Paddling to My DestinyChapter 2
- 4 years ago
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I waited until Dawn had calmed down. She mentioned that she had drunk some coffee earlier and needed to relieve herself. When she was out of sight, I unsheathed my knife, spun, and buried the blade three inches into the tree, ten feet behind me. Slowly, my anger began to lessen.
Let me digress. When I was a young boy, there were two bullies in my neighborhood. When I would come home crying, my mother would comfort me. If my dad were home, he would threaten me with a beating if I didn't stand up and fight. For several years I had to endure my beatings in silence.
Then one day, when I was around eleven years of age, I decided I wasn't going to take it any more. I started fighting back against the one bully. I decided I was going to go all out, no holds barred. It wasn't long before I had him pinned to the ground. A neighbor man had to pull me off of him. The neighbor man called me a bully. After that, I never backed down from anyone again. I never initiated a fight either.
In middle school, a bully tapped me on my shoulder while I was facing my locker. When I turned, he kicked me in the groin, causing me to double over in pain. I had never done anything to him, and didn't even really know who he was. Several days later, he tapped me on the shoulder in shop class and wanted to fight. I spun around and punched him right in the face. A shocked look crossed his face as the blood began to flow from his swollen nose. He never bothered me again.
My anger is not something that I cultivate or even like. If I thought an injustice had been done, I wouldn't hesitate to attempt to make it right. I have stood up to some of the meanest men that one could imagine. Fortunately, it is usually my demeanor and strong presence that cause other men to back down. I am told that I can be a quite an intimidating person, if I need to be.
In this case, a grave injustice had been done. How it would be resolved would be a matter that would take some thinking. The important thing that had to be done immediately was to make sure that Dawn felt safe and secure.
I told Dawn to look into my eyes. I then told her that I would not let anything bad happen to her. I also told her that I would make sure that she made it home safe and sound. I saw her shoulders slump as some of the worry faded away. I could see in her eyes that she believed me. For a time, we just held hands and leaned into each other, occasionally pulling back to study the others face.
This is the story that Dawn relayed to me;
The weather was sunny and warm and she had decided that she was going to bathe and take a swim. She asked the guys if they would respect her privacy and they acknowledged that they would. Dawn walked down the trail to a secluded little bay where the canoe was kept. She slowly undressed and placed her clothes in the canoe. She carefully slipped into the crystal clear water, watching for sharp rocks which were easily spotted.
When she located a flat spot, she soaped up her body, enjoying the contrast between the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the water. When she was completely lathered, she dove into the water and swam around, rinsing the soap from her body. She stood up on a rock where the water was waist deep. She had that strange feeling that someone was watching her and turned to see the two guys sitting on a rock, looking directly at her.
Covering her breasts with her hands, she laughingly told them to go away. She noticed that they were passing what appeared to be a flask, between the two of them. Again she asked them to go. This time she was a little more serious. The guys began making rude comments about various parts of her body. At first, she laughed, but after a few more comments, she realized they were serious. They asked her to move into shallower water so they could get a better look at what was hidden from view.
Dawn said that at this point, she began to get worried. If something happened, how would this look? She had willingly agreed to travel with these two guys. She was the one who was standing naked in front of them. It would be their word against hers. She was at their mercy. There was no safe place to run to. There was nowhere to seek help.
One of the men stated that he was tired of looking and needed to take some action. As he got up and went into the woods to take the path down to the canoe, Dawn remembered that my campsite was on the next lake over. She said that, at the time, she had no idea whether I was still there, but it was her only choice.
Quickly, she swam over to the canoe and pushed it out. She jumped into the canoe and began paddling without bothering to put on her clothes. When she was about fifteen feet from shore, she saw the first guy coming down the trail completely nude. When he saw what she was doing, he hurried down the trail and dove into the water to stop her. He swam swiftly, but Dawn had too much of a head start and quickly left him behind.
With her heart pumping rapidly, she canoed until she reached a small island, where she dried off and put on the clothes that she had placed in the canoe. She heard the muffled voices of the men screaming for her to return. She had left so quickly that she had left her boots and other supplies back at the camp.
As her heart rate slowed, she canoed over to the portage, and then carried the canoe barefoot over to the next lake. After setting the canoe in the water, she hopped back into the canoe and continued paddling until she reached my campsite. When she saw me, and knew that she was safe, the pent up emotions were released and that is when she began to sob.
