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8 1. Tinkerbell correctional facility? - July 2054


He looked out of the window. The flight to Sydney was taking off. Only 1,5 hours and they will have traveled the entire distance from L.A. to Australia.


He had never been to Australia. Since the have opened the new route via stratosphere rockets back in 2047, he had this dream of flying there. It would never happen.


The door opened and a woman in her twenties entered. ?Hey. My name is Kathy. Your parents send me. I am going to entertain you tonight, but first I will have you to ask you to strip.?




?You have to have this harness on. It is the rule. Often people like you becomes stressed when they have such an event to be a part of tomorrow. Here let me help you with you clothes.?


?What kind of entertainment can you offer? I have to say that I do not feel like I would be much of a company tonight.?


?Just let me show you, what I can offer. You need to loose the underwear too.?


?But ?. I have not been with a girl before.?


?Just relax. I have seen it all before. See ? it doesn?t hurt. Now lift your arms.?


?Oh. The chains are cold.?


?I know honey, but you will get used to them. I will now put the waist belt on.?


?It is tight.?


?It has to be. Spread your legs a little I have to put these two leather straps between your legs. Do not be nervous. So one strap of each side of your scrotum and connected to the back of the waist belt.?


?You have so warm hands.?


?Now ? put your hands into the leather cuffs in the front of the belt. I am afraid that I have to make them very tight.?




?I am sorry, but it is the rules. It is very important that your arms are restrained. The last thing I have to do is to fasten the shoulder straps.?


?Stop. It is too tight.?


?I am afraid it is not. You will get used to it. Here let me help you over to the bed. That is good. You have to sit down.? She watched him as he walked over to the bed. The harness was fitted perfectly. A wide waist belt with a big D-ring in the front where two leather cuffs were attached with D-rings to his hand were rendered immobilized. Wide shoulder straps helped to keep his hands close to his body and it was complete with two leather straps going between his legs.


When he was seated she kissed him, which caught him with surprise. He was so nervous that he began to shake. ?So relax. I am not going to hurt you. I have promised your parents to take care of you and let you become a man.? She kissed him again and held his body in her arms. Slowly he began to relax.


?Now I am going to put the hood on you. Do not afraid. It will help you tomorrow if you associate the hood with something nice.?


Once he had got the leather hood down over his head, he discovered that there were openings for both eyes and mouth. She laced the hood tight and kissed once more before she guided him to lie down on his back.


?I am now going to put both the mouth and eye pieces on so you can feel what I am doing more intensive. Open your mouth.?


As he opened his mouth, he felt rubber enter it. It was pushed so far in that he coughed. Next came the eyepiece. He was in darkness.


He felt her hands all over his body. Each touch felt like small electrical shocks. His member became hard. Then she put something around his scrotum and tightened it. He almost came, but she tied it so tight that he had to bite into the gag due to the pain. Still he could feel the blood pumping in his member. He clenched his hands. Of course he had played with himself before. He so wanted a relief. And her licking his nipples made it worse.


Suddenly he forgot about his member as a sharp pain came from one of his nipples. He tried to scream but all he got out of it was coughing and repressed sounds.


She continued to lick him and even took his member into her mouth. Now he was sweating. Again he felt how the blood pumped in the veins on his member. If he had been able to talk, he would have begged her to give him relief.


He lost track of time. He sweated like a pig. She took his member into her mouth once again. Suddenly she released the strap around his scrotum and then he came. It was not like something he ever had experienced before. It was as it had its own life. It just continued to cum but Kathy drank it all.


When it finally stopped, she continued to suck his member. She touched him gently behind the scrotum and slowly his member became hard again. In the end he came once more. Then he passed out.


She must have cleaned him because when he woke, the ball stretcher, nipple clamps and hood was gone.


He looked out then window and began to wonder why he was here. He started to write his story down on a paper.

2. Troubled


My name is Stephen. This is my story about my road to my exit plan. Please tell this story to your children, so they don?t do the same mistake.


It started some years ago, when I was in high school. We were having a party and one of my pals had access to alcohol. I was drunk and when I returned home, my parents went ballistics. Providing alcohol to teenagers below the age of 21 is a serious offence and many year ago did some parents, who provided alcohol to their 16 year old son?s birthday, end up in jail for 27 months.


This case became precedent for all future case and my parents were so afraid that they should be suspected because a neighbor saw me, while I was staggering up the driveway.


