Camilla Ch 053
- 4 years ago
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On the seventh day of Camilla’s predicament in the public aquarium in Montreal, she was being gang-banged by two spirits: those of a younger man and an older man she’d met one night thirteen years before, while visiting another strip joint in Toronto, called the Solid Gold. The boy’s invisible cock was in her ass, and the older man’s was in her pussy. Cell-phone cameras never stopped getting video of those two gaping holes as her naked body continued to hover over the water tank.
Since Camilla was experiencing another out-of-body vision of an old memory, Dr. Singh and the spirits of her loved ones couldn’t communicate with her, they were aware, however, of what she was thinking when she relived her memories.
The intensity of Camilla’s desire is lower when she re-experiences her past, Agape observed. And when she ejaculates into the water, the lust-energy in the Nigrovum is not as strong as when she’ s present-minded and conscious of these uninterrupted gang-rapes she’s suffering. This lowering of energy could be a good thing.
How? Candice asked.
With lower levels of lust-energy in her Nigrovum, Agape explained, the masked men will have less effective Nigrovum to use on all those people on the other side of the glass of the water tank, watching her in the viewing area like zombies watching TV. That lowered energy will make it not so easy for the masked men to enslave the masses to their desires. Camilla knows this: she has a plan!
Well, that’ll help a bit, Don acknowledged.
I can sense that she’s also trying to unravel how all of this really happened, Agape added. The masked men’s use of mind control caused her to do everything they wanted her to do–vote them into power, get many other people to vote for them–and she was made completely oblivious as to whom she was really helping.
We could have told her that, Singh communicated from Vancouver. If only she hadn’t blocked us.
Yes, but now she wants to see it all unfolding for herself, Agape told them. She’s feeling remorse for what she’s done. This could motivate her to want to redeem herself, and sacrifice her life to spare the world from the masked men’s tyranny, a tyranny of blind indulgence.
Candice asked, If Camilla dies, the masked men can reanimate her, and make her keep on coming, if artificially.
True, Singh explained, but her lust level would quickly drop to zero after her death, as Agape’s had when Camilla reanimated his body after he died. When she committed incest with his fresh corpse, his spirit wasn’t there with her. There was no lust-energy in the Nigrovum in his ejaculation. Nor will there be in hers after she finally dies.
And there is our hope, Don said.
With less lust in the energy of the Nigrovum in her body, the masked men’s control of everyone will be less sure, Agape concluded. Camilla understands this. She just needs to give up her life, to bring that lust to zero.
Camilla’s memory visions brought her back thirteen years in the past, to when she was in her house in Toronto with five-year-old Eros. It was summertime. She, with her black-haired, pale ‘Goth’ look, had just finished taking a shower, and she wrapped a towel around herself before leaving the bathroom to go into her bedroom. Having absent-mindedly left her bedroom door ajar, she dropped her towel by her bed.
She sensed Eros coming, and that he psychically knew she was naked. She squatted down on the floor and grabbed the towel as he ran into her room.
Covering her front with the towel as he got up close to her, she said, ‘Sweetie, Mommy doesn’t have her clothes on. Please leave my room till I’m dressed.’
‘But Mommy, I wanna–‘ he began, trying to get a peek at her bare ass.
‘Nice boys don’t wanna see their mommies when they don’t have their clothes on,’ she said firmly.
‘But Mommy, you see me when I have a bath.’
‘That’s different, sweetie. Mommy isn’t thinking dirty thoughts when she’s giving you a bath. Go outside, close the door behind you, and wait until I’m dressed.’
‘But Mommy, it’s not fair.’
‘Baby, I don’t want to use my power on you, but I will if you keep this up. Go outside.’
‘But Mommy,’ he whined in frustration.
‘Sorry, Camilla,’ Emily said as she came in the room. She took the unusually big boy by the arm and tried to take him out of Camilla’s bedroom. ‘Wow, he’s not so easy to move anymore.’
