Camilla Ch 053
- 4 years ago
- 31
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Late on Tuesday night, after Camilla had finished committing incest with Agape, he used his psychic powers to put himself completely to sleep, a deep sleep would put that whole sordid affair out of his mind…for a while, at least. He wasn’t yet ready to confront his daughter with his awareness of her surreptitious lewdness.
In his dream, he saw Collette in the mansion, now burning, with the sight of groups of naked lovers engaging in group sex all around him and his ex-wife.
‘I’m so sorry, Aga,’ she said. ‘Camilla’s always been a bad girl.’
‘She wasn’t before our divorce,’ he insisted. ‘I’m sure her seeing you and your swinger friends over the years since our divorce is what made her what she is today.’
‘It was more than that,’ she said. ‘I tried to control her. I thought putting her in an all-girls Catholic high school would make up for what she’d seen all those early years. I’m sorry. I’m really, really sorry. She’s out of control.’
Behind her, Agape could see a group of men in grotesque masks laughing eerily at him.
On Wednesday morning, he woke up sitting on his living room chair, where Camilla had left him. His lap was wet with her remaining come: in her wasted state the night before, she’d forgotten to clean him up properly. With this mess, he could at least prove his case against her, and stop her lies and denials once and for all.
By separating and distancing him from his feelings and moral judgement, that ‘psychic window’ he’d created to watch her fucking him the night before was still protecting him from the emotional pain of what she’d done. Nonetheless, he would have to remove that window, and face his trauma: being jaded and emotionless about what she’d done was as wicked an attitude as the deed was. Apathy was a totally unacceptable reaction to his unwitting incest with her. Apathy was a terrible emotion to begin with. As horrible as it would be to feel their shame with all his emotions unrestrained, he still had to confront his feelings…he had to have feelings about what she’d done, or else he wouldn’t be human.
First, he called the English faculty at York and told them he was sick, and wouldn’t be able to teach his classes that day. Then he went up into his bedroom, sat on his bed, and meditated.
He visualized smashing the ‘glass’ of that psychic window, it took all of his bravery to do so. After a minute of intense concentration, the barrier that had been protecting his ego from his moral judgement was shattered, and he felt his shame flooding all over himself in an awesome tsunami. The eyes and mouth of Agape were agape with the horror of it all.
‘Oh, my God!’ he screamed. ‘How could she do that to me?! Why? Why?’ He was wailing, sobbing, and shaking all over.
Camilla woke up in her bedroom with a start at his crying. She covered her nakedness with a bathrobe and ran into his bedroom. Already, she correctly sensed what the problem was, but she wasn’t at all willing to admit her fault in it.
‘Daddy,’ she said, coming up to him. ‘Are you OK? Try to calm down. Whatever you do, don’t think despairing thoughts, or be afraid. Whatever the problem is, we can make it better.’ She brought her hand up to his shoulder.
‘Don’t touch me!’ he yelled. ‘Never touch me!’
‘Yes, sir,’ she said timidly, backing up with fear, and knowing exactly what he meant by that.
He took a minute to calm down. Then he looked her in the eyes and said, ‘Camilla, I know what you’ve been doing with me.’
‘Wait, Daddy, do you mean when you saw Candice on top of you last night? It was–‘
‘Don’t lie to me! Stop pretending you’re innocent. Admit what you did. It was you, not her.’
‘Wh-what you saw…was a dream.’ She was crying.
‘Come on, Camilla. That lie is getting so old. I’m wet all over my lap. None of it is me. It’s all you, and you know it.’
‘Let…let me explain. I–‘
‘Ever since you returned to my life, I’ve been developing…some kind of strange power. Suddenly, I can cure my own hangovers in a heartbeat, just by wishing them away. You once cured a hangover of mine, I remember, by simply tapping me on the shoulder, the pain was gone in seconds. This mental anguish you’ve caused me, though, it won’t go away so easily.’
‘It would if you stopped thinking of it as a sin. Open–‘
‘Ridiculous!’ he snapped. ‘Without the need of this power, I’ve suspected that you were doing what you were doing, but I kept hoping my suspicions weren’t true. Now I can’t deny it any more.’
‘Daddy,’ she said in sobs, ‘This power can heal your shame, too.’
