- 3 years ago
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As always:
Thanks to rf-fast for the editing work. Your insights are what takes this story from mindless drivel to readable.
Happy Reading!
Reputation: an act or a series of acts that defines the perception of yourself in others.
Now that is not Webster’s definition but one of my own, as at the moment I do not have a dictionary in front of me. The results could be positive or negative and the effects are long lasting. The acts could come from years, months, or weeks of habitual redundancy, or in my case, a single, solitary moment in time. And for me, my reputation in the office in which I work is that of a depraved soul. But still, that doesn’t explain why I am gagged with a shroud over my head while being tied down to a chair. And the very reason I do not have a dictionary in front of me.
I was late. It was my first day at Windham Securities, a firm that deals with investments for the most wealthy of individuals. Some wanted stock advice, some wanted retirement assistance, and some only wanted use of our accounting services, but all were prestigious. I was doing my best to make up for the time lost, running as fast as I could in my navy blue suit and fake oxford shoes. As it turns out, running is not the greatest of actions to do when you have poor quality shoes and two left feet. Passing by the bushes that lined the cement walkway I was on, I saw the finish line. I also saw Janet Crosby. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes, and was wearing a red executive business suit that screamed power. She was my soon to be coworker and she was being kind enough to hold open the door for me. As I got close, I smiled at her. I also tripped. With the speed in which I was going, my action was more like a dive, a head first aerial assault onto the aforementioned Janet Crosby. When the dust settled, I was lying on top of the poor woman with my right hand unceremoniously enjoying the feel of her left breast. With several eyewitnesses viewing the event, my ineptitude at running became sexual harassment.
I was embarrassed but determined as I explained myself to the human resources director, thankful there was a security camera in the lobby to show my side of the tale.
‘Troy Miller,’ Mark Driscoll, the head of Human Resources started. ‘I understand that this was an accident but I also cannot ignore the results of what happened. You are admonished from this instance, but if you slip up just once more, the company will be forced to let you go. You are now on probation for six months.’
My job was saved but not my reputation. Gossip spread across the office like wildfire and I was henceforth known as the Depraved Demon of Windham Securities. No matter how polite or nice I was, hell I even spent forty dollars on cookies a colleague was selling for their kid, it was always assumed I was just playing an angle. Some feared me, some wouldn’t speak to me even if we were working on the same project, but most just looked at me with abject disgust. I just couldn’t shake my reputation.
Despite the drawbacks, I was determined to make my mark in the financial world. I followed the market, dissected trends, meticulously analyzed companies and prospects. If a stock would allow even a penny of growth, I jumped at it. I was also great at reading my clients. For instance, I had two small business clients say, ‘I want my company to be environmentally conscious.’ One said it and meant it. The other meant, ‘I want my company to ‘appear’ to be environmentally conscious.’ I knew what was required simply by the client’s body language. I worked late every evening, pouring over the portfolios of what few clients I had to ensure their futures were secure.
It was another late night at the office and just like the others, I was alone. I finished a retirement plan for a client, one that would provide enough equity so he and his wife could live until they were a hundred and fifty and still be financially comfortable, grabbed my briefcase, and made my way to what is always my last stop before vacating the building, the restroom. When I reached the door, I realized my shoe was untied, so I did what anyone would do, I knelt down and took hold of the laces.
A creak of a door and the sound of two footfalls had me looking up at a woman who I have never seen before. She was gorgeous, but not in a supermodel or curvaceous type of way. Those never interested me. Her face appeared soft, her hair, black in color, cascaded down to her lower back, and she dressed in a navy blue blouse, a black skirt, with a black overcoat. The fabric was of obvious high quality and not something off the rack at a department store. Everything about her screamed innocent and wealthy… all except her dark brown eyes, piercing in nature, and they radiated a sense of danger. One glance into them and I knew she could beat me to an inch of my life or further if she so chose. And I couldn’t look away. Just one look and I was already infatuated with the woman before me.
