Camilla Ch. 081 free porn video

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Late on Tuesday night, after Camilla had finished committing incest with Agape, he used his psychic powers to put himself completely to sleep, a deep sleep would put that whole sordid affair out of his mind…for a while, at least. He wasn’t yet ready to confront his daughter with his awareness of her surreptitious lewdness.

In his dream, he saw Collette in the mansion, now burning, with the sight of groups of naked lovers engaging in group sex all around him and his ex-wife.

‘I’m so sorry, Aga,’ she said. ‘Camilla’s always been a bad girl.’

‘She wasn’t before our divorce,’ he insisted. ‘I’m sure her seeing you and your swinger friends over the years since our divorce is what made her what she is today.’

‘It was more than that,’ she said. ‘I tried to control her. I thought putting her in an all-girls Catholic high school would make up for what she’d seen all those early years. I’m sorry. I’m really, really sorry. She’s out of control.’

Behind her, Agape could see a group of men in grotesque masks laughing eerily at him.


On Wednesday morning, he woke up sitting on his living room chair, where Camilla had left him. His lap was wet with her remaining come: in her wasted state the night before, she’d forgotten to clean him up properly. With this mess, he could at least prove his case against her, and stop her lies and denials once and for all.

By separating and distancing him from his feelings and moral judgement, that ‘psychic window’ he’d created to watch her fucking him the night before was still protecting him from the emotional pain of what she’d done. Nonetheless, he would have to remove that window, and face his trauma: being jaded and emotionless about what she’d done was as wicked an attitude as the deed was. Apathy was a totally unacceptable reaction to his unwitting incest with her. Apathy was a terrible emotion to begin with. As horrible as it would be to feel their shame with all his emotions unrestrained, he still had to confront his feelings…he had to have feelings about what she’d done, or else he wouldn’t be human.

First, he called the English faculty at York and told them he was sick, and wouldn’t be able to teach his classes that day. Then he went up into his bedroom, sat on his bed, and meditated.

He visualized smashing the ‘glass’ of that psychic window, it took all of his bravery to do so. After a minute of intense concentration, the barrier that had been protecting his ego from his moral judgement was shattered, and he felt his shame flooding all over himself in an awesome tsunami. The eyes and mouth of Agape were agape with the horror of it all.

‘Oh, my God!’ he screamed. ‘How could she do that to me?! Why? Why?’ He was wailing, sobbing, and shaking all over.

Camilla woke up in her bedroom with a start at his crying. She covered her nakedness with a bathrobe and ran into his bedroom. Already, she correctly sensed what the problem was, but she wasn’t at all willing to admit her fault in it.

‘Daddy,’ she said, coming up to him. ‘Are you OK? Try to calm down. Whatever you do, don’t think despairing thoughts, or be afraid. Whatever the problem is, we can make it better.’ She brought her hand up to his shoulder.

‘Don’t touch me!’ he yelled. ‘Never touch me!’

‘Yes, sir,’ she said timidly, backing up with fear, and knowing exactly what he meant by that.

He took a minute to calm down. Then he looked her in the eyes and said, ‘Camilla, I know what you’ve been doing with me.’

‘Wait, Daddy, do you mean when you saw Candice on top of you last night? It was–‘

‘Don’t lie to me! Stop pretending you’re innocent. Admit what you did. It was you, not her.’

‘Wh-what you saw…was a dream.’ She was crying.

‘Come on, Camilla. That lie is getting so old. I’m wet all over my lap. None of it is me. It’s all you, and you know it.’

‘Let…let me explain. I–‘

‘Ever since you returned to my life, I’ve been developing…some kind of strange power. Suddenly, I can cure my own hangovers in a heartbeat, just by wishing them away. You once cured a hangover of mine, I remember, by simply tapping me on the shoulder, the pain was gone in seconds. This mental anguish you’ve caused me, though, it won’t go away so easily.’

‘It would if you stopped thinking of it as a sin. Open–‘

‘Ridiculous!’ he snapped. ‘Without the need of this power, I’ve suspected that you were doing what you were doing, but I kept hoping my suspicions weren’t true. Now I can’t deny it any more.’

‘Daddy,’ she said in sobs, ‘This power can heal your shame, too.’

‘I don’t want it to! We should be ashamed of ourselves, otherwise, we’re not human. But this power, it allows me to…read minds, it seems, or at least sense people’s thoughts. I sense that you can, too. I can influence people’s thoughts…I know you can, too, but I don’t know how we can do this. This power is…sexually transmitted, isn’t it?’