So my parents turned me in. I went before the judge and he ordered me to clean my act up during the next two years or I will be offered an exit plan from the society. Decades ago, exit plans was used by behavior modification facilities, when they could not deal with the teenager before he or she became 18. In order to spare the parents from the poor outcome of their investment in the teenager?s rehab, the teenager was shipped to a different part of the country with 50-100 dollars to start their adult life on. It was a good solution because most teenagers broke down with the possibility to be cut of from their own family and agreed to remain in private jail for further 3 years.


But original exit plan had its flaws. After having been in private jail for years, some of the teenagers could not figure out how the world functioned. So their life took the path of crime. Innocent people were murdered by those youth banished from all their love ones. So a new federal law was passed during in year 2030, when Miss J. W. Bush was president, which ordered any behavior modification facility to turn a teenager in risk of turning 18 without completing the program over to the authorities. Then the teenager would have to pass a final test or take an exit plan from society.


My parents were ordered to make a plan for my recovery, which the court had to approve. I did not hear anything about the plan before I one night was woken by my parents and two strangers. I was told that my parents had chosen a motivation boot camp in Baja California and next a wilderness therapy program in a remote part in Utah for my recovery.

3. Mexico


I cannot tell very much about my ride down to Mexico. Once my parents had left the room, I was told to undress and then a leather hood was pulled down over my head. My arms were put in some kind of leather muff, which had straps going to cuffs on my upper arms - Needless to say that I was totally in their control. They also put a pair of odd-feeling trousers on me, which I later discovered was a diaper.


I have seen books about boot camps before. They are hard and this camp was no exception. Once arrived, I was given an enema and a corset looking outfit with leather cuffs on both my upper and lower arms. The outfit was completed with a posture collar and a bit-gag. They had some kind of a level system and I started at the bottom as mule. It took me 40 days to graduate from this awful place, but I was lucky. I was never put on challenge. I just played along and in some way fooled my way out of there. The transport firm gave me a new ride to my next destination, which was a wilderness therapy program in Utah.


I remember how, once the transport company had turned me over to the staff, I was blindfold and placed in a circle of other participants, who had some kind of ritual. I can only remember the hunger and thirst I had to endure for 7 weeks, but finally I was able to return home.

4. Too much control


When I returned home, the court ordered me to wear an electronic alcohol detector ? a bracelet on my food, which detected my sweat every 30 minutes all year.


In the start I managed, but time only progressed slowly and soon I did not care about anything. So I drank and it was discovered. My parents cried in court. I had only a year left before I was adult. The judge could see that my parents were committed to heal my health problem, so the court ordered me to join the new community based transport program, which had been in function for just a 6 years. Our present president who had managed to turn her life around 47 years ago, had now been elected for her third period setting aside the 22nd amendment due to her extraordinary service of restoring morality in our country.


My parents were given a transportable stable, which was placed in the driveway. Every morning they would come out and give me breakfast and an enema before giving me a harness, a butt-plug with tail, special shoes which left hoof-marks and bit-gag on before hooking me up to a cart. One of them ? often my mom would then drive the cart with me pulling it down to the city hall, where I sometime would enter the role of a taxi or being assigned to a larger cart and function as a van. I can remember one time when I was put in yoke of 10 teenagers. It was difficult and we were whipped very hard to pull whatever load they had put in.


I liked the cab-job but I missed my school. I like the rest only worked part-time and was home-schooled in the stable. I felt isolated because there was no room for talking with the other teenagers. We all had bit-gags in our mouth and we got only water during the day from a kind of can looking like those you have in rabbit-cages.


So one night just a few weeks ago I choose to runaway instead of taking the test. If I passed the test, I had to wear the bracelet for a further 3 years. If I during these three years would drink alcohol the punishment would be 10 years of full-time service in the transport program. I would not be able to live home but in a stable down at the city hall. They would pull teeth out so they could fit a permanent bit-gag made of steel. I would be almost 30 before I would be free. I could not live like that, so I ran.


But before I could flee the States I was caught. Like almost any youth, I tried to go to Canada where I could travel to Europe where they had no alcohol limit. For some reason they had chosen another strategy in Europe. My cousin from Denmark told me in an email, that they had no lower legal age for drinking alcohol and a 16-year limit on buying alcohol. She even had obtained the license every Dane aged 16 can buy so they can show that they are allowed to buy alcohol on their own. Anyway, because most runaways were going for Canada, the authorities also knew where to find me. I was taken back and faced the court for a final time.


I was given three choices:


Signing on for transport service until Iwas 21 years under restricted conditionsTaking the test at once.Taking the exit plan.


