Rhett Leslie and Joyless Joy
- 3 years ago
- 37
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Chapter 1
Meeting over lunch to discuss Aunt Elsa’s mind-boggling suspicion that her sister – their mother – was having it off with someone, the Black siblings watched their mom walk by their restaurant window table arm-in-arm with a guy. Not only was Janis outrageously making an exhibition of herself like that in the main street but the guy looked almost their age and to their horror the guy’s hand was cupped over one of their mother’s ass cheeks and her jeans were tighter than even Gina’s.
Softie of the family Megan, eyes shedding and a string of her blonde hair being gnashed in her collapsed-looking mouth, knocked over her wine glass and wailed the F-word, horrifying her sister and brother who knew that Megan NEVER swore. It would be suspected that even the Divine knew that.
Evan sat helplessly and his older sister Gina (Jeanette) was about to ask him to ‘sort out the fucking sod’. Gina was habitually foul-mouthed. Instead of calling on Evan to restore family honor, Gina hugged distressed twenty-year-old Megan and began crying with her. Evan scowled impotently but brightened when the maitre ‘d hurried over with a waitress carrying a complimentary bottle of wine. The party was told kindly keep the volume down as other Sunday diners were being disturbed.
Gina told the maitre ‘d to piss off. Crafty Evan, eyeing the premier label on the bottle Evan soothed, ‘We’ve just learned of a catastrophe within the family. Please excuse us and have the wine poured.’
The trio watched in silence as the waitress placed a starched cloth over the spillage in front of Megan and then left after pouring the complimentary red.
Gina said ominously, her brown eyes appearing almost black, ‘We should be drinking that fucker’s blood.’
Megan exhaled a gigantic sob and Evan looked at Gina impressed but quickly lost that glow when Gina asked, ‘So you think they are doing it?’
He cracked his knuckles and that drew a ‘Good boy’ smile from Gina who declared: ‘Our mother would never allow any guy to cradle her ass like that unless he was fucking her.’
Wide-eyed, Megan said she tended to agree but could Gina kindly not use that word about their mother. ‘Our mother is forty-three, approaching old age.’
Evan glowered and reached for the wine bottle although there was an inch of wine remaining in his glass. ‘What now?’
‘I want you to stalk the guy and at an opportune moment beat the crap out of him. Wear a mask.’
‘No Gina,’ Megan cried. ‘Mother would realize what that was about and would turn against us. By her action now she’d informing us we’re on the back-burner and she’s out to kick up her heels while she’s still young enough to do that.’
‘Well she’s picked a depraved way at going about it,’ Evan said sullenly.
Gina ignored them both. ‘Do you think you could take him Evan?’
‘I think so.’
‘You only think so? Then I’ll run him down with my car.’
‘Gina!’ Megan shrieked.
The maitre ‘d hurried over and a minute later the trio was on the street, looking distressed and unimpressed. They’d been told never to return to that restaurant.
‘Fucking Greeks.’
‘I think he’s Italian and probably born in this country,’ Megan said. ‘We should post our checks to the restaurant. I can figure it out but don’t know the cost of the bottle of red wine.’
‘We’re paying nothing, being humiliated like that. Right Evan?’
‘I’m with you Gina. We were treated in a disgusting manner and should sue that hash-house.’
‘Earlier you called it your favorite restaurant Evan.’
‘Shut up Megan. Come on, let’s cross the street to that bar.’
Megan’s eyes popped. ‘No, mom and her Toy Boy might be in there.’
Gina turned white, swayed and clutched at Evan for support. ‘Oh Christ, our mom has a Toy Boy. We three are ruined in this community and there goes mom’s career.’
Megan began crying and Gina spun away from Evan’s support to comfort Megan. Evan slammed his fist into a street pole and howled in pain. The two weeping women broke apart to rush to his aid. Gina said darkly, ‘Let’s go to my place and consult Gavin. As well as being a town planner he coaches basketball and knows all about effective planning and the execution of strategies in making the right moves.’
Gavin turned out to be a huge disappointment. Once the drinks were poured he asked what was the problem. After listening he burst into laughter and said, ‘Is that all this is about? I thought you guys must have robbed a bank. Just let it be. You mother is one lucky bitch.’