‘I see what you are doing, Troy!’ The voice of Janet came from behind and I turned my head just in time to see her purse arching down toward me. ‘I can’t believe you would have the audacity to look up a client’s skirt, you pervert.’ The force of the blow was enough to flatten me to the ground. What did she have in there, a cinder block?
I struggled to stand, more out of fear from being attacked again. ‘I was not looking up her skirt. I was tying my shoe when she came out of the bathroom.’
Janet shook her head, let out a disgusted huff, and rolled her eyes at me before focusing back on her client. ‘Allow me to apologize, Triela. Please know that his actions in no way reflect the high standards that Windham Securities is known for and furthermore I will ensure this animal is dismissed first thing in the morning.’
‘Thank you, Janet, but that isn’t necessary.’ Triela glanced over her shoulder as the two of them headed for the exit and she smirked at me, ‘I’m sure he has learned his lesson.’
‘Well I appreciate your forgiving nature.’ Janet then stopped a few steps short of the elevator. ‘I just realized I left my keys in the office. Do mind seeing yourself out?’
‘Not at all, I’ll see you next month.’
The elevator doors opened and Triela entered. Janet turned on her heels and headed back to her office. I pushed open the men’s room door, not at all looking forward to another human resources interrogation come morning.
I did my business in the restroom and stepped in the hallway. I noted that Janet’s office light was still on and debated about heading down there to attempt to diffuse the situation but decided against it. Why bother? It would just invite an argument and allow Janet to insult me more without hearing a word I say. Instead, I went the other direction and pushed the down button on the elevator.
Exiting the building, I inhaled deeply. The cool night air filled my lungs and as it always does, helped dissipate my stress. I gingerly started walking down the walkway, appreciating the few stars I could see through the light pollution the city was emitting.
My attention was diverted from my astronomy hobby by the sound of a gunshot. I paused. It came from our parking lot, the same parking lot that was my destination. A few more paces and I glanced around the building to see a terrible scene. Two very large men had grabbed Triela, one by her feet and the other by her arms, and were trying to force her into a white van. She was struggling with all her might.
‘Fuck you, assholes!’
I thought those words were odd as I assumed most people would cry out for help. She wiggled a foot loose and planted her heel in the face of one of her attackers. The brute fell to one knee, blood coming from his cheek where the small heel of her shoe cut into him.
I took that as my opening. I charged the goon that was still holding Triela.
‘Dumb Bitch!’ The man I was going after took hold of her
head and slammed it into the side of the van. He straightened his overcoat as she slumped to the ground. ‘There, now you can’t cause any trouble.’
I swung my briefcase – I should thank Janet for implementing the idea for that maneuver – and it crashed down on his back, pushing him against the side of the van. I continued to blindly thrash about, wielding my briefcase with the expert precision as a newborn does with its rattle.
When my strength was exhausted, I opened my eyes to learn the truth about the carnage that I’d done. I expected to see blood everywhere, a corpse on the ground, maybe even Triela preparing to give me a kiss on the cheek for heroically saving her, but no. What I got was two Italian thugs laughing at my poor excuse for fighting techniques.
‘What do you call that, The Trying to Swat a Fly attack?’
‘Wait, I know, it was the Briefcase Fanning move. He must have thought our van overheated and he was trying to cool it down!’
‘What he did was the I’m butting into other people’s business so I’m going to get fucked up assault.’
As I was being laughed at, I glanced down and saw Triela. Her face was a mess as she already had a large lump from where her head was forced into the side of the van and there was blood coming from her nose. There was a gun right next to her. I knelt down and placed two fingers to her neck, hoping for a pulse.
‘Hey, whaddaya think you doin’?’
I breathed a sigh of relief and looked up. The sight of a gun pointed at my head startled me. ‘I was just checking to see if she was alive.’
‘She don’t concern you no more.’ The thug on the left said before glancing at his partner. ‘Whaddaya think we should do with this guy? He was pretty entertaining.’
‘He deserves the choice for that.’ The second brute responded before asking me, ‘Do you want to see it coming or do you want turn around?’ He finished by combining a shoulder shrug and making a quick movement with both his hands as if saying ‘he didn’t care.’