‘You can do good things with it, though…’

‘That’s how I got this power, didn’t I? You passed it on to me through your…oh, God, ejaculations?’

‘Oh, Daddy,…’

‘Tell me the truth, dammit!’ he shouted.

‘Let me explain,…’ Camilla said, shaking.

‘Tell me!’

‘Yes! Daddy, yes! I love you, Daddy. I’ve always loved you. These things inside me made me love you even more, though. I–I tried to fight it, but I couldn’t. I’m in love with you. I know it seems sick, but…’

‘Seems sick? It is sick!’ he cried, his face drowning in tears. ‘You’re in love with me, but you have lesbian sex with Candice, right in front of me? You took a man up to your bedroom a month ago and had sex with him, and you’ve been ‘in love’ with me the whole time, the last man on earth you should be in love with?’

‘I–I can’t control myself,’ she said, also with a face drenched in tears. ‘These things, they make me always want sex, I starve for it every day.’

‘What are ‘these things’?’ he asked, now no longer crying.

‘They’re in our blood, tiny, microscopic black ovoid things.’

‘Bacteria? A virus of some kind?’

‘I don’t know,’ she said, calming down and no longer crying. ‘A doctor I know in Vancouver who also has them in his blood thinks they’re aliens from another planet.’

Agape rolled his eyes and said, ‘I don’t know what planet I’m on right now.’

‘Daddy? Can I have a hug?’ She timidly approached him.

‘No,’ he said firmly, putting out his hand and psychically creating a force field to block her.

‘Just an innocent hug, Daddy. Please? Nothing sexual.’


‘Please don’t keep me from you. Let me kiss your mouth. I love you.’ She tried breaking the barrier, but he kept it strong. ‘Let me kiss your mouth. Daddy, please! I’ll die of despair if I never touch you again!’

‘Camilla, you’re sick. Sick in your mind. I’m arranging for you to see a psychiatrist as soon as possible. You’re also moving out.’

‘No, Daddy. Please!’ she yelled, crying again.

‘Carrie is moving in, and she and I are engaged to be married.’

‘Oh, God, no! Not her! Please, Daddy. Don’t marry her, she isn’t right for you.’

‘Oh, and you are, eh?’ he asked with a sneer.

‘Daddy, she’s old, and I’m young. I’m a much better lover than she could ever be, and I have a really nice body. Let me show it to you.’ She started undoing her bathrobe.

‘No, I don’t want to see,’ he said, psychically freezing her hands and not letting her open the robe to display her nudity.

‘Daddy, please don’t marry her. Don’t make me leave. I couldn’t bear it! I wanna be your lover.’


‘Please! Open your mind to it! We can keep our love a secret. Nobody will ever know.’

‘I will know! We will know!’ he shouted, crying again.

‘It’s only society that says incest is wrong!’

‘God says it’s wrong!’

‘No! That’s just th
e rules of the Church, not God.’


‘Please open your mind to what I can do for you,’ she said frantically. ‘I can make you feel so good in bed, Daddy. I can drive you wild, be any fantasy you dream about. I’ll be faithful, too. I’ll give up all my other lovers for you.’

‘That’s supposed to make me feel better?’ he asked.

‘Open your mind, please! Homosexuality used to be condemned, now gays can get married. Who knows? Maybe in a few decades, people can come to accept our kind of love.’

‘You’re positively insane,’ he said in sobs. ‘Oh, my poor baby girl!’

‘Don’t marry Carrie, please! She could never love you the way I do. She could never please you in bed the way I can.’ She gritted her teeth and smiled lewdly at him. ‘Believe me, I am such a little whore under the sheets.’

‘Stop it!’ he shouted, slapping her. ‘Shut up!’

‘I–I love you so much.’ She sobbed softly.

‘You don’t know anything about love. With you, it’s all sex and no love. How could you do such a filthy thing to me? How could you even want to?’

‘I just wanted to please you.’

‘Please me? You’ve shamed me. You’ve shamed me. You’ve shamed both of us.’ He started walking toward the bedroom door.

‘Please, Daddy, let me convince you.’

‘We’re not having this conversation! Today is your last day in this house.’ He went out of the bedroom, down the stairs, and out of the house to get in his car.

She buckled down to the ground, shaking. That heavy weight was on her back again, like a pile of rocks holding her down. She knew that without Agape, she would plunge into despair, that would lead to her death, and an eternal nightmare of being gang-raped by masked incubi and those Vancouver punks. Fucking, forever and ever and ever. Even she needed a rest from that from time to time. As hopeless as the situation seemed to be, she couldn’t allow herself to despair.