‘I don’t want it to! We should be ashamed of ourselves, otherwise, we’re not human. But this power, it allows me to…read minds, it seems, or at least sense people’s thoughts. I sense that you can, too. I can influence people’s thoughts…I know you can, too, but I don’t know how we can do this. This power is…sexually transmitted, isn’t it?’
‘You can do good things with it, though…’
‘That’s how I got this power, didn’t I? You passed it on to me through your…oh, God, ejaculations?’
‘Oh, Daddy,…’
‘Tell me the truth, dammit!’ he shouted.
‘Let me explain,…’ Camilla said, shaking.
‘Tell me!’
‘Yes! Daddy, yes! I love you, Daddy. I’ve always loved you. These things inside me made me love you even more, though. I–I tried to fight it, but I couldn’t. I’m in love with you. I know it seems sick, but…’
‘Seems sick? It is sick!’ he cried, his face drowning in tears. ‘You’re in love with me, but you have lesbian sex with Candice, right in front of me? You took a man up to your bedroom a month ago and had sex with him, and you’ve been ‘in love’ with me the whole time, the last man on earth you should be in love with?’
‘I–I can’t control myself,’ she said, also with a face drenched in tears. ‘These things, they make me always want sex, I starve for it every day.’
‘What are ‘these things’?’ he asked, now no longer crying.
‘They’re in our blood, tiny, microscopic black ovoid things.’
‘Bacteria? A virus of some kind?’
‘I don’t know,’ she said, calming down and no longer crying. ‘A doctor I know in Vancouver who also has them in his blood thinks they’re aliens from another planet.’
Agape rolled his eyes and said, ‘I don’t know what planet I’m on right now.’
‘Daddy? Can I have a hug?’ She timidly approached him.
‘No,’ he said firmly, putting out his hand and psychically creating a force field to block her.
‘Just an innocent hug, Daddy. Please? Nothing sexual.’
‘Please don’t keep me from you. Let me kiss your mouth. I love you.’ She tried breaking the barrier, but he kept it strong. ‘Let me kiss your mouth. Daddy, please! I’ll die of despair if I never touch you again!’
‘Camilla, you’re sick. Sick in your mind. I’m arranging for you to see a psychiatrist as soon as possible. You’re also moving out.’
‘No, Daddy. Please!’ she yelled, crying again.
‘Carrie is moving in, and she and I are engaged to be married.’
‘Oh, God, no! Not her! Please, Daddy. Don’t marry her, she isn’t right for you.’
‘Oh, and you are, eh?’ he asked with a sneer.
‘Daddy, she’s old, and I’m young. I’m a much better lover than she could ever be, and I have a really nice body. Let me show it to you.’ She started undoing her bathrobe.
‘No, I don’t want to see,’ he said, psychically freezing her hands and not letting her open the robe to display her nudity.
‘Daddy, please don’t marry her. Don’t make me leave. I couldn’t bear it! I wanna be your lover.’
‘Please! Open your mind to it! We can keep our love a secret. Nobody will ever know.’
‘I will know! We will know!’ he shouted, crying again.
‘It’s only society that says incest is wrong!’
‘God says it’s wrong!’
‘No! That’s just th
e rules of the Church, not God.’
‘Please open your mind to what I can do for you,’ she said frantically. ‘I can make you feel so good in bed, Daddy. I can drive you wild, be any fantasy you dream about. I’ll be faithful, too. I’ll give up all my other lovers for you.’
‘That’s supposed to make me feel better?’ he asked.
‘Open your mind, please! Homosexuality used to be condemned, now gays can get married. Who knows? Maybe in a few decades, people can come to accept our kind of love.’
‘You’re positively insane,’ he said in sobs. ‘Oh, my poor baby girl!’
‘Don’t marry Carrie, please! She could never love you the way I do. She could never please you in bed the way I can.’ She gritted her teeth and smiled lewdly at him. ‘Believe me, I am such a little whore under the sheets.’
‘Stop it!’ he shouted, slapping her. ‘Shut up!’
‘I–I love you so much.’ She sobbed softly.
‘You don’t know anything about love. With you, it’s all sex and no love. How could you do such a filthy thing to me? How could you even want to?’
‘I just wanted to please you.’
‘Please me? You’ve shamed me. You’ve shamed me. You’ve shamed both of us.’ He started walking toward the bedroom door.
‘Please, Daddy, let me convince you.’