‘Sorry guy, but this is goin’ to happen.’ The first goon cocked his gun at me.
I can’t believe this is how I’m going to die. I closed my eyes and tensed up, waiting for the end.
Two shots rang out almost simultaneously which were followed by two dilapidated groans and two thuds. Was I dead? Am I having an out of body experience? Because I didn’t feel a thing. I didn’t see the light, my life didn’t flash in front of my eyes, and no dead family members suddenly appeared. My eyes creaked open to see the two thugs with bullets in their heads and me… my hands quickly explored my body and sure enough, I was fine. ‘Ha, ha!’ I screamed with excitement.
And that’s when everything went black.
I awoke groggy and with a ferocious migraine. I went to rub my head, but found I couldn’t as I was tied to the chair I was in. I went to open my eyes but it didn’t matter as I had a shroud over my head, and I went to scream but all that came out was the sound Charlie Brown’s teacher as I was gagged. What the hell? Despite my secure position in the chair, I struggled for freedom. I probably looked like I was having a seizure.
‘Calm down.’ The voice was stoic and exuded authority and I did stop. ‘You ain’t leavin’.’ I heard footsteps circling me. ‘We only brought you back here because Triela deserves to have vengeance on her attackers and after that, we want you to give Salvatore a message. Well, we’ll put a note in your body bag.’
I really began to struggle now. ‘I didn’t do anything! Let me go!’ That’s what I said, but it actually came out as ‘Ah ihin ooh nyhing! Et ee oh!’
‘Oh for Christ’s sake. Lorenzo, if I wanted to hear him bitch and whine I wouldn’t have had you gag him.’
‘Sorry Boss. Do you want me to fix it?’
‘No, don’t fix it. I enjoy having this guy interruptin’ every thought I fuckin’ have because he doesn’t understand there’s a reason I have him gagged.’
There was a few seconds delay. ‘Of course you should fix it! Jesus Christ. Why the fuck do you think I had you gag him? Fuckin’ idiot.’
The shroud lifted and the light caused me to turn my head and squint my eyes. Lorenzo attempted to readjust the gag but to no avail.
‘This is the best I can do, Boss.’
When my eyes adjusted, I found myself in a large office. Everything was made of a wood, a desk, the chairs, bookshelves, and even the floor was a deep mahogany color. The man in front of me was an older, stout man with grey hair and he was wearing a black, tailored suit. He was also wearing a ring that had a large ruby in it. ‘Fuck. Whatever. Triela, get it over with.’
‘Gladly.’ Her voice came from behind and I heard her step forward. She raised the gun in her hand as she faced me. Her head tilted in surprise before her eyes narrowed. She lowered her weapon, ‘This isn’t one of Salvatore’s men, Fathah.’
The Boss gave out a frustrated huff as he angrily stared at Lorenzo.
‘Boss, I swear, when me and Tony got there, this guy was sitting over Triela talking to the other two. They then pulled out their guns and was going to kill her.’
‘Ey err ohin oh ill ee!’ I desperately pleaded.
‘What?’ The Boss just shook his head as he leaned within an inch of my face.
‘Ey err ohin oh ill ee!’ I repeated.
The Boss rolled his eyes and threw his hands in the air. ‘This was supposed to be a simple execution, but now,’ he gave off a disgruntled noise. ‘Lorenzo, take off his gag.’
As the gag was untied, I briefly stretched out my jaw, glancing up at the behemoth of a man behind me. ‘Thank you.’
‘I didn’t have him untie it so you can give thanks,’ the Boss was quick to get my attention to what he wanted. ‘So what the fuck were you sayin’?’
‘They were going to kill me.’
‘And who are you?’ The Boss crossed his arms, and stoically eyed me.
‘He works for Windham Securities. Janet claimed him to be a pervert.’ Triela then smiled, ‘She thought he was trying to look up my skirt.’
‘He what?’ The Boss lunged at me, both hands clutching my neck. ‘I’m goin’ to kill you!’
