Camilla Ch. 054 free porn video

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On Sunday morning, naked Candice was in her and Camilla’s bathroom looking at her hair and nails. Camilla, also naked, came up behind Candice and put her hands on Candice’s tits. She gave them a gentle squeeze, then rubbed her fingers around the outer areolae.

‘Oh, that feels good, Camil,’ Candice moaned. ‘But to make your dad like me, if you want my hair dyed black, or for me to wear a black wig, neither may be necessary. Do you see the black hairs I have mixed in with my red?’

Camilla took a good look at Candice’s hair. ‘Yeah, you do have a few black hairs there,’ she said. ‘A few of your pubic hairs are black, too.’ Camilla ran her fingers through Candice’s now ginger and black pubes. ‘My hair seems a darker blonde, too. I bet I’ve got some new black mixed in there.’

‘D’you think it’s the Nigrovum?’ Candice asked in sighs.

‘More than likely. Ravinder tells me in his e-mails that his finger- and toenails are getting blacker and blacker, just like ours.’ Looking at her fingernails and showing them to Candice, Camilla said, ‘See?’ The black lines were now thicker, crooked stripes, the sides of which seemed to dissolve into the transparent look of the remaining normal areas in between.

‘Eww, yeah, mine are the same. This is scaring me a bit.’

‘Well, nail polish will cover it,’ Camilla said, reaching for hers. ‘If this black is the worst of Nigrovum’s side effects, I wouldn’t worry about it. Remember: we heal quickly, and we have psychic powers.’

‘Yeah, but what if it makes us crazy, like those Satanists?’ Candice asked.

‘I figure if we avoid using it to hurt people, we should be OK. We’ll use Nigrovum only for good. Speaking of good, I hope Daddy had a good dream last night. I made him dream of you with black hair, and I got him excited so he’d like you.’

‘I can’t help thinking that’s creepy, Camil.’

‘It’s not like I physically touched him, Candice, I did it psychically.’ Camilla looked intensely in Candice’s eyes, and said, ‘You must seduce him, Candice, make him forget about Carrie.’

‘OK, OK, don’t get psychic on me. I’ll do it. I’d do anything for you, you know that, baby.’

‘Good. Now let’s get dressed and find out about Daddy’s dream.’


‘Good morning, Daddy,’ Camilla said as she and Candice went into the kitchen to see Agape, who was cooking breakfast for them. She kissed her father on the cheek, then sat at the kitchen table beside Candice. ‘Did you have pleasant dreams?’

‘No, not at all,’ he said with a shudder, giving the girls plates with scrambled eggs and toast.

‘Oh?’ Camilla asked with worry in her eyes. ‘What did you dream about?’

‘I feel a little uncomfortable talking about it,’ he said as he brought his own plate of breakfast to the table and sat down.

‘Oh, it was just a dream,’ Camilla said. ‘How bad could it be?’

‘Well,’ he said haltingly. ‘First there were Carrie and I, then Carrie became Candice, who…uh, then Candice suddenly became you, who…uh, I’d rather not say.’

‘That’s OK, Daddy,’ Camilla said, blushing and knowing already what he’d really dreamt.

‘It was just a dream, Mr. Mennon,’ Candice said, brushing her leg against his and looking lewdly and intensely in his eyes. ‘Don’t worry about it.’

Agape froze, with a wide-eyed look of shock. Candice sensed strong resistance in him.

Worried about where the conversation might be heading, Camilla changed the subject. ‘What’s on the agenda for today, Daddy?’

‘Church,’ he said, staring down Candice. ‘After a dream like the one I had, only Mass will make me feel better. Girls, please wear nice dresses there, OK?’

‘Anything you say, Daddy. We’ll change as soon as we finish breakfast, which is delicious, by the way. Thanks.’


Back in their bedroom, the girls undressed and found some appropriate dresses to wear to church.

‘Oh, God: Daddy saw me blowing him in his dream,’ Camilla said as she pulled off her panties.

‘Eww!’ Candice said.

‘I meant for him to see only you, Candice. I must’ve gotten clumsy when I manipulated his dream. I’ll have to be more careful and focused next time.’

‘His resistance to Nigrovum is strong,’ Candice said. ‘We’ll need more than that for me to seduce him, that sweet old saint. I recommend drugs.’ She, in her underwear, put on a conservative-looking blue and white dress.

