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Ja sam Bojan. Trebala bi mi cela knjiga da dodjem do price koja bi vas zainteresovala.Evo probacu da skratim maximalno.Bilo je to pre 4 godine.Imao sam tada 18 i isao u srednju skolu.Otac je radio u uglednoj firmi a majka je bila tada nezaposlena.Iako su mi roditelji bili veoma strogi , u to vreme sam imao devojku Anu ,(oko tri meseca),za koju su znali i moji i njeni roditelji.Ana je bila ljubav mog zivota,bar sam tada tako mislio.Cale je bio odlican sa svojim disom,verovatno zbog dobrih rezultata na poslu.Doslo je vreme odmora i njegov direktor nas je pozvao na sedam dana letovanja u njegovoj vili na Crnogorskom primorju.Nije bilo sanse da se odvojim od Ane , pa su pristali da i ona podje sa nama.Na more smo krenuli direktorovim audijem koji je vozila njegova supruga.Njihov sin Nikola (Buca),bio je malo puniji za svojih 19 godina, je sedeo napred. Pozadi smo bili ja ,Ana i moja majka Marija.Moj otac i njegov direktor su trebali da nam se pridruze tek za tri dana,zbog jos dosta nedovrsenog posla.Usput sam samo par puta poljubio moju voljenu Anu,jer se ona stalno protivila tome. Smatrao sam da joj je nezgodno pred mojom majkom.Ana je bila prava lepotica i svima je bilo cudno zasto je samnom,posto ja nisam bogat, a mogla je da bude sa kim pozeli.Elem da skratim,stigli smo popodne na odrediste.Vila je bila prelepa: mali bazen,sauna,solarijum,fitnes centar... Rucali smo svi zajedno.Moja majka je spakovala sudje u masinu i rekla da ide u sobu da malo prilegne kao i da se javi caletu telefonom.Nikola je vec otisao u prizemlje na plivanje. Ana me poljubi i rece da ide u solarijum a da cemo posle u setnju nas dvoje.Nista ja se zavalio u fotelju i upalio tv.Nikolina majka ode u kupovinu i ja ostah sam.Posto znam da se u solarijumu ostaje petnaestak minuta, zabrinuo sam se sto nema Ane.Ugasio sam tv i posao dole da pogldam.U solarijumu nije bilo nikoga pa sam se uplasio.Otisao sam do bazena ali ni tamo nikog.Na jednim vratima je pisalo fitnes centar otvorio sam ih i imao sta i da vidim.Nikola i moja Ana su bili u zagrljaju i strasno se ljubili.Primetili su me zabezeknutog, i na moje iznenadjenje Ana se upste nije prepala ili zbunila.Nikola nas je ostavio nasamo,rekavsi Ani da ako ima problema odmah pozove i on ce doci.Dok mi se celi svet rusio,Ana mi je u par minuta objasnila da mi nismo jedno za d**go,da je odavno merkala priliku kad ce da smuva Nikolu i da joj se taj san najzad ostvario. Izvinula mi se i rece da mozemo,ako ja hocu, da ostanemo prijatelji.Nisam mogao da verujem recima a suze su mi napunile oci.Okrenuo sam se i otrcao na sprat.Nikog nije bilo pa sam posao na d**gi sprat da podelim tugu sa majkom. U tom vremenu je moja majka Marija vodila ljubav preko zice sa mojim ocem.Palili su se recima i ona je prstima obradjivala svoju macu. Moja majka Marija je bila mrsava zenica sa simpaticnim licem.Duge prave noge,mala guza,sise kao u pubertetu,ali su joj bradavice bile vidljive ma sta da obuce. Lezala je u kucnom svilenom mantilu a ispod nista.Pokucao sam jednom ali nije bilo odgovora.Majka se izvinula caletu sto mora da prekine rekavsi mu da ce da ga nazove kasnije.Sredila se koliko toliko vezavsi kaisic od mantila oko struka, pokrivsi svoje upaljeno golo telo.Na moje d**go kucanje upitala je koje a onda mi je rekla da udjem.Kada sam usao sedela je na krevetu.Cim sam zatvorio vrata potrcao sam joj u zagrljaj a suze su mi tekle u potocima.Zena se prestravila ,misleci da je neko nedaj boze poginuo.Ali kada sam poceo da joj pricam o cemu se radi,brzo se smirila i levom rukom me mazila po kosi.Ja sam je desnom rukom zagrlio,lezao joj na ramenu i slinio u vrat.Neznam kad i kako ali moja leva ruka je bila na njenoj goloj nozi,jer se svilena haljina smakla u stranu.Kako je ona mene ceskala po kosi tako sam i ja nju mahinalno ceskao po unutrasnjem delu noge poprilicno iznad kolena. Ljudi,izvinjavam se ako pravim gramaticke ili bilo koje d**ge greske pri pisanju,ali od uzbudjenja mi je vrlo tesko da se koncentrisem na to. Mojoj majci je sigurno bio vec bolan,taj moj pritisak bradom i nosem u njen vrat.Zato se malo pomerila unazad i moja glava je posla na nize.Usput sam joj slucajno bradom skinuo i kucni mantil sa levog