Camilla Ch. 053 free porn video

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‘Ghosts fucking me in my sleep?’ sneering Camilla whispered to Candice, hoping the other passengers on the airplane wouldn’t hear. ‘Come on, Candice. You’re sounding like those Satanic crazies. There’s probably a perfectly rational explanation for what happened.’

‘OK,’ Candice whispered. ‘Like what? What could have made your pussy and asshole open up like that, without anything in them?’

‘The Nigrovum, more than likely,’ Camilla said. ‘It seems to intensify feelings, and grant our wishes, that’s what Dr. Singh thinks, anyway. We wanna heal, so we heal quicker. We wanted the Satanists to die, so they died. In my dream, I wanted to get laid, so I imagined I was really getting cock inside me, so you saw what you saw.’

‘Yeah,’ Candice said. ‘So did a bunch of other passengers.’

‘Well, I’ll have to be careful not to sleep in public places. I can’t control my subconscious desires, of course. Ever since that Satanic party, I haven’t been laid at all, except for the few fuck videos I made with Bob. I was bound to dream like I did, to satisfy my sexual frustration. Wish-fulfillment, all the way.’

‘If it’s all about wish-fulfillment, how did your teachers die?’

‘Maybe they were self-destructive,’ Camilla said, shrugging. ‘I dunno.’

The man who was watching Camilla during her dream, and who earlier had been watching Candice’s iPad behind her back, didn’t return to his seat after his second embarrassing ejaculation. Candice noticed his continuing absence among the other passengers. I bet he’s hiding in the washroom for the rest of the ride, she thought, snickering to herself.


Agape Mennon sat on a chair in the ‘Arrivals’ area of Toronto Pearson International Airport, he had a hip flask of Jim Beam in his hand. Already tipsy from several swigs, he was looking at a photo of his daughter when she was six, then up at the clock (it was 6:23 AM), then at the schedule (ETA fifteen minutes), then back at the photo, this cycle of gazes had been going on uninterrupted for the past ten minutes.

‘My sweet little baby,’ he said as he gazed at the smiling, innocent, skinny, pig-tailed Camilla of his photograph, which he’d had in his wallet all those years since he’d divorced Collette. ‘Look at those baby blue eyes.’ He knew the divorce had devastated her, but one wouldn’t have known that to hear the elation in her voice when she’d called him long distance from Vancouver over a month ago, asking if she could see him again. Over a decade had gone by since he’d last seen her, and he had no idea what to expect of her as she was now. He’d seen no recent photographs of her, the one in his hand was his most recent.

And what of her personality? On the phone she sounded as ebullient with joy as she had been before the divorce, but sometimes bitterness hides behind smiles. He’d always felt guilty about leaving her fatherless, and some kind of evil had to have grown from the hysterical tears she’d cried from the day he had to say good-bye to her.


The airplane was coming down, about to touch the ground. Camilla looked out the window in nervous expectation. Her heart was pounding.

‘Oh, God,’ she said in a trembling voice. ‘I’m gonna see him.’


Agape took another swig from his flask of bourbon as he looked at the schedule, which indicated her plane’s landing.

‘Oh, God,’ he said. ‘I’m gonna see her.’


After getting into the airport, the girls went to the nearest washroom. Camilla freshened up, putting on more bright makeup and nervously looking over herself in the mirror.

‘Why are you so anxious to look perfect, Camil?’ Candice asked as she re-applied some makeup. ‘You’re seeing your dad, not going on a date.’

‘I know,’ Camilla said as she put red lipstick on. ‘I want him to be proud to have a beautiful daughter.’

‘You don’t have to work so hard to do that,’ Candice said.

‘I wanna be more beautiful than beautiful,’ Camilla said, checking her dark blue evening gown for any problems. ‘No, I didn’t get any come on it from that dream–good.’ Then she checked her cleavage to see that a sufficiently titillating amount was showing. ‘I want him to know that I’m not the skinny, homely child I once was, I’ve blossomed gloriously, and I want him to be proud…OK, I’m ready. Let’s go.’

‘OK,’ Candice said. ‘Don’t be in such a hurry. Let me put my stuff in my purse, and we’ll go.’

‘I can’t wait any longer. C’mon!’ Camilla took Candice by the arm and led her out of the washroom.

As they went through the halls of the airport, Candice saw that man whom she’d made cream his pants on the airplane. He blushed when his wife, just then meeting him in the ‘Arrivals’ section, saw his still-wet pants. Candice giggled. ‘Serves you right, asshole,’ she said.

Camilla’s eyes raced all over the large room, searching through the sea of waiting people to find her dad. Then she saw him. ‘Oh, my God,’ she said. ‘Candice, there he is.’ She pointed him out. Tall, with wisps of grey hair intermixed with his more dominant blond, and in a white short-sleeved dress shirt and dark blue dress pants, the forty-something man indeed looked to Candice like Mr. Grisham, only much better-looking. ‘Daddy!’ A tear ran down Camilla’s cheek. ‘Daddy, over here!’