Restricted conditions meant that I had to wear a harness, which were made for me to wear all time. I would get a permanent bit and loose some teeth. Due to that I would have to live on liquid food for the next three years and I would have to endure further three years with daily enemas. I had seen the eyes of people, who were serving long-time in the transport service. Their eyes looked empty, as they had no spirit. This was not an option for me.


Then there was the adulthood test. It was known to be a hard test where only about 6 out of 10 passed. If I failed, the result would be the same as the exit plan. I just gave up and choose the latter. Yesterday was my birthday and Kathy was my present.


So now I am here. I can here them coming so I have to end now.


Best of luck


5. Preparation


Stephen was a little surprised when the door opened and he discovered that it was Kathy and his parents. They all were dressed in yellow rain-suits and rubber boots.


?Why are you dressed like this and where is the staff??


Kathy took the word. ?Beside serving needs like yours last night, it is also my job to see you through your transformation. And your parents had chosen to be a part of the process too. They love you. They know that they by turning you in years ago gave you some extra years in rehab. Unfortunately it did not turn out very well, but they bought you time.?


?You are my ?.?


?Yes, I am personal responsible for you all the way. Don?t worry. If we do it quietly and relaxed it will go very easy. Please follow me.?


His parents placed their hands around him and the walked down the hallway to the room made especially for the exit plan.


?Stephen. Do you know the story about this facility??


?Yes, many years ago it was a normal prison for women, but our present president underwent a personal emotional growth back in 2007 during a 23 days sentence. Well, not exactly 23 days, because she went from place to place, but her journey started in a cell here. That is why the prison was renamed after her beloved dog, which she was so fun of that she cloned the animal some 6 times. I think that she must be on dog number 7 or 8.?


?Dog number 7. Because she learned so much here and turned her life around, so she today stands as an icon for charity, the law enables me to give you a last chance until we reach the room for the exit plan. Do you want to take the adulthood test instead??


?No, I have made my mind up. Exit plan it must be.?


?I am sorry. I had hoped that you would have decided otherwise. Now here is the room.?


They went inside and the preparation started. First his legs were fitted with leg braces, which prevented him from bending his legs and kick. Next came a leg spreader, so his legs were about 40 cm from each other.


?Why do you immobilize my legs??


?Can you see the camera? The entire process is taped and sold for charity. The taxpayers would have to do without the income tax from you, so we have to compensate them. Please bend over.?


He bed over and his father came with a butt plug made of wood. It was lubricated, but it was very big. ?No. Stop it hurts.?


?Sorry. It has to go in. It will not look good if an accident occurred.?


He cleansed his teeth. The pain was almost unbearable, but suddenly it slipped in.


?I am sorry but it was bigger than the normal ones, we used for a tail. It is not meant to come out. Now for the hood.?


The leather hood came on. There were openings for the mouth and eyes. Then it was time for Kathy and the parents to take their masks on. They pulled their hoods up. Now none could recognize them. Kathy pressed a bottom on the wall and a light began to blink indicating that the camera was now recording.

6. Exit plan


?In the name of the State of California I am here to announce that Stephen Morris has chosen to take his exit plan. Mr. Stephen Morris, do you have a statement??


Stephen shook his head.


Kathy came over to him and inserted the mouth peace. In fact it was a pecker gag and it reached almost down to his throat. He coughed. His mother placed her hand on his shoulder to calm him down.


Then the noose was lowered from the ceiling and place around his neck. Kathy ? his personal executioner ? knew what she was doing. She put it around his neck. She gently pulled it tight. She knew that some people panic once they feel the noose tight around their necks, so she kissed him gently on the hood. Next she used a remote control to hoist the rope into the air, so Stephen was forced up on his tiptoe. Now only thing was missing - a possible presidential pardon. Kathy started the timer. The president had one minute to activate a green light in the room.


Stephen followed the timer. He was beginning to sweat. Now the reality kicked in. He did not reckon with a pardon, but death was also not on his mind. Like most teenagers it is normally so far away. A tear left his eyes. A suppressed sobbing was heard from with the hood. 15 seconds was gone.


He eyes looked around in the room. In the end he turned his attention to the clock. Every second produced a bead of perspiration. 30 seconds!


Kathy stepped forward and put the blindfold on. ?Good luck. Stephen. Remember the feelings from last night, then you will be fine.?


His mother began to sob. Their eyes met and the last she saw of his eyes was the widened eyeballs and the desperate look of a person, who knows that he is going to die.


Stephen was in darkness. How many second had he left? He was in despair. He peed on the floor.


The time came to a stop. Had he been pardoned?