‘Let’s be careful with that, OK?’ Camilla said as she, naked, put on her green, flower-patterned dress. ‘I need to know if that sweet old saint is cool about dope first. If he is, we’ll ease him into party mode slowly. He already drinks, so that means we’re already half way there. Maybe I can drop a pill in his bourbon and mix it in so he doesn’t know. By the way, how are you, as new to Toronto as I am, going to find a dope connection ASAP?’

‘As soon as I find an apartment, I’ll hunt for a stripping job. Shouldn’t take too long, then I’m sure a dope connection will be found in the new strip joint where I work–surely at least a few, if not all, of the strippers will have a seller for a boyfriend or a customer. Since I just made your dad uncomfortable, he’ll want me gone, so I’ll get my shit together really quickly. Just promise me, Camil, that when I move out, that we’ll still see each other? I mean, you living with your dad and all,…’

‘Of course we’ll still fuck,’ Camilla said, hugging Candice and kissing her on the lips. ‘I need you to come here for partying and seducing Daddy. While he’s wasted and unconscious, we’ll make love, too.’ And I need to look at other men, Camilla thought, I’m beginning to think weird thoughts about Daddy–I’d better watch myself.


Agape and the girls sat up at the front pew in church. The first reading was from Genesis 6:1-8, the beginning of the story of the Great Flood. The responsorial Psalm was 115:1-8, about the folly of idolatry. The second reading was from 1 Corinthians 10:14–22, again about the evil of idolatry. The Gospel reading was from John 6:35-58, in which Jesus says, ‘I am the bread of life.’

After the Gospel reading, Father Don Josiah began his homily. ‘The sons of God went in unto the the daughters of men,’ he said. ‘Who were the ‘sons of God’? Were they the divine council of the major gods from Levantine Bronze and Iron Age texts, from ancient pagan times? Were they pagan gods? Were they fallen angels, as some have supposed? In other words, were they devils? Our holy Church teaches that they were men, the descendants of righteous Seth, they were good, but then they rebelled against God and married the ‘daughters of men’, or of Cain, the first murderer. From their unholy union they had children, the Nephilim, giants–heroes, perhaps, to the pagans, but giants only in sin to Christians. From this sinfulness grew even more gigantic sin, leading to wickedness everywhere in the world, thus God repented of creating man, and caused the Flood to drown the wicked and wipe all the sin away.’

Agape raptly paid attention, Candice sat bored, Camilla looked in the priest’s eyes, thinking the tall, forty-something man was cute.

‘However we choose to think about the ‘sons of God’,’ Father Josiah continued, ‘as gods, as fallen angels turned into devils, or as men fallen in sin, we can see in this story an allegory about the evils of idolatry. As Christians, we are to be married to God: He is the groom, we are the bride. We mustn’t marry the ‘sons of God’, as the wicked, idolatrous daughters of Cain did. We must marry the only-begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ.’

Camilla looked intensely in the eyes of the priest, visualizing a rose passing in the air towards him. Seeing the pretty girl’s aggressive gaze, he felt a strange but titillating sensation all around his penis: it felt as though a hand was stroking it, he was beginning to develop an erection. He paused nervously, then continued.

‘The sons of God…must n
ot be seen…as divine,’ he continued with his voice occasionally cracking into an edgy falsetto. ‘If we think of…them as divine, we make them…into idols…devils. We are Christians, not Satanists.’

Candice was startled by that last word. Then she saw the way Camilla was looking at the priest. No, Camilla, she thought, is nothing sacred to you?

‘Idols cannot speak…or see,’ he continued, his penis rising. ‘Neither can we…if we adore them. Idolatry is…a false love…that blinds us. As Shakespeare wrote…in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, ‘Love looks not…with the eyes…but with the mind.”

‘Cute, and intelligent,’ Camilla whispered. ‘Sexy in my eyes.’ She continued giving him his psychic hand job.

Candice looked in horror at her. Not with a priest, Camilla, she thought.