‘We’re not having this conversation! Today is your last day in this house.’ He went out of the bedroom, down the stairs, and out of the house to get in his car.
She buckled down to the ground, shaking. That heavy weight was on her back again, like a pile of rocks holding her down. She knew that without Agape, she would plunge into despair, that would lead to her death, and an eternal nightmare of being gang-raped by masked incubi and those Vancouver punks. Fucking, forever and ever and ever. Even she needed a rest from that from time to time. As hopeless as the situation seemed to be, she couldn’t allow herself to despair.
She reminded herself that she had been given a great, divine gift, the power of the ‘sons of God’. Nigrovum had given her abilities most people couldn’t even dream of. She wasn’t defeated yet, she just had to bring that power of hers to its fullest potential. She had to use her imagination and think of a subtle plan, a brilliant plan to get Agape to love her, accept having an incestuous relationship with her, and remove all other hurdles to the realization of their love.
She kept the hope in her mind that he had the same sexual feelings for her, deep down in his subconscious–those feelings just hadn’t surfaced yet. She used this desperate hope to raise her spirits, inch by inch, and to remove those psychic ‘rocks’ on her back that were weighing her down.
She could feel herself less and less weighed down, and she slowly regained her strength, and got up from the floor. Sensing how her father had dealt with the trauma of knowing what she’d done, she decided to do the same thing with her own emotional pain: she put psychic dome around herself, a barrier that would shield her from the agony of his rejection. This would allow her to have the patience she’d need to think clearly and come up with a plan to get him back.
Indeed, she reassured herself that she would get him back, and get him to love her in the same physical way as she loved him. The first obstacle to be rid of was, of course, Carrie…
Agape was in his car, just driving and driving aimlessly down some open roads. As he was driving, he searched for a radio station that would play some music that could help him take his mind of what Camilla had done, instead, all he got were cruel reminders. First, he heard ‘Young Girl’, by Gary Puckett.
‘My love for you is way out of line.’
‘No, I don’t want to hear that,’ he said, and quickly changed stations.
Then he heard ‘Don’t Stand So Close to Me’, by the Police.
‘This girl is half his age.’
‘Oh, God,’ he said, and immediately switched to another station, an alternative station that played oldies.
He heard ‘Brown Shoes Don’t Make It’, by Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention.
The drummer lecherously said, ‘If she were my daughter, I’d…’
‘Oh, I give up!’ he shouted, turning the radio off. What’s the attraction? he thought, Why would Camilla have incestuous feelings for me? Am I simply forbidden fruit? Surely a pretty girl like her would much rather have a handsome young man instead of an aging man like me, father or no father. Maybe when she sees a psychiatrist, we’ll get some answers.
He eventually drove to his church. He went inside, and went inside a confessional.
‘Bless me, Father, for I have sinned…’ he began.
Once Camilla had completely calmed down, she called Father Josiah.
‘Hello?’ he said on his cell-phone.
‘It’s me, Camilla. Do you still want me, Father?’ she asked.
‘Yes, of course,’ he eagerly said.
‘I know this is sudden, but can I move in with you?’
‘Yes, yes, of course. When do you want to come over?’
‘Is tomorrow OK?’
‘I already can’t wait,’ he said. ‘Come here with all your things in the morning.’
‘Thanks, Father,’ she said. ‘I’ll be at your door around 11 AM. Bye.’
His hopes of marrying her, and saving her soul (as well as redeeming his) were suddenly resurrected.
‘Thank you, Lord,’ he said, looking upwards.
On Thursday morning, Camilla brought her bag of things with her to Father Josiah’s home. They went into his bedroom, she put the bag down, and they sat on the bed, her on his lap.
He sensed her emotional numbness, and correctly feeling that it was unhealthy, he tried to break her psychic ‘dome’ down. She wouldn’t let him at first, but knowing that her tears would likely make him want to fuck her, the sex-starved girl removed the dome herself.
She started crying, he held her tightly in his arms, and rocked her back and forth on his lap. ‘Tell me all about it, sweetie,’ he said soothingly. ‘What happened at home?’
‘I had a fight with my daddy,’ she sobbed, her head on his shoulder. ‘He doesn’t want me to live with him anymore. I’ll go crazy without him.’
‘Well, you’re with me now,’ he said. Though he knew what the problem was between her and Agape, he was hoping for a confession from her. ‘What happened between you and your father?’