Suddenly the noosed tightened. He was lifted off the floor.


Kathy watched as the time ran out and Stephen was hoisted into the air. His feet stopped just 20 cm off the floor. First his body was limp. Then it began to shiver. Kathy looked at Stephen?s parents who held each other very tight. She had to admire them. Most parents would have stayed at home, but it was clear that they wanted to shorten his sufferings. However they had to wait, because the law stated that they have to wait 5 minutes before they could help. People did after all pay for the transmission. They should be entitled to some entertainment for their money.


Stephen suffered from intense pain from the neck and to add worse, every breath he took made his lungs feel like a plastic bag, which crumpled up. He coughed but the gag stopped the sounds.


Kathy watched the clock. 2 minutes. She turned to Stephen and observed his member, when it began to stiffen. The body continued to shiver and it started to twist a little and started to spin. She had seen so many take their exit plan. She knew that Stephen was a good entertainer, when she first saw him.


Stephen was experiencing panic fear. Suddenly he regretted to have chosen the exit plan. It had seem such an easy way out of a life based on hard work and being treated as an animal. Blood was pounding in his ears and he tried desperately to catch just another gasp of air, but it was of no avail. Slowly he drifted into half-unconsciousness. Suddenly he felt his member starting to pump semen out. Like yesterday it had its life on its own. It pumped and pumped. He felt so tired. He wanted it to end.

The body seemed to settle. A quiet rasping sound came from the hood. It was time. Kathy signaled the parents and they rushed over to the body and pulled down. There was not reason for Stephen to suffer anymore. They held his body tight. In the moment of his death he was united with his family. They felt his smell - His final breath. Semen continued to spout out on the floor. It seemed to go on forever until it finally stopped. Stephen was gone.


The transmission stopped and Kathy came over and milked the last of the semen out. The parents sat down and cried while they hugged each other. Kathy knew that they had to say farewell in privacy, so she left.


An hour later she lowered the body of Stephen cleaned the body. When she removed the hood, he looked peaceful. Back in the cell, a staff member handed the parents Stephens writing. His body was turned over to them in a body bag. Stephen Morris had taken his exit plan.

1. Tinkerbell correctional facility? - July 2054


He looked out of the window. The flight to Sydney was taking off. Only 1,5 hours and they will have traveled the entire distance from L.A. to Australia.


He had never been to Australia. Since the have opened the new route via stratosphere rockets back in 2047, he had this dream of flying there. It would never happen.


The door opened and a woman in her twenties entered. ?Hey. My name is Kathy. Your parents send me. I am going to entertain you tonight, but first I will have you to ask you to strip.?




?You have to have this harness on. It is the rule. Often people like you becomes stressed when they have such an event to be a part of tomorrow. Here let me help you with you clothes.?


?What kind of entertainment can you offer? I have to say that I do not feel like I would be much of a company tonight.?


?Just let me show you, what I can offer. You need to loose the underwear too.?


?But ?. I have not been with a girl before.?


?Just relax. I have seen it all before. See ? it doesn?t hurt. Now lift your arms.?


?Oh. The chains are cold.?


?I know honey, but you will get used to them. I will now put the waist belt on.?


?It is tight.?


?It has to be. Spread your legs a little I have to put these two leather straps between your legs. Do not be nervous. So one strap of each side of your scrotum and connected to the back of the waist belt.?


?You have so warm hands.?


?Now ? put your hands into the leather cuffs in the front of the belt. I am afraid that I have to make them very tight.?




?I am sorry, but it is the rules. It is very important that your arms are restrained. The last thing I have to do is to fasten the shoulder straps.?


?Stop. It is too tight.?


?I am afraid it is not. You will get used to it. Here let me help you over to the bed. That is good. You have to sit down.? She watched him as he walked over to the bed. The harness was fitted perfectly. A wide waist belt with a big D-ring in the front where two leather cuffs were attached with D-rings to his hand were rendered immobilized. Wide shoulder straps helped to keep his hands close to his body and it was complete with two leather straps going between his legs.


When he was seated she kissed him, which caught him with surprise. He was so nervous that he began to shake. ?So relax. I am not going to hurt you. I have promised your parents to take care of you and let you become a man.? She kissed him again and held his body in her arms. Slowly he began to relax.


?Now I am going to put the hood on you. Do not afraid. It will help you tomorrow if you associate the hood with something nice.?


Once he had got the leather hood down over his head, he discovered that there were openings for both eyes and mouth. She laced the hood tight and kissed once more before she guided him to lie down on his back.