She reminded herself that she had been given a great, divine gift, the power of the ‘sons of God’. Nigrovum had given her abilities most people couldn’t even dream of. She wasn’t defeated yet, she just had to bring that power of hers to its fullest potential. She had to use her imagination and think of a subtle plan, a brilliant plan to get Agape to love her, accept having an incestuous relationship with her, and remove all other hurdles to the realization of their love.

She kept the hope in her mind that he had the same sexual feelings for her, deep down in his subconscious–those feelings just hadn’t surfaced yet. She used this desperate hope to raise her spirits, inch by inch, and to remove those psychic ‘rocks’ on her back that were weighing her down.

She could feel herself less and less weighed down, and she slowly regained her strength, and got up from the floor. Sensing how her father had dealt with the trauma of knowing what she’d done, she decided to do the same thing with her own emotional pain: she put psychic dome around herself, a barrier that would shield her from the agony of his rejection. This would allow her to have the patience she’d need to think clearly and come up with a plan to get him back.

Indeed, she reassured herself that she would get him back, and get him to love her in the same physical way as she loved him. The first obstacle to be rid of was, of course, Carrie…


Agape was in his car, just driving and driving aimlessly down some open roads. As he was driving, he searched for a radio station that would play some music that could help him take his mind of what Camilla had done, instead, all he got were cruel reminders. First, he heard ‘Young Girl’, by Gary Puckett.

‘My love for you is way out of line.’

‘No, I don’t want to hear that,’ he said, and quickly changed stations.

Then he heard ‘Don’t Stand So Close to Me’, by the Police.

‘This girl is half his age.’

‘Oh, God,’ he said, and immediately switched to another station, an alternative station that played oldies.

He heard ‘Brown Shoes Don’t Make It’, by Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention.

The drummer lecherously said, ‘If she were my daughter, I’d…’

‘Oh, I give up!’ he shouted, turning the radio off. What’s the attraction? he thought, Why would Camilla have incestuous feelings for me? Am I simply forbidden fruit? Surely a pretty girl like her would much rather have a handsome young man instead of an aging man like me, father or no father. Maybe when she sees a psychiatrist, we’ll get some answers.

He eventually drove to his church. He went inside, and went inside a confessional.

‘Bless me, Father, for I have sinned…’ he began.


Once Camilla had completely calmed down, she called Father Josiah.

‘Hello?’ he said on his cell-phone.

‘It’s me, Camilla. Do you still want me, Father?’ she asked.

‘Yes, of course,’ he eagerly said.

‘I know this is sudden, but can I move in with you?’

‘Yes, yes, of course. When do you want to come over?’

‘Is tomorrow OK?’

‘I already can’t wait,’ he said. ‘Come here with all your things in the morning.’

‘Thanks, Father,’ she said. ‘I’ll be at your door around 11 AM. Bye.’

His hopes of marrying her, and saving her soul (as well as redeeming his) were suddenly resurrected.

‘Thank you, Lord,’ he said, looking upwards.


On Thursday morning, Camilla brought her bag of things with her to Father Josiah’s home. They went into his bedroom, she put the bag down, and they sat on the bed, her on his lap.

He sensed her emotional numbness, and correctly feeling that it was unhealthy, he tried to break her psychic ‘dome’ down. She wouldn’t let him at first, but knowing that her tears would likely make him want to fuck her, the sex-starved girl removed the dome herself.

She started crying, he held her tightly in his arms, and rocked her back and forth on his lap. ‘Tell me all about it, sweetie,’ he said soothingly. ‘What happened at home?’

‘I had a fight with my daddy,’ she sobbed, her head on his shoulder. ‘He doesn’t want me to live with him anymore. I’ll go crazy without him.’

‘Well, you’re with me now,’ he said. Though he knew what the problem was between her and Agape, he was hoping for a confession from her. ‘What happened between you and your father?’

‘I don’t wanna talk about it. Please hold me, Father. Hold me.’

‘Of course, sweetie,’ he said, hugging her tighter and trying to ignore his erection. ‘I quit the priesthood yesterday, so our love wouldn’t be sinful.’

‘What?’ she asked, pulling back. ‘But that makes you less sexy to me.’

‘I can become an Anglican vicar, if you like.’

‘Oh, let’s just make love.’

‘Alright,’ he said, and they started getting undressed. ‘Why’s your hair all black?’

