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Ja sam Bojan. Trebala bi mi cela knjiga da dodjem do price koja bi vas zainteresovala.Evo probacu da skratim maximalno.Bilo je to pre 4 godine.Imao sam tada 18 i isao u srednju skolu.Otac je radio u uglednoj firmi a majka je bila tada nezaposlena.Iako su mi roditelji bili veoma strogi , u to vreme sam imao devojku Anu ,(oko tri meseca),za koju su znali i moji i njeni roditelji.Ana je bila ljubav mog zivota,bar sam tada tako mislio.Cale je bio odlican sa svojim disom,verovatno zbog dobrih rezultata na poslu.Doslo je vreme odmora i njegov direktor nas je pozvao na sedam dana letovanja u njegovoj vili na Crnogorskom primorju.Nije bilo sanse da se odvojim od Ane , pa su pristali da i ona podje sa nama.Na more smo krenuli direktorovim audijem koji je vozila njegova supruga.Njihov sin Nikola (Buca),bio je malo puniji za svojih 19 godina, je sedeo napred. Pozadi smo bili ja ,Ana i moja majka Marija.Moj otac i njegov direktor su trebali da nam se pridruze tek za tri dana,zbog jos dosta nedovrsenog posla.Usput sam samo par puta poljubio moju voljenu Anu,jer se ona stalno protivila tome. Smatrao sam da joj je nezgodno pred mojom majkom.Ana je bila prava lepotica i svima je bilo cudno zasto je samnom,posto ja nisam bogat, a mogla je da bude sa kim pozeli.Elem da skratim,stigli smo popodne na odrediste.Vila je bila prelepa: mali bazen,sauna,solarijum,fitnes centar... Rucali smo svi zajedno.Moja majka je spakovala sudje u masinu i rekla da ide u sobu da malo prilegne kao i da se javi caletu telefonom.Nikola je vec otisao u prizemlje na plivanje. Ana me poljubi i rece da ide u solarijum a da cemo posle u setnju nas dvoje.Nista ja se zavalio u fotelju i upalio tv.Nikolina majka ode u kupovinu i ja ostah sam.Posto znam da se u solarijumu ostaje petnaestak minuta, zabrinuo sam se sto nema Ane.Ugasio sam tv i posao dole da pogldam.U solarijumu nije bilo nikoga pa sam se uplasio.Otisao sam do bazena ali ni tamo nikog.Na jednim vratima je pisalo fitnes centar otvorio sam ih i imao sta i da vidim.Nikola i moja Ana su bili u zagrljaju i strasno se ljubili.Primetili su me zabezeknutog, i na moje iznenadjenje Ana se upste nije prepala ili zbunila.Nikola nas je ostavio nasamo,rekavsi Ani da ako ima problema odmah pozove i on ce doci.Dok mi se celi svet rusio,Ana mi je u par minuta objasnila da mi nismo jedno za d**go,da je odavno merkala priliku kad ce da smuva Nikolu i da joj se taj san najzad ostvario. Izvinula mi se i rece da mozemo,ako ja hocu, da ostanemo prijatelji.Nisam mogao da verujem recima a suze su mi napunile oci.Okrenuo sam se i otrcao na sprat.Nikog nije bilo pa sam posao na d**gi sprat da podelim tugu sa majkom. U tom vremenu je moja majka Marija vodila ljubav preko zice sa mojim ocem.Palili su se recima i ona je prstima obradjivala