‘Fathah, he didn’t. His eyes never left mine.’ Triela tried to pull her Dad by the shoulders. The Boss glanced back at her. ‘I swear. He did no such thing. Janet was twenty feet behind us when she made that accusation.’
The Boss straightened up, brushing his hands together before he stepped back. ‘And why would a couple professionals stop what they were doin’ and care about your sorry ass?’
‘Well…’ I started but tailed off.
Triela stared intently at me, ‘You tried to save me, didn’t you?’
I gave a slight nod, which caused a raucous of laughter from everyone in the room. Everyone except Triela.
‘Let me get this straight, you, Mr. Coin Counter, tried to fight off two professional hit men?’ The Boss slapped his hand against the desk that was behind him and with the other, clutched his stomach. ‘What did you do, throw a calculator at them?’
‘My briefcase.’ I was barely audible but it was enough to be heard which caused an even greater bout of laughter. I’m glad I can be here for their amusement. My head lowered and my eyes seemed to bore holes into the Oriental rug on the floor. I had a fleeting thought that I now wish I had been shot. This was humiliating.
‘So Boss, do you still want me to whack him?’
‘Untie him, Lorenzo.’
It was Triela that answered, and her words made the room stand still. It was eerie and I knew the next words spoken would decide my fate.
Triela had her arms crossed, glaring down Lorenzo. Lorenzo stared at his Boss, who was tapping his fingers in a slow cadence, one after the other on the desk. He glanced at Triela before refocusing on Lorenzo. He then gave an order with only a slight nod.
I felt the knife in my back and let out a gasp of scared anticipation. A quick movement upward severed the ropes that bind me and, despite my previous notion of wanti
ng to die, I took a few quick breaths grateful to be alive. I was grateful to Triela. Why had she put herself at risk for me? Her father certainly would have executed me without a second thought.
‘C’mon, I’m takin’ you home.’ Triela immediately went toward the door.
‘Take Lorenzo with you.’
‘I don’t need him, Fathah. If anything happens, I’ll just give this guy a briefcase.’
That garnered a small chuckle from Lorenzo but the Boss was anything but amused. ‘Triela.’ It was all he spoke but it spoke volumes.
She turned back with a smile, ‘I’ll be fine Fathah. Trust me.’
The Boss let out a sigh, ‘Fine.’
Triela gave a head motion urging me to follow, ‘C’mon, you.’
I stepped out of the entanglement of ropes and entered the hallway behind her. Not a word was aired as we walked through the expansive estate. After what seemed to be a longer route than the Boston marathon, we entered the garage. There were high-end cars everywhere, BMW’s, a Mercedes, a Lamborghini, a Ferrari, I was genuinely surprised I didn’t see the Batmobile. Triela walked over to and proceeded to get into a red… Toyota Camry.
As I slid into the passenger seat, Triela simply said, ‘What’s your address?’
‘I live in a high rise apartment building, 15720 Aubrey Lane.’
Triela typed the information in the GPS and pulled out from the driveway. I couldn’t stop gazing at her. So many questions and I didn’t have the nerve to ask a single one. Whom am I kidding? I just wanted to etch her beauty into my memory. Her eyes kept glancing at me in her peripheral vision. I still couldn’t look away. She knew I was staring and it didn’t deter her one bit. She was in control.
We pulled up to my apartment building and Triela put the gear into park. I opened the door and put one foot onto the sidewalk before I faced her once again. I had to at least give my gratitude. ‘Thank you for not having me killed.’
Triela’s head was straight forward, eyes still on the road. ‘You look at me funny.’
I wasn’t expecting those words. Not from her. She always gave me the impression that she had everything worked out, no surprises as if it all had been calculated and the results were already predetermined by her. I didn’t know what to say. ‘Sorry.’
Triela finally turned her head toward me. She gave me her little smirk as she pulled the key from the ignition and then got out of the car. I was still half in and half out when she came around to my side. ‘So which one’s yours?’
‘Um, 412.’ I was barely vocal as I stood, unsure of what to think.
