Paddling to My DestinyChapter 2
- 4 years ago
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Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dawn. I'm in my mid-twenties and that is all I will tell you about my age. One of my goals in life is to become a nurse so that I can help people.
I have an adventuress streak and I like to try new things. Last year while exploring the wilderness with a couple of guys, I met Matt. Since that time, my whole life has changed. I would like to tell you a little bit about this man.
Matt is taller than me and has the bluest eyes of anyone I have ever known. When I look into them, it is like looking into a vast unknown universe. Sometimes, it seems to me that time slows as I gaze into those amazing orbs of unfathomable depth and wonder. I never know what treats are waiting there for me to ponder and enjoy.
He also has a head of thick dark hair. I will often come up behind him and run my fingers slowly through his wonderful locks. He believes in using only water, no shampoo, on his hair. The reasoning there is that your own body will supply the oils necessary to make your hair vibrant and rich. It sure seems to work for him. His hair is always so soft and shiny. After my tousles, his hair will gently fall back into place.
His face is strong and handsome. There is a certain jutting of his jaw when he sets his mind to something. I will often study his profile when I see him from across the room. Occasionally, our eyes will meet and then that wonderful smile will quickly spread across his face. At that moment, my heart will usually skip a beat as I smile lovingly back at him.
His body is very pleasing to the eye. He possesses a narrow waist which eventually transitions into a wide chest and shoulders. When I see him outside, working in the yard without his shirt, I sometimes feel all giddy, like a teenage girl.
And then there is what he calls his guns or pipes. I love his arms. They can be so gentle and tender; like when he hugs me. And then when they are needed, I watch amazed as those ribbons of muscles swell to perform the task at hand. I love the way they bulge and ripple when flexed.
The first time I saw him, he was lying on the ground in an unconscious state. I have to admit; I did gently run my fingers along the outline of his face. I secretly hoped that I would have an occasion to learn more about him. At the time, I knew the chances for that happening were slim.
I have known of many beautiful women who have married less attractive men. I would guess that they were looking for other qualities; maybe stability, kindness, or strength of character. I would surmise that they valued those attributes higher than those of mere physical attractiveness.
That brings me to the point I wish to make. Why should I be so lucky? Why did I meet a strong and handsome man who is also kind and thoughtful? Unlike many women, I do not feel I deserve anything. I have gone through some very difficult times in my life. Over the last few years, I have arrived at the point where I thought my hopes and dreams were gone forever. I realized that like so many, I should learn to settle for the little pleasures I might find scattered like crumbs along the way.
That all changed when I met Matt. So far, I have been pleased by almost everything he has done. Of course, there are a few things that irritate me. But he is a man. He just can't help himself. He sometimes snores at night. He loves garlic. He puts the toilet paper roll on backwards. He lives in an igloo in the winter rather than staying in a nice warm cabin.
Realistically, I'm sure there are things I do that irritate him. If there are, he seems to keep those things to himself. I have never heard him criticize me in any way. I have never met a man like that before. I have also never heard him raise his voice in anger or wrath, except with the guys from the canoe adventure.
I do not believe I could ever find a gentler or more caring guy.
Another feature I admire about him is his hands. They are strong and I can feel the power in them. They have calluses. Sometimes they feel rough against my soft skin. I love his hands. I realize that he uses them to earn a living. I know that they will protect me and work hard to supply my needs.
On most occasions, I am surprised at how gentle they can be. Best off all, I know that those mitts of might will never hurt me or be used in anger.
I have observed Matt during times of stress, when other men would have lost their cool. Matt assesses the situation, thinks about it, and then takes steps to correct it. There are many times when I just stand back and watch him with awe and respect.
It is hard for me to accept the fact that someone adores me. Sometimes I wonder if it is a dream. My life has been a series of relationships that have been formed and then lost. Every time I thought I had finally found a home, I would see that stage end and a new one would begin. Some families were good while others were bad. I guess, over the years, I learned to develop a shield to protect me from the hurt that would eventually come.