ramena.Pred mojim ocima se pojavila velika bradavica , nakrucena kao da ce da eksplodira. Naslonio sam se ponovo obrazom na njeno rame ne sk**ajuci pogled sa njene sise. Krenuo sam sada da se jadam,kao zasto me je i rodila ovako nesrecnog, pa da cu da se ubijem... Ona me je tiho tesila igrajuci se prstima sa mojom kosom.Saputala mi je da to nije tako strasno,pa nije to smak sveta,nacicu ja kao neku d**gu Anu i lepsu i bolju.Rekoh joj da necu da vise budem odrastao da hocu zauvek da budem beba i da sisem kod moje mame kao nekada davno. Na potiljku sam osetio njenu ruku koja me je blago vodila do njene ogromne bradavice.Evo Bojane ako to zelis mama nece da ti brani,slobodno sisi kao kad si bio mali. I sisao sam. I nezno ,pa halapljivo,grickao,uzivao u maminoj sisi.Oh, kako mi je prijalo.Cuo sam njen pomalo isprek**ani glas: Sisi sine ,tako,sisi moj mali sincicu...Glavu je zabacila unazad i vidljivo uzivala u neverovatnom cinu.Moja leva ruka je blago podrhtavala na njenoj butini , dok se ona sve vise nesto meskoljila levo , desno.... Odjednom se spustila malo nanize i moji prsti su dotaknuli njeno dlakavo medjunozje.Lutao sam prstima po toj barsunastoj sumici , dodirujuci i njen klitoris koji je bio velicine graska tvrd kao kamen.Stezala je butine pa ih jos vise sirila a ja sam i dalje sisao...Drhtalo je njeno telo a disala je duboko i u sve vecim razmacima.Tada sam presao na njenu desnu sisu i halapljivo sisao.Osetio sam njenu levu ruku na mojoj preponi. Da je moglo moj kurac bi se jos vise digao od tog dodira,ali on je vec bio u maximalnoj velicini pa me je vec boleo pritisak farmerica.Prstima je setala po njegovoj duzini preko farmerica.Moji prsti su bili natopljeni sokovima koji su se slivali iz njene vagine. Odjednom mi je odvojila usta od prelepe sise i polozila me blago na krevet.Njeni prsti su se vec nespretno mucili da mi otkopcaju kais na pantalonama.Rasirio sam ruke na mekanu svilenu posteljinu i prepustio se maminim rukama.Dok mi je svlacila farmerke munjevitom brzinom,rece mi da ce ona sada da mi se oduzi za moje prelepo sisanje.Naglo mi je skinula i gacice a u kakvom stanju mi je bila kita ne treba ni da vam pricam jer i dok ovo pisem imam ogromnu erekciju.Dok me je njena duga crna kosa golicala po stomaku,njen jezik je vec obradjivao moju ogromnu kitu od jaja pa do procepu na glavicu. Tu se malo duze zadrzala,a ja... ja sam bio... e to vec nemogu recima da opisem.Hvalila je moj kurac,saptala mu kako je porastao,kako je lep,tvrd... Progutala ga je celog i svojim grlom je masirala moj nateknuti glavic. Mislim da su mi u jednom trenutku i jaja nestala u njenim ustima.Kakav dozivljaj uhhh...Prestala je da ga dudla i krenula da me ljubi od pupka pa na gore. Zaustavila se kratko na mojim bradavicama pa je presla na moj vrat,obraze,nos,oko... Tada sam osetio njene usne na mojim i pruzio sam moj jezik da se dodirne sa njenim.Nekako u isto vreme , dok su nam se jezici isprepletali,osetio sam kako moja kita ulazi u njenu vrelu i mokru pickicu. Taj ulazak je trajao...trajao...Onda se lagano izdigla ,samo je moj glavic bio u njoj, i uz krik se svom snagom nabila do kraja na moj kurac.E tada je krenulo nezapamceno jebanje.Nabijala se kao da joj je zadnje i ispustala neke neartikulisane zvuke.Ne ona vise nije bila tu,to je trans, to se ne moze opisati.Plakala je i lomila moj tvrdi kurac.Nisam vise mogao da izdrzim,spricao sam dugo po njenoj utrobi, a ona nije stajala.Osetio sam da svrsava,zarila mi je nokte u ramena,grcila se,cvilela,ljubila me po licu...Trajalo je to par minuta a onda mi je kurac izgubio cvrstinu i ispao iz mamine natopljene picke.Spustila se lagano ponovo dole i ljubila ga,sisala,lizala,zapravo uzivala u mom sada vec mekanom kurcu.Podigla je glavu i pogledala me pravo u oci.Isti pogled kao kad dete napravi neku stetu pa je srecno sto matori ne vicu zbog toga.Prvi put joj se pojavio i osmeh na licu,bila je srecna i to se nije moglo sakriti.Ustala je i otisla u kupatilo. Rukama sam pokrio lice i pitao sebe,dali je ovo istina ili samo sanjam? Sta vi mislite?Cetiri godine sam se resavao da ovo nekom ispricam i evo ispunila mi se zelja.Sada osecam veliko olaksanje a niko i dalje nezna sta mi se dogodilo. Hvala vam sto postojite nepoznati prijatelji.