?I am now going to put both the mouth and eye pieces on so you can feel what I am doing more intensive. Open your mouth.?


As he opened his mouth, he felt rubber enter it. It was pushed so far in that he coughed. Next came the eyepiece. He was in darkness.


He felt her hands all over his body. Each touch felt like small electrical shocks. His member became hard. Then she put something around his scrotum and tightened it. He almost came, but she tied it so tight that he had to bite into the gag due to the pain. Still he could feel the blood pumping in his member. He clenched his hands. Of course he had played with himself before. He so wanted a relief. And her licking his nipples made it worse.


Suddenly he forgot about his member as a sharp pain came from one of his nipples. He tried to scream but all he got out of it was coughing and repressed sounds.


She continued to lick him and even took his member into her mouth. Now he was sweating. Again he felt how the blood pumped in the veins on his member. If he had been able to talk, he would have begged her to give him relief.


He lost track of time. He sweated like a pig. She took his member into her mouth once again. Suddenly she released the strap around his scrotum and then he came. It was not like something he ever had experienced before. It was as it had its own life. It just continued to cum but Kathy drank it all.


When it finally stopped, she continued to suck his member. She touched him gently behind the scrotum and slowly his member became hard again. In the end he came once more. Then he passed out.


She must have cleaned him because when he woke, the ball stretcher, nipple clamps and hood was gone.


He looked out then window and began to wonder why he was here. He started to write his story down on a paper.

2. Troubled


My name is Stephen. This is my story about my road to my exit plan. Please tell this story to your children, so they don?t do the same mistake.


It started some years ago, when I was in high school. We were having a party and one of my pals had access to alcohol. I was drunk and when I returned home, my parents went ballistics. Providing alcohol to teenagers below the age of 21 is a serious offence and many year ago did some parents, who provided alcohol to their 16 year old son?s birthday, end up in jail for 27 months.


This case became precedent for all future case and my parents were so afraid that they should be suspected because a neighbor saw me, while I was staggering up the driveway.


So my parents turned me in. I went before the judge and he ordered me to clean my act up during the next two years or I will be offered an exit plan from the society. Decades ago, exit plans was used by behavior modification facilities, when they could not deal with the teenager before he or she became 18. In order to spare the parents from the poor outcome of their investment in the teenager?s rehab, the teenager was shipped to a different part of the country with 50-100 dollars to start their adult life on. It was a good solution because most teenagers broke down with the possibility to be cut of from their own family and agreed to remain in private jail for further 3 years.


But original exit plan had its flaws. After having been in private jail for years, some of the teenagers could not figure out how the world functioned. So their life took the path of crime. Innocent people were murdered by those youth banished from all their love ones. So a new federal law was passed during in year 2030, when Miss J. W. Bush was president, which ordered any behavior modification facility to turn a teenager in risk of turning 18 without completing the program over to the authorities. Then the teenager would have to pass a final test or take an exit plan from society.


My parents were ordered to make a plan for my recovery, which the court had to approve. I did not hear anything about the plan before I one night was woken by my parents and two strangers. I was told that my parents had chosen a motivation boot camp in Baja California and next a wilderness therapy program in a remote part in Utah for my recovery.

3. Mexico


I cannot tell very much about my ride down to Mexico. Once my parents had left the room, I was told to undress and then a leather hood was pulled down over my head. My arms were put in some kind of leather muff, which had straps going to cuffs on my upper arms - Needless to say that I was totally in their control. They also put a pair of odd-feeling trousers on me, which I later discovered was a diaper.


I have seen books about boot camps before. They are hard and this camp was no exception. Once arrived, I was given an enema and a corset looking outfit with leather cuffs on both my upper and lower arms. The outfit was completed with a posture collar and a bit-gag. They had some kind of a level system and I started at the bottom as mule. It took me 40 days to graduate from this awful place, but I was lucky. I was never put on challenge. I just played along and in some way fooled my way out of there. The transport firm gave me a new ride to my next destination, which was a wilderness therapy program in Utah.


I remember how, once the transport company had turned me over to the staff, I was blindfold and placed in a circle of other participants, who had some kind of ritual. I can only remember the hunger and thirst I had to endure for 7 weeks, but finally I was able to return home.

4. Too much control


When I returned home, the court ordered me to wear an electronic alcohol detector ? a bracelet on my food, which detected my sweat every 30 minutes all year.


