Paddling to My DestinyChapter 2
- 4 years ago
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Sometime in the night, I awoke and found myself in an uncomfortable position. I really missed my bed. Sleeping in a mummy bag was solely a means of survival, in my way of thinking. If I were at home, my sheets could be on or off. I could spread out as much as I wanted. In the mummy bag, I was restricted. At times, I would find myself wrapped tight, as the bag twisted around my body.
And then there was Dawn. I looked over to see her nose peeking through the opening of the bag. It was a beautiful nose; so delicate, perfectly shaped, and possessing tiny little nostrils. I had a sudden urge to stroke her hair. I wanted to lightly kiss her delicate neck. I longed to hold her tight and feel her warmth against my chest.
But alas, it was not to be. Dawn was sleeping peacefully. Her smaller body seemed to be more suitable to a mummy bag. I wondered what dreams might be going through her head. Was she dreaming of me? Was she thinking about the adventures of the previous days? Was she dreaming that she was in a warm tropical hut, out over the ocean in Bora Bora?
Was she looking through the glass floor at the beautiful fish swimming in the warm pristine waters? Maybe she was lying in a hammock, as she was rocked gently by the ocean breeze. I guess I would never know. She was still an entirely separate person. She had her own dreams, her own plans, and her own memories. I just hoped that I would be able to help make some of her dreams come true.
I lay there planning out our return trip home. We would need to leave relatively early. We had long way to go. I hoped that the wind was at our back and the snow was good for skiing. I knew our sleds would be a little lighter and our bodies in better condition.
I decided that I would let Dawn pick the destination for our next trip. She had been a really good sport about the whole experience. She could have demanded that we return, after I had fallen through the ice. She could have demanded to return because of the cold night. She didn't. She went along with my plans and made the most of a challenging situation.
How could I be so lucky? Without Dawn, my life was one of merely existing. While skiing with Dawn, I felt as full of life as I knew I would ever be. A woman adds so much vitality to a man's life. Already Dawn was suggesting how we could remodel the kitchen. She had encouraged me to take long walks and was helping to correct my eating habits.
Without her, I would do the things that needed to be done. I would endure the difficulties and work through the pain. If I cut myself, I would put a piece of duct tape on the wound and continue with my work. With Dawn, I had another person to think about. I had to think about her needs, her worries, and her wishes.
Somehow, with all those thoughts running through my brain, I once again drifted off into a fitful sleep. Several times, I awoke to find myself all wrapped up in my bag. I adjusted my bag and went back to sleep. That bed at home was looking more and more inviting. I tried to imagine a nice long shower. I could almost imagine how good it would feel.
The next morning, I awoke bright and early. This time, I wasn't as hesitant to get out of the bag. I knew that I had much to do before we could get started on our trek back home. As I exited the snow hut, I was greeted by a pleasant surprise. The weather conditions had been just right for the creation of a hoar frost. Everything was covered with tiny crystal formations. It looked like a scene from a winter wonderland poster.
I was happy to see that the sky was free of any clouds. I proceeded to make a fire, collect some water, and check on the equipment. As I waited for the water to boil, I heard Dawn calling out my name. I handed her the items that she had asked for and turned on the stove, so she could have a warmer environment to dress. Then I went back to prepare the breakfast.
Breakfast consisted of oatmeal, raisins, and coffee. As soon as breakfast was over, and the plates were cleaned up, I put out the fire. Then I rolled up the sleeping bags, and pads, and then packed them onto the sled. The rest of the equipment was then placed in its designated place on the sled. It wasn't long before the loading was done and we were ready to go.
In my work mode, I had neglected Dawn. I went over to her and embraced her gently. We discussed the hoar frost, which was beginning to melt, and our plans for the return trip. Dawn asked if we were going to knock down the snow hut or leave it up. I suggested that we test and see how strong it was.