‘I don’t wanna talk about it. Please hold me, Father. Hold me.’
‘Of course, sweetie,’ he said, hugging her tighter and trying to ignore his erection. ‘I quit the priesthood yesterday, so our love wouldn’t be sinful.’
‘What?’ she asked, pulling back. ‘But that makes you less sexy to me.’
‘I can become an Anglican vicar, if you like.’
‘Oh, let’s just make love.’
‘Alright,’ he said, and they started getting undressed. ‘Why’s your hair all black?’
‘Remember that power we both have?’ she asked, unzipping her green, flower-patterned dress.
‘It made my hair and eyes turn black. That’s why my skin is paler, too.’ Her dress dropped to the floor. She kicked off her high heels, wearing no underwear, she was now naked. ‘If you don’t like the way I look, I can change it back.’ She got on the bed on her back.
‘No, that’s OK,’ he said, now naked too. ‘Black is a nice change, I think. Besides, I’m getting a little black myself. You should see my fingernails and toenails.’ He got on top of her in the missionary position. She lifted her legs up, ready to receive his cock in either hole. He, of course, would only choose her vagina, and he slowly slid his cock inside.
As it went in deeper and deeper, her sobs changed to sighs of pleasure. He got all the way in, and she squealed with delight. This was the first cock she’d felt inside her since she’d fucked her father. For the time being, Father Josiah would have to do as a substitute. He slid his cock in and out several times, and she came all ov
er the sheets. ‘Ah!’
‘Oh, yeah, I forgot…about your gushing,’ he said, still moving in and out of her pussy. ‘Oh!’
‘Just keep…fucking me. Ah!’
‘Please, watch your language,’ he moaned. ‘Unh!’
‘Don’t stop. Oh!’ She came a second time.
He put his hands on her breasts and gently squeezed them. He reached over and pecked her on the lips. ‘I’m…almost there,’ he sighed.
‘Pull it out. Oh!’
‘OK,’ he said, and slowly let his cock slide out of her soaking wet pussy. She sat up and took his cock in her hand. She jerked him off, pointing the tip of his cock at her belly. Her gentle hand slid back and forth along his shaft. Then he spouted all over her right tit, her belly, her black pubic hair, and her thigh.
They lay next to each other on their backs and cuddled. After a minute or so of them catching their breath, she said, ‘Thank you, Father. I needed that.’ She reset that psychic ‘dome’.
‘So did I, as sinful as it was,’ he said. ‘It would have been better if I’d…discharged inside you, though.’
Exploiting his foolish hopes, she said, ‘But we can’t do that unless we’re married.’
He smiled slightly at those words. She would say no more, though: she was playing her cards very carefully.
On Friday, Camilla, with her hair blonde again, and wearing heavy makeup and a tight-fitting black dress, went to see Dr. Marlow Rosenblood, a psychiatrist in his late forties. Camilla didn’t at all want to bare her soul to such a man, but she went anyway, out of a wish to show obedience to her father, now the only way she could show him her love. She was delighted, however, to see how good-looking the psychiatrist was, tall and thin, with streaks of silver in his wavy brown hair.
I do pick the right days to dress like a slut, she thought.
She sat on a chair facing him. He had a notebook and a pen in his hands.
‘OK, Camilla,’ Dr. Rosenblood began. ‘Feel free to say anything you like. Do not feel at all inhibited. Even if you say rude things, I won’t care. Let your natural feelings flow: that way I can better understand your thought processes.’
‘I can even say things that are…possibly offensive?’ she asked in disbelief.
‘If you don’t like my tie, or my nose, feel free to say so. Even antisemitic remarks won’t bother me.’
‘Wow, you’re really secure, aren’t you?’
‘You can say nice things, too, of course. The point is, whatever’s on your mind, just say it. Don’t be shy.’
‘OK,’ she said, getting up and moving towards him slowly, with a lewd smile. ‘You tell me: what’s on my mind?’
‘You can say anything, not do anything,’ he said, motioning to her to go back to her chair.
‘Oh, come on, Doctor. Let’s have some fun. I won’t tell if you don’t.’
‘Camilla, why don’t you take a look at the photo on my desk?’ he suggested.
She looked at the picture: it showed Rosenblood hugging a man.
