Reputation free porn video

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As always:

Thanks to rf-fast for the editing work. Your insights are what takes this story from mindless drivel to readable.

Happy Reading!



Reputation: an act or a series of acts that defines the perception of yourself in others.

Now that is not Webster’s definition but one of my own, as at the moment I do not have a dictionary in front of me. The results could be positive or negative and the effects are long lasting. The acts could come from years, months, or weeks of habitual redundancy, or in my case, a single, solitary moment in time. And for me, my reputation in the office in which I work is that of a depraved soul. But still, that doesn’t explain why I am gagged with a shroud over my head while being tied down to a chair. And the very reason I do not have a dictionary in front of me.

I was late. It was my first day at Windham Securities, a firm that deals with investments for the most wealthy of individuals. Some wanted stock advice, some wanted retirement assistance, and some only wanted use of our accounting services, but all were prestigious. I was doing my best to make up for the time lost, running as fast as I could in my navy blue suit and fake oxford shoes. As it turns out, running is not the greatest of actions to do when you have poor quality shoes and two left feet. Passing by the bushes that lined the cement walkway I was on, I saw the finish line. I also saw Janet Crosby. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes, and was wearing a red executive business suit that screamed power. She was my soon to be coworker and she was being kind enough to hold open the door for me. As I got close, I smiled at her. I also tripped. With the speed in which I was going, my action was more like a dive, a head first aerial assault onto the aforementioned Janet Crosby. When the dust settled, I was lying on top of the poor woman with my right hand unceremoniously enjoying the feel of her left breast. With several eyewitnesses viewing the event, my ineptitude at running became sexual harassment.

I was embarrassed but determined as I explained myself to the human resources director, thankful there was a security camera in the lobby to show my side of the tale.

‘Troy Miller,’ Mark Driscoll, the head of Human Resources started. ‘I understand that this was an accident but I also cannot ignore the results of what happened. You are admonished from this instance, but if you slip up just once more, the company will be forced to let you go. You are now on probation for six months.’

My job was saved but not my reputation. Gossip spread across the office like wildfire and I was henceforth known as the Depraved Demon of Windham Securities. No matter how polite or nice I was, hell I even spent forty dollars on cookies a colleague was selling for their kid, it was always assumed I was just playing an angle. Some feared me, some wouldn’t speak to me even if we were working on the same project, but most just looked at me with abject disgust. I just couldn’t shake my reputation.

Despite the drawbacks, I was determined to make my mark in the financial world. I followed the market, dissected trends, meticulously analyzed companies and prospects. If a stock would allow even a penny of growth, I jumped at it. I was also great at reading my clients. For instance, I had two small business clients say, ‘I want my company to be environmentally conscious.’ One said it and meant it. The other meant, ‘I want my company to ‘appear’ to be environmentally conscious.’ I knew what was required simply by the client’s body language. I worked late every evening, pouring over the portfolios of what few clients I had to ensure their futures were secure.

It was another late night at the office and just like the others, I was alone. I finished a retirement plan for a client, one that would provide enough equity so he and his wife could live until they were a hundred and fifty and still be financially comfortable, grabbed my briefcase, and made my way to what is always my last stop before vacating the building, the restroom. When I reached the door, I realized my shoe was untied, so I did what anyone would do, I knelt down and took hold of the laces.

A creak of a door and the sound of two footfalls had me looking up at a woman who I have never seen before. She was gorgeous, but not in a supermodel or curvaceous type of way. Those never interested me. Her face appeared soft, her hair, black in color, cascaded down to her lower back, and she dressed in a navy blue blouse, a black skirt, with a black overcoat. The fabric was of obvious high quality and not something off the rack at a department store. Everything about her screamed innocent and wealthy… all except her dark brown eyes, piercing in nature, and they radiated a sense of danger. One glance into them and I knew she could beat me to an inch of my life or further if she so chose. And I couldn’t look away. Just one look and I was already infatuated with the woman before me.

‘I see what you are doing, Troy!’ The voice of Janet came from behind and I turned my head just in time to see her purse arching down toward me. ‘I can’t believe you would have the audacity to look up a client’s skirt, you pervert.’ The force of the blow was enough to flatten me to the ground. What did she have in there, a cinder block?