Agape looked up from his photo and saw his 18-year-old daughter for the first time. He recognized the face under all the heavy makeup, but he didn’t recognize the body at all. No longer the skinny little girl of his photo, she was now a buxom, shapely, callipygian beauty. His jaw dropped, and his eyes almost fell out from his lack of belief of what they were telling him. ‘How did an owl such as I produce a pussycat like that?’ he asked himself as he saw her approaching. ‘Is that really my daughter?’

She and Candice were coming closer, slowed down only by their heavy bags. He was too awed by her transformation, from childlike flatlands to womanly topography, to think to walk over and help them with their luggage. He kept looking up from his photo to see the statuesque Aphrodite coming up to him, then back down at the photo of his once-innocent child, as would a confused customs official eyeing a dubious passport.

Finally, the girls reached him. Camilla threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. Kissing him hard on the cheek, she said, ‘Oh, Daddy! It’s ecstasy to see you again.’

‘NIce assonance,’ he said.

Looking back at her behind and grinning, she said, ‘Oh, thank you.’

Blushing and astonished at her words, he stammered, ‘I meant–uh, I wasn’t talking about–uh, the word asson–, uh…’

Candice was as surprised by Camilla’s excessive affection as he was, Camilla was still hugging him tightly. ‘Daddy?’ she asked after smelling his breath. ‘Have you been drinking?’

‘Yeah,’ he said. ‘Hair of the dog.’

‘Oh, Daddy, she took you away from me,’ Camilla said in sobs.

‘Sweetie,’ he said nervously, taking her arms from his waist. ‘W-why don’t I take you home now? I’ve set up the guest bedroom to accommodate both of you. You must be tired.’

‘Yeah, okay,’ Camilla said. ‘Oh, where are my manners? Daddy, this is my best friend, Candice, Candice, my daddy. His name’s Agape.’

Shaking his hand, Candice said, ‘Agape, that’s a unique name.’

‘It means ‘love’,’ Camilla said with an ear-to-ear smile, her eyes beaming up at him. She was fidgeting with delight, like a giddy little girl, at finally being with him again.

‘Let’s go,’ he said, putting his flask in his pocket and taking the girls’ heavier bags. ‘It’s raining outside, Camilla. Maybe I should let you use my raincoat when we go out to get a taxi.’

As they were going over to the doors leading outside, Camilla said, ‘Oh, I don’t mind a little rain. I like the way I look in this dress, and I want to show it off, a little rain on me will make me look even spicie

If only you did mind a little rain, he thought, every other man in this airport wants you to show off your near-naked ‘spiciness’, too.

They waited out in the rain, Agape offered the girls his umbrella.

‘Thanks,’ Candice said, opening it up.

‘You use it,’ Camilla said. ‘I don’t mind getting wet.’ The rain was making her erect nipples poke through her dress, and she liked how sexy it made her look.

‘You’ll catch your death of cold,’ he said, not comfortable with her exhibitionism. ‘Please, baby, at least wear my raincoat.’

‘No, I’m OK, Daddy, really. Hey, there’s an empty cab, let’s get it!’ They did, and got to Agape’s home, a house in a quiet neighbourhood, in about a half hour.


‘Here’s your room, girls,’ Agape said. ‘There’s a bathroom over there for both of you, so you have perfect privacy.’

‘Thanks, Mr. Mennon,’ Candice said. ‘I’ll find myself an apartment really quick, you don’t need to worry about me staying here too long.’

‘Oh, don’t worry about that,’ he said. ‘You’re my guest, stay as long as you need to. There’s no great hurry for you to find a new place. Have yourselves a shower, then sleep for as long as you like, when you’re all rested up, I’ll take you both out to dinner tonight. I know a great Italian restaurant we can go to.’

‘Great. Thanks, Daddy,’ Camilla said. He left them, and she closed the door. ‘Let’s take a shower together, it’ll save my dad on the water bills.’

‘It’ll also be fun,’ Candice said. ‘We haven’t done that in a while.’ She kissed Camilla on the lips, and the girls took off their clothes and makeup.

The naked girls got into the shower stall, it was a small one, but they weren’t going to need a lot of space anyway. They turned on the water, took the hand-held shower head and sprayed the fairly-hot water on each other’s bodies, and each got a bar of soap to lather up and use on each other. Camilla soaped up Candice’s arms and armpits while softly pecking her on the lips, Candice soaped up Camilla’s breasts. The steam from the water didn’t out-fog their heavy breathing by much, for soon Candice was rubbing the lather on Camilla’s pubic hair and vulva, while Camilla soaped up Candice’s tits. The pecks on the lips quickly evolved into French-kissing. Candice put her soaped-up finger inside Camilla’s anus while Camilla got the lather on Candice’s pussy. Again, the wet of the water on the girls’ groin areas was in close competition with the wet they felt from their excitement. Camilla soaped up Candice’s asshole while Candice rubbed soap all over Camilla’s back and arms.