svoju macu. Moja majka Marija je bila mrsava zenica sa simpaticnim licem.Duge prave noge,mala guza,sise kao u pubertetu,ali su joj bradavice bile vidljive ma sta da obuce. Lezala je u kucnom svilenom mantilu a ispod nista.Pokucao sam jednom ali nije bilo odgovora.Majka se izvinula caletu sto mora da prekine rekavsi mu da ce da ga nazove kasnije.Sredila se koliko toliko vezavsi kaisic od mantila oko struka, pokrivsi svoje upaljeno golo telo.Na moje d**go kucanje upitala je koje a onda mi je rekla da udjem.Kada sam usao sedela je na krevetu.Cim sam zatvorio vrata potrcao sam joj u zagrljaj a suze su mi tekle u potocima.Zena se prestravila ,misleci da je neko nedaj boze poginuo.Ali kada sam poceo da joj pricam o cemu se radi,brzo se smirila i levom rukom me mazila po kosi.Ja sam je desnom rukom zagrlio,lezao joj na ramenu i slinio u vrat.Neznam kad i kako ali moja leva ruka je bila na njenoj goloj nozi,jer se svilena haljina smakla u stranu.Kako je ona mene ceskala po kosi tako sam i ja nju mahinalno ceskao po unutrasnjem delu noge poprilicno iznad kolena. Ljudi,izvinjavam se ako pravim gramaticke ili bilo koje d**ge greske pri pisanju,ali od uzbudjenja mi je vrlo tesko da se koncentrisem na to. Mojoj majci je sigurno bio vec bolan,taj moj pritisak bradom i nosem u njen vrat.Zato se malo pomerila unazad i moja glava je posla na nize.Usput sam joj slucajno bradom skinuo i kucni mantil sa levog ramena.Pred mojim ocima se pojavila velika bradavica , nakrucena kao da ce da eksplodira. Naslonio sam se ponovo obrazom na njeno rame ne sk**ajuci pogled sa njene sise. Krenuo sam sada da se jadam,kao zasto me je i rodila ovako nesrecnog, pa da cu da se ubijem... Ona me je tiho tesila igrajuci se prstima sa mojom kosom.Saputala mi je da to nije tako strasno,pa nije to smak sveta,nacicu ja kao neku d**gu Anu i lepsu i bolju.Rekoh joj da necu da vise budem odrastao da hocu zauvek da budem beba i da sisem kod moje mame kao nekada davno. Na potiljku sam osetio njenu ruku koja me je blago vodila do njene ogromne bradavice.Evo Bojane ako to zelis mama nece da ti brani,slobodno sisi kao kad si bio mali. I sisao sam. I nezno ,pa halapljivo,grickao,uzivao u maminoj sisi.Oh, kako mi je prijalo.Cuo sam njen pomalo isprek**ani glas: Sisi sine ,tako,sisi moj mali sincicu...Glavu je zabacila unazad i vidljivo uzivala u neverovatnom cinu.Moja leva ruka je blago podrhtavala na njenoj butini , dok se ona sve vise nesto meskoljila levo , desno.... Odjednom se spustila malo nanize i moji prsti su dotaknuli njeno dlakavo medjunozje.Lutao sam prstima po toj barsunastoj sumici , dodirujuci i njen klitoris koji je bio velicine graska tvrd kao kamen.Stezala je butine pa ih jos vise sirila a ja sam i dalje sisao...Drhtalo je njeno telo a disala je duboko i u sve vecim razmacima.Tada sam presao na njenu desnu sisu