The siblings looked at Gavin in horror at hearing their mother being called a bitch.
‘Hit him Evan,’ Gina shrieked.
Chapter 2
Janis Black, a lawyer specializing in matrimonial break-up, had recovered from her own divorce and had arrived at the conclusion that a box of bedroom toys was not the completed answer to her needs: she also required the physical companionship and post-coital conversation. She didn’t have to write ‘a guy’ on her shopping list because like bread and coffee there was no need for a memory-jogger for that manly item.
She bedded three prospects and then gave up in despair, concluding just as some women pontificate men were basically useless. One of the guys had fired once so that was him gone for the night and to cap that off, instead of cuddling her and talking he went straight to sleep. The other two, the scum, had spent at least half their time with her attempting to convince her to take it up the back, a place with Janis, no man had ever ventured.
Janis began thinking about teaming with a woman, but faltered. That would disgust the kids when they found out, especially Gina. Her oldest child was quite likely to slap any female lover around and tell her to leave, using very foul language. Janis then had the bright idea of taking a three-week cruises twice a year and working her way through the ship’s officers, only the acceptable ones of course. She called her travel agent but Margaret was away on a cruise with a girlfriend. The receptionist said a new-start guy was filling in for Margaret but when Janis hedged, the receptionist said Janis was a regular client so she’d send Jack over with a bunch of cruise brochures. Janis said he should do that.
Janis had expected a shy new-start nineteen old but the guy was in his late twenties, far from shy, looking judgmentally at her hair and face and then staring at her chest to linger a bit before lifting his gaze and smiling appreciatively. Until then all that had been said when he entered her office was, ‘Good morning Mr Burton’ and he’d replied, ‘Please call me Jack Mrs Black’. Although Janis thought his roving-eye inspection was a little uncouth, she didn’t feel she was being undressed.
The only other words exchanged were:
‘Please make this short Jack, I have a client waiting.’
‘Here are your brochures and my card. Call me with any questions Mrs Black.’
‘Thank you Jack.’
He smiled, turned and walked to the door and she thought nice butt. He turned and smiled, saying he appreciated the compliment and departed, leaving Janis gasping. As a lawyer such a slip was unforgivable. She’d no intention of telling him that! She couldn’t understand why it had just slipped out except perhaps it was an expression of loneliness. Sexual abandonment? Quite.
Mr Marriott was escorted in and thundered, ‘I wish to divorce my wife as she’s been playing around.’
Janis invited him to sit down and heard said kindly, ‘Mr Marriott, may I ask have you given any thought to your post-divorce loneliness?’
Oh God, she thought. She needed release from a man. Any man. Even Jack. Who’s Jack?
That evening she thought a great deal about Jack, especially when changing the bottom sheet after a sublime performance with her rabbit.
Next day Janis decided to test Jack’s interest in her, if any. She dressed in a pinst
ripe suit, choosing the trousers instead of the rather sexy skirt that showed off legs rather great for an old girl. The bra she found in a bottom drawer tended to do nothing for her chest and the shirt buttoned up to the throat. She pulled her hair back severely. At the office her PA looked quickly at Janis’ diary and asked, ‘Am I to schedule in a funeral?’
‘No Darlene but squeeze my appointments to extend my lunch break out to one hour.’
Janis called the travel agency and invited Jack to lunch with her. He was thrown by the request but said he could fit in a quick lunch.
‘In that case don’t bother. I wasn’t expecting you to talk to me for an hour about cruises. As well I’m lonely and want to talk to someone over lunch.’
‘You lonely?’ he said in awe.
‘You have much to learn at your age Jack. Goodbye.’
‘No wait, I’ll meet you for lunch, anywhere and anytime. It’s just I’m a bit short of cash at the moment because I’ve scraped up to buy an investment apartment and the outgoings are higher than expected.’
‘Then you have no problem with me Jack. I’m inviting you so it goes on my account as a business lunch. You’ll be able to eat your way through the entire menu.’
‘Oh thanks, but I won’t be greedy Mrs Black.’
‘That wouldn’t occur to me Jack. Arrive at 1:05 and I’ll be seated, ready to greet you.’