‘Oh, I’m sorry!’ she said, backing off. Then she paused thoughtfully, and tried her cat moves on him again. ‘I’ll bet, in the right circumstances, a woman could bring the animal out of you.’ She was kneeling before his chair, her fingers tickling his hands. She also started using Nigrovum on him to give him an erection.
Surprised at what was happening, Rosenblood nonetheless used strong willpower to resist her. ‘A tiger can’t change his stripes, Camilla.’
‘He can crawl into a different cave every now and then, though.’
‘Camilla,’ he said firmly, taking her hands and pushing them back. ‘Back in your chair, please.’
She went back and sat on her chair like a petulant, spoiled child.
‘You obviously use your sexuality to hide your real self from people. I’m here to uncover the secrets of your mind, you just want to uncover your body. Even when you learn that I’m gay, you try to convince me to spend a ‘straight’ night with you. You want to avoid talking about your problems so much, you’ll stop at nothing to use sex to change the subject.’
‘Yeah, whatever,’ she said, pouting and avoiding his eyes.
‘When your father insisted on making our appointment as soon as possible, I could hear a lot of anxiety in his voice,’ the psychiatrist said. ‘Why don’t you tell me about your relationship with him? Or, if your prefer, perhaps it would be easier if you talked instead about your mother. What about her?’
On the seventh day of Camilla’s predicament in the public aquarium in Montreal, she was being gang-banged by two spirits: those of a younger man and an older man she’d met one night thirteen years before, while visiting another strip joint in Toronto, called the Solid Gold. The boy’s invisible cock was in her ass, and the older man’s was in her pussy. Cell-phone cameras never stopped getting video of those two gaping holes as her naked body continued to hover over the water tank. Since Camilla...
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As the train pulled out of the station on the ride home from yet another Groundhog Day at work, I closed my eyes and allowed my mind to drift, once again, to my fantasy lover - my wife Julie’s sister, Helen. Her auburn hair, her gorgeous smile with that flirty glint in her eye, her pert boobs, her flat stomach, her curvy bum, her long, slim legs ... I began my favourite fantasy, and as I started to undress her in my mind, I imagined I could smell her perfume... Don’t get me wrong - this was...
Revised, thank goodness spotting errors and added to in request for a continuation and now complete. It all started on a Saturday. I was out with three mates for a few beers and a curry. Later, we went to several clubs in the city centre and I was well wrecked, not picking up any cum sluts, puking in an alley and shaving to stagger home. It was nearly one in the morning when I reached home. I could see downstairs lights on in the trash quality, council house we existed in. That’s my Mum and...
He turns around and we both laugh! ‘Perhaps we should get some clothes on and maybe pack a bag and take a little boat trip. What do you think?’ ‘I think that sounds amazing. I’d have to stop at my hotel and grab a few things. If that’s okay?’ ‘Of course. In fact why not check out and when we get back you can stay with me. Sorry if that’s to forward of me…’ ‘Are you mocking me Mr. Swim?!?’ I ask. ‘Yes Miss Speed I certainly am.’ I smile as we both dress. Him this time putting on khaki cargo...
I analyzed my writing as I typed, deciding to take a break as I pondered about my life at home, looking over at the picture frame of a family photoshoot that was taken about 10 years ago with my son by my side as I held my wife with an arm around her waist, my daughter off to right a distance always from her mom holding up a peace sign, her tongue sticking out making cross-eyes in a goofy manner. Every time I looked over at the photo I would grin and smile at her mannerism that she displayed...
Going on with my story; this is first time that; I am writing. I have had sex with just one girl in my life till now. I found her on Facebook. After months of normal chat once she asked me indirectly for sex. First I was hesitant but then finally I agreed. I don’t prefer to go in hotel rooms, neither it’s possible to have sex at my place. Once my friend told me her parents were out and she asked me to come to her house. She needed help in her project. I went to her house; it was eve 7 or so. We...
“Are you Dexter?” “Yes.” “I’m Amber.” Dexter looked the young woman over. She was attractive in a ‘the girl next door’ manner. Brown hair that came to her shoulders, brown eyes, and a pleasant build. He stepped back and said, “Come in.” Amber entered the apartment and looked around. Not impressed with what she saw, she said, “The agency said you want me for a week.” “That’s right,” Dexter said. “That’ll be fourteen thousand,” Amber said. “Here’s the debit card. Call it in,” Dexter...