‘Let me go!’ he said angrily. ‘I wanna see Mommy.’
Camilla looked deep into his eyes. ‘You’ll go with Emily now.’ Within seconds, he was no longer struggling to get free of Emily.
‘I’ll go with Emily now,’ he repeated, now docile. He walked out of the bedroom quietly with Emily. She closed the door after her.
His Oedipus complex is so strong! Camilla thought as she put her clothes on. He’s getting out of control. I can’t believe what happened last week, when he actually came into my bedroom, and I was having sex with Danny. I was so horny during the sex that I was too distracted to sense Eros’ presence psychically. I’m gonna have to have another place for when I have sex with young guys like Danny or Chris, guys who still live with their parents. Maybe I can rent out Candice’s old apartment, just down the street. It’ll bring back older, happier memories of her. God, how I miss her, and how I miss Daddy! In Eros, I can psychically feel their energy, since he’s partially made with the Nigrovum from their come. Feeling their energy makes me feel as if they’re still with me–it makes their loss bearable…or almost bearable, anyway. The bubble I have around me, the one that numbs my emotions, still keeps the pain of their loss from tearing me apart psychologically. I don’t know how my sanity would stay intact without that bubble.
Indeed, Camilla did go to that apartment building Candice had lived in, Camilla was lucky that no one was renting out Candice’s old room at the time, and so Camilla now rented it.
Paying for the extra place wouldn’t be a problem for her, since she was making such a large sum of money as a lap dancer at Club Ritz. The inheritance she’d received from her father, which included his old house, also made it easier for her to cope financially with all her expenses.
Now she had a place for lovers, at a safe distance from all-too-curious Eros.
That night, Camilla went out partying with Ron, Vera, and Mercedes after Club Ritz had closed early due to electrical problems. The four of them found another strip joint several blocks away from Club Ritz, the Solid Gold. They sat at a table by the stage and ordered some beers.
The stripper onstage at the time, naked but skinny, older, and unattractive, had just finished her last song. She got off the stage.
‘What a skank,’ Mercedes said in Camilla’s ear.
‘Yeah,’ Camilla said. Then she saw a cute young man, tall, thin, and blond, walk into the bar. She looked at him and grinned invitingly. He blushed and sat at the tip rail. ‘What a cutie he is! I’m going onstage and getting naked for him.’ She immediately got up and started towards the stage.
‘But Camilla,’ Vera said. ‘You don’t work here. They won’t let you.’
‘Oh, yes they will,’ Camilla said, using her psychic powers to ‘inform’ both the DJ and the stripper about to go on that it was now Camilla’s turn to do her floorshow. Everyone working in the bar was perfectly compliant, as if Camilla really was an employee of the Solid Gold. The DJ, mysteriously, even knew how to announce her.
‘And now, everyone, let’s give a big hand for this very sexy lady,’ the DJ said as she got up onstage and began moving around. ‘Here’s Camilla!’
It being a Tuesday night, there weren’t many people in the bar, but those who were there cheered loudly for her, especially, of course, her three friends. With her original blonde, peach-skinned look, Camilla was wearing a sleeveles
s red shirt, cut-off jean shorts, and high heels, as well as her usual whore-bright makeup.
The DJ played ‘Situation’, by Yazoo, for her first song…at her psychic suggestion. She moved like a go-go dancer to the beat. The boy watching her smiled in fascination with her beauty, and in return for the smiles she was always giving him. By the middle of the song, she’d taken off her jean shorts, revealing her pink panties. Mercedes and Vera were cheering and whistling. Though sexually uninterested, gay Ron still shouted encouragement to Camilla.
When ‘Situation’ was about to end, Camilla mentally suggested Yazoo’s ‘Don’t Go’ for her second song, the DJ immediately followed up with that song. Two minutes into the song, Camilla, facing the boy, pulled off her shirt with a gleeful wiggle of her bra-less breasts. He had an ear-to-ear grin on his face, which she mirrored back to him. A minute or so later, she pulled down her panties to reveal her pubic hair to him. Once the song had faded out, she removed her high heels. His dick was rock hard at the sight of her frontal nudity.