i halapljivo sisao.Osetio sam njenu levu ruku na mojoj preponi. Da je moglo moj kurac bi se jos vise digao od tog dodira,ali on je vec bio u maximalnoj velicini pa me je vec boleo pritisak farmerica.Prstima je setala po njegovoj duzini preko farmerica.Moji prsti su bili natopljeni sokovima koji su se slivali iz njene vagine. Odjednom mi je odvojila usta od prelepe sise i polozila me blago na krevet.Njeni prsti su se vec nespretno mucili da mi otkopcaju kais na pantalonama.Rasirio sam ruke na mekanu svilenu posteljinu i prepustio se maminim rukama.Dok mi je svlacila farmerke munjevitom brzinom,rece mi da ce ona sada da mi se oduzi za moje prelepo sisanje.Naglo mi je skinula i gacice a u kakvom stanju mi je bila kita ne treba ni da vam pricam jer i dok ovo pisem imam ogromnu erekciju.Dok me je njena duga crna kosa golicala po stomaku,njen jezik je vec obradjivao moju ogromnu kitu od jaja pa do procepu na glavicu. Tu se malo duze zadrzala,a ja... ja sam bio... e to vec nemogu recima da opisem.Hvalila je moj kurac,saptala mu kako je porastao,kako je lep,tvrd... Progutala ga je celog i svojim grlom je masirala moj nateknuti glavic. Mislim da su mi u jednom trenutku i jaja nestala u njenim ustima.Kakav dozivljaj uhhh...Prestala je da ga dudla i krenula da me ljubi od pupka pa na gore. Zaustavila se kratko na mojim bradavicama pa je presla na moj vrat,obraze,nos,oko... Tada sam osetio njene usne na mojim i pruzio sam moj jezik da se dodirne sa njenim.Nekako u isto vreme , dok su nam se jezici isprepletali,osetio sam kako moja kita ulazi u njenu vrelu i mokru pickicu. Taj ulazak je trajao...trajao...Onda se lagano izdigla ,samo je moj glavic bio u njoj, i uz krik se svom snagom nabila do kraja na moj kurac.E tada je krenulo nezapamceno jebanje.Nabijala se kao da joj je zadnje i ispustala neke neartikulisane zvuke.Ne ona vise nije bila tu,to je trans, to se ne moze opisati.Plakala je i lomila moj tvrdi kurac.Nisam vise mogao da izdrzim,spricao sam dugo po njenoj utrobi, a ona nije stajala.Osetio sam da svrsava,zarila mi je nokte u ramena,grcila se,cvilela,ljubila me po licu...Trajalo je to par minuta a onda mi je kurac izgubio cvrstinu i ispao iz mamine natopljene picke.Spustila se lagano ponovo dole i ljubila ga,sisala,lizala,zapravo uzivala u mom sada vec mekanom kurcu.Podigla je glavu i pogledala me pravo u oci.Isti pogled kao kad dete napravi neku stetu pa je srecno sto matori ne vicu zbog toga.Prvi put joj se pojavio i osmeh na licu,bila je srecna i to se nije moglo sakriti.Ustala je i otisla u kupatilo. Rukama sam pokrio lice i pitao sebe,dali je ovo istina ili samo sanjam? Sta vi mislite?Cetiri godine sam se resavao da ovo nekom ispricam i evo ispunila mi se zelja.Sada osecam veliko olaksanje a niko i dalje nezna sta mi se dogodilo. Hvala vam sto postojite nepoznati prijatelji.