Janis switched off the phone feeling as excited as she remembered being for her high school graduation ball. Now that was a really an old thought! She resisted the impulse to dash home and change into something sexy. No, she’d must look at her worst and act dour before she ignited Jack into consuming her. If he wasn’t prepared to commit she didn’t want him although accepting that was rather a dangerous thought because no one else lined up behind Jack.
Although a busy morning awaited her, Janis delayed receiving her first client to think about her ill-considered venture. It could offend her law partners, making her the joke of the office and even alienate clients, outside colleagues and family. Well, she was only hitting the start switch and could always pull out before fully seducing the boy, that is if he were willing. It was possible any such liaison could be catastrophic for him and his family and social relationships. Oh fuck!
Janis sighed and wished Gina wouldn’t use that horrible word as an expression of frustration. Gina? Oh yes, someone had to be responsible for Janis’ lapse, just as her ex-husband must share the blame for her being lonely and thinking of plunging into scandalizing behavior. Well, wouldn’t the majority who disapproved be richly sexually satisfied themselves or capable of remembering when they were? Impressed by her counter-argument, she picked up the phone and said brightly, ‘Darlene, wheel in Mrs McFadden.’
Waiting at the restaurant for Jack’s portentous arrival, Janis calmly thought she was rather like a wicked witch preparing to snatch Jack from his baby stroller. He’d be safe and beautifully loved with her, Janis though, eyeing the door and squeezing her thighs together in excited anticipation. Only then did she realize she didn’t know his surname. In fact she didn’t know anything about him at all. That made her feel light-headed but she remained unafraid.
Chapter 3
Putting down the receiver of the desk phone, Jack Sawyer stared at the poster of an aerial view of central Paris at night, his mind in a whirl. Mrs Black had invited him to lunch and when he’d hedged she’d virtually told him to forget it, that it didn’t matter. But then his curiosity got the better of him and he kept her talking and accepted her renewed invitation. Why was she taking this interest in him? Because she was lonely? Oh yeah, more likely she had a fetish for screwing younger guys.
Screwing? He screwing Mrs Black? Attempting to ridicule that thought, Jack found himself reluctant to do that. She was younger that his mother, although by no more than ten years. She was rather attractive, lively and obviously playfully intelligent otherwise why would she have him on a string like this?
Admit it Jack.
He grinned: And she had great boobs and was a mean machine. She probably could be the find of the century in bed.
His cock stirred and he looked around wildly but nobody in the office, mostly women, was looking at him. No way, absolutely no way would he take Mrs Black to a hotel and shaft her. His mother would kill him, his slut of a girlfriend would abandon him while his father would grin and probably say, ‘You’re a chip off the old block son’ and perhaps in pride would upgrade Jack’s car.
Jack, you’re hallucinating he sighed. The lunch was the way Mrs Black would quietly ask him, ‘Jack, I’ll book a cruise but before doing so it’s up to you to arrange the package for me, heavily discounted.’
Yeah, just his luck.
Luck? Then answer this Jack – do you intend to appease her in bed? Jack replied to his inner-voice only if she pleaded for it.
Oh yeah.
Jack reached the restaurant and faltered. This was no place for him because those existing not far above the breadline don’t eat at posh places like this. He remembered his mother’s advice: ‘Jack, if you ever eat with a lady just watch her pick up a fork, note where it was in the placing, and follow suit.’ Jack had replied what if the lady had chosen entrée but he skipped that because he didn’t like animal offal and his mom said in that case he shouldn’t be eating with a lady. At that Jack had wondered if women had been placed on Earth to dedicate themselves to uttering useless instructions and engaging in useless conversations.
He entered the restaurant and looking around he couldn’t see her. Damn, she was late. Should he wait outside?’
‘Good afternoon sir. Do we have a table booked?’
The swami guy in a suit of better quality than Jack’s was a walking idiot. We? Could he see Jack was by himself? ‘Er, I’m supposed to be meeting a Mrs Black here.’
‘Oh, Mrs Black.’ said the guy, almost snapping to attention. Come this way sir’
The dickhead took him to the wrong table. The woman watching them approach smiled but she wasn’t the sexy Mrs Black. She was more like an aged schoolteacher with her hair pulled back like that and practically no make-up and didn’t appear to have tits of merit.