‘Remember that power we both have?’ she asked, unzipping her green, flower-patterned dress.


‘It made my hair and eyes turn black. That’s why my skin is paler, too.’ Her dress dropped to the floor. She kicked off her high heels, wearing no underwear, she was now naked. ‘If you don’t like the way I look, I can change it back.’ She got on the bed on her back.

‘No, that’s OK,’ he said, now naked too. ‘Black is a nice change, I think. Besides, I’m getting a little black myself. You should see my fingernails and toenails.’ He got on top of her in the missionary position. She lifted her legs up, ready to receive his cock in either hole. He, of course, would only choose her vagina, and he slowly slid his cock inside.

As it went in deeper and deeper, her sobs changed to sighs of pleasure. He got all the way in, and she squealed with delight. This was the first cock she’d felt inside her since she’d fucked her father. For the time being, Father Josiah would have to do as a substitute. He slid his cock in and out several times, and she came all ov
er the sheets. ‘Ah!’

‘Oh, yeah, I forgot…about your gushing,’ he said, still moving in and out of her pussy. ‘Oh!’

‘Just keep…fucking me. Ah!’

‘Please, watch your language,’ he moaned. ‘Unh!’

‘Don’t stop. Oh!’ She came a second time.

He put his hands on her breasts and gently squeezed them. He reached over and pecked her on the lips. ‘I’m…almost there,’ he sighed.

‘Pull it out. Oh!’

‘OK,’ he said, and slowly let his cock slide out of her soaking wet pussy. She sat up and took his cock in her hand. She jerked him off, pointing the tip of his cock at her belly. Her gentle hand slid back and forth along his shaft. Then he spouted all over her right tit, her belly, her black pubic hair, and her thigh.

They lay next to each other on their backs and cuddled. After a minute or so of them catching their breath, she said, ‘Thank you, Father. I needed that.’ She reset that psychic ‘dome’.

‘So did I, as sinful as it was,’ he said. ‘It would have been better if I’d…discharged inside you, though.’

Exploiting his foolish hopes, she said, ‘But we can’t do that unless we’re married.’

He smiled slightly at those words. She would say no more, though: she was playing her cards very carefully.


On Friday, Camilla, with her hair blonde again, and wearing heavy makeup and a tight-fitting black dress, went to see Dr. Marlow Rosenblood, a psychiatrist in his late forties. Camilla didn’t at all want to bare her soul to such a man, but she went anyway, out of a wish to show obedience to her father, now the only way she could show him her love. She was delighted, however, to see how good-looking the psychiatrist was, tall and thin, with streaks of silver in his wavy brown hair.

I do pick the right days to dress like a slut, she thought.

She sat on a chair facing him. He had a notebook and a pen in his hands.

‘OK, Camilla,’ Dr. Rosenblood began. ‘Feel free to say anything you like. Do not feel at all inhibited. Even if you say rude things, I won’t care. Let your natural feelings flow: that way I can better understand your thought processes.’

‘I can even say things that are…possibly offensive?’ she asked in disbelief.

‘If you don’t like my tie, or my nose, feel free to say so. Even antisemitic remarks won’t bother me.’

‘Wow, you’re really secure, aren’t you?’

‘You can say nice things, too, of course. The point is, whatever’s on your mind, just say it. Don’t be shy.’

‘OK,’ she said, getting up and moving towards him slowly, with a lewd smile. ‘You tell me: what’s on my mind?’

‘You can say anything, not do anything,’ he said, motioning to her to go back to her chair.

‘Oh, come on, Doctor. Let’s have some fun. I won’t tell if you don’t.’

‘Camilla, why don’t you take a look at the photo on my desk?’ he suggested.

She looked at the picture: it showed Rosenblood hugging a man.

‘Oh, I’m sorry!’ she said, backing off. Then she paused thoughtfully, and tried her cat moves on him again. ‘I’ll bet, in the right circumstances, a woman could bring the animal out of you.’ She was kneeling before his chair, her fingers tickling his hands. She also started using Nigrovum on him to give him an erection.

Surprised at what was happening, Rosenblood nonetheless used strong willpower to resist her. ‘A tiger can’t change his stripes, Camilla.’

‘He can crawl into a different cave every now and then, though.’

‘Camilla,’ he said firmly, taking her hands and pushing them back. ‘Back in your chair, please.’

She went back and sat on her chair like a petulant, spoiled child.