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Midnight tonguelashing for Leslie

I hunger for you. I am anxiousness to be together; to feel the electricity of skin on skin while making love. Divine, simply divine but I want to serenade you and take you on a trip to your favorite orgasmic shore. As I lie there, the moon is bright and shines into our room, the ocean lulling you like a baby; the curtain wafting and moving gracefully in response to the breeze. You sleep peaceful and the light linen sheet covers your shapely legs, calves and thighs. The material clinging to your...

Oral Sex
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Chodon Khela

Chodon khela – Bannya boudir sathe Ami Dipankar, bayos 28, kolkatai thaki, Ei ghatanata amar scool life er. Amar bari Siligurite, kokatai porte esechilum. Thaktam dadar barite. Dadar barite onek lok jon. Dui boudi, 4 dada, 3 unmarried didi. Bhaloi katchilo. Baro boudir age 32, dadar sathe age difference onek. Boudi ektu mota. Koyekdin thakar poroi bujhlam boudi khub sexy. Katha barta besh rasalo. Chance pelei khisti dei. Amio ektu adhtu khisti ditam. Sabrokaom katha barta suru holo. Ekdin keo...

2 years ago
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Sex with My Cousins

Lana and Maggie are fantastic in sharing.Few months back I went to Levant to visit a cousin; she's older now, married with k**s that are almost grown. When we were growing up, it was me she came to when she had questions about boys, and sex. Even though I was younger by about 5 years, her name is Lana, she's now 36, stands about 5' 3", 130, 36c-24-37, black hair.I hadn't seen her in over a year, the last time was at a family reunion, and we couldn't get off by ourselves to talk, but the lust...

4 years ago
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The Boss Trophy Wife part 1

First of all, let me say that as a 64 year old man, I feel fortunate, even ecstatic, to be able to say this is a true story. It really happened... it really fuckin' happened. As a teenager, I had learned that the quickest way to interest a girl into turning loose of some pussy was to joke around a little, get her to smile, look into her eyes and just ask... if it didn't work on one, there was always another. Did I mention that I dearly love to fuck? So much pussy, and I decided very...

2 years ago
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Roses Roommate Gives Her a Helping Hand

She got home and immediately kicked off her shoes. Locking the door behind her she went upstairs to lay down in her bed. It had been a really long day.  ‘Rose?’ Her roommate gently opened the door, peeking in. ‘Yes, Amber.’ Rose rolled over and look towards the door. ‘I thought I heard you come in. Is everything okay?’ Amber came in and sat down next to Rose.  ‘Yeah… Just had a long day.’ Rose stretched out, trying to relieve her aching back. ‘I could give you a massage,’ Amber suggested. ...

3 years ago
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Her fresh cream pie

I have had a fantasy about eating a woman who had just been fucked by another man and then having sex with her myself. That sounds simple enough – and it sure is kinky – but finding a woman who wants to screw some other guy and then screw me right away isn’t the easiest thing in the world to do. This little situation just sort of landed in my lap a number of years ago.I got to know Ricquie through some friends. We dated for a few months, and then she moved into my condo with me. She worked for...

4 years ago
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Shadow and LightChapter 11

Tunnels, Carpathian Mountains, Romania, Immediately Following Encased in the ice of the cavern stood four figures, there was one male and three female. All looked to be starting the process of the change when they were frozen, their ears were all slightly elongated but their fangs were long and sharp. The four were all dressed elegantly; the male was clad in thick folds of regal silk where as the women all wore thin white silk on their arms and legs that was just a little transparent, on...

4 years ago
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My first Time47

Within my friends and people around me there had always been a slight question about my sexuality. Most people however assumed that I was merely "camp" and although I may act loud and sometimes fall into the category of an extrovert I do not in fact "take it up the chuff" as my friends would so delicately put it.I was an average 16 year old, quite tall, jet black hair with quite a strong build (as I'd spent the past few months training at the gym) and a modest face. My friends were all...

2 years ago
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Wild GeeseChapter 9

No problem, right? Six weekly classes to make sure several people knew enough about the Church of England and doctrine to be admitted into membership. We started in the first week of September, Wednesday evenings, seven-thirty to nine. Several surprises. Bob Winslow, smiling. The blonde girl I’d seen with a baby – Geraldine Finlay. Paul Meadows. And Gillian. And Suki Ito. We started with the usual – names and a brief comment about how we got there. Nothing informative, of course. I don’t...

4 years ago
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The Banshee

-Washington Irving, "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" *** By the time Adrian thought better of the whole thing it was too late to turn back. It was October, and the moon was full, and on a dare he’d agreed to walk to the harvest party by the old forest trail past the cemetery, which is to say, the haunted road. At the time it had seemed important to prove that he could do it. After all, he was a man now (in his own estimation, at least). Old enough to be married, in fact, and hadn't...

3 years ago
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Getting Lucky With Sunaina Aunty

Hi, guys, I am Raj back with my other story. So to tell you I am a 22-year-old young guy from Mumbai. I stay with my mom and dad. I have a fantasy for an older woman which I got to experience in real life a few days ago. So I used to have a college friend name Suchit. He was from Pune. So during our college days, we got a project for which we had to shift to Pune for it. Since I didn’t have any place to go Suchit asked me to stay at his place till the project gets over. We went to his place and...