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It Was the Middle of Summer

(This is a long one guys and gals. There is a lot of fucking in it, but there is a lot of character development too. It is really a story about a deep friendship between three teenage girls. I call them my three little stoner chicks, but they’re way more than that. Cbsummers and I wrote this one together just like we did ‘It Was the Beginning of Summer’. It’s our goal in every story we write about them to reveal more and more about what makes these three little stoner chicks tick. But, in the...

2 years ago
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Condition Chapter 10

The soft music woke me again, this time when I got the cobwebs from my head, I wasn't as worried about work. Sitting down to pee, I was sore again, only this time it was my jaw muscles from the training Dani gave me. I went through my regular routine, including shaving, touching up my hair, and doing my makeup. I had chosen what I hoped would be a good comprise keeping Justin happy, but allowing me some dignity. I had taken the black suit, with my short skirt but instead of the semi-sheer...

1 year ago
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totally spies

Clover sighed and attempted once again to focus on her breakfast, a rapidly cooling bowl of malt o meal cream of wheat. she didn't understand what was wrong. Sam and Alex were her best friends. everything was great between them there had been no major fights between them for a while. but when Clover thought of Sam lately her heart was gripped by a painful sadness she couldnt explain. she hadnt told her friends about it. how could she? it would be WEIRD. but they had been noticing something was...

3 years ago
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Eating Cum from ExWife

My (now ex) wife Kate and I had been married for 16 years when we separated. We had two c***dren, aged 13 and 15 when it happened, and who stayed with their mum while I moved out to a nearby rental property.Me and Kate had always had quite an active and often quite kinky sex life; we had dabbled with the usual bedroom fetishes, as well as cuckolding, swinging and chastity (for me). None of this was the reason for our split I might add.To be honest, I was the unwilling party in the split and...

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I love my partner, Claire, for so many reasons – her kind and loving nature, her lively personality, things she says and does, how good she looks (dressed and undressed), the way she looks at me (ooooh, shivers down the spine!), just everything – but I know without a doubt what turns me on most all: it’s her ass, her hot sweet cutest butt! She’s 35 years old, but I swear she’s stolen that ass from some cheerleader half her age – it’s so trim, so tight, so firm, so fucking sexy. And yet,...

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HandsOnHardcore Sybil XXXtra Horny During Office Hours

Super hot secretary Sybil gets XXXtra horny during office hours and as soon as Kai Taylor walks into her room, she’s all over him! Get ready for a brand new Hands on Hardcore adventure by the one and only DDF Network. This brunette bombshell with small natural tits, extra sexy green eyes, and that innocent teen look is going to ride that Brit’s hard dick as if there was no tomorrow! A 4K porn adventure loaded with deep pussy fucking by the office desk and some mouth-watering titty...