She sent the DJ a mental signal to play ‘This City Never Sleeps’, by the Eurythmics, which he put on right away. Crawling around the stage, and with her back to the boy, she had her legs spread out wide and her butt pushed out so he could clearly see her pink pussy and golden beige asshole. He looked, and couldn’t decide which hole he wanted to kiss, lick, and fuck first. Later, facing him, she lay on her back and spread her legs, showing off her pussy, then she brought up her legs so he could see her asshole, too.
The song ended, and she got offstage. He timidly went over to her as she picked up her clothes. She was bent over, deliberately showing off both holes for him, since she sensed his approaching.
‘Excuse me,’ he said. ‘Could I have a table dance?’
‘Sure, sweetie,’ she said, still bent over and looking up at him (he was still taking furtive looks at her still-showing pussy and asshole). He will make a perfect priest, she thought, he can easily replace poor Joey. It’s so sad that Joey had to go crazy and kill himself two months ago. Oh, well: those are the fortunes of Nigrovum. She put on her high heels and carried the rest of her clothes to a table where the boy was going.
Knowing exactly what Camilla was going to do, Ron, Vera, and Mercedes went over to say goodnight to Camilla.
‘Have fun tonight,’ Mercedes said, pecking Camilla on the cheek.
‘Maybe there’s a gay bar open,’ Ron said. ‘Goodnight.’
Vera went up to the boy. ‘Have fun with her, honey,’ she said, smirking. ‘I’m jealous already.’ The boy got quite a jolt from what she was suggesting.
‘Bye, guys,’ Camilla said to her friends as they walked out of the bar. Then she looked back at the boy. ‘So what’s your name, sweetie?’
‘Brian,’ he said shyly, feeling totally intimidated by the sexy, naked woman sitting next to him.
‘I’m Camilla,’ she said warmly, shaking his hand. ‘Are you old enough to be in here?’ She smiled, noting his particularly boyish features.
‘Yeah, I’m eighteen,’ he said, fishing for his ID in his pants pocket.
‘Oh, I believe you, baby,’ she said, psychically sensing he was telling the truth. ‘You just look so young. Not that I mind, of course, you’re a real cutie.’
‘Thank you,’ he said bashfully.
Sensing his gentleness, as well as his virginity, she then said, ‘Oh, you are such a sweetheart. I would totally go out with you.’
Though he suspected she said that only to make him want to pay for lots of table dances, he also remembered Vera’s insinuation before she left, and could only hope what he’d heard was the truth.
‘I’ve never s-seen you in here before,’ he said, his voice cracking. ‘Are you new?’
‘Oh, no, I don’t work here,’ Camilla said. ‘I strip in Club Ritz, but the power there’s fucked tonight. Reminds me of Luvlee’s, a strip joint in Vancouver I used to work in. Their power was always going out, too.’
‘If you don’t work here, why’d you go onstage just now?’
”Cause I wanted to let you see how I look naked. Do you like my body?’ She put her feet up on her chair, at the sides, and spread her legs so he could see her pussy again.
At the sound of her words, his jaw dropped to the floor, as it were, and his eyes almost popped out of his head. ‘Oh, yeah: you’re beautiful,’ he moaned, as if he were a slurring drunk.
A new song began. ‘Want a table dance now?’ she asked.
‘Oh, uh, y-yeah,’ he stammered.
She got up and put her knees on his chair, pushing them against the hard-on that was bulging in the crotch of his pants. She wrapped her tits around his face, squeezed them together, and rubbed her nipples all over his nose and lips. Then she got up, raised her right leg, and put her foot on the back of his chair, by his left shoulder, she leaned forward, and pulled him by the top of his shirt to bring his face closer to her pussy, whose labia she’d spread wide open for his fascinated eyes.