3 years ago
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Making My Neighbour Widow Merry Again

Hello, this is Rahul. This incident happened when I was working in Hyderabad. Last year around Diwali, my next-door neighbour Saira, a widow who is about 60 years old, asked if I can help her in cleaning as she was alone. I have lived next door to Saira for a few years after her husband died I had never known her to date nor have men come to visit her. All that time I had been quietly curious about her private life, but I didn’t want to pry, so I never asked her about it. Helping her in...

4 years ago
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Jamaican Beauties Jaunt Ch 09

Chapter 9 – Risqué Tours: Her mother adds spice to the Jaunt. Notice: The author listed Jamaican Beauties Jaunt under Literotica’s umbrella category Novels and Novellas: Erotic fiction with a broader scope. However, the events in this chapter cover a variety of Literotica categories including: Exhibitionist & Voyeur: this chapter includes the adventures of two beautiful Jamaican women wearing revealing clothing, driving topless, and posing naked for room service. Interracial Love: this story...

4 years ago
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Massage Truth

By : Rajsingh111975 Hello this is Raj Singh from Delhi. My age is 37 years. I am a professional female massager. But this is not my business. You can contact me at As I have taken a training to massage females in Europe and done this job in many countries. And doing same work for so many years anyone could be a professional in any field. Same thing is with me. I have travelled many countries. Now I know what type of massage will be useful to a particular female. Some calls for only fun, some...

2 years ago
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Door To Door

Door-to-Door by Jack Andrews A sick day. What a beautiful thing, especially when it's a mental health day. It felt nice to not have to deal with my idiot boss and his band of cronies. I managed to complete a huge number of things that had piled up and was beginning to settle into the game when the doorbell rang. I looked out the window and saw a vision of teen perfection. She was a girl that was on the verge of becoming a woman. I guess she was about 17 and was dressed to show all of her...

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Mukesh His Milky Mommy

A work of fiction. Mukesh was a young boy who was living with his mom Sonali in Kolkatta. He was 18 years old and he had lost his dad when he was at a very young age. His dad passed away when he was just still young. Mukesh didn’t know much about his dad as he hadn’t seen much of him. He grew up under his mom’s care. He was studying in his 10th grade. Sonali was very much depressed after her husband passed away. She was very worried and was unable to concentrate on anything. She felt that her...

2 years ago
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Bangalore wife Yamuna drilled during Diwali

Hi, I am Madhan here. First, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback on my last story about Genuine Couples looking for fun like Swap/Group/Orgy/Cuckold/Lesbian can approach me. I am a Bengalurean of 28 years of age, 6″ tall. Horny unsatisfied housewives and sexy young baby dolls can reach me on my hangout/mail and Telegram @msarsstr. Total anonymity and secrecy are guaranteed. Coming to the story, Yamuna is the heroine of this story. The story occurred...

2 years ago
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Dr reece

Id left work early for my doctors appointment .. so i was still dressed for work .. i work part time as a receptionist .. so i was dressed smartly in a red above the knee skirt .. a button up shirt and black high heels .. i was wearing my little guilty pleasure hold up stockings .. but Considering my appointment was for a ear infection i didnt give it a second thought .. I sat in the waiting room for what seemed like forever as everybody but me was called through .. until i was the last person...

3 years ago
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Faerie forests and other places

Anthony called on the last minute that he couldn't come rock climbing this weekend as he had forgotten a project at work that really had to be finished before Monday. "You do that then Anthony." Eva said "It's certainly more important than some climbing we could do at any time." "Thanks. I knew you'd understand." Anthony said "I really will make this up to you later. I know it's a really shitty thing what I just did, but work just doesn't wait. Not all kinds of work anyway." "Go do that work...