I struggled to stand, more out of fear from being attacked again. ‘I was not looking up her skirt. I was tying my shoe when she came out of the bathroom.’

Janet shook her head, let out a disgusted huff, and rolled her eyes at me before focusing back on her client. ‘Allow me to apologize, Triela. Please know that his actions in no way reflect the high standards that Windham Securities is known for and furthermore I will ensure this animal is dismissed first thing in the morning.’

‘Thank you, Janet, but that isn’t necessary.’ Triela glanced over her shoulder as the two of them headed for the exit and she smirked at me, ‘I’m sure he has learned his lesson.’

‘Well I appreciate your forgiving nature.’ Janet then stopped a few steps short of the elevator. ‘I just realized I left my keys in the office. Do mind seeing yourself out?’

‘Not at all, I’ll see you next month.’

The elevator doors opened and Triela entered. Janet turned on her heels and headed back to her office. I pushed open the men’s room door, not at all looking forward to another human resources interrogation come morning.

I did my business in the restroom and stepped in the hallway. I noted that Janet’s office light was still on and debated about heading down there to attempt to diffuse the situation but decided against it. Why bother? It would just invite an argument and allow Janet to insult me more without hearing a word I say. Instead, I went the other direction and pushed the down button on the elevator.

Exiting the building, I inhaled deeply. The cool night air filled my lungs and as it always does, helped dissipate my stress. I gingerly started walking down the walkway, appreciating the few stars I could see through the light pollution the city was emitting.

My attention was diverted from my astronomy hobby by the sound of a gunshot. I paused. It came from our parking lot, the same parking lot that was my destination. A few more paces and I glanced around the building to see a terrible scene. Two very large men had grabbed Triela, one by her feet and the other by her arms, and were trying to force her into a white van. She was struggling with all her might.

‘Fuck you, assholes!’

I thought those words were odd as I assumed most people would cry out for help. She wiggled a foot loose and planted her heel in the face of one of her attackers. The brute fell to one knee, blood coming from his cheek where the small heel of her shoe cut into him.

I took that as my opening. I charged the goon that was still holding Triela.

‘Dumb Bitch!’ The man I was going after took hold of her
head and slammed it into the side of the van. He straightened his overcoat as she slumped to the ground. ‘There, now you can’t cause any trouble.’

I swung my briefcase – I should thank Janet for implementing the idea for that maneuver – and it crashed down on his back, pushing him against the side of the van. I continued to blindly thrash about, wielding my briefcase with the expert precision as a newborn does with its rattle.

When my strength was exhausted, I opened my eyes to learn the truth about the carnage that I’d done. I expected to see blood everywhere, a corpse on the ground, maybe even Triela preparing to give me a kiss on the cheek for heroically saving her, but no. What I got was two Italian thugs laughing at my poor excuse for fighting techniques.

‘What do you call that, The Trying to Swat a Fly attack?’

‘Wait, I know, it was the Briefcase Fanning move. He must have thought our van overheated and he was trying to cool it down!’

‘What he did was the I’m butting into other people’s business so I’m going to get fucked up assault.’

As I was being laughed at, I glanced down and saw Triela. Her face was a mess as she already had a large lump from where her head was forced into the side of the van and there was blood coming from her nose. There was a gun right next to her. I knelt down and placed two fingers to her neck, hoping for a pulse.

‘Hey, whaddaya think you doin’?’

I breathed a sigh of relief and looked up. The sight of a gun pointed at my head startled me. ‘I was just checking to see if she was alive.’

‘She don’t concern you no more.’ The thug on the left said before glancing at his partner. ‘Whaddaya think we should do with this guy? He was pretty entertaining.’

‘He deserves the choice for that.’ The second brute responded before asking me, ‘Do you want to see it coming or do you want turn around?’ He finished by combining a shoulder shrug and making a quick movement with both his hands as if saying ‘he didn’t care.’


‘Sorry guy, but this is goin’ to happen.’ The first goon cocked his gun at me.

I can’t believe this is how I’m going to die. I closed my eyes and tensed up, waiting for the end.