The woman opened her mouth ready to embarrass the men but instead said, ‘Welcome Jack.’
Jack did a double-take and saw there was familiarity in her features although this time her face seemed more lined and obviously her curly hair was under restraint. Perhaps there were tits under her ugly shirt and half-covered by a man’s jacket’
‘Thank you Anton.’
Anton the creep pulled out Jack’s chair and when Jack was seated attempted to place a stiff napkin over Jack’s lap but Jack snorted and grabbed the white cloth and pretended to wipe his chin. Jack met Mrs Black’s gorgeous green eyes and knew they were smiling at him although her mouth remained slack.
Ready to panic, Jack whispered, ‘I thought he could be gay and was about to sneak a feel of me.’
Mrs Black placed a hand over her mouth to smother a laugh and her eyes literally danced at him. Jack felt a rush of affection for Mrs Black simply because she was prepared to be amused by him rather to laugh at him dismissively. She was okay, even for a lawyer.
‘Place your napkin on your lap Jack.’
He did as he was told ready to feel offended but just as he finished a waitress, who Mrs Black would have seen coming, asked him, ‘Cocktails sir?’
Jack snapped back to Mrs Black who looked back without an expression. Jack remembered a scene from a film so stroked his chin just as the lead guy in that movie had done and looking at Mrs Black again asked, ‘A dry French pinot blanc?’
Mrs Black arched an eyebrow and to avoid embarrassment by asking what did that mean, Jack ordered the pinot blanc.
‘We have a choice of three French labels
sir. First there…’
‘The premium label thanks you.’
‘Certainly sir.’
‘How had the morning been for you Jack?’ Mrs Black asked as if she had just witnessed a masterly performance from her luncheon companion so had no comment to make about his choice of wine.
‘Quite busy, several calls, but none as uplifting as the call I received from you.’
To Jack’s astonishment Mrs Black blushed and then heard her ask did he have a steady girlfriend.
Almost in a daze, thinking why would she be asking that, he replied yes but his mother didn’t like her and Jack and thinking about dropping contact with her.
‘What about your father?’
‘What about my father?’ and Mrs Black said what did his father think about Jack’s girlfriend.
Jack said, ‘He looks at her as if…’ and then shut his mouth.
‘A little sluttish is she?’
Without meaning to be disloyal, Jack nodded.
The wine arrived and they watched in silence as the waitress uncorked the bottle and Jack tasted it. At least it was better than dry vinegar. He nodded and the woman poured. As the waitress left Jack automatically turned to look at the young woman’s legs and cringed when Mrs Black said, ‘Yes, an attractive butt.’
No way had Jack meant to be caught out like that but anyway it was not a butt look. ‘I-I was checking out her legs.’
‘Or so it’s leg rather than butt with you?’
Jack was sure he was breaking into a sweat. He nodded.
‘What do you think of my legs Jack?’
He grabbed his wine glass and gulped. That gave him time to form a perfect reply. ‘Regrettably I have no idea because they were behind your desk when I called on you at your office and today you are wearing trousers. But it is my belief that will be very attractive.’
‘Why’s that Jack?’
‘If they were otherwise you wouldn’t have mentioned them. It suggests you are proud of them for your age.’
‘Oooh, my age. And what age is that Jack?’ she asked, and began sipping wine.
Well, it didn’t matter if he offended her. His mom was fifty-two and this babe, er, woman, would give his mom ten years. ‘I think you’ve had your fortieth.’
‘Can you be more specific?’
‘Forty-three actually but very good Jack. You rather impress me. What have you noticed about me?’
‘Your manner is engaging, I prefer you with your curls, more make-up like you wore when I first saw you and…’
‘And what Jack?’
‘I, er, think you look better with your breasts more prominent.’
‘Anything else?’
‘Yes, why have you dressed down today? You look as if you’ve not long come out of the pool or perhaps this is what you look like when you walk about casually at home.’
Mrs Black said she did have a pool at home and swam a great deal and yes she did wander about at home looking like a plain Jane.