I opened the entrance door for Triela and she made her way to the elevator. The only sound from either of us was the small clacking her small heels made on the lobby tile. She stood away from me in the elevator and when the chime sounded stating we were on the fourth floor, she went straight for my door. Once again, I opened it for her and she gracefully strode a couple steps inside.
‘How quaint.’
Was that a compliment to a simple one-bedroom apartment with very few furnishings? I was nervous at how to respond to this woman knowing full well if I upset her in the slightest I may never be seen from again. ‘Thanks.’
As soon as the door latched, Triela was on me. I tensed up before realizing she was just kissing me. I let myself relax and slithered my tongue into her mouth. I felt her smile when I did so and I became more daring. I wrapped my arms around her, one hand to her back and the other lightly cupping her ass.
The kiss was incredible. It was sensual. It gave me goose bumps. I picked her up, which elicited a small giggle before her lips reconnected with mine. I wasn’t in a rush as I carried her into my bedroom, her toes barely scraping the carpet as I did so. The kiss was exciting enough.
Triela’s hands went to my top shirt button and made short work of it before moving onto the next one. Soon, my shirt fell to the floor and she worked on my belt. She was quick in all her movements to get me undressed. Was this how she was used to having sex?
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It took a second to register, but when it did he reacted quickly. Rolling down the partition he instructed the driver to pull over to the curb. As the limo pulled over he turned to the short, balding man sitting next to him. "I've found my female lead. See the redhead coming down the walk toward us? Find out everything about her that you can. She's the one. I knew it as soon as I saw her that she is the one." "Why her?" "Because as soon as I saw her a voice in my head said, "That...
Jae laid on her bed, her good boy's orgasm plastered all across her stomach. Her fingers played in the creamy warm seed, tracing lines in the cream and rubbing it all over. But her eyes never once left her good boy. In fact, her eyes went from loving, nurturing, and warm to bedroom eyes with a purpose."You disobeyed my rules," she said firmly."I know, my goddess," he said softly."You realize you have to make this up to your goddess?"He nodded solemnly.Jae sat up, cum still all over her mostly...
FemdomThe dinner started late. Delays were common with me but this time, traffic had played spoilsport to skew the average delay time a lot. Sudarshana was quite a striking woman, it suddenly occurred to me. Years ago, when we had met for the first time, she looked just the same. Piercing dark gray eyes and a full mouth with red lips that needed no garnishing of lipstick completed her angel like face. A slender waist led up to a full bosom and trailed down to a very flared hip and terminated in the...
My teenage years were a strange time for me, I came out as gay pretty earlier on, and though my family and friends were more than accepting it still gave the morons in my school a reason to pick on me, most of the time I could ignore it, but there was this one group of guys in particular in my year, considered the ‘Jocks’, as they were all really good at sport and were given this sense of power by everyone always trying to suck up to them. They felt that me being gay was a weakness and would...
Stifling another soft moan as she rakes her fingernails back up her inner thighs. Her eyes fluttering closed as she recalls only a few mere minutes ago. Standing in the shower. The hot water spraying down upon her curves and bare flesh. Her hands roam over her newly shaven body. Purposely avoiding the one area, which she so desperately wants to touch. Plunging her fingers into her tight wet hot pussy bringing her to a very needed orgasm. Opening her eyes and sighing softly, she makes her way...
She could, with her ability, simply have pushed her pussy into my face with the instruction “Lick this, bitch,” and backed it up by waving her Wolvers or Cats Claws in front my eyes. I knew that fact, just as well as she did. It would never have happened of course, and we both knew that as well. I also knew that if I’d looked up at her and replied, “If you want that thing licking, you can go and wash it out first,” I could be certain that she’d have gone into the bathroom and done...
"Are you Gail E. Fisher? And is this your cellular phone number?" Pete held out a report showing her cell phone number printed beside her name. Pete Curran was stiff, acting so official that Howard was surprised by his attitude. He appeared formal and in asking questions, had Gail standing stiffly. They were outside Frank and Melanie's front door. Although invited to come inside, Pete declined and politely asked Frank and Melanie to go inside the house so he could interview Gail alone....