Two shots rang out almost simultaneously which were followed by two dilapidated groans and two thuds. Was I dead? Am I having an out of body experience? Because I didn’t feel a thing. I didn’t see the light, my life didn’t flash in front of my eyes, and no dead family members suddenly appeared. My eyes creaked open to see the two thugs with bullets in their heads and me… my hands quickly explored my body and sure enough, I was fine. ‘Ha, ha!’ I screamed with excitement.

And that’s when everything went black.


I awoke groggy and with a ferocious migraine. I went to rub my head, but found I couldn’t as I was tied to the chair I was in. I went to open my eyes but it didn’t matter as I had a shroud over my head, and I went to scream but all that came out was the sound Charlie Brown’s teacher as I was gagged. What the hell? Despite my secure position in the chair, I struggled for freedom. I probably looked like I was having a seizure.

‘Calm down.’ The voice was stoic and exuded authority and I did stop. ‘You ain’t leavin’.’ I heard footsteps circling me. ‘We only brought you back here because Triela deserves to have vengeance on her attackers and after that, we want you to give Salvatore a message. Well, we’ll put a note in your body bag.’

I really began to struggle now. ‘I didn’t do anything! Let me go!’ That’s what I said, but it actually came out as ‘Ah ihin ooh nyhing! Et ee oh!’

‘Oh for Christ’s sake. Lorenzo, if I wanted to hear him bitch and whine I wouldn’t have had you gag him.’

‘Sorry Boss. Do you want me to fix it?’

‘No, don’t fix it. I enjoy having this guy interruptin’ every thought I fuckin’ have because he doesn’t understand there’s a reason I have him gagged.’

There was a few seconds delay. ‘Of course you should fix it! Jesus Christ. Why the fuck do you think I had you gag him? Fuckin’ idiot.’

The shroud lifted and the light caused me to turn my head and squint my eyes. Lorenzo attempted to readjust the gag but to no avail.

‘This is the best I can do, Boss.’

When my eyes adjusted, I found myself in a large office. Everything was made of a wood, a desk, the chairs, bookshelves, and even the floor was a deep mahogany color. The man in front of me was an older, stout man with grey hair and he was wearing a black, tailored suit. He was also wearing a ring that had a large ruby in it. ‘Fuck. Whatever. Triela, get it over with.’

‘Gladly.’ Her voice came from behind and I heard her step forward. She raised the gun in her hand as she faced me. Her head tilted in surprise before her eyes narrowed. She lowered her weapon, ‘This isn’t one of Salvatore’s men, Fathah.’

The Boss gave out a frustrated huff as he angrily stared at Lorenzo.

‘Boss, I swear, when me and Tony got there, this guy was sitting over Triela talking to the other two. They then pulled out their guns and was going to kill her.’

‘Ey err ohin oh ill ee!’ I desperately pleaded.

‘What?’ The Boss just shook his head as he leaned within an inch of my face.

‘Ey err ohin oh ill ee!’ I repeated.

The Boss rolled his eyes and threw his hands in the air. ‘This was supposed to be a simple execution, but now,’ he gave off a disgruntled noise. ‘Lorenzo, take off his gag.’

As the gag was untied, I briefly stretched out my jaw, glancing up at the behemoth of a man behind me. ‘Thank you.’

‘I didn’t have him untie it so you can give thanks,’ the Boss was quick to get my attention to what he wanted. ‘So what the fuck were you sayin’?’

‘They were going to kill me.’

‘And who are you?’ The Boss crossed his arms, and stoically eyed me.

‘He works for Windham Securities. Janet claimed him to be a pervert.’ Triela then smiled, ‘She thought he was trying to look up my skirt.’

‘He what?’ The Boss lunged at me, both hands clutching my neck. ‘I’m goin’ to kill you!’

‘Fathah, he didn’t. His eyes never left mine.’ Triela tried to pull her Dad by the shoulders. The Boss glanced back at her. ‘I swear. He did no such thing. Janet was twenty feet behind us when she made that accusation.’

The Boss straightened up, brushing his hands together before he stepped back. ‘And why would a couple professionals stop what they were doin’ and care about your sorry ass?’

‘Well…’ I started but tailed off.

Triela stared intently at me, ‘You tried to save me, didn’t you?’

I gave a slight nod, which caused a raucous of laughter from everyone in the room. Everyone except Triela.