They rinsed each other off, then Candice soaped up Camilla’s legs and feet, all the while licking her pussy. Camilla rubbed shampoo in Candice’s hair as she was being eaten out. Candice was sucking on Camilla’s clitoris, buzzing and humming on it as well as breathing heavily on it. This made Camilla sigh at higher and higher pitches until she finally screamed in whistle register and came all over Candice’s happy face. After rinsing Candice’s hair off, Camilla was startled to hear a knock on the bedroom door. ‘Yes, Daddy?’

‘Is everything OK in there?’ he asked. ‘I heard a shrill scream.’

‘Oh, believe me, Mr. Mennon,’ Candice said in sighs. ‘That kind of scream can only be a good one.’

‘Oh?’ he asked, guessing at Candice’s meaning.

‘Really, Daddy,’ Camilla sighed. ‘Everything’s fantastic in here.’

‘If you say so,’ he said, leaving them. I think I know what kind of ‘best friends’ they are, he thought. Oh well: I’m liberal enough to accept it. If that’s as debauched as Camilla has gotten from my absence in her life, I consider her lucky.

‘OK, Candice,’ Camilla said, squatting down with the soap. ‘Now it’s your turn.’ She peed down the drain as she soaped up Candice’s legs and licked her pussy, while Candice shampooed Camilla’s hair and moaned.


The girls slept until lunchtime, then got up, put on their dresses, and joined Agape for lunch. He made them all chicken sandwiches.

‘So, what do you teach at York University, Mr. Mennon?’ Candice asked before taking a bite of her sandwich.

‘The same thing I’m studying there, English literature,’ Camilla said. ‘Though I’ll also be minoring in French literature. There’s a course on French erotic literature I’m taking, I can’t wait for that.’

‘Is your French good enough to study that?’ he asked.

‘The university thinks so, they accepted me for that course,’ Camilla said. ‘I wanna be just like my Daddy, and be a professor one day.’

‘Wow,’ Candice said. ‘I always knew you were smart enough to do that, Camil.’

‘What about you, Candice?’ he asked. ‘Are you studying at York, too?’

‘Oh, no,’ she said. ‘I’m not smart enough to do university. I’ll just find a stripping job here.’

‘Oh,’ he said, a bit surprised. ‘Kind of hard work, isn’t that? I mean, psychologically?’

‘Well, there are a lot of creeps,’ she said. ‘But I can handle that, don’t worry. I now especially have the power to handle those kinds of guys.’

Not at all understanding what she meant by that, he decided to change the subject back to Camilla’s studies. ‘Since you want to become a prof, Camilla, you may want to take a look at my library in the other room over there. Reading a number of my books can give you a leg-up over the other students.’

‘Great,’ Camilla said. ‘I wanna have a look.’ She got up, took her sandwich with her, and went into his study. She was in awe at what she found there: Books, books, and more books! He had bookshelves completely covering three of the four walls in the room, with no spare space anywhere. Though there were no Hindi or Sanskrit books on his shelves, as there were in Ravinder’s home, his books still showed a wealth of erudition. Not only were there the usual writers, Shakespeare (complete works), Chaucer, Spenser, Milton, Donne, Yeats, Keats, Byron, Blake, Shelley, e e cummings, TS Eliot, and many others, there were also numerous scholarly studies on many of those writers and others, including several written by himself! She looked at the ones he’d written, and noticed rave reviews on the backs of some of them. ‘Oh, Daddy,’ she said, almost getting dizzy, ‘you’re the sexiest Daddy of them all.’


That evening, the three of them went out to the Italian restaurant Agape had mentioned before. He helped himself to a generous amount of red wine, as did Candice, knowing Camilla would drive them all back home.

Sipping his wine, he pulled out his cell-phone. ‘Here,’ he said to Camilla. ‘I want you to see this picture.’

‘Sure,’ she said. She frowned slightly when she saw a picture of a black-haired, black-eyed woman about his age, and mentally guessed who she was. ‘Who’s this?’

‘Carrie Minnear,’ he said. ‘A fellow professor at York, she’s also been my girlfriend for the past three years.’

‘She seems very nice,’ Camilla said with a fake smile, hiding her annoyance at this intrusion, as she saw Carrie, in their lives. ‘Very pretty, she looks like Mom.’

‘Yeah,’ he said, putting the phone away and sipping his wine again. ‘I’ve always had a weakness for women with long black hair.’