The waitress took their orders and Jack settled for steak and Mrs Black ordered French toast. The waitress said French toast was not on the menu. Jack said in that case she’d better consult the guy manning the door as he knew Mrs Black. The waitress said in that case the dish would be served to Mrs Black. He said served when Jack’s steak was served and the waitress said meekly, ‘Yes sir.’
Leaving the restaurant forty minutes later, Jack realized they’d discussed many things but not travel and guessed that it was up to Mrs Black to raise the subject.
‘Thank you for your lovely company Jack,’ Mrs Black said kissing him lightly on the lips, Jack taking in her perfume with a sigh.
‘It was a pleasure being your guest Mrs Black.’
‘In future call me Janis. Bye.’
‘Bye Janis.’
She looked back and delivered a heart-stopping smile.
Jack watched her butt, totally obscured of course by that stupid jacket and sighed, thinking what now. He decided he’d rather like working up to shaft Janis and he now had the impression that was also on her mind. So, what now? He had no idea.
Back at the office Jack called his girlfriend. He was nervous and told her he didn’t quite know how to quite tell her what he wanted to say.’
‘You want us to split?’
‘Um, yes.’
‘Ohmigod. Thank you Jack. Goodbye.’
That left Jack puzzled because she sounded so delighted about that. Perhaps his father was screwing her? At least he could now concentrate on his seduction of Mrs Black, er Janis.
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Note : This story is completely fictonal! Bright Sunday morning and someone is knocking early. My wife Angie and I are sleeping in after a the previous evening. It be mom, looking as sharp and effervescent as ever in dress, designer heels and pearl earrings. Angie staggers thru the house in my long tshirt and tight nylon panties, "who is it?" It be Mom, she wants to hang curtains for us. "Shit, why isn't she home fucking with someone else today?" She obviously misses me with her and Dad now...
IncestShe pulled into the drive, and headed for the door. As she walked to the door, she looked good. I knew where I got my looks from. I smiled. I hope I look that good at 42, I thought to myself, as she walked into the house. Hi honey, she said as she hugged and kissed me. Coffee is ready, lets sit and catch up, I told her. Where is the great white hunter? she asked, while laughing. She has never really liked Tom. Where do you think, he is in the woods with his buddies, I answered her....
This is the story of my mom getting banged hard inside bus by driver and conductor Hi this is raji and am 22 years old and am from kerala.My dad works in a bank in banglore and my mom name is velamma and she is 38 years old.My mom is a house wife she is malayali women.She is so fair,long haired,pink lips,good assets.Her figures are 36-34-44 and her boobs are so huge in size and are round for her age.she wears saree chudithar and nightie at home.Dad never bothers her he is a workaholic and money...
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Note : This story is completely fictional! I'm Rekkaa and just graduated high school and haven't quite made up my mind what I want to do for a job. It was a rainy day and I was coming out of my room and as I passed room I couldn't help but notice through opened dads bedroom door mom had just emerged from her shower and was standing there nude with a towel in her hand. She hadn't noticed me and as I stood there looking at moms body. I was hard and wanted to cum soI went for a shower and jacked...
IncestAfter watching my mom being ganging on New Years I thought about getting some of my friends together for some fun with her. So last Sunday I invited my mom over to watch some football with my friends and me. Now my friends knew about what I wanted to do but my mom didn't because I wasn't sure if she would do it. S o when Sunday came my friends and I were watching tv when my mom got to the house. She came down stairs in a white tight blouse and a black spandex pants on One of my friends Jason...
As I mentioned in my previous story, Beryl and I became regular fuck partners after the first encounter and I regularly dropped in to see her and Mom, on nearly every occasion I ended up fucking her or at least squirting her with my spunk. Mom always joined in but I couldn?bring myself to fuck her. This lead to an interesting situation one night. Beryl and Mom held regular Bridge nights with 2 or 3 of their friends, Ann who was divorced, early 50?and had a nice tight ass, Barbara who was...
Moms property 2 This is another installment to understand the events you should read Cumming at the poker game and Moms property. Your comments please. Joann sat Sunday waiting for her husband to get up, he had gotten in late and she was letting him sleep. That and the fact she needed to talk to Juan about this property thing. Her son Jim had stayed in bed too so she was totally alone in the kitchen. She called Juans number, he answered on the second ring. Hi babes how are you? Well there are...