‘Let me get this straight, you, Mr. Coin Counter, tried to fight off two professional hit men?’ The Boss slapped his hand against the desk that was behind him and with the other, clutched his stomach. ‘What did you do, throw a calculator at them?’

‘My briefcase.’ I was barely audible but it was enough to be heard which caused an even greater bout of laughter. I’m glad I can be here for their amusement. My head lowered and my eyes seemed to bore holes into the Oriental rug on the floor. I had a fleeting thought that I now wish I had been shot. This was humiliating.

‘So Boss, do you still want me to whack him?’

‘Untie him, Lorenzo.’

It was Triela that answered, and her words made the room stand still. It was eerie and I knew the next words spoken would decide my fate.

Triela had her arms crossed, glaring down Lorenzo. Lorenzo stared at his Boss, who was tapping his fingers in a slow cadence, one after the other on the desk. He glanced at Triela before refocusing on Lorenzo. He then gave an order with only a slight nod.

I felt the knife in my back and let out a gasp of scared anticipation. A quick movement upward severed the ropes that bind me and, despite my previous notion of wanti
ng to die, I took a few quick breaths grateful to be alive. I was grateful to Triela. Why had she put herself at risk for me? Her father certainly would have executed me without a second thought.

‘C’mon, I’m takin’ you home.’ Triela immediately went toward the door.

‘Take Lorenzo with you.’

‘I don’t need him, Fathah. If anything happens, I’ll just give this guy a briefcase.’

That garnered a small chuckle from Lorenzo but the Boss was anything but amused. ‘Triela.’ It was all he spoke but it spoke volumes.

She turned back with a smile, ‘I’ll be fine Fathah. Trust me.’

The Boss let out a sigh, ‘Fine.’

Triela gave a head motion urging me to follow, ‘C’mon, you.’

I stepped out of the entanglement of ropes and entered the hallway behind her. Not a word was aired as we walked through the expansive estate. After what seemed to be a longer route than the Boston marathon, we entered the garage. There were high-end cars everywhere, BMW’s, a Mercedes, a Lamborghini, a Ferrari, I was genuinely surprised I didn’t see the Batmobile. Triela walked over to and proceeded to get into a red… Toyota Camry.

As I slid into the passenger seat, Triela simply said, ‘What’s your address?’

‘I live in a high rise apartment building, 15720 Aubrey Lane.’

Triela typed the information in the GPS and pulled out from the driveway. I couldn’t stop gazing at her. So many questions and I didn’t have the nerve to ask a single one. Whom am I kidding? I just wanted to etch her beauty into my memory. Her eyes kept glancing at me in her peripheral vision. I still couldn’t look away. She knew I was staring and it didn’t deter her one bit. She was in control.

We pulled up to my apartment building and Triela put the gear into park. I opened the door and put one foot onto the sidewalk before I faced her once again. I had to at least give my gratitude. ‘Thank you for not having me killed.’

Triela’s head was straight forward, eyes still on the road. ‘You look at me funny.’

I wasn’t expecting those words. Not from her. She always gave me the impression that she had everything worked out, no surprises as if it all had been calculated and the results were already predetermined by her. I didn’t know what to say. ‘Sorry.’

Triela finally turned her head toward me. She gave me her little smirk as she pulled the key from the ignition and then got out of the car. I was still half in and half out when she came around to my side. ‘So which one’s yours?’

‘Um, 412.’ I was barely vocal as I stood, unsure of what to think.

I opened the entrance door for Triela and she made her way to the elevator. The only sound from either of us was the small clacking her small heels made on the lobby tile. She stood away from me in the elevator and when the chime sounded stating we were on the fourth floor, she went straight for my door. Once again, I opened it for her and she gracefully strode a couple steps inside.

‘How quaint.’

Was that a compliment to a simple one-bedroom apartment with very few furnishings? I was nervous at how to respond to this woman knowing full well if I upset her in the slightest I may never be seen from again. ‘Thanks.’

As soon as the door latched, Triela was on me. I tensed up before realizing she was just kissing me. I let myself relax and slithered my tongue into her mouth. I felt her smile when I did so and I became more daring. I wrapped my arms around her, one hand to her back and the other lightly cupping her ass.