‘You obviously use your sexuality to hide your real self from people. I’m here to uncover the secrets of your mind, you just want to uncover your body. Even when you learn that I’m gay, you try to convince me to spend a ‘straight’ night with you. You want to avoid talking about your problems so much, you’ll stop at nothing to use sex to change the subject.’

‘Yeah, whatever,’ she said, pouting and avoiding his eyes.

‘When your father insisted on making our appointment as soon as possible, I could hear a lot of anxiety in his voice,’ the psychiatrist said. ‘Why don’t you tell me about your relationship with him? Or, if your prefer, perhaps it would be easier if you talked instead about your mother. What about her?’

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The next two soldiers were crazy. They were closer to rabid dogs than humans. They must not have seen a woman in months and here was a hot, young piece of pussy waiting for them. They also had to watch Saad first fuck her, making them even hornier. They flipped a coin on who would go next. The first of the two barely waited for Saad to pull out before he was in her. He fucked her with such ferociousness. Mauling her tits, slapping her, grabbing her thighs. But he did not last long at...

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She will always go backif its black

So the other night, my wife and I were talking and she agreed to finally have sex with another guy. We had been talking about actually doing it for some time but she would get too nervous and chicken out. For her, it didn't matter if it was a black or white guy, she just wanted to try something. I of course loved the idea. I would go onto craigslist and make posts. Then she would read the responses and chicken out. Finally I let it go for a while. Then the other day, she brought up the...

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Not OrdinaryChapter 8

My body hurt as if a thousand pins were constantly prickling me at all points in my body, hitting bone each time. But that was nothing compared to the pain my brain was going through. It felt like I had been given an exam for the last seven days, without any rest or sleep. And to top all of that, I was struggling with the revelation of my powers. But the most important emotion that had permeated every fibre of my being was the absolute dread, the mind-numbing fear of staring death in the...

2 years ago
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Picnic and Pictures

Picnic and pictures I couldn’t stop thinking about what happened in the park yesterday, how she felt, tasted, andsounded as she came. I could still smell her as I feel asleep last night. I woke up with her on my mind. As I laid there trying to wake up I heard my alert on my phone, letting me know I had an email. I reluctantly got up and checked it. It was she. She said that I was all she could think about and wanted to see me today. I couldn’t stop the smile on my face. I replied and asked...

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A night at work

Many years back I worked security in a night club and during the week they always did little things to get peole in during the week. It was a Tuesday night nothing really goes on in this small town durning the weekend. So the owners decided with a radio station to do a karaoke competition and just my luck I was stuck working. So the night went well and around 11 pm the competition was over. A large group of peolpe stayed as I was talking with a regular from the bar this cute little chubby girl...

1 year ago
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Stocks BlondesChapter 21 Stakeout and Dossiers

Why is it that whenever you wake up refreshed, ready to conquer the world, and really get some work done, it turns out to be Sunday and everything is closed? Maizie Day We literally bounced out of bed this morning in the airport motel. Everything was suddenly clear to me. I decided I was not going to be Peg today at all. Cinnamon and I went to 13 Coins for way too much food for breakfast and then headed to my apartment to visit Maizie. I call every day but Mrs. Prior says Maizie has been...

2 years ago
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Pantyhose with Pat pt 2 Felicity comes home

After cuddling for a while, Pat and I decided to go back to the lounge to wait for Felicity. I poured us each a drink and put on some of the videos that Felicity and I had made over the years to watch while we waited. As we watched Pat reached down and started playing with her pussy. On the screen was a video of Felicity busy pushing a vibrator in and out of her pussy. I got up and went to the bedroom and came back a few minutes later with the same vibrator and gave it to Pat. It was really...

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She couldnt resist him pt2

Check out part 1 for the beginning of this story.Through the entire evening she couldn’t stop thinking about that hard cock pushing into her ass. She felt a little empty inside since her took it away. She loved that cock and the fact that she didn’t make him shoot all that delicious cum into her left her wanting more. NO NO NO! She had to stop thinking like that; she was on a date with a nice guy and not only did she cum all over her ex’s hand while he finger fucked her right in the bar, now...

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Jaynes story

Jayne opened her eyes, blinking a few times before rolling onto her back and looking up at the ceiling. Glancing over to her left side she tried to see the time, displayed on the digital radio and CD player, eventually sitting up to see that the display read 9:06. When she finally pushed the sheets off her and sat on the edge of the bed the clock now read 9:10. With a yawn she stood up, a discarded t-shirt and pair of panties lay on the floor by her feet, stepping over them she walked from the...