1 year ago
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How It Happened The Beginning

How It Happened : CHAPTER 1 : The Beginning Note : This story is completely fictional! My father had always been a very humble man. He worked 50 hours a week at the local Toyota factory when I was a child. We didn’t have much but he was very proud of what we did have. He was 32 when I was born. My brother was already 12 years old. I was a ‘pleasant’ mom and dad had always told me. When I was 6 years old my life would change forever. Twenty years later it would change again. I remember that day...

4 years ago
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Baby Day

Baby Day By Sissywannabe For some time I have developed an ever stronger obsession with dressing as a baby girl, I find it a great relaxation from my job to be able to switch off and not have to think of anything or have to keep making decisions. I had often looked for some adult sized disposable nappies on a popular auction site, but was frustrated by the high postage costs. Everything I had acquired to date had been purchased either online or by mail order as I did not have the...

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CDs Magic Love Skin Cream

CD’s Magic Love Skin CreamBy J. J. ScribeNo one could have guessed the truth about CD’s obsessive sex life. Toany casual observer—or even a curious one—he appeared to be a perfectlynormal man. He was a junior partner at his firm in Philadelphia, with a solidfinancial future in front of him. Though he didn’t attend regularly,he was a member of the First Methodist Church, a friendly face atcoffee hours and social events.Though divorced for five years, he remained friends with his formerwife and...

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I will see you in my dreams

It´s Late at night, and I should be going to bed. However, after talking to you all night long, I can not do that; I can not drag myself to climb into the bed, alone yet again. I miss having someone there, holding me, kissing me, loving me, and making me feel so good inside and out. You were always there, and now due to certain circumstances you are no longer in my bed. You´re in a bed, all alone, in a hotel room, time zones away. Is it too much to ask, to have you back in my bed, just for this...

2 years ago
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A New Life Chapter 1: The Beginning. Danny loved to wear his sister's clothes when his Mom, Marge and sister, Denise, were gone. He did this absolutely everyday. If he got five minutes alone at home; zap, he was in his sister's room trying on her clothes. His sister was nearly seven years younger than him. She was 8 years old, he was 15 going on 16. Daniel James Norton 'Danny' to all his friends was 5ft 7in tall and weighed around 130 to 135 lbs. He had brown hair and...

1 year ago
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My Neighbors Sister

I live in a typically american suburban development and am friendly with most of my neighbors, especially Adele, who lives right across the street from me. I should also tell you that I was in quite a few beauty contests and won about half of the ones I entered in and even though I am now thirty-two, I still look the same, figure wise. Adele has a sister in the navy, whom she hasn’t seen in over a year as her sister was stationed overseas and her sister was now home and coming to pay her a...

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Wife has sexy adventure with grandad in seven stag

I just wanted to share a little tale involving my ex when she was just 22 and we were married for a year, the reason being that though it was so many years ago, it still turns me on to remember it... and especially as my ex was at her stunning best then, with a mane of crimson hair, pert little tits, long legs, a gorgeous ass and most of all, an adventurous attitude.We had rented a holiday cottage in Devon, next door to a widowed man, let’s call him Maurice, who lived there permanently. Maurice...

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Used poppers slut

I was nervous on the drive in. Should I do it? I could just bail out now. Still feeling the same way as I pulled up, jittery, breathing shallow, legs all wobbly as I crunched up the driveway towards the white house with the big windows, in the middle of nowhere, just fields upon fields. My shaking hand went up to the doorbell and I'm still thinking of pulling out. I rang it. He stood there naked and the first thing I noticed was his cock. It was massive, hanging between his legs and held in...

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Turned My Step Mom and Aunt into Porn Stars An A

I just got done taking out the trash and was heading back down stairs to my room next to the washer machine. My room was far enough in the basement that no one bothered me. There was a little window that I could crawl out if I wanted to sneak out without my parents finding out. My girlfriend from high school just went to college a week ago and broke up with me the day she left. I did not have any prospects but looked forward to starting over again. It had been a couple of years since I had gone...

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