I have always been self-conscious about my body. I look at the models on the covers of magazines and I cringe. I know there are so many places where I fail to live up to the expectations of the world. I try my best to look good for Matt, but there is only so much that a girl can do.
Matt never seems to notice. When I catch him looking at me, I can see that he is very pleased. He often verbalizes and lets me know that he likes what he sees. Do you have any idea what that does for a girls esteem? I feel pretty and I want to be even prettier for him.
When I married my first husband, I was young and in love. He looked so handsome in his uniform and I found the lifestyle to be so exciting. While he was stationed in Virginia, he took out some loans to buy a Harley and other things that he thought we needed. He was to so proud of that bike and he loved it when I would ride him. I have to admit, it was a fun time.
It was so easy to find a place that would offer loans to military personnel. They knew that most of the men were young and unwise in the ways of the world. There were many loan shops that were situated along the roads leading to the military bases. I suspected that many of the loan companies preyed upon the men and women in uniform and then charged them ridiculously high interest rates for their services.
My husband became involved with one of these companies. When I told him that I was concerned about our financial situation, he told me not to worry. In fact, just before he went on his last mission, we argued about money. He told me that he would try to win the money back in a poker game. He told me he had a plan. He said to leave the worrying to him. I gave him a hug and a kiss. As he left to protect the very people who were preying on the young soldiers, he had the added burden of wondering how he was going to get out of his financial situation.
When I finally came to, it took me a few seconds to get my bearings. Someone was holding my head. When I moved to see who it was, I noticed that the face and hair were shimmering with light. Later, when I regained my senses, I realized that the sun had been directly behind the person, giving the impression of an aura. Two hands were cradling me gently. I quickly took a survey of my injuries. My head was throbbing, my side was aching, and my ankle was in a great amount of pain. It didn't...
Paddling StacyStory two of the Ms. Saba Spanking SeriesPOV work of FictionSo I just finished up a phone with the principal who just informed me that a student who just got kicked out of her science class was being sent to me for discipline. I quickly finished off my cup and tea and waited patiently for this naughty girl to arrive.Four minutes later my door opened and in she came. A tall teen with her blonde hair wrapped in a ponytail and dressed in a white blouse and orange plaid skirt....
Paddling & Punishment Enemas:Firstly, I was suitably restrained on her lovely leather-padded dungeon table. Then she "opened" -- no pun intended -- with a 1-2-3 enema. After suitable time has elapsed I was allowed to fart out/ evacuate my filled, cramped bowels. Then it was back on her table, perhaps on my back this time with my feet hoisted high above me, and she forced a hot, soapy large volume enema into my bowels, between 3 and 6 litres of it! She devilishly used one of her custom-made...
I awoke a little sore. I must have injured something during the spill in the rapids. I crawled out of the tent, and like a cat, I did some stretching. It had rained during the night. Everything that had been left out, exposed to the elements, was wet. I let Dawn continue to sleep. I proceeded to collect some dry wood that had been placed under the canoe. The sky was still overcast, resulting in a less than vibrant display of colors from the vegetation and habitat around me. One special sense...
Why do women always go for the bad boys? That and other crazy thoughts raced through my mind. I could not believe that Dawn would consider going back to those worthless guys. Startled, I felt a gentle puff of air by my ear, and then heard these whispered words, "I'll be waiting for you in your canoe". All at once, everything was right again in the world. I told the fellow that I wanted him to collect Dawn's gear and her tent. I told him that the sooner I had it in my possession, the...
As I hurried in the direction of the screams, a scenario formed in my mind. As I approached the clearing, I would see a great beast preparing to lunge at my beloved. Without hesitation, I would contract my leg muscles, and then leap mightily through the air. While in flight, I would unsheathe my great knife. As I neared the creature, my one hand would grab it by the fur on the back of its neck. With my other hand, I would reach around to find the pulsating arteries in the neck. With one...