In the start I managed, but time only progressed slowly and soon I did not care about anything. So I drank and it was discovered. My parents cried in court. I had only a year left before I was adult. The judge could see that my parents were committed to heal my health problem, so the court ordered me to join the new community based transport program, which had been in function for just a 6 years. Our present president who had managed to turn her life around 47 years ago, had now been elected for her third period setting aside the 22nd amendment due to her extraordinary service of restoring morality in our country.


My parents were given a transportable stable, which was placed in the driveway. Every morning they would come out and give me breakfast and an enema before giving me a harness, a butt-plug with tail, special shoes which left hoof-marks and bit-gag on before hooking me up to a cart. One of them ? often my mom would then drive the cart with me pulling it down to the city hall, where I sometime would enter the role of a taxi or being assigned to a larger cart and function as a van. I can remember one time when I was put in yoke of 10 teenagers. It was difficult and we were whipped very hard to pull whatever load they had put in.


I liked the cab-job but I missed my school. I like the rest only worked part-time and was home-schooled in the stable. I felt isolated because there was no room for talking with the other teenagers. We all had bit-gags in our mouth and we got only water during the day from a kind of can looking like those you have in rabbit-cages.


So one night just a few weeks ago I choose to runaway instead of taking the test. If I passed the test, I had to wear the bracelet for a further 3 years. If I during these three years would drink alcohol the punishment would be 10 years of full-time service in the transport program. I would not be able to live home but in a stable down at the city hall. They would pull teeth out so they could fit a permanent bit-gag made of steel. I would be almost 30 before I would be free. I could not live like that, so I ran.


But before I could flee the States I was caught. Like almost any youth, I tried to go to Canada where I could travel to Europe where they had no alcohol limit. For some reason they had chosen another strategy in Europe. My cousin from Denmark told me in an email, that they had no lower legal age for drinking alcohol and a 16-year limit on buying alcohol. She even had obtained the license every Dane aged 16 can buy so they can show that they are allowed to buy alcohol on their own. Anyway, because most runaways were going for Canada, the authorities also knew where to find me. I was taken back and faced the court for a final time.


I was given three choices:


  1. Signing on for transport service until Iwas 21 years under restricted conditions
  2. Taking the test at once.
  3. Taking the exit plan.


Restricted conditions meant that I had to wear a harness, which were made for me to wear all time. I would get a permanent bit and loose some teeth. Due to that I would have to live on liquid food for the next three years and I would have to endure further three years with daily enemas. I had seen the eyes of people, who were serving long-time in the transport service. Their eyes looked empty, as they had no spirit. This was not an option for me.


Then there was the adulthood test. It was known to be a hard test where only about 6 out of 10 passed. If I failed, the result would be the same as the exit plan. I just gave up and choose the latter. Yesterday was my birthday and Kathy was my present.


So now I am here. I can here them coming so I have to end now.


Best of luck


5. Preparation


Stephen was a little surprised when the door opened and he discovered that it was Kathy and his parents. They all were dressed in yellow rain-suits and rubber boots.


?Why are you dressed like this and where is the staff??


Kathy took the word. ?Beside serving needs like yours last night, it is also my job to see you through your transformation. And your parents had chosen to be a part of the process too. They love you. They know that they by turning you in years ago gave you some extra years in rehab. Unfortunately it did not turn out very well, but they bought you time.?


?You are my ?.?


?Yes, I am personal responsible for you all the way. Don?t worry. If we do it quietly and relaxed it will go very easy. Please follow me.?


His parents placed their hands around him and the walked down the hallway to the room made especially for the exit plan.


?Stephen. Do you know the story about this facility??


?Yes, many years ago it was a normal prison for women, but our present president underwent a personal emotional growth back in 2007 during a 23 days sentence. Well, not exactly 23 days, because she went from place to place, but her journey started in a cell here. That is why the prison was renamed after her beloved dog, which she was so fun of that she cloned the animal some 6 times. I think that she must be on dog number 7 or 8.?


?Dog number 7. Because she learned so much here and turned her life around, so she today stands as an icon for charity, the law enables me to give you a last chance until we reach the room for the exit plan. Do you want to take the adulthood test instead??


?No, I have made my mind up. Exit plan it must be.?


?I am sorry. I had hoped that you would have decided otherwise. Now here is the room.?


They went inside and the preparation started. First his legs were fitted with leg braces, which prevented him from bending his legs and kick. Next came a leg spreader, so his legs were about 40 cm from each other.


?Why do you immobilize my legs??


?Can you see the camera? The entire process is taped and sold for charity. The taxpayers would have to do without the income tax from you, so we have to compensate them. Please bend over.?