‘St. Paul tells us…to flee the worship of idols,’ he said in halts and desperately-controlled moans. ‘You ask, ‘Who worships idols…in today’s world?’ Well, we no longer pray…to carved statues, of course, but when…we idealize someone we’re…in love with, we’re blind to…their faults. They then can…take advantage of…our foolish doting, and hurt us. When we idealize…radical political ideology, like Communism, Naziism, or terrorism, our fanaticism can lead us…to murder. When we excessively admire movie stars…or rock stars, we make ourselves feel inferior for…not measuring up…to their perceived perfection, trying to be…equal to such unrealistic images is impossible. We can really…hurt ourselves, and others, in these ways. In these ways, we make false gods…of who or what…we so foolishly adore. We make mediators of…them between God and us, and this is…a sin that separates us…from God. There is only…one mediator between God…and man: Jesus.’

Camilla visualized the rose touching the priest’s chest. His penis got harder from that inexplicable feeling of a hand jerking him off. Again, he paused nervously, noting the lewd look in her eyes.

‘Don’t be pagans,’ he stammered. ‘Don’t make heroes out…of giant devils. Love Jesus, the bread of life, who came down…from heaven, like manna.’

‘Nigrovum,’ Camilla whispered. ‘Manna from heaven.’

‘If you think…of the sons…of God as…angels coming down…from heaven to…bless you,’ the priest continued, blushingly noting the looks of concern beginning to develop on the faces of his parishioners, ‘you’ll be…like the wicked daughters of men–idolaters. Your children will…be monsters of sin, like the Nephilim, and society will…be destroyed, as in…the Great Flood. There’s only…one Son of God: Jesus. Worship only Him.’ Camilla, noting his embarrassment, decided to show mercy and stop exciting him…for the time being.

Later, Agape, Candice, and Camilla went up to take Communion. Father Josiah put the Host on Agape’s tongue, saying, ‘The body of Christ.’ When he put the Host on Candice’s sensuous tongue, he felt that invisible hand touch his penis again. Though Candice had enough respect for the clergy not to try to get him excited, he still felt nervous around her, for her curves were an enticing prelude to those of Camilla, who’d made very clear her sexual interest in him. ‘Th-the body of Christ,’ he said to Candice. His penis was now almost as erect as it had been during his homily.

Camilla’s turn came. She slightly flickered her tongue as she stuck it out to receive the Host. ‘Th-the b-body of Ch-Christ,’ he said as he looked in her lascivious eyes and, with a shaky hand, put the Host on her tongue. As he moved his hand down from her mouth, she used her psychic powers to make his hand brush against her left breast. Since she was naked under her dress, he could feel her erect nipple pointing through. ‘Pardon me!’ he whispered with the reddest of faces. She just sucked on the Host and looked in his eyes with lewd approval. The invisible hand she was psychically controlling stroked his phallus expertly to make it point perpendicularly forward through his loose-fitting pants. He mentally thanked God for maintaining the tradition of priests wearing loose robes during Mass. Camilla visualized that ‘rose’ to be glowing in his heart, and sensed his now-full erection to be about six and a half inches.

During the prayer after Communion, Agape prayed for better dreams and growing love with Carrie, Candice prayed for Camilla, hoping she’d behave, Camilla prayed for her dad to prefer Candice to Carrie, it seems unnecessary to relate what the sweating priest was praying for.


‘Camilla, how could you?’ Candice asked as she and Camilla went into their bedroom after coming home from Mass that afternoon. ‘You got a priest horny? That’s sacrilegious!’

‘Candice, I’m as Catholic as you are,’ Camilla said, taking off her dress. ‘But I don’t agree with our priests having to be celibate. They should be allowed to get married.’ Having kicked off her shoes, she was now naked.

‘You wanna marry a priest?’ Candice asked with a sneer.

‘Well, I don’t know about that, but I’d sure like to play house with that priest, make him speak in tongues.’ Camilla kissed Candice on the cheek.

‘Camilla, that’s awful. He’s a man of God.’

‘He can go to confession after.’ Camila lay on her back on the bed with her legs wide open, and Candice started licking her pussy.

As Candice, still dressed, was licking her, Camilla used Nigrovum to get Candice hot. She felt her clitoris hardening, her labia swelling, and her vagina opening up as if a cock was going inside.

‘Oh!’ Candice moaned between licks. ‘You can…use Nigrovum on…me that way…any time…Ah!’ She pulled her panties off in anticipation of soiling them with her cream. Soon it felt as if a finger was pushing inside her asshole. Candice returned the favour by sliding her finger inside Camilla’s. Candice sucked and buzzed on Camilla’s clitoris while that psychic cock was pressing against Candice’s A-spot. Both girls were as wet in their pussies as they were in their salivating mouths. Soon, Camilla splashed her come all over Candice’s face, while Candice came seconds after. After licking the remaining come off of Camilla’s twat, she flipped her dress up so Camilla could get down and lick her love juice away.