I climbed up onto the top first, then gave Dawn my hand and helped her up. The house supported us both and held firm. During the last several days, it had frozen into a very solid structure. We laughed as we discussed how it would melt back into the lake. Soon there would be no evidence that anyone had ever lived there. Dawn commented that we would some day be able to canoe over that spot, with our kids, and tell them that it had once been our home.
We climbed into our skis and began to head for home. When we were about 100 feet away, we stopped to look back. Our little camp looked so empty and forlorn. It had served us well, and now we were leaving it so that it could turn back to nature. Maybe some of the water molecules would make the long trip to the Gulf of Mexico.
It was a beautiful day, the snow was good, and we were making good time. It wasn't long before we came to our first portage. We easily traversed that trail, which ended on a large lake dotted with islands. Traveling across that lake took about two hours. It didn't seem that long, because each island had something interesting to display. It might be a large boulder, or a small bay, or a lone tree that had withstood the wind and rain for many years.
We easily found the portage and skied across the next lake. When we arrived close to the area where I had fallen through, I took no chances. We skied close to shore and bypassed any areas that looked questionable. We made it safely past that area without any further problems.
I asked Dawn how she was doing. She replied that she was doing great. She told me that she was dreaming about a nice warm bath and a cozy bed. I told her that those things would be our reward at the end of the day. I used those thoughts as an incentive for us to ski a little harder.
As the day wore on, we began to work up a quite a sweat. The warmth of the sun and the heat generated by our bodies, allowed us to remove layers of extra clothing. We stopped at our first campsite and ate a quick lunch of trail mix and jerky. It was another beautiful day, and I could have easily sat down in the sun and allowed the rays to warm and caress my body.
I had to fight off that temptation, as we still had a long distance to go before we reached our destination. Dawn headed off first, so I skied behind, allowing her to break the trail.
It was indeed a pleasant sight to see her beautiful shape moving so effortlessly before me.
The colors in her clothes stood out so vividly against the backdrop of the brilliant white snow and the intense blue sky. The clear, clean air helped to increase the clarity of the image before me. It was indeed life in high definition.
The lake we were on was huge and free of any islands. It seemed to take us a long time to traverse it. Dawn led the entire distance across the lake. Finally we came to the next portage. By this time, the sun was high in the sky. We were making good time, but I calculated that by the time we arrived back at our car, it would be dark. Fortunately I had brought along a couple headlamps, which we could use if needed.
As we came out of the portage, I noticed that Dawn was motioning excitedly. I looked in the direction in which she was pointing. I spotted a fox standing there, with his bushy winter coat. He stared at us for awhile, and then ambled off into the woods. It was indeed a beautiful animal and a real treat to see another living creature in its natural setting.
When I finally came to, it took me a few seconds to get my bearings. Someone was holding my head. When I moved to see who it was, I noticed that the face and hair were shimmering with light. Later, when I regained my senses, I realized that the sun had been directly behind the person, giving the impression of an aura. Two hands were cradling me gently. I quickly took a survey of my injuries. My head was throbbing, my side was aching, and my ankle was in a great amount of pain. It didn't...
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Paddling & Punishment Enemas:Firstly, I was suitably restrained on her lovely leather-padded dungeon table. Then she "opened" -- no pun intended -- with a 1-2-3 enema. After suitable time has elapsed I was allowed to fart out/ evacuate my filled, cramped bowels. Then it was back on her table, perhaps on my back this time with my feet hoisted high above me, and she forced a hot, soapy large volume enema into my bowels, between 3 and 6 litres of it! She devilishly used one of her custom-made...
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Firstly, I was suitably restrained on her lovely leather-padded dungeon table. Then she "opened" -- no pun intended -- with a 1-2-3 enema. After suitable time has elapsed I was allowed to fart out/ evacuate my filled, cramped bowels. Then it was back on her table, perhaps on my back this time with my feet hoisted high above me, and she forced a hot, soapy large volume enema into my bowels, between 3 and 6 litres of it! She devilishly used one of her custom-made nozzles, which was thick and long...