As I lay there, in the glow of the flashlight, I studied her face. I looked at her eyes. They glistened with the moisture from her tears. I looked at her eyebrows. I looked at her cheeks. I looked at her nose, her chin, and her hair. If God had ever personally molded a face, it must have been Dawn's. I looked at her lips. Dawn bent her head down as her lips moved closer to mine. Before they ever touched, I could feel them. Her warm breath, her moist lips, and her aura put all my senses on...
The next morning I arose early. I was surprised to find that the girl with the floppy hat was already up and had a nice fire going. She greeted me shyly and asked whether I would like some coffee. I gladly accepted the cup that was offered and drank it slowly as I took down my tent and proceeded to pack my gear and load my canoe. It was another beautiful morning and I figured I would put in a few miles before taking a break and grabbing some breakfast. I handed the coffee cup back to the...
Firstly, I was suitably restrained on her lovely leather-padded dungeon table. Then she "opened" -- no pun intended -- with a 1-2-3 enema. After suitable time has elapsed I was allowed to fart out/ evacuate my filled, cramped bowels. Then it was back on her table, perhaps on my back this time with my feet hoisted high above me, and she forced a hot, soapy large volume enema into my bowels, between 3 and 6 litres of it! She devilishly used one of her custom-made nozzles, which was thick and long...
FetishI decided to try my luck at fishing from shore. I have learned in the past, you may travel miles from your campsite to find good fishing, only to discover that the fishing was actually good, in the waters close to your own camp. I took off my boots to let my ankles soak in the cool refreshing water. I found a comfortable rock to sit on and cast my lure out as far as I could. After casting in all the places that I could reach, I would sit and carefully study the world around me. The bright...
The next morning, I awoke much later than I normally would. However, I did awake feeling refreshed and with much less pain. My first thought was of the incident bathing. It brought a big smile to my face. Sometime during the night, Dawn had snuggled up to me and laid her head upon my shoulder. I carefully propped a pillow under her head, so as not to disturb her. I didn't want to wake the sleeping beauty. I stared at her for a very long time. Even her freckles were perfectly placed. Why do...
Our wedding day had finally arrived. The sky was gloomy and overcast. It placed a bit of a damper on my mood, but not too much. A dream was finally going to be fulfilled. I would become one with Dawn. She would officially be my partner and my companion. It would be a great day. True to tradition, I would not see Dawn until I saw her walking down the aisle. My expectations for the day ahead were great. We had chosen to have our wedding on the property of the oldest stone house in the area....
The wind was still blowing as I knelt in front of the huge tree. I could feel debris blowing all around me. Something struck me on the back of my head. The last thing I remembered was falling forward, before the darkness enveloped me. As I lay there, memories began racing through my mind. I must have been in some state of semi consciousness. Most of my thoughts were about the fun times I had experienced with Sandy. I remembered the time at the amusement park. I remembered the time at the...
We drove down the winding, pine tree lined, dirt road for about a half hour before finally entering onto hard pavement. Once that happened, our journey became one of speed and making time. We stopped at a nice little café and ordered soup and a couple of nice juicy hamburgers. We also ordered a couple of ice cold lemonades. It's always a special treat to drink something icy cold after being without refrigeration for such a long period. After that, we became lost in our own thoughts as we...
For the next few days, all Dawn would talk about was the wedding. We finally decided to have a spring wedding. We planned to schedule it on a day after she was done with school. We both decided that sooner was better than later. There was absolutely no way that I was going to continue living, much longer, without Dawn as a part of my daily life. The next weekend, Dawn came over to my house, where I fixed her a delicious meal. I made a special salad and a pan of lasagna. I thought it turned...
My first reaction was anger. Anger, because I had been careless enough to fall through the ice. I had violated one of my cardinal rules, which was to use caution around questionably thin ice. My next reaction was fear. I feared that this accident might have a bad ending. When I felt my feet touch something solid, I pushed off and was relieved when my face suddenly broke through the surface. I took a breath, heard a scream from Dawn, and then quickly began to sink again. Fortunately for me, I...