He bed over and his father came with a butt plug made of wood. It was lubricated, but it was very big. ?No. Stop it hurts.?


?Sorry. It has to go in. It will not look good if an accident occurred.?


He cleansed his teeth. The pain was almost unbearable, but suddenly it slipped in.


?I am sorry but it was bigger than the normal ones, we used for a tail. It is not meant to come out. Now for the hood.?


The leather hood came on. There were openings for the mouth and eyes. Then it was time for Kathy and the parents to take their masks on. They pulled their hoods up. Now none could recognize them. Kathy pressed a bottom on the wall and a light began to blink indicating that the camera was now recording.

6. Exit plan


?In the name of the State of California I am here to announce that Stephen Morris has chosen to take his exit plan. Mr. Stephen Morris, do you have a statement??


Stephen shook his head.


Kathy came over to him and inserted the mouth peace. In fact it was a pecker gag and it reached almost down to his throat. He coughed. His mother placed her hand on his shoulder to calm him down.


Then the noose was lowered from the ceiling and place around his neck. Kathy ? his personal executioner ? knew what she was doing. She put it around his neck. She gently pulled it tight. She knew that some people panic once they feel the noose tight around their necks, so she kissed him gently on the hood. Next she used a remote control to hoist the rope into the air, so Stephen was forced up on his tiptoe. Now only thing was missing - a possible presidential pardon. Kathy started the timer. The president had one minute to activate a green light in the room.


Stephen followed the timer. He was beginning to sweat. Now the reality kicked in. He did not reckon with a pardon, but death was also not on his mind. Like most teenagers it is normally so far away. A tear left his eyes. A suppressed sobbing was heard from with the hood. 15 seconds was gone.


He eyes looked around in the room. In the end he turned his attention to the clock. Every second produced a bead of perspiration. 30 seconds!


Kathy stepped forward and put the blindfold on. ?Good luck. Stephen. Remember the feelings from last night, then you will be fine.?


His mother began to sob. Their eyes met and the last she saw of his eyes was the widened eyeballs and the desperate look of a person, who knows that he is going to die.


Stephen was in darkness. How many second had he left? He was in despair. He peed on the floor.


The time came to a stop. Had he been pardoned?


Suddenly the noosed tightened. He was lifted off the floor.


Kathy watched as the time ran out and Stephen was hoisted into the air. His feet stopped just 20 cm off the floor. First his body was limp. Then it began to shiver. Kathy looked at Stephen?s parents who held each other very tight. She had to admire them. Most parents would have stayed at home, but it was clear that they wanted to shorten his sufferings. However they had to wait, because the law stated that they have to wait 5 minutes before they could help. People did after all pay for the transmission. They should be entitled to some entertainment for their money.


Stephen suffered from intense pain from the neck and to add worse, every breath he took made his lungs feel like a plastic bag, which crumpled up. He coughed but the gag stopped the sounds.


Kathy watched the clock. 2 minutes. She turned to Stephen and observed his member, when it began to stiffen. The body continued to shiver and it started to twist a little and started to spin. She had seen so many take their exit plan. She knew that Stephen was a good entertainer, when she first saw him.


Stephen was experiencing panic fear. Suddenly he regretted to have chosen the exit plan. It had seem such an easy way out of a life based on hard work and being treated as an animal. Blood was pounding in his ears and he tried desperately to catch just another gasp of air, but it was of no avail. Slowly he drifted into half-unconsciousness. Suddenly he felt his member starting to pump semen out. Like yesterday it had its life on its own. It pumped and pumped. He felt so tired. He wanted it to end.

The body seemed to settle. A quiet rasping sound came from the hood. It was time. Kathy signaled the parents and they rushed over to the body and pulled down. There was not reason for Stephen to suffer anymore. They held his body tight. In the moment of his death he was united with his family. They felt his smell - His final breath. Semen continued to spout out on the floor. It seemed to go on forever until it finally stopped. Stephen was gone.


The transmission stopped and Kathy came over and milked the last of the semen out. The parents sat down and cried while they hugged each other. Kathy knew that they had to say farewell in privacy, so she left.


An hour later she lowered the body of Stephen cleaned the body. When she removed the hood, he looked peaceful. Back in the cell, a staff member handed the parents Stephens writing. His body was turned over to them in a body bag. Stephen Morris had taken his exit plan.


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My name is Christie, and I recently became a lesbian's lover. I didn't plan it, it just happened. Well, Heather made it happen. It happened while I was in a girl's school for five short, heavenly months, but we've stayed in touch since then. In the weeks to come I will relate my stories as I have the time, and the nerve. My family brought it all about, although making love to another girl is so great I would have gotten around to it eventually. Being sent away to a girl's school didn't help, I...