After that, she brought her foot down, turned around, spread her legs, and opened her buttocks out wide so he could see her asshole again, she looked back at him to see his reaction, which was a mesmerized smile.
Then she bent over, showing off her asshole and pussy some more. Looking back at him upside-down from between her legs, she grinned and giggled at his dazed reaction.
She sat on his pointy lap and rubbed her soft, smooth ass against his hard-on, looking back at him and giggling at his ecstatic horniness. His hopes, that her interest in him was real, were now soaring.
A few more indulgent table dances went by, then an older man in a black suit came into the bar. He looked at Camilla as she was lap dancing Brian, and, recognizing her, his eyes locked on hers.
Don’t you remember our date tonight? he mentally asked her. No such date had actually been arranged, but in her mind, the ‘memory’ of such an arrangement suddenly popped up, seeming as real as if they actually had made a date.
Embarrassed with her ‘faulty’ memory, Camilla suddenly got off of Brian’s lap. ‘Oh, shit!’ she said, reaching for her clothes.
‘What’s wrong?’ Brian asked.
‘Sorry, baby,’ she said, caressing his cheek. ‘I gotta go. I have a date with that gentleman over there, and–silly me!–I forgot all about it. I can’t believe I forgot all about it. What’s the matter with me? Look, I’ll make it up to you, sweetie, I promise.’ She kissed Brian on the cheek. ‘Come to Club Ritz sometime, and we’ll pick up where we left off here. I’m so sorry, sweetie. Bye.’ Then she went over the where the older man was sitting.
Brian watched with a frown as she gave the older man table dances. I knew it, Brian thought, she just wanted to suck as much money out of me as she could. Bitch! Strangely, as he was thinking this, he forgot that she’d never asked him to pay for his table dances.
Later that night, the older man–who was in his late fifties and had jet black hair, eyes, nails, and pale skin–took Camilla to his home It was a beautiful house in a quiet neighbourhood where, obviously, many well-off people lived. She, in the stupor he’d put her in, had left Solid Gold and got into his car with none of her clothes, taking only her purse. The psychic barrier he’d put around her kept her safe from anyone else, including any meddling cops.
They went up to his bedroom, and she lay on the bed with her legs spread wide open. He took off his shoes and black blazer, then removed his necktie and got on the bed. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his fully-erect cock. Her insatiable pussy was already soaking wet with expectation.
So horny was she that she didn’t even notice the grotesque mask that audaciously lay on his bedside table, in plain view. His mind-controlling powers, of course, kept her distracted.
Indeed, she was so under his control that she would remain passive and helpless as he, in his criminal vani
ty, used his mental telepathy to reveal the masked men’s whole plan to her as he fucked her pussy, ass, and mouth. Furthermore, she would remember none of what he’d told her that night.
As Camilla was reliving this memory, as she had relived, and would relive, all the others, only now was she perceiving–as if for the first time–everything the masked men had been doing to her and to everyone else she’d come in contact with over those years. It was a horrifying revelation, and she felt completely helpless to stop them.
When you and Candice got away from us back in Vancouver, he told her in his thoughts as he slid his big cock inside her pussy, we were relatively weak, and had underestimated your own psychic powers. You killed a few of us with your ‘prayers’, and so you were just beginning to discover what you could do with Nigrovum. We sensed you were leaving for Toronto, so when I followed you there, and told our contacts there that you’d arrived, it took us a while to pinpoint your exact whereabouts. He started thrusting away aggressively, as if deliberately to tear her vaginal walls, but she was so well-lubricated that she came within a half-minute of his penile stabs.