That night, the girls were fast asleep, as was Agape.

Camilla was dreaming about the ‘sons of God’.

Dressed in the clothes of women from Biblical times, Camilla and Candice, standing on a grassy heath, looked up at the starless night sky. Only an ominous moon shone. They saw the sons of God looking down on them from heaven. There were three of them, with devils’ wings and faces like the grotesque, grinning masks those Satanists wore. They flew down to the earth and stood before Camilla and Candice, looking at the girls and salaciously licking their lips.

‘What would you have with us?’ Candice asked them.

‘We would go in unto you,’ said one of the sons of God. ‘To uncover your nakedness.’

Candice was no longer seen in the dream, and Camilla immediately became naked, as if her clothes had magically disappeared. She got on the ground on all fours, with her legs spread wide open so her asshole and pussy would invite the sons of God in. Indeed, both those holes were filled with huge cock right away, as was her mouth with the cock of the third son of God. As they pushed in and pulled out, the sons of God laughed at her in their eerie, distorted voices, and she squealed and screamed loudly.

Agape was woken up from hearing Camilla’s screaming, and he went into the hall, turning on the light. He went down the hall to the girls’ bedroom and knocked on the door. ‘Is everything alright in there?’ he asked. I hope those are just more screams of pleasure, he thought, for some terror seems to be mixed in there, too.

Naked Candice woke up, got out of bed and went over to the door, not bothering to put anything on. She opened the door slightly, allowing him to see her right thigh and leg
. Looking deeply in his eyes, she said, ‘Sorry about the noise, Mr. Mennon, but we’re OK in here.’ She opened the door a little wider, allowing him to see her left breast and some of her tigress-coloured pubic hair.

‘Oh, OK, no problem. Good night,’ he said with a red face, and hurried back to his room. I don’t know about that Candice, he thought.

She closed the door and watched her lover as she was dreaming. Camilla was on all fours with her legs wide open and her ass sticking out, just as in her dream. Her vagina and anus were stretched open, as though they were being stuffed with big cocks, just as when she was on the airplane. He mouth was wide open, as if she were sucking dick: indeed, her right cheek puffed out, as though a cock was pushing inside and against it. Candice sat on a chair next to the foot of the bed, stared in awe at Camilla’s ass, and fingered her clitoris.

In Camilla’s dream, she came a literal deluge of come, which kept pouring out of her pussy and on the grass, and rose around her like water filling a bathtub. The sons of God were nowhere to be seen, though their laughing could still be heard. After the come had risen up to Camilla’s neck, she, squatting, started to urinate. Now the mixture of urine and come rose up, and she was submerged in it. She could see drowned Candice floating in it, and a huge ark was floating on the surface, with Agape, Dr. Singh, and Father Josiah all in it with all the pairs of animals.

Looking up at the sky, the three men saw the sons of God as flying giants pissing a deluge all over the earth, laughing and shouting, ‘Man will die in the filth we leave him in!’

‘I’ve heard of it ‘pissing down rain’, but this is ridiculous,’ Singh said.

‘We will spray piss all over mankind: Hail, Satan!’ the sons of God shouted, still laughing.

Candice had her mouth opened millimetres in front of Camilla’s vagina. Soon after, Camilla’s come shot into Candice’s mouth and up her nostrils. Sneezing out come and swallowing the rest, Candice for a time couldn’t breathe. She coughed a while after swallowing, she remained just an inch or two from Camilla’s cunt, hoping for more ejaculations.

She got an ejaculation of sorts, but not what she was expecting, for Camilla, still dreaming, sprayed piss all over Candice’s face and on the bed.

Jumping away, Candice said, ‘Oh, damn, girl.’ She shoved Camilla gently, trying to wake her up.

Camilla suddenly woke up with a start and a scream of genuine terror. ‘Oh, shit,’ she said as soon as she realized what her urethra had been doing. ‘Sorry about the mess, this is the first time in my whole life that I ever wet the bed.’

She helped Candice clean up the mess and replace the bedsheets. ‘You were having some dream there, girl’ Candice said. ‘That was a hot one.’