The kiss was incredible. It was sensual. It gave me goose bumps. I picked her up, which elicited a small giggle before her lips reconnected with mine. I wasn’t in a rush as I carried her into my bedroom, her toes barely scraping the carpet as I did so. The kiss was exciting enough.

Triela’s hands went to my top shirt button and made short work of it before moving onto the next one. Soon, my shirt fell to the floor and she worked on my belt. She was quick in all her movements to get me undressed. Was this how she was used to having sex?

In her lifestyle, I’m sure the men she meets are brutish and uncaring. I wanted to be different. Besides, I was with the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, let alone had sex with, I wanted this to last. I wanted to be memorable.

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My name is vignesh. I am 18 years of age. I was born in Tamil nadu. Now I am living with my parents in pune. I was a bit hesitant in writing this in the beginning. But I wanted to share my feelings, deeds and thoughts to like minded. Since this is a long story extracted from my “secret diary” you will get the clear picture of my feeling and dreams with regard to a neighbor aunty, even though it is common for a boy generating erotic thoughts about neighboring ladies, but no one ever tried to put...

2 years ago
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The Wedding

The Wedding By: Michael Alexander [email protected] Chapter 1: The Preparations The slight squeak of the windshield wipers against the clear glass madeBethany shiver slightly. To her, it was like long fingernails on a lengthygreen chalk board, penetrating deep through her spine in agonizing irritation.She tugged on the fluid lever, spraying cleaner over the glass, to mingle withthe drizzle, ending the painful squeal. She glanced down at the clock, relieved she was early. She...

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In the bath with Katie

‘I’m so tired,’ I groaned to myself as I slogged up the last flight of stairs in front of my cabin. I walked inside and slipped off my shoes. It’s a big cabin, and has four bedrooms that sleep six each. This was while I was on a high school trip in Japan. Every year my school sends ten seniors (five guys and five girls) to a small city in Japan. We stay in houses with families for the first eight nights, then in this big cabin for the last two before we fly home. Last year, I was one of the...

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NatalieAlone Ch 01

To my editor SummerSphinx, Thank you for the the time spent listening to this your humble, crazy writer! Free souls need to be released and I’m rooting for yours! There will not be sex in this part of the story so, if you are looking just into that….sorry but to satisfy a body, got to start with the soul. The story you are about to read took a lot of work so, love it or hate it just comment. Just remember that there are ways in which you should not. When you are using your finger against...

2 years ago
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Midnight Train Ride

She has well proportioned body , breast of 34' and hip not more than 32. She had very thin waist and long hair .Finally we sat in auto and my mother sat on my lap.I did not like it but then I was not knowing that this arrangement is going to open a treasure triangles for me. Let me describe mother. She was 5'4",,about 54 kg, very long hair, fair, round body, breast not less than 36 " and well developed and round hips.Sister was between me and daddy and mother on my lap. Auto started. Till...

3 years ago
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My Best Friends Brother 2

A knock on the door sounded as I slipped on my silk lingerie. I knew it was Tony since he had sent me a text message earlier about coming by. I knew he was thinking about the first time we had sex together, hell even I couldn’t stop. I even had dreams about it every night. Reliving every detail, the way his cock fit into my pussy and how he fucked me so hard, I woke up and my panties would be soaked with cum. Nothing could take my mind from it. Every time I see him I always get wet quickly. I...

Straight Sex
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All my life I have been training. I was a bio engineered slave with one purpose, to fight. This was a rogue world system owned and ruled by the Deviants. They were a race of aliens that lived for centuries. The world had many alien people but humans were not one of the majority. The Deviants had one passion, the old roman gladiator games where people fought to the death. I moved through the maze slowly as I searched for my enemies. This time it was full tech and I carried a short assault...

4 years ago
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Shadows From the PastChapter 69

Cassie had guessed right; she had to suffer a thorough examination by the family physician before she was allowed any respite. He finally left with orders for her to rest undisturbed for the remainder of the day. She hurriedly changed into her night clothes, then grabbed her cell phone as she sat on the edge of her bed. She called first Jason's father, then the Sovert household, then the Gardner household. Two rings each time and hang up before someone picked up. She uttered a deep sigh....