I’ve always had a hatred for women who look like that, Camilla thought underneath her smile.


That night in their room, naked Candice was on the bed masturbating as she watched, on her iPad, a BDSM video of Camilla, naked, tied-up, and whipped by Bob. It amazed Candice to see Camilla receive so many lashes with a whip, causing so many stripes of wet blood on her back, only to see it all heal so quickly after Bob had licked it off her. Again, it was all POV, so one saw the licking and the healing up close. ‘You’re so powerful, Camilla,’ Candice said in awe of the girl she loved. ‘No one can stop you.’

‘It’s great that Bob and I can do BDSM, thanks to Nigrovum,’ naked Camilla said f
rom the bathroom. ‘Without it, I would never have even considered it. Now there’s a new category for my website, and it’s drawing lots of viewers, who are just as amazed as you are to see all those wounds heal so fast.’

‘Watching you in these videos,’ Candice said after turning off the iPad, ‘I can only say you’re a goddess.’

‘Thanks,’ Camilla said as she left the bathroom. Getting on the bed with Candice, she asked, ‘But what d’you think of Daddy? Speaking of gods, isn’t he, well, just Zeus-like? If I’m a goddess, I’m Athena, sprung right from his forehead.’ She kissed Candice on the cheek.

‘Well, I don’t know if I’d call him ‘Zeus-like’,’ Candice said, kissing Camilla on the lips. ‘But I can see where you get your beauty from: he’s sure cute. He looks like Grisham, only better.’ She put her iPad away and took Camilla in her arms.

‘You wanna fuck him?’ Camilla asked as she kissed Candice on the neck. She fondled Candice’s left tit.

‘But he’s your dad,’ Candice said, no longer sighing from shock at what Camilla had just said. ‘Wouldn’t that be creepy?’

‘I don’t mind,’ Camilla said. ‘Oh, come on. Have an open mind. I want you to–really.’ She started fingering Candice’s pussy.

‘But what about his girlfriend?’ Candice moaned, closing her eyes.

‘That’s why I want to fuck him.’ Camilla licked Candice’s right nipple.

‘This sounds like jealousy. Oh!’

‘No,’ Camilla said with more than a little defensiveness as she kept licking. ‘I…think Carrie…will be bad…for him.’ She sucked on Candice’s right tit while putting her index and long fingers up the redhead’s pussy.

‘How do you…know that? Ah! You don’t…even know her.’

‘That black hair…and black eyes…like Mommy.’

‘So?’ Candice ran one hand through Camilla’s hair and fondled her left tit with the other.

‘I’m…getting premonitions,’ Camilla said as she kissed Candice’s belly. ‘The Nigrovum’s telling me…Carrie will…hurt him…Fuck him for me…I wanna watch.’

‘Eww!’ Candice said, pushing Camilla away and looking in her eyes in shock. ‘The Nigrovum’s making you nuts, girl.’

‘No,’ Camilla said, looking Candice straight in the eyes and working the Nigrovum on her mind. ‘I wanna watch you make him feel good. He’s an unhappy man, and an alcoholic, as you could see today. I’m sure the divorce drove him to drink. I love him, I wanna make him happy, that’s all.’

‘Well…’ Candice said, not even noticing her own hypnosis. ‘OK. For you I will. But he likes brunettes, doesn’t he?’

‘Buy a black wig,’ Camilla said, diving down on Candice’s pussy. ‘Or dye…your hair…black.’ Her tongue vibrated rapidly against Candice’s clitoris, Candice held and caressed Camilla’s head in her hands as the cunnilingus continued. Camilla wrapped her lips around Candice’s labia and gently tugged on them, then she pushed Candice’s legs up so she could lick her asshole. As her tongue tickled the anal orifice, Camilla slowly and carefully put her fingers inside Candice’s cunt, then she fisted her. Her fingers touching Candice’s G-spot and A-spot, she made Candice orgasm within a few minutes.


Agape dreamed of being with Carrie that night.

They were in a park, walking together on a dark, starless night. Only the moon and a few far away streetlights gave any illumination. He looked away from her for a second to see a beautiful lake to his left, when he looked back, he no longer saw Carrie. Instead, he saw Candice, but with black hair and wearing Camilla’s dark blue dress.

‘Where’s Carrie?’ he asked, confused.

‘Who cares?’ Candice asked. ‘Do you like my tits, Mr. Mennon? You’ve been staring at them all night.’

‘No, I haven’t,’ he said. ‘I don’t think of you that…’

‘D’you wanna see them?’ she asked, holding the shoulder straps of her dress as if about to take it off. ‘I’ll get naked for you, if you like.’

‘Gee, I don’t know if…’

Before he could finish, the dress fell to the ground. Without underwear, Candice was now completely naked before him. No longer ginger-coloured, her pubic hair was as black as Collette’s, as were her eyes, fingernails, toenails, and even her nipples. She squatted down, unzipped Agape’s pants, and pulled out his cock. Looking up at him submissively, she began sucking him off.