‘I wouldn’t say ‘hot’, exactly,’ Camilla said. ‘It was kinda scary, actually. If dreams are all wish-fulfillments, that was no dream. Why would I ever want to dream about fucking those awful masked men?’

‘You dreamed about them?’

‘Yeah. They may have gotten me excited and made me come, but I’ve never felt so out of control in my life, even for a dream.’

If you didn’t want that sex, Candice thought, then why were your holes stretched open?

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We don't talk at first, seemingly struck dumb by what just happened. But you reach over and hold my hand, and it's the sweetest thing you could have done for me. I kiss it gently, and you reward me with a smile.My mind is filled with possibilities.... We turn on to a dirt road, and you drive quickly, raising a cloud of dust. Past plenty of trees, an open field or two, but no houses. I wonder if you know what you're doing.You do. You stop without warning. Pulling a blanket from the back seat, we...

3 years ago
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One of Those Days

It was late afternoon as Beth stepped from her office into the cool evening air. Autumn was closing in, evidenced by the goose bumps rising on her bare arms and the involuntary shiver riding up her back."Night Beth," her colleague, Barry called, also on his way out. "Brrrrr, you'll need to wrap up warm tonight!"That's what he thought. Jonny, Beth's newly found beau, had preoccupied her thoughts all day. The vision of his taught naked body, powerful arms and that unbelievable penis was all the...

2 years ago
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Eliza Dushku I found this story and like it

Little RideFic Title:Little RideAuthor:Andrew Troy KellerEmail:[email protected]:David Boreanaz/Jaime Bergman/Eliza Dushku/Gwen StefaniRating:NC-17Summary:Eliza Dushku goes with two of her good friends,David Boreanaz and Jaime Bergman on a city bus to her birthday surprise,only to have her recieve an even bigger surprise on that very bus.Warnings:Male/female sex,female/female sex,strong language——Have any of you ever wonder what would happen if you were to just once listen to your wild...

4 years ago
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Walters Huge MistakeChapter 18

I picked up Audrey early, and we went out and had some breakfast. She had gotten comfortable about eating around me by now, and we each had three spicy chicken sandwiches at Carl's Jr. I loved their ninety nine cent specials. Six sandwiches and two large Cokes for less than nine dollars. Full, we sat and talked in the parking lot until it was time for the first bell to ring. I went to the library to see if Kiki was there. "Kiki, my little love goddess. I'm getting tired of driving over...

3 years ago
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Caleb and Cheval JauneChapter 5 The Art Of The Deal

It was a matter of faith that AIs couldn’t or wouldn’t lie – at least Darjee AIs had told humans this fact. On the other hand, the Darjee are traders, and the Darjee AIs are their principal negotiators. The fine art of negotiating trade deals includes selective presentation of wants, needs, and resources. For the Darjee AIs, altruism was non-existent, and even the preservation of other Confederacy members was not even close to the top of the list of their negotiating objectives. Older members...

3 years ago
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Eviction Week 08

Week 8: Favorable Changes Celebration He was in utter disbelief. Just when he thought he would be seeing her, Gwen had done the impossible and manipulated and deceived everyone into staying another week. He knew she was smart and creative, but the skill level needed to pull this off had never been seen before in this game. He was proud of what she had done. Jessie had been uncomfortable all week. He thought he would be seeing her soon and was working through everything he was feeling,...

3 years ago
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Femdomme Marriage Gone Wrong and AftermathChapter 17

"There, I want you to keep that in till Monday night when we change it the next size. You'll keep that till Wednesday night then the "Big Daddy" goes up your cute butt." "Can you stand? Try it. I'll help you if you want me to." I stood up but for a moment Red had to steady me. "Here let's take off your blindfold and the nipple clamps." "Ouch" and another "Ouch" It really hurts when the blood rushes back into those nipples. "Come Peter let's go take a shower and then you...

3 years ago
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Positive Thinking

“I don’t think I ever could, Mistress.” My fingers flitted across the keyboard, my bottom lip captured tightly between my front teeth. “So you’re comfortable with spending your life in the closet, admiring girls from the far and settling into a relationship with a guy you’ll not even like that much, just to keep up with the illusion, little one?” That was cruel, stabbing her finger into the wound I had laid bare. The smiley with a raised eyebrow she sent didn’t make it better. “Yes!” I sent...