Mom's footslaveI just turned 18 My mother is a very beautiful woman. She is 5'5", shoulder length brown hair, pretty fair sized breasts, a nice firm round bottom, and her best feature lovely toned legs and pretty feet and toes. My Dad died when I was very young, so I live alone with my mother. She works as a officer in a bank so she is always dressed very smartly for work. Her outfits consist of mainly form fitting expensive suit skirts..the skirts are usually very short, only a few inches...
sanju_s93Hi friends myself sanjay i am here with an imaginary story hope you would like it...so continuing to the story..My name is Paul. I am 20 year old and I am from a remote village in Kerala. All people in my village including my parents believe in all sorts of superstitions followed in the village. They follow everything that the leader says. For the past 6 months or so my father who was a manager in a plantation had become a drunkard. He used to beat up my mother accusing her to have...
My name is Paul. I am 18 years old and I am from a remote village in Kerala. All people in my village including my parents believe in all sorts of superstitions followed in the village. They follow everything that the leader says. For the past 6 months or so my father who was a manager in a plantation had become a drunkard. He used to beat up my mother accusing her to have extra marital affairs with his friend. My mother was very sad about his behaviour. She repeatedly said that he was wrong....
IncestMom's Mistake Chapter 2 Upon returning home after thoroughly destroying mom's body and half ofher mind at the cabin, there was a new pecking order and she was at the bottom.This position made everyone, including her, very happy for a brief time.Unfortunately "living happily ever after" came to a halt within days. Honey andI fucked up a storm at my place. The first few days back couldn't have beenbetter as far as she and I were concerned. Tits however began to get on ournerves...
I couldn't wait to get home from school today because last night I found for the first time the thrills of discovering internet porn. All day I was thinking about looking at all those sexy mature dames the night before and how they made me so hard. By the time three thirty came around I knew I was only a few minutes closer to mature heaven. I walked through the front door and headed straight to my room for a good jack off session, but to my surprise my mom was on her way to her own little...
The week after Jerome,Travis and myself watched their dad's and uncles fuck my mom, I ran into them at the mall, I asked them if they had found out anything about who Tyrone was, Jerome said he heard his dad calling someone the night before and then said Tyrone, this is Charles how ya been? Jerome picked up phone in his room and listened to them, Charles told him Millie wants another party in a couple weeks, said Harold, Billy and myself will bring her to where ever you have it, then he said...
Moms Horny Pills r My mom Megan, felt she was not performing in bed very well. She didnt get dad, who was way older, turned on anymore. She didnt want dad to stray to another woman so she went to the Doctor. This was a new Doctor, and he was a young guy which she felt may be better suited for her problem. She told him she wanted to turn her husband on and be hotter in bed for him. Mom had a killer hot body. She had beautiful smooth skin, big tits, perfect hips and legs. This Doctor saw...
Black Man’s White Pussyboy Story from the perspective of a white pussyboy who gets fucked and dominated by a couple of nigger bucks. He also meets another pussyboy but ends up getting fucked by everyone. Good dialog. I let Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom, furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped to rent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time to some maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked at...
Black Man's White PussyboyStory from the perspective of a white pussyboy who gets fucked and dominated by a couple of nigger bucks. He also meets another pussyboy but ends up getting fucked by everyone. Good dialog.I let Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom,furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped torent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time tosome maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked at...
Black Man's White PussyboyStory from the perspective of a white pussyboy who gets fucked and dominated by a couple of nigger bucks. He also meets another pussyboy but ends up getting fucked by everyone. Good dialog.I let Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom,furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped torent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time tosome maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked at...
Honey, Whow`s it going in here, my mom said as she slowly opened the door. Just getting started mom, I said as I was slowly pulling my monster. God Baby!, Your such a big boy. Can mommy watch you? Sure mom, Is it alright if I suck on your panties? Hoping she would`nt mind. I was hoping you would baby. With that, she sat down in a chair at the foot of my bed. She pulled her robe open and crossed her legs. I could see her entire tanned leg right up to her waist. But my eyes were focused on...
Story from the perspective of a white pussyboy who gets fucked and dominated by a couple of nigger bucks. He also meets another pussyboy but ends up getting fucked by everyone. Good dialog.I let Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom,furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped torent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time tosome maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked at therental application he had...