One night, almost six years ago, you’d used your power to force a York professor to have sex with you in Queen’s Park, the man continued as he kept ramming his cock in her still-spewing pussy. At first, you were alone with Dr. Alex McVie, but in the middle of your sexual encounter with him, I’d arrived after feeling a powerful psychic tug that you were up to your usual naughtiness. I hid behind a nearby tree and enjoyed watching the show. After you’d come all over the grass, and allowed McVie to leave, I waited for you to get in your taxi with Candice and drive away. I used my own psychic powers to block you, to make sure you’d never suspect you were being watched. I quickly found where your come was in the dark–thanks to Nigrovum, I didn’t need to see it–then I ate it and the grass it was sprinkled on. My own psychic powers grew stronger that night, since I’d acquired your talents at mind manipulation. Indeed, the expanded energy of your psychic power had then passed on from you to me. With those last words, he thrust particularly hard, and she came again.
He pulled his cock out of her pussy, which had drowned his bedsheets with her come. Then he had her roll over and get on all fours, so he could fuck her ass. She psychically lubricated her rectum for him, and he slid his cock inside.
From that night in Queen’s Park, he went on as he shoved his cock in and out of her ass, it was easy to track you to the York University campus, where–stupid girl!–you had public sex with Dr. McVie again, in broad daylight. Though your psychic force field had kept everyone else from stopping you or identifying you, your power didn’t work on me, of course. I was there among the crowd that day, pretending to be one of those helpless, immobilized people. When you’d left and removed your force field, I psychically made everyone want to hurry away from the scene, hurry even faster than they’d originally wanted to rush. With no one in the area, I found your come on the grass. Some of it I ate, and some of it I put in a cup with the grass it had fouled. Again, I grew stronger.
Saturday, August 12 Camilla and Candice breathed in deeply and looked out the windows on opposite sides of the airplane as they watched it begin takeoff. They were sitting in seats in the middle, between two aisles. ‘Goodbye, Vancouver,’ Camilla said. ‘Hello, Toronto, a totally new world for me.’ ‘Hello to your dad, too,’ Candice said. ‘Yeah, I can’t wait,’ Camilla said. ‘But I can’t believe we’re really leaving the only city I ever really knew.’ ‘I can’t believe we survived another month...
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The next memory that unconscious Camilla was reliving, in an out-of-body vision, was ten years before her incubi gang-bang predicament in the Montreal aquarium, when she was twenty-seven years old. One night in Toronto in mid-September, she and Cameron were at home, getting dressed and ready to go to a party held in a wealthy banker’s large house. Camilla had had her hair cut to go down to the bottom of her neck, and she used Nigrovum to change her blonde hair to a light brown, she also...
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IncestTHE PRACTICE BED ************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan March 2003The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ...
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FetishViola picked up Sera and sat her on the table and leaned forward to kiss her. Sera’s fingers tangled themselves in Viola’s black hair, pulling her closer. Viola pulled at the strings of Sera’s shirt, undoing it a single movement.The kiss became more intense as clothes continued to come off. Finally, Viola pulled off her bra, and the two were completely nude. Viola pushed Sera down on the table, playing with her breasts as she leaned over to kiss her. Her mouth moved down—kissing her chin, then...
Fantasy & Sci-FiSandy Goodwin pulled her Toyota Corolla to the curb in front of Barbara and Bobby's house, and parked it behind Raul's van that was already there. She marveled again at how the little four year old car purred like a kitten, before she shut it off. She picked up her beach towel with her swimsuit rolled up inside, and the two bottles of wine she'd brought, and headed for the front door of the house. She couldn't help but stop half way to the door to look back at the car, unable to keep a...
Heather eyed my still erect member. She remembered that I hadn’t gotten any relief since masturbating me before the party began. “We’ve been taking advantage of these two all night. Let’s give them some relief themselves,” Heather said generously. “John, Jane, both of you, all fours, over there,” she said, pointing. Jess and I both did so. I heard rustling behind us as Heather went through the box of Party Favors. I tried to look over my shoulder but she shouted, “Eyes forward!” I quickly...
I woke up excited this morning, anxious to start my day. I was filled with excitement and anticipation after a phone call from my boyfriend last night. Dave asked me if I would go for a ride on his bike. I eagerly consented as it had been years since I was last on a motorcycle and I deeply missed riding behind a man. I had a thing for bad boys and motorcycles, there was still something about them that I found to be erotic, and apparently, at thirty-eight I still do.I cannot wait for our day to...