1 year ago
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TittyAttack Lena Paul The Porn Office

If you have ever seen The Office, you may think you know which character Lena Paul is playing, but Pam has nothing on this bad bitch. She sits at her desk in high, black stockings, doing business like a dynamo before challenging her male coworkers to a sales competition. The person with the most sales gets the biggest reward, her juicy, delicious cunt. Immediately, the office gets to work until finally our stud wins out and gets to claim his prize. He takes Lena into his cubicle space and...

2 years ago
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Bruce Charlie Daniel and My self

It was Nonmember twelve, the shool was having a Pep Rally for our home coming game that evening. The gym was full of students our football team was on the floor the cheer leaders were cheering. My friend and I has sneaked beneath the bleachers and was getting peeks up the girls dress and skirts. As we worked our way out the end we made sure to move so it would not attract attention so we left one at a time. There was two huge portable chalk boards at the open end of the bleachers and my friend...

3 years ago
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She looks so beautiful Part 4

Sunday morning, Bill was full of smiles. Shirley had noticed the open curtain, and the thought of showing off turned her on. Bill didn’t think she had seen me, and I didn’t correct him. He knew, however, that the thought of being seen turned her on. I asked him about his lack of protection, and Bill admitted that they had taken a little risk, as Shirley was due to ovulate on Tuesday. .. Monday afternoon, I was finishing a big project and needed to work from home. I was enjoying the warmth of...

4 years ago
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CommunityChapter 16

"Cindy, baby," My Dan said, "you know how you were jealous of Susan going on a job with Jason?" "Just a little bit. Why?" I asked. "I got a strange one coming up. I think I might be able to get you access. At least you can be there with me." "That specialty plastics thing you've been talking about?" "Yeah," he said. "They're ordering an injection molding line and packaging equipment and it's coming from Europe. They want me to do the engineering interface between their...

2 years ago
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Lend A Helping Dick

Meeting a new person in our life who comes and change our lives forever. Above that, if the person is hot and has curves to die for adds more spice. But what if I say that you come across a hot girl unknowingly and she agrees to have some fun. It seems to be just a dream fantasy but it happened in reality with me. This story is what happened at the college fest DJ party. I was in the second year of my engineering college. In the first year, I did not attend the college fest as I had no friends....

1 year ago
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Making Prison a Bit Harder

Note : This story is completely fictional! I walked off the at Walla Walla, and thought about how this would be my home for the next 15-30 years. This was not a good thing. I am tall but pretty scrawny, barely a man capable of doing whatever it is a man does to get into one of the worst prisons across the country. I had been told you either have bitches or are a bitch. I was preparing for the latter. After making it through the introduction by the warden we were led into a shower. The shower...

3 years ago
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Sex with my Sister

Hi ISS readers. I don want to reveal my name. This happened a week ago with my aunt’s daughter. I m 24 years and I m working as an engg. My aunts daughter is 22 and she’s studying for medicine in one hospital About her, she is really beautiful with a nice fat ass and she has got boobs, which will be protruding out of the churidar. This incident happened on Saturday in my home. Actually she’s my cousin sis and we can say like that. She stays in her college hostel which is near by to my home. She...

1 year ago
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sex in the office

I was in one of those dreadful meetings that come about every month at the office, but this time it was the best meeting ever. I had gone without sex for about two months and had just come off being sick, so I was ready to go, but I did not know I was this ready! We have a glass table in our conference room and the beautiful new woman Heather sat across from me. She had beautiful light red hair with and an absolutely perfect body. Her shirt was semi-low-cut and she had tits you could stare at...

3 years ago
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The Nature of the Game2 Two Ships Passing

The next day, Jacob approached just after first period. Taylor turned his back, newly interested in a discussion with his friends. Jacob continued past, not responding like two ships passing in the night, though Taylor noticed his cockeyed grin. He paused in front of Taylor’s locker, took a slip of paper out of his shirt pocket and dropped it in the vent. Done, he turned and caught Taylor watching. He raised his brow, smiled, and walked off. Taylor was curious, but didn’t dare draw...

2 years ago
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Jennifer Sex GovernessChapter 5

Jen and the children reconvened in the sex den later in the afternoon. Instead of more orgasms, Jen wanted to get the children excited for what might happen in the evening with their parents. She hoped that Christopher and Amy would help everyone get kinky again the way they had last night. Jen chose some hot porno movies to watch. And to add some tension, she had velvet handcuffs for the teenagers. Once all four were naked and on the beds, she fastened their hands to the headboards. They...