2 years ago
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The Dominant Widow and her Young Neighbor

The Dominant Widow and her Young Neighbor By billy69boyI had known full well that marrying an older gentleman was a risky proposition. It opened me to the distinct possibility that I would eventually become a widow before my time. But I married Morgan Mount nonetheless. I just couldn't resist: despite the fact that I was just twenty two years of age and he was almost twice that when we wed didn't matter to me at the time. I was totally in love with him and to this day, I am still. Morgan...

3 years ago
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It is 2:00 AM and the limo is leaving the countryclub for the airport. You are exhausted from your long day and wild reception. Next to you Mandi is radiant. The long hair she spent hours getting perfect has finally slipped slightly out of place, her blue eyes glowing with love and excitement. You cannot resist kissing her again after a night full of kisses. You lean in and lock lips, then let your tongues dance. Free from the eyes of family and friends you let your hands roam, brushing the...

4 years ago
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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 10B

I lay on my side with Martha spooned behind me. Gazing out the small window that overlooked East 87th Street, I gradually returned to earth. I was startled at how quickly and completely I had fucked and climaxed. In trying to recall each detail of the past few moments, I felt I'd lost all control and all awareness; the whole event seemed blurred. Martha slid a hand down my arm and up again, as if learning anew the textures her fingers found there. She said softly, "I missed cumming like...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Shae Celestine 24187

Party time! Sean’s firing up the grill and getting it cleaned while his sister’s out picking up pulled pork, steaks and the like for a nice cook-out. Her friend Shae Celestine shows up with nothing but chips even though she was supposed to pick up the drinks and the mixers. But it’s probably because seeing Sean flusters her, and now that she’s alone with him while his sister – her friend – is out picking up the meats, she takes the chance to tell him how she feels. Sean has absolutely no idea...

4 years ago
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Morning Light

The morning was bright and sunny. My curtains were closed but the room was now lit by what light peered through the sides of the curtains. It was seven AM. I lay there with a very hard cock wondering what to do. My hand slowly stroking myself as I thought about some girl at school. Just then I heard a noise outside my room. It was Mom in the hallway. I closed my eyes and played like I was still asl**p. I heard her open my door. She came in and then shut the door behind her. I waited not knowing...

2 years ago
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First Experience With Maid8217s Daughter

Hi folks,this is my first Indian sex story I am gonna share in this site. Hope you all like it. The incidents happened during my colleges, currently working MNCs. To start with my story like every teenagers my hormones were ragging in that age and always curious about sex. I started watching porn ever since 11 th std. Like all masturbated every day. My maid was in her late 40s widow her hubby was failed business man who got sicka dn passed away, to meet their needs my maid had to work and she...

2 years ago
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One Day Spent With My Girlfriend Girl On Girl

This has been one of my long-term fantasy- to experience kissing a girl but I never really met anyone with whom I could try it and was sad about it. Until recently. So there is this hot girl in my office who joined recently. In no time we both became friends. She has long hair, beautiful eyes, thick lips which is always coated with different shades of lipstick. Dresses very sensually. Fair skinned. We used to always hang out together. We went drinking many times and she used to always lose...

4 years ago
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A Christmas Miracle

A Christmas Miracle I sat, peering through the gloom at the bottle of vodka and the small vial of Vicodin. No lights were on in the apartment but I knew exactly what the label said. Well, you've heard all this before. You know what I was going to do. No reason to beat around the bush. I was about to kill myself or get as close to it as possible. Jesus, that vodka tasted good. Had me a nice little buzz going. Hadn't been able to swallow any of those pills yet. Guess I didn't...

3 years ago
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My Kentucky girl PT 1 true story please comment

Hello everyone, back in the late 90's webtv was fairly popular and I was curious about the internet but a poor factory worker. So I decided to try webtv before deciding to buy a computer. Chat rooms were pretty popular and I'll be Damned if you couldn't hook up through them. I live in southern illinois and always chatted with local people usually. With Kentucky being a neighboring state, I took a shot and it payed off! I started taking to this gal who lived two hours away from me. I was 30...

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Not Business As Usual

NOT BUSINESS AS USUAL by Throne Carl couldn't believe that matters had progressed so far. Three months ago he had been the head of a thriving business he owned. Then he had let his buddy Rich get him drunk, accepted that crazy bet, and locked himself in a chastity device provided by his employee. Since then he had realized what a huge mistake it had been, especially because of his relentless sex drive. If he didn't get relief every day he started to get moody and then desperate. ...