When I awoke the next morning, I didn't want to get out of my bag. Through my small breathing hole, I could tell that it was cold. My bag was warm and comfortable. The snow shelter that we were in provided sound insulation, so it was very quiet. I did realize that sooner or later, I would need to get up to relieve myself. I just needed to take the time to prepare myself for the shock that was eventually going to come. I knew from other camping experiences that my boots would probably be...
Sometime in the night, I awoke and found myself in an uncomfortable position. I really missed my bed. Sleeping in a mummy bag was solely a means of survival, in my way of thinking. If I were at home, my sheets could be on or off. I could spread out as much as I wanted. In the mummy bag, I was restricted. At times, I would find myself wrapped tight, as the bag twisted around my body. And then there was Dawn. I looked over to see her nose peeking through the opening of the bag. It was a...
I enjoyed an incredible night's sleep. I could move and spread out. I could snuggle up to Dawn. I could throw off my covers if I wanted. It was great. I awoke before Dawn. I watched her closely as she slept. She was amazing. She was incredible. I could not get enough of her. I could not wait for the day when we would become man and wife. I would compare her beauty to a tropical sunrise over the ocean. I would compare it to a mountain side covered in fresh spring flowers. I would compare it...
The next few weekends we spent driving around, looking at houses. Dawn was also busy working on the wedding plans. I would occasionally accompany her on an errand. One day, she mentioned that she wanted to visit with a lady, who baked wedding cakes in her home. We had decided that we wanted to do as much of the wedding, using friends and family, as we could. We had also decided on using small business contacts. We didn't want our ceremony to be like my cousin's wedding; two stretch...
I watched as the waves lapped gently against the shore. It was the type of day that you knew you had to cherish. Days like that just didn't come that often. The only sounds to be heard were the songs of birds singing joyously from the trees. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a fish jump. As it disappeared back into the water, a ring of ripples began to grow in size as they spread outward. The head of a turtle poked curiously out of the water, looked around, and then retreated back to the...
Paddled In the Boondocks Copyright 2011 Christopher D.B. This story is the second part in a series. The original story is tilted, Off-Road Goddess. You will find it here at for a while east of the city on a two lane state highway, I easily found the turnoff I was looking for onto a secondary road. Several miles later and just past a cluster of grain silos, I found the next turn which led down a narrow winding road. I had no GPS system in my old car and hadn’t...
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Introduction: Gaynor is a 49 year old mature married woman with two full grown daughters who has gone to the coast for a relaxing few days, a chance meeting with a familiar younger man leads to so much more……… Lust On The Beach (The Start of the Affair) Gaynor Day Out Gaynor Day was in her 40s and had blonde bronze like hair with a slim athletic body which for her age of 49 was impressive. At this present time the office secretary was laying down on the beach reading a book entitled...
My friend mikey asked me when my mom does the laundry i told him Friday's why? A big smile came across his face because he wanted to take my moms panties home and jerk off into them for the week. The thought of one of my friends jerking off and cumming into my moms panties was so hot i told him to take them. Unfortunately for my other 2 friends they're werent any other dirty panties worth the while to take. Not even a day went by when i was getting txt saying if it was true that mikey had my...
"You like that jizz, huh boy?" he asked."Yes Sir, I love it," I replied, not having to lie."I think we have a very workable arrangement," Jack chuckled. "But I have some homework for you."I was smitten by Jack's powerful cock and was ready to do anything he asked. "What can I do?""You know that adult bookstore down on Main Street?" he asked.I nodded affirmatively."I want you to go buy a series of butt plugs. You can start with any size you think you can handle, but make sure the last one is the...
After I finished class for the day, I went to the campus gym. Normally I hate working out but I’ve managed to find some extra motivation lately. I did my normal routine, spending thirty minutes on the treadmill before moving onto one of the resistance machines to work my legs. Nothing too strenuous but I worked up a nice sweat. In fact, working up a sweat was the main reason I was there. When the work out was over, I sent a text, then stretched a bit. I smiled when I got the answer then left...