I don't know what it is about me that encourages a woman to put her trust in me. Could it be a part of my demeanor, my aura, or the way I carry myself? Could it be the honesty that can be seen in my eyes and facial expressions?
There have been so many times when a woman has confided in me about cases of abuse from a mother, father, or lover. It may be the fact that I stop and really listen. Whatever the reason, I always make it a point to be a completely trustworthy and honorable person.
In this case, I had to insure that I did not take advantage of Dawn's trust. She was upset and frightened by what she had just gone through. She was in the wilderness with a man she barely knew. I had to insure that she was protected and not allow raw emotions to take over.
I led her over to a rock where I asked her to sit down. I put a pot on the fire, and then walked down to the shore to collect some water. I carefully washed her feet and checked for any cuts. I found several that I bandaged up. While Dawn sipped on some tea, I went over to my pack and pulled out a pair of my heavy socks. I placed them on Dawn's delicate feet and taped them at the top so they wouldn't fall down. I always carry a small roll of duct tape for emergencies that I know will eventually arise.
I could see that Dawn was becoming more relaxed. I caught her looking at me, and for a short time, we gazed into each others eyes. It was one of those special moments when a gigabyte of information was passed without a single word being spoken. In that look I could see that an incredible connection had occurred between two human beings.
I sensed a feeling of trust, maybe a little affection, and a relaxing of the fear that she had recently experienced. How anyone could betray the look in those eyes was beyond anything that I could ever comprehend.
I told Dawn that when she was ready, we would go over to the old camp and retrieve her supplies. I told her that she didn't need to worry; the men would not dare to attempt anything when they saw that I was present. I told her that she could sleep in my tent and I would sleep outside. I hoped to comfort her, by telling her that I was willing to pack up, at any time, and take her home, whenever she felt she needed to leave.
I think a bit of emotion overcame her, because she hung her head for a moment and I saw her head shake a little. When she looked up, I saw a little redness in her eyes. She asked me why I was being so kind to her. She said that so many of the men that she knew only one thing on their mind. I responded by saying that I am not like those other men.
I also told her that there are many decent and honorable men in the world. I said that, right now, I had one mission to accomplish. That task was to see that she arrived safely back at her home. I assured her that nothing, short of death, would stop me from accomplishing that assignment.
I left Dawn to her thoughts and then went down to the waters edge to see if I could catch something for dinner. Dawn sat on a stump by the fire and watched. I didn't have any luck, so I went back up to Dawn and asked her if she wanted to go out fishing with me. I thought it might be a good idea to redirect her thoughts toward a different activity. She agreed and we were soon in the canoe, paddling across the lake.
I took her over to an area where a small creek cascaded into the lake. It was a beautiful spot with some lily pads and rushes. A moss covered log disappeared into the water, from which a turtle had slid into the water upon our approach. The ripples from the cascading water caught the sun at just the right angle. It created the illusion of a thousand pieces of sparkling glitter, spreading the light in all directions.
Paddling StacyStory two of the Ms. Saba Spanking SeriesPOV work of FictionSo I just finished up a phone with the principal who just informed me that a student who just got kicked out of her science class was being sent to me for discipline. I quickly finished off my cup and tea and waited patiently for this naughty girl to arrive.Four minutes later my door opened and in she came. A tall teen with her blonde hair wrapped in a ponytail and dressed in a white blouse and orange plaid skirt....
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Why do women always go for the bad boys? That and other crazy thoughts raced through my mind. I could not believe that Dawn would consider going back to those worthless guys. Startled, I felt a gentle puff of air by my ear, and then heard these whispered words, "I'll be waiting for you in your canoe". All at once, everything was right again in the world. I told the fellow that I wanted him to collect Dawn's gear and her tent. I told him that the sooner I had it in my possession, the...
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Firstly, I was suitably restrained on her lovely leather-padded dungeon table. Then she "opened" -- no pun intended -- with a 1-2-3 enema. After suitable time has elapsed I was allowed to fart out/ evacuate my filled, cramped bowels. Then it was back on her table, perhaps on my back this time with my feet hoisted high above me, and she forced a hot, soapy large volume enema into my bowels, between 3 and 6 litres of it! She devilishly used one of her custom-made nozzles, which was thick and long...
