wasn’t really as good at any point in time in my life. I took a brief glance at her. She was too damn pretty; in fact, to good to be real. Approximately 5’6” in stature; light skin-tone. She had straight blonde hair (I thought she must have dyed. But they were naturally blonde. She had hypnotic light blue eyes, was slim, and honestly, I couldn’t take eyes off...

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black bang part 4 bisex blackwhite slam down

When he was nice and hard and happy with the attention that Michelle hadpaid to my ass. He moved us around the bed like pawns in own little sexgame. He had me sit at the head of the bed and he put Michelle on herknees just like I was a moment or so ago. He jammed his dick in her pussywhile he fingered her ass. She moaned in pain and pleasure while shegobbled on my penis that was smaller than Wills. Will looked at medefiantly and I must say I could not look him in the eye. He had made me...

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Crystals QuestionsChapter 9

"We pushed a lot of the 9th Floor Customer Service out to a separate building," Crystal's mother said. "That leaves the business offices here. Those are still the same." "and the rest of the floor?" Crystal followed her mother's gaze upward. "Oh, of course." They were in the lobby waiting for the elevator. The 10th Floor had been expanded onto the 9th. That way they could expand as they needed, and any snoops, and they were expected back, would not impact the work. She waited...

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A Stalker vs A Serial Killer 02 Ch 01

Single mother Rachel Pierson was working in diner when she met a man who claimed to be a construction supervisor. He had been funny and charming and smart and promised to return the next day. He didn’t return again for eight months. When he did he began stalking her, terrifying the woman. After nearly two weeks of being stalked a Serial Killer who had been working his way down he west coast targeted her and only her stalkers timely arrival saved her life. Turned out that her stalker hadn’t...

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Sandra the Slutwife

Sandra looked around the apartment, making sure everything was tidy. It was Saturday, and everything had to be perfect as always. "Honey, you just about ready?" her husband's voice called from the bedroom. "Just about baby, I still have to get dressed." What to wear tonight? It really wouldn't matter; in a little over an hour they'd be in a crumpled ball in the corner of some room. Still, she liked to look cute. She chose a pink sundress. "Devin, how much time do I have?" "About...

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Double Date Or Double Sex

Hi dosto..Me vikas hu, age 20 sal.. Or ye story mere friend tarun, agr 25 sal or uski gf ritika, age 22 sal or ritika ki choti sis ritu, age 19 sal ke around ghumti he.. Story: Kafi dino bad tarun ko koi new gf milri he..Fb ke through jo he ritika wo dikhne me zada khas to nahi par maal acha he uska 36 ke boobs or huge gand orthoda sa pait bhar Tarun ka dil..Ya phir kaho lund ritika ki gand me attak gya… 2 mahino ki chattin k bad finally wo milne ka plan karte hain.. But ritika apne ggar se...

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Wand Book and Candle Part 2

Wand, Book and Candle, Part 2 By Elliot Reid The magic had altered me. I was no longer fully male. As my girlfriend cycled home, Mom immediately put me to work cleaning up. Denied any private time to explore the changes, I busied myself around the house doing chores. Our brownstone was a tiny place and the slightest clutter made it uninhabitable. I had to tidy and vacuum and rescue stray spiders from corners before they made Mom freak out. I had trouble adjusting to the body Meghan had...

1 year ago
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FilthyPOV Crystal Rush Used By My Euro Stepmom

Stepmoms are suspicious by nature and when my dad stands up, Crystal Rush is no different. He is always working, not paying attention to her and now this. She says maybe I (Peter Green) can be her boyfriend for the night… Wait… what!? She pulls out my cock & worships it before jerking and sucking it like a hungry, horny MILF! She lets me penetrate her, her big tits popping out of her top as I pound her. My stepmom lets me fuck her from behind while I squeeze her cute ass....

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Black List VI From the AshesChapter 9

The Terrestrial Defense Force office is a chaotic mess as agents rush from desk to desk. By now, every news station has picked up on the morning’s events of the assassinations that have taken place and the New World Regime’s proclamation of credit to those events. Mike Grines, director of operations, isn’t too far shocked at the bold moves, but in combination with the sudden reports of the Black List falling under a similar attack has brought an entire new level of shock. “Alright, listen...

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