Present – Jens – Traveling back to the cabin I can't fucking believe it: We steal the cab, exit at Leadville then the damn cab dies. I strong arm it to the side of the road, put on the parking brake, go to open the door to see what the hell is wrong and the damn driver's door is locked and won't open. I ask the girls, "See if your doors open." I hear them fumbling in the back seat then Zarika replies, "My door will not open." Yasmeen helpfully answers, "My door is also locked. Ms....
Our nearly twenty-six years of marriage in Tulsa had been good to my wife Brenda and me, but now that we are in our late fortiess, she has lost all interest in sex. I tried everything to help her regain her interest, all to no avail. Then I started going to porn sites for the first time in my life, and even visited a nearby adult book store (ABS), and I felt guilty about it at first. But the longer I went without pussy, the more I knew I had to do something to experience the thrill of a sexual...
Shortly after she had sent her letter, Jo received a reply from her mother, which she read eagerly, before handing it to John: Dear Jo, We was so glad to get your letter. I am glad that you are safe and happy. You probably won't be surprised to hear that our Billie has got himself locked up in Strangeways. He's not a bad lad, but he's easily led, and was trying to be the big man in front of his mates. Your dad is well and is still working, and our Julie is now married to a lad from...
Namaskak mai aap ka professor . Aapne meri kai kahani padhi hogi aaj mai aapko apne jiven ki ek aur ghatna sunata hu . Ye baat hai kuch saalo pehle ki jab mai gumne ke liye haridwar gaya tha . Mai aapko bata do mujhe gumne ka bhut shuk hai jab bhi chuttiya hoti hai mai kahi bhi chale jata hu mera bag hamesha pack hi rehta hai. To meri 10 din ki chuttiya thi, mai apne ghar se kolkata aaya flight li aur seedhe delhi aur delhi se dehradoon and waha se haridwar 6 hrs mai mai haridwar pauch chuka...
Well, the wedding was a complete success, the weather stayed warm and the marquee in their field looked great.The 5 bridesmaids (three of whom I know) looked stunning, two of them were Kim's nieces looked out of this world. The other two as yet unknown looked equally as good.There was around 150 people at the wedding and all back at the marquee for the evening. I knew I had no chance for some serious sexy fun but thought I would have a go and see what happened.I knew most of Kim's relatives and...
This story is not intended for children and if you are not old enough to read sexually explicit material, go away. This story features some elements of female domination (femdom), teasing & denial, chastity training, mild bondage, creampies, cuckolding cross-dressing and a few other fantasies of mine. I hope you find it entertaining, but if you might be offended, stop reading and do something else. The author retains all rights to this story. You may re-post the story...
I was married but spent most of my effort seeing a woman who was about 14 years younger than I am. I will call her K. This is the same person from my previous story. I had an apartment building that needed work. I went there in the evening, expecting to see K at a certain time. After she was about an hour late, I was getting a little annoyed but didnt plan on staying much longer. This was before the day of everyone having a cell phone so I couldnt call her. I was putting my tools in...
Lily stepped out of the en-suite and then seemed to hesitate, drawing to a halt two feet in front of the still open door. At 172cm anywhere else in the world she would have been considered tall but here in Zagreb she was only slightly above average, nevertheless with her slim frame, blond hair and Slavic good looks she would be considered beautiful anywhere. Her blond hair was still wet from the shower and she had slicked it back. She had clad herself in a white towel but had not yet dried...
I am a big sexter, I enjoy sexting with females and telling sexual stories, and before i discovered this, I enjoyed writing through out my life and after reading many stories on here over the years I decided to take my first crack at this. Please constructively critizice the Hell out of me!! Jeremy woke in his room, the girl next to him still breathing the slow shallow style indicative of sleep. He smiled to himself as he gave her a second look over. "Good job Ol Boy" The...
It was the drugs first, a syringe into each cheek of my ass and then one more in my arm, everything started from there... Well, in reality everything had started the week before when I had been invited to one of my boss's high society parties. She had told me that if I didn't mind helping her to set things up then I could join in the fun later. How could I resist? Sophia's parties were legendary in the town. Everyone who was anyone was there and I'd heard about all the business deals...