I let Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom,furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped torent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time tosome maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked at therental application he had filled out just a minute earlier. From the datelisted as his birth date, he was 22 years old, three years younger than I.I watched him, explaining about the living room area and kitchen, as...
The next morning found Karen getting bent forward and pounded from behind from her husband as she was getting ready for the day in the bathroom. John had just heard most of yesterdays story and his response was obviously sexual. He bent Karen over and was plunging into her wet and open sex with no effort at holding back. His plan was to spurt his seed inside her as hard and fast as he could before heading off to work. As he was pumping his way towards his finish Karen was trying to tell him...
MomsTeachSex! In the words of the late great Dr. Sigmund Freud: “There’s no pussy like mom pussy”. Now I certainly wouldn’t give my mom a ride, but your mom? I’d fuck your mom like there’s no tomorrow, and so should you. Now if you’re gonna be a pussy about it and you’d rather keep fantasy from becoming reality, you can head over to MomsTeachSex.com. They will hook you up with the hottest, horniest moms on the planet. Seriously, these moms are so fucking hot that they’ll have you thinking that...
Premium Incest Porn SitesMoms Sleep Mask Secrets …..I can no longer keep this to myself. Moms who find they can no longer resist the desire to be with their son sexually….this is for you. It may not work for you, but it sure the hell worked for me. I knew all the taboo stuff, but one event changed all that when my son was a young teen.…..I went out to our lawn shed in the back yard to get something, when I opened the door…there stood my son just as he was shooting cum as he jacked off. In a millisecond I didn’t close...
Leave it to me, the instigator, to get cold feet. It used to be Mary Ann who was always nervous about going too far; and I was nudging her along. But this time it was me. "Mom, what's wrong?" my son Robert said as he sat down next to me. "Sweetheart, I don't know," I replied. "I just..." "Is it something we did, Mom? I mean, Andy and me really wanted tonight to be special for you both." "Oh, Honey, no! No, not at all. You and Andy are ... I don't even have words for how...
I was a freshman in high school. I lived alone with my very sexy and extremely slutty mother who had been divorced since I was 3. Mom worked for a local law office, so she always dressed the part, business suits with short skirts, pantyhose ( vintage seamed or RHT nylon stockings on Fridays, which is another story in itself). My mom is the classic foot tease, always dangling her stiletto ( 5" minimum heel hight) and giving those men around her big hard ons to deal with. This story took...
This story picks up where MOM IS GETTING FUCKED suddenly stopped. A 40 ish man name John invited Mr Black, a friend from work, over to his house to meet his 69 year old Mother (Mama). John failed to tell his mom that company was cuming over that night. He knows his Mother very well and decided to surprise her. And what a surprise for her it has turned out to be.One minute Mother and Son are sharing a meal and the next Mom is stark ass naked with her pussy full of her son best friends huge cock....
Moms Choose Jif The day started off as every other day would, by having to hit the snooze a couple of times before getting out of bed. I was finally able to drag myself out of bed and started get ready for work. As I do every morning, I flipped on the local news channel. I usually don't really pay too much attention to it unless something catches my eye, maybe weather or traffic. Then came the commercial that changed my life. I remember sitting there on the edge of the bed. I...
HumorI was invited to around to their house for a bbq. When I was there I noticed Joy wasn't there and I asked Esther where she was “Oh er.... she'll be here soon she's er...fetching a friend” she said nervously “Oh really a friend is that's what they call it” I said with a chuckle trying to break the tension “Oh yeah it's like that, just be careful talking about around Carl he's not to thrilled” she said “Oh dear, what's he like?” I asked a little worried myself knowing how I felt about...
From the first day I laid my eyes on her, I wanted her. I had recently been transferred from the corporate headquarters in New York to head up the San Francisco office. I arrived on a gloomy, foggy Monday morning in July. Traffic was creeping along because of the fog, and I was certain to be late. Not a good first impression for the new boss man to make on his employees. Especially when I was sent there primarily to get the place back in order after the previous manager had let the place fall...