Saturday morning we got up and had a light breakfast out by the pool, in the fresh morning air. Kari again walking around, her breast jiggling underneath her robe as Hunter and I both praying for it to fall open. Then Hunter and I hit the gym and Kari went to the spa for a morning facial and pedicure. After lunch we made it back home. I donned my suit, grabbed some books and headed for the pool. Hunter was already there. When Kari got home she poked her head out, said 'Hi' and went...
I went down into the dark basement, looking around as I descended. I never liked it down here. It was scary and it freaked me out, but I had a job to do. I stepped onto the concrete floor and moved quickly to the stack of boxes in the corner. I didn't turn on the light since I knew exactly where to look. I reached around behind the biggest one and felt for the bag I knew was there, I fully expected a big rat to bite my fingers but it didn't happen. I felt the bag with relief and pulled it...
Comida de Fato. Este n?o ? o meu primeiro conto; penso muito em sexo e gosto de escrever. Mas ? o primeiro onde ? tudo, tudinho verdade. Sou uma crossdresser de arm?rio e posso me considerar uma sortuda, sou pequena clara e lisa. Ao natural tenho peitinhos por causa de ginecomastia, efeito colateral de um rem?dio na adolesc?ncia. Cal?o s? 39, sempre acho sapatos e ainda sou bastante bem servida de pernas e bunda. Penso tamb?m que a maioria das pessoas desconhece a diferen?a entre penetrar em algu?m at? gozar e...
Sitting in my second hour class, I pondered over a dream I had woken up from that morning. While I had come to terms with being a bisexual two years before, I was troubled over the possibility that I was leaning towards the homosexual side of the spectrum. I hadn't had sex with a girl for nearly two weeks, but had willingly accepted every single one of Eric's invitations or hints to screw around with him. And the fact that I had woken up that morning cumming from the dream of having dirty...
Of all the boy’s toys I treated myself to after getting my inheritance, my favourite was definitely my smartphone. It was one of those cool touch-screen ones that let you browse the internet and pick up your e-mails, download all sorts of weird and wonderful apps and take great photos, as well as make and receive calls, texts and picture messages. The trouble was the battery life was terrible. It only just made it through the day—and sometimes not even that long. I’d taken to switching it off...
Hello readers!!! I am regular reader of ISS and decided to start to share my real life experiences. My pen name would be hungry dick. This story happened in 2006. I was 18 yrs old then and studying my diploma in mechanical engineering. Her name was sarayu (name changed). As it was mechanical department there were only few girls and sarayu is an angel in our class. I was the class topper then and everyone had a good impression on me. I was a virgin and those were my early masturbation days. I...
The DST Agent, part 6 By: Malissa Madison "You know I think this thing just got a whole lot more complicated," I said. "We have to find that box." I wanted to grab Sparkman and beat the shit out of him till he told us everything her knew. I wanted to slow roast Carson over a fire for such a betrayal of her country. My emotions were running so high I didn't notice the others looking at me strangely. "Stephanie, calm down. We've dealt with this kind of thing before. We have to go...
Rachel and I walked naked to my room. My arm around her waist, my cum dripping down her thigh as it oozed out of her freshly fucked ass hole. She leaned over, and kissed me as we rushed past the cheering onlookers. I quickly opened the door to my frat house room and she dove for the bed. I threw our clothes on the chair next to my desk and joined her on the bed. We could hear the moans and groans through the wall, as Caroline and Jeff made love. "Your daughter is really a hot one." I...
RAIN: “Rain!” She said, talking to Sparky. It had indeed begun to rain. It was one of those ‘out of nowhere’ kind of showers that came and dumped a ton of rain and then left the area. But right then, Allura, Allura Cain, was out walking her ‘Sparky’, her ‘pal’. Allura, who was 24 at the time, had always lived with her Mom, until her brother, the only other family member, moved back to the area, after a hitch in the armed forces. He settled in and got himself a job, living with Allura and...