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celebrating a divorce in a wild way

It was not a typical “girl’s night out”, since we were celebrating a new divorce in our wild ladies group… Berta was splitting finally with her dumb cuckold hubby; so we had gone all together to that strippers’ club for some drinks and show.Once there, we were seated and had some drinks.The lights went off for some seconds and somebody spoke up, presenting the first show: the infamous “Bone Ranger"…So, all the girls there cheered up, as a man in a white hat and black mask like the Lone Ranger...

4 years ago
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My wife Maryanne

I married my college sweetheart the summer after we both graduated, and after our honeymoon in Nassau with lots of sun and love making, we moved into our new home, a small apartment just outside of Boston. The apartment was in an old house that had been divided into four apartment units. Before we were married, without knowing many details, I was aware that Maryanne had a bit on a reputation back in her home town, and liked to flirt with other guys and men, and perhaps fool around some, but I...

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Sex With A Big Black Woman

I had the weirdest thing happen to me last week. I work at Kroger in the deli department. I have been working there for about a year. I take classes at a community college in the evening. I enjoy working with the public. In the morning, it's usually all the housewives doing their weekly shopping. It's kind of weird, but working at Kroger is kind of a chick magnet. Housewives are always bored and looking for sex. I have hooked up with many of my customers. While I was finishing up with a...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Dixie Lynn Uptight StepSis Lets Brother Use Her

My stepsister Dixie can be a real bitch, she is so stuck up about everything. I can barely get her attention she is always making me do her chores to even consider acknowledging me. Dixie uses my love for her feet to her advantage making me do things for her just to be able to look at her feet. She made a real mess today with her laundry all over the living room, Dixie is purposely sitting on the couch… barefoot showing off her amazing feet and high arches. I beg her to taste them, she...

2 years ago
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The day I first tasted Hispanic cock

I want to be undressed and tongue fucked by dirty old men who will keep cocks coming into me Keep me captive and fuck me hold me hostage and make me their fuck slave: I had gone shopping alone that day, and as I came out of my local Wal mart store, I noticed I had a flat tire on my car. This older Hispanic man came up to me and offered to change it for me, but I told him my spare was flat, so he offered to take me in his truck to get the spare fixed. I said yes sure. As is my usual custom, when...

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Middle School Mischief at DorsetChapter 5 Laying Little Leena

"Won't you come with us to the Prayer Meeting, Mr. Best?" "Thanks Mrs. Wilson but I have to prepare lessons for tomorrow." Bob almost drooled at the sight of his landlady. She was dressed modestly enough in a loose-fitting, long skirt and a white blouse but her clothes could not disguise the fullness of her lovely body. He turned towards the stairs to his room. Lucinda picked up her bible as she added, "Leena is staying home too. She isn't feeling well. Maybe you're working her too...

2 years ago
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Night Seeing

It was a hot summer night and I was alone. My parents were out and I was a typical 16year old…horny. I took the most recent Playboy from its hiding place and began to read it. OK, I wasn’t really reading, I was looking at the pictures. This was many years ago when Playboy was the only place to see naked breasts and airbrushed pubic areas. I was wearing just my Jockey shorts and lying on my bed looking at the unobtainable women in the glossy pages. I had never seen women with bodies and faces...

4 years ago
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How it all began Me and my sister Part 1

My sister screamed and moved frenetically while my dick, imprisoned in her holy tunnel, couldn’t take it anymore. I took my dick out of her pussy and let all my sperm fall into her belly. I tasted her pussy one more time, touched her boobs again while she caressed my hair. There I was, lying naked next to my sister. We had just had sex for the first time. But… How did it all begin?My sister and I had been living together for four years, just the two of us since my parents had moved abroad. I...

3 years ago
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Freewill 504 Part 6

Freewill 504: Camping TripDay 1:After five hours in a van, I was so happy to finally get out and have a chance to stretch my legs. The smell of the clean air was refreshing and four days away from everything were going to be great. The eight of us took a few minutes to gather ourselves after the hellish drive before unpacking our stuff. I looked around at the other vehicles in the lot, but none of their owners were in sight. I was lost in the solitude for a minute before Scott called everyone...

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