AnalCheating wife Joy now divorcedI have had any and all types of sex in any and all types of places with Joy. We have been fucking almost weekly over the last two years. She recently divorced her husband and said I had nothing to do with it. But I wonder how much is my fault. I mean I have been fucking the shit outta her literally anytime and anywhere I wanted. Over the next few weeks I will share some of the sexual adventures she and I have shared. We have had sex in the most crazy and random...
Ten years since I set foot in this sleepy little outpost, nothing seems to have changed at all. It’s like a place stuck in a void, unable to break free. It’s a quintessentially English village - stuffy, well to do folk who look down on you if you don’t speak like a broadcaster from the 1950’s. Everybody has their nose in other peoples business, there are no secrets here.I pass many folk who I know as I walk through the narrow lanes, but nobody seems to want to talk, they either pretend not to...
Group SexSam pulled his big rig into a truck stop outside Jacksonville, Florida. He was tired, hungry, and longed for a little chat with a cute waitress he knew worked there. The twenty years of trucking were beginning to catch up with him. He was 42 years of age, stood a little over 6' tall, and weighted somewhere north of 200 pounds. He had already spent half his life behind the wheel of a truck. Too many truck stop burgers and too many hours sitting on his ass behind the wheel of a truck had taken...
Black Knight Takes White Pawn Pussyboy Story from the perspective of a white teen pussyboy who becomes the sex slave of a couple niggers who use him for gang bangs and fuck films.I first met Arnim, my future nigger buck master, when we both worked for a well-known department store in London: in the packing and returns department at the rear of the building. Mr. Potter, the person in charge of the department, was a hard man to please. He was ex-army and arrived for work each morning dressed in a...
Owed to Joy“Mum?” Toni said as she sat at the table looking at the computer screen. “What’s this thing with Mr Daniels?” “What thing?” Joy Andrews asked moving over beside her daughter and staring down at the screen. Toni pointed to the figures on the screen.“He owes nearly seven grand!”.“bloody Hell!” Joy said. “I didn’t realise it had got that high.”“Mum! You really are the limit. You’re running a business here! You have to keep on top of things like this. This guy is taking the...
POV: Kaylee"Are you still feeling bad about Joy?" she asked, sitting next to me."Yes, but the situation was maybe bad on both of us. Joy was just having intimate issues, and her parents are just free spirits. Before I go any further, Mom, are you my loving mom or the judgmental one?" I asked, peeking at her."Kaylee, you know damn well, I have to be both. You don't get anywhere in life solely hearing the things you want to hear, so tell me what's wrong. You've spent endless hours with...
LesbianJoy was a very cute petite Asian girl, probably about twenty-one or twenty-two. She was the receptionist at my office. Always perky and cheerful, I often wondered what it would be like to spend some private moments with her. I knew my fanciful thoughts were just a pipe dream, so when I had the chance to get to know her on a more intimate level, I was a bit surprised, especially since I didn’t think she even noticed me. My office is in the back of a multi-tenant office building. Joy is stationed...
Office SexI set Joy up with three of my buddies and told them to do what they wanted, just make her feel good while I watched and waited for my turn when they were done. Joy, Carl, Jack & Ron entered the bedroom and Ron pulled off the gown off her body and pressed a kiss against the pulse at her neck. “You don't have to do anything. Just allow us to make you feel good.” They were naked, their cocks as hard as steel, Joy went on her knees and wrapped her mouth around Carl's shaft with her tongue licking...
Group SexDavie and his Mom Kate had barely talked about what had happened a few days ago when they had gotten so carried away having sex, she had forgotten her sister, his Aunt Joy was coming over for a visit. She caught them as he had his come running from Kate’s pussy. The two of them standing there panting and naked. Tongues in each others mouth. Most people would have been repulsed by what they were up to but Aunt Joy took it in stride, even slapped him on the naked ass and hugged her sister...
It was an awkward car ride to say the least. Davie and his Mom Kate had barely talked about what had happened a few days ago when they had gotten so carried away having sex, she had forgotten her sister, his Aunt Joy was coming over for a visit. She caught them as he had his come running from Kate’s pussy. The two of them standing there panting and naked. Tongues in each others mouth.Most people would have been repulsed by what they were up to but Aunt Joy took it in stride, even slapped him on...