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My first reaction was anger. Anger, because I had been careless enough to fall through the ice. I had violated one of my cardinal rules, which was to use caution around questionably thin ice. My next reaction was fear. I feared that this accident might have a bad ending. When I felt my feet touch something solid, I pushed off and was relieved when my face suddenly broke through the surface. I took a breath, heard a scream from Dawn, and then quickly began to sink again. Fortunately for me, I...
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Moans of pleasure were coming from deep inside me. Oh god, this felt so good I thought. Suddenly she stopped and looked up. “Did you like that?” she said softly still licking the moisture from her lips. “Oh, that felt real good,” I answered. “Would you like to touch me now?” she quietly asked & gently pulled me forward. I got down between her legs and put my hands behind her knees and pushed her legs back and apart. From this vantage I had a wonderful view, with the prominent clit peeking out...
Wayne and I have been good friends for as long as I can remember. He has always known that I played for the same team but that never stopped him for coming over at least once a week for the last 2 years. I have never even thought of Wayne in a sexual manner until the day I caught him jacking off behind the barn.We had been drinking and smoking weed next to the fire pit on a Friday night. It was only Wayne and myself for the evening and what a better way to spend it but by getting high and...
Hi friends mera naam prem hai is site pe yeh meri pehli story hai jo mai aapko batane ja raha hu yeh meri real story hai to ab story pe aata hu mera ek dost hai atish wo mera class met hai mai kabi uske gar nhi gaya tha magar ek din usne mujhe apne yaha bulaya actually hamara exam tha maths ka aur meri maths kaafi achi hai isliye mai uske gar gaya gar ja der tak padne ke baad hum buri trah ub chuke the hamara man tab adult movie dekhne ka kiya waise exam mai adult movie Dekhna thoda relax kar...
VICE IS NICE, BUT… Ronni Thomas and her brother, Al, Jr., live on Pleasant Street, a few doors down from my house, on the corner. They’re typical American teen-agers, from a typical American family. They’re both good-looking and filled with the awakening sexuality of youth, and both of them are probably experimenting with the pleasure sex can give. I talked to their father a while back and he told me he and his wife would be going away for a couple of weeks, to some sort of convention. That...
The following morning I woke up and looked over and the wife was sound sleep snoring away. I got up and went to the bathroom and after I came out I looked in on cindy and she must not have moved all night long, she was laying on her back with her legs still spread wide open. I stood there looking at her a minute and smiled then took off and went into the kitchen and started making coffee. When it was done I was sitting there having a cup and heard someone in the bathroom. A few minutes later...
Velda arranged the spectacle to take place in an abandoned shack located on the outskirts of Lairsville. The contraption that would hold the horse in place had been constructed on this sight as the Madame had instructed. The work had been carried out by one of her devoted customers who gladly assented to engineer its building. He was paid amply by the Madame out of the money that Arabella gave her. She still did not know the woman's name. Velda became curious. She knew that she must come...
Brigit Part 02***********************************************************Copyright Oggbashan June 2004The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.********************************************************** BRIGIT TOOIntroduction to Part Two.I...
'Shamit you are mistaken. I was a virgin, ' I said, crossing my fingers, 'Absence of the hymen has no meaning. It can tear because of many other reasons also'. 'Yes, that is so, 'Shamit said, 'but the choot (cunt) remains tight and not loose like yours.' 'So was I, ' Sarit said nervously, 'Amit, remember it hurt me so much that I screamed when you entered me for the first time.' 'Yes my dear, how can I forget that, ' Amit smiled, 'All I can say is that you are an excellent...
Introduction, Hello, and welcome to my story, normally this would be where the story would start, but I would rather introduce my plans for this story. This story is set in a timeline where more or less furries are real, and have been for many years. The animal races known as Animal kin have worked with Humans but kept their races separate , until about forty years prior (the year 2000 for records sake). As Human, and Animal kin ideals advanced and opened up, the two races began to merge, in...
Angel stared like a mesmerised rabbit at the length of black cock bobbing in front of her eyes. Her heart quaked with fear and disgust, and weakness. Igwe wanted her to suck his cock, and her stomach churned with the horror of it. She was losing the argument and she knew it! Igwe was not accepting her refusal. Not accepting that she had the right to say No! Her husband would never treat her like this. He had more respect for her! Igwe wanted his cock sucked, and what Igwe wanted Igwe got. He...