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Trish decided to take a short break from the escort girl scene after that wedding party project. Her private parts were exhausted from the constant humping from the groom and the five groomsmen sniffing after her sweet snatch throughout the entire affair. At least she felt that she had done a good job and the pay was excellent. She turned the entire operation over to her bed-buddy accountant and told Betty and Veronica they could keep 75% of everything they made which made them as happy as...

1 year ago
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I Couldnt Believe That Happened

Our house always has been the "cool" place to hang out at. Our daughter and step-daughter's friends have always liked coming over. They would always tell everyone that we were awesome, fun to chill with, really laid-back, and they could stay up all hours of the night having fun.What the girls have never mentioned, thankfully, is that when my wife would go to work on second or third shift, often times our late nights would result in some drinking. Yes, I knew it was wrong, but I also knew that...

3 years ago
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A Young Girls Introduction To SexChapter 10 Becoming a FullFledged Whore

Ellie's mother, Mavis Jones, was at her wit's end. A week had raced by since her daughter had run off. The police offered little if any help. She had tried the FBI and received much the same message, only they were more polite. She had gone to the high school and questioned most of Ellie's classmates, including Margie on several occasions. She had badgered Margie's mother into eavesdropping on her daughter to see if Ellie was calling her after hours. None of this had proven...

2 years ago
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Meri Wife Chudi Apne Boss Se Maine Dekha Live

Hello friend mai apko apne ek realy story bantane jaa raha hu jo 2 month pehle hui. Meri wife jiska name monika hai bahut hi sunder or mast hai uska figure 36 38 40 hai wo thodi moti hai lekin gori bilkul doodh jaise hai. Humari shadi ko 1 saal hua hai uski umar 24 saal hai . Humne love marriage ki hai. Ab mai story pe aata hu. Meri wife monika bahut ji sexy type ki ladki hai matlab usse sex chat nahut pasand hai shadi se pehle bhi wo bahut sexd chat karti thi yahoo pe. Humari sex life achi cha...

3 years ago
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Ensuring the Family Tree Has BranchesChapter 45

Sure enough, Summer was good to what she'd told Philip and the next afternoon she was in his office, working to get what it was that she wanted most from her big boss. Big in more ways than one, she laughed to herself. Summer had dealt with her increasing desire to have another baby, and now she wanted one so badly that there was no longer any denying the overwhelming burning within her mind and body to conceive again and bear another baby. "Philip, I'll just be very honest with you and...

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Natkhat BijliBhola Arun 8211 Part II

Hi friends this is Sunny( anu chachi story author)…. This is my new story. It’s all together different. Hope you guys will enjoy it ek bar Arun naam ka ek bihari ladka tha uski umar 18 baras thi jab se 18 warsh ka hua ….woh har subah jab bhi jagta tha uski underwear gili hoti thi use samaj nahi aata that ki uski underwear me baarish kahan se hoti hai or woh bhi itni chikni woh aksar sochta ki “yeh baat me kisse puchu? ek din use vichar aaya ki uski badi bahen bijli jo uski bahut karib hai kyun...

3 years ago
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What a Surprise

Recently I started seeing someone, a fuck buddy which I had hoped would turn out to be more, why? he had a gorgeous above average cock and knew how to use it :) He called me and asked me to come round, said he had a surprise for me, he lived 15 minutes away so I threw on a mini dress and pair of heels and decided to walk over, on the way my dress kept riding up exposing the tops of my stockings, I must admit it kind of turned me on a littleI arrived at his house and he opened the door, we said...

1 year ago
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My Fetish For Panties Ch2

Well I hoped you enjoyed my first chapter and I will try and get more sexual in the next couple chapters, but for right now I'd like to continue sharing my earlier experiances and at the same time keep it short and sweet and in this chapter! So after my initial experiance, I continued my quest to find dirty panties, usually at friend's houses, visiting relatives etc. I would like to say though that I never once took my mothers underwear, as I never had the urge to, I know from talking to other...

2 years ago
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showing the wife a GREAT night out

OK this is about a night we went out and my girlfriend said she will do anything I ask I am you slave she keeps telling me this for the last month or so. I have tested her few time over the phone do this and do that and take a picture to prove it and send it to me. And she did so! It was awesome. But I really wanted to test her more and see how far she would go. Well Cristal is a very pretty woman 36 years old (looks like she is 20 ) 5’10” 165 tall and great...