This is real story of a two friends where we exchanged our wife with each other for bit lengthier live in relationship. Usually in swinging/exchanging wife with others, generally people will exchange partner for just a fucking session in just a week end visit or night visit to one of the couple’s home. In our case, to make our life spicy and have more thrill and adventure, we have decided to do this for bit longer period of time, where my wife will be with my friend for 2 months and where as...
Beatrice's body, turned into a steaming froth, came slowly down, three hours later, as Madison flipped the switches that reduced the size of the phalluses, then retracted them into the polished face of the table's attachment. Beatrice closed her eyes and panted at the agony of their withdrawal. Madison leered at her violated bottom, her cunt gaped impossibly, it was sodden. It drooled onto the large pool on the table that she was lying in. Her asshole, although reddened with her prior...
No, I k**. When I wasn't working, I was fucking. I noticed I have a "friend of a friend" fetish if that's such a thing. I fucked EI's former best friend (I'll let you guess why they aren't anymore). I'll be posting a few pics and vids of her soon. One session was hot because she only wanted to give me head, so she sucked me off while I watched the clip of me giving it to EI in the ass lol.I also somehow managed to talk to a chick's former SIL who they both hate each other but stay together....
Note: this is a Preface to my upcoming erotic series titled: Keeping Tabs. This Chapter is more for those who like to really get into their stories. Thus, this is Ch. 0 and not 1. Feedback is always appreciated! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 0. –Preface As a kid, I always hung out with four other kids from my neighborhood. We would do absolutely everything together… ride bikes, play baseball, and various other things to pass the time. Jim and I were neighbors and the closest of friends....
I was out of town already 2weeks, and after a long day at work stopped at the bar in the lobby of the hotel to have a cold beer before heading up to get a shower. There was 2 people sitting at the bar sat next to this guy he was a local that frequent the bar. Struck up a conversation with his name was Joe. Joe was down in the dumps was telling me he was going to get married in 6 months and didn't think he was ready. Joe started telling me he liked to wear his girl friends silk panties! It kind...
"Mmmm Hmmmm?" I thought to myself. "What the fuck?" I sat frozen in my chair, putting two and two together. No wonder Lady had seemed so familiar. Lady, was my Mom! "I'm goin ta sleep sugar, lock up will ya?" "Sure thing" I said in a daze. I heard her walk through the kitchen and up the stairs to her room. I sat there reliving the evening in my head and recognized a lot of the things I had missed in my lusted haze. The blond ponytail had thrown me off. Her pussy had been completely...
“ ... Your ... tutor, Miss Evie Jones ... has disappeared.” She just dropped it on me. I wanted to know more. I wanted to know everything and waited for her to continue. “When she used her passport to fly to America, it twigged our system because it involved a loved one of a royal. Our people in the colonies were alerted to check in and make sure she arrived safely, and to check up on her from time to time as a courtesy to you. “Yesterday our people did a casual check to make sure all...
A Better Body By Mister Double-U I can tell that they're staring at me. Watching my breasts as I pull down on the arm bar. And why shouldn't they? I am the hottest looking babe at the gym. I shake my head and move the long red hair out of my eyes. The sweat glistening off my perfectly formed legs. It's a wonderful sensation. One of the guys just moved to the machine next to me. He's kind of cute. I can almost see his erection through his shorts. I bend over to lower the...
It had been raining all day long and I was stuck at home because of a physics assignment which had to be submitted the next day, my friends too were busy because of the assignments and I spent the whole Sunday morning locked in my room trying to figure out Newton and Einstein’s laws. Neither of my parents nor my elder sister Vidya was at home, I was all alone. Vidya didi, my sister, she was just plain beautiful. She was 5’4” tall, her devotion to yoga had given her a curvy, hourglass shaped...
Chapter 1 Meeting over lunch to discuss Aunt Elsa’s mind-boggling suspicion that her sister – their mother – was having it off with someone, the Black siblings watched their mom walk by their restaurant window table arm-in-arm with a guy. Not only was Janis outrageously making an exhibition of herself like that in the main street but the guy looked almost their age and to their horror the guy’s hand was cupped over one of their mother’s ass cheeks and her jeans were tighter than even Gina’s. ...