2 years ago
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Sophie the Pain Slut Prequel

I try to eat slowly and enjoy my meal but my mind keeps drifting back to the thoughts of Alex and the things I would get him to do to me, I decide to eat quicker so I can excuse myself from the dinner table rush to my room and lose myself in these thoughts. The thoughts of Alex keep intruding and I can feel myself squirming as my arousal steadily rises with every new fantasy that pops into my head. “Are you ok Sophie?” My mom asks, I panic for a moment thinking she had somehow been able to...

4 years ago
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The Business Meeting

Me: a good looking blonde hair blue eyed female, long waist-length hair, and with the ability (at my choice) to grow my clit into a cock. I usually am a normal girl, or can be a girl with cock and pussy. The next three are females (good looking, but not specified for hair/eye color) wearing shortish skirts (above the knee) and white v-neck blouses, v-neck to the bottom of their breasts. These 3 all work for me (and so know me and will not be surprised at what happens) and sit on one side...

1 year ago
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Jennys solo adventure with Ruby

I had known Ruby, you may know her as Rubz, for about three weeks. I can’t remember who contacted who but I do remember it was on a Saturday evening. We seemed to hit it off straight away. She told me that she was happily married and only came here for the stories and a bit of harmless fun. We spent the remainder of the night sending messages back and forth finding out a little about our completely different lives. I can't put my finger on what I liked so much, maybe the candid conversations or...

3 years ago
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Birthday Surprise For Sir

Your birthday is finally here. I've spent the whole day cleaning the house and getting ready for tonight. As time for you to come home draws near I become more and more excited. Soon I begin to prepare for your return. I go to the dresser, pulling out everything I'll need. I grab the blind fold, hand cuffs, ball gag, and the black leather whip with five long tongues. I take it all to the foot of the bed and, checking the time, I lay things out, getting more excited. With five minutes until you...

3 years ago
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Lunches but More PT2

She had cried almost half the night. Her mom “forced” her to stop. By “forcing” her, her mother simply stopped by to say hi and talk. Seeing as Melissa’s eyes were red and wet her mom knew something was seriously wrong. The mother tried getting to the root of the problem but Melissa’s issues in this case were her own. In essence her mother had told Melissa it was time. It was time to decide where she wanted to go and what she wanted to study. She made her point. In the subtle but firm manner...

4 years ago
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Must Try Harder

There’s a magic in the way that women concentrate, closing out the noise around them, delicate and determined at the same time. Alex was no different, tapping the end of her red biro against her teeth then crossing through a mistake with a swift slash. She was able to shut out the sound of Mike and Dennis discussing football across the common room. They were displaying their ignorance, typical PE teachers, but they were harmless, good family men. I could forgive them, even though they were...

2 years ago
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Ashley III Carry and ChrisChapter 15

Carry continues the Narrative: We arrived at the Agency’s Headquarters early, even though we had stopped for coffee and donuts with Marge and Sonny on the way here. There were of course guards and a check point at the entrance to the Headquarters compound. We all needed to show our IDs, and we were checked against their list of expected arrivals. They also reminded us of where we were to park. Their directions were the same as the written ones that we had received. Since we would not be...

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Oops I fucked my brother

The story contains an explicit image below.Samantha Wylde! I couldn't believe my eyes! From all the girls in the world, my brother had to fuck Samantha Wylde! Yeah, Samantha. That stupid cunt!What? How do I know my brother screwed that ugly bitch? Because I saw them. I saw her ride my brother's cock. I witnessed how she sucked his solid cock, and then how he came and flooded her dirty mouth.Anyway, let me introduce myself. My name is Alexis Jones, an 18-year-old suburban teen from Washington...

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MyPervyFamily Anna Chambers Bailed Boyfriend

My stepsister Anna Chambers’ phat ass is always swallowing up things. She was resting on the couch & I couldn’t find my vape, so I (Tyler Steel) checked where I always check when things go missing, Anna’s ass. She didn’t seem very pleased to be disturbed, but unsurprisingly the vape was basically inside her butthole. Not my fault her booty has its own gravity! Anyway, she was bitching at her boyfriend on the phone later, he never spends time with her, always at the...