1 year ago
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Soccer Mom Slave Chapter 9

Saturday Morning "Good Morning slave." Her Master's voice woke Brenda from a deep slumber. It took her a minute to remember where she was. It started coming back to her, naked in a king size bed with her Master, Las Vegas, Caesar's Palace, dinner, show, playing craps. Her eyes popped open when she thought of how she had exposed herself in the casino and the hallway. When she thought of how her Master fucked her on the balcony she relaxed, and stretched. "Mmm... Good Morning Master," she...

1 year ago
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The Phone Booth

PART 1My name is Lisa. I’m a college freshman; 5’2” tall, weigh 105 lbs, and have shoulder length strawberry blonde hair. This happened during the big bash the college throws every year for spring break. There were many activities, games, etc planned. My sorority signed up for the phone booth stuff. I thought this looked like fun so I signed up to participate. Now there were many rules our “stuff” team had to adhere to. First, we had to team up with a fraternity. Second, there was a minimum...

3 years ago
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Kristin 4

Over the next few days I was consumed with Kristin and confused about my feelings toward him. We texted and spoke several times over the next few days and kind of evolved into a more emotional relationship. Up until then it was mostly just sex. We were able to talk about life in general and just like most people on a relationship about each other’s feelings. It seemed we became closer by talking at length sometimes on the phone. It got so I was very comfortable calling and talking at any...

4 years ago
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On The Beach

ON THE BEACH By Hungry Guy     My boyfriend and I were relaxing on the beach that warm fall evening.  The temperature was warm enough for us to lay on the beach in a bikini and trunks, but not hot enough for us to go in the water, so the beach was deserted.  Plus, we had found a cozy secluded rocky spot around a bend away from the boardwalk.  We were all alone.  It was great!      "Dear," he said to me, "Why don't you let me bury you in the sand?"  He loved to bury me in the sand up to my neck...

2 years ago
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Expect the Unexpected Sometimes

There is an old saying of "expect the unexpected" in all sorts of situations, particularly those with a degree of certainty. This goes for anyone.In the past year, my wife has adapted nicely to being a full-time housewife for the very first time after leaving a very stressful job. So that she doesn't get bored, I call and text her from work during the week just to keep her from being bored. Sometimes I'll do things such as texting a dick pic of myself letting her know what she'll get after I...

2 years ago
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Club Games

Whew! The end of mid terms were finally upon us. Me and my girlfriends worked dame hard studying for those tests, and now that it was Friday night, it was time to hit the town and PARTY!!! Or something like it. We just wanted to have a good time together, and to take our minds off school, so me, Sara, Jill, and Amber all went to Sabers Dance Club. It was this really cool place in the heart of Seattle for college students to dance, drink, and possibly find someone to get laid with. So all...

3 years ago
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The Summer Ill Never Forget 61 Some Away Time

Day 9 Steph woke up feeling completely spent and still tired…well sort of anyways. She looked at the clock where it read 6:43am. She didn’t know how long she had been asleep let alone when she blacked out last night. Steph got up putting on only her Cameo Tennessee shirt and Tennessee Basketball shorts. After she put on her clothes she walked downstairs to get some much needed coffee. As she reached the kitchen she saw no one there, strange normally Amanda would already be sitting in her...

1 year ago
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My life as LizPart 2

As the sun shined on my face I slowly woke up from my sweet dreams. Suddenly, I heard someone knocking on the door. I forgot to close the door last night, so the person could walk right in. It was Michael, one of my best friends. "Liz, get up, you're late again. You know the professor will kill you if you get late ag...", Michael stopped in mid-sentence, only now realizing I wasn't alone and we were naked."Uhmm...nevermind. I'll see you later." He turned around, noticeably ashamed. I woke up...

College Sex
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NubileFilms Emma Starlletto Milana Ricci Only For The Night

Emma Starletto has asked her friend Milana Ricci to spend the night. Milana has agreed. The girls are spending time in bed, with Milana checking out a guy on the phone while Emma checks out Milana. Hoping that her plan will work, Emma comments that she doesn’t know how to kiss. Milana responds in just the way that Emma hoped: by putting down her phone and showing her friend just what kissing is all about. A kiss like the one Milana has planted on her friend’s lips can’t stop...

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Mom8217s Affair With Sheikh Zayed

Hello friends.Main vicky singh jacob ek baar phir lekar aaya hoon aap sabke liye hot sex story jismein main aap sabko bataunga ki kaise dad ke absence mein mummy ne sheikh zayed ke saath ghar mein sex kiya.Toh ab aate hain story par. Ek din mere grandparents ne dad se kaha ki unhe yahaan aaye hue bahut din ho gaye hain aur baby sunny ke saath rehte rehte time ka pata hi nahin chala toh isliye ab woh log cochin(kerala) jaana chahte hain.Phir dad aur mummy donon ne insist kiya ki woh donon kuch...