Straight SexChapter 4: DP Kobi While Antonella was busy getting fucked by her first black man, Kobi was getting put through the ringer. On the other side of town, Kobi’s two clients, Bill and Lance, weren’t wasting anytime. She was already on her knees with one cock in one hand, and another cock in her mouth. Her dress pulled down around her waist, and her stockings and heels still on. Kobi sucked as fast as she could, while jerking the other guy off. Every thirty seconds, she would switch cocks,...
so it ben 3 days since crystal took my wife home I have not seen here in that time so I went to crystals house and knocked on her door she open the door wearing nothing but red hot pantie hoes and neon green corset she said well well well wat brings you to my home and I said im looking for my wife she said right this way we went down the stairs into her basement it all dark and there she was bent over naked tied on her table and there was another super hot shemale named Brittney she white lady...
As difficult as it might be to believe, things after my huge embarrassment at the hands of my girlfriend, the large black man known as Link, and my closest friends, things had actually blown over. My girlfriend has not cheated with anyone else, (that I know of), and the whole affair is no longer even mentioned in our home. I thought, maybe, just maybe it is all over, but I was dead wrong.One day, as I came home from work, my girlfriend was on face book, as usual, and I figured it would be...
I recently moved to a new neighborhood and if I’ve not said it before (which I have), let it be known I love being here. This neighborhood is quiet. It’s peaceful. Everybody knows everybody else – well, obviously that’s not true. But more people know each other here than any other place I’ve lived. But mostly I love it because it is blessed with an abundance of good-looking fellas, almost all of whom are members of the Air Force. Because our neighborhood consists of mixed residences, with...
I was a thirty year old man that had ED which was cured not by taking little blue pill, or, visiting doctors, but rather watching my wife being screwed by a foreign exchange students.I was thirty and having male issues, to be blunt, I could not obtain an erection. I went to my doctor and he gave me the blue pills. They did not work so he suggested that I go to a urologist.. The urologist ran all kinds of test and they came back negative. He said that sometimes it is a psychological...
It was my birthday and my husband, James, had promised me a surprise I’d never forget. He handed me a box. When I opened it I discovered a beautiful black dress. It was cut low in both the front and back, came just above the knee, and was slit up the thigh. He told me that I was to wear the dress with nothing on underneath it. As I looked at it, I realized I couldn’t have worn much underneath it anyway. The dressed hugged every curve of my body. I felt incredibly sensual as I slipped it over my...
Group SexYour little sighs and inappropriate moans of wicked pleasure escaped from your lips, you could feel your boss's roguish cock harden and press through his nice fitting slacks, ready and randy The Office Tease Part 1 The office meeting started crisply at 10:30 am and by then nearly all the staff in the office had filed in to take their seats. The room was nearly full. Nearly everyone was there, but you…. You strolled in as if you didn’t have a care on your mind and by your swagger,...
AffairShe only got to see her lover on her birthday. You see, Cassie Johnson was a mother and a wife. She loved her husband and children dearly. She only saw her lover on her birthday. Her birthday was special and her lover was special to her. Her husband was always out of town on her birthday.Her husband had no idea that she cheated on him. She met her lover online many moons ago. They had an emotional affair for years and a few years back met in real life. Cassie loved making love with her...
CheatingHii Friends, Sagar here.Thanks for your responses on my last story ‘ ’. Uss story par kuchh bahut achhe responses mile. Kuchh unsatisfied aurte bhi apni payas bujhwane ko contact ki. Koi bhi Shadi Suda ya Unmarried aurte ya ladkiya jinhe sex sambandhi koi bhi problem discuss karna ho ya apni sex life se khus na ho aur satisfaction chahti ho contact kar sakti hai . Ye kahani mere aur ek mast Marathi housewife ke bich ki hai. Mujhe Marathi ladies bahut pasand hai kyunki unke sajne sawarne ka...