The bright sun of morning did little to warm the day. A chill northern breeze brought winds down from the mountains and whipped the turning leaves into orange and brown blizzards. Hyandai clutched her cloak about herself. "I dislike fall." She said to Harlen, peering back over her shoulder at him. Eying the trees as they denuded themselves for the winter, Harlen nodded. "It's colorful, at least." He said, plodding behind her as they passed through a small gap between two large...
By : Josakl നാട്ടില് ലീവിന് വന്ന സമയം ഒരിക്കല് ആലംകോട് മെറ്റി അമ്മച്ചിയുടെ വീട്ടില് പോയി, സൂസിടെ ആന്റിയാണ് മെറ്റി അമ്മച്ചി, ഞാന് ആദ്യമായി കാണുകയാണ്, ഇതാരാ ജയപ്രധയോ..? പൈജാമയും ലൂസ് ഷര്ട്ടും വേഷം സാധാരണ ചട്ടയും മുണ്ടും ആയിരുന്നല്ലോ അമ്മച്ചിമാരുടെ വേഷം, അവരെ ആധ്യമായ് കണ്ടപ്പഴേ മനസിലായി ആള് ഒരു കിടിലന് സാധനം ആണെന്ന്. അമ്മച്ചി കുറെ നാളുകളായി അങ്ങ് കാനഡയില് മക്കളോടൊപ്പം ആയിടുന്നു. വിധവയായ അമ്മച്ചിക്ക് മക്കള് 3 (2 പെണ് 1 ആണ്), മൂത്തവള് നേര്സ് സായിപ്പിനെ കല്യാണിച്ചു കാനഡയില് കഴിയുന്നു, മോന് കുടുംബ...
Cody It's a Sunday, I think. The smell of medicine intoxicates me. I want to scratch my scabs so bad. My fever is higher than normal. I can't stop shaking. The doctors keep promising medicines to make me better but what I have cannot be cured. They'll give me something to make it better. Something to slow my death and calm me for a few weeks, but the infection always comes back. It's there, living in my body, a constant reminder of my past sins. I want to yell for the doctors to leave me...
This is a work of fiction intended to entertain and nothing more. It is contain cross dressing as well as sexual intercourse. I would love a thumbs up if you enjoy the story, it encourages me to continue writing.“We are like clay when we are young,” Louise said, “and our life’s experiences mold us into a shape in our young impressionable years.”“I am so sorry,” I said as she looked at me standing in her bedroom wearing her full slip. What she hadn’t noticed at this point was the fact that I was...
When my parents broke up my mom was six months pregnant. I was sent to live with my father by a quick judge’s ruling because of my mother’s addiction problems. It was ruled that she was not the best choice of a parent for me to live with. Once I left her house and Danville, Pennsylvania, I never looked back. I didn’t even find out that she gave birth to a baby girl until years later. I had a sister I never knew and really had no interest in getting to know. I seriously tried to erase...
Please give me the support of your vote. * Virginia meets Jerry, a man who just wants to talk while drawing her face. Ginny had never been anywhere outside of Detroit. Working while caring for her elderly, alcoholic mother, she didn’t have the money or the time to travel. Born there, raised there, and educated there, she lived there for 30 of the 35-years of her life with her mother until her mother died three years ago. Now no longer dependent upon her mother’s meager Social Security check...
Today is the anniversary of my collaring. Thinking back my life has been blessed to find such an amazing Master. I guess I should tell you a bit about my planet and how I got here. A couple of hundred years ago a group of 150 Masters with their slaves colonized this planet calling it Haven. Saying old Earth just didn’t understand how things should be and tired of being thought of as strange. They would raise their kids to understand the order of things should be. The boys went to one school to...
Morning was tough to get started with all the time zone changes in the last few days, but morning it was. Breakfast was fried ham, eggs, coffee, and biscuits - a lot better than tea and muffins. My mates entertained the wives of a group of high level politicians while I was in meetings with the politicians. We had a good meeting while talking about the progress on the agreements and other things of interest. A committee had been formed with American businesses in the search for suitable...