Hey, guys its Rakesh again with another narration. I would like to thank you guys for the awesome response to my previous story. So, I was going through the email I received and there was this guy who wanted to share his story and it was erotic and authentic (my guess) so decided to narrate it. I am going to write on his behalf now. Hey guys its Sandeepan here, you can call me Sandy, though. I am 21 years old and currently employed at a bank here in Kolkata. Btw I am 5.8 ft tall, brown and have...
Jill Kassidy has a sex problem and always wants to have sex no matter what and with whoever. Her stepbrother is up to no good and teases her with his large hard cock. Stroking his cock right in front of her Jill just can not take it and must get it in her mouth! Jill just loves sucking cock and is really getting off on having her step brothers deep in her throat! Rion loves the feel of his step sisters pussy when she gets on top and lets it slide right into her wet pussy! Rion can not believe...
xmoviesforyouMy life wasn't supposed to be the life of a Superhero. No, sure not. Just two years ago, in the year 2015, I was a very average teenage boy. Barely 18 years of age at that time, I lived in a small suburb with my parents. My family was no poor family, in fact, we were wealthy, thanks to the work of my father as an genetical engineer and entrepreneur. Although I always saw me as a "normal" boy, mainly interested in sports and girls, receiving good grades, the work of my father was, in contrast,...
IncestOn Sunday morning, my parents and I got home from church to find a car sitting in front of our house. When we walked from the garage toward the house, a car door opened and Melissa stepped out. She looked over the hood of the car, as if waiting for a signal of some sort. I stopped when I saw her. My heart was beating fast, and there was an empty feeling in my stomach. Finally, I looked away from her, and continued into the house without acknowledging her. I figured that if she wanted to talk...
My name was Robert (Bobby) Preston but now it is Bobbi Preston, and here is my story At the tender age of 9 my mother was diagnosed with cancer, at that time nobody explained this to me - not that I would have understood or what that all meant anyway or what was going to happen. Prior to this, my life was very much like many children. My dad had always taken me to my swim lessons and Boy Scouts. Mom always took care of the school stuff along with my emotional needs. Dad was never...
Part 3 Then there was this guy from a couple we talked with in the beginning of the evening. He already got undressed and like C he was in his boxer and slippers. Now seeing him like this made him a different man then the man we talked with before. He had an attractive sporty body and cute ass. Guess it's the same for women too: I can imagine a casual dressed woman can also make a different impression seeing her in lingerie. He asked me to dance... After a short look at C I saw it was ok, so I...
Bethany Benz has taken home another one of her students to fuck. She just loves these young college studs. Take Jack Escobar for instance. He’s in trouble with his mother for not making it home for a family event. How could he tell his mom he was fucking his teacher?? But as he walks into the shower to say goodbye to Ms. Benz he finds himself drawn into another day of fucking. How can he possibly say no to this hot black cougar? Look at that sweet pussy. Looks like Jack isn’t going...
xmoviesforyouKendra Spade is all dressed up and ready to hit the town with her girlfriend for her 21st birthday. However, she’s crushed when her girlfriend texts that she forgot about the special ocassion. As if that’s not insulting enough, her girlfriend even asks for a raincheck! As Kendra mopes, she’s gets a visit from her best friend, Chloe Cherry, who gives her a birthday cake. Although she promises to keep the visit brief, Kendra tells her there’s no need since her girlfriend...
xmoviesforyouTwo days later my mother and I had our gang bang with the Armenians, in the evening when daddy came home a bit drunk as usual, my mother started telling him about the Armenians and how they were, as tells him how good it felt to suck their cocks and swallow their hot cum, daddy very gently holds me and starts kissing me and driving my head down on his lap between his legs, as he takes his cock out and slowly starts pushing it inside my mouth he is asking mother, what did they do to me! mother...
"What was that noise," Brenda whispered to Morgan after poking her in the ribs to wake her up!?! "W-what time is it," Morgan asked sleepily, "I don't hear anything, go back to sleep!!!" "Wake up, girl," Brenda implored once again, "I'm not sure but it sounded like someone might be in trouble!!!" Morgan rolled over onto her side, and after wiping the sleep out of her eyes commented, "Are you sure you weren't dreaming, remember last summer when you thought there was a man with a gun hiding in...