1 year ago
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Under Her Skirt European VacationChapter 2

When we entered their apartment I had finally calmed down enough to look at what they were wearing. They both had stylish pencil skirts that were molded to their asses and ended an inch above the knee. Angela's was a pale grey with a six inch slit on the right side, while Bella's was cream colored and buttoned up the front, with the bottom three undone. Angela had on a wine colored man-tailored fitted blouse, open enough to show more cleavage than I remembered. Bella's blouse was a...

4 years ago
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Cousin PamelaChapter 5

After a while, we all got dressed and decided to paddle back to the Camp. Pam and I got in one boat while Ike, Sarah, and Amy took the other. I'm not sure to this day quite how that happened, but it was fine with me. I liked having Pam in the front of my boat. I thought she looked like a goddess sprawled out and facing me. Ike, the stronger cousin, soon maneuvered his boat far ahead of mine, so I quit trying to keep up. Pam and I lazily moved at our own pace through the marsh...

1 year ago
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Milf maid gangbanged by owner and friends

Hi friends, I would like to narrate real story happend in 2018 May.I am Prasanna 29 years old, this story happens in 2018 May in winter. I am from Bangalore stating with parents we… Hi friends, I would like to narrate real story happend in 2018 May.I am Prasanna 29 years old, this story happens in 2018 May in winter. I am from Bangalore stating with parents we have a maid at home her name is Lalitha she is around 35 years old. She has milf figure huge boobs big round ass fat body.let me...

3 years ago
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My First Blowjob

Where does it all begin? Sex, that is. For me it was in my teens with male friends of my own age, usually from my own class at a single sex college. What did we do? Wank, nothing more. Play with his cock, make it hard then wank until his hot cum spurted over my hand. Then he did the same for me. No finesse, just straightforward curiosity driven by hormones. Where did we do it? In the toilets (bit risky) or in nice weather a trip across the road to the Common where there were many secret...

1 year ago
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The shop assistant

the wife had gone to work and I had to do some shopping, unfortunately I had to go to an area that is known as 'chav towers', it's a rough area but it's the only store that sells stuff we want. As soon as I stepped in I knew it was rough. Getting my basket I was going round the store and crossing off off my list, when I saw this girl she was beautiful, young and chavvy.Then I saw her boyfriend, he looked menacing, as I was looking at this girl a male assistant came up to me and said "She's...

3 years ago
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Mike And His Horny Mistress Bitch In Heat

The feel of his tongue is sublime and I gasp in shock at his skill as he licks my clit. It’s sensitive after just cumming, but I do not stop him, it’s too damn good. I’m unsteady, so I have to cling onto his hair to keep from falling over, closing my eyes and tipping back my head so nothing distracts me from this; nothing at all. Is this really happening? Did I knock myself out at some point? Am I losing it? Needing a second of clarity, “Are you really here?" I ask. He looks up at me, that...

2 years ago
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Sex AheadChapter 6

Paul T. Findley was deep in thought as he browsed through the mountain of documentation Laura Stevens had dumped on his desk. "You have enough material here for a dozen books," he said, glancing up at the attractive young woman who sat across from him with a satisfied smile on her face. "I believe in being thorough," she told him. "I've got everything I need to start writing. I have all the facts on Dorothy Baker and her son Mark, Mary Anne Overton and her son Brian, Jennifer Henderson...

4 years ago
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Giving Tilly Some Fresh Excitement

In this house lived a pretty girl named Tilly. Tilly also loved horses but didn't have any of her own, so it wasn't unusual for her to wander over whenever she saw my daughter out working or grooming the horses. She was probably not more than a young teenager when she first started coming over, which would make her about 14 now . . . maybe older. As I mentioned, Tilly was a very attractive girl, with wavy blond hair and big blue eyes. Her body was...

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Rebecca in trouble part 5

Rebecca began to scream again from the fresh pain. The Judge changed the angle of his cock each time he drove into her asshole, maximizing the pain that Rebecca would feel from the anal ****. He thrust in and out, forcing her to accept his cock deep into her. He fucked her ass for over 10 minutes, forcing groans and screams of pain from Rebecca as her asshole clung to his cock. He finally thrust deep into her ass and shot his hot cum into her, to mix with the Commander's.The other guards jumped...