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My body moves forward into the hotel like a machine that decides it’s tired of being bossed around. It somehow knows what I need better than my “rational” brain and for once it’s not going to tolerate any other command but “forward ahead”. Perhaps, though, it’s my brain all along that won’t allow itself a second thought. After all, this feeling..this intensely delicious feeling of excitement and desire..this feeling like I’m walking head first into carnal fantasy where mind and body...

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A Walk Around the Lake Chapter 4

She had a warm shower to end the day, and pulled on her very ‘un’ sexy flannel pajamas.  She crawled into the big fluffy bed, and curled up on her right side.  She was asleep, almost instantly, the exercise and fresh mountain air of the day had taken its toll.  Her dreams that night were conflicting.  A tall Texan stranger, with a soft drawl, and kind face made his way into her subconscious.  Her husband was there, encouraging her to live again, to love again, then he was gone from her dream,...

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Disaster ReliefChapter 7

After she left, trying to work did not help. I went out and swam a hundred laps to get my head in order. Then, I went to the computer and read dreadful stories for an hour. I ran three miles. Jennifer's face was always in focus in my mental viewfinder. I mowed the grass. It needed it. At 3:30, I sat at the breakfast counter and waited. I thought, "Brianna rides the bus every day. She doesn't need you to watch her come home." I heard voices in the garage and soon Brianna and Cathy came...

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Where the Mountain RisesChapter 9 Upper Hand

January 10, 2028 Clark and the girls woke up on the morning of Katie’s sixteenth birthday utterly surprised when they looked out the window. The overnight snowfall had turned into a blizzard leaving a blanket of two feet of fresh, unmolested snow. The companion wind had carried and dumped snow onto the porch, making it impossible to exit the front door. The chicken coop was practically buried under a snow drift. Katie had all but adopted the chickens as her own and treated the situation as...

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mdash Mom gets the workout she craves

OK, let's set the record straight right from the beginning. I am not an ignored, divorced, sex-starved mother. My husband didn't leave me for a young chickadee. My c***dren aren't deformed or social piranha. I love sex. Banging, pounding, fucking...whatever you choose to call it. I love every moment of it.I met my husband Daniel at a swinger's party. No he wasn't 'the man I'm going to marry' at first sight. Hell, he wasn't even fucking me. He was ball deeps in a hot blonde while some guy had me...

1 year ago
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Passion in the Morning

They met, they talked, they kissed softly at first, savoring the sweetness of each other. Drawing closer, their lips met as their tongues dueled, each touching, caressing the others. The warmth of their bodies encompassed each other totally, as their desires grew more passionately. He was intoxicated by her luscious beauty as he whispered tenderly - words of love in her ear. He kissed her lips softly, lovingly while touching her mouth to his. He caressed her cheeks, running his tongue down her...

Oral Sex
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The nights 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! The nights second part but the third night of the mother and son read the odd classic write to me. Next morning, it was Sunday and Mothers' Day. Kevin had arranged to have a huge bouquet of flowers delivered quite early, as a special surprise. When they arrived, he collected them at the door, took them through to the lounge and presented them, as he told her, "For the Best Mum in the World!" "Oh Kevin!" she exclaimed. "They're gorgeous! Thank you so...

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The Life of a Night Lily

WelcomeFirstly, let me thanks you quickly for reading my personal notes on this story, I hope I won’t bore you too quickly.What should I expect from this story? This story is slow. I mean it. It takes 40+ pages to get to the first sex scene. It takes it time to introduce the Sci-Fi setting and the characters. The first two chapters are more or less only about introduction of world and characters.However, fear not kinky friends. There will be sex, there will be loads of imaginative sex scenes as...

3 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 30 Sarah

Tuesday, May 25, 1971 Nicky and Grace were still asleep as I crawled out of bed, trying not to wake them. I grabbed my jock strap, did some stretches and started my run to the registration building. By the time I returned, I wasn't nearly as winded as I had been before. Out on the front lawn, Anna was going through some sort of ritual, moving with grace and poise. I watched her as I did my cool down stretches. Finishing her exercises, Anna picked up her towel to wipe off the...

2 years ago
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She stood in front of her full length mirror and let her towel drop to examine her naked body critically in the mirror. Her nipples hardened in the cooler air of her bedroom and she shivered a little as she studied her breasts and let her fingers stroke lightly across her stomach. As she lifted her hands up to let down her hair, which she had pinned up for her bath, the mirror reflected a sudden movement in the room behind her. Before she had time to turn her arms were gripped firmly and pulled...