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Wife on a Motorbike

For fans of my first wife's adventures, I've been searching through thousands of holiday pictures hoping to find something; well at last I have. The picture itself is nothing, just J on a small motorbike, but look at what she's wearing. A pair of white shorts and a low cut top without a bra, not your perfect riding outfit but perfect for her. "What do you want a motorbike for?" John, my husband, asked, after all we do have our own cars, now that things on the money front are less...

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Lauras Awakening Chapter One

My mom is my best friend in the whole world. We could tell each other anything. She knew what boys I liked. She knew that at that moment I was totally head over heals in love with Todd. Every time I saw him I got wet. He was the boy I was going to lose my virginity too. I was so excited to share this news with my mom. Other mom's would have freaked as their daughters told them of their plan to have sex for the first time. My mom hugged me. That night she took me shopping for outfits that would...

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The Last Goodbye

It was a tearful good-bye, she clung to me as if she would never let me go, as if in letting me go, she would never see me again. This touching scene was interrupted by the final boarding call for my flight to London. ‘I’ve got to go now, I’ll see you in a week.’ She gave me one last, lingering, kiss. ”Bye, you behave, and don’t go falling for any beautiful women over there.’ These were her usual parting words. She knew that I would never do that to her. ‘As if I’d do that to you. Take care,...

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The Meetup

You roll over, smashing the snooze button on your alarm. It takes a moment or two to be able to get the energy to sit up from the bed. Your feet hand from the bed as you smile, knowing that you will be able to spend time with me after a few weeks of constant work and conflicting schedules. You follow your regular morning routine, getting dressed, throwing on your favourite clean outfit, throwing on jeans and a top, along with a hoodie. You quickly do your hair to get rid of the bedhead before...

4 years ago
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I was traveling on business when my flight was laid over at O'Hare for bad weather. The airline put me up at a airport hotel and told me it could be as long as 48 hours before they could get me another flight. I took a cab to a bar the bellhop recommended and sat down for a few beers and watched the Bulls. When I got up to take a leak and noticed a lovely brunette sitting by the door. She was about 5-7 with nice tits and lecherous smile. I got back from the head and looked for the brunette. She...

2 years ago
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A threesome for my Wife

My wife and I were coming up on our 20th anniversary and like a lot of people over the years our sex life had become rather boring and routine. One night during a playful moment in our hot tub my wife said to me I wonder what it would be like to be with two men at the same time and laughed. It caught me completely by surprise but I found it very exciting to hear her talk like that. I said to her I like the idea as long as I am one of the two men. I asked her playfully if she would like the...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Winter Bell I Like to Masturbate Too8230

My Step-Sister Winter is always the princess in the house and can do no wrong in our parent’s eyes. I was grounded to my room again when Winter comes bursting into the room while I am jerking off, now I am not gonna hear the end of this. I thought this could have turned into a bad thing but Winter confesses she likes to play with herself too. She tells me to keep going while she starts to rub her clit right in front of me, she can see my cock get harder and the next thing you know I am...

2 years ago
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A Matter of Time Ch 04

Marty and Victoria walked back into their apartment, dumbfounded. How do you react when you show up to say hi to you? And what is your purpose? ‘I don’t believe it. Just some joke. Someone’s putting one over on us. Probably someone from your physics lab.’ But Marty already knew it wasn’t possible. ‘Victoria, nobody knows about fluid theory. I’ve not even written it down. I have thoughts from some scientific research I’ve read, but it’s all up here,’ he said, tapping his index finger to his...

4 years ago
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Bhabhi ki tight chuchiyan

Bhabhi ki tight chuchiyan Hello Friends, Main janta hoon ki aap sabon ko chudai ki kahani kafi acchi lagti hai, isiliye to yah site itna popular hai, OK main bhi chudai ki kahani parne aur chudai karne ka kafi shaukin hoon. Main is site ka bahoot puran reader nahin hoon par phir bhi main is site ko kafi pasand karne laga hoon. OK chunki aaj main pahli baar apni koi ghatna kisi ke saath share karne jar aha hoon isiliye itna kuch likh raha hoon. Mera name Devdaas hai aur mai Jharkhand state ke...

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