2 years ago
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Golfers do it with yellow balls

This story is based on fact but it has been embellished somewhat. I am a keen golfer but being in a sexless marriage I am always on the lookout for someone who can help me with my predicament so I wrote this story after a chance meeting on the course. A sequel has already been written and will be uploaded given sufficient encouragement! It was not a very nice day for golf but Ben was determined to have a game after several weeks without hitting a ball. He’d asked his fellow golfers if anyone...

Straight Sex
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Coffin Club

Seating in the back seat of the large white limo you look around. Your friends smile at you their Champagne glasses in hand. To your right you have Mary. She works at a lingerie shop. As your maid of honor and probably best friend she has organized the little bachelorette party you’ve been enjoying a lot so far. To your left you have Janet. Janet is a shy housewife; she's the oldest of your group. She actually used to babysit you when you were young but through a strange twist of fate she went...

1 year ago
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The AdvertChapter 2

Surprise, Surprise This story stands on it’s own, but is the second installment of The Advert. I had just sat down in a local restaurant after receiving another email response to an advertisement I had placed on an adult web site. The adult website was a lot like face book, but adult themed. I had put on my profile that I was looking for playmates, friends with benefits or a long term relationship. I tried making friends but after months I was getting tired of trying to be polite. The...

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Meri Sexy Maa Ki Dastaan 8211 Part 2

App logon ko is story k pichle part se pata chal hi gaya hoga k Meri sexy maa kitni chudakad hai. Tauji k ghar me papa se chudwane k baad hum log dusra din ghar agaye. Aur fir shuru hui papa aur mummy ki atoot chudai. Lagbhag har raat hat din jab mauka mile mummy papa se chudwati. Raat ko main dono k beech me sota tha toh ek raat dekha papa ne mujhe khich k apne jagah pe sula diya hai aur khud mummy k pairon k pass baithe hen. Kamre me bus zero bulb ki light thi. Papa be mummy ka nighty upar...

1 year ago
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Gym Class

I woke up and pushed the covers off of me, the sun hitting my naked body and making it glisten. I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the full body mirror. My eyes were a deep purple and so was my hair, my eyes were that way naturally but my hair I died that way, and the carpet did match the curtains. I pulled out my razor and shaved all but a little sliver of my purple pubes and then noticing that it was already 7:50 I ran to my closet, got dressed and ran to school. I got to gym...

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Amandas Internet Master

As she sits on her bed looking at her reflection in the full length mirror Amanda wonders how she had gotten herself into this predicament. After all she is not some love sick teenager; she is a 42 year old divorcee with a 13 year old daughter. So why is she sitting on the bed wearing her daughters school uniform, white blouse with school tie and a short black mini skirt, in her opinion a much too short skirt; underneath she wears fishnet stockings and some skimpy underwear she has found...

1 year ago
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A Bachelor of Laws

“Something wrong little man?” Ashley asks in a mocking voice. “Getting a bit nervous? Chilly?” “Just show your hand,” you sneer. You would give anything to wipe that arrogant smirk off her face. “Damn,” you think to yourself, “how can anyone so annoying be so smoking hot.” As one of your Marine friends use to say, “the pretty ones are always the evil ones.” It is inconceivable that this spoiled, pretentious, tree-hugging, air-head, feminist, might actually beat you in poker! The cards don’t...

3 years ago
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Classroom Barbie

Chapter 1 Mrs. Williams walked into her classroom. Already her class was waiting for her. She smiled at them, but they mostly ignored her, texting under their desks, chatting with each other, playing on their iPod touches. ‘Ahem, class.’ She said to them. It was the first day of the year, and already she could tell the senior class was ready to be done with high school. ‘Alright class, my name is Mrs. Williams and welcome to health education.’ She smiled at them. Mrs. Williams was in her mid...

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Living out my dream

Life has its ups and downs, especially my life. My name is Jeni. I am a 40 year old mother of two wonderful teenagers. While I don't think I am super gorgeous, but I do know that I look good enough to get a second glance, as I walk down the street. My body is slim, with a nice set of breasts, that I got enhanced about 9 years ago. My naturally blonde hair is cut short, almost boyish in style. It’s true that men take more than a passing glance, but it’s not a male that heats my core. I work at...