How am I supposed start this … I guess at the beginning.... In 1972, I was in a jungle in Vietnam I was the rear guard of our team. I was not paying attention to where I was placing my big feet and I tripped on a vine and went sprawling. That saved my life... gunfire flashed over my head. It criss crossed above the trail taking out my whole team. I slithered under some foliage and lay as still as I could. After a few minutes twenty black pajama clad Asians gathered in the middle of the...
Our first coupleMarie told me pretty much on our first date that she was bi-sexual. We had a few ffm’s over the years but she mainly felt more comfortable meeting other girls on her own which I didn’t mind at all. We had a great relationship and it was simply another part of her life that needed fulfilling on occasion. I never pressured her to allow me to join her, but she knew I loved hearing the details when she got home the next day, so she would wank me while she whispered to me all about...
The cool breeze wafting across her inner thigh snapped her attention back. How on earth could she have drifted off like this, in this place, in her situation. Then realisation dawned that the breeze could be important. Meg strained through the silence to hear any sound that would indicate movement by the door, but all she heard was the swoosh and boom of the blood in her ears. A natural breeze, a natural consequence, putting goosebumps of cold on her goosebumps of anticipation. Her mind went...
HardcoreFriends, you are reading this sex story on indian sex stories dot net Hi indian sex stories dot net readers, We had a beautiful moment, it was an amazing lunch afternoon. a million thanks for showing me the best pub in Chennai and last but not least it was amazing to be with you, well actually it was also crazy. I wanted to write a short story about us and what we did, so that can inspire other to meet people too. I have attached the doc file with this email. I hope you would be fine with me...
So, if you've read my last story "my first time". You'll know this references the first woman i slept with.As things had now started picking up between us, we started seeing each other more and more. Mainly just hanging out, waiting for the opportune moments. Most of the time it would be when her bf would go to the toilet. Not having the best diet, he'd be up on the toilet for about 30+ mins a time, so we started having quickies on their couch whilst he was upstairs. This then became her...
I have this issue when I am knocked out that I walk around the house not knowing what I do, most of my family knows and they don’t wake me. Today I was doing the dishes and walking around the house up to no good, I take a seat next to my stepsister Jeanie. She was on the phone with her friend and was telling her everything that was happening, I guess I grabbed her feet and started to rub them against my cock, she didn’t stop me but after a while, she retreated into her room. I...
xmoviesforyouMy last girlfriend, Sarah, was a wonderful girl. A dazzling smile, beautiful blue eyes and a slim but supple body. Her brunette, shoulder-length hair was so soft. We met in a bar and I couldn't believe that I was taking this stunning girl home. After a few dates, she allowed me to roam her pert 32A breasts, kiss and caress them and her navel, building up to entering her. The sex felt amazing, but she insisted I wear a condom, as she didn't want to get pregnant. We both loved nature, trekking...
Straight Sex(Author’s Note: Sorry for the delay in getting this out, it’s been a little bit of a rough and busy patch with finals and stuff like that. This is a short chapter, yes, but very crucial to the story. As with all my stories, all characters are eighteen years or older, and property of the writer.) Fifteen minutes was all it took for Mikhail to finish cleaning up. The bathroom door slowly opened as he dried off his naked, wet body. Truth be told, he honestly did not expect Angelique to be waiting...
I have been into pantyhose for as long as I remember. I am not sure why I love them so much, but I can't seem to get enough, especially how beautiful women's legs look when they are wearing them.When I was sixteen I remember playing around my mothers nylon covered legs when she came home from work. She would always wear very sheer hose and had wonderful legs.During the summers when she and my father would be working I would try on her knee highs and would love the way they felt and looked. As...
CrossdressingCOVID Transition - 2 I am filled with a flood of emotions and thoughts as I end the call with my wife, Ann. She is right, our conversation about love making had left me with wet panties. (That darn Cowpers gland.) I started closing my teaching apps on my computer, checking to make sure my camera was off, and the cap is over the lens. I do not need to broadcast to my class, much less the rest of the world, that I was wearing an above knee length white pencil skirt, (Ann calls it my...