Sandra is a 5'8" blonde that has long curly blonde hair. Her tall frame carries her 135 pounds well and shows off her shapely hips and ass while her 36C tits are the focus of many mens attention. She married as a 20 year old virgin and has only known her husband’s 7" cock. Samantha is tall like her mother. She is pushing 5'10" and has a look that draws boy’s attention when ever she is out and about. She has slimmer hips than her mother, but her tits are just as large and have the...
How long has it been since my new life started? A year? No, more like fourteen months. I leaned forward and poured myself some cool, white wine and then laid back on my lounger. My bikini clad body nice and warm from the sun. Fourteen months of freedom. It started on that fateful camping trip with my late husband, Jerry. A week away from everything might, just might turn things around, for our marriage wasn’t going anywhere but down hill. Jerry had been passed over yet again at work and now he...
This story is 100% true and happened just last week. The full background can be found in my “Bi 4 Hand Massage” story. To recap, there’s an older woman named Helen who comes to my house every week to give me a fair massage and a great hand job.Over 3 years, I’ve trained her to masturbate me exactly how I like it and I pay her well. She knows a lot about me including my gay tendencies which have emerged in recent years. Some time back, she took me along to help with a massage. She finally...
Pyare readers (choot waliyon aur lund walon) Main Dinu Sabse pahale main sabhi choot waliyon aur lund walon ko danyawad deta hun kyun ki meri Kahaniya, logo ko kaphi pasand ayee aur muze E-Mail ke jariye male/female ka kafi response mila, logo ne muze aur Satya Katha likhane ka hosala diya. Isliye phir se aap logo ke pass ek sachi Kahani pes kar raha hun, Aasha hain pichhali kahanion ki tarah yeh kahani bhi aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Ek bar muze sarkari kam ke silsile 2 mahine ke liye Kolkata...
Looking at naturists websites I came across one that specialised in accommodation for nudists. Looking around there were quite a lot for private bed and breakfast. Then a story developed in my head. Here it is.After looking at several of the ads (and the way they discreetly worded but implied a lot more) I thought, why not give it a go. Being an avid granny fucker since my early teens it could lead to some new experiences. Besides, I was quite proud to show my flaccid thick 6-inch cock. And...
When i was a Teenager my family used to have an Insurance man call around each Month to collect the premiums.I was at my grandfathers house one Hot Sunny Day in the School Vacation. When this Guy Called to collect his money.His name was Billy and he was 35yrs old.He had always joked with me as i was a Shy k** being an only c***d my male contacts as a very young teen was very limited.Right out of the blue he asked me if i to pay a visit to his home and he would show me his photo...
Hi ISS readers. This is my first story and hope you guys like it. My name is Rahul and this incident happened to me a week earlier. My dad has been transferred to Cochin and we were looking for an individual residence and found one after great difficulty. Slowly we settled and now my mom was looking for a maid. I had just completed my 12th standard this year and was now giving my entrance examinations. My mom wanted a maid who was in her early thirties or the late twenties as we had a lot of...
Hey, everyone! I’m Andy, Eighteen-year-old and my height is 1.8m because I play basketball at school. Now coming to the sex story, this happened after my last board’s exam. I had sex with Nasem continuously for the past two days and I returned home late at night, tired and exhausted. As I crashed onto my bed I heard my sister (Tina) calling me. I turned over and witnessed that she was standing topless in front of me. I could clearly see her petite boobs hanging on her body. Even though she’s...
IncestCaptured Episode 9 – Gianna Dior the Crime Boss finds her in an all out war with Marsalles Flourish. They are battling over a priceless artifact worth $50 million. As Gianna obtains it, she doesn’t know that a Double Agent (who works for Mr Flourish and low-key just infiltrated her ranks) Brick Cummings is on the investigation path. Joined with Isiah Maxwell, they help RELIVE THE PRESSURE that is surmounting on Gianna. The IR BBC threesome action was non stop, with double blowjobs,...