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My first reaction was anger. Anger, because I had been careless enough to fall through the ice. I had violated one of my cardinal rules, which was to use caution around questionably thin ice. My next reaction was fear. I feared that this accident might have a bad ending. When I felt my feet touch something solid, I pushed off and was relieved when my face suddenly broke through the surface. I took a breath, heard a scream from Dawn, and then quickly began to sink again. Fortunately for me, I...
When I awoke the next morning, I didn't want to get out of my bag. Through my small breathing hole, I could tell that it was cold. My bag was warm and comfortable. The snow shelter that we were in provided sound insulation, so it was very quiet. I did realize that sooner or later, I would need to get up to relieve myself. I just needed to take the time to prepare myself for the shock that was eventually going to come. I knew from other camping experiences that my boots would probably be...
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I walked off the elevator at seven forty-five on Tuesday morning and was not really surprised to see Ron, my regional manager, already at his desk. He usually came in around nine, but today was going to be a special day for him - how special he didn't yet know. He waited until I was in my office and then he came in to see me: "Olsen said he wanted to see both of us as soon as you got here. You have any idea what he wants?" I shrugged my shoulders, "It may have something to do with the...
When I return to the cabin, Saul and Nimrod are sitting at the table making lover noises. "I am going to miss you so much." A Kissing noise that is long and wet. I grin to myself. "Oh Nim, not as much at I will miss you." more kissing sounds. They are so cute. I watch them for a minute simply to bask in their love. I wish sometimes that I could have more than physical love. I understand the pleasures of the body. It might be why I always work so hard to find someone compatible, who I...
A story of a machine I am sure we would all like to get our hands on. Who Do You Want To Be Today? By Catherine 1 I got the call at about three in the morning, waking me. ?Sir, this is Helena, Dr. Strauss? assistant here in Austria? He spoke very highly of you.? ?He spoke? Has something happened?? ?Yes, he passed away earlier today, and you are mentioned in his will, I never realized he knew anyone outside of Austria.? ?Well, it was a long time ago; we worked on a...
Dravid expected Kali border security to be much tighter than it was. All he got was a body search that was routinely thorough, and a few old-fashioned tests and checks. It reminded him of a visit he had made as a young rightwing Hindu activist to an Indian nuclear weapon testing facility back in 1998, after the Pokhran atomic tests. His briefings had been correct in this respect: Kali did not seem to have much use for 21st century safe-care. The Border guards finished with him in a few minutes...
Prologue October 20th 1289 Midi-Pyrénées, France The moon shone bright against the solid backdrop of the night, a silent witness to the measures of the world. Like an all seeing eye, it never blinked, even as the tortured screams ceased to ring from the grand manor house upon the high hill. It never blinked, although it could not see within the mortared walls. It could only wait, patiently, while the screams began anew, laced now with terror. One shaky voice rose above the horrified cries,...
This story requires some back story. When I was 25 I worked as a porter in an old folks home. Our kitchen was under renovation for half a year so a temporary kitchen was build outside in what can only be described as a hut. Adjacent to this makeshift kitchen were 2 smaller huts which were used for storage. The cook went home at 4pm leaving me to heat up dinner and make the dessert for the 30+ residents. There were many carers, a handful of them being around my age. A 21 year old Russian girl... very good this video very thanks for who to has uploaded this video, i see this video here above always very glad and, after have putting it at full screen, i masturbing myself and i come always nice hot also because it's the same visual that i also have had the lucky of to have in a nice situation like in this video in a trip of commission with my sister. It was the second time that i and my sister did a trip of commission, and also...
Violet is back, fresh from her debut on Rick’s, and you’ve seen her getting it on over at ExCoGi. She thinks she’s here today to shoot another nice boy/girl scene with me. She’s a tall, but fit and petite chick. Super down to Earth, really chill. She’s also a submissive super slut. I didn’t think we’d have a ton of trouble when she found out she’s actually going to take on Jovan’s big black anaconda, and boy I was right. Things started off pretty normally, she’s...