Three months after Keith arrived at the University of Liverpool to study for his BSc in anatomy and human biology, he met Ashley. They became friends almost immediately. Ashley was a very likeable guy, ruggedly handsome with short, dark hair, vibrant blue eyes, broad shoulders, trim waist and hips, and strong thighs and legs. He looked like an advert for a health club and tanning salon. Keith kind of envied him and fancied him like mad, although Keith wasn’t ugly he would never look as nice as...
Things escalated almost immediately when the women left the water. That was because their suits, made primarily for sunbathing, without the thick pads that render a suit suitable for swimming, were virtually transparent when wet. Both women were looking at the picnic area, as opposed to each other, so neither woman was aware of her appearance, as they approached Ted. Ted looked up, and his mouth dropped open. Prudence’s raven black pubic hair formed a dark vee through the yellow of her suit....
I left everythingas it was and ran down to Kate's work, she asked me to go to Sally's work, she worked in M and s and collect some clothing she wanted to go out that nightI met sally who gave me a carrier bag we had a little chat, i wished her happy birthday for tomorrow, then went back to Kate, when I arrived she was washing someones hair, when she finished, she looked in the bag and said great really excited,i want you to take these back and put them in the fridge passing me another two...
I sat alone. I had just showered and my body was completely smooth except for a small trapezoid of pubic hair above my slightly swollen cock. Previous to the shower I had trimmed down all of my body hair with my electric clippers and then applied my hair removal cream. After waiting the 4 minutes recommended I wiped the hair off with a cool damp wash cloth. I then entered the shower and rinsed off any left over depilatory cream and then showered with my gel and loofah. I examined myself in the...
I like to go for massages. Admittedly, I've had an occasional sexual massage fantasy probably from having seen a massage sex porn video. But I never received anything beyond a professional, therapeutic massage. Until I got a massage from Sweetness.She walked me to a private room. It was candlelit with a big mirror on the wall."Undress and lay on the table," Sweetness said. She was Asian, but not as skinny as the average Asian woman I'd known. In fact, she had fantastic curves. Wearing a low cut...
Quickie SexIt’s a long one! Settle in and enjoy! xo firstkiss I woke up long before the first ray of sunshine streaked across my bedroom floor. The excitement of this particular Saturday made it impossible to sleep any longer. For a brief moment, I contemplated going over to the shop for a few hours. The hydraulic lift had been acting up again and it needed tinkering. I decided against it though, it had been much too long since I had a day off and I deserved one. So I got up and threw my robe on. The...
It had been a long hot dusty day of driving as we approached the hotel for an overnight stay on our journey home. Not having eaten all day we headed straight for the restaurant area and enjoyed a great meal, very few people were there so it seemed the hotel was in a quiet period at this time of the year.After dinner we went to our room, Frank went straight into the shower, and came out and flopped down on top of the bed while I showered, I came out to find him nearly asleep . But feeling a...
"Someone's out there!" Pam hissed as Judy stroked the tips of her nipples. The two women were in bed, enjoying a matinee. Despite Pam's alarm Judy continued fondling her tits. She wasn't concerned about someone being in the hall. If it was one of the kids they wouldn't dare intrude on their mother. And it couldn't possibly be Bob. He was safely out of town on business. "It's probably Penny," she said to her sister-in-law as she pushed a hand under her ass. "Why don't we wait...
Just recently I was told to meet my master at our normal meeting place in the woods. I parked as normal and was told to bring our bag of toys. I was dressed in my work clothes, black blouse and black trousers with a thin red lace bra and matching panties. He told me to follow him. After walking a little way, he stopped and took the bag, he took out the ball gag turned me round and put it on me….I wondered whether anyone else would be walking in the woods today. We continued to walk deep into...