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Subordinate seduced

I narrate a true story which is almost a decade old. I used to work in Ahmedabad as a bachelor in my first job. I passed out of a good business school and got placement in a good company in Ahmedabad. My job involved less of travelling – occasionally overseas was there. The flat was very close to office and I was staying alone.I employed a maid through neighbours reference for household job and cooking.She came just before I left for office and she had one key of the flat. I used to come home...

1 year ago
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Mother May I part I

"Sorry, Mrs. K, er, ah, I was looking for Joe."She was my best friend's mother and I came across her tanning, stomach down with the her two piece top straps undone. Their yard was surrounded by a seven foot tall wooden fence. I always came around the back and knocked on Joe's bedroom window. "No need to be so shy, Jack. I used to change your diapers."And she had, being my mom's best friend since moving to our little cul-de-sac heaven, three split-level ranch homes, the architectural embodiment...

1 year ago
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22 November 2008Chapter 2

“Jake, you’re up next to fuck your mom!” Brad yelled from the doorway. He came from his bedroom, naked, his cock standing straight out. “Abby was kind enough to suck on my cock to make it nice and hard for fucking you, Mom.” “Dad is just finishing licking my cum from her pussy.” Brad eyed his brother’s hard cock and couldn’t resist, kneeling and giving it several sucks. “If your mom wasn’t so horny for you to fuck her, I’d gladly suck you off.” “We can plan it for later tonight after our...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Abby Adams Tiny Pussy Housekeeper Problems

Teeny Abby Adams is trying to impress her new boss, but she cannot seem to do anything right around his house. She wants to help make breakfast, but she cannot reach the top shelf of the food pantry. Then, she ends up knocking a stack of papers all over the floor! Finally, she tries to get her a ring out of the kitchen drain but ends up getting stuck instead. He lets her know that she is not right for the job, but she is willing to do whatever she can to stay. She bends down and opens her mouth...

1 year ago
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Sex with Jason

One morning when I got up for work I felt that something different. But I didnt know what.I realized I had been standing out of the apartment, locking the door behind me. I ran down the steps and jumped into my car. As I drove to my work place. When I got to my room I looked around for an empty seat spying one I sat down, just as the i came in. I felt that someone was watching me, but couldnt find who it was . But to my surprise I spotted Jason, one of the hottestman in the work place. Everyone...

1 year ago
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PornMegaLoad Julia Juggs Big Girl Strip Club

At the Big Girl Strip Club, skinny exotic dancers have no place. This is a club for men who want to be intoxicated by the sweet scent of well-padded ladies with big butts, fleshy hips and huge tits. They come here to get boob drunk in the dim, crowded room where sex lingers in the air and permeates the mind of the horny guy. The Big Girl Strip Club is a feast of flesh for the senses. As Charlie Cooper and Alix Lakehurst bump, grind and shake their moneymakers at separate stages, Julia Juggs...

2 years ago
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Daddys Memory Chapters 1 2 3

This story is fiction. All de***********ions are ficticious and in no way represent reality. Do not read if you are uncomfortable with the subjects of this story. Send feedback to [email protected] ---------------------------------------------- 1: DADDY'S ROOM Isha throws a baseball at me for the hundredth time, I want to finally catch it! I lose track of it everytime because the "true-and-blue southern skies," (my brother Isha calls it), so it always drops -- like it does now,...

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Jasons TaleChapter 20 Dealing With the Enemy

The Captain was much happier knowing that he wasn’t going to have to board a hostile ship from a small boat, and he had his force ready in seconds. As always, he reminded the Guardsmen that they were there to hold attackers off. The archers would do all the killing that needed to be done. As always, the approach seemed to take hours. We didn’t want to go fast, though, as there was no good way to slow down and a hard collision would damage both ships. When we got closer, I yelled “Ahoy the...

3 years ago
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Pati Fauz Me Aur Sonal Bhabhi Mauj Me

Hi dosto mera naam Rahul Singh hey aur me MP ka rehne wala hu. Meri umar 20 saal hai. Yeh kahani mere aur maakan maliik ki bahu ke beech ke sambhog ki hey. Toh shuru karte hey yeh kahani jo apko bohot uttezit kardegi. Kahani hey 1 saal pehele ki jab me engineering entrance ki padai ke liye indore me room lekar rehta thaa. Mere makan maliik ke parivar me 4 sadasya thee ek budhe uncle aunty, unka fauzi beta Ravi aur uski nav vivahit biwi Sonal. Pura parivar mujhse bohot sneh rakhta thaa aur mujhe...

4 years ago
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Training Sarah PArt One the beginning

Ever since I can remember, Sarah was a super sound sleeper. Having learned all the camp tricks like putting shaving cream in someone's hand, tickling their faces, and watching them smear shaving cream all over their faces, I started to do some of those tricks on my sleeping sister. Being the sound sleeper that she was, she was the perfect subject, but after a while, the camp tricks got kind of boring. We still shared a room, but with me being 14 and Sarah being 17, mom and dad were doing an...