EroticIn fact they beat me to it. The following morning Vicky rang me at the office to tell me that she and Simone could not wait any longer to see me and were coming to London; they were already on the train and would reach Liverpool Street soon after midday. For a moment I was going to tell them to get off at the next stop and go straight back to Cambridge but then I reflected that this sudden visit was exactly the kind of unpredictable behaviour that so worried me. I decided I should take the...
Hot Latina Victoria Voxxx can’t wait to flaunt nasty behavior. The freaky vixen spreads her legs and fingers her soaking-wet cunt, talking dirty with director/stud Mick Blue. Victoria stands to show off her fit body, spanking her bum and prying open her anus for the camera. She kneels before Mick to give a slobbering blowjob, taking short breaks to rim his bunghole! Messy, ball-lapping fellatio leads to ferocious pussy pounding and then anal reaming! Mick’s big cock rams her rectum,...
xmoviesforyouby BrettJ © 2010 ‘You about ready, honey?’ Dennis called out to the young woman in the large En-Suite bathroom. ‘Just about Daddy, about 5 more minutes,’ she called back. ‘I want to look just perfect for this night, I know how important it is to you.’ ‘You always look lovely,’ Dennis shot back. It was true, his daughter was a lovely young woman. When Tanya was unable to make this business trip with him, due to a prior commitment, he had considered hiring an Escort. The client favored...
The new sissy stood barefoot; naked but for the soft white gown. Though bewildered and a little scared, her little cock poked forward in the gown, partly through fear and partly through excitement as she felt the eyes of the stern woman upon her. Clara Bow rose slowly from the leather chair she sat in, cane in one hand, she wagged a finger summoning Pepper forward. She was accompanied by the buxom Nurse Wykett; her ample buttocks and breast bulging in her white uniform, her black stockings...
He raised his head and looked around, numbly aware of pain in almost every part of his body. He was on the bank of a small stream, and to his shock, the water was red with the blood of the fallen bodies around him. He was unsure of his wounds and was aware his life was in serious jeopardy, but was powerless to do anything to save himself. He was aware of pain, of despair, and of the light rain falling on him. He and his fellow soldiers had come to the stream to drink and refill canteens, and...
Sitting on MacKenzie’s comfortable couch, legs curled up underneath her, Katherine listened as her dear friend ranted on. ‘Oh, come on Kath, you can’t REALLY expect me to buy this, can you?’ The attractive redhead sighed. She loved MacKenzie like a sister, they had been friends since Grade One, but sometimes, sometimes, MacKenzie’s practicality really bugged her. She brushed a stray red curl from her forehead, now that she was becoming more in touch with her sensuality, she was letting her...
I was 22 years old at the time, and I had been crossdressing for a few years. For some reason I could never control my desire to put on women's clothes and prance around my apartment looking all sexy and slutty. Normally I can never decide what specifically to wear as I like to change it up all the time, from wearing latex lingerie to sexy roleplay outfits and beyond. I am 5'9 with a slim build, shaved body and long brown hair and eyes, with a 5 inch clitty cock. I had never had sex with a man...
CrossdressingPrologue: It was almost completely dark inside the cell and I was in deep shit and I knew it! I was sitting on the top bunk waiting to see who, if anyone was going to try and bail me out of this mess, a mess I might add that was completely of my own making. My college scholarship was long gone, as was any chance that I was even going to get to college in the fall. My name, once spoken with awe throughout the entire county, was now nothing but headline fodder in my hometown and now my only real...
‘WHAT?!’ Natalie screeched, ‘What do you mean you aren’t going?’ ‘I’m just too exhausted for the bar scene tonight,’ Carly replied sheepishly, ‘Steve and I are going to stay in and watch movies until we pass out.’ ‘Ugh, seriously,’ Natalie replied impatiently, ‘I’m all dressed and ready. I wish you’d have called sooner.’ ‘I know, I’m sorry kiddo,’ Carly said, ‘I’m sure you and Lisa will have a perfectly good time without me.’ ‘That’s the bitch of it,’ Natalie complained, ‘Lisa bailed too.’ ...
I threw on some shorts and a t-shirt. Fiona put her slacks on to retain her modesty, along with my dress shirt that you could see her black lace bra through. I must admit, she looked hot, without any pretence of trying. Once in the car, she looked nervous, like she wanted to say something. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “I’m not sure whether there is anything wrong. I don’t know!” She sighed. “Twelve hours ago my life was simple. I knew what was happening around me. Genja and I went about our...