4 years ago
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Jacki and Michelle Chapter 2

Chapter 2 The following week past in a dazed whirl for John. He couldn't pay attention in class, a fact very obvious to his teachers who rewarded his inattention with several after school detentions. John's mother, surprised at the change in her son's behaviour, questioned him a number of times during the week, to no avail. Nothing was important for him, nothing except the coming weekend and a chance to spend more exciting times with Michael and the nasty, exciting porn...

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Hot Southern Night

It was mid-June, around 11 a.m. and the heat from the southern sun was a scorching 102 degrees. I was on my way out the door and the phone rang, it was Danny. He told me he wanted to go camping tonight and asked me to join him. I thought about it for a second, ‘Danny, it’s blazing hot out and you wanna sleep without AC?’ ‘It’ll be fine Crystal, we can camp down by the lake. If it gets too hot we can take a dip,’ he laughed. I rolled my eyes and decided what the hell, you only live once.

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My Sister And Jiju8217s Sister

Hi all fans of ISS, this is Udit from Kolkata, back again with another story which is the continuation of the previous one. Hope you guys have emptied your testicles and girls had flooded their panties! Thanks a ton for your valuable comments and requests. For people who did not go through my previous story. Finally In Bed With Elder Sister here is the link Now coming to the incident, I was now in a...

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Der Bravo StarReporter

HI, ich bin Stefan ein 24 jähriger ausgelernter Reporter und habe einen Job bekommen von dem viele nur Träumen, ich bin bei der Bravo eingestellt worden um Interviews mit den ganzen Stars und Sternchen zu führen. Kurz noch zu mir, ich bin 195cm groß, mit kurzen dunklem Haar und blauen Augen, ich habe eine sportliche Figur und ein immerharten langen dicken Schwanz. Was mein neuer Arbeitgeber nicht weiß ust das ich eine nette verbesserung an der spanischen Fliege die ich mal gekauft habe...

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Mother of Myself

As long as Steve could remember his mother had used a pair of body swapping rings to punish him. They seemed to only change their physical abilities and not their mental capacities. He dutifully followed his mother's orders from his body, because, well, she was his mother. Besides the switch never lasted for more than an hour or two, and all he had to do was a few of his mother's chores, which certainly beat other forms of discipline. His mother Karen was a wealthy widow. Her husband...

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Homecoming A small Forward: I know some people are looking forward to more stories with images, I'm sorry that I didn't deliver such a thing. I still may in the future, but right now I'm focusing on a different story that involves elements not typically explored in trans-fiction. The next one will most definitely be illustrated, this one...I originally wanted to, but then I felt the writing spoke for itself enough. If I'm wrong, tell me, and if any one's interested in doing some...

4 years ago
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The Sissy and the Pet

I knew surprisingly little about the woman I was meeting. I'd never seen a picture of her and I'd never even be given a rough deion of her, so while my eyes searched for her, I had to acknowledge the relative futility of the task. All I knew was that she was in her thirties, that she was very dominant, and that she was there to meet me. When a woman walked alone into the bar and started scanning, I felt my body tighten with anticipation. I wondered if I should wave, or make some kind of...

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Night Trawling The Asian Massage

Sex needn’t be hard to find. Whether it’s the satisfying release from a quick fuck or an entire night of hot and dripping sex if you have the balls to make it happen the city's streets offer a myriad of possibilities. And this 'Night Trawling' series is all about the secretive pursuit of the ultimate in casual sex, the 'zipless fuck'. These stories concern the pure, animalistic need for sexual release as it reaches its ultimate climax. They are shameless stories, explicit and very real to...

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The Blind Girl in the Rain part 2

Part 2.That Monday was a day that lasted forever.It was a day when work was everything and the only thing that mattered was to be there at my desk ready to cover all eventualities and possible outcomes. Everyone was in the same boat and we all had to make sure we were rowing in the same direction. As the sun began to set in late afternoon, it felt as if we'd survived the economic storm and had come through it in pretty much one piece.But ever since Janet had left my office that morning...