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MILF of the Bride

I just got home and the light on my answering machine was blinking, usually not a good sign the person could not reach me on my cell. It was Mike and he needed me to fill in for another guy who could not make a wedding this weekend. It was Thursday and I had to leave for Vermont tomorrow after work if I wanted to make it. I had know Mike since 6Th grade and we both used each other for emergency situation, especially if it was to get laid or his date or mine needed a buddy to go on a double...

1 year ago
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Contract for Sex

My story is a warning to all those arrogant men who believe they are all their wives could want, and who are complacent about their spouse's fidelity. My wife Alex and I had been married for five years, and were both 26. Alex is a 5'4" redhead, not the prettiest girl in the world but very attractive sexually. She had put on some weight since our marriage, but her fuller figure only served to turn even more heads. She had wanted to have c***dren fairly soon, but I had insisted that we become...

2 years ago
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Center of Attention

Introduction: So youre not going to believe what I just got back from doing. Im sitting here on my computer about to write down the story of what happened tonight because I DONT WANT TO FORGET A SINGLE DETAIL! My girlfriend is now laying in bed asleep after putting on the performance of her life. She earned it! So youre not going to believe what I just got back from doing. Im sitting here on my computer about to write down the story of what happened tonight because I DONT WANT TO FORGET A...

3 years ago
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Stella Maris SM in Spain 8

Stella Maris learns lesbian loveStella Maris is very excited from seeing Anna and Belle in 69 on our casting couchas she sits at my lap with my thumb up her slit and fingers playing her love lips."Caress your clit a bit, love. I want you to come when they do. Be a good girl",I whisper in her ear. We enjoy the sexy show as their moaning gets lots louder now.Stella Maris does not notice my sign of excitement reaching up her hot thighs even.She is completely engaged in rising to new heighths...

4 years ago
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Anniversary DelightsChapter 29 Parting

The Earl of Bargoed and Princess Zubeydeh left for England the following day, taking the nine year old Crown Prince Mustapha back in time for his Summer Term at school. "Have a safe journey," said the Emir, as they were getting into the Rolls. "I do have one problem," said the Earl of Bargoed, "And that is exactly how to describe these celebrations to Her Majesty. She commanded me to report in detail when I get back." "I'm sure you'll think of something that won't offend the...

4 years ago
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PrIt ne randi Shirley setia ki fudi mari

HuHello dosto ajj mein apko ek real story btane ja rha hu ki kasie prit ne Shirley setia ko choda . Bsy toh app sb jante hai ki Shirley setia bhut hi beautiful hai but ajj kal vo apne figure ko kuch jeda hi expose krti rhti hai bsy mein roz Shirley ki naam ki muth marta hu mera sapna hai ki eski fudi maru humesha.Toh chlo start krte hai fir story....ek baar prit ko Shirley setia se milane maska movie ke directer bulate hai usi din se prit ko Shirley pe crush ho jata hai vo uske bde mumme dekhta...

1 year ago
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Jordanian cheating wife

I am sorry if this is a long story, but i wanted to share this karma experience. I think i have a cheating wife. I met this married woman long time ago, when online chats were new on the internet. We chatted online for several months and later over the phone before i finally met her. In our online chats, she told me a lot of things about her life and she lived in a loveless marriage, and how bad her husband treats her.Our first meeting was kind of awkward (in a hotel room). We have discussed...

3 years ago
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Angies New World AdventureChapter 9 Day Two in America

The room phone rang at exactly five am and a sleepy sounding Bobby answered it, a female voice on the other end of the phone announced, “This is your requested five am alarm call!” and then the line went dead. For about five minutes Bobby looked down at his wife of one year and thought to himself how lucky am I. then he gently leaned over and kissed her forehead saying “Angie, my love it’s time to rise and shine!” Angie began to stir and seeing her husband so close she smiled and blew him a...

2 years ago
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Woman With A PastChapter 11

Betsy Elliott is a genius! Hermie, my old, old friend Hermie, is a genius for finding her, asking her to marry him, and somehow persuading her that it was a good idea. The moonlight dinner cruise on the river might have been every bit as corny and contrived as it sounds, and God knows it wasn't cheap. But it never would have occurred to me to invite a date on a river cruise for dinner and dancing. Until I had found Shirley again, it never would have occurred to me to go dancing anywhere,...

3 years ago
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exs dream

my girlfriend shared a fantasy that she had. she had always dreamed about being a*****ed and forced to do things that she would never normally do. i borrowed my cousins work van, the kind that has no windows in the back. i parked outside her work one day and waited. after she closed the store and was going to her car, i grabbed her and forced her into the van. i gagged, blindfolded and tied her hands behind her back. by her moans i know she was getting moist. she had no idea that it was me. i...

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