4 years ago
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Debauched Obsession

Question: Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you think It was so natural for me to end up here then realise, I’m lying in a bed of jizz.   No? Just me? Oh, okay then.I just turned thirty. People my age talk about their first loves, and how they’ve married their ‘one true love’. I just think about how I can’t tell them about my first love, and my one true love. Cum.  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had epic relationships with both men and women.  But, if we’re being truly honest, when I’m...

1 year ago
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Black Guard TalesChapter 16

Sargon and Roger strolled through the stockades away from the tents, the gaiety, trading, drinking and dancing. Ostensibly, Sargon wanted to show Roger his new colts. In reality, however, he had other 'horse trading' in mind. "This DNA scan?" Roger asked. "The results were?" "Inconclusive!" the old Bakhunin told him, grimly. "Huh?" Roger peered at him from the corner of his eye. "How can they be 'inconclusive'?" "Doesn't matter," he shrugged. "It's appearances that...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Rihanna True freak in the sheets E450

– 33 years old mother of 1 – Is doing this so she can help pay off student loans – Engaged, finance doesn’t know she’s doing porn – She was a stripper in the past – Now works as a cheerleading coach – She absolutely loves getting fucked doggy style – She is submissive and likes to be dominated – She prefers rough sex not the love making type – Claims this is the first time she ever did anal – Gives a great blowjob with enthusiasm – Sucked and jerked the cum out onto her face

2 years ago
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The fuck pit

A slippery pole is suspended above a pit. The objective is simple. You wrestle on the pole while trying to hold your balance and hope not to fall into the pit below. If you do, you will get fucked hard.The first match starts with two young men sliding onto the pole and starting to wrestle. As they jostle the pit doors open and reveal a muscley black stud. Build strong and sexy he has a dick that is around eight inches big and as thick as a wrist. Someones ass will suffer with this one.As the...

3 years ago
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The Island Chpt 7 Part 1

"Do not feel badly, darling." Dorinda kisses me. "You did not fail. That asinine creature damn near killed you. Don´t think Terry or I could have done better. I think he is sorry. But he´ll never say so." She grinned in an apologetic way."You do understand, don´t you? We can have the run of the ship the way we are," she clinked her handcuffs, "but any male who wants us can have us. It does no good to fight. It´s best to lay down.....""You talk as a slave," I told her. I did not approve."I am a...

3 years ago
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My shockingly pleasant surprise Part 21

Sitting up in my bed, covered in sweat with a raging hard on, I tried to shake my sleepiness away. When my head was clear I heard the commotion that woke me up. I heard my mom yelling at my dad, "how could you do this to us? Wasn't I enough for you"? Then my dads pleading response, "please honey, let me explain.....I love you but....", their voices getting softer as they desended the stairs. I got out of bed, nervously opened my door and poked my head out. All was quit until I...

3 years ago
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Old Mandingo Bosses Impregnate My White Teen Wife Part Two

It will be most helpful for you to read Part One of this story before beginning Part Two. But following is a very brief synopsis of Part one:In Part One we learned that my name is Ed, and I had only been out of high school for a short time when I was accused of a crime that I didn’t commit. I ended up in county jail for six months, and having a record made it hard for me to find a job. I had to work since I was planning on marrying my younger, high school sweetheart, Averee, after she graduated...

3 years ago
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It Was Only a Blowjob Ch 02

======================== With understanding comes responsibility, and absolution ======================== I woke, and it was still dark out. I experienced that incredible feeling of a warm mouth on my cock. I slowly came to, enjoying the sensation. I felt a body pressed against my side, an arm thrown across my chest. Kelly was clinging to me in her sleep. ‘Mmmm, that’s nice, dear,’ I murmured. The sucking stopped. ‘Nice? Not the best?’ ‘You’re always the best. Love makes all the...

1 year ago
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Aunt Rose Part 3 The scent of a wo

From Part 2 … My condition of readiness wasn’t lost on Aunt Rose. ‘Oh Bill my darling boy, what a thoughtful nephew you are … you’ve found a place for your Aunty to sit’! …… Bill, I said to myself, you lucky sod you just might have hit the jackpot mate … what a woman … not just drop dead sexy but funny, intelligent and naughty with it … maybe even a bit dirty … this could be the start of something special. Aunt Rose clambered onto the bed and lay beside me. I wondered if she had douched herself...

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