First Time
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Mrs Fletcher Me

b]When I woke from my nap, I had to think for a second before I remembered where I was. I turned in the cool sheets and reached to touch Ellen, but felt only an empty bed. Ellen had gotten up already and left me in my peaceful slumber. How long had I slept I wondered. I looked at the clock radio on the nightstand, its bright red numbers glowing, even in the light of day. It was almost 4 o'clock.first i ask you to visit "" :)I had almost slept 2 hours, although it felt as if I had...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 393

A little humour from NipSC43288 I think, I’m going to lose my drivers license... and all just because of a stupid police officer... The conversation went like this, when I got pulled over in my car: Officer: “License and registration, please, I think you are drunk!” Me: “I assure you, I did not drink anything.” Officer: “Ok, let’s do a little test! Imagine driving in the dark on a highway at night, when you see two lights in the distance. What is this?” Me: “A car.” Officer:”Of course! But...

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Sex in the back garden

After our 4 some with Dan and Lou (see The House Warming) nothing happened for a while. We saw a lot of each other and caught glimpses of them walking around naked in their house and having sex.In fact meeting them seemed to reduce mine and Pete's inhibitions as we now often walked around the house naked. It is really liberating.At about 10 am one sunny morning I was in the kitchen totally naked having a cup of tea when the door bell rang. I could not answer due to my state of undress. Suddenly...

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Crystal ClearChapter 26 Crystals parents initiated Kim as a Mellon Girl

We dozed for a long time, drifting in and out of a pleasurable nap brought on by the soporific afterglow of the pleasure we'd just completed. Not unexpectedly, I had dreams of a sexual nature. I held Kim's naked body against me; our spent sex organs nestled together at our groins, and my hand cupping one breast. Behind Kim, her daughter Crystal lay naked and tightly against her mother's body; one arm wrapped around and cupping Kim's other breast. Ellen had spooned behind me; her erect...

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First time at an adult cinema

I have been to a few straight adult cinemas in my time just to get a quick release really, and yeah they are not too bad there wern't many guys in there when i had been there but it still got the job done. I had walked past this one gay adult store a few times and had occasionally got some dvd's from there and had seen that they have an upstairs level that had rooms and tv's, and i had said to myself i will go up there next time i am nereby but always seemed not too have the time. So on...

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The Maid Caravan 8211 Part 3

This is in continuation from the Caravan of maids. Do read it to get a heads up on the situation which I pleasurably had fallen into. My maid conquest goes on. As I alighted from the maid’s Car and made my way to the “sahib” crowd among my cousins and uncles and aunts, I was wondering who to score on tonight. Sullu was a given, a typical “ghar ki kheti” someone i could access when it was convenient for me, so I pushed her idea aside. Next was Pushpa. Well, she was at home now, I could access...

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A Game of FootsieChapter 13

Morning was hectic. I woke up and immediately remembered every detail of making love to Sia. I had not one ounce of regret in me, not one. Despite my lack of control at the beginning, sex with her had been beyond anything I could have imagined. There was a mystical power to Sia’s sweetness, her innocence and youth. The love and adoration I felt weighed heavy in my chest. I also felt a morning erection. I quite liked the prospect of making love to Sia in the morning. Would she be too sore?...

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Day at the driveIn Revised Version Corrected edition

from Memory From Years ago It was the summer of 1989 early July "fourth" weekend I think it had rained earlier during the day. I do believe the weather man stated It was suppose to rain on and off during the night. Well we were not sure how many people would show up to watch movies that night. I had shown up earlier than usual because I worked for the manager who had owned his own business. He managed drive-in it was after two pm when I arrived " at work "to open for the evening...

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RigbyChapter 11

Rigby served his first Mass during the last week of January 1944 at seven o’clock in the morning. He worked alone because the other scheduled boy had called in sick. He knelt and said the responses he knew by heart quickly and loudly and then sort of mumbled through the longer ones that he read from the card. Father Sweeny had to prod him to move the heavy book to the gospel side of the altar and to put the wine in his other hand, but he rang the bells on time and when they finished the...

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Julieann has been married to Brad for over two years now. No kids yet, unfortunately for Brad’s been destined to be in Hawaii for a year now. A soldier for the army, the military’s dog, their relationship has had its rough patches. She remember him and misses his touch. She could have helped being in a state of oblivion just having thoughts of them together. It was a girls night out, Juilieann, and her friends went to a local bar just near the ocean. Drinks got her tipsy and almost tripped in...

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dating game

Jen was finally getting her life back on track, she was married for 21 years to her highschool sweetheart right after graduation, and he was the only man she had ever slept with, she was a stay at home mom raising her 2 c***dren but soon after they left home her husband decided he wanted a divorce, it had been 6 months now , she finally found a job in a small d**gstore and was was getting her life back on track, Jen wasnt what you would call a smart woman but she had a great heart and never...

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