1 year ago
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ExpeditionChapter 30 Beer After Math

"Oh, man. I want a beer so bad I can taste it," said the Stick, "how am I going to do that?" "You could make mead," Joanne suggested. "If you had honey, if you had a fermenter, if you had yeast, if you had..." "Shit, woman! Don't rub it in!" Kurt hollered, "HEY!" "Yes Big Stick?" Two Voices responded. "I want a beer. I know what I need to brew it and I'm willing to wait for it to ferment, but it's going to have to be either bottled or we drink it all at once." Kurt...

3 years ago
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My Very Hot Aunty

Hello all guys and gals hope you are doing well. Today I am going to share an incident which happened to me when I was just 21 years old it was my first sex experience and that too with one of my aunt. Coming to the incident, I was staying with my parents. I was then studying in class IX I think and it was a summer month and starting my summer vacation. We all use to go for a vacation that time but due to some urgent business work this time dad was unable to take me anywhere. My mom suggested...

2 years ago
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A meeting in Leather Part 15

"Try anything once."#English translation- A sequel to: Or start at the beginning: We dropped off Erik-Jan at his home that Tuesday evening, and Dave and I said goodbye to Carl. "I have to say Robby, I didn't think I would ever experience this. Sex at your home, and then with the both of you at the same time... I hope you enjoyed it too.", Carl said. "If you are ever...

2 years ago
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Slut Wifes Pain is Pleasure

By now most of you reading this extreme adventure already know how much I love being exposed in public. You also know how much of a true slut wife whore I have become and enjoy being. I love every thing about sex in every way you can enjoy sex with men women toys, etc. doesnt matter age size or color or any other factor. If it is sexual I want to experience it. I want to hold the record for the most sexual partners in a lifetime. I want my pictures videos adventures and memories of my slut...

1 year ago
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Keisha II

Next day, at the mini market I hardly noticed anybody, I felt my heart was torn leaving me heartless. Shane would come and buy something but I no more talked to him, whenever he was in the store I’d flirt with which ever guy was in the shop by then. I became open to people, but at the same time hostile, I’d even kiss a guy who made a joke. Then he stopped coming, for 4 days I didn’t see Shane and knew for sure that he really had been playing with me. I went into the storage room, where we kept...

First Time
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Old Mans Fancy

At eighty-three Geoff Weetman was still active, admittedly not as spry as in his youth and with a lot of curses for the stiffness of his joints, but active nevertheless. Although a member of a number of social clubs and groups, he was lonely and had been for the past fifteen years following the death of his wife, he smiled at the memory of her. Their time together had sped by, it had been a shock when she had been found to have cancer, she'd died within a year of the diagnosis and right up to...

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KateChapter 16

Both Andrew and Katrina had gone back to work the previous Thursday. Andrew dropped Katrina off and drove on down to Southampton arriving quarter of an hour later than usual. No one seemed to take any notice. He reported to his immediate senior who welcomed him back and told him that he thought the Bristol case had gone well. "Am I allowed to ask what the personal problem that kept you away was about?" "Yes of course. My girlfriend broke her arm on Friday night and there was no one to...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 285 Rebirth

My parents and Dani's parents were waiting with the rest of us. Mom, Anna, and Sylvia, of course, were right beside Dani's bed. They weren't about to let their little girl go through this alone. Debbie and Dolly were both going through sympathy pains and wanted to touch their sister. Dani clutched my hand when Dawn suggested I might want to leave now and let the women handle what women have always handled. I scowled at Dawn. "I was just kidding," Dawn laughed. "Part of the reason to...

3 years ago
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My Two Aunts0

My parents were childhood sweethearts. Mom was the “girl next door” that everyone is always talking about. She was and still is very pretty and very sweet. Both of my parents are the oldest children in their families, so am I if that matters. Mom is one of ten siblings while dad is one of just six. Apparently my grandmothers were not done with their families when mom and dad started theirs, namely me. There are pictures of the three women getting fatter and fatter as I and my two aunts...

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Job Interview Goes Amiss

The last time I put out a job application, I was eighteen years younger and you found the work in the help wanted ads. Now, it seems everything is online, and you email them, hoping to hear back from them. So, I spend most of my afternoons online, searching and hoping I find something. It's come down to I'll take anything that brings me in some money. Sad, a year ago, I was well established in my career making some good coin. Now, I'd be happy for fifteen dollars an hour.Monday came, and I sent...

Office Sex

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